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Growth characteristics and nutrient uptake kinetics were determined for zooxanthellae (Gymnodinium microadriaticum) in laboratory culture. The maximum specific growth rate (max) was 0.35 d-1 at 27 °C, 12 hL:12 hD cycle, 45 E m-2 s-1. Anmmonium and nitrate uptake by G. microadriaticum in distinct growth phases exhibited Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Ammonium half-saturation constants (Ks) ranged from 0.4 to 2.0 M; those for nitrate ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 M. Ammonium maximum specific uptake rates (Vmax) (0.75 to 1.74 d-1) exceeded those for nitrate (0.14 to 0.39 d-1) and were much greater than the maximum specific growth rate (0.35 d-1), suggesting that ammonium is the more significant N source for cultured zooxanthellae. Ammonium and nitrate Vmax values compare with those reported from freshly isolated zooxanthellae. Light enhanced ammonium and nitrate uptake; ammonium inhibited nitrate uptake which was not reported for freshly isolated zooxanthellae, suggesting that physiological differences exist between the two. Knowledge of growth and nutrient uptake kinetics for cultured zooxanthellae can provide insight into the mechanisms whereby nutrients are taken up in coral-zooxanthelae symbioses.Contribution No. 1515 from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Maryland 20688-0038, USA  相似文献   

The effect of nutrient (N, P, and Si) depletion on sinking rates was studied for two small (Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve and Chaetoceros gracile Schütt) and two large [Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grun and Coscinodiscus wailesii (Gran et Angst)] centric diatoms obtained from stock cultures. Each diatom was examined under conditions of (1) nutrient repletion (=log growth phase), (2) nutrient depletion (48 h without a given substrate), and (3) recovery (24h after addition of limiting substrate to nutrient-deplete populations). All nutrient-replete cultures displayed low sinking rates despite large differences in cell size. In nutrient-deplete populations, sinking rate was related to the kind of nutrient depleted and varied among species. Silicate depletion elicited by far the greatest increase in sinking rates in all 4 species, indicating that biochemical aspects of silicon metabolism are more important to buoyancy regulation than density-related variations in the amount of silicon per cell. Since N- and P-depletion caused lower sinking rates in 3 of the species, this observation calls for re-evaluation of the axiom that nutrient depletion necessarily causes increased sinking rates. The exception was Coscinodiscus wailesii, which sank faster under all types of nutrient limitation. In most cases, sinking rates typical of log-phase cultures were not regained within 24 h after the addition of limiting nutrient to nutrient-depleted populations. Ultimately, the length of the recovery period may be useful in identifying the metabolic processes responsible for buoyancy regulation in actively growing cells.  相似文献   

Skeletonema costatum was grown in chemostats under ammonium or silicate limitation to examine its growth kinetics and changes in cellular chemical composition at different steady-state growth rates. When the relationship between the effluent limiting substrate concentration and steady-state growth rates was examined, deviations from the simple hyperbolic form of the Monod growth equation were noted at low and high dilution rates. The data from the plot of growth rate and substrate concentration were divided into 4 regions and the relationship of these region to cell quota is discussed. Two physiological states were identified. All populations grown at D<0.05 h-1, regardless of the size of the cells or the magnitude of Q, exhibited a maximal growth rate of approximately 0.05 h-1, while populations grown at higher dilution rates (D>0.06 h-1 to 0.14 h-1). The maximal value of growth rate is obtained only in cultures grown at very high dilution rates where nutrient shift-up appears to occur, the cell quota approaches a maximum and the heterogeneous cell population becomes more homogeneous.Contribution No. 881 from the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. This paper represents a portion of two dissertations submitted by P.J.H. and H.L.C. to the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

