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While forest ecosystem classification work in Quebec has traditionally concentrated on inventory and mapping, more effort is now being placed on developing field guides similar to those produced in other Canadian provinces. As part of a project to produce a practical forest ecosystem field guide for the Amos Lowlands Ecological Region in northwestern Quebec, existing sub-regional ecological studies were exploited in order to develop a regional classification of forest ecosystems, or forest stations. Review of four fundamental studies provided a list of 107 ecological phases, each representing a particular combination of forest composition, surface deposit type and moisture regime. A series of silvicultural and environmental interpretations were developed and values for each were attributed to the ecological phases. Cluster analysis was then performed to classify phases into 29 broader units. A large, regional biophysical database which became available later in the project provided a means of validating and effectively modifying the classification. The justifications for using the original approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Using ICP-SMS and the clean lab methods and procedures developed for determining trace element concentrations in polar snow and ice, a lower limit of detection (LOD) of 30 pg l(-1) for Sb and 5 pg l(-1) for Sc was achieved, allowing the natural abundances of Sb and Sc to be measured in pristine groundwaters. Water samples were collected from natural flows and wells between Elmvale and Wyevale in Springwater Township, Ontario, Canada. The water in this region is derived from chemical reactions between meteoric fluids and the Quaternary sediments which cover the bedrock (dolomitic limestone) to depths of more than 100 m. The chemical composition of these waters (pH 8) is primarily a reflection of reactions between the percolating fluids with calcite and dolomite. The maximum concentration of Sb was 5.0 ng l(-1), and the average of all samples collected was 2.2 +/- 1.2 ng l(-1) (n = 34). The average concentration of Sc was 8.6 +/- 4.7 ng l(-1) (n = 28). The paucity of published Sb concentration data available for comparison is probably because most of the analytical methods commonly used to date, including GFAAS, HG-AAS, HG-AFS, INAA, and ICP-QMS, have lower limits of detection which are inadequate for reliably determining the natural abundance of Sb in many uncontaminated groundwaters. Also, the measurement of extremely low concentrations of Sb requires extra care to avoid possible contamination. Given the extensive use of Sb in plastics, we show that some of the containers used to collect and store samples, and for handling and preparing samples for chemical analyses, may be important sources of contamination in the laboratory. The Sb and Sc concentrations reported here should serve as reference values for this region, against which contamination by various human impacts in future could be compared.  相似文献   

Sequestration of carbon through expansion and management offorestland can assist in reducing greenhouse gas concentrationsin the atmosphere. Quantification of the amount of carbonpresents an ongoing challenge that calls for new approaches.These new approaches must seek to simplify the science-basedaccounting of carbon storage and flux, while adhering to generalprinciples of greenhous gas accounting. Quantifying change incarbon storage and carbon flux consists of two steps: developinga baseline of carbon storage, and measuring resulting storageand flux following a change of conditions. A methodology isproposed that accomplishes both steps, applicable to anaggregate-level analysis using the state of Iowa (U.S.A.) as a case study. The method combines existing databasesfrom the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA), and merges these with the methods of Birdsey(USDA, 1992, 1995; IPCC, 1997; EIIP, 1999) for partitioningcarbon stocks into storage pools. Forested ecosystems in the study area contain approximately 137.3 metric tons organiccarbon per hectare, or 114 million metric tons of carbon inaggregate. Of this total, 44.7 million tons are stored inbiomass tissue, and 69.2 million tons of carbon are contained insoils. Carbon flux due to forests in the state of Iowa isestimated to be a net annual sequestration (removal from theatmosphere) of 4.3 million metric tons of CO2-equivalent,approximately 5% of the net annual CO2-equivalentemissions from the state (Ney et al., 1996).  相似文献   

