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Experiments were carried out to determine the feasibility of treating tannery wastewater containing chromium, an inhibiting compound, with sequencing batch reactors (SBR). The maximum chromium concentration tolerated by microorganisms was determined through aerobic and anoxic batch experiments, and the biomass inhibition process was analyzed in a lab scale reactor at increasing chromium concentrations. The results obtained, in batch experiments and in the SBR reactor, have demonstrated that chromium addition had less influence on the denitrification bacteria than on the nitrification bacteria. In addition, it was observed that nitrification and denitrification rates, at the same chromium concentration, were higher in the SBR reactor than in batch experiments with unacclimated biomass. Experimental results confirm that sequencing batch reactors are able to produce a more resistant biomass, which acclimates quickly to inhibiting conditions. A large amount of chromium was found in the sludge from the reactor, while the effluent was devoid of the inhibiting metal.  相似文献   

We present the results of theoretical studies of the pressure fluid flow fundamental characteristics in tube coalescers used in the treatment processes for oily wastewater. It is shown that three different regions of flow (wall sublayer, transition sublayer, and flow kernel), having their own hydrodynamic characteristics, are formed in a cross section of the tube coalescer. In the viscous wall sublayer (of thickness δ*), viscous frictional forces exceed inertial forces (Reδ* < 1), and “creeping flow” is observed. This region borders on the transition sublayer (of thickness δ** = δ*), in which inertial forces exceed viscous frictional forces (Reδ** > 1). For both laminar and turbulent flow, distribution laws of local velocities and velocity gradients along the pipe radius are obtained in each of the three regions. In the flow kernel, the linear distribution law of velocity gradients gives a square distribution law of velocities for both types of flow, but for the turbulent flow, the correction coefficients = β and = 2β ? 1 must be introduced.  相似文献   

Continuous addition of municipal biosolids to soils based on plant nitrogen (N) requirements can cause buildup of soil phosphorus (P) in excess of crop requirements; runoff from these soils can potentially contribute to nonpoint P pollution of surface waters. However, because biosolids are often produced using lime and/or metal salts, the potential for biosolids P to cause runoff P losses can vary with wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) process. This study was conducted to determine the effect of wastewater treatment process on the forms and amounts of P in biosolids, biosolids-amended soils, and in runoff from biosolids-amended soils. We amended two soil types with eight biosolids and a poultry litter (PL) at equal rates of total P (200 kg ha(-1); unamended soils were used as controls. All biosolids and amended soils were analyzed for various types of extractable P, inorganic P fractions, and the degree of P saturation (acid ammonium oxalate method). Amended soils were placed under a simulated rainfall and all runoff was collected and analyzed for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), iron-oxide-coated filter paper strip-extractable phosphorus (FeO-P), and total phosphorus (EPA3050 P). Results showed that biosolids produced with a biological nutrient removal (BNR) process caused the highest increases in extractable soil P and runoff DRP. Alternatively, biosolids produced with iron only consistently had the lowest extractable P and caused the lowest increases in extractable soil P and runoff DRP when added to soils. Differences in soil and biosolids extractable P levels as well as P runoff losses were related to the inorganic P forms of the biosolids.  相似文献   

An important goal of biological inventories is to provide information for environmental assessments of development projects and biodiversity conservation. Likewise, computer data bases have been proposed for efficient compilation and management of biological information. However, the attributes of biological inventories and computer data bases have not been examined with respect to environmental assessments. This article presents a case study in Mexico to analyze the current limitations of biological inventories for successful environmental assessments and biodiversity conservation in developing countries. Results demonstrate that, considering the objectives of environmental assessments and information constraints, computerized biological inventories should be assembled with a minimum of record fields: taxonomic data and georeferenced collection localities. Furthermore, it is proposed that environmental assessments should become a feedback to biological inventories and an important financial support to universities and research institutions in developing countries.  相似文献   

