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ABSTRACT: The development of a regional water supply system for the six-county area of Northeastern Illinois is presented in this paper, including: 1) the establishment of regional water supply technical planning policies; 2) the development and utilization of a regional water supply computer model to identify the principal and secondary sources of water supply for each entity in the study area, based on an apparent cost-effective source analysis; and 3) utilization of the study results to develop for the year 2010 a suggested preliminary regional water supply system. Using the findings from task 2 above, a proposed plan for overall Lake Michigan water use through the year 2010 was also developed. The effects of the proposed regional water supply system on future water levels in the deep aquifer were also discussed.  相似文献   

引江济太入湖污染物通量及其对太湖水质贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引江济太工程是旨在改善太湖水质的重要工程举措,弄清调水过程中输入太湖的污染物负荷量是研究调水效果的重要方面。本研究根据2003年~2008年调水量和望亭立交闸下的水质监测数据,定量地计算了调水的入湖水量和污染物通量。同时根据2000年~2005年环湖30条河道每月一次的水文及水质监测数据,计算每年环湖河道的入湖水量及污染物通量。通过比较结果表明平均每年调水的入湖污染物通量约占总入湖污染物通量的10%,定量地给出了调水对太湖水质的贡献。  相似文献   

A diversion system has been designed to carry the flow from East Fork of Coal Creek around the area proposed for mining at Thunder Basin Coal Company's (TBCC) Coal Creek mine in Campbell County, Wyoming. This paper describes the field and analysis procedures necessary to prepare the diversion design and impact evaluation, and the innovative concepts developed for the diversion system design to minimize impacts on downstream channel stability. Under the proposed diversion system design, water from the East Basin of Coal Creek will be diverted at two locations. At one location, flow will be impounded by a small dam and decanted by a pump through a pipeline into East Fork at the location of the second diversion. At this location, a training dike will be placed across the stream channel to divert flows into a diversion channel. Gravity flow along the diversion channel will deliver water to a playa area which will be converted into a detention basin by placing a small dam across its southern end. Flows up to the magnitude of the 24-hour 2-year peak flow will be passed directly through the detention basin into Middle Fork with negligible attenuation of flow rates. For less frequent events, water will be stored in the detention basin in order to prevent velocities in Lower Middle Fork from exceeding the maximum permissible velocity above which scouring may occur. Evaporation and seepage losses from the diversion system were estimated to be small and should be more than offset by the addition of water from the playa drainage basin into the Coal Creek drainage. Velocities predicted for the Lower Middle Fork after-the diversion is constructed are expected to be low enough that significant erosion of the channel is not expected to occur.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has for more than 70 years shaped the development of an immense urban region. The district's current strategic planning process therefore could have substantial effects on regional water planning and management. The rate restructuring phase of the planning process has produced a multiple component, cost of service based framework. This paper describes that framework as well as some criticisms that have been directed toward it. The rate restructuring was shaped, and for a while stalled, by old disputes among member agencies over rights to water supplied by Metropolitan. That controversy has diverted attention from the resource management implications of the rate structure. This paper presents an alternative future focused approach to regional integrated water resource planning for Southern California based on projections of current trends and anticipation of future events. This discussion raises the question of how regional integrated water resources planning of this sort may proceed, and what role Metropolitan will play in that process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Tabletop water quality modeling still plays an important role in the water pollution control activities of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Tabletop models are those developed with out the aid of extensive field data. One important component of GEORGIA DOSAG, our basic water quality model, is the equation used to predict flow through velocity. However, Georgia is characterized by wide physiographic diversity which reduces the effectiveness of uncalibrated velocity equations. Using 15 years of accumulated time-of-travel studies, a series of empirical velocity equations were developed and calibrated to various physiographic conditions in Georgia. Equations are available for each major soil province and for three stream flow ranges within each province - Q<100 cfs, 100<Q<1000 cfs, and Q>1000 cfs. Now, in the absence of extensive field data, we have data based velocity equations which can be tailored to each site under study.  相似文献   