A 3-year monitoring of dissolved and particulate carbohydrate concentrations in four transects located in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas was performed in order to get information on the role played by carbohydrates in the mucilage formation in these areas. The application of time series analysis pointed out that the concentration of dissolved carbohydrates does not vary significantly in coincidence of the mucilage appearance showing an almost constant state with respect to time. In contrast, wider temporal variations of carbohydrate amounts, either increase or decrease, were observed when mucilages were lacking or reduced. This almost constant state of carbohydrate amounts observed in presence of mucilages that we define 'steady state' could be associated to an alteration of the complex chemical equilibrium between synthesis and degradation (either hydrolysis or oxidation) reactions of the organic polymers which are typical of the humification processes in the marine environment. The results of this study suggest that the monitoring of carbohydrates can represent an useful tool for the comprehension of the most relevant phenomena of mucilage appearance in the Northern Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

In recent regime shift analyses, the phytoplankton compartment of the marine food web was essentially represented by phytoplankton color or chlorophyll concentration. A detection of changes directly at the species level is highly desirable. The Helgoland Roads data series, a collection of high frequency long-term time series comprising biological and physico-chemical components of the southern North Sea, allow such an investigation at the level of single species. Aiming at a detection and characterization of habitat and community changes in the observation period (1962 until the end of 2008), we selected six species as representatives of certain classes, for example, benthic or neritic species, and applied a combination of novel analysis methods—a fitness-based analysis of the realized niche, a bloom-triggered averaging and a Markovian analysis of co-occurrence and succession patterns—to related abundance time series and concurrent environmental parameter time series. We found a general trend toward enlargement of niche size and shifts of the niche position, interesting salinity patterns around bloom events of two species, and statistically highly significant changes of a phytoplankton community segment after 1965 and after 1998. Interpreting our observations in ecological terms leads to the formulation of testable hypotheses.  相似文献   

A one year field study of four stations in the Gulf of Bothnia during 1991 showed that the biomass was ca. two times, and primary productivity ca. four times, lower in the north (Bothnian Bay) than in the south (Bothnian Sea) during the summer. Nutrient addition experiments indicated phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton in the Bothanian Bay and the coastal areas in the northern Bothnian Sea, but nitrogen limitation in the open Bothanian Sea. A positive correlation between the phosphate concentration and the production/biomass ratio of phytoplankton was demonstrated, which partly explained the differences in the specific growth rate of the phytoplankton during the summer. Differences in photosynthetic active radiation between the stations also showed a covariation with the primary productivity. The relative importance of nutrient or light limitation for photosynthetic carbon fixation could not, however, the conclusively determined from this study. Marked differences in phytoplankton species composition from north to south were also observed. The number of dominating species was higher in the Bothnian Sea than in the Bothnian Bay. The distribution of some species could be explained as due to nutrient availability (e.g. Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon sp.), while salinity probably limits the distribution of some limnic as well as marine species. The potentially toxic phytoplankton N. spumigena, Dinophysis acuminata and Chrysochromulina spp. were common in the Bothnian Sea but not in the Bothnian Bay. The pico- and nanoplankton biomass during late summer was higher than previously reported due to a revised carbon/volume ratio.  相似文献   

A change in the Si:N ratio of diatom cells during growth was examined for Chaetoceros socialis and Thalassiosira sp., with different initial silicate to nitrate (Si:N) ratios in the media. During exponential growth, C. socialis assimilated silicate and nitrate with a molar ratio of 0.5, independent of the ratio in the media, but after the depletion of nitrate, silicate continued to be taken up, and the Si:N ratio in the stationary phase increased to 2 as a function of the Si:N ratios in the media. In contrast, the ratio of silicate to nitrate taken up by Thalassiosira sp. increased with an increase in the Si:N ratio in the media. The Si:N ratio in the cells during the stationary phase increased in response to an increase in this ratio in the media. The Si:chl  a ratio also increased with the increase in the initial Si:N ratio in the media, while the N:chl  a ratio did not change to a great extent, indicating the changes in the cellular Si:N ratio was derived from changes in the Si content of the cells. These results indicated that the cellular Si:N ratio changed with the Si:N ratio in the medium, and the Si:N uptake ratio during the growth phase was different depending on diatom species. Thus, the dominance of different diatom species may affect nutrient composition and dynamics in the ocean.  相似文献   