This work was performed to develop an operational map for the objective diagnosis of the process operating states of a municipal wastewater treatment plant, for which multivariate statistical analysis techniques were applied. PCA (principal component analysis) was used to reduce the dimension of the data sets obtained from the field municipal wastewater treatment plant. A K-means clustering analysis was used to classify the group according to the property of the process operating state. A Fisher's linear discriminant analysis was used to derive the discriminant function of each classified group. An operational map was developed by scatter-plotting the derived principal components (PCs) on a two-dimensional coordinate according to the classified groups. Using the new data sets not used for developing the operational map, the practical usefulness of the operational map and discriminant function in diagnosing the process operating state were evaluated. Hence, the process operating state could be easily and quickly diagnosed and the dynamic trend of the process operating state was also able to be estimated using the operational map.  相似文献   

Chlorophenol compounds present in many chemical industry wastewaters are resistant to biological degradation because of the toxic effects of such compounds on microorganisms. Synthetic wastewater containing different concentrations of 2,4 dichlorophenol (DCP) was subjected to biological treatment in an activated sludge unit. Effects of feed DCP concentration on COD, DCP, and toxicity removals and on sludge volume index were investigated at a constant sludge age of 10 days and hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 25 h. The Resazurin method based on dehydrogenase activity was used for assessment of toxicity for the feed and effluent wastewater. Percent COD, DCP, and toxicity removals decreased and the effluent COD, DCP, and toxicity levels increased with increasing feed DCP concentrations above 150 mgl(-1) because of inhibitory effects of DCP. Biomass concentration in the aeration tank decreased and the sludge volume index (SVI) increased with feed DCP concentrations above 150 mgl(-1) resulting in lower COD and DCP removal rates. The system should be operated at feed DCP concentrations of less than 150 mgl(-1) in order to obtain high COD, DCP, and toxicity removals.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 1990s, local authorities in Israel have been engaged in promoting advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) projects throughout the country, resulting in the "wastewater treatment revolution" of the 1990s. These achievements are extremely important in the water-scarce country, as untreated or partially treated wastewater has become a major source of pollution of Israel's fresh-water resources, and reuse of high-quality effluents can expand the national water potential. Many of these projects are regional schemes based on a central WWTP, serving a few neighboring municipalities. This paper presents two case studies of such regional cooperation: the "Karmiel Region Union of Towns for Sewage Treatment" and the "Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater in the area of the Hadera Stream, Ltd." corporation. The findings suggest that regional cooperation can be an efficient tool in promoting advanced wastewater treatment, and has several advantages: an efficient use of limited resources (financial and land); balancing disparities between municipalities (size, socio-economic features, consciousness and ability of local leaders); and reducing spillover effects. However, some problems were reported in both cases and should be addressed.  相似文献   

Due to the toxic effects of trichlorophenol (TCP) on microorganisms, biological treatment efficiencies of TCP containing wastewaters are usually low. Synthetic wastewater containing 2,4,6-TCP was biologically treated in a hybrid-loop bioreactor system consisting of a packed column biofilm and an aerated tank bioreactor with effluent recycle in order to improve COD and TCP removals. Effects of the feed TCP concentration on COD, TCP and toxicity removal performance of the system were investigated for the feed TCP between 50 and 450 mg L(-1) while the sludge age (solids retention time, SRT) and hydraulic residence time (HRT) were kept constant at 20 d and 25 h, respectively. Biomass concentrations in the packed column and in the aeration tank decreased with increasing feed TCP concentrations due to toxic effects of TCP on the organisms. Low biomass concentrations in the system at high feed TCP contents resulted in low COD, TCP and toxicity removals. Therefore, percent TCP, COD and toxicity removals decreased with increasing feed TCP concentrations especially above 400 mg L(-1). The effluent TCP concentrations were lower than 20 mg L(-1) for the feed TCP concentrations below 390 mg L(-1) resulting in TCP and COD removals above 90%. Specific rates of TCP and COD removals increased with the feed TCP due to low biomass concentrations at high TCP contents. The system should be operated at a feed TCP lower than 400 mg L(-1) in order to obtain more than 90% TCP, COD and toxicity removals under the specified experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Constructed wetland treatment of swine wastewater probably involves substantial denitrification. Our objective was to assess denitrification and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) in such wetlands in relation to plant communities, N loading, carbon or nitrogen limitations, and water depth. Two wetland cells each 3.6 m wide and 33.5 m long were connected in series. One set of cells was planted with rushes and bulrushes, including soft rush (Juncus effusus L.), softstem bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (K.C. Gmel.) Pallal, American bulrush [Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller], and woolgrass bulrush [Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth]. Another set was planted with bur-reeds and cattails, including American bur-reed (Sparganium americanum Nutt.), broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia L.), and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia L.). The sets will be referred to herein as bulrush and cattail wetlands, respectively. Denitrification and DEA were measured via the acetylene inhibition method in intact soil cores and disturbed soil samples that were taken during four years (1994-1997). Although DEA in the disturbed samples was greater than denitrification in the core samples, the measurements were highly correlated (r2 > or = 0.82). The DEA was greater in the bulrush wetlands than the cattail wetlands, 0.516 and 0.210 mg N kg(-1) soil h(-1), respectively; and it increased with the cumulative applied N. The DEA mean was equivalent to 9.55 kg N ha(-1) d(-1) in the bulrush wetlands. We hypothesized and confirmed that DEA was generally limited by nitrate rather than carbon. Moreover, we determined that one of the most influential factors in DEA was wetland water depth. In bulrush wetlands, the slope and r2 values of the control treatment were -0.013 mg N kg(-1) soil h(-1) mm(-1) depth and r2 = 0.89, respectively. Results of this investigation indicate that DEA can be very significant in constructed wetlands used to treat swine wastewater.  相似文献   

