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随着北京市垃圾分类工作的开展,厨余垃圾分出量不断提高,厨余垃圾资源化利用越来越受到重视。通过对北京市厨余垃圾资源化利用现状进行分析,发现制约厨余垃圾资源化产业化发展的是堆肥产品销售渠道不畅通,针对这个情况,通过对现有厨余垃圾资源化标准进行梳理,分析现有标准中存在的问题,并针对问题提出建议,为厨余垃圾资源化工作提供参考。  相似文献   

随着垃圾分类向纵深发展,厨余垃圾处理备受关注,分散就地处理作为集中处理的补充技术,逐渐被各地重视并应用起来。从政策导向、设备工艺等方面阐述厨余垃圾就地处理的现状。以某厨余垃圾就地处理站为例,就物料特性、工艺流程、污染物治理、产物特性和运营成本进行分析。对比集中处理技术,厨余垃圾就地处理技术对于运输距离远的郊区和农村,具有减少运费、改善收运环境的优势。  相似文献   

推动生活垃圾源头减量和资源化利用是普遍推行垃圾分类制度和稳步推进“无废城市”建设的重要基石,厨余垃圾管理是生活垃圾减量和提质增效的着力点。如何实现厨余垃圾资源化高值利用,大力发展循环经济,将为垃圾分类和“无废城市”建设提供重要支撑。通过分析厨余垃圾管理存在的主要问题及资源化标准现状,探讨如何优化厨余垃圾管理路径和提升资源化利用水平,从加强源头减量、完善处理模式、优化配套政策、加快示范试点、提升绩效评价等方面提出对策建议,为政府和行业决策提供参考。  相似文献   

掌握垃圾各组分含量及特性,是制订生活垃圾分类收集和处理方案的前提。研究对比分析了北京城区和农村地区生活垃圾的物理组成、含水率和热值。结果表明,北京市农村生活垃圾的物理组分向城区垃圾组分变化,灰土含量明显降低,厨余垃圾、塑料和纸类含量明显增加,农村地区的厨余垃圾和灰土含量略高于城区,而塑料和纸类含量低于城区。从垃圾的湿基低位热值来看,城区生活垃圾热值普遍高于5 000 kJ/kg,适合直接进行焚烧处理,农村地区生活垃圾需要脱水预处理后才适合进行焚烧处理。城区生活垃圾中塑料与厨余垃圾呈极显著负相关,与热值呈极显著正相关。农村地区生活垃圾中的厨余垃圾与湿基低位热值极显著负相关,与灰土显著负相关,生活垃圾中塑料与热值呈极显著相关。该研究结果为北京市城区和农村地区生活垃圾的管理和设施规划提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

厨余垃圾水解酸化液中有大量的挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)、乳酸、溶解性有机物等可降解有机物,具有极佳的可生化性。因此可用作传统外加碳源的替代品,具有较大的工业化应用潜力。主要介绍了厨余碳源化技术原理,厨余垃圾碳源化条件优化研究进展,以及厨余垃圾碳源化技术在生活污水和垃圾渗滤液等方面的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

通过文献调研与实地访谈形式明确福建省餐厨垃圾的概念与特征,对福建省9个地市餐饮与厨余垃圾的产生量进行估算并梳理了相关的法律法规.选取福建省福州市、南平市进行了问卷调查,通过资料检索、问卷调查与实地调研形式调查福建省各地市餐厨垃圾处理处置现状,并基于福建省福州市、南平市餐厨垃圾现状问卷调查结果,系统性地提出关于福建省餐厨...  相似文献   

通过描述德国慕尼黑市生物垃圾收集试点实例,介绍了慕尼黑市在试点地区实施各种提升生物垃圾收集量的措施,比如给居民宣传生物垃圾收集的意义,发放厨余垃圾桶和可生物降解的垃圾收集袋等,通过解析其措施的成功之处,试图探讨其对中国厨余垃圾分类收集的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

废塑料已经成为生活垃圾中占比仅次于厨余垃圾的组成部分,其回收利用具有节约资源、低碳环保的重大意义。通过对广州市低值废塑料在生活垃圾中占比和组成调查,分析当前低值废塑料回收利用存在问题,并提出相应的管理对策和建议。  相似文献   

介绍了苏州市生活垃圾"近期大分流、远期细分类"的分类模式,以及垃圾分类的政策法规体系、收运体系和终端处置体系,提出关于垃圾分类对垃圾减量的贡献、厨余垃圾分类的必要性和可行性、垃圾分类的主要推动力及垃圾分类模式选择的思考和建议。  相似文献   