Changes in the saturated uptake kinetics of the limiting nutrient were followed as Thalassiosira pseudonana (Clone 3 H) batch cultures entered ammonium, nitrate, silicate and phosphate starvation. Cultures starved of ammonium or phosphate developed very high specific uptake capacities over a 24 to 48 h starvation period, due to both decreases in cell quota and increases in uptake rates per cell. In particular, the cell phosphorus quota decreased ca. 8-fold during phosphate starvation and specific uptake rates exceeded 100 d-1. In contrast, cultures entering nitrate or silicate starvation underwent little or no further cell division, and the uptake capacity declined during starvation. After 24 to 48 h starvation, an induction requirement for uptake of nitrate or silicate was apparent. These responses are consistent with adaptation to the pattern of supply of these nutrients in the field.  相似文献   

The dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) pool in marine waters contains a diverse mixture of compounds. It is therefore difficult to accurately estimate planktonic uptake of DON using the limited number of radiolabeled compounds commercially available. We describe a method to estimate DON uptake rates using 15N-labeled DON recently released from phytoplankton. To make 15N-labeled DON, we incubated surface water with 15NH 4 + and then isolated the DON, including any recently released DO15N, with ion retardation resin. This DON was then added to a freshly collected water sample from the same environment to quantify the rate of DON uptake. The technique was applied to investigate rates of DON uptake relative to inorganic nitrogen in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay during May 1990 and August 1991. The May experiment took place after the spring bloom, and rates of DON uptake [ranging from 0.31 to 0.53 g-atom (g-at) Nl-1 h-1] often exceeded rates of NH 4 + and NO 3 - uptake combined. The rates of DON uptake at this time were higher than estimated bacterial productivity and were not correlated with bacterial abundance or bacterial productivity. They were, however, correlated with rates of NO 3 - uptake. In May, we estimate that only 7 to 32% of DON uptake was a result of urea utilization. In contrast, in August, when regenerated nutrients predominate in Chesapeake Bay, rates of DON uptake (ranging from 0.14 to 0.51 g-atom Nl-1 h-1) were an average of 50% of the observed rates of NH 4 + uptake. Consistent with the May experiment, rates of DON uptake were not correlated with bacterial production. A sizable fraction of DON uptake, however, appeared to be due to urea utilization; rates of urea uptake, measured independently, were equivalent to an average of 74% of the measured rates of DON uptake. These findings suggest that, during both periods of study, at least a fraction of the measured DON uptake may have been due to utilization by phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Zygotes and young embryos derived from Fucus vesiculosus collected in the archipelgo of Stockholm in 1990, growing at a salinity of 6 to 7 S, were cultured under different salinity conditions and in media of different bromine concentrations. Optimum salinity was 10 to 12 S for germination (rhizoid initiation) while apical hair formation showed a broader tolerance curve with an optimum at 8 to 14 S. Bromine caused inhibition of early development of F. vesiculosus. At 6 salinity a 50% reduction in germination took place at 10.0 mM Br and at 1.25 mM Br only 4.7% of the embryos developed apical hairs, as compared to 32.7% in the control. Bromine toxicity decreased at higher salinities. The results indicate that F. vesiculosus in the Baltic Sea has diverged from its Atlantic progenitors and to some extent acclimated to low salinity. Still, the salinity in the normal environment of the tested population is lower than optimum, leading to a lower degree of germination of zygotes, a lower growth rate of young embryos and probably also a higher sensitivity to additional stress factors such as chemical pollution.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether diatom clones isolated from waters (Corio Bay or Hobson's Bay, Australia) chronically contaminated with heavy metals were more metal-resistant than clones of the same species isolated from cleaner waters (Bass Strait). Four species (2 clones per species) and 3 metals (Cu, Zn, Cd) were examined. The growth response of each clone to metal additions was assessed in both Corio Bay water and Bass Strait water. Generally, Cu was readily chelated and the most toxic metal and Cd the least chelated and least toxic. Toxicity of Cu to growth was found to be directly related to cellular Cu levels, which in turn were mediated by dissolved organic compounds in seawater. Corio Bay water had a greater metal-complexing capacity than Bass Strait water, and metal additions generally proved more toxic to each clone when in Bass Strait water. Ultraviolet irradiation eliminated differences between the water types. Relative to Bass Strait clones, no trend of enhanced metal tolerance was noted among the Corio Bay and Hobson's Bay clones; on the contrary the Corio Bay and Hobson's Bay cells were generally less to lerant of metals than were their Bass Strait counterparts, being particularly affected when in Bass Strait water. The results suggest that metal additions to waters rich in dissolved organic compounds would likely have less effect (in terms of direct toxicity and as a selective agent for metal tolerance) on resident phytoplankters than similar additions to waters low in organics.Publication No. 274 in the Ministry for Conservation, Environmental Studies Series  相似文献   

