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The utilisation of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in Iran is analysed in terms of its policy context and its application in practice. Five case studies where SIA was employed in conjunction with Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for agricultural development projects are evaluated. In addition, the performance of the policy context is assessed. This research revealed that there are legal and institutional constraints to the effective functioning of SIA in Iran, and that there are deficiencies in the operating guidelines. There were serious problems associated with the way SIA was undertaken in all five case studies. Recommendations to improve the policy framework for the conduct of SIA are made. The recommendations advocate for a higher profile of SIA within legislation, for social issues to have greater emphasis in official guidelines for the conduct of EIA and SIA, and for a range of measures to increase the professionalism of SIA practice.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the top-(0–10 cm) and sub-surface (10–20 cm) soils of the Talcahuano urban area were measured. The main soil properties (organic matter, CaCO3, pH, particle sizes) were determined for a network of representative sampling sites. The mean Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn contents in the urban topsoil samples from Talcahuano (37.8, 22.6, 35.2, 333 mg kg−1, respectively) were compared with mean concentrations for other cities around the world. The results revealed higher concentrations of heavy metals in topsoil samples than in sub-surface samples. The samples from IS1, IS2, and IS3, located in the Talcahuano industrial park, had higher Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn contents than did samples from the other sites. This was probably due to local pollution by industrial (metallurgical) dust, although other diffuse pollution throughout the entire port region (shipyards, metallurgy, the dismantling of old ships), and contributions from the wind from adjacent industrial, storage, and vessel areas clearly played a role. Heavy metals were lowest in the sample taken on school grounds (SG).  相似文献   

The concentration of heavy metals including Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni and Fe in different parts of Rosmarinus officinalis medicinal plant grown in Jordan were evaluated. Medicinal plant samples and soil samples were collected from three different zones in Jordan (Irbid, Al-Mafraq and Ma’an). Samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after chemical treatments using acid digestion procedures. Heavy metal levels in washed and unwashed in each part of R. officinalis were analyzed and compared statistically. Results show that concentrations of investigated heavy metals were varied from plant part to another part of R. officinalis. For example, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in most parts of R. officinalis in the three zones were concentrated in the following order: flowers, leaves, stems, whereas Pb, Ni and Fe were concentrated in order as follows: leaves, flowers and stems. Heavy metal concentrations in soil samples was evaluated and correlated with their levels in R. officinalis. Two standard reference materials of plant (SRM 1790a; spinach leaves and CRM 281; rye grass) and one standard reference materials of soil (GBW 07406) were examined to validate the method used. Results show that high recoveries were obtained.  相似文献   

Extensive aquatic or semi-aquatic production of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.) for human consumption takes place in Southeast Asia. The aim of this study was to assess the concentrations of 38 elements in soil and water spinach cultivated under different degrees of wastewater exposure in Hanoi, Vietnam. The results showed no effect of wastewater use on the overall element concentrations in soil and water spinach. Mean soil concentrations for selected potentially toxic elements at the studied field sites had the following ranges 9.11–18.7 As, 0.333–0.667 Cd, 10.8–14.5 Co, 68–122 Cr, 34.0–62.1 Cu, 29.9–52.8 Ni, 32.5–67.4 Pb, 0.578–0.765 Tl and 99–189 Zn mg kg−1 dry weight (d.w.). In all samples Cd, Pb and Zn soil concentrations were below the Vietnamese Guideline Values (TCVN 7209-2002) for agricultural soils whereas As and Cu exceeded the guideline values. Maximum site element concentrations in water spinach were 0.139 As, 0.032 Cd, 0.135 Cr, 2.01 Cu, 39.1 Fe, 57.3 Mn, 0.16 Ni, 0.189 Pb and 6.01 Zn mg kg−1 fresh weight (f.w.). The site and soil content of organic carbon were found to have high influence on the water spinach element concentrations whereas soil pH and the total soil element concentrations were of less importance. The estimated average daily intake of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn for adult Vietnamese consumers amounts to <11% of the maximum tolerable intake proposed by FAO/WHO for each element. It is assessed that the occurrence of the investigated elements in water spinach will pose low health risk for the consumers.  相似文献   

