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Li J  Yu H  Zhao Y  Zhang G  Wu Y 《Chemosphere》2008,73(2):182-186
The levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in breast milk from Beijing, China, were studied. The 6 predominant PBDEs congeners (BDE47, BDE99, BDE100, BDE153, BDE154 and BDE183) in 23 pooled breast milk samples from 205 mothers living in Beijing were measured. Mean and median of SigmaPBDEs concentrations in all samples were 1.12ngg(-1) lipid and 1.07ngg(-1) lipid, respectively. The Statistical difference in SigmaPBDEs concentrations was found between urban areas (1.22ngg(-1) lipid, n=14) and rural areas (0.97ngg(-1) lipid n=9). The sum of BDE47 and BDE153 accounted for more than 70% of SigmaPBDEs in most samples. The significant correlation was found between the SigmaPBDEs in pooled samples and average of consumption of food of animal origin in the pools in urban area. However, there was no correlation was found between the SigmaPBDEs in pooled samples and average of consumption of food of animal origin in the pools in rural area of Beijing. The current study showed that the level of PBDEs in breast milk from Beijing was lower than that from South China and some developed countries such as USA and Sweden.  相似文献   

The ranges of total polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish from four Swiss rivers were 0.8-240 ng/g in the bile and 16-7400 ng/g lipid in the liver. PBDE concentrations varied within each river and among the various rivers. Female fish tended to have higher concentrations in the liver, while the male fish had higher concentrations in the bile. From the resulting PBDE concentrations in fish it could not be infered that these contaminants contribute to the causes of the observed fish catch decline in Swiss rivers.  相似文献   

Pirard C  De Pauw E 《Chemosphere》2007,66(2):320-325
Except for fish, no toxicokinetic data on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) is available on relevant animals for the human food chain. In the present work, absorption, elimination through eggs and disposition of PBDEs in laying chickens were studied and compared to dioxin behaviour. Hens were fed with diet containing 3.4 mg/kg feed of PBDEs and 0.95 ng TEQ/kg feed of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs). PBDEs have been demonstrated to show drastically different behaviours from PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like compounds. Excretion of PBDEs increased for two weeks and then decreased to nearly 0%. Sixty-two percent of ingested 2,2',4,4'-tetraBDE (BDE-47) were found in excreta after two weeks, suggesting a reductive debromination of PBDEs in the digestive tract. PBDE level in eggs increased during five weeks and reached 24 microg/g fat. After then, levels decreased to 3 microg/g fat at the end of the trial. PBDE bioconcentration factors estimated for abdominal fat varied from 0.7 for BDE-47 to 2 for BDE-183.  相似文献   

