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Based on interview studies, the unemployment literature suggests that last job satisfaction influences reactions to unemployment. This study assessed the quantitative relationship between last job satisfaction and the unemployment experience. Results do not support the literature's premise that high last job satisfaction predicts a negative reaction to unemployment. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with whether long-term unemployment (6-24 months) affects people's attitudes to employment once they have found a new job. One hundred and forty men aged 25-40 were asked whether they felt various aspects of employment (e.g. job security, pay) are more important to them as a result of being unemployed. The effects of mental well-being when unemployed on attitudes to employment are explored. Unemployment is reported to have made most aspects of employment more important to people. Those whose mental health was worst when unemployed report that job security is most important to them.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to replicate and extend recent findings concerning the moderating effect of employment commitment on the psychological impact of unemployment. It was carried out in a highly educated population and employed Protestant work ethic endorsement (PWE) and work involvement (WINV) as indicators of commitment to work. Evidence was collected by questionnaires from 432 individuals who had been unemployed and again, six months later, from most of the same individuals. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis shows that individuals with high WINV were likely to suffer more from unemployment and to gain more from finding employment than low work-involved individuals. PWE, on the other hand, did not moderate the relationship between employment status and psychological state.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the initial age when teenagers engage in unlicensed motorcycling in Taiwan and the factors contributing to their unlicensed behavior. Data were collected from the retrospective experience of a cohort of senior high school students and a Cox regression model was applied. The results indicated that an estimated 63.4% of the students had experienced riding before the legal age of 18 years. Contributing factors such as whether the students were in a vocational senior high school, male, and in households with higher motorcycle ownership rates led to an earlier riding age; in contrast, a higher degree of parental monitoring, fewer motorcycles in the household, living in Greater Taipei, and an increase in the bus density in the district delayed the ages of beginning motorcycling. The higher minimum licensing age of 18 in Taiwan has caused a debate about its effectiveness because of the high prevalence of unlicensed teenage riding. Measures such as parental monitoring, power- or speed-limited mopeds, training programs, and no duo-passengers should be carefully examined if a policy is to be made on lowering the age limit of motorcycling.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current paper is to examine the ways in which age and work experience shape how individuals experience psychological contract breaches. We first introduce the concepts of contract malleability (the degree to which individuals can tolerate deviations from contract expectations) and contract replicability (the degree to which individuals believe that their psychological contracts can be replicated elsewhere). Next, we discuss the variety of reasons why contract malleability and replicability become greater with age and work experience and how contract malleability and replicability may temper negative reactions to psychological contract breaches. We also address the different ways contract malleability and replicability mediate the relationships between age and work experience, on one hand, and exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect behaviors on the other. We consider the moderating effects of age similarity and dissimilarity here as well. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for future research designs and for managing older and more experienced workers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



The purpose of the current study was to examine differences in factors associated with self-reported collision involvement of three age groups of drivers based on a large representative sample of Ontario adults. Method: This study was based on data from the CAMH Monitor, an ongoing cross-sectional telephone survey of Ontario adults 18 years and older from 2002 to 2005. Three age groups were examined: 18-34 (n = 1,294), 35-54 (n = 2,428), and 55+ (n = 1,576). For each age group sample, a logistic regression analysis was conducted of self-reported collision involvement in the last 12 months by risk factor measures of driving exposure (kilometers driven in a typical week, driving is stressful, and driving on busy roads), consuming five or more drinks of alcohol on one occasion (past 12 months), cannabis use (lifetime, and past 12 months), and driving after drinking among drinkers (past 12 months), controlling for demographics (gender, region, income, and marital status). Results: The study identified differences in factors associated with self-reported collision involvement of the three age groups of adult drivers. The logistic regression model for the youngest group revealed that drivers who reported that driving was stressful at least some of the time, drank five or more drinks on an occasion, and drove after drinking had an increased risk of collision involvement. For the middle age group, those who reported using cannabis in the last 12 months had significantly increased odds of reporting collision involvement. None of the risk factor measures showed significant associations with collision risk for older drivers (aged 55+). Impact: The results suggest potential areas for intervention and new directions for future research.  相似文献   