In 1996, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Republic of Panama's Environmental Authority, with support fromthe United States Agency for International Development, undertook a comprehensive program to monitor the ecosystem of the Panama Canal watershed. The goals were to establish baselineindicators for the integrity of forest communities and rivers. Based on satellite image classification and ground surveys, the2790 km2 watershed had 1570 km2 of forest in 1997, 1080 km2 of which was in national parks and nature monuments. Most of the 490 km2 of forest not currently in protected areas lies along the west bank of the Canal, and its managementstatus after the year 2000 turnover of the Canal from the U.S. to Panama remains uncertain. In forest plots designed to monitorforest diversity and change, a total of 963 woody plant specieswere identified and mapped. We estimate there are a total of 850–1000 woody species in forests of the Canal corridor. Forestsof the wetter upper reaches of the watershed are distinct in species composition from the Canal corridor, and have considerably higher diversity and many unknown species. Theseremote areas are extensively forested, poorly explored, and harbor an estimated 1400–2200 woody species. Vertebrate monitoring programs were also initiated, focusing on species threatened by hunting and forest fragmentation. Large mammals are heavily hunted in most forests of Canal corridor, and therewas clear evidence that mammal density is greatly reduced in hunted areas and that this affects seed predation and dispersal. The human population of the watershed was 113 000 in 1990, and grew by nearly 4% per year from 1980 to 1990. Much of this growth was in a small region of the watershed on the outskirts of Panama City, but even rural areas, including villages near and within national parks, grew by 2% per year. There is no sewage treatment in the watershed, and many towns have no trashcollection, thus streams near large towns are heavily polluted. Analyses of sediment loads in rivers throughout the watershed did not indicate that erosion has been increasing as a result ofdeforestation, rather, erosion seems to be driven largely by total rainfall and heavy rainfall events that cause landslides.Still, models suggest that large-scale deforestation would increase landslide frequency, and failure to detect increases inerosion could be due to the gradual deforestation rate and the short time period over which data are available. A study of runoff showed deforestation increased the amount of water fromrainfall that passed directly into streams. As a result, dry season flow was reduced in a deforested catchment relative to aforested one. Currently, the Panama Canal watershed has extensive forest areasand streams relatively unaffected by humans. But impacts of hunting and pollution near towns are clear, and the burgeoningpopulation will exacerbate these impacts in the next few decades.Changes in policies regarding forest protection and pollution control are necessary.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is essential for forest growth and forest stand development. It is commonly a limited factor for forest productivity. We examined delta (15)N values in soils and plants by studying the sources of N used by vegetation and cycles of N in a 43-year-old plantation of the TieShanPing forest ecosystem in southwestern China, dominated by massone pine (Pinus massoniana). The N concentration of plant materials ranges from 1.1% to 2.2%. The nitrogen concentration of P. massoniana was 1.3% while soils showed the concentration of 0.04-0.15%. Regarding natural abundance of (15)N, large significant variation (-6.0 per thousand to -3.8 per thousand) in delta (15)N values was observed among shrub and tree leaves. delta (15)N values were also significantly varied from -4.7 per thousand to -3.8 per thousand among the pioneer species in the plantation. Soil delta (15)N values (3.1-6.3 per thousand) were significantly enriched compared to those values in plant samples. Despite the negative delta (15)N values of the vegetation cover, the high delta (15)N values in the topsoil indicate that return of N to soils by litter-fall is minimal on TieShanPing and the present forests do not change very much the soil (15)N signals at the surface layer. The positive delta (15)N values may also indicate large N losses from the soil system vial leaching, volatilization and plant uptake.  相似文献   

The validity of a steady-state massbalance model (Arp et al., 1996; referred to asARP) was tested using physicochemical soil data fromthe Monitoring Acid Rain Youth Program (MARYP). FourARP sites were matched with ten MARYP sites accordingto proximity, bedrock type and subsoil pH to test thevalidity of the ARP model for critical loadexceedances. Soil solution pH, base concentration andAl concentration from MARYP sites, which were wellmatched to ARP sites, validated the modelled criticalload exceedances. Higher exceedance areas wereassociated with more acidic pH and lower base andhigher Al concentrations from matched MARYP sites andvice versa. One ARP site was inappropriately matchedwith MARYP sites and could not be validated using baseand Al concentrations. This study also confirmed thesouthern limit of the zero critical load exceedanceisopleth from the model. However, variability of theother exceedance isopleths was noted due to thelimited number of sites used in the model. Thevalidation of these sites in the ARP model and thezero critical load exceedance isopleth nonethelessallows greater confidence in using this model as amanagement tool for acidic deposition.  相似文献   

