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从儒家思想"己所不欲,勿施于人"的思想出发,提出以废物治理废物(以废治废)的污染防治理念,并将其灌输于高校环境类专业的教学与科研工作中,以期发挥以下作用:(1)培养学生的资源保护、废物资源化利用和环境友好意识,鼓励学生进行自我环境教育和自我约束。同时在教学中让学生感受到以废治废理念的精髓,从思想上对环境保护产生责任感。(2)促进环境废物利用的有效化和污染治理的无害化,让科研工作融入"以废治废"的思想,提升科研技术的创新性和生态环境发展的可持续性,开发出具有无害化应用价值的技术。  相似文献   

净土保卫战和农业农村污染治理攻坚战是污染防治攻坚战的重要组成部分。本文对"十四五"及今后一个时期土壤、地下水和农业农村生态环境保护总体形势进行了分析,研究提出"十四五"目标指标、重点任务和政策措施的建议,提出坚持问题导向、目标导向,坚持分类施策、精准治污,以解决人民群众关心的突出环境问题为重点,实施一批源头预防、风险管控、治理修复重大工程,推进土壤、地下水和农业农村生态保护治理体系与治理能力现代化,为美丽中国建设提供坚实保障。  相似文献   

盘锦温地保护、恢复与永续利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着盘锦地区经济的发展和人口的增加,盘锦湿地出现不同程度的退化,主要表现在湿地淡水的短缺,植被的退化;湿地面积减少和湿地受到污染;人类对湿地认识不足,出现人与鸟争食等现象。为了更好地保护湿地,以保持湿地生态系统的完整性、连续性、生物多样性、生态功能性、永续利用性和景区特色性为理念,对盘锦湿地进行保护与规划。  相似文献   

参加"走水"活动的队员,来自不同的行业、不同的年龄段,大多通过活动的组织单位之一"自然之友"的网站了解到这一活动,也有通过朋友介绍而来。"乐水行"的目的,是让大家以一种放松、快乐的方式,来认识、了解自己身边的污染。  相似文献   

网民掀"随手拍家乡污染"浪潮,但政府部门鲜有回应,"曲高和寡"的背后,暴露出农村环保未受到足够的重视,同时也暴露出某些地方政府部门对公民监督权的轻视甚至漠视。春节前,有环保网站在微博上发起了一波"随手拍家乡污染"、"随手拍河流污染"的微公益活动。山东潍坊事件曝光后,又有环保公益人士发起了"中国水污染独立调查"活动,号召回家过年的网友拿起手机和相机,将回乡所见污染情况拍照发布到微博上曝光。由于这次  相似文献   

文章通过分析油气基础设施建设、运行中,各工艺过程污染因子对环境敏感区产生的影响,研究得出主要问题为国土空间规划中三条控制线的划定和落实、相关环保法律法规不够完善和具体化、环境敏感区划定缺乏充分论证、"有条件允许通过"未上升为明确规定、城市能源廊道规划未充分贯彻环保理念、空间相邻规划理念尚未得到贯彻。同时对油气基础设施建设部门提出对策建议。  相似文献   

印制电路板(PCB)制造业是电子工业的重金属主要污染源,其产业正由东部沿海地区向中西部转移。本文在介绍PCB制造业发展现状和主流生产工艺的基础上,分析行业型污染源和污染物;从清洁生产技术和末端治理技术方面,概述了该行业的污染防治技术措施现状;进而遵循污染减排工作"源头预防、过程阻断、清洁生产、末端治理"的全过程污染防控理念,提出PCB制造业的污染减排对策建议。  相似文献   

大气污染流动性大,"跨界污染"特征明显,大气污染治理"各据一方"的做法显然行不通,实际工作中必须建立统一规划、统一监测、统一监管、统一评估、统一协调的大气污染联防联控工作机制,才能有效控制大气污染。联防联控势在必行当前,大气污染已经愈来愈呈现出区域性污染和复合型污染的  相似文献   

