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ABSTRACT: Detailed studies of rainfall frequency and pattern relations were made over the Chicago urban region and the surrounding six Illinois counties (Cook, DuPage, Kane, Will, Lake, and McHenry). These studies utilized raingage records from an urban network of National Weather Service raingages in the region, primarily for the period 1949 to 1974. Frequency distributions of point rainfall were obtained for periods from 5 minutes to 72 hours and recurrence intervals of 6 months to 50 years. These results indicated a spatial pattern of short-duration heavy rainfall frequencies related to urban-lake effects, particularly in the huge industrial region over the southern portion of Chicago. The time distribution within heavy rainstorms over the urban region was determined, and it was found that the point rainfall relations over the urban region were similar to a 12-year sample of a dense raingage network over a rural area in central Illinois. The characteristics of heavy rainfall over northeast Illinois were also studied through the use of heavy, 1-day storms. A total of 87 storms, capable of producing local flooding, were analyzed to determine 1) the frequency distribution of storm centers, 2) seasonal and diurnal distribution of storms, and 3) orientation and movement of storms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An important question posed by potential future shifts in climate relates to possible shifts in heavy rainfall events (intensity and/or frequency) used to design hydraulic structures. Heavy rain events were defined as those producing amounts having average recurrence intervals of two years or longer for a specific storm period at a given location. Estimates of such heavy rainfall shifts in the humid continental climate of the midwest were derived by using spatial and temporal analogs. Comparisons in areas of relatively warm, wet conditions were made with those having measurably cooler, drier average conditions. The spatial-temporal analogs provided comparative differences in precipitation and temperature similar to the magnitude of changes obtained from GCM estimates. Spatial analogs/analyses indicated 10 to 15 percent increases in the frequency distribution of rain events having recurrence intervals of 5 to 50 years. Two periods of notably drier and warmer conditions during the past 90 years revealed 5 to 15 percent decreases in the number of 2- to 10-year heavy rain events. The suppression percentages showed a strong tendency to increase with increasing recurrence interval from 2 to 10 years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study has been conducted for the past two years on a 4.6 mile stretch of the Saddle River near Lodi, New Jersey. The primary objectives of this study were two fold; initially, the amounts of various heavy metals being contributed to the Saddle River by stormwater runoff, rainfall, and individual tributaries, etc., were investigated to better delineate the distribution of various sources of heavy metals to the aquatic environment. Secondly, a series of benthal deposits from the Saddle River were analyzed to determine the fate of these metals once introduced into the receiving stream. A mass balance analysis of heavy metals in the Saddle River was performed to determine the amount of these materials contributed from unrecorded sources. The results of this study seemed to demonstrate the importance of considering the potential scouring of river sediments as a secondary source of metals in determinations of this type. The distribution of metals in precipitation samples collected in this study was found to be similar to that in runoff, with lead and zinc predominating. Relative concentrations of metals in precipitation as compared to those of stormwater were relatively insignificant. Metal concentrations of bottom sediments were found to vary considerably from sample to sample.  相似文献   

A classification scheme for convective precipitation, having applications in both analysis and modeling of meteorological and hydrological events, is presented. The method is based upon observations of rainfall at the ground, radar scans of storm events, and visible and infrared satellite imagery of larger storm systems. Empirical and theoretical frequency distributions are derived for total storm rainfall, rainfall duration and time between storms for each of the convective categories. This stratification is directly applicable to the experimental design and evaluation of weather modification projects and may be useful for the development and interpretation of meteorological and hydrological models. When atmospheric conditions limit storm development to cells, rainfall was seldom observed. Small clusters also produce small amounts of rainfall but have a longer lifetime than cells and are likely candidates for cloud seeding attempts to encourage their growth to large clusters. Large and nested clusters usually produce large amounts of natural precipitation. A few large storms account for most of a season's rainfall.  相似文献   

