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Some recent converging tracer tests with sorbing tracers at the Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden, the TRUE tests, have been predicted using only laboratory data and hydraulic data from borehole measurements. No model parameters were adjusted to obtain a better fit with the experiments. The independent data were fracture frequency and transmissivity data obtained in the field and laboratory data on sorption and matrix diffusion. Transmissivity measurements in five boreholes in the rock volume containing the region surrounding the injection and collection points show that there is a high frequency of water conducting fractures. Of 162 packed off sections with 0.5 m packer distances, 112 were found to have a transmissivity above the detection limit. The specific flow-wetted surface (FWS) of the rock mass could be estimated from these data. The transmissivities were found to be reasonably well described by a lognormal distribution. Laboratory data on diffusion and sorption properties together with the hydraulic data were used to "predict" the residence time distribution (RTD) of the sorbing tracers. The results were compared with the experimental breakthrough curves. In these experiments, the water residence time is very small compared to the residence time of the sorbing tracers due to their diffusion and sorption within the rock matrix. We thus could neglect the influence of the water residence time in our predictions. Therefore, no information on water residence times or on "dispersion" was needed. The dispersion of the sorbing tracers is caused by the different sorbing tracer residence times in different pathways. The sorbing tracer residence time is determined by the ratio of flowrate to the flow-wetted surface in the different pathways and not by the water residence time. Assuming a three-dimensional flow pattern and using the observed fracture frequency and flowrate distribution, breakthrough curves for three strongly sorbing tracers were predicted. Only the laboratory data, the transmissivity measurements and the pumping flowrate were used in the predictions. No information on the water residence time as obtained by the nonsorbing tracers was used. The predictions were surprisingly accurate.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted at the Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory in order to improve the understanding of radionuclide retention properties of fractured crystalline bedrock in the 10-100 m scale (TRUE Block Scale Project, jointly funded by ANDRA, ENRESA, Nirex, JNC, Posiva and SKB). A series of tracer experiments were performed using sorbing tracers in three different flow paths. The different flow paths had Euclidian lengths of 14, 17 and 33 m, respectively, and one to three water conducting structures. Four tests were performed using different cocktails made up of radioactive sorbing tracers (22,24Na+, 42K+, 47Ca2+, 85Sr2+, 83,86Rb+, 131,133Ba2+ and 134,137Cs+). For each tracer injection, the breakthrough of sorbing tracers was compared to the breakthrough of a conservative tracer, 82Br-, 131I-, HTO and 186ReO4-, respectively. In the two longer flow paths, no breakthrough of 83Rb+ and 137Cs+ was observed after 8 months of pumping. Selected tracer tests were subject to basic modelling in which a one-dimensional (1D) advection-dispersion model, including surface sorption, and an unlimited matrix diffusion were used for the interpretation of the results. The results of the modelling indicated that there is a slightly higher mass transfer into a highly porous material in the block-scale experiment compared with in situ experiments performed over shorter distances and significantly higher than what would have been expected from laboratory data obtained from studies of the interactions in nonaltered intact rock.  相似文献   

The investigation of the migration of a high pH plume in a fractured shear zone is foreseen by a long-term experiment at the Grimsel rock laboratory. In order to characterise the initial conditions for the long-term experiment and to evaluate an optimal hydraulic in situ set-up, several dipole experiments with nonreacting tracers have been performed. The dipole experiments differ in geometry, pumping rates and orientation to the background water flow. Several single and double-porosity models have been applied to fit the results of these dipole tracer tests in order to extract values for some transport parameters and discriminate for certain transport processes. A two-dimensional porous medium approach was successfully used to fit tracer breakthrough curves measured for a dipole experiment. A model based on a one-dimensional dual porous medium approach was also successful, although the applied hydraulic dipole, with similar injection and extraction rates, suggests the existence of an extended two-dimensional flow field. For the two-dimensional porous medium approach, tracer breakthrough could only be fitted with a complex flow field geometry within the heterogeneous fractured shear zone. The heterogeneity was generated by heterogeneous porosity and hydraulic permeability distributions. Predictions for further dipole geometries and a sorbing tracer have been calculated by means of both models using the flow and transport parameters deduced from fits for a single dipole experiment. This allows for comparison with the measured breakthrough of sorbing tracers. The foreseen experiment with sorbing (radionuclide) tracers will help decide on the appropriate approach that should be used to describe such dipole experiments in this shear zone. Additionally, the migration and spreading of a solution with high pH has been calculated taking into account mineral dissolution and precipitation in a two-dimensional porous medium approach in order to estimate the amount and character of the mineral reactions induced by the interaction between the high pH solution and the rock.  相似文献   