Weekly high-volume air samples have been collected in the Canadian High Arctic (Alert, Nunavut) since 1992. Fifteen polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are quantified in 104 samples over the time period of 2002–2004. To our knowledge, this study reports the first continuous multi-year measurements of PBDEs in Arctic air. Average air concentrations (in pg m−3) were 7.7 (0.40–47) and 1.6 (0.091–9.8) for 14 PBDEs (excluding BDE-209) and BDE-209, respectively, over the entire sampling period. BDE-28/33, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, and 209 accounted for 90% (72–97%, n=104) of the 15 PBDEs. Occurrence of BDE-47, 99, and 209 suggests that PBDEs in Alert air were likely associated with the usage of “penta-BDE” and “deca-BDE” technical mixtures worldwide. Natural logarithm of concentrations for less brominated PBDEs correlated significantly with ambient temperatures in the summertime, suggesting importance of volatilization emissions in a local and/or regional scale. On the other hand, episodically elevated concentrations of the less brominated PBDEs in the wintertime and lack of seasonality for the non-volatile BDE-209 indicate potential inputs of particle-bound PBDEs through long-range transport (LRT), especially during the Arctic haze season. Inter-annual trend data further show that concentrations of the eight PBDEs increased inter-annually in 2002–2004 with doubling times of 2–6 years, which were similar to growth rates found in Arctic biotic samples. The results of this study and previous measurements suggest that potential sources of PBDEs in Arctic air include both volatilization emissions and LRT inputs.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Lam JC  So MK  Yeung LW  Cai Z  Hung CL  Lam PK 《Chemosphere》2012,86(3):242-247
Concentrations of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs were measured in 56 egg samples collected from waterbirds of different species (Great Egret, Little Egret, Night Heron and Chinese Pond Heron) from different regions of Hong Kong (Ho Sheung Heung, Mai Po Village and Mai Po Lung Village) during 2000 and 2006. Dominance of 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF indicates a signature associated with commercial usage of PCBs. Although no significant variations were observed within- and between-site in the levels of PCDD/Fs, coplanar PCBs and PBDEs, the concentrations of coplanar PCBs were much higher than PCDD/Fs. Similarity in composition profiles of PCDD/F and coplanar PCBs from different egretries is possibly associated with non-point sources of these contaminants to Hong Kong. Predominant accumulation of BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-100 suggested the penta-BDE technical mixtures usage in Hong Kong and its vicinity. Toxic equivalency and Monte Carlo simulation technique showed potential risks on waterbirds due to their exposure to PCDD/Fs.  相似文献   

Kim YJ  Osako M  Sakai S 《Chemosphere》2006,65(3):506-513
To investigate the effect of leachant on the leachability of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), we determined the leaching concentrations of PBDEs from flame-retardant plastic samples (TV housings and raw materials before molding processing) that are regarded as a source of PBDEs in landfill sites. The leachants used were distilled water, 20% methanol solution, and dissolved humic solution (DHS) of 1000 mg/l based on organic carbon. The leaching test conditions were a liquid-to-solid ratio of 100:1, and a contact period of five days, with twice-daily agitation in a temperature-controlled room of 30 degrees C without pH or ionic strength control. The leaching concentrations of PBDEs increased with increased content, and were found to be remarkably enhanced when methanol and DHS were used instead of distilled water. The enhancement of leachability in the presence of the latter was attributed to the cosolvency effect, and complex formations between the PBDEs and dissolved humic matter (DHM). PBDE concentrations in the leachate obtained from the leaching test and an actual landfill site revealed a significant presence of congeners below heptabromodiphenyl ethers (H7BDEs), detected in the leachate of the actual landfill, while significant amounts of nonabromodiphenyl ethers (N9BDEs) and decabromodiphenyl ether (D10BDE) were detected in the leachate of the leaching test.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in muscle, liver and eggs of freshwater fishes and surface sediments from the Nongkang River in Jinhu, Jiangsu Province, China. The present study is the first to report PBDE concentrations in the freshwater environment surrounding a PBDE manufacturing plant in China. The concentrations of 13 PBDE congeners in muscle, liver and eggs of freshwater fishes ranged from <LOD to 130, <LOD to 252 and <LOD to 33.3 ng/g lipid wt, respectively, while the concentrations of 13 PBDE congeners in surface sediments from sewage outfall, upstream and downstream of the river were 52, 9.2, 7.1 ng/g organic carbon wt, respectively. Contamination by PBDEs in this area was not serious when compared with other regions of the world. A relatively high proportion of BDE-183 was found, consistent with the octa-BDE technical mixtures from the manufacturing plant by the side of the river.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are one of the flame retardants widely used in plastics, textiles, electronic appliances, and electrical household appliances. In this study, PBDEs and organochlorine compounds (OCs) were determined in the archived samples from the Environmental Specimen Bank for Global Monitoring (es-BANK) at Ehime University. The blubber of cetaceans found stranded along the coasts of Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines and India during the period from 1990 to 2001 were employed for chemical analysis to understand the present status of contamination and the specific accumulation of PBDEs. PBDEs were detected in all the cetacean samples analyzed, and concentrations were one or two orders of magnitude lower than for PCBs and DDTs. Concentrations of PBDEs ranged from a low value of 6.0 ng/g lipid wt. in spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) from India to a high value of 6000 ng/g lipid wt. in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) from Hong Kong. No difference in PBDE levels between coastal and offshore species from Japan was observed, implying the existence of pollution sources in this region other than Japan. Highest concentrations of PBDEs were found in animals from Hong Kong, followed by Japan, and much lower levels from the Philippines and India, suggesting that developing nations may also have pollution sources of PBDEs. Geographical distribution of PBDEs in Asian waters was different from PCBs but similar to DDTs.  相似文献   