The release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. and Fucus vesiculusus L. during rehydration was investigated after desiccation under experimental conditions. During 30 min of rehydration of plants which had lost up to 70% of their water, A. nodosum released about 2 to 10 mg C/100 g dry weight, while F. vesiculosus released 10 to 50 times more. When dried to water losses exceeding 70%, plants of both species yielded similar amounts of DOC, approximating 2 g C/100 g dry weight. Considerable variance in the amounts of DOC released by individual plant of both species was observed over the whole range of water losses tested. Among the DOC released, the portion of carbohydrate-C was O to 5% with A. nodosum but 2 to 47% with F. vesiculosus. This difference was most pronounced when less than 100 mg C/100 g dry weight were released. A. nodosum regained a smaller percentage of its original weight than F. vesiculosus after 30 min of rehydration when more than 30% of fresh weight were lost during desiccation. Curves were obtained which enable the estimation of water losses in naturally desiccated specimens within 30 min.  相似文献   

M. Gilek  M. Björk  C. Näf 《Marine Biology》1996,125(3):499-510
The present study was designed to examine the influence of body size on the bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners by Baltic Sea blue mussels, Mytilus edulis L. This was done, firstly, by establishing the relationship (as a power function: PCB tissue conc = a tissue dry wtb) between tissue concentration and body weight for seven PCB congeners (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry No. 52, 101, 105, 118, 138, 153, and 180) in field sampled mussels; and, secondly, by assessing the influence of body weight on the uptake clearance coefficients, the depuration rate coefficients and the calculated bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of three 14C-labelled PCB congeners (IUPAC No. 31, 49, 153) in mechanistic kinetic experiments. Both the background tissue concentrations of PCB 138, PCB 153 and PCB 180 and the predicted BAF values in the kinetic experiments correlated negatively with body weight (b=-0.17 and-0.31, respectively). Of the two kinetic rate coefficients examined, only the uptake clearance rate showed weight dependency (b=-0.32, i.e. negative correlation with body weight), whereas depuration rates were unaffectd by body weight. Uptake clearance rates and BAFs adjusted for body weight increased with the octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow) of the congener, whereas depuration rates dectreased with Kow. These observations suggest that size-dependent bioaccumulation of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in suspension-feeding bivalves is driven by size-related differences in uptake rate, although several other mechanisms may also affect bioaccumulation in natural mussel beds (e.g. sizerelated differences in lipid content, production, and contaminant exposure). From an ecotoxicological perspective size-dependent bioaccumulation implies not only that variability due to body size differences has to be dealt with in experimental designs, but also that several ecological factors such as size-specific predation and shifts in population structure may affect HOC cycling by dense populations of bivalve suspensionfeeders.  相似文献   

Berryman A  Lima M 《Ecology》2007,88(8):2121-2123
Partial autocorrelation and partial rate correlation functions are frequently used to detect the order of the endogenous process generating an observed population time series. Here we uncover a problem with this approach: the diagnosis of spurious second order autocorrelation due to strong nonlinearity in a first order endogenous process, as exemplified by time series data from a population of Soay sheep. Causes and a possible solution are discussed.  相似文献   