River basin computer simulation studies often do not properly include the complex legal and institutional factors governing water allocation. These factors include formal water rights and informal borrowing agreements among the basin water users. An attempt has been made in this study to show that such factors can be included. We also show that an optimal, integrated approach to reservoir operations in a river basin can do much to alleviate the burden of new demands placed on available water resources. The procurement of a firm water supply for a proposed coal fired power plant is analyzed as a case study. An efficient river basin simulation model is used to determine the viability of a scheme for providing an annual firm water supply to the plant, with consideration of the existing water storage and demands within the basin. Given the hydrologic sequence considered, the model results show that the proposed strategy is viable in that the required firm water supply can be realized without causing harm to decreed water users in the basin. However, integrated diversion and reservoir operations are required to assure a desirable uniform rate of delivery of reusable effluent to the power plant.  相似文献   

The Las Vegas, Nevada area like most semi-arid basins, was developed through exploitation of available ground-water resources. Area growth in this large valley has occurred in a scattered and sporadic manner with development both in incorporated areas and within the County. As a result, today there exist five major water suppliers which are: a water district, three municipalities, and a large corporation, in addition to numerous small water companies and thousands of domestic wells. In the past 20 years the area has grown from a population of less than 50,000 to over 300,000 today. The bulk of the water demand for this growth has been met from the ground-water resource and as a result the basin is being severely mined. Current extractions are over three times the estimated annual replenishment. Rapidly declining water levels are increasing the costs of water and are creating water shortages during periods of peak demand. To meet both the current and anticipated water demands, the Southern Nevada Water Supply Project is being constructed to import additional water from nearby Lake Mead. Agriculture in the area is very limited, and primarily uses reclaimed waste water for irrigation. The chief water demands in the area are thus municipal and industrial, with the former predominating. This study was designed to determine how best the Las Vegas Valley Water District, supplier of 80 percent of the domestic water, might integrate the use of the existing ground water and anticipated imported surface water. Additionally the consequences of application of certain provisions in the Nevada Water Law were examined to determine their effects on the ground-water system and costs of water. To achieve these objectives, a dynamic programming technique was utilized. The problem as formulated consists of a single decision variable, single state variable dynamic programming algorithm evaluated over a fifty-year planning horizon at monthly intervals. Three alternative solutions, with different ground-water law constraints are evaluated. In all solutions certain basic operating rules regarding ground-water pumping distribution and use of surface-water systems are kept constant. The problem is considered as deterministic in all respects. Recharge to ground water is assumed to equal the estimated average annual replenishment evenly distributed over the year and additionally is not considered to be a function of average basin ground water potential. The only surface supply, Lake Mead, is considered to operate at near constant elevation and not be subject to shortage conditions. In light of the size of Lake Mead, the Colorado River flow and the size of Nevada's allotment, 300,000 ac ft, the latter assumption is reasonable. Demand for water is considered as a known function of time. Optimization of conjunctive use for the Water District is based on the objective function of minimizing water production costs. Costs of distributing water are considered to be constant regardless of source, and so are not included. Also, fixed costs of amortizing the pipeline project and well fields are not considered. Results of the study are presented as a series of policy traces under each of the three alternatives considered. These traces describe the ground-water basin response under optimal operating conditions, given an estimate as to the present worth of ground-water pumping rights, and prescribe monthly water-procurement schedules for the operation of the Water District.  相似文献   

