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清洁生产与环境管理体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对清洁生产和环境管理体系两个概念的比较,阐明了二者的异同和在企业生产与管理过程中将二者融合的可能性。  相似文献   

The goal of environmental protection is to prevent damage by early recognition of possible hazards. In the present paper, the potential of materials accounting techniques to forewarn of critical loadings on water, air and soil is assessed. For this purpose, the anthropogenic and natural contributions to the metabolism of a region are measured and estimated respectively. The control of man-made material fluxes to the environment is discussed with regard to a waste management concept based on sustainable fluxes of emissions and final storage quality of landfill materials. According to the results, regional material balances are powerful tools for integrated waste management: they allow the setting of priorities in waste management by identifying important material quantities and qualities, they are the base for the design and evaluation of waste treatment technologies, they are necessary for environmental impact statements, and they allow the recognition and minimization of the overall flux of materials from the anthroposphere to the environment.  相似文献   

Environmental compliance requirements periodically impact the military's ability to use all installation resources. In response, environmental management strategies have been developed to ensure compliance and allow site closure. This study examines the relationship between environmental management strategies and environmental compliance at U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) installations via analysis of environmental compliance audit scores. Five environmental scores of interest from 1998 to 2004 audits—which include total compliance, total management, audit management, policy management, and training management—were subjected to statistical analysis. Results showed the USMC met environmental compliance and management standards, despite limited resources. High management strategy scores were moderately correlated with high total compliance scores. Total management scores improved over time, and noncompliance was most often associated with a lack of resources and plans. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Based on a review of hundreds of environmental restoration program optimization reviews, this article describes management tools found in successful and efficient remediation programs. Projects that consistently struggled to achieve their objectives were observed to be missing certain, or to have inadequately used, these tools. The tools are articulated as best practices because when they are present and actively used, project shortcomings were minimal. Priority objectives for site owners and project managers include improving efficiency and effectiveness through performance management, reducing resource usage and energy consumption, ensuring protectiveness, and reducing uncertainty in management decision making. Restoring environmental resources damaged by historic waste management practices began in earnest in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the broad recognition of the problems caused by environmental discharges and spills when wastes are not managed appropriately. Under new regulations, soil and groundwater remediation projects could be, and were, conducted within a defined framework. The number and variety of restoration projects that were launched resulted in a slew of projects progressing through the stages of characterization, decision, and cleanup, and more were added to the cleanup process each year. In the 1990s, the Department of Defense noted that many cleanup efforts were projected to incur substantial operational, maintenance, and monitoring costs for decades into the future. This was correctly perceived as an opportunity to optimize those systems and programs, minimize costs, and reduce health and environmental risks. The best practices outlined in this article address management tools that were identified in optimization efforts that led to effective and efficient environmental remediation projects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

饶未欣 《化工环保》2019,39(1):101-105
解读《建设项目环境保护管理条例》修订的要点,剖析当前石油化工建设项目环境保护管理体系的核心由“环评制度”逐步向“排污许可证制度”转变的现实情况,及与此相应的环保行政主管部门对建设单位和设计咨询单位的环保工作提出的新要求。从实际工作出发,总结了中国石化系统和民营企业石油化工建设项目在新形势下环保管理工作的特点、遇到的问题及解决方案。  相似文献   

This literature review discusses specific issues related to handling of waste containing nanomaterials. The aims are (1) to highlight problems related to uncontrolled release of nanoparticles to the environment through waste disposal, and (2) to introduce the topics of nanowaste and nanotoxicology to the waste management community. Many nanoparticles used by industry contain heavy metals, thus toxicity and bioaccumulation of heavy metals contained in nanoparticles may become important environmental issues. Although bioavailability of heavy metals contained in nanoparticles can be lower than those present in soluble form, the toxicity resulting from their intrinsic nature (e.g. their size, shape or density) may be significant. An approach to the treatment of nanowaste requires understanding of all its properties – not only chemical, but also physical and biological. Progress in nanowaste management also requires studies of the environmental impact of the new materials. The authors believe Amara’s law is applicable to the impact of nanotechnologies, and society might overestimate the short-term effects of these technologies, while underestimating the long-term effects. It is necessary to have basic information from companies about the level and nature of nanomaterials produced or emitted and about the expectation of the life cycle time of nanoproducts as a basis to estimate the level of nanowaste in the future. Without knowing how companies plan to use and store recycled and nonrecycled nanomaterials, development of regulations is difficult. Tagging of nanoproducts is proposed as a means to facilitate separation and recovery of nanomaterials.  相似文献   

高压输变电项目的电磁环境管理   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了高压输变电项目的电磁污染特点,简要分析了高压输变电项目环境管理中存在的法规、标准不健全和纠纷较为集中等问题,根据江苏省目前的管理现状,对于输变电建设项目管理提出污染控制措施和对策建议.  相似文献   

The debate on different waste management practices has become an issue of utmost importance as human activities have overloaded the assimilative capacity of the biosphere. Recent Italian law on solid waste management recommends an increase in material recycling and energy recovery, and only foresees landfill disposal for inert materials and residues from recovery and recycling. A correct waste management policy should be based on the principles of sustainable development, according to which our refuse is not simply regarded as something to eliminate but rather as a potential resource. This requires the creation of an integrated waste management plan that makes full use of all available technologies. In this context, eMergy analysis is applied to evaluate three different forms of waste treatment and construct an approach capable of assessing the whole strategy of waste management. The evaluation included how much investment is needed for each type of waste management and how much "utility" is extracted from wastes, through the use of two indicators: Environmental yield ratio (EYR) and Net eMergy. Our results show that landfill is the worst system in terms of eMergy costs and eMergy benefits. Composting is the most efficient system in recovering eMergy (highest EYR) from municipal solid waste (MSW) while incineration is capable of saving the greatest quantity of eMergy per gram of MSW (highest net eMergy). This analysis has made it possible to assess the sustainability and the efficiency of individual options but could also be used to assess a greater environmental strategy for waste management, considering a system that might include landfills, incineration, composting, etc.  相似文献   