Xia C  Lam JC  Wu X  Sun L  Xie Z  Lam PK 《Chemosphere》2011,82(1):18-24
Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in yellow croakers (Pseudosciaena crocea) and silver pomfrets (Pampus argenteus) collected from nine coastal cities along the eastern China coastline were investigated. PBDE congeners with mono- to hexa-brominated substitutions were detected in the samples, indicating their ubiquitous distribution in the marine environment of China. The total PBDE concentration averaged 3.04 ng g−1 lipid wt, a level that was relatively lower than in other regions of the world, especially North America where Penta-BDE was extensively used. Geographically, the highest concentration of PBDEs was found in Xiamen, and the PBDE levels in yellow croakers were significantly higher than those in pomfrets in most of the selected cities, a pattern which may be related to the different feeding habits of the two species. The congener profiles of PBDEs were found to be different from the commonly detected pattern in fishes from other regions of the world (i.e., BDE47 > BDE99, BDE100 > BDE153, BDE154). BDE47 and BDE154 were the predominant congeners in both species, accounting for more than 60% of the total PBDE concentrations. The reasons for the relatively high proportion of BDE154 may be due to the debromination of higher brominated congeners such as BDE183 and BDE209 by these two species.  相似文献   

Environmental levels and detailed congener profiles (31 congeners and 3 coeluting congener groups) of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were assessed in a number of biota samples taken over a large geographic range covering harbours and industrial sites on Canada's West Coast. Additionally, PBDE congener profiles were determined using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) deployed in the Fraser River, the river in Western Canada with the largest industrial activity. PBDE levels detected in biota were between 4 and 2300 ng/g lipid and these levels were compared with those reported in selected European biota to provide a wider perspective on PBDE contamination on Canada's West Coast. Thirteen-congener PBDE patterns in the environmental samples were examined using principal component analysis (PCA), and additionally, comparisons were made between the PBDE profiles in the sample groups and commercially used PBDE technical mixtures (e.g., Bromkals) on a percent composition basis. PCA on congener specific data revealed that PBDE patterns are remarkably similar over a wide geographical range in Western Canada, however, the general pattern in environmental samples varies significantly from those of the predominant technical mixtures. Finally, correlations between PBDE and other persistent and toxic co-occurring contaminants found in Dungeness crab were determined.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) were determined in muscle, liver and eggs of freshwater fishes from the lower reach of the Yangtze River, China. The present study is the first to report HBCD concentrations in the environment of China. The concentrations of PBDEs and HBCDs in muscle of freshwater fishes from the Yangtze River ranged from 18 to 1100ng/g and 12 to 330ng/g lipid weight (wt.), respectively. When compared with other regions of the world, the contamination of PBDEs in biota could be regarded as moderate, whereas contamination of HBCDs in biota was relatively high. The PBDE congener profiles in fishes of the present study were markedly different from those observed in freshwater and marine fishes from other regions of the world. In the present study, BDE-15, BDE-28 and BDE-47 were the predominant congeners in the fishes. This particular congener profile in fishes from the Yangtze River revealed that a specific commercial PBDE formulation (probably made in China) might have been used in the Yangtze River Delta region.  相似文献   

