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With the advent of Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technology the extent of CO2 handling is set to increase dramatically. However, lack of substantial operational experience in such a novel process can lead to significant difficulties in identifying the associated hazards. This field may be characterized by atypical accident scenarios, i.e. scenarios not captured by common HAZard IDentification (HAZID) techniques because of omissions, errors or lack of knowledge. Recent atypical events evidence that consequences may exceed by far those of worst-case reference scenarios. Identification of atypical scenarios related to CCS is a challenge, considering also the public concern that this technology raises. This study focuses on new and emerging technologies of carbon capture and transport. A HAZID analysis was carried out by means of two different approaches (‘top-down’ and ‘DyPASI’). This allowed not only for a double check of results, but also for the comparative assessment of the methodologies and of their applicability. A general overview of the accident scenarios related to these technologies was given. No absolute showstoppers were found. Rather, a number of potential hazards were identified which will require the adoption of safe design principles to eliminate, prevent, control or mitigate them. Some possible safety barriers required for implementation were identified as a starting point in this process.  相似文献   

The European iNTeg-Risk project is a large-scale integrated project aimed at improving the management of emerging risks related to new technologies in European industry. The project aims to build a new management paradigm for emerging risks as a set of principles supported by a common language, agreed tools and methods, and key performance indicators, all integrated into a single framework. It is using a number of Emerging Risk Representative Applications (ERRAs), or case studies, to inform the development of the framework; one of which concerns the carbon capture and storage (CCS) process.This paper describes the iNTeg-Risk CCS ERRA. Relevant hazards and properties of carbon dioxide are described and the emerging risks from CCS are discussed. Three new tools have been developed or trialled within the ERRA. These are: the DyPASI methodology for taking account of atypical (not usually identified) events during hazard identification; a methodology for including the time dimension in a risk assessment; and life-cycle approaches for risk management and communication. For CCS, the risk assessment needs to include both short-term potential accidents from capture, transport or injection, as well as very long-term risks from storage. Knowledge gaps which are generic to emerging risks are also identified.  相似文献   

With the advent of Carbon Capture and Storage technology (CCS) the scale and extent of its handling is set to increase. Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture plants are expected to be situated near to power plants and other large industrial sources. Afterward CO2 is to be transported to storage site using one or a combination of transport media: truck, train, ship or pipeline. Transport by pipeline is considered the preferred option for large quantities of CO2 over long distances. The hazard connected with this kind of transportation can be considered an emerging risk and is the subject of this paper.The paper describes the Quantitative Risk Assessment of a hypothetical network pipeline located in UK, in particular the study of consequences due to a CO2 release from pipeline.The risk analysis highlighted that some sections of pipeline network cross densely populated areas. For this reason, some changes in the original path of the network have been proposed in order to achieve a significant reduction in the societal risk.  相似文献   

全球气候变化问题日益严重,CO2捕集与封存(CCS)技术被看作是最有发展前景的解决该问题的技术之一。CCS技术主要包括3个环节:CO2捕集,运输和封存。首先介绍了CO2捕集技术,该技术按工艺主要分为燃烧前捕集、富氧燃烧捕集、燃烧后捕集和化学链燃烧捕集。随后介绍了CO2封存技术,该技术按封存地点可分为地质封存和海洋封存。在众多的CO2封存技术中,CO2强化采油技术由于其较高的经济效益近年来得到广泛应用。从国外、国内两个层面详细介绍了该技术的发展情况。  相似文献   

HAZID方法浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合实际工程建设项目开展危险源辨识(HAZID)分析的情况,介绍了HAZID分析方法的广义和狭义概念内涵,主要分析步骤、每步主要工作内容、典型引导词、分析形式和特点,并将HA-ZID方法与常用的过程危险源方法、尤其是HAZOP分析方法进行了对比,以帮助读者更好地理解、运用此方法。本文拟推荐的HAZID分析方法将危险化学品行业的风险管理向前延伸到项目的早期阶段(如项目论证、可行性研究、基础工程设计或初步设计阶段),可以帮助项目组在项目建设早期认识与项目有关的健康、安全、环境(HSE)各方面问题的重要性和相关性,所辨识出的关键危险源及其危险,为下一步有重点、有目的地开展项目HSE风险管理确定了关注重点。在早期阶段进行HAZID分析,还可以有机会以最小的代价实现对项目厂址和总图布置的调整、工艺方案和设计原则的优化,可以避免后期再发现HSE隐患、必须整改时可能存在的不可实施性,或对项目费用、进度等产生严重负面影响。  相似文献   