近年来,协同生活垃圾焚烧的餐厨垃圾处理模式以投入低、效益高的优势迅速发展,但该模式也面临餐厨垃圾资源化利用率低的弊端。将餐厨垃圾预处理产生的有机废弃物和入炉生活垃圾进行分析对比,发现有机废弃物中厨余含量高达92.7%,且有机废弃物比入炉生活垃圾的氮含量的高285.29%,热值低70.13%。可见,有机废弃物不适合直接焚烧。因此,对采用有机废弃物养殖黑水虻进行可行性分析,为其他同类项目提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A special feature of waste management in Finland has been the emphasis on the source separation of kitchen biowaste (catering waste); more than two-thirds of the Finnish population participates in this separation. Source-separated biowaste is usually treated by composting. The biowaste of about 5% of the population is handled by mechanical-biological treatment. A waste treatment plant at Mustasaari is the only plant in Finland using digestion for kitchen biowaste. For the protection of their employees, the plant owners commissioned a study on environmental factors and occupational hygiene in the plant area. During 1998-2000 the concentrations of dust, microbes and endotoxins and noise levels were investigated to identify possible problems at the plant. Three different work areas were investigated: the pre-processing and crushing hall, the bioreactor hall and the drying hall. Employees were asked about work-related health problems. Some problems with occupational hygiene were identified: concentrations of microbes and endotoxins may increase to levels harmful to health during waste crushing and in the bioreactor hall. Because employees complained of symptoms such as dry cough and rash or itching appearing once or twice a month, it is advisable to use respirator masks (class P3) during dusty working phases. The noise level in the drying hall exceeded the Finnish threshold value of 85 dBA. Qualitatively harmful factors for the health of employees are similar in all closed waste treatment plants in Finland. Quantitatively, however, the situation at the Mustasaari treatment plant is better than at some Finnish dry waste treatment plants. Therefore is reasonable to conclude that mechanical sorting, which produces a dry waste fraction for combustion and a biowaste fraction for anaerobic treatment, is in terms of occupational hygiene better for employees than combined aerobic treatment and dry waste treatment.  相似文献   

论述了我国危险废物产生特征及处理现状,分析了我国危险废物转移流程及其转移规模和材料类型,提出合理布局危险废物处理产业,应用物联网和区块链等新兴技术,完善危险废物日常统计和监管.  相似文献   

This work presents an analysis on the suitability of mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid waste in South America, based on two previous experimental investigations carried out in two different countries. The first experiment was performed for determining the mass and volume reduction of MSW in the province of Concepción (Chile). The implemented bench-scale process consisted of a manual classification and separation stage, followed by an in-vessel biological degradation process. The second experiment consisted of a full-scale experiment performed in the city of Estrela (Brazil), where the existing municipal waste management facility was adapted to enhance the materials sorting and separation. Expressed in wet weight composition, 85.5% of the material input in the first experiment was separated for biological degradation. After 27 days of processing, 60% of the initial mass was reduced through degradation and water evaporation. The final fraction destined for landfilling equals 59% of the total input mass, corresponding to about 50% of the initial volume. In the second experiment, the fraction destined to landfill reaches 46.6% of the total input waste mass, whilst also significantly reducing the total volume to be disposed. These results, and the possible recovery of material streams suitable for recycling or for preparing solid recovered fuels, are the main advantages of the studied process.  相似文献   

厨余垃圾-蔬菜废物协同生产液肥项目,需要建立科学、高效的运行管理机制和投入产出机制,以提高其经济效益。系统研究银川市某液肥项目的设备投资和运行费用等情况,目前该项目处理规模约为10.6 t/d,运行负荷率为35.3%,导致处理成本高达337.9元/t。因此,提高运行负荷率,是降低处理成本的关键。  相似文献   

“地沟油”的不当处理不仅影响城市水环境,而且威胁着人们的身体健康。餐厨废弃油脂的管理已经成为广受关注的食品安全的重大问题。介绍了餐厨废弃油脂处理管理的重要意义,并对上海的管理实践和经验进行了分析总结,提出了对餐厨废弃油脂回收处理管理和资源化利用的若干建议。  相似文献   

Pyrite ash is created as waste from the roasting of pyrite ores during the production of sulphuric acid. These processes generate great amounts of pyrite ash waste that is generally land filled. This creates serious environmental pollution due to the release of acids and toxic substances. Pyrite ash waste can be utilized in the iron production industry as a blast furnace feed to process this waste and prevent environmental pollution. The essential parameters affecting the pelletization process of pyrite ash were studied using bentonite as a binder. Experiments were then carried out using bentonite and a mixture of bentonite with calcium hydroxide and calcium chloride in order to make the bentonite more effective. The metallurgical properties of pyrite ash, bentonite, calcium hydroxide, calcium chloride, a mixture of these and sintered pellets were studied using X-ray analysis. The crushing strength tests were carried out to investigate the strength of pyrite ash waste pellets. The results of these analyses showed that pyrite ash can be agglomerated to pellets and used in the iron production industry as a blast furnace feed. The crushing strength of the pellets containing calcium hydroxide and calcium chloride in addition to bentonite was better than the strength of pellets prepared using only bentonite binder.  相似文献   