In this work, a novel multipurpose Faujasite (FAU) zeolite composite membrane was fabricated by in-situ hydrothermal method to separate different solute molecules such as vanillic acid, phenol, and brilliant green from the aqueous solution. The coal fly ash based ceramic substrate was synthesized and used as substrate for preparing the zeolite composite membrane. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern confirmed the crystalline nature of membranes and the presence of Quartz and hematite in the composite membrane. The presence of Si-O and Al-O in zeolite coated composite membrane was confirmed by Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis showed the porous structure and 8.34 μm thickness of zeolite coating on membrane. The isoelectric point of composite membrane was observed at pH 2.07 through zeta potential analysis. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area, average pore volume and pore diameter of zeolite composite membrane were estimated as 6.406 m2/gm, 0.0070 cm3/gm, and 4.371 nm, respectively. The hydraulic pore radius and porosity of composite membranes were 27.7 nm and 20.1%. The maximum separation efficiency of FAU zeolite composite membrane towards vanillic acid, phenol and brilliant green was estimated as 78.67%, 89.13%, and 94.28%, respectively, for 200 mg/L feed concentration at 276 kPa applied pressure. The results obtained in this study reveals that the multipurpose FAU zeolite composite membrane fabricated in this study can be effectively used for separation of various solutes molecules present in the wastewater.  相似文献   

Hospital effluents are loaded with pathogenic microorganisms, partially metabolized pharmaceutical substances, radioactive elements, and other toxic substances. Such effluents if not treated properly can damage the natural environment and create a biological imbalance. This paper points out the areas of concern for hospital wastewater disposal and reports the findings of a limited physico-chemical study of treatment options for hospital effluents conducted at Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. The effluent collected was checked for conventional parameters and subjected to coagulation experiments. The raw and settled effluents were coagulated with FeCl(3), filtered and disinfected. Physico-chemical treatment seems to be an attractive option for the cost-effective disposal of hospital effluents. The results of this study call for further detailed study in this area.  相似文献   

Sustainability of wastewater treatment technologies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A set of indicators that incorporate environmental, societal, and economic sustainability were developed and used to investigate the sustainability of different wastewater treatment technologies, for plant capacities of <5 million gallons per day (MGD) or 18.9 x 10(3) cubic meters (m(3)/day). The technologies evaluated were mechanical (i.e., activated sludge with secondary treatment), lagoon (facultative, anaerobic, and aerobic), and land treatment systems (e.g., slow rate irrigation, rapid infiltration, and overland flow). The economic indicators selected were capital, operation and management, and user costs because they determine the economic affordability of a particular technology to a community. Environmental indicators include energy use, because it indirectly measures resource utilization, and performance of the technology in removing conventional wastewater constituents such as biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus, and pathogens. These indicators also determine the reuse potential of the treated wastewater. Societal indicators capture cultural acceptance of the technology through public participation and also measure whether there is improvement in the community from the specific technology through increased job opportunities, better education, or an improved local environment. While selection of a set of indicators is dependent on the geographic and demographic context of a particular community, the overall results of this study show that there are varying degrees of sustainability with each treatment technology.  相似文献   