古老的儒家思想中,"诚"和"信"是一对包含不同内涵及思维过程的互生词,代表了不同的思维和认识层面.搞清楚这一点,对于我们在全社会领域倡导诚信,推动精神文明建设,会在方法和措施上有一定的启示和帮助.  相似文献   

<正>环境保护部有关负责人向媒体公布,2014年"六·五"世界环境日中国主题为"向污染宣战",旨在体现我们党和国家对治理污染紧迫性和艰巨性的清醒认识,彰显以人为本、执政为民的宗旨情怀和强烈的责任担当精神,倡导全社会共同行动,打一场治理污染的攻坚战,努力改善环境质量,保卫我们赖以生存的共同家园。  相似文献   

On measuring wealth: a case study on the state of Queensland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order for policy makers to plan effectively for sustainable development, there is a need for measures of welfare that consider changes in the natural capital stock. Current measures based on conventional national accounting are flawed because they are based solely on flow measures and do not account for environmental effects. In this paper, we use an expanded measure of wealth to estimate the value of natural capital for Queensland. The state's stock of natural capital is valued at A dollar 355.6 billion, of which non-timber forest resources account for 45.3%, ecosystem services 20.0%, and mineral resources 17.6%. This figure is a conservative estimate of the true value since some significant components such as the ecological and life-support functions of the environment are excluded. The estimates highlight the relative importance of different forms of natural capital and can be used to draw the attention of policymakers to the need to give adequate weight to the value of such services in decision-making processes.  相似文献   

The quantities of water are not distributed uniformly in space and time. Greece compared to some other Mediterranean countries is found in advantageous position regarding the availability of water resources. However, there are regions with great in quantity water reserves and others with intense deficiencies. The management of water resources in Greece is concentrated in the systematic spatiotemporal monitoring and forecast of two basic multidimensional parameters, the availability of water resources and the water demand, as well as, in the implementation of necessary measures for the satisfaction of needs, regarding the fields of economy and environment. This work describes and analyses the existing status of water resources in Greece, as well as, the framework of applied policy. Furthermore, measures and actions for the management of water resources are proposed.  相似文献   

安徽省旅游资源丰富,但各区域旅游资源开发起步时间各异,省内各区域发展不平衡,区域间的旅游经济发展现状存在较大的差异。通过节点分析,对安徽省区域旅游经济的空间差异进行了测度分析,并对测算和分析结果进行了剖析与阐释。在此基础上提出安徽省旅游经济整合发展的区域旅游发展战略,以及进行旅游空间整合、旅游交通整合、旅游产品整合、旅游市场整合、借助新整合动力的区域旅游发展基本对策。  相似文献   

Many universities around the world have served as active centers for research on climate change. However, there are several barriers to their activities, stemming from the nature of research, resources, and the structure of institutions. This document provides an overview of barriers, potential factors, and activities to develop and implement sustainable energy processes in public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Brazil. The research was conducted from March to April of 2018 with representatives of HEIs (rectors or prorectors of research). A total of 63 invitations to respond to the Survey‐monkey survey were emailed, and responses were received from 32 universities. The research concludes by proposing measures that can be taken to make the issue of climate change more present and effective in university research and teaching activities. This includes changes in research, information dissemination, and teaching approaches to better support actions to address climate change. In Brazil, there are many potentialities in terms of natural resources, but actions for implementation are still incipient. Further efforts and investment in research and development will be required.  相似文献   

