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饮用水卫生标准新国标实施从7月1日起,我国将强制实施新版《生活饮用水卫生标准》,新标准加强了对水质有机物、微生物和水质消毒等方面的要求,对于砷、铅、铬这些重金属类的指标限制规定到最低,总体上与世卫组织水质标准接轨。2006年底,卫生部会同环保部、水利部等部门正式颁布了新版《生活饮用水卫生标准》,规定自2012年7月1日起全面实施。据悉,饮新标准中,常规检测指标是42项,还有64项为非常规检测指标,按照规定,106项"体检"指标中,64项非常规指标都要卫生部门定期检测,常规指标可以由水厂自测。(南方日报)  相似文献   

数字106项从7月开始,由国家标准委和卫生部等部门联合制定的新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》正式实施。新标准中的饮用水水质指标由原标准的35项增至106项,增加了71项。新标准统一了城镇和农村饮用水卫生标准,并与国际标准接轨。  相似文献   

好消息饮用水卫生标准新国标实施从7月1日起,我国将强制实施新版《生活饮用水卫生标准》,新标准加强了对水质有机物、微生物和水质消毒等方面的要求,对于砷、铅、铬这些重金属类的指标限制规定到最低,总体上与世卫组织水质标准接轨。2006年底,卫生部会同环保部、水利部等部门正式颁布了新版《生活饮用水卫生标准》,规定自2012年7月1日起全面实施。据悉,饮新标准中,常规检测指标是42项,还有64项为非常规检测指标,按照规定,106项"体检"指标中,64项非常规指标都要卫生部门定期检测,常规指标可以由水厂自测。(南方日报)  相似文献   

环境保护法的公布为我国开展环保工作创造了有利条件,但又迫切需要制订一系列环境标准作为执法依据。环境卫生标准是环境标准的一个重要组成部份。我国早在五十年代就开始制订卫生标准,二十多年采已先后制订、修订了《工业企业设计卫生标准》、《生活饮用水卫生标准》和117种食品卫生标准等。自实施  相似文献   

水中的微量元素——镉,对人体是一种有害物质,能引起积蓄性中毒,在肾脏富集,可引起肾脏病变。如侵入骨组织,会取代钙质,使骨质软化,骨骼变形,严重者形成自然骨折以致死亡。世界卫生组织规定饮用水含镉不超过0.005mg/l,我国《生活饮用水卫生标准》  相似文献   

如今很多人的眼睛都盯着水。从2012年7月1日起,我国强制实施新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》,这个标准要求水质总体与世卫组织水质标准接轨。作为环保志愿者,南京两位市民——程渊和李春华,向全国32个城市的自来水厂邮  相似文献   

如今很多人的眼睛都盯着水。 从2012年7月1日起,我国强制实施新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》,这个标准要求水质总体与世卫组织水质标准接轨。作为环保志愿者,南京两位市民——程渊和李春华,向全国32个城市的自来水厂邮寄了政府信息公开申请表,要求公开自来水水质数据。  相似文献   

全国修订版《生活饮用水卫生标准》研讨会议于1986年9月16日至23日在江西九江召开。会议由中国预防医学科学院环境卫生监测所主持,会上由修改组对"标准"修改概况、"标准"条文说明以及 "标准"中有关指标的制订依据作了介绍,代表们进行  相似文献   

氢化物发生原子荧光光谱法测定饮用水中的铅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改变仪器条件及试剂配比进行优选实验,利用原子荧光光谱法测定饮用水中的铅可知:铅的检出限是0.020μg/L,能够满足GB 5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》的要求;同时原子荧光光谱仪分析样品灵敏度高、重现性好、干扰少、操作简便、分析快捷,测定样品的准确度和精密度均能达到质量控制要求。  相似文献   

合肥自来水明年有望直接饮用合肥市民有望在明年6月喝上欧盟标准的自来水,即打开水龙头直接饮用自来水。6月初,国家建设部新颁布的《城市供水水质标准》正式实施,新标准参考了欧盟水标准的若干内容,取代了沿用20年的《生活饮用水卫生标准》。与老标准的35项检测项目相比,新标准的检测项目增加至101项,主要包括对微生物学指标、感官性状和一般化学指标、毒理学指标、放射性指标进行检  相似文献   

Two surveys of consumer satisfaction with drinking water conducted by Taiwan Water Supply Corp. are presented in this study. The study results show that although a lot of money was invested to modify traditional treatment processes, over 60% of local residents still avoided drinking tap water. Over half of the respondents felt that sample TT (from the traditional treatment process) was not a good drinking water, whether in the first or second survey, whereas almost 60% of respondents felt that samples PA, PB, CCL and CT (from advanced treatment processes) were good to drink. For all drinking water samples, respondent satisfaction with a sample primarily depended on it having no unpleasant flavors. Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration plans to revise the drinking water quality standards for TH and TDS in the near future. The new standards require a lower TH concentration (from currently 400mg/L (as CaCO(3)) to 150mg/L (as CaCO(3))), and a lower TDS maximum admissible concentration from the current guideline of 600 to 250mg/L. Therefore, this study also evaluated the impacts on drinking water tastes caused by variations in TH and TDS concentrations, and assessed the need to issue more strict drinking water quality standards for TH and TDS. The research results showed that most respondents could not tell the difference in water taste among water samples with different TDS, TH and alkalinity. Furthermore, hardness was found to be inversely associated with cardiovascular diseases and cancers, and complying with more strict standards would lead most water facilities to invest billions of dollars to upgrade their treatment processes. Consequently, in terms of drinking water tastes alone, this study suggested that Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration should conduct more thorough reviews of the scientific literature that provides the rationale for setting standards and reconsider if it is necessary to revise drinking water quality standards for TH and TDS.  相似文献   