The age distribution within an organization forms an implicit career timetable, and there is evidence that people use their perceptions of this timetable to determine whether their careers are on or off schedule. Questionnaire data were collected from managers (N = 488, 47 per cent) within a large electric utility. The results indicate that managers who see themselves as ‘behind time’ in their careers have more negative attitudes towards work than other managers, even when their perceptions of being ‘behind time’ are inaccurate. However, although these managers continue to have the most negative attitudes, differences between the on and off schedule managers are smaller when their position on the actual career timetable is controlled. Thus, work attitudes are influenced by both individual and demographic factors. Finally, the longer managers remain in the same job, the more likely they are to define themselves as ‘behind time’. This supports other research suggesting that lateral moves within organizations may be an important device for managing the normal -limitations of upward movement in managerial careers.  相似文献   

基于存活概率的动态车龄分布模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市车辆的年龄组成(简称车龄分布)是体现城市车辆老化程度和确定车辆报废年限的重要指标。目前已有的车龄分布算法要求数据量大,在我国大部分城市很难得到完整的数据。笔者提出一种符合威布尔分布的车辆存活概率算法。该算法根据车辆保有量数据和报废车辆总数(或新车数据)推导出各年的车龄分布,且能够动态预测将来年份的车龄分布。同时,利用北京市小客数据对算法进行了实例应用,证明该法的实用可行性。由于该算法所需数据量小,计算简便,特别适用于我国在用车统计不完备的地区,利用该算法根据有限的数据来推导出当地的车龄分布,具有通用性。该算法的有效性检验和敏感度分析需进一步研究。  相似文献   

The present paper outlines potential shortcomings of analyzing events in high hazard systems. We argue that the efficiency of organizational learning within high hazard systems is at least partially undermined by the subjective theories of organizing held by their members. These subjective theories basically reflect an “engineering” understanding of “how a system and its components perform”, and are assumed to involve (social-) psychological blind spots when applied to the analysis of events. More specifically, we argue that they neglect individual motives and goals that critically drive work performance and social interactions in high hazard systems. First, we focus on the process of identifying the causes of failed organizing within the course of an event analysis. Our analysis reveals a mismatch between the basic functional assumptions of the event analyst on the motives of social actors involved in an event and on the other hand, the perspective held by the social actors themselves. Second, we discuss the process of correcting failed social system performance after events. Thereby we draw on blind spots that emerge from the direct application of technical safety principles (i.e., standardization and redundancy) to the organization of social systems. Finally, we propose some future research strategies for developing event analysis methods which are aimed at improving an organization’s learning potential.  相似文献   

Background: Our goal was to examine the relationship between age and engine displacement in cubic centimeters (CCs) and crash responsibility. Methods: Male motorcyclists, aged 16–94, involved in a fatal crash in the United States (1987–2015) who tested negative for both drugs and alcohol were included. Employing a case control design, cases had committed one or more Unsafe Motorcyclist Actions (UMAs), the proxy measure of responsibility; controls had no UMAs recorded. Odds ratios were computed via multinomial regression examining the effect of motorcyclists’ age and motorcycle displacement (up to 1500 CCs, in 250 CC increments) on crash responsibility by any UMA and top three individual UMAs committed. Results: A total of 19,166 motorcyclists met our inclusion criteria. Increased displacement was observed in older motorcyclists and in more recent crashes. Fifty-six percent of motorcyclists committed one or more UMAs (n = 10,743). The top three individual UMAs were: Speeding (35%, n = 6,728), Weaving (24%, n = 3,269), and Erratic Operation (6%, n = 1,162). Odds ratios for committing any UMA were the greatest for riders on 750 CC motorcycles, followed closely by 500 and 1000 CC motorcycles. By 1250 CCs the effect of displacement on rider crash responsibility (any UMA) was no longer statistically significant. Typically, younger ages (e.g., 20–30) on motorcycles with 500–1000 CCs were associated with the highest odds of either speeding, weaving, or erratic riding compared to similar aged riders on 250 CC motorcycles. Exceptions were observed, for example riders at 70 years of age on 1500 CCs having higher odds of speeding than younger riders on equivalent CC motorcycles. Conclusion: Education and legislative measures should be considered. Educationally, the development of training interventions focusing on control, stability, and breaking differences with more powerful motorcycles (750 to 1250 CCs) is needed. Legislatively, licensing tiers could be employed based on displacement and educational requirements. Education and legislative measures could help to curb the trend seen between high-powered motorcycles and crash responsibility.  相似文献   

