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Employee's job destination choices, as part of the turnover process, reflect options for internal organizational or external labor market moves. A sample of 477 employees in 15 firms was used to decipher how bio‐demographic, job, plant, and labor market characteristics are related to five alternative job destinations. Multivariate logistic regression and odds–ratio analyses compared the five models confirming that different sets of variables influence each of the destination choices. Coworkers' intentions have a major significant impact on all destination options. The findings have implications for present turnover models, career paths, and promotion progression in the firm. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test whether cognitively appraised level of job insecurity (job insecurity perceptions) and evaluative responses to a perceived level of job insecurity (job insecurity dissatisfaction and job insecurity behaviors) could relate differently to employee mental well-being, turnover intentions and on-the-job risk behavior. The significance of demographic characteristics (gender and age) as well as the implications of attitudinal variables (job satisfaction, job motivation and organizational commitment) and for the dependent variables was taken into account. Based on data from a self-completion questionnaire survey carried out among a representative sample of the Norwegian adult population (N = 260) results indicated that only job insecurity behaviors were indirectly related to turnover intentions and risk behavior via their impact on psychological well-being. The relative importance of the job insecurity dimensions for the dependent variables are discussed, as well as theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship of shiftwork and department-type with employees' job stress, stressors, work attitudes and behavioral intention. Data were collected by means of a structured questionnaire from nurses (N = 1148) working in eight hospitals in a large, metropolitan city in eastern Canada. One-way ANOVA, MANOVA and two-way ANOVA were used to analyze data. Results generally support the prediction that nurses working on fixed shifts were better off than nurses working on rotating shifts in terms of the dependent variables of the present study. The prediction that nurses working in non-intensive care departments were better off than nurses working in intensive care departments received mixed support at best. A few interaction effects of shiftwork × department-type on dependent variables were also noted. The impact of socio-demographic variables — age, marital status, cultural background (English- versus French-speaking) — on the above relationships were also analyzed. Results are discussed in light of the previous empirical evidence on shiftwork and department-type.  相似文献   

This study examines how work-related withdrawal-inducing and restraining factors affect the intention to leave work of male and female teachers. It is assumed that while these intentions are induced by the employee's affective reaction to the work environment, they are also restrained by those personal gains and advantages provided by the present job that cannot be transferred to another. A path analysis performed on data collected from 239 high school teachers in Israel indicates some differences between the male and female groups. Some restraining effects on the intentions to resign were found among both, but the prevailing assumption that affective work reactions mediate between work environment and the intent to leave, was found among male teachers only. This and other observed differences in the predictors of male and female teachers' intentions to resign question the generality of prevailing assumptions of the psychological process of withdrawal. The need for gender adjustments in withdrawal models is proposed.  相似文献   

To explain why some employees who experience high embeddedness contemplate leaving their organizations and others do not, we examined the moderating effects of employee demographic characteristics (age and gender) and value orientations (individualism and risk aversion) between organizational embeddedness and turnover intentions. Turnover intentions were further expected to increase voluntary turnover. Data were collected from 643 full‐time employees at three points in time over a 12‐month time period in a wide range of organizations in Japan, a relatively low turnover context with little prior embeddedness research. Findings show that gender and risk aversion moderate the relationship between organizational embeddedness and turnover intentions, which in turn predict voluntary turnover. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present longitudinal study explored the association between emotion regulation, defined as the conscious manipulation of one's public displays of emotion, and job satisfaction and intentions to quit. We predicted, based on an emotional dissonance model, that the suppression of unpleasant emotions decreases job satisfaction and increases intentions to quit. We propose a social interaction model that predicts that the amplification of pleasant emotions increases job satisfaction and decreases intentions to quit by improving the quality of interpersonal encounters at work. Data from 111 workers were gathered at two time points separated by four weeks. Advantages of the design included the use of longitudinal data and the statistical control for several personality, job, and demographic factors. Longitudinal regression analyses and tests of mediation revealed that, as predicted, (a) the suppression of unpleasant emotions decreases job satisfaction, which in turn increases intentions to quit, and (b) the amplification of pleasant emotions increases job satisfaction. Applied implications are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Causal relationships involving role stressors, physical symptomatology, and turnover intentions were examined within three alternative specifications. These specifications stemmed from Beehr and Newman's (1978) and Schuler's (1982) models of role stress and Locke's (1976) theory of job satisfaction. The results, derived from LISREL VI analyses, indicate that a revised Schuler model is the most plausible specification. Findings are discussed in terms of implications for understanding role stress and employee withdrawal.  相似文献   

