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2018年8月(丰水期),在嫩江支流甘河,调查了19个点位的着生藻类群落结构和水环境特征。并运用聚类分析、Mcnaughton优势度分析和IBD(biological diatom index,硅藻生物指数)3种方法研究了甘河着生硅藻群落结构和优势种清洁状况,使用主成分分析、Spearman相关分析和冗余分析等统计分析方法研究了甘河着生硅藻群落和环境因子的响应关系。结果表明:甘河共鉴定出着生藻类90种(属),以硅藻门、绿藻门和蓝藻门为主,生物量丰富。丰水期甘河水生态环境质量状况较为健康,着生硅藻主要由清洁种构成,其中Achnanthidium minutissimum优势度0.48,为绝对优势种。聚类分析结果表明,甘河采样点位可分为3组;其中组1和组2点位主要位于甘河上、中游,上、中游水质、生境质量较好,健康程度较高,优势种均为清洁种,上游Achnanthidium minutissimum优势度达到了0.64;组3点位均位于甘河下游,下游人为干扰较强,健康程度较其余两组偏低,Nitzschia palea和Nitzschia paleaeformis等耐污种在组3的优势度较高。导致甘河着生硅藻群落清洁度由上游到下游逐渐变差的主要水环境因子为电导率、总磷和高锰酸盐指数,其中影响中游硅藻群落结构变化的主要水环境因子为高锰酸盐指数,影响下游硅藻群落结构变化的主要水环境因子为电导率和总磷。由此可见,着生硅藻群落可以较好的指示甘河流域水体有机污染程度和营养富集程度。  相似文献   

武汉月湖近代沉积物中的硅藻组合与环境关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集武汉月湖2处近代沉积物,分析了沉积硅藻组合与其环境关系,共发现24属83种硅藻。结果表明:2个柱状沉积物中硅藻优势属为小环藻属、直链藻属、舟形藻属、Cyclostephanos属。Z-1钻孔共有20属61种硅藻,Z-2钻孔共有24属68种硅藻。Z-1钻孔优势种为梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、颗粒直链藻(Aulacoseira granulata)、Navicula porifera、Cyclostephanos tholifomis。Z-2钻孔优势种为梅尼小环藻、颗粒直链藻、舟形藻(Navicula sp.)、Cyclostephanos invisitatus。就硅藻密度分布而言,总趋势上层最多,平均7.14×10^5~58.65×10^5 ind.g-1,中层其次,平均0.08×10^5~13.98×10^5 ind.g-1,下层最少,平均0.24×10^5~0.64×10^5 ind.g-1。硅藻种数最少的样品出现在沉积物中层,梅尼小环藻、颗粒直链藻、舟形藻、Navicula porifera、Cyclostephanos tholifomis、Cyclostephanos invisitatus的组合可以指示湖泊水体环境出现富营养化。通过探讨分析影响硅藻分布的环境因素,为恢复月湖近代水环境演化过程提供了依据。  相似文献   

采用主成分、层次聚类、箱型图和双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)等方法,研究了15项附着硅藻指数在北江流域的适用性。在北江流域25个监测点中,共鉴定出附着硅藻2目6科30属98个种和亚种,相对丰度为5%以上的硅藻属有曲壳藻属(Achnanthes)、菱形藻属(Nitzschia)、舟形藻属(Navicula)和直链藻属(Melosira),分别为34.4%、18.1%、8.6%和7.3%。相对丰度为5%以上的硅藻种有极小曲壳藻(Achnanthes minutissima),极小曲丝藻(Achnanthidium minutissimum),克劳斯菱形藻(Nitzschia clausii)和可变直链藻(Melosira varians)。附着硅藻指数间,罗特营养指数(Rott Trophic Index,ROTT)和洛博指数(Lobo Index,LOBO)与其他指数相关性较弱,硅藻生物指数(Biological Diatom Index,IBD)和富营养污染硅藻指数(Diatom Eutrophication Pollution Index,EPI-D)呈极显著相关(r=0.915,P0.01)。硅藻指数与水质指标的相关性分析表明,斯雷德切克指数(Sláde?ek Index,SLA)和LOBO与电导率(Cond)、溶解氧(DO)和总磷(TP)等10项水质指标间均无相关性,其他指数与某个或某几个水质指标有一定的相关性。对10项水质指标加权后进行层次聚类,结果表明阿图瓦-皮卡第硅藻指数(Artois-Picardy Diatom Index,IDAP)、特定污染敏感指数(Specific Polluosensitivity Index,IPS)、硅藻属指数(Generic Diatom Index,IDG)和IBD与水质分类结果较一致。利用TWINSPAN对样点和硅藻群落进行分类后绘制箱型图,结果表明,IBD对样点水质的变化最为敏感。结果表明,IBD是适合北江流域水质评价的硅藻指数。  相似文献   

