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填海造陆的环境效应研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱高儒  许学工 《生态环境》2011,20(4):761-766
填海造陆是沿海地带缓解人地矛盾的有效手段,在我国方兴未艾。作为大规模的人类干扰活动,填海造陆必然对海岸带系统的各个方面产生巨大影响。需要从自然地理过程的各个要素和人类社会组成的环境系统的统一协调发展中,寻求填海造陆的科学方案,实现海岸带的有序利用。文章结合近年来研究进展详细分析了填海造陆对于土地、水文、生态及气候、原料源地等多方面的环境效应及其关联。结果发现:(1)填海造陆对环境的负效应在种类上多于正效应;(2)填海造陆的影响范围遍及从海到陆的整个海岸带区域;(3)填海造陆效应具有从短期扰动事件到长期生态和物理过程的宽域时间尺度;(4)填海造陆各个效应之间存在着很强的关联和促进机制。未来应加强填海造陆对陆地滨海地区的影响,对气候和海洋地貌等长期自然过程的效应,以及各方面环境效应间的正负反馈机制定量化等方面的研究。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲海岸带位于黄河三角洲高效生态经济区和山东半岛蓝色经济区,受自然和人类活动的共同影响,其生态环境脆弱。对黄河三角洲海岸带进行环境脆弱性评价,可为该地区减灾防灾和生态环境可持续发展提供一定的科学依据。该研究构建了包括自然固有脆弱性因素和人类特殊脆弱性因素的黄河三角洲海岸带环境脆弱性评价指标体系,建立了包含国家标准、专家评定、观测计算数据评定的脆弱性评价指标量化方法,采用层次分析法确定评价指标权重,以海岸带脆弱性指数法作为评价模型,基于GIS软件平台对黄河三角洲海岸带区域进行环境脆弱性评价与空间分布格局分析。结果表明:黄河三角洲海岸带环境脆弱性等级主要表现为重度脆弱和极度脆弱(41.2%)、中度(19.7%)、微度脆弱和轻度脆弱(39.1%);由于受人类活动的影响,其脆弱性空间分布格局表现为陆地部分脆弱性高,海洋部分脆弱性低;受植被、围垦面积等因素的制约,陆地部分的脆弱性表现为由陆地向岸线加强,陆地部分为重度脆弱,海岸线一带呈极度脆弱;海洋大部分为微度脆弱和轻度脆弱,但黄河入海口处由于受海水入侵、海岸侵蚀等因素制约呈现中度脆弱。为保持黄河三角洲海岸带环境可持续发展,应在充分保护已有自然固有因素的基础上,减少人类活动对环境的破坏。  相似文献   

围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围填海是通过人工修筑堤坝、填埋土石方等工程措施将天然海域空间改变成陆地以拓展社会经济发展空间的人类活动,它是当前我国海岸开发利用的主要形式。大规模围填海在产生巨大的社会经济效益的同时,也给海洋生态环境造成了深远的影响,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。文章在系统收集了国内外围填海的海洋环境影响研究报道成果的基础上,分别从:①围填海对滨海地形地貌、湿地景观的影响研究;②围填海对近岸海域水动力环境的影响研究;③围填海对滨海湿地退化与生态功能的影响研究;④围填海对近岸海洋生态系统结构与功能的影响;⑤围填海对海洋渔业资源衰退的影响等5个方面深入分析了围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究进展及其存在的主要问题。并剖析了加强围填海的海洋环境监测与评估,实施围填海的海洋生态环境修复与生态补偿等国际围填海研究新趋势。针对围填海的海洋环境影响国内外研究现状和发展趋势,提出加强对集中连片围填海区域的长期累积效应研究、加强围填海对海洋生态环境结构功能影响过程及机理研究、加强多学科交叉在围填海海洋环境影响方面的综合研究等相关建议。  相似文献   

