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如何加强思想道德建设,文章认为应确立新的道德价值观、继承发扬传统道德精华,准确把握新时期的道德原则、道德建设的基本结构与目标,同时切实抓好思想道德教育,实行综合治理.  相似文献   

景观生态学在公路景观环境评价中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
公路景观环境评价研究是我国公路建设中的新课题,景观生态学的发展为公路景观环境评价研究提供了新理论、方法和技术手段。分析了景观生态学研究内容、方法特点,提出了从景观生态价值、美学质量、视觉容量和景观安全格局4个方面对公路景观环境进行评价,并探讨了具体评价过程,该思想对公路战略环境评价和环境影响后评价也具有启示意义。  相似文献   

河湖生态复苏工作是生态文明建设的重大任务和根本要求。北京市坚持全面贯彻新发展理念,在水生态治理实践中,以恢复、保护为原则,以统筹、协同为方法,以民情、民生为宗旨,自觉站在人与自然和谐共生的高度进行系统施治,推进永定河复苏行动,因地制宜开展生态文明建设的创新实践。本研究立足首都城市战略定位,从京津冀协同发展、首都生态文明建设和超大城市治理角度,论述了永定河生态复苏的治理模式、显著成效和经验启示,为推动治水高质量发展提供实施路径。  相似文献   

最近阅读了由高等教育出版社出版的舒底清先生所著《高等职业教育专业内涵建设》一书,全书大体构架包括高等职业教育专业建设概述、高职院校人才培养模式改革、职业教育课程改革与建设、高职院校师资队伍建设、高职院校实训基地建设、高职院校教学质量监控等6章,以下分为专业建设  相似文献   

生态旅游与生态旅游业发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从生态旅游的定义入手,探讨了开展生态旅游的意义,生态旅游的类型。阐述了生态旅游的项目建设、能源系统建设,交通设施建设,农业系统建设。提出了生态旅游区环境保护的对策。  相似文献   

立足安全保卫工作性质,从关心爱护、思想建设、作风建设、业务建设、法制建设等五个方面论述了加强保卫队伍建设.参3.  相似文献   

绿道是将大量自然、经济、社会的景点、集聚地和示范点连接在一起的,兼具生态、体育、休闲、文化和通行功能的,彰显绿色、智慧、创新、务实和人本理念的线性生态开敞空间。经历了一百多年的发展后,绿道建设已成为一项全球性运动。绿道建设对促进城市质量提高,推动低碳生态城市建设具有重要意义。西方国家和部分亚洲国家和地区的绿道已发展到了较为成熟的阶段。我国内地引入绿道的时间较晚,但建设步伐快,发展迅速,尤其是珠三角绿道建设更为迅速。国内外在绿道网建设过程中积累了一定的经验,也存在一定的问题,为更好地推进我国绿道网建设,提高绿道网管理水平,非常有必要对国际绿道网和我国珠三角绿道网的进展状况进行分析。本文系统地介绍了绿道的发展历程,并从规划设计、建设实践、科学研究与管理等方面对绿道建设状况进行了深入分析。在总结、分析国内外绿道网建设经验与存在问题基础上,提出了我国绿道网建设对策,主要包括:(1)因地制宜,科学规划;(2)加快完善标识系统建设;(3)尽快探讨绿道网经营模式;(4)建立绿道监测与评估机制等。  相似文献   

关于生态省建设的理论探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对生态省的概念、建设目标、建设生态省相关的生态学原理、生态省建设中如何处理人与自然的关系、生态省评价标准和指标体系等有关的理论问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

生态旅游与生态旅游业开发   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
从生态旅游的定义入手,探讨了开展生态旅游的意义、生态旅游的类型。阐述了生态旅游的项目建设、能源系统建设、交通设施建设、农业系统建设。提出了生态旅游区环境保护的对策  相似文献   

建设生态示范区促进区域可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
走可持续发展的道路是中国发展道路的必然选择,生态示范区建设可持续发展战略作为指导思想和建设的最高目标,它是实施可持续发展战略的基本经济社会形式。文章论述了生态示范区的内涵、建设意义、基本模式及其组织实施。  相似文献   