湖水总磷浓度对湖泊富营养化有很好的预警作用,历史湖水总磷浓度的定量重建能揭示湖泊营养演化历史.依据安徽省石塘湖沉积物钻孔的高分辨率硅藻研究结果,结合长江中下游湖泊硅藻-总磷转换函数模型,定量重建了其过去百余年来硅藻组合演替与历史湖水总磷浓度的变化过程.结果表明:石塘湖硅藻经历了从颗粒直链藻(Aulacoseira granulate)优势组合(1867-1981年)向富营养属种高山直链藻(Aulacoseira alpigae)优势组合(1981年以来)的变化.1981年以前,水体ρ(总磷)为50~60μg.L-1,湖泊一直维持在中等营养水平;1981年之后水体ρ(总磷)呈现明显升高趋势(>100 μg·L-l),硅藻组合以高山直链藻占绝对优势,同时伴有喜好富营养环境的属种如极微小环藻(Cyclotella atomus)、梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、谷皮菱形藻(Nitzschia palea)和汉斯冠盘藻(Stephanodiscus hantzschii)等的增加,标志着湖泊富营养化的发生.20世纪80年代以来,农业及城市生活污水排放、农业化学肥料的大量使用以及过度养殖是硅藻种群转变和富营养化发生的主要根源.增温在一定程度上也影响着硅藻群落变化和富营养化的加重.根据重建的硅藻-水体总磷浓度结果,提出石塘湖治理的营养物基准水体ρ(总磷)为60 μg·L-1,为该湖整治和修复方案的制定提供可参考的目标,也为当地大量类似湖泊的治理提供重要参考.  相似文献   

东平湖作为国家南水北调工程东线的调蓄湖和山东省西水东送的水源地,在国家水资源配置战略中起着重要的作用.为了解其水生生物、水环境质量及湖泊富营养状态,在收集、整理和总结前人历年积累的东平湖水生生物等调查研究资料的基础上,并结合表层沉积硅藻和湖泊水质数据,分析东平湖目前的水环境状况及湖泊环境的潜在威胁.2011-2012年东平湖表层沉积物硅藻属种鉴定显示优势属为Aulacoseira、Synedra、Cyclotella、Navicula和Fragilaria,营养型属种居多,表明湖泊整体营养水平较高.由Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielous种类均匀度指数分析得到东平湖硅藻门生物多样性指数为3.30和0.80,处于轻度污染水平.因此,由水生生物群落所揭示的东平湖环境状况为营养状态从富营养化转变为中营养-轻度富营养化状态,水体由中度污染转变为轻度污染甚至部分区域水体良好,整体处于Ⅲ类水标准.  相似文献   

九寨沟是著名的世界自然遗产地,水是九寨沟自然风景的灵魂,因而关于九寨沟湿地的研究极为重要.硅藻的生长和繁殖对环境极为敏感,长期作为湿地水质监测的指标.对四川几寨沟风景区内17处采样点水体中的硅藻进行了实地调查研究,经鉴定共发现113个分类单位,包括种和变种,隶属于2纲6目10科32属.脆杆藻属、舟形藻属、桥弯藻属和异极藻属常为优势属,只在长海是以小环藻属为单一优势属的群落.首次发现典型的富营养化指示种颗粒直链藻[Melosira granulata(Ehr.)Ralfs]和星形冠盘藻[Stephanodiscus astraea(Ehr.)Grun.]在旅游旺季出现,并在淡季消失,表明旅游对九寨沟核心景Ⅸ的湖泊产生了一定的影响,而其生态系统具有较强的自我调节功能.数量统计和相关分析结果表明,硅藻细胞密度受到环境因子的综合作用而表现出与海拔显著的正相关;反映多样性的Cairns连续比较指数(SCI)普遍较高(长海除外),与海拔显著负相关,与密度极显著负相关,可以都从种间竞争得到解释;SCI不一定反映了水体水质.图2表6参25  相似文献   

