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A novel treating technology for nitrogen removal from soybean wastewater was studied. The process for nitrogen removal was achieved by alternating aeration and mixing, combined with real\|time control strategies. Results showed that the COD and total nitrogen removal rates are more than 90% and 92% at COD and total nitrogen loads of 1.0-1.2 kg COD/(kgMLSS·d) and 0.20-0.27 kg TN/(kgMLSS·d), respectively. In addition, it could improve sludge settling property. SVI value is less than 70 g/ml during the whole cycles. The method not only may be adapted to treat soybean wastewater with high nitrogen, but also may be applied to treat other high nitrogen wastewater.  相似文献   

The feasibility of pH and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) as on-line control parameters to advance nitrogen removal in pulsed sequencing batch reactors (SBR) was evaluated. The pulsed SBR, a novel operational mode of SBR, was utilized to treat real municipal wastewater accompanied with adding ethanol as external carbon source. It was observed that the bending-point (apex and knee) of pH and ORP profiles can be used to control denitrification process at a low influent C/N ratio while dpH/dt can be used to control the nitrification and denitrification process at a high influent C/N ratio. The experimental results demonstrated that the effluent total nitrogen can be reduced to lower than 2 mg/L, and the average total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency was higher than 98% by using real-time controll strategy. __________ Translated from Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control, 2006, 7(12): 32–35 [译自: 环境污染治理技术与设备]  相似文献   

不同方式实现短程硝化反硝化生物脱氮工艺的比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用序批式活性污泥法(SBR),以实际豆制品废水为处理对象,比较了控制温度(T=310.5℃)、溶解氧(DO=0.5mg/L)和pH值(7.8~8.7)3种途径实现短程硝化反硝化生物脱氮工艺.结果表明,无论从硝化速率、硝化时间、污泥沉降性能以及生物相上,控制溶解氧实现的短程硝化反硝化脱氮工艺均不如其他2种工艺.就该工艺存在的问题从活性污泥法反应动力学和微生物相上进行了理论探讨,3种途径实现短程硝化反硝化生物脱氮工艺在实际工程应用中均不同程度地存在一些问题.  相似文献   

An innovative shortcut biological nitrogen removal system, consisting of an aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) and an anaerobic packed-bed biofilm reactor (PBBR), was evaluated for treating high strength ammonium-bearing wastewater. The system was seeded with enriched ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and operated without sludge purge with a decreased hydraulic retention time (HRT) through three phases. The MBR was successful in both maintaining nitrite ratio over 0.95 and nitrification efficiency higher than 98% at a HRT of 24 h. The PBBR showed satisfactory denitrification efficiency with very low effluent nitrite and nitrate concentration (both below 3 mg/L). By examining the nitrification activity of microorganism, it was found that the specific ammonium oxidization rate (SAOR) increased from 0.17 to 0.51 g N/(g VSS·d) and then decreased to 0.22 g N/(g VSS·d) at the last phase, which resulted from the accumulation of extracellular polymers substances (EPS) and inert matters enwrapped around the zoogloea. In contrast, the average specific nitrite oxidization rate (SNOR) is 0.002 g N/(g VSS·d), only 1% of SAOR. Because very little Nitrobactor has been detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), it is confirmed that the stability of high nitrite accumulation in MBR is caused by a large amount of AOB.  相似文献   

应用新型自动呼吸-滴定测量仪在线测量pH值、HPR等信号,进行了在SBR内实现短程脱氮的研究.采用SBR处理人工合成废水,COD和NH4+-N浓度分别为360,40mg/L,温度稳定在20℃,DO低于2mg/L,基于HPR在线监测控制SBR曝气历时.运行约60d后,亚硝酸盐积累率达到88%,COD和NH4+-N去除率均在90%以上,稳定实现了短程硝化反硝化.应用HPR估计硝化过程的NH4+-N浓度发现,NH4+-N实测值与基于HPR的计算值间存在良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.9722;计算值整体低于实测值,主要是由曝气初期的滴定启动滞后所致.  相似文献   

养殖废水是一类典型的高氨氮废水.在低C/N比进水条件下,生物处理单元内较易出现污泥膨胀现象.采用实时控制技术,建立了序批式反应器(SBR)优化硝化-反硝化控制系统,进行了外加碳源用于低C/N比养殖废水处理中的污泥膨胀控制研究.并探讨了优化控制系统对污泥膨胀的控制机制.结果表明,低C/N比进水条件下,不完全硝化-反硝化过程导致硝酸盐及氨氮的累积是低F/M条件下污泥膨胀的主要原因.根据进水水质变化,实时控制系统自动优化外加碳源投加量,可有效控制由不完全硝化-反硝化反应引起的污泥膨胀.  相似文献   

