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Some remarks on the morphology of the cave 《Masera》 2213 Lo-Co (Como, Italy) The Masera cave is a temporary overflow spring situated on the eastern side of the western branch ofthe Como Lake. The cave hydrology has already been studied in a previous work (Cappa 1970). Only themorphology and the structure of the cave are considered in the present paper. It appears from the structural analysis that the cave develops mainly along the bedding-planes with adip N 5°E and with a lesser frequency at the junction of groups of joints. The general morphology of the ca-ve is rather uniform because it is a bedding-cave with a quadrangular cross-section. The morphology of de-tails, on the contrary, is very rich with different forms. Among these the most interesting are:— Bedding plane anastomoses and ceiling channels whose genesis is related to breakdown events. The chan-nels are very frequent and cross the ceiling of passages disappeaning into the rock wall.— Underground karren due to water during floods.— Scallops showing the existence of fast flowing water.— Glacial and alluvial deposits which partially filled the cave for long times.— Ripple-marks and other beach features due to flood waters.— Different kinds of dendritic surge marks and erosional rills.— Thin deposits of manganese on pebbles and formations. Sometimes these films are partially eroded. From the morpho-structural analysis some information on the speleogenesis and the recent evolutionof the cave during the Quaternary is obtained. According to the results reported in this paper the Masera cave(m 329 above sea level) appears to be already existing before the occurrence of the Quaternary glaciations.The glaciations had a minor influence on the cave morphology.  相似文献   

In questo lavoro viene studiata l'erpetofauna del Parco Regionale dei Colli di Bergamo,che risulta composta da 10 specie di Anfibi e 9 di Rettili. Le specie presenti sono quelle the si potrebberorilevare in zone analoghe; tra queste spiccano Bombina variegata, ormai tara in Lombardia, e Ranalatastei. L'Autore ha analizzato le categorie corologiche notando una certa preponderanza delle specieEuropee (68%), su quelle Eurocentroasiatiche (22%) e su quelle italiche (10%). Lo studio delle microco-muuità ha messo in evidenza 3 modelli fondamentali: la m. del bosco submediterraneo (con prevalenzadi Rettili), la m. degli ambienti umidi (con prevalenza di Anfibi) e la m. dei boschi umidi (specie tipicaSalamandra salamandra). Amphibians and reptiles of the Parco Regionale dei Colli di Bergamo. This article consi-ders the herpetofauna of the Parco Regionale dei Colli di Bergamo that is composed of ten speciesof Amphibians and nine of Reptiles. The species are those one would expect to find in a similar landsca-pe. Among these is relevant to mention Bombina variegata, now rare in Lombardy, and Rana latastei.The Author analyzes the corological categories noting a certain predominance of the European species(68%) on the Eurocentroasiatic (22%) and the Italic (10%) ones. The study of the microcommunitieshas evidenced three fundamental models: the m. of the submediterranean wood (with prevalence of Repti-les), the m. of the umid environments (with prevalence of Amphibians) and the m. of the damp woods(with the typical species Salamandra salamandra).  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Chthonius s.str.from the Lombard Pre-Alps(Arachnida,Pseudoscorpio-nes,Chthonüdae).In this note the new species Chthonius (C.)comottii is described.The Author,on the basis of specimens col-lected at 6 stations in the communes of Bergamo and Varese,recognizes the existence of two《ecologicalraces》of the new species that he unformally names《A》and《B》.In its complex the new entity appearsquite definable according to the usual canons of the chelonethological methodology;the A.however turnsparticular attention to a structure(generally interpreted as sensorial and by him recorded as《sensorialtooth》).present on the movable chelal finger,of which he emphasizes the interest as diagnostic complemen-tary character.Moreover it is briefly described a specimen of Chthonius ischnocheles reductus Beier from Corfù and therecords for Italy of this subsp,are recognized to be erroneous.  相似文献   

The authors intend to determine the geographical distribution of theDuphne petruea Leybold by means of the inventory,of the stations checked on theground of direct recognilions bye the aid of information drawn from specifie literatureon the subject and the reference of plenty of herbaria.This species is a palenendemie remnant of the Tertiary with an extremely specialhabital unable of further expansion even because of its prevailing agamie propagalion.The geographical distribution is limited to a reduced area of eastern Insubria andis comprized in the following geographical date:long.E Greenw.from 10°18′21″to 10°22′12″lat.N from 15°15′29″to 15°19′16″height from 530 m to 2006 mAffter slating the affnities,are examined the morphological characters of the speciesthat reveal its xerophitic mark and then the biological ones that limit its presence inlinle lypical ecological spots and prevent its expansion outside them.  相似文献   