The adsorption of copper, zinc, cobalt, lead and cadmium ions onto Colpomenia sinuosa was studied as a function of contact time, initial metal ion concentration and initial pH. In addition, desorption studies were performed. Characterisation of this adsorbent was also confirmed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. Batch adsorption experimental data were analysed using Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin–Raduschkevich (D–R) adsorption isotherms. The results indicated that the biosorption equilibrium was well described by both the Freudlich and D–R isotherms. Moreover, sorption kinetics was performed and it was observed that equilibrium was reached in<60 min, which could be described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model for all heavy metals. The sorption of heavy metals onto the biomass was largely dependent on the initial solution pH. The elution efficiency for heavy metal ions desorption from C. sinuosa was determined for 0.1 M HCl, 1.0 M HCl and 1.0 M HNO3. Desorption efficiency and also adsorption capacity were highest for Pb(II). The results indicate that C. sinuosa has great potential for the removal of heavy metals in an ecofriendly process.  相似文献   

Continuous-culture results for Monochrysis lutheri grown on 12 h light-12 h dark cycles with a spectrum of ratios of nitrate and ammonium serving as limiting nutrients are compared with continuous light, exclusively nitrate, and exclusively ammonium-limited data for this species. The diel effects of the light regime on the maximum specific uptake rate are examined for both nitrate and ammonium. Synergistic effects on uptake by various initial concentrations of these two nutrients are presented. Preconditioning with light-dark cycles did not affect maximum uptake rate, but preconditioning on a combination of nitrate and ammonium gave much lower uptake rates than those observed for populations preconditioned on either nutrient exclusively. The implications of high maximum specific-uptake rates compared to maximum specific-growth rates in terms of the range of nitrate and ammonium ion concentrations associated with nutrient limitation are reviewed.Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Contribution No. 477.  相似文献   

This paper is based on literature-based studies, as well as material collected by the author over more than 30 years on the shores of the Southeast Baltic Sea. In order to protect roads running along the shoreline from East Prussia to Königsberg, local shore reinforcement works commenced in the fifteenth century, although some individual attempts had been made before. In 1684, M. Ch. Hartknoch theoretically substantiated the necessity for, and methods of, shore reinforcement. The state of the shores deteriorated considerably during the Seven Years War (1756–1763), when woodlands growing along the shores were completely destroyed; hence, nearly 100 km length of the coast of the Kur?i? Nerija (Curonian) sand spit was left without any vegetation. Aeolian sand buried as many as fourteen settlements. This situation forced the authorities to organise maintenance of the coast and the dunes at the governmental level, and to start the formation of an uninterrupted dune ridge. The second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century are notable for the extensive construction of new ports. Along the shores running from the Sambian Peninsula to the Gulf of Riga, eight port engineering structures had been constructed with the intervals of approximately 26 km between the ports of Klaip?da and Liepaja, and every 13 km between Palanga and Pape. Shore management measures were being implemented simultaneously, thus ensuring the functioning of the above-mentioned coastal protection structures and the reduction of impacts upon the shores. In the second half of the twentieth century, ports were dredged and developed significantly. Their entrance channels reduced the long-shore sediment transport. Moreover, total sand reserves in the shore zone also diminished. The processes of erosion of the beaches and the dune ridge made it necessary to actively reinforce the shore. A number of countries passed legal acts governing the protection and use of the shore zone. At the turn of the twenty-first century, the incompatibility of such priorities in human activities as sea transport and recreation with nature protection has become evident. The conflict of interests in the Kur?i? Nerija National Park, the port of Klaip?da, and the resort of Palanga serve as good examples of such incompatibility. The conclusion that can be drawn that in twenty-first century is that the priorities in general coastal management should be as follows: harmonisation of interests among the states and individual fields of activities, as well as measures aimed at neutralisation of negative natural trends (higher frequency of storms, global rise of water level, etc.). The protective beach dune ridge will further play the role of efficient means for reducing shore erosion.  相似文献   