Two important contributions to the understanding of voluntary turnover are the ideas that employees become embedded in a net or web of restraining forces on- and off-the-job and that they experience varying degrees of control and desire that yield proximal withdrawal states explaining turnover motivations. We build on these ideas in two multi-wave studies to study job insecurity, one of the most common work stressors and top concerns among employees around the world. Study 1 demonstrates that job search mediates the positive relationship between job insecurity and voluntary turnover, and that employees higher in on-the-job embeddedness are less likely to search for jobs despite job insecurity. Study 2 demonstrates that turnover intention mediates the positive relationship between job insecurity and voluntary turnover, and that employees higher in on-the-job embeddedness are less likely to contemplate quitting despite job insecurity. However, off-the-job embeddedness had opposite interactive effects, exacerbating the relationship of job insecurity with turnover.  相似文献   

In the present study, 136 undergraduate commerce students participated in a simulation of the job application process by completing one of two application blanks (discriminatory versus non-discriminatory), that did or did not include a statement about the organization's commitment to employment equity. The results indicated that subjects who completed the application blank without the discriminatory questions had significantly more positive reactions of organization attractiveness, job application success, motivation to pursue employment with the organization, job acceptance intention, fairness of the organization's treatment of its employees, and likelihood of recommending the organization to friends in comparison to subjects who completed the application blank with discriminatory questions. In addition, subjects who believed the organization had an employment equity program were more positive about their motivation to pursue employment with the organization, job acceptance intention, the fairness of the organization's treatment of its employees, and the likelihood of recommending the organization to friends. The research and practical implications of these findings for recruitment and selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction: Safety research in the U.S. motor carrier context remains important, as the trucking industry employs approximately 1.7 million large truck drivers. Drivers face many competing pressures in this unique high risk, high regulation, and low direct supervision context. They represent the cornerstone of safe carrier operations. Methods: Using a multi-theoretical approach, this study investigates how drivers' perceptions of carrier safety climate influence their safety-related attitudes and intentions. Results: Responses from nearly 1500 over the road drivers provide evidence that safety climate directly influences drivers' attitudes toward safety, safety norms, and driver risk avoidance, and indirectly influences drivers' intentions to commit unsafe acts. These findings replicate previous findings and also extend the nomological network of theory in this context, adding driver risk avoidance as a central factor to the driver safety theoretical framework. Additionally, carrier managers are encouraged to reflect on the study's evidence and pursue a better understanding of their drivers' risk perceptions and tolerance, while minimizing avoidable risk through prudent safety and operational policies, procedures, and processes. Future research in this area is highly encouraged.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of organizational politics and organizational support to various work attitudes and behaviors among a field sample of 128 participants. Consistent with our hypothesis, politics and support were related to job satisfaction, commitment, turnover intentions, and supervisor ratings of organizational citizenship behaviors. However, only support was related to job performance. We also examined whether or not organizational politics and organizational support comprise two distinct constructs or one global factor. The evidence here was ambiguous. Fit indices obtained from confirmatory factor analysis suggested that it is more parsimonious to treat politics and support as opposite ends of the same construct, though the two‐factor model did show a slightly better fit. On the other hand, subsequent multiple regression analyses showed that support tended to account for additional criterion variance beyond the effect of politics, implying that there may be some practical utility to retaining politics and support as distinct constructs. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that dispositional negative affect (NA) is associated with lower levels of job satisfaction. Little research has been conducted, however, on other organizational implications of negative affect or on the potential effects of dispositional positive affect (PA). The present studies examined the relationship of both positive and negative affectivity to organizational commitment, turnover intentions, global job satisfaction and performance. In the first study both NA and PA were associated with organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Additionally, commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover. Finally, PA and tenure interacted to predict job performance, such that PA and job performance were positively related, but only for high tenure employees. In Study 2 the findings were generally similar, but not identical. Both NA and PA were related to global job satisfaction and turnover intentions. However, only PA was related to affective organizational commitment. Moreover, both job satisfaction and affective commitment mediated the relationship between dispositional affectivity and turnover intentions. Finally, unlike Study 1, PA was not related to job performance. Rather, NA and tenure interacted such that when individuals were lower in tenure, NA was negatively related to performance.  相似文献   