闽东某钼矿周边农田土壤钼和重金属的污染状况   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
调查了闽东某钼矿周边农田土壤和稻米钼及重金属的污染状况,对土壤钼的人体健康风险进行了评价,探讨了土壤钼的安全阈值。结果表明,部分土壤遭受了铜和镉的污染,以轻度污染为主;部分稻米出现镍和镉的污染,以轻度污染为主;土壤全钼含量为3.30~325.6 mg/kg,最高值高出福建省土壤中钼的环境背景值87倍,说明该区土壤已遭受严重的钼污染。稻米钼含量为0.58~12.04 mg/kg,对人体具有很高的健康风险;根据稻米钼含量与土壤钼含量之间的关系和人体健康风险评价结果,推算出土壤中钼(全钼)的安全阈值不高于4.51 mg/kg。  相似文献   

对杨家幛子钼矿区土壤重金属污染的情况进行了详细研究。选择土壤样本80个,采用HNO3-HF-HClO4混酸对土壤样品进行处理,运用等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)测定土壤样品中Pb、As、Hg、Cr、Cd、Zn、Cu、Ni、Mo的含量,全面系统地评价土壤重金属污染现状。结果表明,该矿区土壤重金属As、Cd和Hg污染较为严重,平均含量分别达154.13、74.92和3.06mg/kg。不同片区间存在明显差异,污染强度以矿山山沿污染最高,其次是运输区、选矿厂及矿区附近山地,内梅罗综合指数分别为59.98、59.33、52.14、42.44。  相似文献   

污灌土壤中氨氮转化及其转化速率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对污灌土壤中的氨氮转化及其转化速率进行了模拟实验研究.结果表明,随污灌进入土壤中的氨氮迅速转化为硝酸盐氮和气态氮。其转化速率的影响因素主要是气温、土壤pH值和土壤通气条件。例如在气温19~35℃、土壤pH值8.2~8.6和土壤通气良好的条件下,氨氮在3天内转化80%;14天内转化98%。  相似文献   

In this study, ambient TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 in a residential area located in the northern part of Seoul were monitored every other month for 1 year from April 2005 to February 2006. The monthly average levels of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 had ranges of 71∼158, 40∼106, and 28∼43 μg/m3, respectively. TSP and PM10 showed highest concentration in April; this seems to be due to Asian dust from China and/or Mongolia. However, the fine particle of PM2.5 showed a relatively constant level during the monitoring period. Heavy metals in PM 10 and PM2.5, such as Cr, As, Cd, Mn, Zn and Pb, were also analysed during the same period. The monthly average concentrations of heavy metal in PM2.5 were Cr:1.9∼22.7 ng/m3; As:0.9∼2.5 ng/m3; Cd: 0.6∼7 ng/m3; Mn:6.1∼22.6 ng/m3; Zn: 38.9∼204.8 ng/m3, and Pb: 21.6∼201.1 ng/m3. For the health risk assessment of heavy metals in ambient particles, excess cancer risks were calculated using IRIS unit risk. As a result, the excess cancer risks of chromium, cadmium, and arsenic were shown to be more than one per million based on the annual concentration of heavy metals, and chromium showed the highest excess cancer risk in ambient particles in Seoul.  相似文献   

天津近郊农田土壤重金属污染特征及潜在生态风险评价   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
以天津近郊西青区主要农产品生产基地农田表层土壤(0~20cm)作为调查对象,分析了土壤中重金属As、Hg、Zn、Pb、Cu、Cr和Cd的含量,通过数据统计分析,各项重金属平均含量均低于《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618—1995)二级标准,但高于天津土壤背景值和全国土壤背景值,Cd、Cu、Hg在个别点位出现超标现象。多数点位土壤内梅罗综合污染指数处于清洁水平。潜在生态风险评价表明,各点位土壤重金属潜在生态风险指数(RI)为12.96~104.49,均处于轻微生态风险水平。  相似文献   

