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浅析进口原油安全技术说明书   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以原油这一具有危险品属性的战略物资作为研究对象,分析各国对原油进行MSDS登记的现状,对多种进口原油安全技术说明书进行分类归纳.介绍各国在危险品分类、健康环保、职业防护等多方面开展的工作,对照比较国内相应法规和标准体系,以期对我国石油产品安全技术说明书的编写工作有所助益.对进口原油中的有害物质组分依照职业卫生标准,进行了归纳,实现健康危险限值的快速核定.为我国进一步推行GHS制度,完善构建合理的危险化学品管理、法规、执行体系,在安全技术说观书这一领域提出相关建议.  相似文献   

日本、韩国、东盟与我国石棉危害预防控制现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了日本、韩国、东盟各国以及我国石棉危害预防控制工作的现状,提出我国当前形势下应开展石棉危害现状的调研,研究建立石棉使用的许可管理制度,加强温石棉及其替代品危害性研究,并加强有关领域石棉危害预防控制法规政策的制定。  相似文献   

Hazard communication is made up of several basic concepts and key elements. The concepts of risk management, product information, documentation, employee training and compliance are individually discussed providing a basis for developing a program. An important part of any program is effective implementation. One key element, the Material Safety DAta Sheet (MSDS), is used to illustrate the preparation, review, and distribution of hazard communication information. Guidance is given to adapting the MSDS model to the other key elements of purchased products information, special warnings, toxicology summaries and technical bulletins.  相似文献   

From the 1960s, Korean industries have been encouraged by the government to nurture heavy and chemical industry and to modernize the economics and industrial structures. The development of chemical industry particularly became the turning point in industrial development, and played a major role in the construction of a new industrialized country. However, the process systems in the chemical industry have become more complex and larger, and the inventories of dangerous chemicals that are produced or consumed have continuously increased. Therefore, the hazards from potential accidents such as fire and explosion or release of toxic chemicals have also increased. In fact, from the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s in Korea, a number of major industrial accidents such as ABS extruder explosion, TDI release and dryer explosion, etc. Occurred and caused many fatalities. As the chemical companies recognized the importance of preventing major hazards, PSM system, the prevention of major industrial accidents, was introduced in January 1995 by amending Industrial Safety and Health Act, and it has been enforced from January 1, 1996. According to the law, the business owner of a workplace with hazardous or dangerous equipment shall submit a process safety report to the Government to prevent any accidents, which could inflict an immediate damage on workers or on areas in the vicinity of the workplaces. As a result of PSM implementation for 19 years, chemical accident prevention system has been stabilized and various kinds of effectiveness and desirable customer satisfaction have been made.  相似文献   

“积木式做法”研究及对我国实施GHS范围的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析我国实施GHS的问题出发,详细研究GHS的"积木式做法",指出实施GHS可以根据实际情况有选择地采用其危险性分类。同时分析我国现阶段化学品相关实验室技术支撑能力,结合目前化学品监管范围,提出实施GHS的重点,要先实现我国化学品监管范围与GHS相关危险性的分类统一,再逐步将GHS其他危险性分类引入我国危险化学品监管范围,并对现阶段实施GHS的危险性种类和类别提出启动物理化学性质引起的危险、急性毒性和皮肤腐蚀/刺激性、危害水生环境分类标准的实施工作建议。  相似文献   

From the 1960s, Korean industries have been encouraged by the government to nurture heavy and chemical industry and to modernize the economics and industrial structures. The development of chemical industry particularly became the turning point in industrial development, and played a major role in the construction of a new industrialized country. However, the process systems in the chemical industry have become more complex and larger, and the inventories of dangerous chemicals that are produced or consumed have continuously increased. Therefore, the hazards from potential accidents such as fire and explosion or release of toxic chemicals have also increased. In fact, from the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s in Korea, a number of major industrial accidents such as ABS extruder explosion, TDI release and dryer explosion, etc. occurred and caused many fatalities. As the chemical companies recognized the importance of preventing major hazards, PSM system, the prevention of major industrial accidents, was introduced in January 1995 by amending Industrial Safety and Health Act, and it has been enforced from January 1, 1996. According to the law, the business owner of a workplace with hazardous or dangerous equipment shall submit a process safety report to the Government to prevent any accidents, which could inflict an immediate damage on workers or on areas in the vicinity of the workplaces. As a result of PSM implementation for 7 years, various kinds of effectiveness have been made. Accident rate including number of fatalities has been decreased, and productivity has been increased as well as product quality.  相似文献   