为满足日益增长的土地需求,人工填海已成为目前世界范围内沿海地区城市空间扩张的主要方式。深圳作为中国首批经济特区和改革开放先锋,在经历30多年经济高速发展和城市快速变迁后,已由过去的小渔村发展为现代化国际大都市,与此同时,也开展了大量人工填海工程。城市热岛效应,作为城市热环境评价的重要指标,随着人工填海的快速推进会愈发明显,从而会导致城市热环境和微气候改变,加剧大气污染,严重影响着城市人居生态环境。然而,针对人工填海对城市热岛效应影响的具体研究并不多见。基于TM及ETM+遥感数据,对深圳市蛇口半岛人工填海区域的城市扩张及其热岛效应进行了分析,并对该区域地表温度的变化与归一化植被指数(NDVI)的关系进行了探讨,以期为沿海地区城市热环境的研究和空间地理的合理规划提供参考。结果表明,①该区域1999年至2009年间人工填海面积增加近16 km2,相当于1999年整个蛇口半岛面积的1/3。②利用城市热岛效应表达模型对1999年、2009年蛇口半岛的热岛分布等级进行了分析。研究表明,2009年热岛区域较1999年显著扩张,绿岛面积显著减少,弱热岛、中等热岛、强热岛面积均有不同程度地增长。强热岛正向变化最显著,2009年的强热岛面积相较于1999年增加了5.5倍,中等热岛的扩张面积也超过了1999年的4倍。③热岛扩张区域与人工填海增加区域高度吻合,可见人工填海工程显著增强了城市的热岛效应。④蛇口半岛区域地表温度与植被指数NDVI呈现显著负相关(P<0.01)。地表温度在蛇口半岛两侧的人工填海区形成高值区,在南山和赤湾山植被覆盖指数较高的区域形成低值区,而城市建筑群居中。  相似文献   

围填海工程对海洋资源影响评价——以曹妃甸为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了受围填海工程影响的海洋资源及其影响程度,构建了用于评价围填海工程对海洋资源产生影响程度的指标体系。利用层次分析法(AHP)分别给出了主要受影响资源为港航资源、旅游资源和渔业资源的一级评价指标权重,在主要受影响资源为港航资源中,港航资源、旅游资源、空间资源和其他资源的权重分别为47.95%、11.99%、21.01%、11.99%、7.06%;利用德尔菲法通过三轮专家咨询给出了二级评价指标权重,分析评价了曹妃甸围填海工程对海洋资源的影响。结果表明曹妃甸围填海工程对其海洋资源有一定的影响,该海域对围填海工程的影响尚处于可承受范围,可以进行适度的围填海工程。  相似文献   

江苏在沿海生态系统的保护和管理方面做了大量工作。例如,1980年省科委组织70多个单位1500多名科技人员,历时4年的综合调查。在调查、规划、试点相结合的原则指导下开展20多项开发利用试点。1983年建立了盐城沿海滩涂珍禽自然保护区,主要保护对象是联合国保护野生动物基金会已列入濒危物种红皮书的丹顶鹤。1985年建立江苏大丰麋鹿保护区以保护世界珍稀特异野生动物麋鹿。1895年底,江苏省人民政府颁布了我国第一部综合性的海洋海岸带综合管理规章《江苏省海岸带管理暂行规定》,建立了海岸带综合管理机构。最近还进行了“海岸带开发合理生态经济模式”的研究,以便为综合管理机构提供最佳的决策方案和实施方法。  相似文献   

海岸带生态恢复技术研究现状及存在问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
气候及其潜在的全球性变化所带来的影响,使海岸带受到严重威胁,人口的增加以及人类活动强度的增大给海岸带环境带来的负面影响越来越严重,对目前国内外海岸带生态恢复技术的现状作了较系统地介绍,并阐述了当前海岸带生态恢复中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