矿井风流年龄与矿井空气品质分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
矿井空气品质是矿井通风理论的新思路,是人们认识矿井空气环境的一种科学方法。通过对矿井风流年龄与矿井空气品质分析,重点论述和讨论了矿井风流年龄的定义及其计算;矿井风流污染物的定义,通风分支均匀释放污染物时分支空气污染物浓度的计算,局部集中散发污染物的分支污染物浓度计算;矿井空气品质的定义,任意分支空气品质的计算,分支汇合点的空气品质计算;研究了矿井风流空气品质随时间、空间变化的动态性,分析了矿井空气品质与矿井风流年龄及污染物的关系。矿井空气品质是矿井通风设计和评价矿井风流质量的重要理论依据  相似文献   

This field study addressed the relationship between age and work outcomes by investigating the effects of two potential moderators of age–work outcome relations: self-efficacy and perceptions of tool design effectiveness, while controlling for job tenure, job demands, and gender. Findings revealed that job-focused self-efficacy beliefs moderated the relationship between age and absenteeism, while tool design moderated the relationship between age and performance. Self-efficacy and tool design both had direct positive main effects on job satisfaction. Implications for research on age and constructive work force management are discussed.  相似文献   

Building commitment and preventing costly turnover of technical employees are key challenges facing organizations today. We examine whether the elements of the employment relationship that predict commitment and willingness to change companies vary significantly with age. Using a sample of over 3000 technical professionals from six large companies, we find that in comparison to those under 30, satisfaction with job security is more strongly related to the commitment of more senior workers (ages 31–45 and those over age 45) and to their desire to remain with their companies. In contrast, satisfaction with work–life balance is more strongly related to commitment of those under age 30 than those over 30. Also, for the under‐30s, satisfaction with opportunities to develop technical skills and pay linked to individual performance has a stronger negative relationship with willingness to change companies than for those over 45. While statistically significant, the size of the age effects is small, suggesting popular and managerial attention devoted to differences among age groups may be overblown. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Safety in the construction industry is a major issue in Hong Kong, representing about 46% of all occupational injuries in 1998. This study explored linear and curvilinear relations between age and safety performance (accident rates and occupational injuries), as well as safety attitudes, in construction workers in Hong Kong. METHOD: A Chinese version of the Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ by Donald & Canter) was developed and administered to a sample of Chinese construction workers (N=374, 366 males, 8 females) from 27 construction sites. RESULTS: Accident rates were not related to age. Occupational injuries were related to age in a curvilinear manner, with injuries at first increasing with age, then decreasing. Two safety attitude scales were related to age with older workers exhibiting more positive attitudes to safety. If age and tenure are controlled, some attitude scales are predictors of safety performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Management/supervisors, team leaders, and workers are all responsible for safety, and any negative bias toward older construction workers is unfounded.  相似文献   

Building inductively on twenty-four in depth interviews, the authors argue that boundaryless organizations will alter both career theories and actual career mobility patterns. The paper illustrates how both organizational and population level learning can affect individual job transitions within and cross organizations. The three evolutionary learning steps of variation, selection and retention all remain important, but the impact of variation processes may increase. Boundaryless organizations will thus generate career patterns reflecting an underlying logic of organizational learning rather than producing simple atomistic exchange between unfettered actors.  相似文献   

公共危机管理中的组织学习研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国外对危机管理的研究已经趋于成熟,已经进一步提出了在危机中学习的概念并取得一些进展。而在经历了几次大的危机之后,国内学者开始关注公共危机管理。随着危机种类越来越多,发生频率越来越高,政府的公共部门必须要具备组织学习的能力。但是国内对于组织学习研究在公共管理领域的延伸还十分有限,我国仅少量学者探讨了学习型政府,对其它类型公共部门的组织学习研究则更为罕见。显然,这种研究的缺失不利于公共组织构建组织学习能力和提高服务水平。未来的国内学习型组织研究需要在公共组领域有所突破,特别是危机情境下的公共组织学习。因此本文以分析文献的方式,借鉴国内外学者对公共危机管理,以及组织学习的研究,希望能为公共部门组织学习的深层探索提供思路。  相似文献   