This paper is derived from a study on the safety of bulk transport and storage of hydrogen as a fuel, carried out by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) for the Department for Transport (DfT). The aim of the study was to identify the knowledge and data required to develop fully a risk assessment for a hydrogen delivery and storage infrastructure. The methodology used was to begin to carry out a risk assessment for a representative delivery and storage supply chain, using a risk assessment methodology commensurate with the availability of necessary data. Semi-quantitative risk assessment was carried out through top-down HAZID brainstorming, consequence modelling using commercially available software, and use of a risk matrix.Finally through the risk assessment carried out and relevant literature review, the gaps in hazard identification, consequence modelling and frequency assessment, which should be filled to develop a quantified methodology, were compiled.Using data for current UK LPG consumption, comparisons were made between hydrogen and LPG for mode of failures and number of trips required to supply equivalent energy demand. The implications of using ammonia as a hydrogen carrier (hydrogen is within the ammonia molecule) and regulatory implications on hydrogen fuelling or storage sites are also discussed.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an important technology option for reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions. In practice, CO2 sources are easy to characterize, while the estimation of relevant properties of storage sites, such as capacity and injection rate limit (i.e., injectivity), is subject to considerable uncertainty. Such uncertainties need to be accounted for in planning CCS deployment on a large scale for effective use of available storage sites. In particular, the uncertainty introduces technical risks that may result from overestimating the limits of given storage sites. In this work, a fuzzy mixed integer linear program (FMILP) is developed for multi-period CCS systems, accounting for the technical risk arising from uncertainties in estimates of sink parameters, while still attaining satisfactory CO2 emissions reduction. In the model, sources are assumed to have precisely known CO2 flow rates and operating lives, while geological sinks are characterized with imprecise fuzzy capacity and injectivity data. Three case studies are then presented to illustrate the model. Results of these examples illustrate the tradeoff inherent in planning CCS systems under parametric uncertainty.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques are considered as one of the promising approaches to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel based power generation, which still accounts for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. CCS technology can be used to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, with the additional advantage that it allows continuing use reliable and inexpensive fossil fuels. However, CCS retrofit entails major capital costs as well as a reduction of overall thermal efficiency and power output. Thus, it is essential for planning purposes to implement the minimal extent of CCS retrofit while meeting the specified carbon emission limits for the power sector. At the same time, it is necessary to plan for compensatory power generation capacity to offset energy losses resulting from CCS retrofit. In this paper, an algebraic targeting technique is presented for planning of grid-wide CCS retrofits in the power generation sector with compensatory power. The targeting technique is developed based on pinch analysis. In addition, the proposed methodologies are illustrated through case studies based on grid data in India and the Philippines. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to determine the suitable CCS technology and compensatory power source which satisfy emission limits.  相似文献   

An assignment to carry out a hazard study and risk analysis of a gas processing complex has been described briefly, wherein well known procedures have been used to identify and investigate potential hazards. A method of avoiding unintentional overfilling of LPG storage tanks has been recommended, which utilizes the existing level control instruments.  相似文献   

储罐关键液位的确定在储罐液位灾害防护系统中起着至关重要的作用,是构建储罐液位灾害防护系统的重要步骤之一。现阶段的储罐灾害分析均偏向于高液位灾害分析,且国内外有关储罐液位的条例规范也较为模糊笼统,仅给出了关键高液位的计算公式与储罐低液位的概念和粗略定值。因此在给出确定响应时间方法的同时,参照API-STD-2350—2012中给出的储罐关键高液位计算公式,结合我国生产实践中储罐运行的实际情况与储罐低液位灾害的具体情况,对原有的3个储罐关键高液位计算公式进行修正,并在其基础上定义了储罐高液位联锁触发液位,给出了该液位与储罐关键低液位的计算公式。  相似文献   