Batch electrocoagulation experiments were carried out to evaluate the removal of sulfate and COD from petroleum refinery wastewater using three types of electrodes: aluminum, stainless steel, and iron. The effects of current density, electrode arrangement, electrolysis time, initial pH, and temperature were investigated for two wastewater samples with different concentrations of COD and sulfate. The experimental results indicated that the utilization of aluminum, as anode and cathode, was by far the most efficient arrangement in the reduction of both the contaminants. The treatment process was found to be largely affected by the current density and the initial composition of the wastewater. Although electrocoagulation was found to be most effective at 25°C and a pH of 8, the influence of these two parameters on the removal rate was not significant. The results demonstrated the technical feasibility of electrocoagulation as a possible and reliable technique for the pretreatment of heavily contaminated petroleum refinery wastewater.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) use is presented in the problem of sitting areas for construction of natural systems such as stabilization ponds (SPs) for domestic wastewater treatment. For this purpose, several variables, such as topography, land use, type of geological formation, distance to major rivers or lakes, distance to existing cities and villages, existence of environmentally protected areas, mean minimum monthly temperatures and required wastewater effluent characteristics were analyzed with the GIS, in order to accept or reject a particular area within a region. The method is applied in the region of Thrace (Northeast Greece) at the municipal level. The required area for SP systems was calculated in each of the 36 municipalities of Thrace (including two islands, Thassos and Samothraki) as a function of the population of each municipality, temperature and local wastewater effluent discharge criteria. Based on the GIS analysis, suitable locations were identified in each municipality first, and then the total required surface area of these systems was compared to the available surface area of each municipality, in order to decide whether SP systems could be a viable solution to the wastewater management problem in the particular region. In that way the present methodology offers a fast and simple method to check the suitability of new areas for construction of such systems.  相似文献   

A nine-chambered modified anaerobic baffled reactor (MABR) was developed to evaluate its suitability for the treatment of municipal wastewater and to establish the understanding of the relationship between reactor design and operational parameters. The paper presents the configuration of the MABR, its start-up, effect of variation of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on treatment efficiency, and performance evaluation of the MABR while treating the municipal wastewater. To assess the self-inoculation potential of the MABR, the start-up was carried out without seed sludge at a HRT of 6 d.  相似文献   

本文采用二段生物处理和物化处理相结合的处理方法处理某大学校区生活污水,实现处理效率高、占地面积小、工程投资低等特点,处理后各项指标均达到《生活杂用水水质标准》(CJ25.189),处理费用为0.690元/m^3。  相似文献   

Providing reliable and affordable wastewater treatment in rural areas is a challenge in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. The problems and limitations of the centralized approaches for wastewater treatment are progressively surfacing. Centralized wastewater collection and treatment systems are costly to build and operate, especially in areas with low population densities and dispersed households. Developing countries lack both the funding to construct centralized facilities and the technical expertise to manage and operate them. Alternatively, the decentralized approach for wastewater treatment which employs a combination of onsite and/or cluster systems is gaining more attention. Such an approach allows for flexibility in management, and simple as well as complex technologies are available. The decentralized system is not only a long-term solution for small communities but is more reliable and cost effective. This paper presents a review of the various decentralized approaches to wastewater treatment and management. A discussion as to their applicability in developing countries, primarily in rural areas, and challenges faced is emphasized all through the paper. While there are many impediments and challenges towards wastewater management in developing countries, these can be overcome by suitable planning and policy implementation. Understanding the receiving environment is crucial for technology selection and should be accomplished by conducting a comprehensive site evaluation process. Centralized management of the decentralized wastewater treatment systems is essential to ensure they are inspected and maintained regularly. Management strategies should be site specific accounting for social, cultural, environmental and economic conditions in the target area.  相似文献   