: Chemical quality characteristics of the Illinois waterway covering a stretch of 270 river miles were monitored at approximately 10 mile intervals, during the period June to September of 1978 and 1979. A statistical method was used to define the interstation relationships for the chemical parameters. These mathematical models were used to predict the effects of Lake Michigan diversion. The mineral content of the mixed flow resulting from increased diversions are not likely to be altered drastically.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: It is estimated that by about 1984 water demand in the District will nearly equal Nature's average annual replenishment of the supply and that, thereafter, unless means are developed to augment our in-District resources, water mining will be required on a grand scale. Sources of augmentation include: (1) reduction of wastes; (2) industrial recycling of previously-used water; (3) use of municipal sewage effluents; (4) desalination of brackish ground water; (5) aquifer recharge from all available, high-quality sources, particularly flood waters; and (6) importation of excess waters from such out-of-District sources as the lower courses of the Suwannee and Apalachicola Rivers. To achieve maximum beneficial uses of in-District sources a regional water and sewer authority is needed that can develop and transmit water from all available sources to the various county and city systems on a wholesale basis. It is envisioned that such a supply system would tie together all production sources, much as the electrical generation and supply systems are currently organized into regional electric power hookups. At least two bills are currently before the Florida Legislature to achieve these goals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Interbasin water transfer is one of the most controversial water-resources-planning topics. Local communities, particularly those from which the water is to be taken (donor regions), generate enough opposition to doom many projects to failure. The opposition often arises because planners have traditionally considered excess water a free commodity rather than a marketable resource. To make transfer schemes mutually acceptable to donor and recipient regions, visible benefits must be offered. Agreement must be made on an acceptable purchase price and/or on other benefits such as a substantial amount of low flow augmentation or possibly some degree of flood control on the donor source stream. The hydrologic and economic feasibility of water transfer from the East Susquehanna River basin to the Delaware Reservoir System for supplemental supply to the New York City area was investigated. Nine alternative schemes for diversions up to 400 cfs and compensations in the form of low flow augmentation and/or flood control were considered resulting in unit costs to the recipient region between $90 and $380/mg. If only the minimum state-mandated flow is released to the Susquehanna River, the savings to the water recipients would be sufficient to pay a purchase price of about $21/mg, which would be equivalent to a total amount of $420,000/year for an average export of 100 cfs.  相似文献   

In the Wasatch Range Metropolitan Area of Northern Utah, water management decision makers confront multiple forms of uncertainty and risk. Adapting to these uncertainties and risks is critical for maintaining the long‐term sustainability of the region's water supply. This study draws on interview data to assess the major challenges climatic and social changes pose to Utah's water future, as well as potential solutions. The study identifies the water management adaptation decision‐making space shaped by the interacting institutional, social, economic, political, and biophysical processes that enable and constrain sustainable water management. The study finds water managers and other water actors see challenges related to reallocating water, including equitable water transfers and stakeholder cooperation, addressing population growth, and locating additional water supplies, as more problematic than the challenges posed by climate change. Furthermore, there is significant disagreement between water actors over how to best adapt to both climatic and social changes. This study concludes with a discussion of the path dependencies that present challenges to adaptive water management decision making, as well as opportunities for the pursuit of a new water management paradigm based on soft‐path solutions. Such knowledge is useful for understanding the institutional and social adaptations needed for water management to successfully address future uncertainties and risks.  相似文献   

