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Empathy, a multidimensional construct comprised of cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions, has been advanced as a critical predictor of prosocial behavior and effectiveness in the workplace. However, despite organizational interest in empathy, there is a lack of consensus on what empathy is, how empathy should be measured, and how empathy research can meaningfully contribute to our understanding of organizational behavior. This paper aims to provide a roadmap for researchers and practitioners interested in empathy in the workplace. We first provide an updated overview of the state of the broader multidisciplinary literature on empathy. On the basis of this literature, we outline the three dimensions of empathy, discuss the distinctions between state/trait and observer/judged empathy, and compare empathy with related constructs. This integrated multidimensional conceptualization provides the basis for our critical review and recommendations. We review the organizational research on empathy (1983–2018), identifying critical issues with how empathy has been conceptualized, measured, and designed, and offer practical recommendations for the advancement of organizational research on empathy. We conclude by highlighting two fundamental questions: (a) is empathy associated with important outcomes of interest to organizations and employees, and (b) can empathy be changed, and if so, how?  相似文献   

Organizational justice researchers tend to treat as synonyms the terms “justice” and “fairness”. We discuss different definitional arguments, concluding that these two concepts are distinct. Justice should be defined as adherence to rules of conduct, whereas fairness should be defined as individuals' moral evaluations of this conduct. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Problem: Workplace health and safety remains an important international socioeconomic issue, but the progressive declines in reported incidents may be slowing. The British Government has responded by launching a new policy initiative aimed at “Revitalizing Health and Safety” by establishing targets for improvement, strategies, and a series of action points, mainly targeting employers and organizational issues. This paper critically assesses the realities of implementing this policy with respect to the scientific base for each of the strategies. Method: Literature meta-analysis; analysis of policy. Results: Empirically proven determinants of workplace health and safety provide baselines for compensation and conditions of work, workforce characteristics, workplace characteristics, health and safety environment, political and economic factors, and industry characteristics. Support for different policy elements is varied and there are some significant gaps. Summary: An impressive body of research was found that offers a firm foundation for future developments. However, the need for work that is interdisciplinary, ordered, and collaborative is pressing. The need to move away from elegant but simplistic pictures of occupational health and safety (OHS) management practice, and to reflect true complexity is imperative. The reality of health and safety at work is that it is an issue that is taken lightly by those who do not practice or research safe and healthy working, and a serious issue for victims or relatives of victims of shoddy management. It remains one of the bastions of inequality of work worldwide. Impact on industry: The intent of governments in attempting to reinvigorate the suppression of workplace injury and illness is motivated by both social and economic imperatives. Motivation for organizations is not fully understood as there is no obvious business imperative. If organizations can further understand and provide a scientific justification for investment in OHS management, then governments' task will be made easier. By proving the value of OHS to management, we will demonstrate that organizations continue to present considerable hazards to their employees.  相似文献   

On the basis of a systematic testwork with a number of different dusts, the explosion indices as determined within the 20 l sphere and with the ISO-VDI 1 m3 vessel have been compared. The repeatability has been assessed and since some systematic deviations appear a refined physical analysis of the explosion processes is developed. It appears in particular that the cube root law supposed to link both vessels is not verified. A striking illustration of this appears when a dust with a significant explosion severity inside the 20 l sphere is not even explosible in the larger vessel. It is strongly suggested that the ignition energy is forcing very significantly the explosion in the smaller vessel inducing several tens of Celsius degrees of preheating. It is shown also that the inner level of turbulence is decreasing very fast in the 20 l sphere during the flame development so that difficult-to-ignite mixtures would tend to burn at a lower combustion rate. It is further demonstrated that the major bias between the chambers can be explained and quantified with these elements. A correlation with the standard 1 m3 vessel and a grid of interpretation of the data is proposed.  相似文献   

Rescue operations during mine fires or methane explosions are highly dangerous for rescue workers. The knowledge of the composition of the coal mine atmosphere and the calculations of its explosibility may help to increase the safety of the rescuers. In the Czech Republic, a system called “Mine Gas Laboratory” (DPL) has been used for these purposes. The DPL allows measurement of the composition of the mine atmosphere and transmits the data necessary for evaluation to the surface. Up to now the explosibility evaluation of the coal mine atmosphere has depended either on the rescuers’ experience or on software code calculation. The code called “Vybuchovy trojuhelnik” (explosion triangle) is a graphical computing system intended for fast assessment of explosibility of fuel–air mixture. This article introduces the code and describes two simple methods of explosibility evaluation. The first method is “explosion triangle analysis”—a graphical method based on empirical graphs transformed into equations. The second method uses thermodynamic calculation based on chemical balance dynamics and Gibbs and Helmholtz energy. According to the requirements of the Czech Bureau of Mining (CBU) and Central Mine Rescue Service (HBZS), the code solves the problems of explosion triangle for both standard and non-standard coal mine atmosphere compositions. Unfortunately, the atmosphere composition must be introduced manually due to the unknown format of the data transmitted from the old DPL model. On 1 September 2005, a project started to develop a new system for on-line monitoring and atmosphere explosibility evaluation. The system should be able to measure CO2, O2, CH4, H2 and CO concentrations as well as the wind speed, temperature and humidity. The “Vybuchovy trojuhelnik” code will be used as a basis for explosibility evaluation, and an on-line connection with the new model of DPL will be established.  相似文献   