An experiment on urban effects of warm season rainfall of a moderately sized city and its downwind towns found no evidence of global enhancement. However, there are grounds for believing that the intra urban distribution of precipitation is influenced by urban variables among which air pollution and urban roughness are considered primary. The presence of an urban heat island did not appear to improve rainfall. On the contrary, it appears to be a factor in the relative aridity of the downtown sector of the city.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Rainfall is a significant source of some constituents, particularly nitrogen species, in storm runoff from urban catchments. Median contributions of rainfall to storm runoff loads of 12 constituents from 31 urban catchments, representing eight geographic locations within the United States, ranged from 2 percent for suspended solids to 74 percent for total nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen. The median contribution of total nitrogen in rainfall to runoff loads was 41 percent. Median contributions of total-recoverable lead in rainfall to runoff loads varied by as much as an order of magnitude between catchments in the same geographic location. This indicates that average estimates of rainfall contributions to constituent loading in storm runoff may not be suitable in studies requiring accurate constituent mass-balance computations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Near real time daily rainfall estimates for the UK are available from three sources: a sparse network of gauges, radar data, or radar data adjusted by the sparse gauges. The PARAGON rainfall archive system, which has been developed by the UK Meteorological Office, is able to produce these estimates in near real time on a 5 km grid. The ability of these estimates to reproduce the 5 km grid point field derived later from a dense network of gauges is compared using case studies. Five techniques have been used to assess the relative quality of the various estimates. There is general agreement between the results of the various techniques. For the London radar there are examples of days when the rainfall estimate was improved by incorporating radar data; conversely, there are days when the radar data make it worse. Overall little evidence was found to suggest that adjusted radar data are consistently markedly better than gauge estimates. Discriminate use of radar data is recommended.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Point rainfall intensities for a given return period are often used to formulate design storms for rainfall/runoff models to simulate design floods. These design floods are in turn used to design bridges, culverts, and a variety of drainage and flood control structures. The projected rapid growth in the southwestern United States will require very substantial monetary investments in drainage infrastructure. Accurate estimates of point rainfall intensities are critical to ensure both safe designs while not wasting dollars in overdesign. Rainfall point intensities (accumulated rainfall depth over a specified duration) for 5‐, 15‐, 30‐, and 60‐minute durations for the 2‐, 5‐, 10‐, 25‐, 50‐, and 100‐year return periods were determined for southeast Arizona. Thirty‐five years of rainfall record (1961 to 1995) were used in this study. The records came from 20 stations that were grouped into five sets of four independent stations to extend the rainfall records. The stations are in the USDA‐ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed (WGEW), which is representative of large portions of the Southwest whose runoff generation is dominated by air‐mass thunderstorms. The 5‐, 15‐, 30‐, and 60‐minute maximum intensities per year followed log‐normal distributions. The mean point rainfall intensities of the five sets of gages are very close (between 0 and 11 percent) to the NOAA values of the 5‐, 15‐, 30‐, and 60‐minute durations for all return periods. Much larger differences between the mean point rainfall intensities for all durations were found when these results were compared to those of a previous study done with a shorter rainfall record (between 14 and 33 percent for the 25‐, 50‐, and 100‐year return‐periods). The difference between the largest and the smallest values of point rainfall intensities recorded by each group, for all durations, usually increases as the return period increases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An extensive research program in hydrometeorology was recently initiated in the Chicago region. Major objectives are to 1) develop a real-time, prediction-monitoring system for storm rainfall using a combination of weather radar and telemetered raingage data, 2) determine precipitation measurement requirements for hydrologic design, operation, and modeling purposes, 3) define the time-space characteristics of heavy rainstorms in the Chicago urban area, and 4) establish methods for applying the Chicago findings in other cities. Basic components of the field measurement program are a network of over 300 recording raingages in 4000 mi2 in and around Chicago, plus two sophisticated weather radar systems for obtaining real-time information on storm parameters pertinent to optimizing operation of urban water resources systems. The raingage networks are to be used to compile information relevant to both design and operational aspects of urban hydrology. Radars are to be used primarily in developing the real-time operational techniques. Testing and evaluation of the real-time operational system will be done in cooperation with the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago, operator of one of the most complex urban water control systems among major metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Man-made lakes have significant impacts on the hydrologic conditions in the watershed in which they are built. This paper examines the nature of the impact upon baseflow by comparing baseflow conditions at the outlet of the lakes with those elsewhere in the watershed. Situated in the upper reaches of a small watershed, the lakes studied have only a minor effect upon the magnitude of baseflow discharge, increasing it slightly from October to January, and decreasing it from May to September. Baseflow quality is substantially affected. Natural dissolved ions, as represented by magnesium, are generally decreased in concentration and total load by the lakes. Road salt related