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正渔业补贴加剧过度捕捞全球海洋委员会日前发现,18个国家正在通过提供给渔业公司的补贴,间接支持掠夺公海渔业资源的行为。由此,渔业公司的船队可以进入公海捕获金枪鱼以及其他鱼类资源,这给全球食品安全带来威胁。各国政府应逐步停止补贴行为,让鱼类资源能有时间得到恢复。此外,各国还要减少塑料的使用比例,降低对海洋的污染。北美地壳发现大量地下水美国科学家近日在北美地壳数百公里之下发现了隐藏的水源,这一水源可能是迄今发现的最大地下水源,其水量可能比全世界海洋海水的水量更多。  相似文献   

青虾是松嫩平原盐碱湿地重要的渔业生物资源 ,具有一定的渔业经济价值。以新荒泡为例 ,介绍了青虾的生物学特征、资源利用现状及其增殖途径 ,提出了青虾的池塘、稻田与网箱养殖的模式及其主要技术措施。  相似文献   

1993至1994年,作者在青海省海西州德令哈市的尕海湖,对其自然环境、卤虫生物学基础和卤虫资源进行了调查,估计出全湖卤虫成体的现存量为900-1000吨,冬卵产量为30—50吨.提出了严禁捕捞开春卵、夏卵,合理开发冬卵,适当开发成虫和加强管理等意见.冬卵的采捕量以不超过20—40吨为宜.  相似文献   

近年来,渔业水域污染纠纷案件经常发生。水污染事故的发生往往伴随着对渔业资源的损失和对渔业生产的破坏,为及时、公正地调查处理渔业水域污染事故,维护国家、集体和公民的合法权益,现就此类案件处理中应注意的几个问题作以探讨。一、关于损害事实的认定渔业水域污染事故是指由于单位和个人将某种物质和能量引入渔业水域,损坏渔业水体使用功能,影响渔业水域内的生物繁殖、生长或造成该生物死亡、数量减少,以及造成该生物有毒有害物质积累、质量下降等,对渔业资源和渔业生产造成损害的事实。因污染事故而导致的对渔业生产的损害,可以由主管…  相似文献   

旅游资源是开展旅游活动,发展旅游业的物质基础。对其进行综合客观的评价,是合理保护与开发旅游资源的重要依据。1994年,武当山古建筑群作为文化遗产被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列入《世界遗产名录》。以武当山为例,利用Yaahp软件,基于AHP法对其旅游资源进行定量分析,得出各指标相对权重。结果表明,武当山资源价值在旅游资源评价中具有重要的地位。根据评价结果及遗产地旅游现状,提出防止旅游过度开发和资源不合理利用的保护性开发策略,以促使遗产保护与旅游活动协同发展。  相似文献   

资源型城市在中国经济发展过程中起着重要作用,但近年来随着资源的过度开发,资源型城市的发展面临着一系列问题.以大庆市为例,通过对大庆问题的分析,得出影响大庆发展的根本性问题是刚性产业结构,阐述了其带来的诸如经济发展缓慢、失业、政府能力低下等严重影响.在大庆自身优势的基础上,围绕解决刚性结构提出了发展措施.  相似文献   

药用石斛的资源危机与保护对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
独特的生物学特性、生态环境被破坏、过度采挖、科研滞后等因素是导致石斛资源危机的根源.通过建立自然保护区,加强资源保护立法和宣传,加强引种驯化和栽培技术等基础研究,建立科学的采收方法,建立物种保护信息管理系统及临控等措施对资源进行保护和开发利用.  相似文献   

366平方公里的白洋淀是一个放大的“公共池塘”,它容纳和净化污染的能力是一种资源。多年来这个资源被过度使用,从而对我国流域水污染治理制度改革提出了强烈诉求。  相似文献   

中国是资源大国,同时又是人口大国.中国经济社会发展正在经历从资源过度消耗、牺牲环境促进经济规模的扩张到人与自然和谐,最终实现人类社会经济的可持续发展的过程.在分析中国资源节约型、环境友好型社会选择背景的基础上,阐明节约型与友好型社会的本质与内涵,提出了资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设的保障措施.  相似文献   

预防注射不可少为避免传染疾病,旅游前可参考旅游地点的环境,于出发前打必要的预防针,如“流感疫苗、A 型及 B 型肝炎疫苗、破伤风、白喉辱疫苗,以及服用防疟药物等,以避免传染疾病。多喝水旅游时应多多补充水分,可减少肠胃不适的机率;多喝水能让皮肤润滑、拍照更美丽;飞机上多喝水,可减少被传染病菌的机率;高血压、缺血性心脏病患者出游时尤需多补充水分,并要注重睡眠,随时注意血压。  相似文献   