新疆博斯腾湖表层沉积物中硅藻分布特征及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采集新疆博斯腾湖不同水深、矿化度、营养盐浓度及pH环境下的湖泊表层沉积物,提取硅藻并进行种属组合分析,研究了中国西北干旱区半封闭淡水湖泊中硅藻的分布特征,并且运用降维对应分析(DCA),探讨了影响博斯腾湖现生硅藻组合特征的主要水质环境因子及硅藻种属对水体理化性质变化的响应。研究结果表明,在博斯腾湖硅藻组合受湖泊水深、矿化度影响明显分区:河口区受水体扰动作用影响明显,硅藻浓度变化大,以Fragilaria属为主;黄水湾区硅藻分布受矿化度及pH影响显著,以Mastogloia smithii、Navicula anglica、Gomphonema parvulum等底栖、喜碱性、微咸水种为主,淡水种Fragilaria属的含量明显低于其它区域,其含量的高低指示了水体矿化度的变化;在湖心区硅藻组合主要响应于水深变化,当水深增加时,Cyclotella radiosa、C.meneghiniana、Fragilaria bidens等浮游种含量显著增加,Mastogloria smithii、Gomphonema parvulum等底栖种含量明显降低或消失,且发现Fragilaria属在5.4~7.8m水深处生长繁盛。研究结果为建立中国西北干旱区的硅藻-环境因子关系数据库、重建本地区过去环境提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

嘉陵江出口段三类水体蓝绿硅藻优势种变化机理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三峡水库的河流型、过渡型、湖泊型水体中后两者为富营养化敏感水体,为认识富营养化敏感时期嘉陵江出口段三类水体蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)优势种变化及机理,2007年9月至2008年8月进行了三种藻类的现场调查分析.结果表明,在3~7月份,总藻种数为52种,占全年种数的66.5%,平均密度43.76×104个-L-1,为全年中最高,因此3-7月为富营养化敏感期;优势藻种类变化为河流型蓝、绿、硅藻分别为6、4、9种,过渡型的蓝、绿、硅藻分别为4、5、4种,湖泊型的蓝、绿、硅藻分别为6、5、3种;蓝、绿、硅各优势藻的平均优势度在2.5m·s-1为0.11,2.0 m·s-1为0.11,1.5 m·s-1为0.10,0.05~0.2 m·s-1为0.07,<0.05 m·s-1为0.06.分析认为,蓝、绿、硅优藻种数变化与流速有关,优势硅藻种数与流速正相关,优势蓝、绿藻数与流速反相关;具有硅壳的硅藻需要借助流速浮动进行光合作用,适宜0.05~2.5 m·s-1水体;大型硅藻可能通过进化中的硅壳薄化来适应一定流速的水体;蓝藻、绿藻沉降系数小,有的具有气囊或鞭毛,因而易浮动进行光合作用,适宜0.2 m·s-1以下的水体;优势蓝、绿、硅藻的平均优势度与优势藻多样性负相关.随着嘉陵江出口段采样点的流速逐渐减小,优势蓝、绿、硅藻的平均优势度逐渐变小,而优势藻多样性逐渐增大.  相似文献   

