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Time of departure and landing of nocturnal migrants are of great importance for understanding migratory strategy used by birds. It allows us to estimate flying time and hence the distance that migrants cover during a single night. In this paper, I studied the temporal schedule of nocturnal departures of European robins during spring migration. The study was done on the Courish Spit on the Baltic Sea in 1998–2003 by retrapping 51 ringed birds in high mist nets during nocturnal migratory departure. Take-offs of individual birds occurred between the first and tenth hour after sunset (median 176 min after sunset). Departure time was not related to fuel stores at arrival and departure, stopover duration and progress of the season. The results suggest that one reason for temporal variation in take-off time was differential response of European robins with high and low motivation to depart to such triggers as air pressure and its trend. If these parameters reach a certain minimum threshold shortly before sunset, robins with a high migratory motivation take off in the beginning of the night. When air pressure or its trend reaches a maximum, it may trigger to take off later during the night birds with lower initial motivation for departure, including those that have low refuelling efficiency. In regulation of timing of take-offs of robins, an important role is also played by their individual endogenous circadian rhythm of activity which is related to the environment in a complex way.  相似文献   

Social marketing campaigns use marketing techniques to influence human behavior for the greater social good. In the conservation sector, social marketing campaigns have been used to influence behavior for the benefit of biodiversity as well as society. However, there are few evaluations of their effectiveness. We devised an approach for evaluating the influences of social marketing campaigns on human behavior and conservation outcomes. We used general elimination methodology, a theory-driven qualitative evaluation method, to assess the long-term impacts of a 1998 Rare Pride campaign on the island of Bonaire that was designed to increase the population of the Lora (Amazona barbadensis), a threatened parrot. We interviewed stakeholder groups to determine their perceptions of the drivers of the changes in the Lora population over time. We used these data to develop an overall theory of change to explain changes in the Lora population by looking at the overlap in hypotheses within and between stakeholder groups. We then triangulated that theory of change with evidence from government reports, peer-reviewed literature, and newspapers. The increase in the Lora population was largely attributed to a decrease in illegal poaching of Loras and an associated decrease in local demand for pet Loras. Decreases in poaching and demand were likely driven by a combination of law enforcement, social marketing (including the Rare campaign), and environmental education in schools. General elimination methodology helped show how multiple interventions influenced a conservation outcome over time. There is a need for evidence-based evaluations of social marketing interventions to ensure that limited resources are spent wisely.  相似文献   

Larval Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) show nocturnal vertical migration. Larval behavioral responses to different rates of increase and decrease in light intensity were measured in an apparatus with a natural angular light distribution. A central objective was to establish whether phototaxis actually participates in vertical migration. At sunset the level of light adaptation controlled the readiness of the larvae to migrate, while an ascent was initiated by a preductable relative decrease in intensity (e.g. 4.0x10-3s-1). Rates of relative decrease around sunset would evoke continuous upward swimming. Gravity was the orienting cue and there was no change in swimming speed during the ascent. At sunrise, the larval descent was initiated by exposure to an absolute light intensity of about 0.23 log unit above the lower visual threshold. Light served as an orienting cue, as larvae descended by a negative phototaxis. Thus, phototaxis is not a laboratory artifact and does participate in vertical migration. A consideration of behavioral responses of other crustacean zooplankton indicates there is considerable variation in the initiating and directing cues for vertical movements. The variety of behavioral responses of R. harrisii suggests that a synthesis of hypotheses about migration may provide the proper basis for explaining the mechanisms underlying diel vertical migration.  相似文献   

Spawning female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, use ebb-tide transport (ETT) to migrate seaward. In estuaries with semi-diurnal tides, ETT in ovigerous blue crabs is driven by a circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming in which crabs ascend into the water column during ebb tide. The ontogeny of this rhythm was examined by monitoring swimming behavior of females before the pubertal molt, females that had recently undergone the molt but had not yet produced a clutch of eggs, and ovigerous females from an estuary with strong semi-diurnal tides. To assess variation in swimming rhythms with ambient tidal regime, swimming rhythms of ovigerous females from semi-diurnal (Beaufort, North Carolina), diurnal (St. Andrew Bay, Florida), and non-tidal (South River, North Carolina) estuaries were compared. Experiments were conducted during the summers of 2006–2008. Female crabs prior to oviposition had variable endogenous swimming rhythms (circadian, circatidal, or circalunidian). Ovigerous females from estuaries with semi-diurnal and diurnal tides had pronounced circatidal or circalunidian rhythms with swimming during the time of ambient ebb tide. Swimming rhythms of several ovigerous crabs switched between circatidal and circalunidian during the ~5-day observation period. Ovigerous crabs from a non-tidal estuary had a circadian rhythm with vertical swimming around the time of sunset. These results suggest that, while endogenous swimming rhythms are present in some female blue crabs prior to oviposition, rapid seaward movement via ETT in tidal estuaries begins following oviposition of the first clutch of eggs.  相似文献   