化学品危险性鉴别分类研究的现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
从对GHS(化学品分类及标记全球协调制度)化学品危险性鉴别分类的分析出发,归纳和总结了联合国、欧盟、美国以及中国的化学品危险性鉴别分类研究现状;提出化学品危险性鉴别分类是获取化学品安全信息、评估化学品的固有危险性的重要手段;给出化学品危险性鉴别分类试验必须满足OECD(经济合作与发展组织)的各项标准和准则;对化学品危险性鉴别分类的应用前景及未来工作进行评述和展望;指出为化学品安全管理、事故应急救援、事故调查及做好基础数据的积累是今后研究工作的努力方向;提出了借鉴GHS,REACH(化学品注册、评估、许可和限制)等先进化学品安全监管法规,对完善我国的化学品安全监管制度,化学品鉴别分类标准的重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have become an alternative method for terrorists or criminals who face difficulties in obtaining traditional explosives as threatening tools. The ease of obtaining precursor materials from commodity chemicals in the free market and the ease of generating bombs through the hands of novices have created problems. Controlling the potential precursors to defeat illegal acquisition is not trivial due to their widespread use as common merchandise among chemical industries and consumers. However, efforts to identify the potential precursors may be the first step for devising appropriate control measures. In this study, we proposed a systematic screening method for identifying potential IED precursors (IEDPs) from commodity chemicals, which are regulated by Korean controls. We identified 25 potential IEDPs from 3980 candidate chemicals that can be diverted into IEDs or homemade bombs but are not likely to be solely used as an IED. We also developed a methodology of prioritizing the potential precursor chemicals to assess the urgency of controls using a scoring system with four criteria: previous listing as an official precursor; past record of being encountered in criminal use; volume of commercial circulation, which denotes the probability of exposure to individuals; and the degree of regulatory counter-measures against illegal acquisitions that are currently effective in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper examines effectiveness of a regulatory enforcement organization (Major industrial Accident Prevention Center, MAPC), and a grading system for implementation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation in Korea. A lot of chemical installations have been built in Korea since the 1960s. The frequent occurrence of major industrial accidents had made people's concerns grow. The Korean government enacted PSM regulations in 1996 in order to curb these accidents.However, a key question is how to make sure companies comply with the PSM regulations. In order to improve company’ compliance with PSM regulations the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) responsible for the regulation introduced a grading management system in 2001 and then established special supervisory centers for enforcement of PSM regulations in 2005. This paper reviews the role and effectiveness of the system in term of PSM enforcement. The author found that the grade-based approach has encouraged employers to implement the requirements of the PSM regulations. MAPCs play an effective role in enhancing enforcement performance. Although the more chemical plants have been established in Korea, the fewer major industrial accidents have occurred since the introduction of the system. The results may be useful for the policy maker to build an effective and efficient enforcement system.  相似文献   

我国的GHS之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GHS是全球化学品统一分类和标签制度的简称,其主要内容是按化学品的物理、健康和环境危害对物质和混合物进行分类,并统一危险公示要素.介绍了GHS及我国启程GHS的意义,阐述了各相关方为应对、健全和完善GHS所作出的努力,分析了我国GHS道路上存在的障碍,并展望了未来GHS工作方向.  相似文献   

我国化学品分类和标签与GHS的差距分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确我国现阶段实施GHS存在的问题,促使我国化学品分类和标签满足GHS要求。研究了我国化学品分类标准、标签标准与GHS存在的差距。发现了《危险化学品名录》没有分类标准,并且未涵盖GHS爆炸物中的不稳定爆炸物和1.2项、1.5项、1.6项爆炸物,易燃气溶胶,以及除急性毒性以外的健康危害和环境危害的化学品,剧毒化学品、有毒物质存在不同监管部门分类标准不统一,现行多套危险化学品标签标准问题。提出了在《危险化学品名录》中明确规定危险性分类标准;统一剧毒化学品、有毒品分类标准;在相关的危险化学品法规中明确规定危险化学品标签应符合的标准。  相似文献   

我国注册安全工程师注册现状分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
根据注册安全工程师初始注册申请表以及注册安全工程师注册信息管理数据库、国家安全生产监督管理总局和人事部人事考试中心提供的数据,对目前已注册的17441名注册安全工程师的年龄结构、学历结构、安全生产相关工作年限和受聘单位性质进行了统计分析。结果表明,我国现有注册安全工程师年龄、学历结构合理,但数量上仍不能满足需要。笔者提出应通过制订考试标准等方式加快注册安全工程师专业技术人才队伍建设的建议。  相似文献   

化学品混合物的安全监管技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析我国化学品混合物安全监管技术出发,研究对比我国和国外在化学品混合物的危险性鉴别与分类、命名以及名录收入形式等安全监管技术方面的不同做法;指出我国在混合物危险性鉴别与分类、命名以及名录收入形式方面的缺陷和不足;提出完善化学品混合物安全监管技术是提高我国化学品混合物安全监管水平的重要手段;认为借鉴欧盟RAECH、联合国《关于危险货物运输的建议书-规章范本》及GHS的先进做法制定化学品混合物技术名称命名规则、修订现行危险化学品名录中混合物条目、引进混合物健康及环境危害估算方法,对提高我国化学品混合物的安全监管技术水平,促进化学品混合物的安全监管具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍新婴儿床标准的内容和要求,以及美国消费品安全委员对消费者、儿童保育中心、医院、生产商、进口商和零售商所关心的问题的解答。  相似文献   