A new reactive transport modelling approach and examples of its application are presented, dealing with the impact of sorption/desorption kinetics on the spreading of solutes, e.g. organic contaminants, in groundwater. Slow sorption/desorption is known from the literature to be strongly responsible for the retardation of organic contaminants. The modelling concept applied in this paper quantifies sorption/desorption kinetics by an intra-particle diffusion approach. According to this idea, solute uptake by or release from the aquifer material is modelled at small scale by a "slow" diffusion process where the diffusion coefficient is reduced as compared to the aqueous diffusion coefficient due to (i) the size and shape of intra-particle pores and (ii) retarded transport of solutes within intra-particle pores governed by a nonlinear sorption isotherm. This process-based concept has the advantage of requiring only measurable model parameters, thus avoiding fitting parameters like first-order rate coefficients.In addition, the approach presented here allows for modelling of slow sorption/desorption in lithologically nonuniform media. Therefore, it accounts for well-known experimental findings indicating that sorptive properties depend on (i) the grain size distribution of the aquifer material and (ii) the lithological composition (e.g. percentage of quartz, sandstone, limestone, etc.) of each grain size fraction. The small-scale physico-chemical model describing sorption/desorption is coupled to a large-scale model of groundwater flow and solute transport. Consequently, hydraulic heterogeneities may also be considered by the overall model. This coupling is regarded as an essential prerequisite for simulating field-scale scenarios which will be addressed by a forthcoming publication.This paper focuses on mathematical model formulation, implementation of the numerical code and lab-scale model applications highlighting the sorption and desorption behavior of an organic contaminant (Phenanthrene) with regard to three lithocomponents exhibiting different sorptive properties. In particular, it is shown that breakthrough curves (BTCs) for lithologically nonuniform media cannot be obtained via simple arithmetic averaging of breakthrough curves for lithologically uniform media. In addition, as no analytical solutions are available for model validation purposes, simulation results are compared to measurements from lab-scale column experiments. The model results indicate that the new code can be regarded as a valuable tool for predicting long-term contaminant uptake or release, which may last for several hundreds of years for some lithocomponents. In particular, breakthrough curves simulated by pure forward modelling reproduce experimental data much better than a calibrated standard first-order kinetics reactive transport model, thus indicating that the new approach is of high quality and may be advantageously used for supporting the design of remediation strategies at contaminated sites where some lithocomponents and/or grain size classes may provide a long-term pollutant source.  相似文献   

Continuous time random walk (CTRW) formulations have been demonstrated to provide a general and effective approach that quantifies the behavior of solute transport in heterogeneous media in field, laboratory, and numerical experiments. In this paper we first apply the CTRW approach to describe the sorbing solute transport in soils under chemical (or) and physical nonequilibrium conditions by curve-fitting. Results show that the theoretical solutions are in a good agreement with the experimental measurements. In case that CTRW parameters cannot be determined directly or easily, an alternative method is then proposed for estimating such parameters independently of the breakthrough curve data to be simulated. We conduct numerical experiments with artificial data sets generated by the HYDRUS-1D model for a wide range of pore water velocities (υ) and retardation factors (R) to investigate the relationship between CTRW parameters for a sorbing solute and these two quantities (υ, R) that can be directly measured in independent experiments. A series of best-fitting regression equations are then developed from the artificial data sets, which can be easily used as an estimation or prediction model to assess the transport of sorbing solutes under steady flow conditions through soil. Several literature data sets of pesticides are used to validate these relationships. The results show reasonable performance in most cases, thus indicating that our method could provide an alternative way to effectively predict sorbing solute transport in soils. While the regression relationships presented are obtained under certain flow and sorption conditions, the methodology of our study is general and may be extended to predict solute transport in soils under different flow and sorption conditions.  相似文献   