Cetin B  Odabasi M 《Chemosphere》2008,71(6):1067-1078
Atmospheric concentrations of 7 PBDE congeners (BDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154 and -209) were determined at four sites (i.e. Suburban, Urban 1, Urban 2, Industrial) in Izmir, Turkey and their gas/particle partitioning was investigated. Total PBDE ( summation operator(7)PBDE) concentrations ranged between 11 (Urban 1) and 149pgm(-3) (Industrial) in summer, while in winter, they ranged from 6 (Suburban) to 81pgm(-3) (Industrial). BDE-209 was the dominant congener at all sites, followed by BDE-99 and -47. Investigation of source profiles indicated that the air samples were dominated by congeners of the penta and deca-technical BDE mixtures. The measured PBDE particle fractions were compared to the predictions of the K(OA) (octanol-air partition coefficient)-based equilibrium partitioning model and to the dynamic uptake model developed by others for passive samplers, which was adapted to model gas-particle partitioning in this study. For BDE-28, good agreement was observed between the experimental particle fractions and those predicted by the equilibrium partitioning model. However, this model overestimated the particle fractions of other congeners. The predictions of the dynamic uptake model supported the hypothesis that the unexpectedly high partitioning of BDEs (except BDE-28) to the gas-phase is due to their departure from equilibrium partitioning. When congeners with very large octanol-air partition coefficients (i.e. BDE-100, -99, -154, -153, and -209) are emitted from their sources in the gas-phase, they may remain in that phase for several months before reaching equilibrium with atmospheric particles. This may also have important implications for the transport of atmospheric PBDEs. For example, in addition to particle-bound transport, the gas-phase transport of highly brominated congeners (i.e. BDE-209) may also be important.  相似文献   

Moon HB  Kannan K  Lee SJ  Choi M 《Chemosphere》2007,66(4):585-593
Atmospheric bulk samples were collected monthly, for one year, from urban, suburban, and rural sites located in the coastal areas of Korea, for the assessment of depositional fluxes and seasonal variations in atmospheric concentrations of PBDEs. Twenty individual PBDE congeners were found in atmospheric samples, and their depositional fluxes varied from 10.1 to 89.0 microg/m2/year. The highest depositional fluxes were found in two urbanized areas, with a strong urban-rural gradient. The relationship between PBDE and particulate depositional fluxes showed significant correlation for all locations, which suggested the association of PBDEs to particulate phase. Deca-BDE (BDE 209) was the predominant congener (>93%) in all deposition samples, which is consistent with a high consumption of deca-BDE for the flame-retardant market in Korea. Seasonal variability was observed in PBDE concentrations for the two urban sites, whereas no seasonal trend was found for either the suburban or the rural location.  相似文献   

Remote mountain areas besides high latitude regions are beginning to receive increased attention in studying the transport and behavior of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In the present work, surface soil samples were collected from the Tibetan Plateau, the highest plateau in the world which includes the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma, to investigate the levels and trends of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) along the altitudinal gradient. The average PCB and PBDE concentrations were 185.6 ng kg−1 dry weight (dw) (range 47.1–422.6 ng kg−1 dw) and 11.1 ng kg−1 dw (range 4.3–34.9 ng kg−1 dw), respectively. Regression analysis between the log-transformed TOC-normalized concentrations and the altitudes of the sampling sites showed two opposite trends with regard to altitude dependence: negative relationship with altitude below about 4500 m followed by a positive altitude dependence above this point. Considering minimum anthropogenic activities and very sparse precipitation in the north of Himalayas, the trends above 4500 m imply that the significant altitude dependence of these two groups of POPs were irrespective of pollution sources, but could be predicted by the global distillation effect involving cold condensation in high altitude mountain areas. Increasing levels of heavier congeners were found in higher altitude sites, although the lighter congeners were the main contributors to the total amount, suggesting that less volatile congeners seem to become enriched easier than those more volatile at higher altitudes in this region.  相似文献   