经济地理学角度的区域生态补偿机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李平星  孙威 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1507-1512
传统生态补偿以保护与改善生态环境、优化资源利用为目的,已不能体现其在生态保护、环境建设和区域发展方面的全部价值。新的区域发展形势对生态补偿机制提出了新的要求,生态补偿被认为是实现区域可持续发展和区域之间协调发展的重要手段。区域可持续发展和区域间协调发展是我国经济地理学的主要研究对象之一。如何从经济地理学的视角看待区域生态补偿,成为通过区域生态补偿机制的实施实现生态良好、经济发展和社会进步三位目标和谐发展的重要命题。从经济地理学的经典理论出发,在探讨区位论、产业结构演替理论、人地关系地域系统理论的基础上,分析了传统生态补偿的缺失和不足,并在现阶段我国以构建区域可持续和有序发展格局为目标的规划工作——主体功能区规划的基础上,就区域生态补偿的理论基础、目标导向和实施机制进行了探讨,将经济地理学的空间区位论、地域功能理论、区域发展空间均衡理论等充实到区域生态补偿的理论基础中,明确了以实现区域协调发展和基本公共服务均等化为目标导向,探索了政府主导、市场参与的区域生态补偿的实施模式,最后分析了实施难点、提出了相应的解决建议。  相似文献   

中国广阔的海岸带的经济发展始于20世纪。大规模开发则始于1970年代末。环境保护需要和资源利用需要(这是为了提高人民生活水平所必需的)之间的冲突日益明显。影响环境和长期发展潜力的问题包括水污染、淤积和海水侵入。 已经开展了几个旨在促进海岸带开发、管理和保护的研究项目。1980年至1986年,对中国大陆沿海滩涂和整个海岸带进行了一项综合考察。1988年开始的一个全国性海岛调查将于1993年完成。最近已制订了沿海开发计划,设立了行政管理机构,包括一个自然保护区系统,也制订了一些关于沿海地区和海域的规定和立法。  相似文献   

填海造地给海洋生态环境造成了严重的影响,可改变区域水动力环境、地形地貌与冲淤环境、海水水质环境、海洋沉积物环境等,导致海洋生态系统服务功能损失.以某地填海工程为例,选取合适的评估模型,对填海造地造成的海洋生态系统供给服务、调节服务、文化服务、支持服务损失进行价值量估算,为合理制定生态补偿标准提供支撑.评估结果显示,该填...  相似文献   

Land reclamation significantly affects the ecological and environmental conditions of mining areas. However, quantifying the exact effects is difficult because of the lack of reliable data. The estimation of eco-environment benefit contributes to clarify the ecological and environmental changes caused by land reclamation and to provide useful information for policy-makers concerned with sustainable development. The aim of this study is to investigate variations in eco-environment benefit in response to land use changes during land reclamation. The West dump, one of the earliest regions to implement ecological restoration in Liaoning Province, is selected as the study area. The widely used methods for eco-environment benefits based on the land use change were proposed and applied to the West dump in 2004, 2009, and 2014. The total eco-environment benefits in study areas were 0.98 million dollars in 2004, 1.39 million dollars in 2009, and 1.43 million dollars in 2014, with an increase of 0.41 million dollars from 2004 to 2009 mainly because of the increasing areas of artificial woodland and reclaimed cropland. The combined eco-environment benefits of artificial woodland, improved grassland, and reclaimed cropland were over 90% of the total benefits. Soil formation and protection, biodiversity protection, and gas regulation were the top three functions with high eco-environment benefits, contributing about half of the total eco-environment benefits. The results suggest that future studies estimating eco-environment benefits should pay more attention to ecosystems in fragile ecological regions where various human interferences happen frequently. All of the abovementioned results made the techniques of estimation of the eco-environment benefit of land reclamation are more meaningful in guiding the future exploitation and reclamation of mining areas.  相似文献   

主要讨论了桉树造林整地方式──全垦与带垦对桉树生长的影响,以及对土壤侵蚀、土壤养分和土壤物理性质的影响.研究结果表明,改全垦为带垦对防止桉树人工林地力衰退有积极作用.  相似文献   