Aging urban oil and gas pipelines have a high failure probability due to their structural degradation and external interference. The operational safety of the aging urban oil and gas pipeline is challenged by different hazards. This paper proposes a novel methodology by integrating an index-based risk evaluation system and fuzzy TOPSIS model for risk management of aging urban oil and gas pipelines, and it is carried out by evaluating the priority of hazards affecting pipeline safety. Firstly, the hazard factors of aging urban oil and gas pipelines are identified to establish an index-based risk evaluation system. Subsequently, the fuzzy TOPSIS model is employed to evaluate the importance of these hazard factors and to decide which factors should be managed with priority. This work measures the importance of a hazard factor from three aspects, i.e. occurrence (O), severity (S) and detectability (D), and the weights of these three parameters are determined by a combination weight method. Eventually, the proposed methodology is tested by an industrial case to illustrate its effectiveness, and some safety strategies to reduce the operational risk of the pipeline are presented. The proposed methodology is a useful tool to implement more efficient risk management of aging urban oil and gas pipelines.  相似文献   

Today, the world's energy needs are still supplied mainly from fossil fuel based resources. This is true for electricity generation as well, thus making the power sector responsible for 45% of greenhouse gas emissions. The present climate crisis has made it necessary to minimise emissions in power generation, with low-carbon energy sources taking on greater significance in recent years. However, most low-carbon sources have inherent problems, like intermittency and high capital expenditure. A suitable alternative is carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology which allows continued fossil fuel-based electricity generation at much lower rates of emission. Two approaches are possible in the deployment of CCS technology. The first is to introduce new power plants equipped for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, while systematically shutting down existing coal power plants. Another is to retrofit existing power plants for CO2 capture. These approaches are compared in this work. The study shows that allowing CCS retrofitting of existing power plants can reduce the overall cost requirement significantly. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is also done to study the effect of nuclear energy on the overall energy mix.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is an asphyxiant and an irritant gas. An extreme outburst of carbon dioxide took place 7 July 1953 in a potash mine in the former East Germany. During 25 min, a large amount of CO2 was blown out of the mine shaft with great force. It was wind still and concentrated CO2 accumulated in a valley leading to multiple asphyxiation casualties. Based on a review of concentration-response relationships, the location of victims, and other information, it is concluded that concentrations of 10-30% carbon dioxide may have occurred 450 m from the point of release for at least 45 min. It is concluded that 1100-3900 tonnes of CO2 were blown out of the mine shaft, possibly with intensities around 4 tonnes/s. It is also concluded that the large majority of the gas escaped as a near-vertical high-velocity jet with only little loss of momentum due to impingement. The release was modelled using PHAST. Output from the model is inconsistent with the asphyxiation harm observed. The high-momentum release is predicted to disperse safely and never reach the ground. Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) schemes will involve handling and transportation of unprecedented quantities of CO2. Case histories to date include sudden releases of CO2 of up to 50 tonnes only, far too small to provide a suitable empirical perspective on predicted hazard distances for CCS projects. The 1953 outburst contributes to filling this gap.  相似文献   

A novel hazard identification methodology applied to process systems is presented in this paper. This blended hazard identification (BLHAZID) methodology blends two different types of HAZID methods: the function-driven and component-driven approach. The BLHAZID method is based on a conceptual framework called the Functional Systems Framework, which describes structure–function–goal relationships in process systems.The goals of the BLHAZID methodology are to generate outcomes that contain a high coverage of hazards, describe detailed failure causality in process systems and express this knowledge in a structured form for effective reused in subsequent applications, such as fault diagnosis, operator training, design reviews, fault and event tree construction and hazard updates to satisfy major hazard facility requirements.Both the BLHAZID methodology and the Functional Systems Framework were developed with involvement and advice from two major industrial partners. An industrial case study of a benzene saturation unit is presented to illustrate how the BLHAZID methodology operates in practice.  相似文献   