Based on the results from detailed structural and petrological characterisation and on up-scaled laboratory values for sorption and diffusion, blind predictions were made for the STT1 dipole tracer test performed in the Swedish Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory. The tracers used were nonsorbing, such as uranine and tritiated water, weakly sorbing 22Na(+), 85Sr(2+), 47Ca(2+)and more strongly sorbing 86Rb(+), 133Ba(2+), 137Cs(+). Our model consists of two parts: (1) a flow part based on a 2D-streamtube formalism accounting for the natural background flow field and with an underlying homogeneous and isotropic transmissivity field and (2) a transport part in terms of the dual porosity medium approach which is linked to the flow part by the flow porosity. The calibration of the model was done using the data from one single uranine breakthrough (PDT3). The study clearly showed that matrix diffusion into a highly porous material, fault gouge, had to be included in our model evidenced by the characteristic shape of the breakthrough curve and in line with geological observations. After the disclosure of the measurements, it turned out that, in spite of the simplicity of our model, the prediction for the nonsorbing and weakly sorbing tracers was fairly good. The blind prediction for the more strongly sorbing tracers was in general less accurate. The reason for the good predictions is deemed to be the result of the choice of a model structure strongly based on geological observation. The breakthrough curves were inversely modelled to determine in situ values for the transport parameters and to draw consequences on the model structure applied. For good fits, only one additional fracture family in contact with cataclasite had to be taken into account, but no new transport mechanisms had to be invoked. The in situ values for the effective diffusion coefficient for fault gouge are a factor of 2-15 larger than the laboratory data. For cataclasite, both data sets have values comparable to laboratory data. The extracted K(d) values for the weakly sorbing tracers are larger than Swedish laboratory data by a factor of 25-60, but agree within a factor of 3-5 for the more strongly sorbing nuclides. The reason for the inconsistency concerning K(d)s is the use of fresh granite in the laboratory studies, whereas tracers in the field experiments interact only with fracture fault gouge and to a lesser extent with cataclasite both being mineralogically very different (e.g. clay-bearing) from the intact wall rock.  相似文献   

Applied tracer tests provide a means to estimate aquifer parameters in fractured rock. The traditional approach to analysing these tests has been using a single fracture model to find the parameter values that generate the best fit to the measured breakthrough curve. In many cases, the ultimate aim is to predict solute transport under the natural gradient. Usually, no confidence limits are placed on parameter values and the impact of parameter errors on predictions of solute transport is not discussed. The assumption inherent in this approach is that the parameters determined under forced conditions will enable prediction of solute transport under the natural gradient. This paper considers the parameter and prediction uncertainty that might arise from analysis of breakthrough curves obtained from forced gradient applied tracer tests. By adding noise to an exact solution for transport in a single fracture in a porous matrix we create multiple realisations of an initial breakthrough curve. A least squares fitting routine is used to obtain a fit to each realisation, yielding a range of parameter values rather than a single set of absolute values. The suite of parameters is then used to make predictions of solute transport under lower hydraulic gradients and the uncertainty of estimated parameters and subsequent predictions of solute transport is compared. The results of this study show that predictions of breakthrough curve characteristics (first inflection point time, peak arrival time and peak concentration) for groundwater flow speeds with orders of magnitude smaller than that at which a test is conducted can sometimes be determined even more accurately than the fracture and matrix parameters.  相似文献   

A novel inverse technique is proposed to quantitatively characterize macroscopic variability in aquifer reactivity in a Lagrangian representation. Reactivity heterogeneity is expressed in terms of distributions of flux over cumulative time of exposure of the solution to reactive surface area, termed here 'cumulative reactivity'. In cases involving single aqueous species the combined effects of physical and reactivity heterogeneity on reactive solute transport can often be established and further investigated through joint distributions of flux over travel time and cumulative reactivity. The inverse technique requires the breakthrough curve of a passive tracer to determine the distribution of flux over travel time, and additional breakthrough curves of reactive tracers provide additional moments of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity given travel time. Thus breakthroughs of one passive and two reactive tracers can provide the mean and variance of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity. This Lagrangian characterization is achieved with knowledge of the types of reactive surfaces present, but not their spatial locations. The distributions can subsequently be applied via forward modeling using the same technique to predict breakthrough curves of other solutes undergoing first-order reactions in similar physically and chemically heterogeneous configurations.  相似文献   

For several years tracer migration experiments are performed at Nagra's Grimsel Test Site in the Swiss Alps as a joint undertaking of Nagra, PNC and PSI. The aim is to develop methods for field experiments at possible sites for nuclear waste repositories and to test radionuclide transport models.A hydraulic dipole field is generated in a well-defined fracture zone in granite. The tracers used are non-sorbing (uranine, 3He, 4He, 82Br, 123I), mildly sorbing (22Na+, 24Na+), and more strongly sorbing (85Sr2+, 86Rb+, 134Cs+, 137Cs+). These experiments have been complemented by extensive laboratory investigations on petrography, on water-rock and nuclide-rock interaction as well as by migration experiments with bore cores.The main questions addressed are: What are the relevant geometric factors and mechanisms for transport, how well can breakthrough curves be extrapolated from one dipole arrangement to another, which parameters are scale dependent, is there a difference in sorption values between laboratory and field experiments or between static and dynamic experiments. Evaluating the experimental results for the non-sorbing uranine and the mildly sorbing tracers sorption, Strontium, we show that a consistent picture of tracer transport, and specifically of tracer sorption, is obtained when exploiting all available experimental information and using not too simplistic models.  相似文献   