inons are substantially increased in both concentration and total load in the baseflow. Surface runoff stored in the lakes is extremely enriched in salt in the winter, and the storage capacity of the lakes is sufficient to maintain winter salt concentrations in the baseflow near the lakes until summer. The storage effect also tends to damp out seasonal fluctuations in baseflow chloride content which are extreme in suburban watersheds. The difference in quality between the lake and non-lake baseflows and the linear distance needed for complete mixing are used as measures of the magnitude and distal extent of the lake effect on baseflow quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Annual maximum daily rainfall data from nine stations throughout the southern slopes of the Eastern Italian Alps with record length of 67–68 years have been analyzed with the aim of verifying if their internal structure justifies the assumption of independence and identical distribution, or the “White noise hypothesis.” The approach is to consider the hypothesis H0 of white noise as the intersection of several sub-hypotheses, each concerning one of the characteristics of a white noise process. To this end the nine series were subjected to various statistical tests regarding randomness, independence, change-points, and predictability. The results are examined first individually and then globally. They indicate that in eight of the nine considered time series the “white noise hypothesis” was rejected.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of an artificial lake system upon the runoff hydrology of a small watershed have been determined by comparing the quantity and quality of runoff with that of an adjacent and similar watershed containing no lakes. Lake storage reduced peak discharge and slowed flood recession rate downstream. Water stored within the lakes is generally of different quality than downstream surface runoff. Salt stored in the lakes from winter deicing is released during periods of surface runoff throughout the rest of the year. During summer or fall runoff events, lake outflow dominates the salt load of the outlet stream, generating double-peaked load hydrographs in which the second, or lake-induced, crest is many times larger than the peak which corresponds to maximum flow. On the other hand, the lakes cause a reduction of salt loads and concentration in winter runoff. The concentration and loads of ions which are not related to road salt are generally less affected by the lakes, although they are increased substantially in the fall.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A statistical analysis of all available continuous hourly and 15-minute duration rainfall records for Pennsylvania was performed to develop an updated procedure to estimate design storms. As a resuit of this study, Pennsylvania was divided into five homogeneous rainfall regions and a set of rainfall intensity-duration curves developed for each region, for return periods of 1 to 100 years and durations ranging from 5 minutes to 24 hours. The PDT-IDF curves were judged to be a better representation of Pennsylvania rainfall than the nationwide TP-40 maps, particularly for storm events of 10-years and lower return periods. The average time distribution of 24-hour storms in Pennsylvania was found to be well represented by the SCS Type II distribution. The Corps of Engineers SPS 24-hour distribution was found to differ appreciably from both the SCS Type H and the Pennsylvania 24-hour storm distribution. For storm durations between 15 and 90 minutes the standard Yarnell intensity-duration curves closely resemble Pennsylvania storm distributions.  相似文献   

Hydrologic modeling of urban watersheds for designs and analyses of stormwater conveyance facilities can be performed in either an event-based or continuous fashion. Continuou simulation requires, among other things, the use of a time series of rainfall amounts. However, for urban drainage basins, which are typically small, the temporal resolution of the rainfall time series must be quite fine, and often on the order of 5 to 15 minutes. This poses a significant challenge because rainfall-gauging records are usually kept only for hourly or longer time steps. The time step sizes in stochastic rainfall generators are usually also too large for application to urban runoff modeling situations. Thus, there is a need for methods by which hourly rainfall amounts can be disaggregated to shorter time intervals. This paper presents and compares a number of approaches to this problem, which are based on the use of polynomial approximating functions. Results of these evaluations indicate that a desegregation method presented by Ormsbee (1989) is a relatively good performer when storm durations are short (2 hours), and that a quadratic spline-based approach is a good choice for longer-duration storms. Based on these results, the Ormsbee technique is recommended because it provides good performance, and can be applied easily to long time series of precipitation records. The quadratic spline-based approach is recommended as a close second choice because it performed the best most consistently, but remains more difficult to apply than the Ormsbee technique. Results of this study also indicate that, on average, all of the disaggregation methods evaluated introduce a severe negative bias into maximum rainfall intensities. This is cause for some well-justified concern, as the characteristics of runoff hydrographs are quite sensitive to maximum storm intensities. Thus, there is a need to continue the search for simple yet effective hourly rainfall disaggregation methods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One hundred and sixty-two rainfall-induced soil erosion tests were conducted to assist in predicting soil loss and subsequent increase in total suspended solids leaving a highway construction site during a rainfall event. A rainfall simulator and a water flume were constructed for the tests. Soil shear strength, compressive strength, rainfall intensity, and soil bed slope were treated as variables during the experiments. The soil with a higher shear strength resisted soil erosion better than lower strength soils. Soil loss was nearly independent of shear strength at low rainfall intensity but at high intensities, the shear strength was more important in resisting soil loss. Lower soil loss can be expected for cohesive soils if the compressive strength is high.