Si esaminano i pesci Pholidophoridae del Trias superiore dell'Alta Val-vestino(Brescia,Italia).La fauna e simile a quella raccolta nella vicina provincia diBergamo e comprende:Pholidophorus latiuscuhts Ag.nelle《Argilliti di Riva di Solto》,(formazione che si estende anche ad est della linea della Giudicarie)e Phalidorhunchodonmalzannii Zamb.nel《Calcare di Zorzino》.Pholidophorus gervasuttii Zamb.e Pholido-phorus pusillus Ag.passano in sinonimia con Pholidophorus latiusculus Ag..specie chesi divide in due sottospecie:latiusculus e gervasuttii nov.ssp.Infine Pholidorhynchodonpresenta un evidente dimorfismo.Here are studied the fishes Pholidophoridae of upper Trias of Valvestino(Brescia,Italy).Pbolidophoridae are similar to the near fauna of Bergamo area,andcomprehend:Pholidophorus latiusculus Ag.in《Argilliti di Riva di Soho》(which conti-nue also to east of the Giudiearie fault),and Pholidorhynchodon malzannii Zamb.in《Calcare di Zorzino》.Pholidophorus gervasuttii Zamb.and Pholidophorus pusillus Ag.are synonyms of the Pholidophorus latiusculus Ag.This last species is divided in twosubspecies:latiusculus and gervasuttii nov.ssp.,Finally Pholidorhynchodon manifest aclear dwnorfism.  相似文献   

In the last more or less recent times,together with the intensification ofmeans of communication and commercial exchanges,the flora of the territory aroundBrescia has grown rich with various exotic specimens.Some of them still appear desul-torily arid perhaps in a rather transient manner,others seem to have become natura-lized and show a rapid expansion.A fresh list commented on the results of the directdiscoveries of the AA.is given here.This is to testify tire alterations that the originaldisposition of vegetal population may undergo with the larger and larger presence ofadventitions specimens.  相似文献   

Physiognomical features,ecology and geopedological factors of the vegetation of somecalcareous-dolomitic massifs in the Lombard Pre-Alps(Northern Italy).I.Natural and seminatural grasslands.Natural and semi-natural grassland vegetation of calcareous-dolomitic Lombard Pre-Alps has been investigated,with synecological approach.Some physiognomical and ecological types have been identified and environmentalfactors have been described.A.Under the timberline:—discontinuous xerophylous sedge communities,dominated by Carex mucronata and creeping chamaephytes,and Festuca alpestris formation on extremely dry ridges with discontinuous soils.—Festuca spectabilis formation,pioneering dry stabilized detritus in mountain belt.—Sesleria varia-Carex humilis thermophilous communities,with Bromus erectus codominance,widelydiffused on steep sunny slopes with grey rendzina,in the submediterranean belt.—Caricion austroalpinae calcophilous communities.Sesleria-grasslands,rich in prealpine endemic element,are situated on cool slopes at low altitudes too.They are marked by Molinia coerulea.In the Fagus belt,Caricion austroalpine communities spread also in southern exposition.Here the Sesleria-vegetation isqualified by an endemic group that takes the place of thermophilous submediterranean elements.—Molinia coerulea neutral-acidic communities,on low permeability soils(《Terra Rossa》and its colluvium;soils on glacial deposits)and M.coerulea hygrophilous communities,along little valleys close to perennialsprings,in the submediterranen belt.—Schoenus nigricans hygrophilous formation,strictly connected with dripping springs,on travertines orhydromorphyc soils.B.Above the timberline:—Caricion austroalpinae calcophilous communities.The most widespread type is Carex sempervirens and S.varia dry grassland,rich in prealpine endemic element.It characterizes sunny slopes.Helictotricon parlato-rei becomes dominant where the substratum is highly percolating.On the contrary,at higher humidity,onhumiferous soils in the high-mountain-subalpine belt,Carex austroalpina-grassland is observed.—Carex sempervirens-Festuea curvula pastures,on developed soils. —Carex firma microtherme grasslands are divided according to chorological and ecological characters of theendemic element:1)Relic communities,restricted on humid cliffs,especially in the《external belt》of the Pre-Alps;2)Detritus pioneer type,in the《internal belt》.  相似文献   

