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从固体废物鉴别过程中涉及的混合物的判断、有意和无意生产、生产目的和质量控制、环境影响、利用价值、社会属性6个方面进行再思考和再讨论。  相似文献   

随着我国工业化水平发展和环境保护工作的强化,我国对于固体废物的管理日趋严格。2020年,《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》进行了修订,根据该法律要求,我国于2021年全面禁止进口固体废物,固体废物属性鉴别的工作要求进一步加强。为更准确地把握进口旧机电固体废物属性鉴别的评判标准,统一评判尺度,分析了进口旧机电固体废物属性鉴别工作的特殊性和面临的困难;提出了口岸对进口旧机电的查验流程,明确了口岸初筛快速查验技术要点;结合《禁止进口旧机电目录》及机电产品维修再制造等机电产品口岸管理特殊要求,研究了机电产品实验室固废鉴别的流程和关键技术要点,提出了基于机电产品的功能特点、开展关键缺陷评估以完成固废属性鉴别的思路。  相似文献   

随着我国经济持续快速发展,各种生产资源需求日益旺盛,在优惠政策的支持下,国外固体废物原料不断进入我国市场,一定程度上弥补了我国生产资源的不足,促进了循环经济的发展.但进口固体废物原料必须符合我国法律规定.我国对固体废物进口的管理非常严格,进口固体废物的管理需要海关、环保、工商、检验检疫等多个部门的密切合作.实际当中,对某些进口物品的固体废物属性需要通过专门的鉴别才能确认,结合一个进口"铅矿砂"的实例,对该物品的固体废物属性进行探讨,提出物品固体废物属性鉴别的基本流程.  相似文献   

利用红外光谱、气相色谱/质谱联用、液相色谱/质谱联用、核磁共振波谱、原子发射光谱、凝胶渗透色谱、X-射线荧光光谱等多种分析方法,剖析了申报进口的一个未知有机物品的组分、含量和理化指标;阐述了进口物品的产生来源,探讨了其固体废物属性。结果表明,样品不属于固体废物。呈现了一个以回收物料为原料加工的未知有机初级产物固体废物属性鉴别的全过程,为从事进口固体废物相关的人员提供参考,另外,初级产物固体废物属性鉴别非常复杂,建议制定详细的鉴别标准。  相似文献   

以一批含铁物料为例,采用化学分析方法、x射线荧光光谱及X射线衍射等分析方法,结合样品的物理、化学等特性,对该物品的属性进行鉴别研究.  相似文献   

以某未知样品为研究对象,综合样品外观及物理、化学等特性,分析得出样品具有和铜冶炼渣一致的特征,含有特征物相——铁橄榄石,成分与铜精炼炉渣类似,而且其碳含量较高,含有少许金属铜,可以判断样品为铜;台炼渣。经过破碎、研磨、浮选得篓Ⅱ精炼渣(铜精矿),可作为炼铜原料投入生产。  相似文献   

首先,分析了我国固体废物鉴别状况,阐述了现行鉴另导则具有重要地位,鉴剐在固体废物管理中发挥着重要技术支持作用,同时也详细论述了鉴别导则存在的不足,提出我国建立固体废物鉴别标准的必要性.其次,概括性地总结了国外固体废物鉴别的情况,国外没有建立专门的固体废物鉴别制度和技术导则,也没有专门鉴别机构,以欧美为代表,通过相关法规建立固体废物定义、列名分类以及豁免排除,当遇有是否属于固体废物纠纷时通过法院进行裁决.最后,重点介绍了制定固体废物鉴别标准的技术难点、需要解决的问题以及拟采取的技术方法,提出了编制鉴别标准的框架内容和基本理由.对制定出我国固体废物鉴别标准具有积极意义.  相似文献   

进口固体废物原料相关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国进口固体废物原料贸易发展迅速,针对进口固体废物原料相关政策体制、环保及贸易方面常见的问题进行分析和探讨,并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

工业固体废物资源化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济发展模式从根本上缓解环境、资源与发展之间的尖锐冲突,在促进经济增长的同时顾及到生态环境的承受能力,从工业经济系统自身发掘资源、能源,充分挖掘潜力,寻找伴生资源,开发利用废弃物,促进工业固体废物资源化,以循环经济模式替代陈旧的线性经济模式,保持经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

<进口可用作原料的固体废物检验检疫监督管理办法>已经2009年5月26日国家质量监督检验疫总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2009年11月1日起施行.  相似文献   

