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研究在石油企业温室气体清单编制工作中,需要遵循的原则,保证清单的可靠准确。介绍温室气体排放源的确定、核算方法和活动水平数据收集等。通过对油田油气开采处理各环节温室气体排放进行分析研究,确定石油企业编制温室气体排放清单,能掌握准确的温室气体排放情况,有效实施温室气体减排计划。  相似文献   

周健  邓一荣 《环境》2013,(Z1):30-32
开展城市温室气体清单研究对于节能减排和城市低碳发展具有重要意义。本文以广州为例,通过清单编制指南分析广州市温室气体排放清单,核算广州市温室气体排放现状和结构。结果表明,2010年广州市温室气体净排放量为16239.64万t CO2e,其中总排放量16490.17万t CO2e,碳汇量为259.54万tCO2e。气体种类上,CO2占据了广州市温室气体排放总量的86%。部门排放上,能源活动则成为广州市最大的温室气体排放源,其中电力和供热排放比例最大。根据广州市温室气体排放特征,未来应重点从能源结构、产业结构、工业节能、交通体系、低碳生活以及碳汇角度来应对温室气体排放的严峻形势。  相似文献   

为了解城市生活垃圾处理过程中主要温室气体及VOCs排放的变化特征,基于《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》《浙江省市县温室气体清单编制指南》和《大气挥发性有机物源排放清单编制技术指南》推荐的方法,估算了2005-2016年杭州市生活垃圾处理主要温室气体及VOCs排放量.结果表明:2005-2016年杭州市生活垃圾处理过程中温室气体排放占绝对主导地位,VOCs排放只占极少一部分.杭州市生活垃圾处理主要温室气体和VOCs排放量总体上呈上升趋势,与2005年相比,2016年杭州市生活垃圾处理主要温室气体排放量增长了68.8%,VOCs排放量增长了134.0%.从生活垃圾处理方式来看,杭州市生活垃圾填埋处理的温室气体排放量远高于焚烧处理方式,但填埋处理的VOCs排放量却低于焚烧处理方式(2007年和2008年除外).杭州市生活垃圾填埋处理和焚烧处理的温室气体排放强度分别为0.72~0.86、0.18~0.23.从排放贡献和排放强度来看,采用填埋处理方式有利于减少垃圾处理过程中VOCs的排放,而采用焚烧处理方式更有利于温室气体的减排.随着人均生活垃圾产生量的上升,无论是温室气体还是VOCs,杭州市人均垃圾处理排放量总体呈现稳步上升的态势.研究显示,深入垃圾分类回收、控制人均生活垃圾产生量、优化垃圾焚烧处理方式,可以实现生活垃圾处理主要温室气体和VOCs的协同减排.   相似文献   

江苏省温室气体排放清单基础研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着气候问题日益严峻,温室气体排放清单编制已经成为温室气体研究的一项重要的基础工作。本文概述了中国温室气体清单编制的发展情况,并重点介绍了江苏省能源部门温室气体排放清单编制基础工作,包括江苏省温室气体排放清单编制计算方法和步骤,江苏省温室气体排放清单及数据来源等。江苏省能源部门温室气体清单编制主要统计二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮三种最主要的温室气体,将为国家及其他省份相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

针对温室气体(greenhouse gases,GHG)引起的全球气候变化问题,中国制定了一系列的应对策略和减排计划,这些应对策略和减排计划的完成有赖于对温室气体排放数据的科学管理和应用。如何从温室气体排放数据中尽可能多地挖掘信息,是数据能不能得到充分利用的关键。文章通过使用面向服务的体系结构(service-oriented architecture,SOA)设计了温室气体排放清单数据展现模块,运用ASP.NET结合Silverlight技术,绘制了温室气体排放清单数据列表以及饼图、折线图、柱状图等统计图,并且结合Web GIS技术绘制了省市温室气体排放动态专题地图,在此过程中提出了一种采用Silverlight动画技术实现动态专题地图的方法。这一模块的实现提高了图表制作效率,丰富了数据展现方式,为有关部门确定温室气体排放数据、分析排放结构、了解排放数据的变化趋势提供了直观依据,有助于分析减排效果、发掘减排潜力、制定减排措施,更好地落实国家减排任务。  相似文献   