We have studied the fossil leaves of a new locality from Colle della Badia near Brescia(Lom-bardy-Northern Italy)and revised four-specimens from the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali di Brescia.We have recognized 21 taxa of plants which can be listed into families(1 pteridofita,1 conifera,6 dicoti-ledoni,3 monocotiledoni):among them.the two taxa already known in literature(SORDELLI,1882)are pre-sent.Abies cf.pinsapo Boissier,Populus cf.heterophylla L.,P,cf.nigra L..P.cf.tremuloides Michx.e Diospy-ros cf.virginiana L.are here pointed out for the first time for the italian Miocene.Comparison with severaleuropean Tertiary floras show the Miocene age of our assemblage,that should bc dated to the Late Mio-cene(preevaporitic Mcssinian age).Furthermore it is proposed a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction indi-cating a basin closed by the hills of the Prealpi toward North and crossed by rivers,with swamps,bogs andsmall lakes,along which grows a typical stream-and lake-side vegetation.The analysis of the physiognomyallows the reconstruction of a subtropical climate for this Miocene assemblage,with a mean annual tempe-rature about 20℃.  相似文献   

RIASSUNTO-Sono stati analizzati i depositi retici affioranti nella parte nord-occidentale delle Dolomitidi Brenta,che sono stati suddivisi in 2 formazioni di nuova istituzione:la Formazione del Graffer eil Calcare degli Orti della Regina.Entrambe le formazioni presentano caratteristiche intermedie tra lecoeve unità lombarde,caratterizzate da potentissime alternanze calcareo-argillose,e quelle esclusivamentecarbonatiche in facies di Dolomia Principale che si svilupparono nell'area veneta.Vengono poi brevemen-te illustrati i principali disturbi tettonici rilevati;tra questi il più importante sembra essere costituitodalla Linea della Vedretta dei Camosci,faglia diretta impostatasi nel Lias,che ha determinato l'abbassa-mento del blocco occidentale.Le considerazioni di ordine paleogeografico relative al Retico hanno porta-to a individuare una conformazione a rampa deposizionale del bacino,determinata da una serie di fagliedirette,con una zona di basso relativo a occidente.The M.Spinale and Pietra Grande Rhaetian(Madonna di Campiglio).Stratigraphic-sedimentological characters and paleogeographic considerations.The so-called《Rhaetian》deposits ofthe north-west area of the Dolomiti di Brenta(western Trentino region,Southern Alps)are examined.They are subdivided into two new formations:the《Formazione del Graffer》and the《Calcare degliOrti della Regina》.The lower unit(Formazione del Graffer),about 100 metres thick,is very rich inmarl and clay.The upper formation(Calcare degli Orti della Regina),about 200 metres thick,chieflyconsists of limestone and dolomite and it is characterized by peritidal shallowing-upward cyclicity,whithsubtidal fossiliferous bioturbated limestone overlain by supratidal stromatolitic dolomite.Both the forma-tions exhibit intermediate characters between the coeval Lombardian sequences to the west,and the Vene-tian sequences to the east.The former is characterized by a very thick succession partly basinal in nature,and consists of alternations of limestone and claystone;the latter is represented by peritidal dolomites(Dolomia Principale),fully carbonatic in lithology,classically referred to a tidal flat environment.Amongthe main tectonic dislocations observed,the most important seems to be the《Vedretta dei Camosci》Line,normal fault,laid at the Lias,which has caused the lowering of the west area.The paleogeographicconsiderations have led to the identification during the Rhaetic of a depositional slope structure of thebasin,caused by a sequence of normal faults,with the lower area at west.  相似文献   

Geomorphology of Avio Ualley(Adamello Group).The authors have carried out an investigation that led to the production of a geomorphological map and itsrelated explanatory notes.The present physionomy of the valley,mainly consisting of intrusive magmaticlithotypes.is related to various morphogenetic agents:those that acted for a longer time and more deeplyare the glacial and periglacial ones.Typical erosional and depositional glacial forms characterize the middleand high valley.Morphological,stratigraphical and textural observations regarding the weathered state ofthe deposits and the degree of lichenization.the various morainic deposits have been tentatively differentia-ted.The moraines from the last century are particulary abundant and thickly developed:in some places theycover deposits probably ascribable to older stages of the《small glaciation》.Also the moraines ascribable tothe late-glacial stages are widely represented.Landforms related to periglacial environments such as rock-glaciers,protalus rampart,etc..have been recognized.Particular landforms related to gravity and favouredby the metamorphic-type substratum are recognizable in the lower valley.  相似文献   