A reclamation demonstration project at an abandoned deep mine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This project involves an evaluation of the reclamation process at a typical abandoned deep coal mine in the Midwest, U.S.A. The reclamation process included determining the final land use, collection of preconstruction environmental data, development of detailed construction plans, and implementation of the construction plans. A multidisciplinary approach is being used to evaluate post-construction conditions of the site. Current investigations are monitoring groundwater, surface water quality, aquatic ecosystems, revegetation, soil characteristics, erosion and runoff, soil microbial populations, wildlife, and economic effects of the reclamation. Data collected to date indicate a significant improvement in overall environmental quality, a substantial increase in the economic potential of the site and adjacent properties, and a genuine enhancement of the entire area's aesthetic value. This project will also provide design data for future reclamation efforts of this type.This project is financially supported by the following agencies: U.S. Department of Energy, Contract No. W31-109-Eng-38; Abandoned Mined Land Reclamation Council, State of Illinois Contract No. 31-109-38-3694L; Illinois Institute of Natural Resources, Contract No. 31-109-38-3702L.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts on sedimentation in Jiaozhou Bay,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last 150 years, China transformed its economy from a feudal system (pre-1911) to a modern market economy. During this time, policy-driven rapid development created a series of ecological and environmental problems, especially in the coastal economic regions. Although the synthetic effects are certainly identifiable, the specific effects of different policies in different developing periods have been difficult to disentangle. Here we show that the footprints of Chinese policies in the last 150 years, and their different influences on coastal environments, were archived in the temporal dynamics of sedimentation in Jiaozhou Bay. Before 1935, natural processes predominantly controlled the sedimentation in Jiaozhou Bay. After the introduction of modern economic policies in 1935, the sediment mass accumulation rate (MAR) was overwhelmingly driven by the sea areas of the bay as a result of policy-driven anthropogenic activities (i.e. saltern development, mariculture, and land reclamation). An increasing MAR at the early stage of each policy, followed by a decrease at the late stage was observed. Land reclamation in the 1990s led to a much quicker increase of MAR than the earlier saltern development. Our results demonstrated that marine exploitation, instead of natural processes, are currently regulating the ecological environments of Chinese bays.  相似文献   

深圳市土地开发和景观生态演变特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在探讨深圳市上地资源的利用与开发的基础上,研究分析了其内部景观生态系统类型的结构,功能和组成快速演变的机制和特征。认为深圳市特殊的地理位置,经济发展模式,区位特征和大规模的土地开发是区域景观生态系统类型结构和组成快速演变的根本因素。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of the bituminous coal industry that is then used to simulate the price, output, and employment effects of land reclamation requirements in strip mining (other things equal). Our main conclusion is that a requirement to return strip-mined land to its approximate original contour and vegetative cover would have only slight effects on either sector of the industry. We estimate that such a requirement, had it been imposed in 1971, would have decreased strip-mining employment and output by 2.370, while inducing an increase in underground employment more than sufficient to offset these job losses.  相似文献   

A biomass productivity model based on soil properties and climate is developed from literature and used to evaluate and compare potential effects of mining and reclamation on several soils in the continental United States. Soil productivity is assumed to vary as a product of root distribution function modified by five soil properties: available water, aeration porosity, bulk density, electrical conductivity, and pH. Yield limiting property levels are derived from literature and input soil data are obtained from available USDA Soil Conservation Service information on typical profiles. Modelled values of potential productivity after mining, indicate problems and limitations to be expected. The proposed model can be used as a guide to reclamation strategy, to restore the land to premining conditions, or at times to enhance productivity of a reclaimed area.  相似文献   

A chance-constrained linear programming model with rainfall as stochastic input has been developed to plan optimal land and water use in alkali soils under reclamation. The model is based on the water balance of a typical alkali catchment in the command area of the Western Jamuna Canal in Haryana (India). The zero-order decision rule has been used to obtain the deterministic equivalent of chance constraint and optimal solutions have been obtained for four levels of rainfall probability. Available water supplies at low rainfall probabilities were found to be inadequate to sustain the high cost reclamation technology. Exploitation of the full potential of agricultural land calls for the augmentation of available water supplies.  相似文献   

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