A multi-borehole radial tracer test has been conducted in the confined Chalk aquifer of E. Yorkshire, UK. Three different tracer dyes were injected into three injection boreholes and a central borehole, 25 m from the injection boreholes, was pumped at 330 m(3)/d for 8 days. The breakthrough curves show that initial breakthrough and peak times were fairly similar for all dyes but that recoveries varied markedly from 9 to 57%. The breakthrough curves show a steep rise to a peak and long tail, typical of dual porosity aquifers. The breakthrough curves were simulated using a 1D dual porosity model. Model input parameters were constrained to acceptable ranges determined from estimations of matrix porosity and diffusion coefficient, fracture spacing, initial breakthrough times and bulk transmissivity of the aquifer. The model gave equivalent hydraulic apertures for fractures in the range 363-384 microm, dispersivities of 1 to 5 m and matrix block sizes of 6 to 9 cm. Modelling suggests that matrix block size is the primary controlling parameter for solute transport in the aquifer, particularly for recovery. The observed breakthrough curves suggest results from single injection-borehole tracer tests in the Chalk may give initial breakthrough and peak times reasonably representative of the aquifer but that recovery is highly variable and sensitive to injection and abstraction borehole location. Consideration of aquifer heterogeneity suggests that high recoveries may be indicative of a high flow pathway adjacent, but not necessarily connected, to the injection and abstraction boreholes whereas low recoveries may indicate more distributed flow through many fractures of similar aperture.  相似文献   

Subsurface solute transport through structured soil is studied by model interpretation of experimental breakthrough curves from tritium and phosphorus tracer tests in three intact soil monoliths. Similar geochemical conditions, with nearly neutral pH, were maintained in all the experiments. Observed transport differences for the same tracer are thus mainly due to differences in the physical transport process between the different monoliths. The modelling is based on a probabilistic Lagrangian approach that decouples physical and chemical mass transfer and transformation processes from pure and stochastic advection. Thereby, it enables explicit quantification of the physical transport process through preferential flow paths, honouring all independently available experimental information. Modelling of the tritium breakthrough curves yields a probability density function of non-reactive solute travel time that is coupled with a reaction model for linear, non-equilibrium sorption–desorption to describe the phosphorus transport. The tritium model results indicate that significant preferential flow occurs in all the experimental soil monoliths, ranging from 60–100% of the total water flow moving through only 25–40% of the total water content. In agreement with the fact that geochemical conditions were similar in all experiments, phosphorus model results yield consistent first-order kinetic parameter values for the sorption–desorption process in two of the three soil monoliths; phosphorus transport through the third monolith cannot be modelled because the apparent mean transport rate of phosphorus is anomalously rapid relative to the non-adsorptive tritium transport. The occurrence of preferential flow alters the whole shape of the phosphorus breakthrough curve, not least the peak mass flux and concentration values, and increases the transported phosphorus mass by 2–3 times relative to the estimated mass transport without preferential flow in the two modelled monoliths.  相似文献   