为了减少采空塌陷区输气管道危险性评价中对主观判断的依赖,提出以突变理论为基础的危险性评价模型。首先,从采矿因素、岩体物理力学参数、环境与地质因素和埋地管道因素等4个方面分析采空塌陷区输气管道危险性影响因素;其次,建立采空塌陷区输气管道危险性指标体系;然后,对指标体系中的底层指标进行无量纲化和归一化处理;最后,计算得到输气管道危险性突变数值,进而实现对采空塌陷区输气管道危险性等级的综合评判。将以上评价模型进行实例应用,应用结果表明,基于突变理论的采空塌陷区输气管道综合评价模型可以用于采空塌陷区输气管道的危险性评价。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the major accident hazards associated with the intermediate temporary storage of dangerous substances in transportation-related activities. In particular, the hazards related to the presence of dangerous substances in port areas and marshalling yards are identified and analysed. Furthermore, a number of past accidents in transport interfaces have been collated from various sources and have been statistically analysed. Finally, the framework for major accident control in these activities is reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Transportation safety is a key aspect of carbon capture and storage (CCS), which is a major technology used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Supercritical CO2 pipelines have been certified as an optimised choice for CO2 transportation. The results of this study show that the Peng–Robinson (PR) equation of state is recommended for analysis of the properties of supercritical CO2. The influence of nonpolar and polar impurities on the two-phase region and the location of the sharp discontinuity in the density are found by analysing the ternary phase equilibrium and physical parameters using the PR equation of state. A transitional area between the supercritical phase and the dense phase, where the density changes abruptly, is defined as the quasi-critical region. This study describes the functional relation between the temperature and the pressure that defines the quasi-critical line by calculating the partial derivative equations and then determines the effect of impurities on the quasi-critical region of transported CO2. Operational recommendations for pipeline transportation of flue CO2 are developed using a pipeline operated by Sinopec as an example, demonstrating the influence of impurities in flue CO2 on saturation pressure for control and prevention of fractures in CO2 pipelines.  相似文献   

盐穴地下储气库事故统计及风险分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
借鉴输气管道和二氧化碳地下封存设施的风险评价方法,结合盐穴地下储气库的事故统计分析,对储气库系统中的潜在风险因素进行12大类、35小类的初步分类,并归纳总结了盐穴地下储气库的3种主要事故类型。采用事故树分析的风险评价方法,对13种主要风险因素进行风险识别。在此基础上,提出定量风险评价的重要工程模型,其包括气体水合物模型、盐穴稳定性评价模型以及气体泄漏模型。该风险分析方法和工程模型有助于定量评价盐穴地下储气库的主要风险因素,为储库的安全稳定运行提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

There has been an increase in the development and deployment of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in recent years. In particular, BESS using lithium-ion batteries have been prevalent, which is mainly due to their power density, performance, and economical aspects. BESS have been increasingly used in residential, commercial, industrial, and utility applications for peak shaving or grid support. As the number of installed systems is increasing, the industry has also been observing more field failures that resulted in fires and explosions. Lithium-ion batteries contain flammable electrolytes, which can create unique hazards when the battery cell becomes compromised and enters thermal runaway. The initiating event is frequently a short circuit which may be a result of overcharging, overheating, or mechanical abuse. During the exothermic reaction process (i.e., thermal runaway), large amounts of flammable and potentially toxic battery gas will be generated. The released gas largely contains hydrogen, which is highly flammable under a wide range of conditions. This may create an explosive atmosphere in the battery room or storage container. As a result, a number of the recent incidents resulted in significant consequences highlighting the difficulties on how to safely deal with the hazard. This paper identifies fire and explosion hazards that exist in commercial/industrial BESS applications and presents mitigation measures. Common threats, barriers, and consequences are conceptually shown and how they would be identified in a hazard mitigation analysis (HMA). Mitigation measures that can be implemented to reduce the risk of a fire or an explosion are discussed. The presented information is intended to provide practical information to professionals and authorities in this fairly new industry to assure that prevention and mitigation strategies can be effectively implemented and that the regulatory requirement of the HMA can be met.  相似文献   

可燃气体储罐区泄漏危险性定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对位于某城市中心附近的可燃气体储罐区的气体泄漏危险性进行了分析,求出了下风向最大可燃范围和中毒范围.进行灵敏度分析以便识别风速、泄漏面积对泄漏危险性的影响.分析结果显示,风速、泄漏面积对泄漏危险性有显著影响.随着泄漏面积增大,下风向最大可燃范围增大;随着风速的增大,下风向最大可燃范围则减小.最后提出了若干安全措施的建议.  相似文献   

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