In the present study, forest biomass (fuelwood, leaf fodder, leaf-litter and non-timber forest products) consumption patterns have been evaluated in the villages of Govind Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya, India. The average fuelwood consumption in the selected villages was estimated at 3.14 kg/capita/day and its energy equivalent was found 52.74 MJ/capita/day. The average leaf fodder and leaf-litter consumption was estimated at 2.70 and 2.40 kg/unit/day, respectively, and the same pattern was estimated for energy equivalent. People's perception on impacts of conservation measures and resources utilization rights were also analysed. Our results emphasized the need for regular assessment of forest resources, particularly in protected areas, where access to natural resources have been denied due to legal restrictions. The study could be a pilot to strengthen the conservation measures across the protected area network by understanding the dynamics of anthropocentric activities and their subsequent impacts on forest resources.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the active involvement of local stakeholders in the management of floods in Europe. Such involvement is seen as necessary as the management of floods becomes more complex. Management approaches now seek to include a range of potential measures to reduce risk (e.g. structural defence, spatial planning and property-level protection measures). Local stakeholder involvement is seen to be important because governments lack the capacities such as knowledge and funding required to deliver all these measures alone. This paper focuses on the implications that more participative approaches have on the fairness of European flood risk management (FRM). Studies of environmental justice are well placed to address this question because they are interested in who is included and excluded from decisions related to the distribution of environmental goods (resources) and bads (risks). Existing literature suggests that fair decision-making processes (procedural justice) can lead to fair distribution or resources and risks (distributive justice). This literature review of 30 peer-reviewed papers provides an analysis of justice and FRM by assessing practices of participation which are presented in the recent literature on local stakeholder involvement in FRM in England, Germany and the Netherlands. It was found that participation in practice generally focuses on transferring responsibility to the local level at the expense of power. This paper discusses the implications that this finding has for justice and synthesises potential ways forward based on recommendations of the reviewed literature.  相似文献   

The Yellow River has been intensively affected by human activities, particularly in the past 50 years, including soil–water conservation in the upper and middle drainage basin, flood protection in the lower reaches, and flow regulation and water diversion in the whole drainage basin. All these changes may impact sedimentation process of the lower Yellow River in different ways. Assessing these impacts comprehensively is important for more effective environmental management of the drainage basin. Based on the data of annual river flow, sediment load, and channel sedimentation in the lower Yellow River between 1950 and 1997, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the overall trend of channel sedimentation rate at a time scale of 50 years, and its formative cause. It was found in this study that erosion control measures and water diversion have counteractive impacts on sedimentation rate in the lower Yellow River. Although both annual river flow and sediment decreased, there was no change in channel sedimentation rate. A regression analysis indicated that the sedimentation in the lower Yellow River decreased with the sediment input to the lower Yellow River but increased with the river flow input. In the past 30–40 years, the basin-wide practice of erosion and sediment control measures resulted in a decline in sediment supply to the Yellow River; at the same time, the human development of water resources that required river flow regulation and water diversion caused great reduction in river flow. The former may reduce the sedimentation in the lower Yellow River, but the reduction of river flow increased the sedimentation. When their effects counterbalanced each other, the overall trend of channel sedimentation in the lower Yellow River remained unchanged. This fact may help us to better understand the positive and negative effects of human activities in the Yellow River basin and to pay more attention to the negative effect of the development of water resources. The results of this study demonstrate that, if the overuse of river water cannot be controlled, the reduction of channel sedimentation in the lower Yellow River cannot be realized through the practice of erosion and sediment control measures.  相似文献   

本文运用生态学原理中的系统观点,从资源和山区资源的概念出发,详尽表述了我省大别山区的发展途径,并提出相应的技术措施。  相似文献   

综合旅游资源各种概念表明,多数概念建立在二分法的基础上,其结果失去了客观、全面的基础。在自然界中资源类型是多样化的,不同类型的资源之间具有连续性的特征,只是在属性上存在着程度上的差异,不能对它们进行简单分类;在自然界中还存在着很多类似旅游资源的资源类型,在学术研究和规划实践中应重视旅游资源隶属程度描述。在解析旅游资源特征及其分类要求的基础上,通过理论方法——基于模糊数学的旅游资源隶属程度分析方法,破解旅游资源认识误区,为正确分析、评价及合理开发旅游资源提供理论参考。  相似文献   

河流水污染和水资源短缺是楚雄市面临的两大水环境问题。本文将楚雄市社会经济发展、水污染控制和水资源开发利用纳入一个系统,在掌握水环境问题现状和变化趋势及其成因的基础上,探讨河流水质目标和排污控制目标,从宏观协调对策和水污染控制措施两个层次上进行水环境对策的设计和多目标优选,并得到最佳水污染控制实施计划。  相似文献   

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