低温低氨氮SBR短程硝化稳定性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在11~15℃条件下,采用序批式反应器(SBR)研究(50±5)mg/L氨氮浓度下短程硝化的稳定性.结果表明,2种溶解氧浓度(初始DO浓度分别为0.9~1.5,4.5~5.0mg/L)下反应器均能达到良好的稳定性和去除效果,150个周期内亚硝化率一直维持在95%以上,氨氧化率85%以上,平均SVI为35.22mL/g,2种DO水平下的平均氨氮污泥负荷分别为0.15,0.23kgN/(kgMLSS·d).当初始DO浓度为4.5~5.0mg/L时,21~23℃条件下无法实现短程硝化的稳定运行,经过42个周期亚硝化率降至70%,而31~33℃条件可以实现短程硝化的恢复并维持其稳定.经过不同温度条件下的对比分析及FISH试验研究,表明11~15℃与31~33℃均可抑制NOB的活性,从而有利于实现生活污水短程硝化的稳定运行.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to establish an on-line controlling system for nitrogen and phosphorus removal synchronously of municipal wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The SBR for municipal wastewater treatment was operated in sequences: filling, anaerobic, oxic, anoxic, oxic, settling and discharge. The reactor was equipped with on-line monitoring sensors for dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and pH. The variation of DO, ORP and pH is relevant to each phase of biological process for nitrogen and phosphorus removal in this SBR. The characteristic points of DO, ORP and pH can be used to judge and control the stages of process that include: phosphate release by the turning points of ORP and pH; nitrification by the ammonia valley of pH and ammonia elbows of DO and ORP; denitrification by the nitrate knee of ORP and nitrate apex of pH; phosphate uptake by the turning point of pH; and residual organic carbon oxidation by the carbon elbows of DO and ORP. The controlling system can operate automatically for nitrogen and phosphorus efficiently removal. __________ Translated from Water & Wastewater Engineering, 2006, 26(5): 728–733 [译自: 给水排水]  相似文献   

城市污水SBR法短程生物脱氮的中试研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用处理量为60m3/d的SBR大型中试系统对实际城市污水的短程脱氮效果和稳定性进行研究.通过对传统时间控制模式和在线实时控制模式的对比分析可知,应用实时在线控制的分段进水交替缺氧/好氧运行模式,在达到相同深度脱氮效果的前提下,相对于传统运行方式的反应时间显著缩短,投加的外碳源量也缩减了25%.系统在保证平均总氮去除率98.2%的基础上,获得了较好的短程硝化效果,各好氧反应段的亚硝化率均在95%以上.精准的在线实时过程控制与交替缺氧/好氧的运行方式是短程生物脱氮实现及稳定的主要因素.  相似文献   

以DO、ORP、pH作为两段SBR工艺的实时控制参数   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了在传统SBR脱氮工艺的基础上 ,开发的用于处理COD和氮浓度较高的工业废水的两段SBR系统 (TSSBR) .根据传统SBR工艺在反应过程中 ,当COD不再被降解 ,而硝化反应又没有开始时 ,DO迅速大幅度升高以及pH曲线上出现的拐点 ,可以将COD降解与硝化反应分割开 ,先后在不同的反应器内进行 ,分别命名为SBR1和SBR2 ,避免高COD浓度对硝化反应的冲击 ,提高处理效率 .利用在线检测的DO、ORP和pH参数实时控制SBR1、SBR2各个生化过程的反应时间 ,解决了两段SBR系统的自动控制问题 ,可以使系统长期稳定运行 ,保证出水水质 ,节约能耗 .采用实时控制策略 ,并控制系统温度在 3 0℃左右 ,可将SBR2的硝化反应控制在亚硝酸型硝化结束 .采用该工艺处理石化废水 ,COD去除率达到 90 %~ 95 % ,3 0℃时的比硝化反应速率达到 0 3kg(NH4 N) (kg(MLSS)·d) ,出水已检测不出氨氮和硝态氮  相似文献   