我国渔港经济区发展现状、问题及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展渔港经济区对调整渔业产业结构,促进渔业增效和渔民增收,激活渔区经济,加快海洋经济步伐,全面建设小康社会具有重要的意义。对我国渔港经济区的发展现状、特点进行了梳理,在分析目前存在问题的基础上,提出了建设渔港经济区的相关建议,以期对相关决策部门制定战略提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Bycatch of turtles in passive inland fyke net fisheries has been poorly studied, yet bycatch is an important conservation issue given the decline in many freshwater turtle populations. Delayed maturity and low natural adult mortality make turtles particularly susceptible to population declines when faced with additional anthropogenic adult mortality such as bycatch. When turtles are captured in fyke nets, the prolonged submergence can lead to stress and subsequent drowning. Fish die within infrequently checked passive fishing nets and dead fish are a potential food source for many freshwater turtles. Dead fish could thus act as attractants and increase turtle captures in fishing nets. We investigated the attraction of turtles to decomposing fish within fyke nets in eastern Ontario. We set fyke nets with either 1 kg of one-day or five-day decomposed fish, or no decomposed fish in the cod-end of the net. Decomposing fish did not alter the capture rate of turtles or fish, nor did it alter the species composition of the catch. Thus, reducing fish mortality in nets using shorter soak times is unlikely to alter turtle bycatch rates since turtles were not attracted by the dead fish. Interestingly, turtle bycatch rates increased as water temperatures did. Water temperature also influences turtle mortality by affecting the duration turtles can remain submerged. We thus suggest that submerged nets to either not be set or have reduced soak times in warm water conditions (e.g., >20 °C) as turtles tend to be captured more frequently and cannot withstand prolonged submergence.  相似文献   

渔港布局及沿海渔港经济圈的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"点-轴系统"空间结构理论是区域开发的基础性理论.在渔港布局中运用该理论,首先确定各个海湾区域的重点渔港与城镇之间的多级发展轴线,在此基础上构建多个沿海渔港经济圈,带动渔港和海岸带的经济发展.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The degree of progress achieved under the 1972 Clean Water Act is reviewed by reference to traditional measures of program implementation, and to evidence of tangible, or “real-world” progress, such as beach closures, drinking water contamination, fishing bans and advisories, species health, and habitat degradation. Significant progress has been made in reducing pollution from point sources, but large point source releases of toxic and other pollutants remain. Little progress has been made in addressing runoff pollution, and in protecting aquatic habitats. Clean Water Act reauthorization should focus on pollution prevention to reduce further the release of toxics by point sources, a new program of mandatory but flexible controls on sources of runoff, and watershed protection programs to promote habitat protection and restoration. Economic factors should be considered in Clean Water Act programs, but must be balanced against scientific and governmental factors as well.  相似文献   

Saltwater fishing tournaments in the United States are generally not regulated nor are there different fishing regulations for tournament and nontournament anglers. Although much is known about those who participate in fishing tournaments in terms of their fishing motivations, attitudes, and characteristics, much less is known at the angler population level regarding their preferences for tournament opportunities. Using a stated preference choice model with hypothetical scenarios to simulate participation choices and understand preferences, study objectives were to identify angler preferences for various types of tournament fishing “products.” Four tournament policy characteristics were investigated: promotion of catch and release, bait restrictions, whether a percentage of the tournament entrance fee should go to support fishery management activities, and whether a tournament should be a nonprofit or profit-making venture. Three expectation attributes were inserted: tournament size, trip cost per day, and whether a tournament is family friendly. We sent seven different versions of the mail questionnaire to 1,633 anglers. Of 795 returns, 648 were used for estimating conditional logit models. Analysis indicated that a scenario with no management interventions was not most preferred. Anglers most preferred a conservation-oriented option that introduced additional management measures. Overall, scenarios with management interventions were more favored than the status quo situation (with no management interventions). Although respondents showed reluctance to adopt other management-related options, results generally indicated they were increasingly concerned with sustainability of fish stocks and potential conflicts between tournament and nontournament users and preferred tournament products that reflect these concerns.  相似文献   