贵州草海湿地农田渠系水质空间分异特征及影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
夏品华  薛飞  孔祥亮  刘燕  林陶 《环境化学》2012,31(8):1201-1207
为了解草海湿地农田渠系水质现状、空间分异特征及影响因素,于2011年秋季对草海湿地进行大空间尺度的采样,分析了氮磷等理化指标,采用单因子污染指数法和营养状态指数法分别对农田渠系水质和湖泊营养状态进行评价.结果表明,草海湿地农田渠系水质污染严重,多数水质为V类或劣V类,总氮和溶解氧是水体中的主要污染因子;上游水质劣于下游,尤其是上游靠近县城区域的水质最差;多等级排水渠系对氮磷具有一定的截留作用,干渠V级水质好于低级渠系水质;不同的土地利用方式对水质的影响不同,城镇用地>集中式村落>农田;草海湿地水体上、中、下游营养水平分别为中度富营养、轻度富营养和中营养,外源污染物的累积和湖泊营养水平的提高导致其沼泽化,而流域不合理的土地利用结构加剧了沼泽化的进程.  相似文献   

拉鲁湿地是世界海拔最高、面积最大的城市天然湿地,为研究其沉积物污染的变化规律,于2018年12月(枯水期)和2019年5月(丰水期)分别采集了拉鲁湿地中59和48个点位的沉积物,分析总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和总有机物(OM)的空间分布特征及其化学计量比,并运用综合污染指数法和有机污染指数法对其进行污染风险评价。结果表明,枯水期拉鲁湿地TN、TP和OM含量总体高于丰水期。枯水期沉积物TN、TP和OM含量分别为0.18~6.35、0.33~2.88和27.18~268.98 g·kg~(-1);TN和OM含量高的区域主要出现在拉鲁湿地的中西部和东部,而TP含量高的区域主要在西部和中西部。枯水期沉积物碳氮比(C/N)为15.04~85.31,北部显著高于其他区域(P0.05);丰水期沉积物C/N比为3.09~97.46,西部显著低于其他区域(P0.05)。枯水期和丰水期沉积物C/N比10,说明沉积物中有机质都是以外源为主,且丰水期沉积物具有矿化作用。拉鲁湿地北部没有有机污染,其他区域均存在不同程度的污染。  相似文献   

A. Grémare 《Marine Biology》1990,106(1):139-143
Rates of organic uptakes of three live diatoms (Nitzschia acicularis, Nitzschia sp. andNavicula incerta), and of three corresponding filtrates by the deposit-feeding polychaeteEupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu) were measured under similar experimental conditions. Worms used during this study were collected by SCUBA diving at Port-Vendres in shallow water (7 m deep) during the summer of 1986. Uptake rates of live diatoms were affected both by length of the experiments and by the nature of the food offered. The highest rate of uptake (11.8 10–4 mg algal ash-free dry wt mg–1 worm dry wt h–1) was recorded during a short-term experiment (4 h) with the smallest diatom (Nitzschia sp.). The lowest rate (1.1 10–4 mg algal ash-free dry wt mg–1 worm dry wt h–1) was recorded during a long-term experiment (48 h) with the largest diatom (Nitzschia acicularis). Filtrates ofN. acicularis were more readily utilized than those ofNitzschia sp. andNavicula incerta. Because of differences in uptake rates of algal filtrates as a function of species, it is not possible to evaluate the bias due to interaction with dissolved substances in experimental studies assessing ingestion of live benthic diatoms byE. nebulosa.  相似文献   

Log phase endosymbiotic diatom species, Nitzschia valdestriata, N. laevis, N. panduriformis var. continua, N. frustulum var. subsalina and var. symbiotica, Amphora tenerima, Fragilaria shiloi and Navicula hanseniana, were aseptically exposed to an homogenate of freshly crushed foraminiferal host species (Amphistegina). To various degrees, depending upon endosymbiont species, the host homogenate affected the formation of new frustules of growing and dividing cells. F. shiloi was the most affected species. New cells were spheroids and had only vestiges of frustules or none at all. Fewer numbers of the other species tested (40 to 60%) were abnormal. The raphe and keel of affected Nitzschia spp. were usually curved and incomplete. Many cells were spherical. We infer that host substances are probably responsible for the maintenance of the frustule-less state in vivo and that if ingested potential endosymbionts escape digestion, they could become frustule-less after growth and cell division. Host homogenate also increased the levels of photosynthetate released by diatoms to their medium. N. valdestriata was stimulated to release 76% of its photosynthetate while other species tested were stimulated to release between one quarter to one half of their photosynthetate. Host homogenate was also effective in causing the release of 43% of the photosynthetate of a free-living diatom, Amphora sp., which was also tested in the experiment. The concentration of the metabolites released in the experiment was too low for us to identify by TLC.  相似文献   