随着经济与科技的飞速发展,对信息的需求量越来越多.图书馆作为学校重要的教育教学资源和读者猎取信息的重要场所,对学生进行信息素质教育势在必行.笔者在此文中拟探讨图书馆应如何对高校学生进行信息素质教育,主要从对读者、图书馆、图书馆工作人员三方面的要求着手来探讨这一问题.  相似文献   

This article proposes an analytical framework for developing indicators of agriculture and rural community sustainability, including the symbiotic relationship between sustainable agriculture and rural well-being. Rural well-being offers a sustainable approach to healthy lifestyles that are based on a balance of many complex components including social, economic, and environmental issues. The United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) have taken positions on these issues. The United States Department of Agriculture is ‘committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America’ through loans and subsidies (USDA 2015). The USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program vision is to sustain ‘an enduring American agriculture of the highest quality that is profitable, protects the nation’s land and water and is a force, providing a healthy and rewarding way of life for farmers and ranchers whose quality products and operations sustain their communities and society’ (SARE 2016; Smart, Sandt and Chris Zdorovtsov 2016). UK government and non-government agencies have taken a more holistic approach to rural well-being in their efforts to achieve a more balanced social–economic–environmental state of rural well-being. The UK interpretation of Community Supported Agriculture is a tested example of this sustainable approach to fostering rural well-being (Saltmarsh et al. 2011).  相似文献   

Conservation and the Lure of the Garden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Among the conservation voices today who seek a sensible "middle ground" in remedying land-use problems are those who propose a tend-the-garden ethic in which humans would merely need to view the earth as a garden and labor to make it productive and beautiful in order to solve conservation challenges. This line of reasoning is exemplified by Michael Pollan's highly praised book, Second Nature , which supports conservation values but harshly criticizes contemporary environmental efforts, including the work of such organizations as The Nature Conservancy. Pollan's portrayal of the gardener as model conservationist is usefully compared with an important essay by Aldo Leopold from a half-century ago, "The Farmer as a Conservationist," which similarly uses a model land tender as exemplar of where conservation needs to head. Comparing the two writings reveals profound flaws in the contemporary tend-the-garden line of thought. In doing so, it usefully reveals to scientists why their efforts are so often misunderstood and resisted. The popularity of tend-the-garden reasoning illustrates how successful the environmental backlash has been in misportraying the motives and aims of serious conservationists, particularly those who seek to protect wildlife and natural habitat. In doing so, it highlights the need for conservationists to take their own ideas more seriously and to do a far better job of presenting those ideas, in coherent form, to broad audiences.  相似文献   

高等农业院校学风建设现状及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过问卷调查,本文探讨了高等农业院校学风建设存在的问题、阻碍学风建设良性发展的因素及加强学风建设的对策等问题.调研表明:高等农业院校学风建设存在学术氛围不浓、学习动力不足、考试风气不正、学习时间不够等一系列的问题,影响高等农业院校学风建设的因素很多,既有历史的原因、也有社会的原因,既有教育管理的原因、也有学生的原因,是多种因素的综合;加强高等农业院校学风建设的对策是转变教育观念、深化教学改革、完善教学管理机制、加强教风建设、发挥学生主体性作用以及营造高品位的校园文化等.  相似文献   

Although benchmark-dose methodology has existed for more than 20 years, benchmark doses (BMDs) still have not fully supplanted the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) and lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) as points of departure from the experimental dose–response range for setting acceptable exposure levels of toxic substances. Among the issues involved in replacing the NOAEL (LOAEL) with a BMD are (1) which added risk level(s) above background risk should be targeted as benchmark responses (BMRs), (2) whether to apply the BMD methodology to both carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic toxic effects, and (3) how to model continuous health effects that aren’t observed in a natural risk-based context like dichotomous health effects. This paper addresses these issues and recommends specific BMDs to replace the NOAEL and LOAEL.
Ralph L. KodellEmail:

水上公园水体的水供现状及营养功能状态评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了天津市水上公园水体的水质现状,并依据有关标准对水体的营养状态,水体的游览景 产养殖,饮水备用水源等功能进行了评价。  相似文献   

我国畜禽养殖业存在的环境污染问题及治理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畜禽养殖业环境污染问题越来越引起了人们的关注.本文概述了我国畜禽养殖业中存在的环境污染问题并从保护生态环境角度出发,提出了利用现代微生物工程应用技术和常规的处理方法相结合的治理措施。  相似文献   

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