我国城乡居民饮用水安全现状不容乐观,饮用水源污染已经成为较突出的社会问题,其中地下水饮用水源污染更为突出.饮用水源保护区划分是保证水质安全的重要措施,饮用水源保护区划分方法较多,其中数值模拟法能客观并详细地描述含水层结构与水文地质条件,适用于各种背景的地下水水源研究.本文以崇州市城区饮用水源为例,采用MODFLOW软件建立地下水渗流场,应用MODPATH对水源地抽水井进行粒子逆向示踪模拟,根据不同的时间标准确定一、二级保护区范围,并结合区域水文地质条件和地标、地界特点确定各级保护区的界线.  相似文献   

在知识经济不断发展的今天,企业无形资产的比例与重要性日益提高,我国现行会计准则中有关无形资产的许多规定与国际会计准则的规定存在明显差异,这便造成无形资产在总体规模、发展水平、经营效率等方面与发达国家有很大差异,而会计信息使用者越来越关注无形资产的状况,以便做出合理的决策。在这种背景下探讨我国无形资产会计准则与国际会计准则的差异具有重要意义。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市农村饮水安全状况调查结果显示,90%受访户采用家庭分散式浅井取水、100%的用户取水后以漂白粉消毒,但消毒剂的投加不规范。当地政府从未组织对水质进行安全检测,农村缺少污水处理和垃圾处理设施,缺少健全的供水管理制度并且饮水安全意识薄弱。可以从加大水利资金投入推进集约化供水、引进权责明晰的多元化管理制度、建立水源地保护和水质监测的长效机制、推进农村污染综合整治等方面解决农村饮水安全问题。加强饮水安全后续管理,推进社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

Water is a natural resource key to human and environmental health. China has suffered serious contamination of its water sources in the past decade, which has had severe consequences on the water supplies of millions of residents. Frequent polluting accidents and the amount of wastewater discharged have caused concern for the safety of drinking water. Fortunately, those at various levels of government have realized the importance of protecting the sources of drinking water and confirmed a list of 175 nationally important sources. Measures have also been adopted to control water pollution, including infrastructural, physical, chemical, ecological, administrative, and legal measures. While helpful, some areas in need of more attention are rural water, groundwater, agricultural pollution, and domestic sewage. Based on the lessons learned from experiences in developed countries, we offer some suggestions for improving, inter alia, funding, legal construction, management, and awareness‐raising, as well as present proposals for the future protection of our sources of drinking water. Future work should focus on water quality standards, quantitative research, high technology and legislation.  相似文献   

在我国经济融入国际一体化的进程中,每个企业应以先进的科学管理标准为依据,面对日趋复杂和激烈的国际竞争形势,有效地规避企业风险。文章以风险控制为原则,阐述了企业质量、职业健康安全及环境管理体系的建立、实施与改进原则,对财务风险内控体系的策划与建立进行了分析,提出多个标准体系应有机结合、最终有效地减小企业风险的管理模式。  相似文献   

Summary A comparison is made of major issues relating to drinking water and river water quality in the UK and the CIS (USSR). Historical and legislative aspects are briefly reviewed. In both countries there is an imbalance between the location of fresh water sources and the distribution of the population. In each country standards are used to define water quality. These standards tend to be more exacting in the CIS. In the UK derogations are used to produce a more relaxed standard. Failure to comply with drinking water standards is common in the CIS (on average 20 percent of samples). In the UK, data are recorded on a different basis, but it appears that deviations from nitrate and pesticide standards are common. In both countries' water supplies, pollution appears to be extensive with few overall signs of significant improvement. This is attributable partly to lack of effective enforcement and weak penalties for transgressors. There is a high level of public concern regarding water quality and health in both the CIS and the UK. As a consequence there are increasing signs in each country of a national determination to implement the legislation more effectively. Needs for further actions are identified.Dr Olga Bridges was born and educated in Russia. Since coming to the UK she has held posts on Soviet Studies in various universities. Dr Bridges' early research was in attitudes to languages and nationality, but more recently it has centred on attitudes to environmental issues. To further her knowledge of scientific aspects of environmental problems, Dr Bridges is currently taking the Advanced Diploma in Environmental Practice at Farnborough College of Technology, UK.  相似文献   

中国是造纸大国,制浆造纸在中国属于重污染行业。2008年国家发布的《制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准》对整个行业可能排放的污染物提出了要求。本文通过将该标准与国外造纸行业相关的水污染物排放标准进行比较研究,找出我国标准与国外的差别,并为完善我国造纸行业水污染物排放标准提出建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The concentrations of iron and sulfate in community water supplies are a concern for a number of areas in southwestern Minnesota. This study used the contingent valuation method to determine how much consumers would be willing to pay to improve their drinking water quality. On average, individuals were willing to pay US$5.25 per month (in 1995 U.S. dollars) to reduce the level of iron and US$4.33 per month to reduce the level of sulfate in their water to the USEPA's secondary standards for drinking water quality. Respondents with negative perceptions of their drinking water quality were willing to pay more to improve water quality. The aggregate annual willingness to pay (WTP) for all consumers in community water systems in southwestern Minnesota that were out of compliance with water quality standards were estimated to be US$2.4 million and US$2.0 million (in 1995 dollars) for reducing the levels of iron and sulfate, respectively. Yet the total WTP of consumers who use small community water systems may not be enough to pay the full cost of providing improved water in those systems. Economies of scale in water treatment and difficulties in financing improvements mean that technical innovation, government assistance, or institutional changes may be needed to improve water quality in these areas.  相似文献   

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