Hyalella azteca (Crustacea: Amphipoda), water and sediments from 12 circum-neutral lakes between Sudbury and North Bay in Ontario, Canada were sampled in August 1998 and analyzed for 10 metals including Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Co, Mo, V, Ba and Ti. Statistical analyses showed that concentrations of the metals in H. azteca, water and sediment differed significantly (ANOVA, P<0.05) among lakes (except for Zn and Pb in H. azteca and Mo in water). There was a trend of declining metal concentration, especially for Cu, Ni and Co (in water, Hyalella and sediment), with distance from the smelters indicating the reduced impact of atmospheric pollution. Metal concentrations of lakes (water) in the Sudbury area were found to be lower compared to data from the 1970s and 1980s indicating an improvement in water quality. Metal concentrations in field-collected amphipods compared favorably with those measured in the laboratory in animals exposed to deep-water sediments, provided metal concentrations were not extremely low (e.g., Pb) and that water chemistry differences (e.g., pH) were taken into account for some metals (especially Cd). In general bioaccumulation of metals in H. azteca was predicted better from surface water than from sediment total metal.  相似文献   

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - Streams and rivers cover a larger proportion of the Earth’s surface but are highly affected by human pressures. Conversely, bioassessment methods are...  相似文献   

Scholars have been increasingly investigating legislative changes in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, most of the existing evaluation frameworks have been applied to ex-post scenarios, after EIA laws and respective policies and regulations had been implemented for some time. This article has a twofold objective: first, to propose an ex-ante framework for the evaluation of proposed EIA laws and, second, to test the application of the framework to bills C-69 and PL-3729, which target federal-level EIA reform in Canada and Brazil, respectively. The proposed framework is meant to indicate the extent to which proposed legislative changes meet 50 good practice criteria, thus providing a more balanced and transparent account of the issues that should be addressed effectively in the legislative process and in future regulations and guidelines. Results indicate very contrasting scope and potential effects of proposed legislative changes in the two countries. Brazil's bill is essentially intended to integrate existing regulations into a law that would make EIA faster, simpler and less frequent. Canada's bill, recently approved by Parliament, includes a new Impact Assessment Act that is expected to deliver more comprehensive and credible assessments. The ex-ante framework, by exposing how close or distant proposed EIA regimes are from good practices, can be particularly helpful in lawmaking and regulatory design. The article finally discusses limitations and highlights future avenues of research.  相似文献   

For the sustainable development of forest land, as recently prescribed by the Canadian Forest Strategy, a land classification project in northern Newfoundland was initiated to support the local forest management activities. The method adopted here is a modification of the Canadian Committee for Ecological Land Classification's (CCELC) system, and it applies various levels of mapping to uniform areas based on geomorphology, soils, vegetation, climate, water, and fauna.In this study, all CCELC levels were mapped; resulting maps were digitized and imported into a Geographic Informations System (GIS). The GIS data base contained the following maps: 1) digital terrain model, 2) bedrock geology, 3) surficial geology, 4) forest inventory, and 5) various levels of the ecological land classification, including Vegetation Types at the lowest level. In addition to the mapping, mensurational data were analyzed to provide stand and stock tables for each of the forest types, including growth curves that could be entered into specific forest growth modelling systems to predict wood supply scenarios based upon different management interventions.  相似文献   