Research in the field of workplace aggression has rapidly developed in the last two decades, and with this growth has come an abundance of overlapping constructs that fall under the broad rubric of workplace aggression. While researchers have conceptually distinguished these constructs, it is unclear whether this proliferation of constructs is adding appreciably to our knowledge, or whether it is constraining the questions we ask. In this paper, I consider five example constructs (i.e., abusive supervision, bullying, incivility, social undermining, and interpersonal conflict) and argue that the manner in which we have differentiated these (and other) aggression constructs does not add appreciably to our knowledge of workplace aggression. I then provide supplementary meta‐analytic evidence to show that there is not a predictable pattern of outcomes from these constructs, and propose a restructuring of the manner in which we conceptualize workplace aggression. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introducing safety devices does not always reduce the frequency of accidents. Operators adjust their response to technological improvements. Protection mechanisms may be used to support “unsafe” working practices so that the net risk of failure remains unchanged or may even rise. Regulatory bodies have reacted against this risk compensation. Rules and procedures have been imposed upon the day-to-day operation of protection equipment. Unfortunately, these constraints often fail to preserve the safety of an application. Inattention, fatigue, poor training and willful neglect can lead to rules and guidelines being ignored. In this paper alternative means of reducing threats posed by risk compensation are explored. In particular, it is argued that designers must exploit an integrated approach to the development of high-risk applications. By this we mean that both human factors and systems engineering must be recruited to support the development of protection equipment.  相似文献   

There have been 50 years of research in walking/working surface slipperiness and coefficient of friction (COF) measurements. Nevertheless, numerous standards address slip/fall accidents only in terms of requiring surfaces to be qualitatively “nonslippery.” The literature useful for establishing quantitative criteria for “slippery” vs. “slip-resistant” have been summarized here. A performance definition for “slippery work surfaces” is proposed. Recommendations applicable to standards-making organizations are made, including changing terms such as “non-slip” to “slip-resistant” and defining “slippery” in terms of quantitative COF values. For persons walking unloaded on level surfaces, a COF standard of 0.5 would be reasonable. Research is recommended to determine if “slip-resistance” requirements and accident prevention could be achieved more easily be controlling the type of shoe, type of task, or amount of surface contaminant rather than controlling only the COF of the basic surface and its coating.  相似文献   

Identity theory and social identity theory focus on doing and belonging, respectively, but neither provides a complete picture of being “fully there” at work (Kahn, 1992 ). This three‐wave lagged field study links these two perspectives by proposing that beneficiary‐specific prosocial helping identity, met expectations for prosocial helping, and their interaction predict the strength of a contextualized, organization‐specific prosocial helping identity (OSPHI) targeted at those same beneficiaries and that OSPHI leads to positive employee work outcomes. Results provide strong support for the model and demonstrate that beneficiary‐specific prosocial helping identity had indirect relationships with intent to stay with the organization, experienced work meaning, and emotional exhaustion (negative), via OSPHI, only when met expectations for prosocial helping were weak. We discuss the value of OSPHI as an important construct that reflects the psychological state of “being fully there” at work and predicts subsequent employee work outcomes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many situations, and particularly in legal matters, decisions may be based on whether some possibility is judged to be “more probable than not”, as for example, whether a warning, had it been present, would “more probably than not” have prevented an injury. The probability of a warning accomplishing its purpose of preventing injury can, in principle, be computed based on probability calculus. However, this paper proposes that: (1) such computations must use “fuzzy” probability statements which as a result produce a range of weighted possibilities for the final outcome and, moreover; (2) the critical statistic for determining whether the outcome is “more probable than not” is the median rather than the mean of the possible outcomes. This paper briefly outlines the mathematics for such computations and provides several examples. The paper basically treats fuzzy probabilities as standard “random variables” restricted to the range of [0,1].For brevity, this paper only treats the multiplication of two or more fuzzy probabilities. However, this is adequate for evaluation of a two stage “read and heed”, or of longer multiple step linear sequences and is indicative of the general approach. Treatment of the additive and general case will be found in later publications.  相似文献   