陈瑶  辛志伟  付军  关睿 《化工环保》2017,37(1):110-115
从园区的规划布局、监督管理、废水处理及排放标准等方面对化工园区水污染问题的成因进行了系统分析,并结合新修订的《环境保护法》和《水污染防治行动计划》的有关要求,分别从四个方面针对化工园区水污染防治政策提出以下建议:加强管理顶层设计,促进协调监管;严格园区环境准入条件;实行企业废水分质分类管理,加强企业准入标准建设;建立激励机制,推动第三方服务。  相似文献   

ISO14001环境管理体系与火力发电企业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了ISO14000环境管理系列标准的核心-环境管理体系的主要内容,阐述了火力发电企业建立环境管理体系将有利于电力可持续发展,有利于节能降耗,减污增效,有利于提高企业的环境管理水平和整体管理水平,有利于树立企业全新的环境保护形象。  相似文献   

针对环保行业的特点,阐述了环保企业建立和实施质量、环境、职业安全健康一体化管理体系的必要性,并提出了建立一体化管理体系的主要方法和步骤。  相似文献   

范真真  罗霂  郭丽  梁睿  吕巍 《化工环保》2019,39(2):213-219
随着页岩气开发技术的突破与发展,我国已成为继美国、加拿大之后第三个实现页岩气工业化生产的国家。而由页岩气开发伴随的地下水污染、生态破坏等环境问题亦不可忽视。本文通过分析中美页岩气开发过程中的环境管理政策、管理模式,提出加快完善我国页岩气开发环境管理体系及环境监管的建议:1)形成页岩气开发全过程环境管理体系;2)强化页岩气开发的区块规划环评,落实生态保护红线和资源利用上线要求;3)规范项目环境影响评价,提高页岩气环境管理要求;4)在制定页岩气开发污染控制相关标准时纳入开采工艺过程的环保管理要求。  相似文献   

刘进龙 《化工环保》2019,39(2):225-230
介绍了我国石化行业环境保护法规、标准体系和建设项目环境保护工作的要求和开展情况,并对欧美发达国家石化行业的法规标准体系、工程建设全过程环境保护工作、成本效益分析、最佳可行技术和部分发展中国家石化项目的环境保护管理进行了分析论述,比较了国内外石化行业环境保护标准、项目环保工作的差异,并对我国石化行业环境保护工作给出了建议。  相似文献   

针对当前国家环保法规、制度的执行力度加大和电源项目环境管理要求日益提高的现状,分析了企业所担负的环保职责,探讨了强化项目前期、基建、生产中环保全过程管理的思路.  相似文献   

Iran is the second largest stockholder of construction stones with 10 % of world production ;and there are more than 4000 stone cutting and fabrication industries (SCFIs). In the processing of raw stones, a considerable part of stone is turned into waste. Generated wastes include excess parts of different stones and sludge. The present paper reviews the state of SCFIs waste management using multiple data sources including site, analysis of effluent and sludge samples, and conducting interviews with people who are involved in 286 SCFIs in Qom and Tabriz. The results revealed that currently almost 35 to 52.5 % of raw stones were converted to solid wastes depending on stone cutting and processing methods, type of stones and their quality, which seemed a high percentage. Also, the effluents between 0.8 and 2.8 m3 were generated per ton of processed stone. Based on the analysis of heavy metals with atomic absorption spectroscopy, sludge samples contained a considerable amount of Pb, Cu, Cr, and Cd. It was also found that the lack of specific recycling, reuse and disposal programs and suitable supervision has led to uncontrolled disposal of stone wastes and sludge in different areas. However, there are good opportunities for reuse and recycling of the SCFIs wastes.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Appropriate municipal solid waste management transition should be promoted for developing Asian countries. Thus, we established a life-cycle...  相似文献   

Due to the presence of toxic metals, dumping of heavy oil fly ash (HOFA) is causing ever-growing environmental problem including the pollution of air, water and soil. The present study investigates the possible environmental impacts associated with the land disposal of HOFA generated in the power plant. Different modeling and laboratory analysis were integrated to address the real environmental problems. Leaching behavior of heavy metals within the HOFA were investigated by laboratory batch leaching tests, which confirmed that most of the toxic elements in the HOFA can easily leach into the environment with rain water. The level of atmospheric dust surrounding a HOFA dumping site was predicted using the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) air dispersion model, and the results indicated that the dumping of HOFA could be a potential hazard for local air quality. The study also revealed different reuse options of HOFA. The characteristic analysis confirmed HOFA can be used as a natural adsorbent to remove pollutants from wastewater or as soil stabilizing material by blending with cement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to quantify comparable environmental impacts within a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) perspective, for buildings in which the first (Materials) and last (End of Life) life cycle stages are adjusted to several waste/material management options. Unlike most LCAs, the approach is “top-down” rather than “bottom-up”, which usually involves large amounts of data and the use of specific software applications. This approach is considered appropriate for a limited but expedient LCA designed to compare the environmental impacts of different life cycle options.Present results, based on real buildings measurements and demolition contractor activities, show that shallow, superficial, selective demolition may not result in reduced environmental impacts. Calculations actually show an increase (generally less than 5%) in most impact categories for the Materials and End of Life stages because of extra transportation needs. However, core material separation in demolition operations and its recycling and/or reuse does bring environmental benefits. A reduction of around 77% has been estimated in the climate change impact category, 57% in acidification potential and 81% in the summer smog impact (for the life cycle stages referred).  相似文献   

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