A serious environmental problem was presented by waste batteries resulting from lack of relevant regulations and effective recycling technologies in China. The present work considered the enhancement of waste Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries recycling by mechanical treatment. In the process of characterization, two types of waste batteries (Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries) were selected and their components were characterized in relation to their elemental chemical compositions. In the process of mechanical separation and recycling, waste Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries were processed by a recycling technology without a negative impact on the environment. The technology contained mechanical crushing, size classification, gravity separation, and magnetic separation. The results obtained demonstrated that: (1) Mechanical crushing was an effective process to strip the metallic parts from separators and pastes. High liberation efficiency of the metallic parts from separators and pastes was attained in the crushing process until the fractions reached particle sizes smaller than 2 mm. (2) The classified materials mainly consisted of the fractions with the size of particles between 0.5 and 2 mm after size classification. (3) The metallic concentrates of the samples were improved from around 75% to 90% by gravity separation. More than 90% of the metallic materials were separated into heavy fractions when the particle sizes were larger than 0.5 mm. (4) The size of particles between 0.5 and 2 mm and the rotational speed of the separator between 30 and 60 rpm were suitable for magnetic separation during industrial application, with the recycling efficiency exceeding 95%.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of feedstock ratios in biogas production, anaerobic co-digestions of rice straw with kitchen waste and pig manure were carried out. A series of single-stage batch mesophilic (37 ± 1 °C) anaerobic digestions were performed at a substrate concentration of 54 g/L based on volatile solids (VS). The results showed that the optimal ratio of kitchen waste, pig manure, and rice straw was 0.4:1.6:1, for which the C/N ratio was 21.7. The methane content was 45.9–70.0% and rate of VS reduction was 55.8%. The biogas yield of 674.4 L/kg VS was higher than that of the digestion of rice straw or pig manure alone by 71.67% and 10.41%, respectively. Inhibition of biogas production by volatile fatty acids (VFA) occurred when the addition of kitchen waste was greater than 26%. The VFA analysis showed that, in the reactors that successfully produced biogas, the dominant intermediate metabolites were propionate and acetate, while they were lactic acid, acetate, and propionate in the others.  相似文献   

Hospital waste is considered dangerous because it may possess pathogenic agents and can cause undesirable effects on human health and the environment. In Iran, neither rules have been compiled nor does exact information exist regarding hospital waste management. The survey presented in this article was carried out in all 15 private hospitals of Fars province (Iran) from the total numbers of 50 governmental and private hospitals located in this province, in order to determine the amount of different kinds of waste produced and the present situation of waste management. The results indicated that the waste generation rate is 4.45 kg/bed/day, which includes 1830 kg (71.44%) of domestic waste, 712 kg (27.8%) of infectious waste, and 19.6 kg (0.76%) of sharps. Segregation of the different types of waste is not carried out perfectly. Two (13.3%) of the hospitals use containers without lids for on-site transport of wastes. Nine (60%) of the hospitals are equipped with an incinerator and six of them (40%) have operational problems with the incinerators. In all hospitals municipal workers transport waste outside the hospital premises daily or at the most on alternative days. In the hospitals under study, there aren't any training courses about hospital waste management and the hazards associated with them. The training courses that are provided are either ineffective or unsuitable. Performing extensive studies all over the country, compiling and enacting rules, establishing standards and providing effective personnel training are the main challenges for the concerned authorities and specialists in this field.  相似文献   

In Brazil, and mainly in the State of Bahia, crude vegetable oils are widely used in the preparation of food. Street stalls, restaurants and canteens make a great use of palm oil and soybean oil. There is also some use of castor oil, which is widely cultivated in the Sertão Region (within the State of Bahia), and widely applied in industry. This massive use in food preparation leads to a huge amount of waste oil of different types, which needs either to be properly disposed of, or recovered. At the Laboratorio Energia e Gas-LEN (Energy & Gas lab.) of the Universidade Federal da Bahia, a cycle of experiments were carried out to evaluate the recovery of waste oils for biodiesel production. The experiences were carried out on a laboratory scale and, in a semi-industrial pilot plant using waste oils of different qualities. In the transesterification process, applied waste vegetable oils were reacted with methanol with the support of a basic catalyst, such as NaOH or KOH. The conversion rate settled at between 81% and 85% (in weight). The most suitable molar ratio of waste oils to alcohol was 1:6, and the amount of catalyst required was 0.5% (of the weight of the incoming oil), in the case of NaOH, and 1%, in case of KOH.The quality of the biodiesel produced was tested to determine the final product quality. The parameters analyzed were the acid value, kinematic viscosity, monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, free glycerine, total glycerine, clearness; the conversion yield of the process was also evaluated.  相似文献   

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