A bench-scale reactor(72 L) red with domestic sewage, was operated more than 3 months with three operation modes: traditional mode, modified mode and real-time control mode, so as to evaluate effects of the operation mode on the system performance and to develop a feasible control strategy. Results obtained from fixed-time control study indicate that the variations of the pH and oxidation-reduction potential(ORP) profiles can represent dynamic characteristics of system and the cycle sequences can be controlled and optimized by the control points on the pH and ORP profiles. A control strategy was, therefore, developed and applied to real-time control mode. Compared with traditional mode, the total nitrogen(TN) removal can be increased by approximately 16% in modified mode and a mean TN removal of 92% was achieved in real-time control mode. Moreover, approximately 12.5% aeration energy was saved in real- time control mode. The result of this study shows that the performance of nitrogen removal was enhanced in modified operation mode. Moreover, the real-time control made it possible to optimize process operation and save aeration energy.  相似文献   

脉冲SBR处理城市污水深度脱氮的工艺特性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用脉冲式SBR法,对城市污水进行了深度脱氮试验研究.从理论上分析了进水次数和进水量对脉冲式SBR工艺运行特性的影响,得出了脱氮效率公式,并通过试验研究了这些因素对工艺运行的实际影响.理论分析表明,在不投加外碳源的情况下,随着进水次数的增加,脱氮效率依次增加.根据进水C/N的高低,进水方式可分为不等量递增进水、等量进水和不等量递减进水.试验表明,当原水中有机碳源充足时,不等量递减的进水方式相对于等量的进水方式投加较少的外碳源就能实现深度脱氮;随着进水次数的增加,外碳源的投量依次减少,但操作变得复杂,对于普通的城市污水建议采用3次等量的进水方式.采用脉冲式SBR只需投加少量外碳源就可以使处理后的城市污水出水TN低于2mg/L,TN平均去除率达到97.3%.  相似文献   

To develop technically feasible and economically favorable dynamic process control(DPC)strategies for an alternating activated sludge(AAS)system,a bench-scale continuous-flow alternating aerobic and anoxic reactor,performing short-cut nitrogen removal from real domestic wastewater was operated under different control strategies for more than five months.A fixed-time control(FTC) study showed that bending-points on pH and oxidation-reduction potential(ORP)profiles accurately coincided with the major biolo...  相似文献   

以序批式生物反应器(Sequencing Batch Reactor,SBR)为基础,研究了短程硝化SBR启动过程中在线监测信号(溶解氧(DO)和氧化还原电位(ORP))的变化规律,考察了不同进水氨氮负荷下DO和ORP一阶导数的变化特征,并对SBR中不同阶段的微生物群落结构进行了对比分析.结果表明,在特定的运行条件下(29~30℃,初始pH8.2,SRT=14),避免硝化阶段的过度曝气,可在第6 d实现短程硝化-反硝化SBR的快速启动.SBR对氨氮去除率维持在97%以上,亚硝化率(NAR)可长期稳定在98%以上.对SBR运行过程中的DO和ORP进行了长期监测,并对它们的一阶导数进行实时计算,结果发现,在短程硝化终点和反硝化终点处,DO与ORP的一阶导数均出现了极值,并且在不同进水氨氮负荷下,极值基本维持稳定.微生物群落分析结果表明,全程硝化阶段的污泥中同时含有氨氧化菌(AOB)和亚硝酸氧化菌(NOB),短程硝化污泥中几乎不含NOB.研究表明,利用DO和ORP的一阶导数极值作为控制参数是稳定可行的,对实现短程硝化SBR工艺的实时控制具有潜在的研究和应用价值.  相似文献   

以一座处理量为60m3·d-1的SBR法中试系统为研究对象,将三层网络智能控制技术引入SBR工艺中,并对该智能控制系统的深度脱氮效果和稳定性进行了中试研究.在SBR法硝化反硝化过程中,pH、DO、ORP曲线上会出现反映生物脱氮进程的特征点,以pH、DO、ORP为控制参数建立的智能控制策略可以准确判断反应的终点,避免了过度曝气,在保证深度脱氮的前提下节省了能耗.经过10个月的稳定运行,即使在温度较低的情况下,该SBR法智能控制中试系统出水的各项指标完全能够达到国家污水排放一级标准,并且达到了深度脱氮的效果,出水COD低于50 mg·L-1,总氮低于5 mg·L-1.  相似文献   