以温室气体排放源和吸收汇为基础,构建了大学校园温室气体排放量化研究框架,并以辽宁工业大学为例,通过走访调研、IPCC排放清单等方法综合,核算了该高校温室气体排放情况.结果显示2014年辽宁工业大学校园温室气体净排放量为3.89×107kg CO2 eq.,人均排放量为2.02 ×103 kg CO2 eq.,主要排放源为外购热力、电力消耗及垃圾处理.并与国内外其他大学的研究结果进行了对比分析,寻求校园温室气体减排的潜力,可为低碳校园的创建提供理论依据与实践经验.  相似文献   

温室气体清单编制是温室气体减排的基础工作,但是温室气体清单涉及能源活动、农业活动、土地利用变化、废物处理、工业生产过程以及电力调入调出等多个行业领域,专业性强,计算复杂,评估模型多,参数确定难,数据采集量大,因此清单编制需要现代信息系统技术支撑。将WebGIS技术引入到温室气体清单编制中,通过调用Google Maps的API接口,以SQL SERVER为后台数据库,采用AJAX,.net等关键技术,实现了数据传输与管理的网络化、计算评估的自动化、统计分析的专业化和数据存储管理的结构化。系统测试与应用表明,该系统既可作为温室气体控制专业机构的辅助工具,也可作为政府温室气体减排管理的共享网络平台。  相似文献   

本文分析了主要经济体温室气体排放监管的法律依据、管理体制以及减排的主要路径。结果表明,主要经济体一般将温室气体排放监管纳入现有环境管理体系中,各相关政府部门分工协作,其中环保行政主管部门在跨领域综合管理、统一管理温室气体监测、统计和清单编制、统筹制定应对气候变化的计划等方面发挥了重要作用。1990—2007年间,非能源活动、非CO2类温室气体减排是主要经济体完成京都目标的关键途径。为此,建议国家尽快明确环保部在应对气候变化管理体制中的具体职责,发挥环保部门在温室气体与污染物减排协同控制中的优势,以最小行政管理成本实施温室气体排放监管。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲机动车排放控制措施协同效应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
预测了2015年珠江三角洲机动车空气污染物和温室气体排放量,设计了6类单一控制、技术控制、结构控制以及综合控制措施的情景,并运用基准线年排放清单编制和协同效应坐标系法分析了污染物与温室气体减排的协同效应.结果表明,按目前机动车保有量增长趋势,2015年污染物和温室气体将以18%~120%的幅度增加;各控制措施下污染物和温室气体排放量均有下降,且均具有正向的协同效应,但减排的贡献差异较大.6类单一控制措施中淘汰黄标车和结构性控制措施分别对各污染物和温室气体的削减效果最明显,减排幅度均在40%以上,且正向协同效应突出,但相比其他措施,结构性控制措施实施难度大.  相似文献   

城市固体废弃物管理系统是产生温室气体的一个不可忽视的排放源。随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化水平的提高,城市固体废弃物排放量逐年增多,如何准确地核算城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放已成为国内外关注的热点问题之一。本文概述了城市固体废弃物管理系统的演进与优化研究进展,重点对城市固体废弃物管理系统温室气体排放核算规范和标准及其影响因素的研究进行了综述,指出了研究中存在的问题。并进一步建议今后在城市不同类别的固体废弃物管理系统演进过程及其影响、温室气体排放的核算方法、温室气体排放的校正系数、城市固体废弃物管理系统的优化模式及温室气体减排机制等方面加强研究。  相似文献   

One of the challenges faced by local governments in the work with municipal climate action plans concerns accounting for the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—what emissions should be targeted, development of emissions over time, and how to effectively measure the success of local climate action. In this paper, we present challenges in developing a GHG emissions inventory related to the provision of municipal services. We argue that a consumption-based perspective, illustrated through the use of the carbon footprint (CF), rather than more conventional production-based inventory, provides a more useful and less misleading indicator. We present an analysis of the CF of municipal services provided by the city of Trondheim. The use of data directly from the city's accounting system ensures a reliable calculation of indirect emissions, and, with some minor modifications, also accurate data on direct emissions. Our analysis shows that approximately 93 percent of the total CF of municipal services is indirect emissions, located in upstream paths, underlining the need of introducing consumption-based indicators that takes into account upstream GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas intensity is a ratio comparing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of an activity or economic sector to the economic value it generates. In recent years, many countries have calculated the GHG intensity of their economic sectors as a basis for policy making. The GHG intensity of tourism, however, has not been determined since tourism is not measured as an economic sector in the national accounts. While for tourism-reliant countries it would be useful to know this quantity, a number of difficulties exist in its determination. In this study, we determine the GHG intensity of tourism's value added in Switzerland by means of a detailed bottom-up approach with the main methodological focus on how to achieve consistent system boundaries. For comparison, we calculate the tourism sector's GHG intensity for selected European countries using a simpler top-down approach. Our results show that the Swiss tourism sector is more than four times more GHG intensive than the Swiss economy on average. Of all tourism's sub-sectors, air transport stands out as the sector with by far largest emissions (80%) and highest GHG intensity. The results for other countries make similar, if not as pronounced, patterns apparent. We discuss the results and possible mitigation options against the background of the goal to prevent dangerous climate change.  相似文献   