Some of the basic assumptions of the advection-dispersion model (AD-model) are revisited. This model assumes a continuous mixing along the flowpath similar to Fickian diffusion. This implies that there is a constant dispersion length irrespective of observation distance. This is contrary to most field observations. The properties of an alternative model based on the assumption that individual water packages can retain their identity over long distances are investigated. The latter model is called the multi-channel model (MCh-model). Inherent in the latter model is that if the waters in the different pathways are collected and mixed, the "dispersion length" is proportional to distance. The conditions for when non-mixing between adjacent streams can be assumed are explored. The MCh- and AD-models are found to have very similar residence time distributions (RTD) for Peclet numbers larger than 3. A generalized relation between flowrate and residence time is developed, including the so-called cubic law and constant aperture assumptions. The two models extrapolate very differently when there is strong matrix interaction. The AD-model could severely underestimate the effluent concentration of a tracer pulse and overestimate the residence time. The conditions are explored for when in-filling particles in the fracture will not be equilibrated but will act as if there was seemingly a much larger flow wetted surface (FWS). It is found that for strongly sorbing tracers, relatively small particles can act in this way for systems and conditions that are typical of many tracer tests. The assumption that the tracer residence time found by cautiously injecting a small stream of traced water represents the residence time in the whole fracture is explored. It is found that the traced stream can potentially sample a much larger fraction of the fracture than the ratio between the traced flowrate and the total pumped flowrate. The MCh-model was used to simulate some recent tracer tests in what is assumed to be a single fracture at the Asp? Hard rock laboratory in Sweden. Non-sorbing tracers, HTO and Uranin were used to determine the mean residence time and its variance. Laboratory data on diffusion and sorption properties were used to "predict" the RTD of the sorbing tracers. At least 30 times larger FWS or 1000 times larger diffusion or sorption coefficients would be needed to explain the observed BTCs. Some possible reasons for such behavior are also explored.  相似文献   

Two new methods for determining sorption coefficients in large rock samples have been developed. The methods use electromigration as a means to speed up the transport process, allowing for fast equilibration between rock sample and tracer solution. An electrical potential gradient acts as a driving force for transport in addition to the concentration gradient and forces the cations through the rock sample towards the cathode. The electrical potential gradient induces both electromigration and electroosmotic flow with a resulting solute transport that is large compared to diffusive fluxes. In one of the methods, the solute is driven through the sample and collected at the outlet side. In the other, simpler method, the rock sample is equilibrated by circulating the solute through the sample. The equilibration of rock samples, up to 5 cm in length, with an aqueous solution has been accomplished within days to months. Experiments using cesium as a sorbing tracer yield results consistent with considerably more time demanding in-diffusion experiments. These methods give lower distribution coefficients than those obtained using traditional batch experiments with crushed rock.  相似文献   

Matrix diffusion is an important process for solute transport in fractured rock, and the matrix diffusion coefficient is a key parameter for describing this process. Previous studies have indicated that the effective matrix diffusion coefficient values, obtained from a large number of field tracer tests, are enhanced in comparison with local values and may increase with test scale. In this study, we have performed numerical experiments to investigate potential mechanisms behind possible scale-dependent behavior. The focus of the experiments is on solute transport in flow paths having geometries consistent with percolation theories and characterized by multiple local flow loops formed mainly by small-scale fractures. The water velocity distribution through a flow path was determined using discrete fracture network flow simulations, and solute transport was calculated using a previously derived impulse-response function and a particle-tracking scheme. Values for effective (or up-scaled) transport parameters were obtained by matching breakthrough curves from numerical experiments with an analytical solution for solute transport along a single fracture. Results indicate that a combination of local flow loops and the associated matrix diffusion process, together with scaling properties in flow path geometry, seems to be an important mechanism causing the observed scale dependence of the effective matrix diffusion coefficient (at a range of scales).  相似文献   

Based on the results from detailed structural and petrological characterisation and on up-scaled laboratory values for sorption and diffusion, blind predictions were made for the STT1 dipole tracer test performed in the Swedish Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. The tracers used were nonsorbing, such as uranine and tritiated water, weakly sorbing 22Na+, 85Sr2+, 47Ca2+and more strongly sorbing 86Rb+, 133Ba2+, 137Cs+.Our model consists of two parts: (1) a flow part based on a 2D-streamtube formalism accounting for the natural background flow field and with an underlying homogeneous and isotropic transmissivity field and (2) a transport part in terms of the dual porosity medium approach which is linked to the flow part by the flow porosity.The calibration of the model was done using the data from one single uranine breakthrough (PDT3). The study clearly showed that matrix diffusion into a highly porous material, fault gouge, had to be included in our model evidenced by the characteristic shape of the breakthrough curve and in line with geological observations.After the disclosure of the measurements, it turned out that, in spite of the simplicity of our model, the prediction for the nonsorbing and weakly sorbing tracers was fairly good. The blind prediction for the more strongly sorbing tracers was in general less accurate. The reason for the good predictions is deemed to be the result of the choice of a model structure strongly based on geological observation. The breakthrough curves were inversely modelled to determine in situ values for the transport parameters and to draw consequences on the model structure applied. For good fits, only one additional fracture family in contact with cataclasite had to be taken into account, but no new transport mechanisms had to be invoked. The in situ values for the effective diffusion coefficient for fault gouge are a factor of 2–15 larger than the laboratory data. For cataclasite, both data sets have values comparable to laboratory data. The extracted Kd values for the weakly sorbing tracers are larger than Swedish laboratory data by a factor of 25–60, but agree within a factor of 3–5 for the more strongly sorbing nuclides. The reason for the inconsistency concerning Kds is the use of fresh granite in the laboratory studies, whereas tracers in the field experiments interact only with fracture fault gouge and to a lesser extent with cataclasite both being mineralogically very different (e.g. clay-bearing) from the intact wall rock.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate one-dimensional solute transport affected by rate-limited sorption, first-order mass transfer, and first-order transformation. Analytical expressions are obtained for the temporal moments of the solute in the solution phase. The effect of various rate coefficients on the temporal moments is examined. It was found that, in the presence of transformation reactions, the mean arrival time, and the spread and skewness of the breakthrough curves, are not monotonic functions of the rate coefficients. These solutions will be useful as a preliminary analysis tool for ascertaining the relative importance of various processes under given conditions. They may also be used to analyze the accuracy of various numerical techniques used for simulation of reactive transport.  相似文献   