Organizational behavior theories can be subject to potential inversions in the nature of the effects expected or described (i.e. an effect inverts from positive to negative or vice versa). Yet, inversions are rarely considered or assessed. We explore three possible canonical inversions: the maximum or minimum point in a quadratic regression model, the point of intersection in disordinal interactions, and the change of slope in a moderated regression model. We describe both the motivation for, and the theoretical and empirical importance of, considering such inversions in theory‐building and testing. We consider common situations in which inversions are misinterpreted empirically and present methods to conduct explorations for potential inversions. Two different cases of errors concerning inversions can occur. In the first case entailing omission, an inversion is occurring but is not observed in the sample. In the second case, researchers wrongly assume an inversion is occurring in their model, yet the prospective inversion would actually occur out of the range of possible values on the focal variable(s), and is thus not significant. We illustrate different types of inversions using simulated examples. Ultimately, we seek to encourage and equip management researchers to identify important theoretical boundary conditions imposed by inversions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we sought to identify a new interpersonal antecedent of knowledge hiding, namely, leader–member exchange (LMX). Drawing on the group engagement model (an extension of social identity theory within the group/organization context), we built a theoretical model linking LMX and knowledge hiding. This model focuses on the mediating role of organizational identification and the moderating role of relative LMX in influencing the mediation. Using two time‐lagged studies (Study 1: n = 317; Study 2: n = 248) conducted in China, we examined our research model. Study 1 provided support for the proposed hypotheses for evasive hiding and playing dumb but not for rationalized hiding. Study 2 replicated and extended our findings. Results revealed that (a) LMX was negatively related to evasive hiding and playing dumb but not to rationalized hiding; (b) organizational identification mediated the influence of LMX on evasive hiding and playing dumb but not on rationalized hiding; and (c) relative LMX not only moderated the relationship between LMX and organizational identification but also reinforced the indirect effect of LMX on evasive hiding and playing dumb but not on rationalized hiding (via organizational identification). The implications, limitations, and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Tests according to the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods for the determination of explosive properties of organic peroxides have been compared with screening criteria for explosivity based on measurements in a closed mini-autoclave (MCPVT). It will be shown that an additional screening test may be helpful but the information obtained from the UN tests are more important to characterise the specific properties of a substance under different conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that organizational identification is predictive of employee interests and concerns during periods of organizational change. More specifically, we assert that organizational identification may largely determine whether employees may be focused upon the change related outcomes (e.g., salary, expenses, etc.), or on the change processes (e.g., procedures, voice and participation options, etc.). Data of both a scenario experiment and a survey are presented indicating that high and low identifiers indeed are differentially interested in process and outcome information. The results suggest that people who identify less with the organization are more likely to be focused upon the change outcomes then on the change process, while people who identify highly (i.e., deep structure) with the organization are more likely to be focused upon the change processes then on the change outcomes. The benefits of awareness of organizational members' level of identification for organizational change management are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite a growing literature devoted to the study of differences in the quality of leader–member exchange, little empirical evidence is available concerning factors that influence the degree of differentiation among leader–member dyads on the dimension of quality of working relationships. As time-pressure has been suggested as one potential influence, the impact of time-based stress on leader–member exchange was examined with a sample of 138 loan officers representing 24 bank branches. Results indicated that unit-level variability on leader–member exchange was inversely related with time-based stress, while unit-level mean on leader–member exchange was positively related with time-based stress. Additionally, leader–member exchange acted as a mediator of the relation between employee locus of control (a suspected antecedent of dyadic quality) and organizational commitment (a suspected outcome), while employee locus of control correlated with leader–member exchange, and leader–member exchange correlated with employee organizational commitment. The results suggest the usefulness of considering time-based stress in conjunction with current models of leadership.  相似文献   

Interest in the impact of family on work has grown in recent years; family is emerging as a significant source of understanding work attitudes and behaviors. However, no consensus and little discussion exists regarding how organizational researchers should define and measure ‘family’. In this article, I reviewed the definitions of family in other literatures and those implied by measures of family used in organizational research on work attitudes and behaviors. Analysis revealed five substantive themes in the measurement of family by organizational researchers: perceptions about the importance of the family role to the individual, attitudes toward family, numbers and types of dependents, the role played in the family, and the support available from family members. I then discussed the need for a comprehensive measure of dependents, and developed a new measure, Responsibility for Dependents (RFD). I examined the five types of measures empirically, and discussed empirical and conceptual differences between measures of family. Finally, I addressed issues regarding the measurement of family for organizational research, including the need for more inclusive and diverse measures and the need for further research. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past research suggests that interactional justice plays a pivotal role in facilitating high‐quality leader–member exchange (LMX), with downstream implications for employee performance. However, the broader context in which these effects unfold has received scarce attention. Drawing from deontic justice and social exchange theories, we suggest that interactional justice differentiation is an important contextual moderator of the link between interactional justice and LMX. Specifically, we argue that high interactional justice differentiation attenuates the link between interactional justice and LMX, in turn influencing the effects of interactional justice on employee task and creative performance. Results from two studies employing both experimental and multisource, multilevel survey designs provide convergent support for the hypothesized model. We conclude by highlighting several key theoretical and practical implications of our findings. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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