Different and sometimes contradictory assumptions can be found in the literature about the relationships between the commitments of professionals to their profession and to the employing organization, and the consequences of these relationships for other work attitudes. Two of the basic alternative theoretical formulations are examined and their viability tested on a sample of 1206 accountants. One formulation assumes inconsistency between commitments leading to a commitment dilemma, the other assumes congruity between them. The findings point at the latter formulation as the more viable one, and suggests minor modifications in it to improve its fit with the data. The results demonstrate the need to compare competing models in order to increase theoretical clarity and consistency.  相似文献   

There is a preponderance of theory postulating that the level of job satisfaction is a direct function of the perceived discrepancy between what the employee desires from a job and what the employee actually receives from it. To date, the only job satisfaction research program that has systematically examined the relationship between job satisfaction and the degree to which perceptions of job rewards match the expressed desires of the individual is that conducted by the Minnesota Work Adjustment Project (MWAP). Although the MWAP has had success in predicting job satisfaction some of the time, it also encounters many unpredictable cases. Based on research with industrial R&D personnel, Scarpello and Campbell (1983a) suggested that one reason for the unpredictable cases is that people's views of their occupations and careers help explain their reactions to current job situations. This paper discusses the limitations of the MWAP for job satisfaction research and reports the results of a study with 806 manufacturing plant employees, that assessed the external validity and thus, generalizability of Scarpello and Campbell's (1983a) findings. Results supported the external validity and generalizability of the previous findings. Implications for future job satisfaction research are discussed.  相似文献   

Turnover potentially leads to a new individual being selected into a work team. This study investigated the safety-specific trust which team members place in their organisation’s selection and induction processes, and related this to the perceived risk from new employees. The research was conducted with teams working in forest harvesting, an occupation which has high-turnover, high risk and a high accident rate. Results indicate that trust in induction processes was negatively correlated with perceived risk from a new employee. Team members also engaged in a number of safety ensuring behaviours when a new individual joined the team, and these were related to the level of perceived risk, and how much they cared about their team members’ safety. It is argued that trust in the safety-specific characteristics of an organisation’s selection and induction process may have negative consequences for safety.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of career orientation on the static and dynamic relationships between job satisfaction and turnover intention. Longitudinal data of 255 employees were collected at three waves of measurement 1 year apart. Results for career orientations as a moderator differed between the static and dynamic job satisfaction–turnover links. The static relationship was found to be similar and less negative for employees with independent and loyalty‐focused career orientations than for promotion‐focused and disengaged employees. Regarding the dynamic relationship between job satisfaction change and turnover intention change, however, independent and loyalty‐focused employees differed: An increase (decline) in job satisfaction was more strongly related to a decline (increase) in turnover intention for independent employees than for loyalty‐focused employees. These findings provide new insights into the differential dynamics involved in assessing work situations and responding to them based on different career aspirations and interests. Consequences for research and practice regarding more effective human resource management are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors introduce the concept of leader‐signaled knowledge hiding (LSKH) and conduct two studies observing what happens when leaders signal employees that knowledge hiding (KH) is practiced, tolerated, and expected. Social learning theory provides the basis for predicting that LSKH encourages subordinates to hide knowledge, even though they suffer from negative job attitudes in reaction. In Study 1, data measured at two time points (N = 1,162) shows that LSKH positively predicts KH among subordinates. The KH dimensions of evasive hiding and playing dumb (but not rationalized hiding) negatively relate to job satisfaction and positively affect turnover intentions. Study 2 (N = 1,169) replicates these results with cross‐sectional data. Moreover, Study 2 demonstrates that evasive hiding and playing dumb negatively affect empowerment, whereas rationalized hiding has a positive effect. Both studies reveal that subordinates will show less KH when they work under leaders who avoid LSKH and in turn have more job satisfaction, feel more empowered, and harbor fewer turnover intentions. The results in this study provide important practical implications for knowledge management activities.  相似文献   

A model of job turnover that includes job performance as a predictor was presented and tested longitudinally using path analysis. Out of seven hypothesized paths, six were significant and in the predicted direction. The seventh one was significant but in a direction opposite to that predicted.  相似文献   

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