新能源公交车是未来城市公交行业节能及温室气体减排的重点发展方向.新能源公交车在行驶阶段具有良好的节能及温室气体减排效果,而汽车制造、能源生产等相关生命周期阶段的能耗及温室气体排放常被忽视,且目前新能源公交车的乘客运载功能相对较弱,可能对节能及温室气体减排的潜力造成较为显著的影响.因此,本文基于北京市公交车的运营特征,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,选择客运周转量作为功能单位,核算了天然气公交车、混合动力公交车和纯电动公交车等新能源公交车相对于柴油公交车的节能及温室气体减排效益.结果表明:发展新能源公交车对促进北京市公交行业及城市节能低碳发展具有积极的作用,但相对于基于运营里程的核算结果,本研究新能源公交车节能及温室气体减排潜力均较低,主要原因是新能源公交车的实际载客量相对较低;混合动力公交车和纯电动公交车在空调开启时的节能潜力与温室气体减排潜力均远低于天然气公交车;通过发展情景分析,建议北京市现阶段应优先发展天然气公交车,适当发展纯电动公交车和混合动力公交车,以减少北京市公交车的总体能耗,同时降低温室气体排放强度.  相似文献   

This paper employs a review of the technical literature to estimate the potential decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that could be achieved by increasing the application of gas engines in China in three sectors: urban public transport vehicle; shipping; and thermal power plants. China’s gas engine development strategies and three types of gas resource are discussed in the study, which indicates that gas engines could decrease GHG emissions by 520 megatonnes (Mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) by 2020. This would account for 9.7 % of the government’s target for decreasing GHG emissions and is dominated by methane recovery from the use of coal mine gas (CMG) and landfill gas (LFG) for power generation. In the public urban transport vehicle and shipping sectors the low price of natural gas and the increasing demand for the control of harmful emissions could spur the rapid uptake of gas engine vehicles. However, the development of CMG- and LFG-fuelled power plants has been limited by the unwillingness of local enterprises to invest in high-performance gas engine generators and the associated infrastructure. Therefore, further compulsory policies that promote CMG use and LFG recovery should be implemented. Moreover, strict regulations on limiting methane leakage during the production and distribution of gas fuels are urgently needed in China to prevent leakage causing GHG emissions and largely negating the climate benefits of fuel substitution. Strategies for increasing the application of gas engines, promoting gas resources and recovering methane in China are instrumental in global GHG mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Agriculture is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. It accounts for approximately 15% of the total global anthropogenic emissions of GHGs. Emissions could be twice as much if indirect emissions are also taken into the consideration. However, unlike other high emitting sectors such as transport or energy, agriculture is potentially a significant carbon “sink”. It has high technical potential as a carbon sink and if tapped, can substantially enhance global sequestration efforts. The technical potential, however, may not translate into actual GHG reduction because of the capital assets and institutional constraints faced by the smallholder farmers in the developing countries. In this paper we develop a capital assets based framework of physical, financial, social, human and natural barriers to agricultural carbon mitigation initiatives and through analysis of current initiatives, we set out policy based options to reduce each of these barriers. Fundamentally, barrier removal will entail designing agricultural carbon mitigation initiatives in collaboration with farmer communities, through strengthening local institutions, understanding land tenure and natural resource cultures, ensuring legitimacy and equity in payments and fast tracking training and information. We provide a framework that simultaneously aids the dual objectives of alleviating poverty in the poor farming communities of developing countries and lowering global greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

