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中国产品生命周期影响评价方法研究   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了确定中国产品生命周期影响评价所需的标准化基准和权重的确定方法和程序,包括产品系统环境影响潜值计算,数据标准化,加权评估 以及计算环境影响负荷和资源耗竭系数4个步骤。标准化基准采用1990年中国人均环境影响总潜值来表达,而权重采用1990年的基准与2000年中国政府的削减目标所估算的基准之间的比值计算。  相似文献   

This paper examines the minimum essential requirements that must be satisfied when a database is established for life cycle inventory calculations. It shows that the format of the database is governed by the physical requirements of the system being examined, by the need to include iterative calculations within the analysis and by the demands of the final data presentation.  相似文献   

This paper briefly presents the current practice for carrying out life cycle inventories, and mentions some advantages and drawbacks of a few dedicated software tools that are commercially available. A list is presented of some features that we think should be present in an ‘ideal’ life cycle analysis (LCA) software tool, after the specifications made at Ecobilan for the development of a specific tool for LCA. Some consideration is given to the technical difficulties involved, and the benefits that could be expected from the implementation of such features.  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的企业对其产品进行碳足迹评价,评价方法主要采用产品碳足迹评价标准提供的碳计量方程,如GHG Protocol、ISO14064、PAS 2050、TS Q 0010等。在介绍相关评价标准的基础上,分析了产品碳足迹的评价步骤,最后利用河北盛华化工有限公司生产的PVC产品为例,给出了基于生命周期的B2B模式的产品碳足迹评价的案例。为企业及相关机构开展碳足迹评价提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

水源中央空调生命周期分析模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
水源中央空调系统是高能耗结构复杂的系统,对环境的影响也是多方面的.本文以水源中央空调GHP1000为研究对象,初步提出了生命周期分析的方法学模型,并对实际工作中所发现的若干问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

煤与秸秆成型燃料的复合生命周期对比评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用复合生命周期对比评价方法,引入能量返还率、资源耗竭系数、环境影响负荷和生命周期成本4个参数,对煤和秸秆成型燃料在整个生命周期内的能源消耗、环境影响和经济性做了对比分析.同时,为了平衡能源、环境与经济三者之间的关系,建立EEE (Energy, Environment, Economic)综合指标进行整体评价.结果表明,在整个生命周期内,与煤相比,秸秆成型燃料的能量返还率低、资源耗竭系数小.秸秆成型燃料的全球变暖潜值、酸化潜值、富营养化潜值、工业烟尘、粉尘潜值及固体废弃物潜值均比煤小,因此,秸秆成型燃料的环境影响负荷比煤小.秸秆成型燃料的EEE指标值比煤小79.8%,所以,从平衡生命周期能源消耗、环境排放和经济性角度出发,秸秆成型燃料具有替代煤的潜力.但是,秸秆成型燃料的生命周期成本比煤高,其大力推广需要政府的财政补贴.  相似文献   

对接经济系统和环境系统是支撑循环经济决策的关键,而可持续性评价以及在传统生命周期影响评价(LCA)基础上发展起来的生命周期可持续性评价(LCSA)是重要决策支撑工具.近年来对可持续性评价的关注使得生命周期成本分析(LCC)及其在资源循环决策中的应用得以快速发展.大量研究表明LCC是有效的经济决策支撑工具.但是由于"生命周期成本分析"的其他相关称谓与LCC术语上模糊,以及成本效益分析(CBA)等相关成本评估工具在方法用途上的类似,使得在实际研究中LCC的相关概念混淆甚至错误使用的现象时有发生.针对如上研究背景,本文采用文献研究法和案例分析法,旨在厘清LCC及相关术语的概念和内涵,并为LCC以及LCSA在未来的研究提出实用性建议.首先,通过文献研究回顾了LCC的发展脉络,厘清了在人们对社会和环境问题关注下,LCC逐渐从普通的成本评估发展成为LCSA核心部分的发展路径.同时,使用Citespace对国内和国际2000-2017年LCC相关论文发表情况进行图谱分析,发现和国内相比,国际期刊的LCC相关研究已经从概念探索和企业成本控制发展到了特定领域系统的成本优化研究.进一步,引入"可持续性三支柱"的概念来阐释LCSA的经济、环境、社会三个维度以及它与LCC的关系,然后区分了LCC的类似术语的定义和成本范围,并阐述了与传统CBA方法的差别.在此基础上,以欧盟VEEP项目为案例,从定性和定量两个维度阐释了LCC的分析视角和计算过程.最后,对LCC在中国未来的研究方向提出了具体建议,包括:扩大运用领域,标准化,研究方法间的结合,以及数据库和软件工具的开发.  相似文献   