We describe a general computer program which employs novel techniques to analyze carbon (energy) and nutrient flows in complex food webs. The program uses estimates of metabolic/physiological parameters and ecosystem fluxes to simultaneously calculate the most likely balanced flux charts for carbon and a nutrient. We give an example of how the model can explore the theoretical issues involved with nutrient limitation and recycling.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in environs of the sacred grove of Garhwal Himalaya, India, with a view to assess the impacts of sacred groves and forests on the quality and quantity of water and also to assess the effect of seasonality on perennial stream quality. Water samples were collected from three randomly selected stream spots of both the sacred grove dominated by deodar (Cedrus deodara) and the non-sacred patch dominated by oak (Quercus leucotrichophora). Water samples from both patches were within the World Health Organization (WHO) standard limits. Based on an already established water quality index, water quality of both patches was safe for domestic and irrigation purposes but needs treatment for drinking purposes. Results of the present study also showed a very prominent impact of forest type as well as management condition on water quality and quantity. The water discharge from an oak forest shows more consistency than the discharge from a deodar forest. Due to the presence of the sacred grove, the area has become the source of good quality water supply during lean season for the surrounding villages. Water quality and quantity differed along with the change in season. The sacred grove and the existing forest leave a great impression on local dwellers, as due to its presence, local dwellers never run out of water supply during the dry season. As a result, the villagers sincerely want to protect the area for the sake of their own well-being.  相似文献   

The lakes in KillarneyProvincial Park, located 40–60 km southwest ofSudbury, Ontario, were some of the first lakesin North America to be acidified by atmosphericpollutants. Acidification affected thousandsof fish and invertebrate populations in dozensof lakes. Since the 1970's, water quality hasimproved in response to atmospheric pollutionreductions and some lakes have alreadyrecovered to approximately their pre-industrialpH levels, as inferred from diatom microfossilsin lake sediments. Since the 1970's, fishspecies richness has not changed substantially,but zooplankton species richness has increasedin acidified lakes. The critical sulphur load,the amount of SO2-derived acid depositionthat can occur while still maintaining suitable water quality, was estimated to beexceeded in 38% of the park area in 1997. Depending on which of four possible NorthAmerican emission control scenarios (CLR =currently legislated reduction; CLR + 25%; CLR+ 50%; CLR + 75%) is achieved by 2010, theprojected critical loads will be exceeded inabout 0-30% of the park area in the future. There are many factors that can affectbiological recovery rates of damaged lakes, butit is expected that biological recovery willlag considerably behind observed chemicalrecovery rates.  相似文献   

Kidney and muscle samples were collected from 197 bovine and 33 porcine carcasses and liver and muscle from 115 poultry carcasses across the province. These tissues were analyzed for the following 13 elements, Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn. The intent of the study was to determine normal background levels. Tissue concentration of these elements fell into five orders of magnitude ranging from < 10 g kg–1 for Ag to over 10 mg kg–1 for Zn. Similar concentrations were observed in the three specie tissues being compared except for higher concentrations of Cd and Sb in bovine kidneys. In avian tissues Mo contents were higher in liver than muscle. When samples from all three species were grouped by age, no distinct trends were observed to indicate an increase in metal contents with age, with the exception of Cd in bovine kidneys.  相似文献   

A prerequisite to sustaining ecosystems is the inventory and classification of landscape structure and composition. Ecological classification and mapping involves the delineation of landscapes into easily recognizable units. Topography, soils, vegetation, physical landscape form, and successional pathways are delineation criteria commonly used.Damman (1967) developed a forest type classification system for Newfoundland using vegetation, soil and landforms as the defining criteria. Damman's forest types were used in combination with mensurational data to assign forest types to timber volume productivity classes. Since each of the Damman forest types is associated with characteristic soils, parent materials, moisture regime and topographic position, the mapping units are similar to Canada Land Inventory (CLI) mapping units. Field work to confirm the correlation between Damman forest types and CLI capability classes was initiated in 1993. CLI maps were recoded in 1994 and Damman forest types were determined; resulting ecosystem-based maps provide a common framework to assess forestry/wildlife interactions in an ecosystem planning process.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was undertaken to reveal ecotypic differentiation in jack pine and black spruce corresponding to ecological land classification groups. Seed sources of jack pine (64) and black spruce (68) from northwestern Ontario were classified according to Vegetation Types (V-Types) and Soil Types (S-Types) defined by the Forest Ecosystem Classification (FEC) developed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Canada for northwestern Ontario. Two short-term common garden field trials and a greenhouse trial were established for each species. Significant differences were present among ecological groupings of seed sources for both species. These differences were expressed according to V-Types and S-Types based on first, second, and third year heights as well as needle flushing dates for jack pine and second year growth increments for black spruce. Rank differences among the groups based on FEC V-Types and S-Types were generally consistent for each of the two species although certain groups showed rank reversals at the two field trials. Apparently, selection pressures corresponding to different FEC V-Types and S-Types have resulted in a detectable pattern of adaptive variation for both jack pine and black spruce in northwestern Ontario. However, the management implications for these two species are uncertain since additional tests are required to verify these results.  相似文献   