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Space autocorrelation techniques have been used to reveal the nature and spatial distribution of precipitation in the Texas High Plains. Correlation in precipitation amounts varies with both distance and direction, dropping off rapidly with distance, particularly during the warm season. The analyses can be used to estimate storm characteristics in conjunction with a wide variety of problems dealing with irrigation, crop yields, drainage and water supply, and evaluation of artificial weather modification efforts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to show through the use of numerical examples that modern infiltration theory can be used in everyday hydrologic practice. The actual use of four methods of calculation of infiltration rates and of excess rainfall rates is demonstrated for the case when simultaneous data of rainfall and stream flow are available for a watershed. The four methods are: (1) the well known Π-index method, (2) the traditional Horton's infiltration capacity formula, (3) the less traditional Green and Ampt infiltration capacity formula, and (4) a ponding time approach. It is recommended that hydrologists become at least familiar with the numerical procedures involved in the ponding time and postponding infiltration approach. This approach, though not flawless, should be preferred to the other three methods if use of the other three is at all considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Major hydrometeorological factors pertinent to defining and understanding the hydrologic characteristics of urban and other small-basin storms were investigated using data from a continuous 44-year operation of a recording raingage network in Chicago. Factors included: the frequency distribution of basin mean rainfall and its relation to storm maximum precipitation; the spatial distribution characteristics of each storm, including storm rainfall reduction factors which are widely used in hydrologic design problems; and weather-related causes related to the frequency and intensity of severe rainstorms in the Chicago area in recent years. Results have indicated that urban mean rainfall frequencies were overestimated in earlier studies in which they were derived from point/areal mean rainfall ratios obtained from much shorter records on rural networks. Reduction factors were found to vary between urban and rural storm systems due to urban-related effects. Two factors were found to be potential contributors to the characteristics of severe rainstorm occurrences at Chicago. These include urban-induced rain enhancement and an upward climatic trend in the occurrence of heavy rainfall events during the sampling period. Study results should be generally applicable to other large urban areas in the Midwest and other regions of similar precipitation climate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Optimal policies for supplying rapidly expanding urban centers with additional water supplies are shown to be dependent on water quality goals for the urban effluent. As effluents are required to meet increasingly stringent standards, the unit costs associated with adding capacity to existing wastewater treatment systems to renovate some waters for reuse are shown to substantially decrease. A nonlinear elimination algorithm is developed to delineate optimal policies. A model employing the technique was applied to the wastewater treatment system of a typical urban system and the water quality objectives varied. A comparison of costs with and without various levels of reuse were made and unit costs of reused water under these conditions determined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Operational cloud seeding projects, those designed to produce a desired change in the weather and that are nonexperimental in nature, continue to be pursued widely in the United States. A recurring question by scientists, project sponsors, and cloud seeders has been, “was the weather altered and if so, by how much?” Evaluation of such projects is now recognized as having scientific benefits, and a four-year study has addressed various techniques and statistical methods to perform evaluations and to learn more about how to modify the weather. Most such evaluations hinge on some type of space-time comparisons, but valid comparisons can be obtained only avoiding biases in the project design and operation. Through simulated changes in weather conditions, it was determined that the principal component regression techniques were used to evaluate selected rain and hail modification projects, revealing modification in certain projects and none in others. Various relevant issues have been examined such as use of other weather variables (covariates) to increase detection power, the validity of using historical data as controls for discrete operational periods, possible randomization options during cloud seeding operations, and analyses of individual rain events versus that based on monthly or seasonal units.  相似文献   

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