Slopes with sorted strips in Valtellina(Sondrio-Northern Italy).Some slopes with sortedstrips were observed at the edge of two glaciers of Valfurva(upper Valtellina).Some informations onthe morphology and the sedimentology of the sorted strips discovered near the Zebrùglacier are givenin detail.Their length is on an average of 2.2 metres and their inclination ranges from 14°to 24°.  相似文献   

When service ducts and cables are required to pass through the structural beams,it is a common practical solution to use composite beams with rectangular or circular openings.The fire safety standards in many countries have recommended design methods for composite beams without openings,while the design method for composite beams with web openings is not addressed yet.Due to the complicated distribution of temperature and stress around the openings in the web of the steel beam,extra complexity has been introduced in determination of the structural capability of the beam and the failure mode in fire.These failure modes generally occur at lower limiting temperatures than the solid beam with same size.It is recognized that the thickness of a reactive coating required to provide a given fire resistance to a composite beam with web openings is affected by the beam’s web thickness,opening configuration,the degree of the beam asymmetry and the structural utilization factor,as well as the nature of the proprietary fire protection itself.Therefore it is necessary that such beams are structurally evaluated taking into account all possible modes of structural failure under both ambient and fire conditions.It is also necessary for additional thermal data to be measured around the web openings and on the web posts from fire tests.The additional thermal data will be used in conjunction with a structural model to determine limiting temperatures of beams with web openings.Steel Construction Institute(SCI)has produced a structural analysis model referenced as report RT1356,which divides a composite beam with web openings into different stress blocks,and then analyses the global bending,vertical shear,local Vierendeel bending,web-post buckling etc.The Association for Specialist Fire Protection(ASFP)recommended the test protocol in the Yellow Book,to determine the temperature distribution around the openings and web post.This paper will discuss a series of fire tests having been carried out in the laboratory of EXOVA Warringtonfire to establish temperature distribution in composite beams with web openings.Test result shows that the distribution of temperature is product specific and strongly affected by opening configuration and opening distance.EXOVA Warringtonfire has also developed a sophisticated calculator,ThermCalc,for analyzing temperature and structural following the method presented in RT1356.Using ThermCalc,parametric study has been carried out,and the effect of load utilization factor,opening size,opening distance,slab depth,decking configuration etc.was investigated.  相似文献   

Geology and pedo-stratigraphy of the Ciliverghe hill(glacial deposits,pedogenesis,and loess sedi-mentation along the Alpine fringe during the Pleistocene).-Ciliverghe hill consists of Pleistocene continentaldeposits.The lowest units(CIL 1 and CIL 2).composed of till and related fluvioglacial deposits.representthe oldest moraine ridge of the Garda lake moraine system.These units are covered with angular unconfor-mity,by glacio-lacustrine marls(CIL 3),by fluviatile gravels supplied from a local source(CIL 4)and by flu-vio-glacial gravels(CIL 5)including Central-Alpine rocks.In the upper unit a rubefied,strongly weatheredpalaeosol is developed.At the top of the sequence there is a polygenetic cover of loess consisting of at leastthree distinct layers intercalated with pedogenetic horizons.The uppermost loess which includes mouste-rian artifacts dates back to the Late Pleistocene,Five glacial stages are therefore recorded in the Ciliverghesequence,probably spanning the whole glacial Pleistocene.The stratigraphical and morphological develop-ment of the Ciliverghc hill has been tectonicallv controlled due to the activity of buried tectonic structures.  相似文献   

Loess and slope deposits at the edge of the Carvanno Travertine(Val Degagna-Brescia).Sedimentary processes and soil development between the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene.The Au-thors describe a sequence some 4 metres thick composed of slope and loess deposits which lies at analtitude of 360 metres,20 metres above the Torrente Agna.The series belongs to a polyciclic soil compo-sed of 4 lithostratigrapbic units which,from the bottom to the top,are as follows:—slightly weathered loess(Ⅳ C1);—red clayey soil sediments(Ⅲ B2)resulting from the erosion of a more ancient paleosol of《TerraRossa》type,developed during the Middle Pleistocene at the top of the Carvanno Tarvertine;—undisturbed loess and loess displaced by gelifluction(Ⅱ B21t/Ⅱ B23t);—recent colluvial deposits(A1+B1).The sequence was deposited between the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene.During the Upper Pleisto-cene the loess deposition,alternated with colluvial and gelifluction phases,was caused by cold-humidclimatic conditions.During the postglacial,the loess was affected by weathering which lead to the deve-lopment of an alfisol.The mieromorphological analysis evidenced several stages in the postglacial soilforming process.First,in unstable geomorphological conditions,complex cutans(scheletans-matransiltans)covered the walls of the soil pores.In a later period,as a result of landscape stability,laminated andbirefringent ferri-argillans were mainly deposited.The deposition of the upper colluvial cover(A1+B1)and the coarse fills of tlie underlying horizons were produced by a degradational phase due to the defore-station of the area in historical times.The undisturbed argillans of the A1+B1 horizons indicate thatthe clay illuviation is still active in the area.  相似文献   