Seasonal lipid dynamics of the copepod Pseudocalanus acuspes were studied in the Bornholm Basin (Central Baltic Sea) on a monthly basis from March 2002 until March 2003 and were interpreted in light of life cycle strategies and diet selection. The individual total lipid content of females ranged from 0.9 to 1.8 μg, with relative wax ester content reaching a significant maximum in May (44% of total lipids) and minimum (17% of total lipids) in April and November. Significant changes in size, lipid content, lipid classes and fatty acid composition of structural as well as storage lipids suggested five characteristic seasonal phases that were induced by different feeding histories and environmental conditions. Storage lipids were characterized by 18:1(n−9) as major component, which ranged between 44% of total fatty acids in June and 23% in February. The strong coherence between 18:1(n−9) in the seston lipids and the occurrence of ciliates emphasized the importance of ciliates in the diet of P. acuspes. As indicated by changes in the amounts of fatty acid markers, other food sources varied over the year, suggesting an opportunistic feeding behavior. The spring period was characterized by an increase in typical diatom and dinoflagellate markers, whereas other sources, potentially cyanobacteria, became more important during summer. The life cycle strategy is discussed with respect to extant adaptations to high latitudinal habitats.  相似文献   

Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is rarely considered limiting for macroalgae, but some research suggests that under conditions of N sufficiency, photosynthetic capacity is enhanced with DIC enrichment. During spring (April–May) and summer (July–August) 1993, we investigated the interactive effects of nitrogen (N) and DIC on photosynthetic capacity, growth, and nutrient uptake rates of the macroalgae, Cladophora vagabunda (L.) van den Hoek and Gracilaria tikvahiae (McLachlan), dominant species in a temperate eutrophic estuary (Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA). Water-column CO2 concentrations showed significant diurnal fluctuations, ranging from a morning CO2 peak (21 M) to an afternoon low (13 M) during summer, probably associated with metabolic activities in a thick algal mat. Results from instantaneous photosynthesis measurements and microcosm experiments indicate that DIC limits photosynthetic capacity and growth rates of C. vagabunda during summer, perhaps related to tissue N sufficiency and low water-column CO2 concentrations. For example, this species showed enhanced growth (F=8.69, P<0.02) under DIC but not N enrichment. G. tikvahiae showed marginal DIC enhancement of maximum photosynthetic rate, while growth was significantly stimulated by addition of N. Reduced thallus N of this species during the summer further identifies N as the primary factor limiting growth. In addition, G. tikvahiae has the ability to use DIC in its several forms, while C. vagabunda primarily uses dissolved CO2. DIC enrichment resulted in a depression of NH4 + uptake rates for both species, particularly during summer at saturating (60 M) ammonium levels, suggesting competition between NH4 + uptake and DIC acquisition under conditions of N sufficiency. Dominance of C. vagabunda and G. tikvahiae in areas undergoing eutrophication has been attributed to their successful procurement and storage of N as well as to high growth rates. The present study revealed that under conditions of N sufficiency during summer, DIC may control rates of production of these opportunistic macroalgae.  相似文献   

Samples were taken from a 2 900 m deep permanent station (centred on 54°40N; 12°16W) in the southern Rockall Trough, from November 1975 to September 1980, inclusive. Revision of juvenile size frequencies was necessary after removal of postlarvae of an annual non-viable settlement of Ophiocten gracilis (G. O. Sars) that were mistakenly included in a previous analysis. The present study of the revised data shows that settlement of Ophiura ljungmani (Lyman) occurs in summer when disk-size frequencies are dominated by the newly metamorphosed postlarvae. The likely age composition in larger sizes was suggested from the progression of modes along the size axis in juvenile size classes in consecutive were developed from Gaussian mixtures fitted by constrained computer search using, as starting values, component parameter values suggested from the frequency histograms. Choice between competing solutions was made on the basis both of goodness-of-fit and biological plausibility. However, identification of year-class structure amongst sizes >3 to 4 mm disk diameter remained conjectural owing to the low frequencies of adults in the samples. Comparison of the fitted component-means in the time series suggested a marked seasonal growth pattern, with maximal growth in spring. Probable age composition amongst adult sizes was extrapolated from von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from the means of juvenile year classes.Communicated by J. Mauchline, Oban  相似文献   

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