针对低碳氮比生活污水的特点,提出新型离子交换膜-超滤组合膜(IEM-UF)氮富集短程硝化反硝化脱氮工艺.研究了新型IEM-UF亚硝化反硝化脱氮系统在三阶段运行工况下各反应器的性能及整个系统的脱氮及COD去除效果,同时应用高通量技术探究菌群结构变化对脱氮效果的影响.试验结果表明:C/N为3,亚硝化反应器中DO=0.5mg/L条件下,亚硝化反应器中NO2--N积累率仅用19d就达到了90%;在短程反硝化进水流量比为2:1的条件下,COD及NOx--N平均去除率分别达到80%和89%以上.TN去除率最高达到64.8%.高通量16S rDNA测序结果表明,三阶段菌群结构变化与系统脱氮效果的变化一致,亚硝化反应3个阶段亚硝化单胞菌Nitrosomonas所占比例分别为3.69%、5.48%和0.53%,反硝化反应3个阶段反硝化菌Dechloromonas、Thauera之和占活性污泥总菌群比例达到33.35%、25.62%、20.52%.  相似文献   

An UASB+Anoxic/Oxic (A/O) system was introduced to treat a mature landfill leachate with low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and high ammonia concentration. To make the best use of the biodegradable COD in the leaehate, the denitrifieation of NOx^--N in the reeireulation effluent from the elarifier was carried out in the UASB. The results showed that most biodegradable organic matters were removed by the denitrifieation in the UASB. The NH4^+-N loading rate (ALR) of A/O reactor and operational temperature was 0.28- 0.60 kg NH4^+-N/(m^3-d) and 17-29℃ during experimental period, respectively. The short-cut nitrification with nitrite accumulation efficiency of 90%-99% was stabilized during the whole experiment. The NH4^+-N removal efficiency varied between 90% and 100%. When ALR was less than 0.45 kg NH4^+-N/(m^3.d), the NH4^+-N removal efficiency was more than 98%. With the influent NH4^+-N of 1200-1800 mg/L, the effluent NH4^+-N was less than 15 mg/L. The shortcut nitrification and denitrifieation can save 40% carbon source, with a highly efficient denitrifieation taking place in the UASB. When the ratio of the feed COD to feed NH4^+-N was only 2-3, the total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) removal efficiency attained 67%-80%. Besides, the sludge samples from A/O reactor were analyzed using FISH. The FISH analysis revealed that ammonia oxidation bacteria (AOB) accounted for 4% of the total eubaeterial population, whereas nitrite oxidation bacteria (NOB) accounted only for 0.2% of the total eubaeterial population.  相似文献   

Since eutrophication has become increasingly severe in China, nitrogen and phosphorous have been the concern of wastewater treatment, especially nitrogen removal. The stabilization of the intelligent control system and nitrogen removal efficiency were investigated in a pilot-scale aerobic-anoxic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a treatment capacity of 60 m3/d. Characteristic points on the profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) could exactly reflect the process of nitrification and denitrification. Using the intelligent control system not only could save energy, but also could achieve advanced nitrogen removal. Applying the control strategy water quality of the effluent could stably meet the national first discharge standard during experiment of 10 months. Even at low temperature (t = 13°C), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (TN) in the effluent were under 50 and 5 mg/L, respectively. Translated from Acta Scientise Circumstantiae, 2006, 26(5): 745–750 [译自: 环境科学学报]  相似文献   

IntroductionBiologicalphosphorusandnitrogenremovalprocesshasprovidedsignificantbenefitstoameliorateeutrophicationofsurfacewaterwithoutexacerbatingsalination .Recentresearchesonnitrogenremovalaremostlyeithertowardsimprovementofperformanceandenergysavingsintraditionalprocessesortowardsdevelopmentofnewprocesses microorganismsthatareabletoconvertammonium oxidatednitrogenintoharmlessforms.Shorternitrificationanddenitrification ,i.e .partialoxidationofNH 4toNO-2 andsubsequentreductionofthelatterto…  相似文献   

为了解决垃圾渗滤液的脱氮难题,通过改变SBR的操作模式对渗滤液进行处理.同时,试验重点考察了操作模式、曝气时溶解氧、过曝气以及渗滤液碳氮比对工艺脱氮效果的影响.研究结果表明,采用改进SBR对渗滤液进行处理,在原水COD浓度为4000mg/L左右,氨氮浓度为1000mg/L左右,总氮浓度在1100mg/L左右的条件下,不添加任何碳源,出水COD小于500mg/L,氨氮浓度小于5mg/L,总氮浓度小于40mg/L,COD、氨氮和总氮的去除率分别达到了85%、99%和95%以上.影响因素试验表明,反硝化菌中的PHA含量是影响系统脱氮效率的关键.曝气时较高的溶解氧、曝气前的厌氧搅拌以及尽量减少过曝气将提高系统的脱氮效率.同时,只要渗滤液碳氮比大于4,系统均可以对渗滤液实现深度脱氮.  相似文献   

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