The cost of developing groundwater resources in northeastern Illinois from 198cL2020 is estimated for the purpose of providing a basis for comparing alternative sources. Demands for each township in the study area are estimated at 10-year increments and are satisfied, where the supply is sufficient, in such a way as to minimize the cost subject to constraints on supply. Sources of water are two shallow aquifers with known potential yields and a series of deep aquifers treated as a single unit and modeled on a digital computer. For each township the costs of wells, pumps, power and rehabilitation is estimated for each aquifer on a per million gallons of water per day basis. In addition the cost of groundwater treatment necessary to raise the quality to that of treated Lake Michigan water is considered. Raw water costs are found to vary from 2 to 14 cents per 1000 gallons depending upon the depth to the deep aquifer water. Treated water costs vary from 22 to 53 cents per 1000 gallons, the lower costs applying to the largest users because of the economy of scale. It is found that with proper distribution of pumpage there is sufficient water in storage in the deep aquifers to meet groundwater demands through 2020.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Demand side management is being used increasingly by Ontario municipalities as a way to improve the efficiency of water use, defer the costs associated with constructing new water treatment works, and minimize the environmental impacts associated with supplying water. A comprehensive survey of 153 Ontario municipalities was completed in mid‐1998. These ranged in size from small rural townships (with populations as low as 500 people) to the province's largest urban center, Metropolitan Toronto, with a population of approximately 2.5 million people. The questionnaire measured the use of six broad types of demand side measures, including water pricing and metering; municipal by‐laws (ordinances) that promote water conservation; operational and maintenance measures to reduce water losses and consumption; water‐saving plumbing fixtures and devices; public participation programs that encourage water conservation; and other measures, such as water audits. Additionally, the survey collected data on implementation barriers and opportunities. Since the last comprehensive Ontario survey, conducted in 1987 by Kreutzwiser and Fea‐gan (1989), there has been an increase in the use of basic tools such as metering and pricing, plumbing fixtures, and public participation programs. Additionally, new initiatives, such as water audits and computerized monitoring equipment, are being used. However, in many areas opportunities exist to make better use of demand side measures. Unfortunately, municipal capacity to do so often is constrained by (among other factors) limited finances, lack of political will, and public resistance. Demonstration of real cost savings to consumers, and the development of specific goals and objectives for demand side management programs, are two important steps needed to overcome these challenges.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Of the 1,700 streams located in the state of Florida, the northwest area contains approximately 1,000 streams and three of the five largest rivers, namely the Apalachicola, the Choctawhatchee, and the Escambia. This 11,200 square-mile area contains 11 drainage basins and receives an average annual rainfall which ranges from 53 inches in the east to 67 inches in the west. Basin water yields range from a high of 3,376 cfs (2,180 mgd) to a low of 672 cfs (434 mgd). Individual basin outflows range from a high of 25,743 cfs (16,630 mgd) to a low of 844 cfs (545 mgd). Approximately 67 percent of the total northwest Florida basin outflows to the Gulf of Mexico, or 36,805 cfs (23,766 mgd), are received in the form of surface water inflows from Alabama and Georgia. In the absence of any interstate mechanism for water management between Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, the basin outflow estimates presented in this paper depend greatly on the upstream usage in the neighboring states. The establishment of a tri-state water management program could eliminate the uncertainty involved in predicting water availability in northwest Florida and ensure sufficient quantities of flows in the streams.  相似文献   

Houston, the Nation's sixth largest city, is taking appropriate steps to assure an adequate water supply for its industrial and population needs for the year 2000. Houston's situation is unusual in that it now relies on groundwater sources for 80 percent of its domestic water supply but must convert this system to depend on surface water for 60 percent of its total supply source. Problems concerning the conversion are not only varied but complex. Surface water is more costly. Reservoirs that meet the plans and standards of state and federal water authorities as well as conveyance and treatment facilities must be developed. In the case of Houston, the total groundwater withdrawal rate must be increased but at the same time shifted from one area to another because of subsidence problems. Solutions to these problems require careful engineering study as well as economic and sociological planning.  相似文献   

/ A method adapted from the National Weather Service's Extended Streamflow Prediction technique is applied retrospectively to three Great Lakes case studies to show how risk assessment using probabilistic monthly water level forecasts could have contributed to the decision-mak-ing process. The first case study examines the 1985 International Joint Commission (IJC) decision to store water in Lake Superior to reduce high levels on the downstream lakes. Probabilistic forecasts are generated for Lake Superior and Lakes Michigan-Huron and used with riparian inundation value functions to assess the relative impacts of the IJC's decision on riparian interests for both lakes. The second case study evaluates the risk of flooding at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the need to implement flood-control projects if Lake Michigan levels were to continue to rise above the October 1986 record. The third case study quantifies the risks of impaired municipal water works operation during the 1964-1965 period of extreme low water levels on Lakes Huron, St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario. Further refinements and other potential applications of the probabilistic forecast technique are discussed.KEY WORDS: Great Lakes; Water levels; Forecasting; Risk; Decision making  相似文献   