Agri-environment schemes (AES) are major policy tools in Europe to increase the environmental performance of agriculture. However, there is evidence that AES's implementation is not achieving the intended objectives and that current monitoring and evaluation frameworks are not adequate to fully assess their environmental effects. We argue that systematic consideration of ecosystem services would greatly benefit the implementation and assessment of AES, and that SEA represents a suitable platform to do this. We illustrate a case study of an ecosystem service-inclusive SEA applied to a rural development program and related AES in Italy. Results indicated that provision and consumptions of a wide array of ecosystem service are affected by AES and that current data management systems would allow to appraise these effects with acceptable efforts. In some other cases however sample field surveys would be needed. The case also shows the importance of mutual learning and knowledge brokerage between SEA practitioners and program officers. Overall, findings suggest that integrating ecosystem service in the design and assessment of AES would provide policy-makers and stakeholders with more focused information and ultimately improve their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Exposure to Pb in-utero and in infancy has been associated with cognitive risk, even at low blood Pb levels of 0.48-0.96 micromol L(-1). Based on the hypothesis that wild game consumed by First Nation women of Mushkegowuk Territory contains Pb that might be transferred through blood or breast-milk to the fetus or infant, the study's objectives were to describe: (1) Pb in maternal and cord blood at birth and infant blood at 4 months, and (2) dietary influence on Pb status. Cord and maternal Pb were 0.10 +/- 0.08 and 0.11 +/- 0.06 micromol L(-1) (x +/- SD), respectively, and were significantly correlated (r = 0.77, p < 0.0001, n = 70), as was infant blood Pb (0.08 +/- 0.05 micromol L(-1)) with matched cord blood (r = 0.65, p < 0.0001, n = 30). Two cord blood samples (3%) were above 0.48 micromol L(-1). Pb in breast-milk at 0.010 +/- 0.008 micromol L(-1) (n = 25), was significantly lower than Pb in commercial formula or evaporated milk-based feedings (range 0.02-0.05 micromol L(-1), p < 0.05), and correlated with matched maternal blood Pb (r = 0.55, p < 0.005). However, in a sub-sample of infants (n = 31), blood Pb was similar for breastfed and formula-fed groups, though above the evaporated milk-fed group (p < 0.05). Maternal consumption of wild fowl, mammals and fish, estimated from the previous year, provided, respectively, 128 +/- 124, 46 +/- 68 and 8 +/- 13 MJ annum(-1). Traditional animal food intake, especially wild fowl, correlated significantly with cord blood Pb (Spearman rank correlation, p = 0.017). Although blood and milk Pb levels were largely within acceptable ranges, the presence of some elevated levels and association between blood Pb and traditional game consumption may reflect the legacy of using lead-containing ammunition.  相似文献   

Ecological mapping attempts to objectively and spatially delimit and represent the natural organization and structure of the landscape. It offers nested levels of resolution, based upon a regionalization process, and provides an ecological basis for planning activities that may impact upon the environment.The essential principles of ecological mapping, as applied by the Quebec Ministry of Environment and Wildlife, are summarized. A methodological mapping approach is proposed for the determination of significant land portions for forest management using an ecological map at a scale of 1:50 000. At this scale, two nested levels of perception are expressed: 1) the topographic complex, and 2) the topographic entity. The topographic entity can be further subdivided into working units based upon operational criteria oriented to forest management. Within each nested level from topographic complex to working unit, there is a corresponding increase in the amount of detailed information available. Ecological mapping undertaken at 1:50 000 scale can provide a reliable and robust tool for planning forest management activities. In most cases, major ecological variations can be expressed and mapped at this scale; however, a greater degree of generalization must be accepted in the planning process when working at this scale rather than at larger scales.  相似文献   

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