This study examined whether a measured increase in average body size of adult sea scallops inside three fishery closed areas on Georges Bank (GB), United States (US), was sufficient to increase larval supply to closed areas and open fishing areas in both US and Canadian areas of the Bank. The effects of adult scallop density-at-size and fecundity-at-size on egg production were compared among open and closed fishery areas, countries, and time periods before and after the closed areas were established. Estimated egg production was then used to define spawning conditions in a coupled biological–physical larval tracking model that simulated larval development, mortality, and dispersal. Results showed that order of magnitude increases in larval settlement after closure were facilitated by increases in size-dependant egg production inside and dispersal from Closed Areas I and II, but not Nantucket Lightship Closed Area. The distributions of both egg production and larval settlement became more uniform across the Bank, causing the relative contribution of Canadian larvae to US scallop aggregations to decrease after establishment of Closed Areas I and II. Decreases in small and medium-sized scallop density in Canada and decreases in large scallops over the US-Southern Flank after closure caused local declines in egg production but were not sufficient to negatively affect larval settlement at the regional scale. Our model suggests that the establishment of fishery closed areas on GB considerably strengthened larval supply and settlement within and among several adult scallop aggregations.  相似文献   

The ability of six-year-old children to combine perspectives of spatial layouts in their own neighbourhood was assessed. The children were asked to imagine themselves as being at a particular reference site and to decide which of two landmarks was closer to the site. From a theoretical point of view, one should not expect six-year-olds to have acquired projective and Euclidian concepts. Nevertheless, the judgements were internally consistent and tended to be veridical. This sensitiveness to relative and absolute accuracy was interpreted as a step towards a general cognitive capacity, governing the representation of spatial relations. Distances to the home were underestimated relative distances to other landmarks. Also estimations from the home tended to be more accurate than estimations from other reference sites. These results suggest that the home acts as a central reference point in children's mental representation of the environment.  相似文献   

The management of small-scale freshwater fisheries in Amazon has been based usually on surveys of urban markets, while fisheries of rural villages have gone unnoticed. We compared the fishing characteristics (catch, effort and selectivity) between an urban market and five small villages in the Lower Tocantins River (Brazilian Amazon), downstream from a large reservoir. We recorded 86 and 601 fish landings in the urban market and villages, respectively, using the same methodology. The urban fishers showed higher catch per unit of effort, higher amount of ice (related to a higher fishing effort, as ice is used to store fish catches) and larger crew size per fishing trip, but village fishers had a higher estimated annual fish production. Conversely, urban and village fishers used similar fishing gear (gillnets) and the main fish species caught were the same. However, village fishers showed more diverse strategies regarding gear, habitats and fish caught. Therefore, although it underestimated the total amount of fish caught in the Lower Tocantins River region, the data from the urban market could be a reliable indicator of main fish species exploited and fishing gear used by village fishers. Monitoring and management should consider the differences and similarities between urban and rural fisheries, in Amazon and in other tropical regions.  相似文献   

The integration of local harvesters' knowledge of attitudes and practices toward the resources they harvest with scientific information is essential to natural resources management. However, the development and implementation of management policies have, in most cases, not been effective because of a failure to use all available sources of information and knowledge. In fisheries management, local knowledge is usually not collected in a systematic format and little published literature has discussed the use of local knowledge data collection and analysis methods. This paper describes the implementation of geographic information systems to systematize, analyze, and display traditional and scientific information to support fisheries management in the Patos Lagoon Estuary, southern Brazil. Artisanal fishing data were documented through a series of interviews conducted during and after fishing trips at harvest spots, and scientific data on environmental variables were obtained from different research institutions. A multi-layer GIS database integrating local fishers' and scientific knowledge information was developed with ArcGIS 8.3 ArcView tools to integrate and translate information into an accessible and interpretable format. The geo-spatial database interface allowed the selection of specific data characteristics by target species, harvest areas, fishers' communities, fishing gear, catch-per-unit of effort (CPUE), and monthly landings. The observed fishing spatial dynamics presented among the fishers' communities shows that, in most cases, artisanal fishermen tend to concentrate in shallow estuarine waters surrounding their villages.  相似文献   

The small-scale fishing sector in sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing multiple challenges, mainly related to various governance issues. This study assessed the governance approach at a small-scale Lake Itezhi-Tezhi fishery, Zambia and how it relates to sustainable fishing. Data were collected through a mixed-methods approach. The governance approach was assessed by legitimacy criterion. The study revealed that there was no co-management in place but a dual governance approach—fishing community-based approach and central government-controlled approach. Both were ineffective, mainly due to lack of adherence to the legislation for local community participation in fisheries governance and an inadequate policy framework to guide the governance process. Also, the governance approaches lacked legitimacy with stakeholders. As such, unsustainable fishing practices had continued. To move towards sustainable fishing at the fishery, the study suggested the following measures: active stakeholders' collaboration and engagement with the government for prompt implementation of legislation that promotes active local fishers' participation; establishment of an appropriate fisheries policy; and ultimately, a transformation of the current governance approach into a legitimate co-management governance approach. These suggested recommendations might be useful to other African small-scale inland fisheries with similar governance challenges, and also towards meeting Sustainable Development Goal 14 on sustainable fishing.  相似文献   

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