Objective: Low bone quality is a contributing factor to motor vehicle crash (MVC) injury. Quantification of occupant bone mineral density (BMD) is important from an injury causation standpoint. The first aim of this study was to validate a technique for measuring lumbar volumetric BMD (vBMD) from phantomless computed tomography (CT) scans. The second aim was to apply the validated phantomless technique to quantify lumbar vBMD in Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) occupants for correlation with age, fracture incidence, and osteopenia/osteoporosis diagnoses.

Methods: Quantitative CT (qCT) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) were collected prospectively for 50 subjects and used to validate a technique to measure vBMD from 281 phantomless CT scans of CIREN occupants. Hounsfield unit (HU) measurements were collected from the L1–L5 vertebrae, right psoas major muscle, and anterior subcutaneous fat for all subjects and from 3 phantom ports with known mg/cc calcium hydroxyapatite values for the validation group. qCT calibration was accomplished using regressions between the phantom HU and mg/cc values to convert L1–L5 HU values to mg/cc. A phantomless calibration technique was developed where the fat and muscle HU values were linearly regressed against fat (?69 mg/cc) and muscle (77 mg/cc) to establish a conversion for L1–L5 HU measurements to mg/cc. vBMD calculated from qCT versus the phantomless method was compared for the 50 subjects to assess agreement and a mg/cc osteopenia threshold was established using DXA T-scores. CIREN HU measurements were converted to mg/cc using the phantomless technique and the mg/cc osteopenia threshold was used to compare vBMD to age, fracture incidence, and osteopenia comorbidity classifications in CIREN.

Results: Linear regression of lumbar vBMD derived from the qCT versus phantomless calibrations showed excellent agreement (R2 = 0.87, P <.0001). A 145 mg/cc threshold for osteopenia was established (sensitivity = 1, specificity = 0.57) and 44 CIREN occupants had vBMD below this threshold. Of these 44 occupants, 64% were not classified as osteopenic in CIREN, but vBMD suggested undiagnosed osteopenia. Age was negatively correlated with vBMD in both sexes (P <.0001) and CIREN occupants with less than 145 mg/cc vBMD sustained an average 1.7 additional rib/sternum fractures (P =.036).

Conclusions: Because lumbar vBMD was estimated from phantomless CT scans with accuracy similar to qCT, the phantomless technique can be broadly applied to both prospectively and retrospectively assess patient bone quality for research and clinical studies related to MVCs, falls, and aging.  相似文献   

Certified management systems have increasingly been applied by firms in recent decades and now cover the management of health and safety, principally through the OHSAS 18001 standard. In order to become certified, firms must not only observe the relevant legislation, but also improve performance and raise goals within health and safety on a continuous basis. The article examines how certified occupational and health management systems influence this process to evaluate how far they hinder or support learning. It presents a model with which it is possible to identify and analyse improvement processes. The model is applied to five cases from a qualitative study of Danish manufacturers with certified health and safety management systems. The cases illustrate the wide variation in health and safety management among certified firms.Certification is found to support lower levels of continuous improvement performance in handling health and safety issues. However, more advanced improvement practices are shown to be connected to the integration of health and safety in other managerial areas, as well as to the employment of similar advanced improvement processes within firms. The article argues that certified health and safety management does not obstruct learning, and can support advanced learning. Improvement practices with regard to health and safety are mainly dependent upon the firm’s overall organisational processes and do not automatically arise from the standard alone.  相似文献   

This study examines how attitudes held before attending a computer course differ on the basis of gender, intention to purchase a computer, and computer ownership. Results indicate that gender and ownership are responsible for attitudinal differences, while intent to purchase is not. Further analyses reveal that attitudes differ between learning performance groups. More than all other groups, students who withdrew from the course during the semester and students with the highest performance level in the course perceive computers as increasing job complexity. Ownership eliminated nearly all gender differences in computer attitudes. The implications of these results for managers and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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