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我国农药环境优先控制品种的筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
减量使用农药是当今国际环境保护发展的必然趋势。农药使用量的减少首先是控制那些环境危害较大的农药品种的生产使用。针对近年来我国农药环境污染与危害日趋严重的状况,建立了适合我国国情的农药环境优先控制品种的筛选程序方法。筛选出16种我国近期应优先控制的农药品种,以此作为加强农药环境管理,从宏观上根本控制我国农药环境危害的有效手段。  相似文献   

有机磷农药乐果降解的研究现状与进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机磷农药一方面能有效防治农林病虫害,造福于人类,另一方面也给人类赖于生存的环境带来危害。有机磷农药在环境中的降解性能,是评价有机磷农药对环境危害影响的重要指标,有机磷农药在环境中的残留时间越长,对环境的污染及其对各种环境生物,甚至对人类的危害也越大。有机磷农药在环境中的降解,包括微生物降解、光化学降解、化学氧化降解和超声波降解。不同的降解方式,由于影响因素和相关机理的不同,各种降解特性存在着一定的差异。  相似文献   

目前,我国每年残留于田间的农药包装废弃物约有十万吨以上,其污染产生的环境危害日益显现,加强农药包装废弃物环境管理势在必行。建立基于生产、使用、回收及安全处置各环节管理的农药包装废弃物污染防治政策规范体系,是提升我国农药废弃包装物环境安全管理水平、保障农村生态环境安全的不二选择。  相似文献   

近年来,随着现代农业生产的迅速发展,农业环境危害因素日渐增加。这些危害因素包括有机粉尘、无机粉尘,农药、有毒气体、化学致癌物以及生物因素等。接触上述危害因素,对呼吸系统可产生多方面的损伤,如鼻炎、气管支气管炎、哮喘、气道阻塞、化学性肺炎、肺水肿、过敏性肺炎、尘肺,甚至肺癌等。  相似文献   

浅析环境危害的排除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为合理有效地救济当事人因环境侵权所遭受的损害,发挥环境侵权损害责任中排除危害方式的积极作用,文章首先对环境危害排除的含义、适用标准和实现途径作了初步的介绍,最后针对我国实践中环境危害排除的现状,给出了相对应的对策.  相似文献   

针对频发的突发性水污染事故,阐述了在风险预警系统建立的基础上,如何依据水体中污染物迁移转化基本方程进行合理简化和数学推导,得出用于鉴别环境危害状态、表征环境危害程度、描述事故危害等级、估算事故危害区范围和危害时间的风险评估模式。该模式可为环境风险管理以及突发性环境污染应急预案的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为推动全球化学品统一分类和标签制度(GHS)在我国的技术实施,结合2004—2012年常规(正常)申报登记新化学物质的水生环境危害分类情况,探讨了新化学物质GHS水生环境危害分类方法,对分类标准应用、数据选择、分类程序、危害类别判定、分类结论表达等方面进行论述,分析了常见难于试验新化学物质分类方法,明确了分类涉及的相关技术问题。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了农药污染与环境保护之间的关系问题。作为农业生产必须的原材料之一,农药在农业发展中起了很大作用。与此同时,由于农药具备一定的毒害性,因此在使用不当等情况下会对环境造成污染,本文主要就我国农药污染现状、农药危害和农药危害防治措施等几个方面对该问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

重大环境污染事件频发的法律反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国环境污染危害已经到了一个集中暴发期 许多人看到近期环境污染事件被大量报道就简单地认为是环境问题变得严重了,其实不是这么简单.由于环境污染和破坏后果有一定的滞后性,目前环境危害的发生是与30年来经济快速发展、环境保护投入严重不足、环境执法不严紧密相连的,而非一朝一夕的事情.  相似文献   

目前,我国环境法的修改势在必行.关于环境法修改中应当关注的问题,关注环境法修改模式和指导思想的较多,而对现行环境法的一个重大缺陷--环境公平问题的忽视却鲜有提及.传统环境法学理论把环境问题看成是学术性问题,这种理念背后的假设是人具有同质性,环境危害具有整体性,环境问题对所有人的危害是一样的.  相似文献   

China has announced plans to stabilize its pesticide use by 2020. Yet, future climate change will possibly increase the difficulty of meeting this goal. This study uses econometric estimation to explore how climate impacts Chinese pesticide usage and subsequently to project the future implications of climate change on pesticide use. The results indicate that both atmospheric temperature and precipitation increase pesticide usage. Under current climate change projections, pesticide usage will rise by +1.1 to 2.5% by 2040, +2.4 to 9.1% by 2070, and +2.6 to 18.3% by 2100. Linearly extrapolating the results to 2020 yields an approximately 0.5 to 1.2% increase. Thus, to achieve stabilization, more severe actions are needed to address this increase. Possible actions to achieve the reductions needed include using better monitoring and early warning networks so as to permit early responses to climate change-stimulated increases, enhancing information dissemination, altering crop mix, and promoting nonchemical control means. Additionally, given that increased pesticide usage generally increases health and environmental damage, there may be a need to more widely disseminate safe application procedure information while also strengthening compliance with food safety regulations. Furthermore, pest control strategies will need to be capable of evolving as climate change proceeds. Globally, efforts could be made to (1) scale up agrometeorological services, especially in developing countries; (2) use international frameworks to better align the environmental and health standards in developing countries with those in developed countries; and (3) adapt integrated pest management practices to climate change, especially for fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