Sustainable water management may strongly benefit from an integrated approach. Additionally, an integrated urban water management policy considering the various urban water flows and the possible interactions between the water sector and the remaining urban activities can benefit if based on an urban metabolism based analysis. This article assesses water flows of Lisbon Metropolitan Area considering the conventional water supply system and wastewater treatment system flows and also the hydrological cycle flows, and proposes a global set of indicators to perform a benchmarking analysis of the 18 municipalities of the region. Results highlighted the heterogeneous nature of the Metropolitan area in terms of water management – either in terms of management entities (predominantly public or municipalized), water consumption (varying from 227.4 l/hab.day in Palmela to 402.7 l/hab.day in Seixal), wastewater treatment (10 out of 18 municipalities already undergo secondary or tertiary wastewater treatments), runoff indices (depending on the municipality's level of urbanization), among other. Through the output volumes it was also assessed the potential of the municipalities to reuse wastewater for potable or non-potable urban uses, as well as the potential to harvest and harness rainwater. The main constraints to an integrated water management were identified and some potential solutions were measured and proposed even though they need further assessment, particularly in a cost-benefit perspective.  相似文献   

The most common problems in water distribution systems are corrosion and scaling, which cause both economic and customer health problems. The aim of the present study is to report the relationship between Urmia Lake's drying and the corrosion and scaling potential of groundwater used as drinking water during the spring and summer of 2015. Groundwater samples were collected from all of the catchments of the Urmia Lake basin, and the characteristics of the water were used to determine the corrosive and scaling indices using the Langelier Saturation Index and the Ryznar Stability Index. The results showed that the total dissolved solids measurement of the samples collected from the islands of Urmia Lake was higher than the maximum value of the standard level. In addition, the hardness in 36% of the zones was higher than that of the maximum suggested level. The concentration of calcium was lower than that of the standard, but the rest of the parameters were in the standard level range. Also, the results showed that the water of the Urmia Lake basin tends to be very scaling and corrosive. In order to control the corrosion and scaling caused by groundwater drawn from the catchments around Urmia Lake, measures should be taken to prevent Urmia Lake's drying and to manage the groundwater around this area. It is also suggested that a laboratory study regarding the condition of the distribution system be carried out to adjust the effective parameters, such as the pH.  相似文献   

/ The Ganges River supplies water to the southwest region of Bangladesh mainly through one of its distributaries-the Gorai River. India commissioned a barrage on the Ganges River at Farakka in April 1975 to divert water and make the Bhagirathi-Hooghly River navigable. The diversion has reduced the dry season discharge of the Ganges and Gorai rivers in Bangladesh. Statistical analyses indicate that the changes in the dry season discharge of these rivers are significant. Reduced discharge in the Gorai River has induced accelerated sedimentation and increased salinity in the southwest region of Bangladesh. Empirical analyses demonstrate the relationship between discharge in the Gorai River and salinity. Analyses also determine the requirement of flow for the Ganges and Gorai rivers to keep salinity at threshold limits. Increased salinity has caused negative effects on agriculture, forestry, industry, and drinking water in the southwest region of Bangladesh.KEY WORDS: Bangladesh; Ganges River; Gorai River; Farakka diversion; Salinity  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Accurate forecasting of heavy rainstorms that affect the Chicago Metropolitan area and lead to the undesirable release of storm runoff into Lake Michigan is a major objective. These releases (overflows) were found to be produced by storm events yielding 2 inches or more in a few hours, although only 24 percent of such ≥ 2-inch storms in the area during 1948-1981 produced overflows. Failure to forecast properly or to be able to react to these 2-inch overflow producing events has occurred most often in the spring and fall, although relatively often in June and July in recent years. These overflows have exhibited an inexplicable trebling during 1972-1981 without an increase in ≥ 2-inch storm events. This type of troublesome storm can be reliably predicted, using a recently developed radar man forecast system for the Chicago area.  相似文献   

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