Four species of estuarine benthic diatoms: Amphiprora c. f. paludosa W. Smith, Nitzschia c. f. dissipata (Kützing) Grunow, Navicula arenaria Donkin, and Nitzschia sigma (Kützing) W. Smith were grown in unialgal cultures. The growth rates of the diatoms were determined as the rate of increase of the chlorophyll a content of the cultures. The diatoms were cultured at different combinations of temperture, daylength, and quantum irradiance. The highest growth rates of Navicula arenaria occurred at 16° to 20°C; the other 3 species had their optimum at 25°C or higher. The small-celled species had higher growth rates at their optimum temperature, but at lower temperatures the growth rates of all 4 species became very similar. The minimum daily quantum irradiance that could effect light-saturated growth at 12° and 20°C ranged from 2.5 to 5.0 E.m-2.day-1. At 12°C, two species had their highest growth rates under an 8 h daily photoperiod. At 20°C, the three species tested all had highest growth rates under 16 h daily photoperiod. The growth response of the benthic diatoms is comparable to that of several cultures of planktonic diatoms, as described in the literature. The influence of temperature and quantum irradiance on the diatoms in the present investigation was comparable to the influence of temperature and light intensity on the 14C-fixation of marine benthic diatoms (Colijn and van Buurt, 1975).  相似文献   

S. -H. Oh  C. -H. Koh 《Marine Biology》1995,122(3):487-496
The relationship between the distribution of benthic diatoms and sediment characteristics of the Mangyung-Dongjin tidal flat on the west coast of Korea was investigated during June and July 1988. Diatoms were collected from the upper 5 mm of sediments at 60 sites along eight transect lines running perpendicular to the shore line. Of the 371 taxa encountered in the study area, 88% were pennate diatoms. Genera represented by the greatest number of species were Navicula, Nitzschia, Amphora, Cocconeis, Fragilaria and Achnanthes. The most abundant species were Paralia sulcata, Navicula sp. #1, N. arenaria and Cymatosira belgica; all were broadly distributed across the tidal flats. The 60 sites could be assigned to eight clusters with respect to similarity in species composition. Discriminant analysis showed that separation cluster was primarily related to the mean grain size of the sediment. The species could not be separated into groups based on similarities in occurrence; a high degree of spatial overlap was observed. The preferences of the more abundant species for grain size were, therefore, analysed by plotting numerical abundance against mean grain size. There were at least four patterns: species groups could be associated with finegrained sediments, those of intermediate size and coarser sediments and the last group showed no discernible pattern.  相似文献   

We studied benthic harpacticoid grazing on diatom algae from two sites on the White Sea intertidal sandflat. Diatoms from sediments and from harpacticoid gut contents were sampled in situ, identified and counted, and grazing rates were calculated by two ways: (1) using potential daily ration estimations and (2) from the gut content and gut-residence time data. Paraleptastacus kliei did not contain any diatoms in the guts and presumably fed on other objects (bacteria or flagellates). Two other dominating species studied, Heterolaophonte minuta and Huntemannia jadensis, contained an average of 604 and 222 diatom cells per specimen. Diet composition differed significantly from the natural algal community. Two diatoms of intermediate cell size (Nitzschia palea var. debilis and Navicula sp.) contributed 92–97% of gut content for H. minuta and 58–81% for Hn. jadensis, whereas these diatoms amounted to only about 10% of biomass in native community. Mean consumption rates were estimated as 50–200 μg of wet biomass/day/cm2, so the harpacticoids grazed only between 3 and 11% of the total microalgae biomass per day. The grazing impact on the two preferred diatom populations, however, was much more intensive, 10–30% per day for Navicula sp. and 55–228% for N. palea. Therefore, native harpacticoid populations demonstrate highly selective feeding and could be strongly limited by their food in spite of seemingly plentiful total abundance of microphytobenthos. This disproportionally high grazing pressure upon some species apparently could affect the structure of microalgae communities resulting in low relative abundance of mid-sized forms. We hypothesize that a very dynamic spatio-temporal distribution of epibenthic harpacticoids (short-living micropatches) may be the possible adaptation to such local food limitation.  相似文献   