Pesticide use in agriculture can cause undesirable effects on humans and the natural environment. One of the objectives of integrated agriculture is the elimination or reduction of possible sources of environmental pollution such as pesticides. To achieve this objective, farmers need a method to assist them in estimating the environmental impact of pesticide use. This paper addresses a two-part question: what factors should be taken into consideration to assess pesticide environmental impact, and how can impact be quantified? As the environmental impact of a pesticide depends on its dispersion in the environment and on its toxicological properties, the literature on these topics is reviewed to address the first part of the question. To address the second part of the question, six recent approaches to assess the impact of pesticides on the environment are compared regarding choice, transformation and aggregation of input parameters. The use of simulation models to assess environmental impact is discussed.  相似文献   

环境污染会引起染色体畸变而形成微核.本实验表明农药甲胺膦对蚕豆根尖有明显的微核效应,在一定范围内微核率与实验用农药甲胺膦浓度成正比.当甲胺膦达到一定浓度时即成为诱变污染物,对遗传物质表现出明显的损伤作用.浓度越高,损伤越严重.  相似文献   

农药环境管理与污染控制   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
全面、系统地分析了国内外在农药环境安全管理与研究、污染控制技术方面的现状和发展趋势,并提出在今后五至十五须加强研究和技术开发的领域和内容。  相似文献   

环境本身损害的责任缺失是我国环境污染管理中亟待解决的突出问题。文章从社会经济系统与其支撑环境间作用关系过程链的三个响应环节出发,分析了建立环境本身损害责任机制的作用、意义及环境本身损害赔偿的内涵与构成。提出了围绕突发性污染排放问题,以恢复环境为目标,衔接我国环境应急管理系统实施环境本身损害责任的构架。结合突发性污染排放建立环境损害的恢复责任,对推进环境污染损害管理和深化污染事故应急处置具有重要支持作用。  相似文献   

我国是农药的生产和使用大国,农药工业的危险废物因产量大、毒性强、处理处置困难等问题引起了公众和管理者的广泛关注。梳理和阐明农药工业危险废物的产生来源、污染特性及环境风险关键节点对于我国农药工业危险废物的管理具有重要的支撑作用。母液、废酸、废盐和污泥是农药工业中产生量最大的几类危险废物。农药工业危险废物中所含的污染物种类繁多,主要为残留的反应原料、副反应产物和农药有效成分。目前,农药工业副产物的利用环节是农药工业危险废物处理处置过程中环境风险的关键节点。针对农药工业危险废物利用处置过程中存在的问题,建议生态环境管理部门制定完善的污染控制标准,并采取针对性政策鼓励和引导企业研发先进工艺,开展源头减量,提高资源化利用水平,全面提升农药工业固体废物的环境风险防治水平。  相似文献   

锡林郭勒盟是我国重要的煤炭能源基地,近年来,煤电一体化开发为地区带来经济效益的同时也给环境带来巨大压力,大面积的草原受到破坏和威胁,引发了一系列生态问题,需要在锡盟未来的地区经济发展中引起注意。应该借鉴国际上对煤炭业开征环境保护税的经验,进行我国草原区煤炭业环境保护税费改革的制度设计和政策落实。  相似文献   

Green accounts or input–output accounting systems (IOA) have been developed in countries with intensive agricultural production to facilitate voluntary improvements in farm environmental performance. There is a need for an overview of indicators used and a review of results and experiences reported. Ten IOA systems covering the topics of the farm’s use of nutrients, pesticides and energy were selected from a survey of 55 systems and compared in this paper. The approaches and indicators used vary from systems based on good agricultural practices (GAP) to accounts based systems that use physical input–output units. Many IOA systems use farm gate nutrient balances, pesticide use per hectare and energy use per kilogram product. These indicators are easy to calculate but the resulting value needs separate interpretation for the farmer. Other systems include modeled emissions and rate the yearly farm results using closed scales, which allows for easy interpretation but builds on implicit normative assumptions of best practices. Participating farmers were most often reported to be motivated for the use of IOA but empirical evidence of improved environmental farm performance was scarce. IOA systems should be linked with production planning tools used by the advisory services. Farmers and advisors needs better reference values to evaluate the indicator levels (environmental performance) on the individual farm possibly based on analysis of a larger number of farms. The statistical properties of IOA indicators need to be researched regarding: (1) the relation between changed management practice and changes in indicator values on a given farm over a period of time; (2) the relative importance of systematic versus coincidental differences in environmental performance of a set of farms. It is concluded that IOA systems could become effective tools for agri-environmental improvement of European farms given further development and standardization.  相似文献   

水泥窑共处置废农药生命周期评价研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
国内在水泥窑共处置废农药方面的研究处于起步阶段. 通过开展试烧试验,以生命周期评价方法(LCA)为研究手段, 对水泥窑共处置废农药技术的环境影响进行评价,并与危险废物的其他处置方法做比较,以处置1 kg危险废物为功能单位. 结果表明,常规危险废物焚烧的综合环境负荷指数为1.428 4×10-12 a-1, 而水泥窑中共处置废农药的综合环境负荷指数为0.183 9×10-12 a-1,远低于常规危险废物焚烧.   相似文献   

农药在大棚蔬菜上的残留消解   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对6种农药在7种大棚作物上的共14次农药残留消解试验,及与露地作物所作的比较表明,除粉锈宁在大棚草莓上的消解外,农药在大棚蔬菜上的残留消解速度要慢于露地蔬菜,大棚空间农药沉降于蔬菜,是消解慢的重要原因,而环境条件对消解的影响程度还需进一步研究。该文指出,消解慢和大棚空气中浓度高;是大棚生产中两个突出的农药污染问题,前者导致上市大棚蔬菜的农药超标率高,后者为农事操作人员带来了恶劣的工作条件,需采  相似文献   

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