In this study, for the first time, levels and accumulation profiles of eight currently available polybrominated/chlorinated biphenyl congeners (PXBs; XB-77, -105, -118, -126A, -126B, -126C, -156 and -169, named according to IUPAC nomenclature) in human breast milk collected form Spanish women in 2005 were reported. Concentrations and congener specific profiles of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including co-planar PCBs, (co-PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were also reported.A concentration of 0.45 pg g−1 lipid weight was found for total PXBs, and arithmetic mean concentrations of 125, 25 and 5.5 ng g−1 lipid weight were determined for total PCBs, co-PCBs and total PBDEs respectively. Detectable levels of all congeners investigated, except CB-123 and XB-169 were found. Levels of PCBs were similar to those found in Spanish samples collected after 2000, and lower than those obtained before 2000. CB-138, -153 and -180 were the predominant PCB congeners. PBDE levels, dominated by BDE-47, -99, -100 and -209, were lower than PCB levels. PXB concentrations were the lowest, with XB-156 being the most abundant. The concentration levels of PCBs and PBDEs found in this study were in the same range as those from other European countries. Levels of PXBs were much lower than published values determined in Japan which were the only data found in the literature.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis were exposed, beginning at stage 50, to a commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether mixture (DE-71) through the diet. Subsequent experiments were conducted using a single intraperitoneal injection at stage 58 with limited quantities of two purified brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners, BDE47 and BDE99 and DE-71 to determine the relative potency of these BDE congeners within the commercial mixture. Significant inhibition of tail resorption, delayed metamorphosis and impacts on skin pigmentation were observed in Xenopus exposed to DE-71 in the diet at nominal doses of 1000 and 5000 microgg(-1) of food. The estimated time required for 50% of the tadpoles to complete metamorphosis was significantly lengthened in Xenopus exposed to a dietary concentration of 1 microg DE-71 per gram of food. Analysis of PBDEs (sum of 32 congeners) in Xenopus from the treatment with 5000 microgg(-1) of DE-71 indicated that the frogs accumulated an average of 1030 microgg(-1) (wet weight) of PBDEs. In the intraperitoneal injection trials, similar inhibitory responses were observed in Xenopus injected with DE-71 at a nominal dose of 60 microg per tadpole, or injected with BDE47 at a nominal dose of 100 microg per tadpole. No responses were observed in Xenopus injected with BDE99 at doses up to 100 microg per tadpole. Complete inhibition of metamorphosis was observed only in the highest DE-71 dietary treatment. The results of this study are consistent with a mechanism of action of PBDEs involving competitive inhibition of binding of thyroid hormones to transporter proteins, although the mechanism cannot be definitively determined from this study. The observed effects may have occurred through other mechanisms, including sublethal toxicity. The doses used in this study are greater than the levels of PBDEs to which anurans are exposed in the environment, so further studies are required to determine whether exposure to PBDEs at environmentally relevant concentrations can affect frog metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Peng JH  Huang CW  Weng YM  Yak HK 《Chemosphere》2007,66(10):1990-1997
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been used extensively over the past two decades as flame retardants in many types of polymers, and have been found to be a class of contaminants of concern. Measurements of PBDEs in various environmental matrices from Sweden, Holland, Japan, North America, and elsewhere have been reported. We report data of PBDEs in fish samples taken from six rivers and three estuaries in Taiwan. Seven PBDE congeners were observed in all sixty samples. BDE-47 was found to be the dominant congener in all waters, and BDE-154 contributed more than BDE-99 and BDE-100. Nonetheless, BDE-154 and BDE-183 were the predominant congeners in some species studied. These results are somewhat different from those from other countries, where the pattern is typically BDE-47 > 99 >100 >154, 153, and is postulated to be due to the extensive use of octa-BDE rather than penta-BDE in Taiwan. The average concentration distribution across all samples of the sum of PBDE congeners ranged from 30.6 ng/g lipid to 281 ng/g lipid. The concentrations of PBDEs in fishes reported here are higher than those reported from European countries, but lower than those from the United States.  相似文献   