Ranipet industrial area is about 120 km from Chennai on Chennai-Bangalore highway and is a chronic polluted area identified by Central Pollution Control Board of India. It is one of the biggest exporting centers of tanned leather in India. The total number of industries located in and around Ranipet town are 240 tanneries along with ceramic, refractory, boiler auxiliaries plant, and chromium chemicals. Studies were carried out to find out the contamination of surface water bodies due to industrial effluents. The results reveal that the surface water in the area is highly contaminated showing very high concentrations of some of the heavy/toxic metals like Cadmium ranging from 0.2 to 401.4 μg/l (average of 51.1 μg/l), Chromium 2.4–1,308.6 (average of 247.2 μg/l), Copper 2.1–535.5 μg/l (average of 95.5 μg/l), Nickel 1.6–147.0 μg/l (average of 36.7 μg/l), Lead 6.4–2,034.4 μg/l (average of 467.8 μg/l) and Zinc 20.8–12,718.0 μg/l (average of 3,760.4 μg/l). The concentration levels of these metals are much above the permissible limits in surface water and are health hazards especially for the people working in the tannery industries. It was observed that the people in the area are seriously affected and suffering from occupational diseases such as asthma, chromium ulcers and skin diseases. Distribution of metals, their contents at different locations, and their effects on human health are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

土壤重金属监测过程及其质量控制   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
重点探讨了土壤中典型重金属含量监测过程中样品制备、含水率、预处理等因素对分析结果的影响。实验结果表明,充分风干土壤的含水率在2%~3%左右,200目土壤颗粒度可满足分析精度的要求。硝酸-氢氟酸-高氯酸的多元混酸消解体系可实现对土壤重金属的充分溶解,对标准土壤样品中各元素的回收率可达84%~98%。批次内平行样品以及批次间质控样品各元素的相对标准偏差大都小于10%,符合《土壤环境监测技术规范》的要求,表明该研究建立的系统土壤重金属检测方法结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

张家界市耕地土壤重金属污染状况分析及评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
结合"十一·五"张家界市土壤污染状况调查情况,在全市境内选取代表性耕地土壤样品50个,分析了其中的Cu、Pb、zn、Cd、Ni、Cr、As、Hg等8个元素的含量,并对其污染状况进行研究及评价,以期为环保部门研究土壤污染防治对策提供技术参考.  相似文献   

The Singrauli region in the southeastern part of Uttar Pradesh, India is one of the most polluted industrial sites of Asia. It encompasses 11 open cast coalmines and six thermal power stations that generate about 7,500 MW (about 10% of India’s installed generation capacity) electricity. Thermal power plants represent the main source of pollution in this region, emitting six million tonnes of fly-ash per annum. Fly-ash is deposited on soils over a large area surrounding thermal power plants. Fly-ashes have high surface concentrations of several toxic elements (heavy metals) and high atmospheric mobility. Fly ash is produced through high-temperature combustion of fossil fuel rich in ferromagnetic minerals. These contaminants can be identified using rock-magnetic methods. Magnetic susceptibility is directly linked to the concentration of ferromagnetic minerals, primarily high values of magnetite. In this study, magnetic susceptibility of top soil samples collected from surrounding areas of a bituminous-coal-fired power plant were measured to identify areas of high emission levels and to chart the spatial distribution of airborne solid particles. Sites close to the power plant have shown higher values of susceptibility that decreases with increasing distance from the source. A significant correlation between magnetic susceptibility and heavy metal content in soils is found. A comparison of the spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility with heavy-metal concentrations in soil samples suggests that magnetic measurements can be used as a rapid and inexpensive method for proxy mapping of air borne pollution due to industrial activity.  相似文献   

Studies on quantitative soil contamination due to heavy metals were carried out in Katedan Industrial Development Area (KIDA), south of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India under the Indo-Norwegian Institutional Cooperation Programme. The study area falls under a semi-arid type of climate and consists of granites and pegmatite of igneous origin belonging to the Archaean age. There are about 300 industries dealing with dyeing, edible oil production, battery manufacturing, metal plating, chemicals, etc. Most of the industries discharge their untreated effluents either on open land or into ditches. Solid waste from industries is randomly dumped along roads and open grounds. Soil samples were collected throughout the industrial area and from downstream residential areas and were analysed by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for fourteen trace metals and ten major oxides. The analytical data shows very high concentrations of lead, chromium, nickel, zinc, arsenic and cadmium through out the industrial area. The random dumping of hazardous waste in the industrial area could be the main cause of the soil contamination spreading by rainwater and wind. In the residential areas the local dumping is expected to be the main source as it is difficult to foresee that rain and wind can transport the contaminants from the industrial area. If emission to air by the smokestacks is significant, this may contribute to considerable spreading of contaminants like As, Cd and Pb throughout the area. A comparison of the results with the Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines (SQGL) show that most of the industrial area is heavily contaminated by As, Pb and Zn and local areas by Cr, Cu and Ni. The residential area is also contaminated by As and some small areas by Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. The Cd contamination is detected over large area but it is not exceeding the SQGL value. Natural background values of As and Cr exceed the SQGL values and contribute significantly to the contamination in the residential area. However, the availability is considerably less than anthropogenic contaminants and must therefore be assessed differently. The pre- and post-monsoon sampling over two hydrological cycles in 2002 and 2003 indicate that the As, Cd and Pb contaminants are more mobile and may expect to reach the groundwater. The other contaminants seem to be much more stable. The contamination is especially serious in the industrial area as it is housing a large permanent residing population. The study not only aims at determining the natural background levels of trace elements as a guide for future pollution monitoring but also focuses on the pollution vulnerability of the watershed. A plan of action for remediation is recommended.  相似文献   