Water reuse is an emerging and promising non-conventional water resource. Feasibility studies are essential tools in the decision making process for the implementation of water-reuse projects. However, the methods used to assess economic feasibility tend to focus on internal costs, while external impacts are relegated to unsubstantiated statements about the advantages of water reuse. Using the concept of shadow prices for undesirable outputs of water reclamation, the current study developed a theoretical methodology to assess internal and external economic impacts. The proposed methodological approach is applied to 13 wastewater treatment plants in the Valencia region of Spain that reuse effluent for environmental purposes. Internal benefit analyses indicated that only a proportion of projects were economically viable, while when external benefits are incorporated all projects were economically viable. In conclusion, the economic feasibility assessments of water-reuse projects should quantitatively evaluate economic, environmental and resource availability.  相似文献   

A conventional activated sludge treatment facility was the subject of this study. The assessment was directed at determining the characteristics of the raw wastewater, the quality of the treated effluent and the efficiency of the various treatment units. Furthermore, the water quality along the effluent irrigation canal was monitored. The assessment of the quality of the treated effluent for irrigation is based on the guidelines established by the World Health Organization and the Egyptian decree 9/89 for the use of wastewater in agriculture. The results of the study indicated that the concentration of the raw wastewater was considered moderate. The mean values of the COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and total suspended solids (TSS) were around 250, 102 and 142 mg l–1, respectively. This was attributed to the high quantities of wastewater from industrial sources. The overall efficiency of the treatment facility was good. The mean residual COD, BOD and TSS were 25, 8 and 21 mg l–1 and the corresponding percentage removal values were 90, 92 and 85%, respectively. The maximum percentage removal of oil and grease was 84% with a mean residual concentration of 24 mg l–1. The total viable count (22°C and 37°C), faecal coliform and aecal streptococci were reduced by 99.9% compared to only 99.5% for Salmonella. Bacteriological examination of the dried sludge indicated a reduction of nine logs of faecal coliform and faecal streptococci, as compared to thickened sludge. Analysis of the Ni, Cu, Pb and Cr in the dried sludge indicated that their concentrations are within the permissible limits. Zinc exceeded the consent standards by 50%. The results of the analyses of samples collected at the beginning of the irrigation canal indicated insignificant changes from the characteristics of the final effluent. Samples collected at a distance of 2km along the irrigation canal showed mean reductions in the COD and BOD of 28.6 and 47%, respectively, which could be attributed to sedimentation and/or a self-purification effect. An increase in the total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total viable count was also recorded, which could be due to seepage from the agricultural land. From the data available it is evident that the treated wastewater could be used for restricted irrigation. The design and implementation of a monitoring programme is recommended.  相似文献   

An integrated system, consisting of Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)-duckweed-tilapia ponds was used for recovery of sewage nutrients and water recycling. A UASB reactor with 40 liter working volume was used as pre-treatment unit followed by a series of three duckweed ponds for nitrogen recovery. The treated effluent and duckweed biomass was used to feed fishponds stocked with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The UASB reactor was fed with raw, domestic sewage at 6 h hydraulic retention time. The three duckweed ponds were stocked with Lemna gibba and fed with UASB effluent at 15 days hydraulic retention time. Nitrogen recovery from UASB effluent via duckweed biomass represented 81% of total nitrogen removal and 46.5% from the total nitrogen input to the system. In subsequent fishponds the nitrogen recovery from duckweed as fish feed was in the range of 13.4–20%. This nitrogen in fish biomass represented 10.6–11.5 g N from the total nitrogen in the raw sewage fed to the UASB reactor. The growth performance of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) showed specific growth rates (SGR) in the range of 0.53–0.97. The range of feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were 1.2–2.2 and 2.1–2.28, respectively. The results of the experiments showed total fish yield and net fish yield in the range of 17–22.8 ton/ha/y and 11.8–15.7 ton/ha/y respectively. In conclusion UASB-duckweed-tilapia ponds provide marketable by-products in the form of duckweed and fish protein, which represent a cost recovery for sewage treatment.  相似文献   

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