Epilithic diatom assemblages were used to evaluate water quality in the Karasu River basin (Turkey), which was polluted by industrial, agricultural and urban wastes. A total of 73 diatom taxa belonging to 22 genera were found from all seven sampling stations located in the River basin. The most pollution tolerant species Gomphonema parvulum, Nitzchia palea, Navicula cryptocephala were found in high densities at the polluted stations. Organic load (COD), biological oxygen demand in 5 days (BOD5) and concentrations of nutrients NO3(-)-N, NO2(-)-N, NH4(+)-N and PO4(3-)-P) were correlated negatively with dissolved oxygen. Except for generic index of diatoms (GI), all diatom indices were correlated significantly with COD, BOD5 dissolved oxygen and concentrations of nutrients. Saprobity index (SI), trophic diatom index (TDI) and the percentage pollution tolerant valves values suggested that the stations III, IV located in the River basin were eutrophicated and organically polluted.  相似文献   

N. M. Saks 《Marine Biology》1983,76(3):241-246
Radionuclide labeled sodium bicarbonate and glucose were used to measure the rates of primary production and glucose uptake by Nitzschia obtusa var. undulata and Cymbella pusilla. The presence of glucose in the medium enhanced primary production in both diatom species. Uptake of glucose in C. pusilla was photoinhibited. A maximum of 9.3 nmol C mg dry wt-1 h-1 of glucose was taken up in the light without the presence of NaHCO3 in the medium and with NaHCO3 present the value was 18 nmol C mg dry wt-1 h-1. The ratio of inorganic carbon fixed to the total carbon budget (autotrophy and heterotrophy) was 0.51 for N. obtusa var. undulata and 0.62 for C. pusilla.  相似文献   

Antifouling agents, used to prevent biofouling, need to be assessed for their impacts on marine organisms and environment before the application. Diatoms are one of the main components of fouling biofilms, which play important roles in the formation of biofouling. Particularly, diatoms are also the important ingredients of primary production and present interest as ecotoxicological models in marine environment. In this study, two benthic diatoms Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima and Navicula climacospheniae, widely distributed in fouling biofilm, were used as models for screening the activities of potential antifoulants. Nine indole derivatives were tested and CuSO4 was used as a reference. Indole derivatives showed significant anti-algal activities and the EC50 values of most indole derivatives were lower than that of CuSO4. Halogen substituent enhanced the anti-algal activities of compounds, and the most efficient compounds for N. closterium f. minutissima were gramine and 7-chloroindole with the EC50 values of 1.94 and 2.1?mg/L, while for N. climacospheniae, 7-chloroindole and 6-bromoindole were the most efficient and the EC50 values were 3.91 and 4.25?mg/L, respectively. In conclusion, indole derivatives would be one of the promising candidates as antifoulants and our results strengthened the need to perform antifouling activity assays and environment-friendly evaluations.  相似文献   

从2003年3月到2004年2月,在水力负荷为600mm/d的条件下研究了人工湿地中试系统(medium scale plot,MSP)基质中藻类的组成.结果表明,栅藻、小球藻、盘星藻、空星藻、纤维藻、舟行藻、小环藻、平裂藻和颤藻属的一些种类在下行池基质各层不同季节均有出现,下行池表层藻类较丰;上行池基质中不同季节的藻类组成中念珠藻和鱼腥藻均为固氮种类,菱板藻、舟行藻和卵形藻属的一些种类在上行池表层出现较多,上行池藻类组成较下行池少.本实验探讨了在人工湿地基质中存在的藻类组成,为湿地除藻机理和评估系统的稳定性提供参考.图1表2参10  相似文献   

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