监测分析了以揭西县林地、农业用地和建设用地的331个土壤样品中的重金属含量,运用潜在生态风险指数法、健康风险指数法以及克里金插值法等对镍、锌、汞、砷、铜、镉、铅和铬的潜在生态风险和潜在健康风险进行研究。结果表明:汞超出《土壤破坏质量 农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》风险筛选值,存在一定风险。研究区具有轻微潜在生态风险,汞和镉是主要生态风险因子,高值区主要分布在建设用地,综合潜在生态风险高值区主要分布在建设用地。成人和儿童的单项非致癌风险指数总和(HQ)和总非致癌风险指数(HI)均<1,非致癌风险在可接受范围内。铬、砷和铅是主要非致癌贡献因子。砷对成人和儿童具有较高的致癌风险,是主要致癌风险因子。不同土地利用类型下成人和儿童总致癌风险指数(TCR)依次为农业用地>林地>建设用地。单项致癌风险指数总和(CR)均为砷>镉>铬。  相似文献   

The study was aimed at determining the levels of metals in water samples and muscles of the fish caught in the Una River basin, located in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For that purpose, three fish species: Brown Trout (Salmo trutta m. fario), Grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and Californian Trout (Salmo gairdneri), together with stem water samples, were analyzed for metal concentrations (Pb, Hg, Cd, As, Mn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Se, Co, Sn, Zn, Fe, Ca, P) during a 2-year period. The fish was captured using electric fishing, nets or fishing equipment. The capture was undertaken on three sites (the river source, the middle flow and the river mouth) of each of the five biggest rivers belonging to the Una River basin (Unac, Krušnica, Sana, Klokot, and Una). The concentrations of metals in each sample were determined via atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In the tested waters, the presence of Mn in concentrations higher than permitted (0.07 mg/l) had been detected. In the tested meat, the following average concentrations of metals (mg/kg) had been found: Pb (0.67), Cd (0.06), Mn (0.65), Ni (0.15), Cu (0.79), Cr (1.05), Se (0.03), Zn (8.92), Fe (5.40), Ca (14.68), and P (10.85). The correlation between Mn concentrations identified in the tested waters and those identified in the meat of Brown Trout was revealed to be statistically significant, which confirms that, over time, bioaccumulation of metals took place. Even though the results were not indicative of contamination, they strongly suggest that constant monitoring of the ecosystems in reference should be implemented.  相似文献   