RIASSUNTO-Nella presente nota viene esaminata la storia olocenica del Ghiacciaio del Trobio(AlpiOrobie)e la morfogenesi glaciale della valle omonima.Le evidenze geomorfologiche indicano che,duran-te l'Olocene,la lingua del ghiacciaio non ha mai superato i margini dell'anfiteatro deposto alla culmina-zione della Piccola Età Glaciale.All'inferno dell'anfiteatro sono stati individuati due sistemi morenici,deposti a seguito di due modeste avanzate alla fine del XIX secolo e intorno al 1920.La vegetazione pioniera è rappresentata da formazioni pioniere delle morene silicee(Androsacionalpinae Br.-Bl.et Jenny'26),arricchita da numerosi elementi basifili.In base ad un confronto con areeproglaciali situate alia stessa quota nelle Alpi,la dinamica vegetazionale nell'anfiteatro del Gleno apparelenta.Probabilmente ciò dipende dall'abbassamento dei piani altitudinali nelle Alpi Orobie e dall'esposi-zione sfavorevole dell'area in studio.History of the Trobio Glacier(Orobian Alps,Bergamo)and pioneering by vegetationin the areas cleared after Little Ice Age.The present study carries out an outline of the Holocene glacialhistory of the Trobio Glacier.Reconstruction is based on a comparison between geomorphological surveyand historical documents.During the whole Holocene the Trobio Glacier tongue did not exceed the deposits of the Maximumof the Little Ice Age.Two weak advance phases are documented by morains and photographs at thebeginning of the 1920's.During the last century the ice volume was reduced more strongly and productionof glacial deposits was smaller than for the other glaciers of the Orobie chain.This seems to be dueto the particular setting of the glacial basin.Investigations on vegetation dynamics lead to the identification of three main types of lithophilousvegetation:Oxyrietum dyginae Br.-Bl.'26,Luzuletum alpino-pilosae Br.-Bl.'26(Androsacion alpinaeBr.-Bl.et Jenny'26)and one type dominated by Cirsium spinosissimum and Achillea nana.They arewell developed only on the older deposits of the Little Ice Age.A comparison with some others proglacialareas at the same altitude was made.A depression of altitudinal belts in Orobie chain is observed.This,in combination with the northern exposition of the Trobio Basin,probably explains the strong decreaseof the pioneering activity of the vegetation.  相似文献   

By this work the author gives a contribution to the speleological knowledge of Mt.Palossoand Mt.Doppo area(Brescia Lombardy)by considering the limestone terrains in Bedole Valley.Rich noteson the geography,geology,geomorphology and hydrology of the area followed by a list of a dozen cavestogether with their cadastral data,itinerary and morphological notes.  相似文献   

Finding of unusual periglacial landforms near the snout of the Fellaria glacier(Val Malenco.Valtellina).In the surface exposed beyond the margins of the present West Fellaria Glacier(Val Malenco,Valtelli-na).characterized by fluted ground moraines,unusual periglacial landforms have been found.They are pat-terned grounds with fine materials in the central part and often uplifted pebbles in the edge;a large boulder(main height,50 cm)is always placed at the head of the forms upvalley.Probably these landforms result bythe superimposition of glacial processes(boulder deposit and flutes formation)and periglacial processes(reorganization of the clastic materials of the flutes).  相似文献   

A list of the land Mollusca found in Val Trompia (Province of Brescia,Lombardy.Italy) is presented with collecting sites localised by means of the UTMgrid.Discus perspectivus(v.Muhlfed)and Aegopinella graziadei (Boeckel) are newadditions to the fauna of the Province.L'Autore prescnta on elenco dei molluschi terragnoli raccolti durante unasua ricerca nel maggio del 1977 in Val Trompia.Le due specie Discus perspectivus(v.Muhlfeld) e Aegopinella graziadei(Boeckel)sono le due entità nuove rinvenute.finora sconosciute nella provincia.  相似文献   

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