经济发展可持续性状态与趋势定量评价方法研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
提出了基于环境绩效的可持续经济发展的定义,并设计了一个三角图.通过经济发展、资源能源消耗和环境污染三相互关系的研究,定量评价了经济发展的可持续性.利用三角图法对中国经济发展的可持续性状态和长期变化趋势进行了评价.结果表明,2000年中国的经济发展呈现出相对较弱的可持续性状态,中国大陆31个行政区大部分处于由弱不可持续性到弱可持续性的状态;1980—1991年中国经济发展表现出较弱的可持续性趋势,而1991—2000年则呈现出较强的可持续性趋势.这是中国改革开放20年来在环境保护方面不断加强的结果.案例研究表明,三角图法原理简单、计算简便、结果表现直观、评价指标和对象选择灵活,是一种值得推广的评价经济发展可持续性状态和长期变化趋势的定量方法。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to assess the environmental effectiveness of a strategic measure aimed at resource productivity enhancement. The cement industry has been identified as a relevant sector for this global issue, since the related production process enables the use of waste in partial substitution of raw materials and in substitution of traditional fuels. The analysis of the cement production sector in Italy has been here performed, investigating the recovery of energy from waste through co-incineration. In terms of air emissions, the emission performances of cement kilns appear independent from the use of alternative fuels at the percentages usually employed. However, in order to measure the cleanliness of a production system, systematic analysis with global perspective is needed. For this aim, the principles of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) have been used for a case study analysis of an Italian active plant using an amount of recovered plastics as an alternative fuel resource. The improvement on the investigated process has been quantitatively measured as a way for cleaner production, first in terms of gross energy requirement, and then through an environmental performance comparison with a sector benchmark. The analysis has highlighted the benefits on the global environmental balance for the practice of co-incineration in the cement production process.  相似文献   

This paper explores the practical application of life cycle assessment (LCA) to product system development. While life cycle assessment methods have been studied and demonstrated extensively over the last two decades, their application to product design and development has not been critically addressed. Many organizational and operational factors limit the integration of the three LCA components (inventory analysis, impact assessment and improvement assessment) with product development. Design of the product system can be considered a synthesis of individual decisions and choices made by the design team, which ultimately shape the system's environmental profile. The environmental goal of life cycle design is to minimize the aggregate environmental impacts associated with the product system. Appropriate environmental information must be supplied to decision makers throughout each stage of the development process to achieve this goal. LCA can serve as a source of this information, but informational requirements can vary as the design moves from its conceptual phase, where many design choices are possible, to its detailed design and implementation. Streamlined approaches and other tools, such as design checklists, are essential. The practical use of this tool in product development also depends on the nature and complexity of the product system (e.g. new vs. established), the product development cycle (time-to-market constraints), availability of technical and financial resources, and the design approach (integrated vs. serial). These factors will influence the role and scope of LCA in product development. Effective communication and evaluation of environmental information and the integration of this information with cost, performance, cultural and legal criteria will also be critical to the success of design initiatives based on the life cycle framework. An overview of several of these design initiatives will be presented.  相似文献   

We present a new analytical tool, called COMPLIMENT, which can be used to provide detailed information on the overall environmental impact of a business. COMPLIMENT integrates parts of tools such as life cycle assessment, multi-criteria analysis and environmental performance indicators. It avoids disadvantages and combines complementary aspects of these three tools. The methodology is based on environmental performance indicators, expanding the scope of data collection towards a life cycle approach and including a weighting and aggregation step. A case study on the Thai pulp industry illustrates the usefulness of COMPLIMENT.  相似文献   

选择传统柴油厢式货车和纯电动厢式货车为研究对象.基于GREET软件,建立适宜于我国国情的车辆全生命周期计算模型,对比分析两款车型全生命周期的能耗、温室气体排放以及标准污染物排放情况;结果表明:纯电动货车全生命周期内的百公里能耗比柴油货车降低了6.57%,化石燃料、天然气、石油的百公里消耗量分别降低14.4%、58.8%、96.8%;纯电动货车CH_4、VOC、CO、NO_x的排放分别比柴油货车低16.7%、14.8%、63.0%和63.4%,而柴油货车的CO_2和SO_x的排放量比纯电动货车低7.2%和96.8%.同时对车辆进行不确定性分析和单因素的敏感性分析发现,纯电动货车全生命周期内CO_2排放量对电能生产阶段的敏感度高达66.9%,而且相较于柴油货车,纯电动货车在全生命周期能耗、一次能源消耗以及主要污染物的排放等方面受车辆寿命的影响较小,在长期运行过程中更能发挥其在节能减排方面的优势.  相似文献   

Changes resulting from economic activities in the quantity and quality of soil in a system under analysis are important considerations in a life cycle assessment (LCA) study because they affect the safeguard subjects of resources and future agricultural productivity. In the approach proposed here, soil is treated as an ancillary which may leave the system in a form different from that at entry. Relevant factors describing possible changes in the soil include: soil mass, nutrients, weeds and weed seeds, pathogens, nutrients, salts, pH, organic matter, and soil texture and structure. Many of the factors can be included by modelling the effects of infrequent activities benefitting the crop(s) under analysis. Three additional factors require separate assessment: changes in the mass of soil, its organic matter content, and soil compaction. Taken together, these approaches provide an integrated assessment method capable of accounting for the overall impacts of agricultural production on soil.  相似文献   