The current situation of solid waste management in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
With economic development, the quantity of solid waste is increasing rapidly in China; the total quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial solid waste (ISW), and hazardous waste (HW) in 2002 were 136.5 million tons, 945 million tons, and 10 million tons, respectively. In 2002, the quantity of MSW disposed of was 74.04 million tons, 89.30% of which was landfilled, 3.72% was incinerated, and 6.98% was composted. There are currently 651 disposal facilities for MSW in China. Mining gangue is the largest component of ISW, making up 27.5% of the total. In the Chinese industrial sector, the coal mining and processing industry contributed most to the total quantity of ISW, with 16.0% of the total quantity of ISW generated by this sector. In total, 44% of HW was recycled, 27% was stored, 13.5% was disposed of, and 15.4% was discharged. Of the total HW generated, 40% was produced by the chemical materials and chemical products industry. Five categories of HW, i.e., waste alkali, waste acid, inorganic fluoride waste, copper waste, and inorganic cyanide waste, made up 57.8% of the total HW generated. Solid waste pollution has become a huge challenge faced by those involved in Chinese environmental management, but this can be seen as an opportunity to improve environmental quality. This article introduces the strategies taken to improve solid waste management in China.  相似文献   

火电厂粉煤灰、渣污染及综合利用效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详述了火电厂粉煤灰、渣排放造成的危害,并应用效益分析方法对其排放及综合利用进行了效益对比分析,为环保决策部门治理固体废弃物提供参考。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市工业固体废物资源化现状、趋势及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了乌鲁木齐市工业固体废物产生现状及其资源化利用情况,预测了"十二五"期间乌鲁木齐市工业固体废物产生量及资源化利用量。针对乌鲁木齐市工业固体废物资源化利用存在的问题,提出了实施工业固体废物资源化利用过程中,应该减少工业固体废物排放总量、扩大资源化利用途径、推进资源回收和资源化利用的产业化进程、加强工业固体废物监督管理工作等建议。  相似文献   

The concentrations of 41 phenols in leachates from 38 municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill sites in Japan were measured. The main phenols detected in leachates were phenol, three cresols, 4-tert-butylphenol, 4-tertoctylphenol, 4-nonylphenol, bisphenol A, and some chlorophenols. The concentration levels of phenols were affected by the pH values of the leachates and the different types of landfill waste. The origins of phenol and p-cresol were considered to be incineration residues, and the major origin of 4-tert-butylphenol, bisphenol A, and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol was considered to be solidified fly ash. In contrast, the major origins of 4-tert-octylphenol and 4-nonylphenol were considered to be incombustibles. The discharge of leachates to the environment around MSW landfill sites without water treatment facilities can cause environmental pollution by phenols. In particular, the disposal of incineration residues including solidified fly ash and the codisposal of solidified fly ash and incombustibles might raise the possibility of environmental pollution. Moreover, the discharge of leachates at pH values of 9.8 or more could pollute the water environment with phenol. However, phenol, 4-nonylphenol, and bisphenol A can be removed to below the con centration levels that impact the environment around landfill sites by a series of conventional water treatment processes.  相似文献   

热解技术是一种优秀的有机固废处理技术,其具有环保、减量化、资源化等优点,热解技术的核心是热解反应器。通过介绍不同类型热解反应器的特点及其研究与工程应用的进展,为下一步引进与开发热解工艺提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Degradation of municipal solid waste in landfills generates sulfide compounds, which are considered one of the main sources of odor emissions. Field sampling was conducted at surfaces of operating, inoperative, and soil-covered areas of a landfill site in northern China to characterize the sulfide compounds. The results showed that dimethyl disulfide dominated the sulfide compounds, accounting for up to 73.6% of the total detected sulfide. With the biggest odor concentration of 365, diethyl sulfide was the most significant sulfide compound. The estimated sulfide emission rates at surfaces of operating and soil-covered areas were similar, and the emission rate of dimethyl disulfide at Surface of Operating Area was up to 345.9 μg/m3 h. Dimethyl disulfide could be released from the fresh waste, and its normalized concentration at 0.2 m beneath operating surface was 10.4 times that at 0.4 m.  相似文献   

废塑料是我国四大再生资源品种之一.废塑料国内回收和进口数量大、种类多。对我国废塑料国内产生和进口的种类、数量和地域,以及国内废塑料的回收渠道和方式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

讨论了传统的物质流分析(MFA)方法用于城市生活垃圾代谢分析的适用性及不足之处,在此基础上结合城市生活垃圾的处理流程,对传统的MFA框架进行了改进,构建了适合城市生活垃圾代谢分析的框架,并对新框架的3个模块进行了详细的说明,建立了相应的评价指标体系并给出了应用实例。城市生活垃圾循环利用系统物质代谢分析框架能够清楚地描述生活垃圾进入经济系统后的具体流向和流量,为描述城市生活垃圾的代谢情况提供了定性及定量化的分析工具。  相似文献   

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