Understanding the commonalities among previous chemical process incidents can help mitigate recurring incidents in the chemical process industry and will be useful background knowledge for designers intending to foster inherent safety. The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) reports provide detailed and vital incident information that can be used to identify possible commonalities. This study aims to develop a systematic approach for extracting data from the CSB reports with the objective of establishing these commonalities. Data were extracted based on three categories: attributed incident causes, scenarios, and consequences. Seventeen causal factors were classified as chemical indicators or process indicators. Twelve chemical indicators are associated with the hazards of the chemicals involved in the incidents, whereas five process indicators account for the hazards presented by process conditions at the time of the incident. Seven scenario factors represent incident sequences, equipment types, operating modes, process units, domino effects, detonation likelihood for explosion incidents, and population densities. Finally, three consequence factors were selected based on types of chemical incidents, casualties, population densities, and economic losses. Data from 87 CSB reports covering 94 incidents were extracted and analyzed according to the proposed approach. Based on these findings, the study proposes guidelines for future collection of information to provide valuable resources for prediction and risk reduction of future incidents.  相似文献   

玻璃钢安全帽因具有强度高、耐高温,耐水、酸、碱、油、化学腐蚀及良好的绝缘性等特点,被广泛应用于石油化工、矿山、电力、冶炼等多个行业。目前,玻璃钢安全帽的生产工艺仅有两种,一是手糊,二是模压。但这两种生产工艺不仅存在粉尘、噪声、有毒物质等多种职业危害因素,而且由于部分关键工序采用手工制作,因而造成玻璃钢安全帽的质量性能的不稳定。使用LFT-G(长纤维增强热塑性塑料颗粒)作为原材料,将注塑工艺引进玻璃钢安全帽的生产中,实现了玻璃钢安全帽的注塑生产。这种工艺,不仅职业危害因素大大减少,而且也因关键工序中不存在手工作业,从而大大增加了玻璃钢安全帽质量的稳定性,同时,由于LFT-G粒料的长度增加,经过加工后,安全帽成品中的纤维长度也会增加,使得安全帽的抗冲击性能等满足标准要求。为此,以LFT-G为基础的玻璃钢安全帽的注塑工艺具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Twenty evaluations of reported biomechanical hazards were performed by the National Institue for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) at the request of industrial workers or management over an 8-year period. The evaluations were part of the Hazard Evaluation and Technical Assistance (HETA) program authorized under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. A number of these evaluations are described here. Principles drawn from the field of ergonomics were used to evaluate whether a certain work activity has caused an observed incidence of cumulative trauma to the neuro-musculo-skeletal system. Procedures for conducting these ergonomic evaluations are reviewed, and the results are summarized. Recommendations are made for implementing control procedures, and the problem of obtaining reliable follow-up information is discussed. Project results suggest an encouraging degree of success in accomplishing prevention and control of biochemical hazards in the workplaces studied.  相似文献   

Failures of pipelines conveying dangerous substances can pose major risks. Identification of pipeline hazards associated with the different pipeline system functions is essential for risk analysis and historical data are of great importance. Incident data are analysed, following a review of official sources, by failure mechanism, size and function of the systems in two types of transmission networks around the world, i.e. natural gas and hazardous liquids. The development of the networks and the reporting criteria used by the official sources for the collection of incidents in the last twenty five years have shown remarkable differences. The performance of both gas and liquid transmission lines in Europe, the US and the former Soviet Union in terms of failures has shown a progressive improvement but the extent of consequences following gas releases and oil spillages have not shown any change in the last fifteen years. External interference is not always the predominant cause of failures in all systems depending also on pipe size. Failures with casualties in gas transmission have not shown any decrease over the last decade and there is a clear indication that many are connected with the parts and functions other than the main body of the pipeline. A comparison between European and US gas frequency data, derived under common constraints, shows that valuable information can be lost when criteria for incidents collection are only limited to the body of the pipeline.  相似文献   

水利水电施工工程项目重大危险源不同于其他危险化学品等行业重大危险源的评价.施工工程项目的安全性和可靠性既取决于施工工程各单元的危险性,还与施工现场安全管理和施工企业安全生产能力有关.目前,我国尚缺乏水利水电施工工程项目重大危险源的评价标准,为了研究水利水电施工工程项目重大危险源的评价,采用作业条件危险性分析方法,对施工工程的危险性进行评价,然后根据行业标准《施工企业安全生产评价标准》( JGJ/T 77-2010)的取值方法和权重标准对施工企业安全生产综合能力进行评价,使用企业安全生产综合能力评价因子作为管理抵消因子,最终确定施工工程重大危险源.结合某水利水电工程项目的实际,进行了应用分析,结果表明,该方法能比较准确、客观地描述施工类工程项目的重大危险源评价.  相似文献   

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