The different barks were sampled to discuss the influence of the tree species, trunk circumference, and bark thickness on the accumulation processes of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) from air into the bark. The results of different PBDE concentrations indicated that barks with a thickness of 0–3 mm collected from weeping willow, Camphor tree, and Masson pine, the trunk circumferences of which were 100 to 150 cm, were better PBDEs passive samplers. Furthermore, tree bark and the corresponding air samples were collected at Anji (AJ), Hangzhou (HZ), Shanghai (SH), and Wenling (WL) to investigate the relationship between the PBDE concentrations in bark and those in air. In addition, the significant correlation (r 2?=?0.906; P?<?0.05) indicated that atmospheric PBDEs were the principle source for the accumulation of PBDEs in the barks. In this study, the log K BA (bark–air partition coefficient) of individual PBDE congeners at the four sites were in the range from 5.69 to 6.79. Finally, the total PBDE concentration in WL was 5 to 20 times higher than in the other three cities. The result indicated that crude household workshops contributed a heavy amount of PBDEs pollution to the environment, which had been verified by the spatial distribution of PBDEs levels in barks collected at Wenling (range, 26.53–1317.68 ng/g dw). The good correlation between the PBDE concentrations in the barks and the air samples and the variations of the PBDE concentrations in tree barks collected from different sites reflected that the bark could be used as a passive sampler to indicate the atmospheric PBDEs.  相似文献   

Cheung KC  Zheng JS  Leung HM  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2008,70(9):1707-1720
Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in market fish have not previously been reported in Hong Kong. Axial and ventral muscles from 10 each common species of freshwater and marine fish purchased from markets in Hong Kong were analyzed for 22 PBDEs. Among the 10 freshwater fish species, spotted snakehead (Channa maculate) contained the highest level of PBDEs in ventral muscle (130 ng g(-1) wet wt.). For marine fish, bigeye (Priacanthus macracanthus) showed significantly higher levels of PBDEs (60.7 ng g(-1)wet wt. in ventral tissue) than all other marine species. The levels of PBDEs in fish samples ranged from 0.53 to 130 ng g(-1)wetwt. The tetrabrominated congener BDE-47 and pentabrominated BDE-99 were the predominant congeners, which accounted for 27% and 30%, respectively, of the total PBDEs. Daily PBDE intake was calculated according to the different fish consumption rate for Hong Kong consumers, and the results ranged from 222 to 1198 ng day(-1) for marine fish and 403-2170 ng day(-1) for freshwater fish. The daily PBDE intake from fish reported here were higher than those reported from the United States (8.94-15.7 ng day(-1)) and Europe (14-23.1 ng day(-1)).  相似文献   

The levels and congener patterns of PBDEs were investigated in human placental samples in Denmark. The median concentrations of ∑PBDEtri-hepta and BDE-209 in the 50 samples were 1.22 and 1.14 ng g−1 lw, respectively, with the total sum ranging from 0.51 to 17.1 ng g−1 lw, which is similar to previous placental studies. The PBDE content in placental tissue was dominated by BDE-209, which accounted for approximately 50% of the total amount of PBDEs. BDE-47, -99, and -153 were detected in all samples. Approximately equal amounts of BDE-47 and BDE-153 were observed in the placental tissue, which is in agreement with previous European studies of human serum. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to analyze congener patterns within and between mothers. The loading plot showed groupings of the measured PBDE variables in three groups, representative of Penta-, Octa- and Deca-BDE technical mixtures. Congeners representing the individual technical mixtures were close to orthogonal or inversely correlated, indicating variation in the congener patterns of internal exposure corresponding to the patterns of technical mixtures used in products. Visualisation of the participant objects according to body mass index (BMI), revealed inherent congener patterns (19% X-variance) showing increased frequency for participants within the highest BMI group to have elevated concentrations of BDE-209 in the placental tissue.  相似文献   

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