A column containing four concentric layers of progressively finer-grained glass beads (graded column) was used to study the transport of the bacteriophage T7 in water flowing parallel to layering through a fining-upwards (FU) sedimentary structure. By passing a pulse of T7, and a conservative solute tracer upwards through a column packed with a single bead size (uniform column), the capacity of each bead type to attenuate the bacteriophage was determined. Solute and bacteriophage responses were modelled using an analytical solution to the advection-dispersion equation, with first-order kinetic deposition simulating bacteriophage attenuation. Resulting deposition constants for different flow velocities indicated that filtration theory-determined values differed from experimentally determined values by less than 10%. In contrast, the responses of solute and bacteriophage tracers passing upwards through graded columns could not be reproduced with a single analytical solution. However, a flux-weighted summation of four one-dimensional advective-dispersive analytical terms approximated solute breakthrough curves. The prolonged tailing observed in the resulting curve resembled that typically generated from field-based tracer test data, reflecting the potential importance of textural heterogeneity in the transport of dissolved substances in groundwater. Moreover, bacteriophage deposition terms, determined from filtration theory, reproduced the T7 breakthrough curve once desorption and inactivation on grain surfaces were incorporated. To evaluate the effect of FU sequences on mass transport processes in more detail, bacteriophage passage through sequences resembling those sampled from a FU bed in a fluvioglacial gravel pit were carried out using an analogous approach to that employed in the laboratory. Both solute and bacteriophage breakthrough responses resembled those generated from field-based test data and in the graded column experiments. Comparisons with the results of simulations using averaged hydraulic conductivities show that simulations employing averaged parameters overestimate bacteriophage travel times and underestimate masses recovered and peak concentrations.  相似文献   

It is known that under unsaturated conditions, the transport of solutes can deviate from ideal advective-dispersive behaviour even for macroscopically homogeneous porous materials. Causes may include physical non-equilibrium, sorption kinetics, non-linear sorption, and the irregular distribution of sorption sites. We have performed laboratory experiments designed to identify the processes responsible for the non-ideality of radioactive Sr transport observed under unsaturated flow conditions in an Aeolian sandy deposit from the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Miscible displacement experiments were carried out at various water contents and corresponding flow rates in a laboratory model system. Results of our experiments have shown that breakthrough curves of a conservative tracer exhibit a higher degree of asymmetry when the water content decreases than at saturated water content and same Darcy velocity. It is possible that velocity variations caused by heterogeneities at the macroscopic scale are responsible for this situation. Another explanation is that molecular diffusion drives the solute mass transfer between mobile and immobile water regions, but the surface of contact between these water regions is small. At very low concentrations, representative of a radioactive Sr contamination of the pore water, sorption and physical disequilibrium dominate the radioactive Sr transport under unsaturated flow conditions. A sorption reaction is described by a cation exchange mechanism calibrated under fully saturated conditions. The sorption capacity, as well as the exchange coefficients are not affected by desaturation. The number of accessible exchange sites was calculated on the basis that the solid remained in contact with water and that the fraction of solid phase in contact with mobile water is numerically equal to the proportion of mobile water to total water content. That means that for this type of sandy soil, the nature of mineral phases is the same in advective and non-advective domains. So sorption reaction parameters can be estimated from more easily conducted saturated experiments, but hydrodynamic behaviour must be characterized by conservative tracer experiments under unsaturated flow conditions.  相似文献   

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