Process design can be influenced most in the early phases. Here, screening methods play a major role, as they reduce the complexity of a system studied by making a pre-selection from a set of alternatives available. The remaining alternatives can be analyzed in more detail in the subsequent design process, which increases design efficiency. The present paper focuses on a multi-stage screening approach for use in the early process development phase in particular. This approach is based on the use of non-compensatory decision support methods that are transferred to life cycle assessment. It may be divided into a first stage, in which the decision matrix used is developed on the basis of decision analysis principles, and a second stage, in which the decision matrix developed is further processed using non-compensatory decision support methods. An example of such a method is the pareto-dominance analysis applied here. The approach proposed is validated by application to the process of biomass gasification in supercritical water, which is being developed at the moment. Here, screening is performed to identify those life cycles, the potential environmental impacts of which contribute most to the total impacts. Attributes are selected in line with the requirement of a simple, but still sufficient modeling of these environmental impacts. By pareto-dominance analysis, emissions from the gasification of sewage sludge, the pre-chain of natural gas production, and from the construction of the supercritical gasification plant are identified to dominate over the remaining life cycles studied. Apart from the predominating alternatives, it is of particular importance to know the dominated alternatives. Due to their small shares in the result, no or only a small expenditure is needed to identify improvement potentials of these alternatives.  相似文献   

A screening life cycle assessment (LCA) of tomato ketchup has been carried out. The purpose was to identify ‘hot-spots', that is parts of the life-cycle that are important to the total environmental impact. The system investigated includes agricultural production, industrial refining, packaging, transportation, consumption and waste management. Energy use and emissions were quantified and some of the potential environmental effects assessed. Packaging and food processing were found to be hot-spots for many, but not all, of the impact categories investigated. For primary energy use, the storage time in a refrigerator (household phase) was found to be a critical parameter.  相似文献   

中国经济持续发展水平的能值分析   总被引:120,自引:2,他引:120  
在对现行可持续发展水平度量方法进行简要评述的基础上,提出了以能值分析(EMA)为理论支撑的区域性可持续发展评价指数。作为案例研究,计算了中国1978~1998年经济系统的可持续发展指数(ESI)。中国经济系统的ESI从高到低的变化历程表明,以经济系统能值流来衡量,中国经济发展的可持续性处于下降态势,表征为前期下降剧烈,目前趋于平缓。具体表现为对资源特别是能源的过度消耗以及对环境的持续强大压力。  相似文献   

刘敏  王兰辉 《中国环境科学》2013,33(11):2018-2026
城市地表系统(USS)是陆地表层系统的重要组成部分,而以不透水面覆盖为主要特征的城市土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)时空过程,打破了系统原有自然地理格局与过程,影响不同介质和界面间的物质循环与能量流动,改变POPs等污染物的循环过程与机理,是城市环境变化和人地相互作用的指示器与重要驱动力,是城市生态环境规划与管理保护的关键依据.本文总结了城市LUCC对POPs多介质分布迁移的影响,包括单介质中POPs的时空分布特征和POPs多介质迁移累积过程;从城市POPs多介质归趋模拟和基于GIS的城市多介质归趋模拟等方面,讨论了城市POPs多介质循环过程归趋模拟的主要进展;展望今后研究中需要重点解决的科学问题:基于不透水面的城市LUCC信息精确提取及与POPs排放输入等相关数据的同化集成; POPs多介质多界面迁移、转化过程与城市LUCC的耦合机理;城市LUCC背景下POPs循环过程、机制的关键模型参数的构建与获取;基于GIS和城市POPs循环过程与机理的、具有高时空分辨率的城市多介质归趋模型(UMFM)的构建与应用.  相似文献   

During the preparation of the first edition of The LCA Sourcebook, SustainAbility Ltd contacted 120 European non-governmental organizations (NGOs) likely to be involved in life cycle analysis (LCA) work. The results of the survey are summarized below.  相似文献   

Products are produced by a series of energy-intensive transformations of raw materials such as crude oil. The life cycle inventory (LCI) of mass and energy usage in these supply chains is one measure of overall environmental performance. In this paper, we present a methodology to examine the life cycle choices available for a product and optimize these choices based on criteria derived from mass and energy efficiency. A two-phase framework for production path construction followed by optimal path selection was developed. This framework can be applied to improve the overall LCI energy characteristic of a product when there are different production and recycling options for different product constituents. The scope of the life cycle is from raw material extraction through the production system and does not include the use and disposal phases. The approach is illustrated in a case study of the EcoWorx™ carpet system of Shaw Industries, which includes the inclusion of several recycled material options.  相似文献   

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