关中平原饲料作物生产的碳足迹及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜牧业是主要的人为温室气体排放源,而饲料作物生产是畜牧业温室气体排放的主要来源之一.研究饲料作物生产的碳足迹及减排措施对于从日粮的角度减少畜牧业的温室气体排放至关重要.因此,本文应用生命周期评价理论和IPCC(2006)田间温室气体计算方法,建立了饲料作物碳足迹评估方法,分析了关中平原饲料作物的温室气体排放特点和减排措施及潜力.结果表明:关中平原主要饲料的碳足迹(以CO_2当量计)由大到小依次为玉米0.620、苜蓿0.382、小麦麸皮0.240、青饲玉米0.217、小麦秸秆0.083和玉米秸秆0.070 kg·kg~(-1);主要排放环节是化肥生产、氮肥田间排放和灌溉,对碳足迹的贡献率分别为26.0%~33.8%、27.8%~29.6%和24.5%~39.1%.由于关中平原存在过量施肥和大水漫灌的现象,通过化肥减施和节水灌溉措施减少饲料作物碳足迹的潜力很大,但不同措施带来的实际减排量仍需通过田间实践和具体技术的生命周期评价进行验证.  相似文献   

There is substantial uncertainty regarding baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions forecasts—i.e., how GHG emissions will grow over time in the absence of policy intervention. Thus baseline uncertainty should be a key consideration in setting GHG emissions targets as a mitigation strategy to respond to global climate change. At a minimum, the emissions target must be less than the baseline level to induce changing behavior and new investment. Despite this fundamental policy criterion, baseline considerations have played only a minor role in target setting under international climate policy. Baseline uncertainty applies to both absolute and intensity based emissions targets. It is demonstrated that one advantage of intensity targets is reduced uncertainty in the projected baseline, however there will always be some residual uncertainty in model projections. To illustrate the importance of considering baseline uncertainty in GHG target setting, the Bush Climate Change Initiative is analyzed against its projected baseline as a case study of a modest intensity target. Based on comparison with historical data, the range of projections by major energy-economic models, past discrepancies in the accuracy of model projections and the added complexity of sector-specific drivers for non-CO2 GHGs, it is shown that the Bush Initiative cannot be guaranteed or even expected to deliver actual reductions against an uncertain baseline. This finding emphasizes the importance of setting a target that accounts for baseline uncertainty to achieve genuine mitigation of GHG emissions.
Neil StrachanEmail:

北京市生活垃圾处理的温室气体排放变化分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从城市垃圾处理与节能减排之间关系的角度,分析研究了北京市2001~2007年生活垃圾卫生填埋、堆肥和焚烧发展过程中直接和间接的温室气体排放量变化,结果表明,随着生活垃圾产生量的增加和物理组成的变化,北京市生活垃圾处理引起的温室气体排放急剧增多,总排放量从2001年约363万tCO2当量增加到2007年1157万t左右。目前卫生填埋、堆肥和焚烧三种方法每处理1t垃圾的单位排放量分别为2.1t、0.4t和2.0tCO2当量。虽然堆肥具有相对低的单位排放量,但由于市场等方面的原因,堆肥在北京生活垃圾处理中的比重并不大,2007年处理的垃圾量不到无害化总处理量的7%。2007年填埋产生CH4总量约48万t,若50%回收利用,其发热量相当于约40万t管道煤气,具有很大的节能减排潜力。焚烧垃圾进行供热或发电的技术在国内外正蓬勃发展,也是节能减排的有效途径。而加强垃圾回收与分类是从源头减少垃圾,实现节能减排的最好方法。  相似文献   

基于EIO-LCA模型的纯电动轿车温室气体减排分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
纯电动轿车燃料周期的温室气体排放是否低于汽油轿车的排放仍然存在争议.为评价纯电动轿车的温室气体减排效率,此研究利用中国2007温室气体排放EIO-LCA模型分别核算了普通级纯电动轿车和汽油轿车燃料周期的温室气体排放量.结果表明纯电动轿车燃料周期的温室气体排放总量为124gCO2,e/km,汽油轿车相应的排放总量为265gCO2,e/km,纯电动轿车与汽油轿车相比,减排温室气体53%.模型计算结果还表明影响纯电动轿车温室气体排放的主要行业包括电力、热力的生产和供应业与煤炭开采和洗选业等.因此,纯电动轿车温室气体减排应通过优化一次能源结构、提高电网综合效率等方法实现.  相似文献   

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