A five-stage sequential extraction procedure was used to fractionate heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, As, V and Ba) in a biosludge from the biological wastewater treatment plant of Stora Enso Oyj Veitsiluoto Mills at Kemi, Northern Finland, into the following fractions: (1) water-soluble fraction, (2) exchangeable fraction, (3) easily reduced fraction, (4) oxidizable fraction, and (5) residual fraction. The biosludge investigated in this study is a combination of sludge from the primary and secondary clarifiers at the biological wastewater treatment plant. Extraction stages (2)–(4) follow the protocol proposed by the Measurements and Testing Program (formerly BCR Programme) of the European Commission, which is based on acetic acid extraction (stage 2), hydroxylamine hydrochloride extraction (stage 3), and hydrogen peroxide digestion following the ammonium acetate extraction (stage 4). The residual fraction (stage 5) was based on digestion of the residue from stage 4 in a mixture of HF + HNO3 + HCl. Although metals were extractable in all fractions, the highest concentrations of most of the metals occurred in the residual fraction. From the environmental point of view, it was notable that the total heavy metal concentrations in the biosludge did not exceed the maximal allowable heavy metal concentrations for sewage sludge used in agriculture, set on the basis of environmental protection of soil by European Union Directive 86/278/EEC, and by the Finnish legislation. The Ca (98.6 g kg−1; dry weight) and Mg (2.2 g kg−1; dry weight) concentrations in the biosludge were 62 and 11 times higher than the typical values of 1.6 and of 0.2 g kg−1 (dry weight), respectively, in arable land in Central Finland. The biosludge had a slightly alkaline pH (∼8.30), a high loss-on-ignition value (∼78%) and a liming effect of 10.3% expressed as Ca equivalents (dry weight). This indicates its potential as a soil conditioner and improvement agent, as well as a pH buffer.  相似文献   

通过对北京市通州污灌区土壤现状调查与蔬菜重金属污染监测,结合土壤环境质量标准、食品卫生标准及污灌区污染历史,分析对比该区土壤和蔬菜重金属污染状况及其变化。结果表明,本次监测通州污灌区土壤中重金属平均含量均达到土壤环境质量标准(GB15618-1995)中二级标准限量。对照土壤中的重金属Cu、Pb、Cr、Cd和As均达到土壤一级标准。凉水河两岸和通惠北干渠中重金属含量均高于对照土壤,说明污灌区污水灌溉已使土壤受到一定程度的污染。与二十世纪70年代末监测结果相比,土壤中多数重金属含量处于上升趋势。污灌区蔬菜重金属含量监测结果表明,其含量水平均达到食品卫生标准,说明污灌区蔬菜尚未受到严重污染。  相似文献   

The spatial variability and temporal trend in concentrations of the organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), in soils and agricultural corps were investigated on an intensive horticulture area in Hohhot, North-West China, from 2008 to 2011. The most frequently found and abundant pesticides were the metabolites of DDT (p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDT, o,p′-DDT and p,p′-DDD). Total DDT concentrations ranged from ND (not detectable) to 507.41 ng/g and were higher than the concentration of total HCHs measured for the range of 4.84–281.44 ng/g. There were significantly positive correlations between the ∑DDT and ∑HCH concentrations (r 2>0.74) in soils, but no significant correlation was found between the concentrations of OCPs in soils and clay content while a relatively strong correlation was found between total OCP concentrations and total organic carbon (TOC). β-HCH was the main isomer of HCHs, and was detected in all samples; the maximum proportion of β-HCH compared to ∑HCHs (mean value 54%) was found, suggesting its persistence. The α/γ-HCH ratio was between 0.89 and 5.39, which signified the combined influence of technical HCHs and lindane. Low p,p′-DDE/p,p′-DDT in N1, N3 and N9 were found, reflecting the fresh input of DDTs, while the relatively high o,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDT ratios indicated the agricultural application of dicofol. Ratios of DDT/(DDE+DDD) in soils do not indicate recent inputs of DDT into Hohhot farmland soil environment. Seasonal variations of OCPs featured higher concentrations in autumn and lower concentrations in spring. This was likely associated with their temperature-driven re-volatilization and application of dicofol in late spring.  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the major environmental problems in India, affecting health of thousands of 'urban' residents residing in mega cities. The need of the day is to evolve an 'effective' and 'efficient' air quality management plan (AQMP) encompassing the essential 'key players' and 'stakeholders.' This paper describes the formulation of an AQMP for mega cities like Delhi in India taking into account the aforementioned key 'inputs.' The AQMP formulation methodology is based on past studies of Longhurst et al., (Atmospheric Environment, 30, 3975-3985, 1996); Longhurst & Elsom, ((1997). Air Pollution-II, Vol. 2 (pp. 525-532)) and Beatti et al., (Atmospheric Environment, 35, 1479-1490, 2001). Further, the vulnerability analysis (VA) has been carried out to evaluate the stresses due to air pollution in the study area. The VA has given the vulnerability index (VI) of 'medium to high' and 'low' at urban roadways/intersections and residential areas, respectively.  相似文献   

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