Liverpool Bay supports a productive commercial fishery yet at the same time is also used as a site for the disposal of waste by dumping, as well as receiving discharge of effluent from pipelines, rivers and estuaries. This paper summarizes the results of the monitoring programme of fish and shellfish quality in Liverpool Bay carried out in recent years including two special surveys conducted in and around the sewage sludge dumping site in 1980 and 1981. The concentrations of trace metals are discussed in relation to inputs into the bay. Mercury concentrations in fish appear to vary with the two major imputs (sewage sludge dumping and industrial discharges). There is no evidence of widespread elevated concentrations of cadmium, lead, zinc and copper in fish and shellfish from the bay but there is some evidence of local contamination by these metals. None of the elevated concentrations of metals found appear to be significant from a public health viewpoint.  相似文献   

Liverpool Bay supports a productive commercial fishery yet at the same time is also used as a site for the disposal of waste by dumping, as well as receiving discharge of effluent from pipelines, rivers and estuaries. This paper summarizes the results of the monitoring programme of fish and shellfish quality in Liverpool Bay carried out in recent years including two special surveys conducted in and around the sewage sludge dumping site in 1980 and 1981. The concentrations of trace metals are discussed in relation to inputs into the bay. Mercury concentrations in fish appear to vary with the two major imputs (sewage sludge dumping and industrial discharges). There is no evidence of widespread elevated concentrations of cadmium, lead, zinc and copper in fish and shellfish from the bay but there is some evidence of local contamination by these metals. None of the elevated concentrations of metals found appear to be significant from a public health viewpoint.  相似文献   

Tunas make sharp descents and ascents around dawn and dusk called spike dives. We examine spike dives of 21 southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) implanted with archival tags in the Great Australian Bight. Using a new way to categorize this behavior, we show that spike dives are similar among all the fish in the study. The dive profiles are mirror images at dawn and dusk and are precisely timed with respect to sunrise and sunset. We analyze the possible reasons for spike dives, considering the timing of spike dives, the characteristic dive profile, and the tuna's magnetic habitat. In addition, we present anatomical evidence for elaboration of the pineal organ, which is light mediated and has been implicated in navigation in other vertebrates. The new evidence presented here leads us to suspect that spike dives represent a survey related to navigation.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts that workers in social insect colonies should preferentially aid close relatives over less related or unrelated individuals if such behaviors increase inclusive fitness. For example, a worker in a polygynous (multiple-queen) colony is predicted to tend its own mother rather than an unrelated queen if this nepotistic behavior increases its mother’s reproductive success in excess of costs. Despite predictions, experimental tests conducted in the social Hymenoptera have found no clear evidence of nepotism. No tests for nepotism have been carried out in the Isoptera (termites), another major insect taxon showing highly developed sociality. We tested for nepotistic behavior in the termite Nasutitermes corniger by determining if workers preferentially fed and groomed their mothers in a laboratory assay. We collected workers from nine naturally occurring multiple-queen colonies as they tended queens and determined their parentage using highly variable microsatellite markers. Our results provide no evidence that workers tend their mothers in preference to co-occurring queens. The absence of evidence for nepotism is consistent with previous results reported from numerous studies of eusocial hymenopterans.  相似文献   

Summary Migratory orientation of robins (Erithacus rubecula) at sunset was recorded using orientation cages, under clear autumn skies. The aim of the experiments was to examine the importance of different visible sky sections for the orientation of robins. I obtained the following results: (1) Robins tested with the visible sky section limited to 90° around zenith (45° above the horizon) showed a mean orientation that coincided with the average sunset azimuth, with little scatter around the mean angle (Fig. 2). (2) When the birds were allowed a more extensive field of sky vision (maximum 160°), they chose headings on an approximate north-south axis, significantly different from tests with a restricted view of the sky (Fig. 3). (3) Experiments were also performed in which the response of robins to a mirror deflection (about 120° counterclockwise) of visual cues in the lower parts of the sunset sky was examined. The outcome indicated that visual information in the lower part of the sky may be critical for the orientation of robins (Fig. 5). These results, together with recent findings that robins captured and tested at two nearby sites show distinctly different orientation behavior in relation to experimental manipulations of the magnetic field, suggest that priorities among orientation cues may differ depending on the migratory situation encountered.  相似文献   

Abstract: Illegal use of natural resources is a threat to biodiversity globally, but research on illegal activities has methodological challenges. We examined 100 studies that empirically identify targeted resources, techniques used to procure resources illegally, locations of illegal activities, characteristics of typical violators, incentives driving illegal use of resources, magnitude of the problem of illegal use (e.g., quantities used), or frequency of illegal activity. We based our evaluation of the methods used in these studies on their ability to provide these empirical data, relative labor demands, training and technology requirements, and levels of uncontrollable bias. We evaluated eight different methods: law‐enforcement records, indirect observation, self‐reporting, direct observation, direct questioning, randomized response technique (a survey method designed to improve accuracy of responses to sensitive questions), forensics, and modeling. Different situations favored different methods, each with distinct advantages and limitations. Six context‐specific factors—location of resource use (in situ vs. ex situ), budget, technology and training capacity, ease of detection of illegal activity, scope of illegal activity (limited vs. widespread), and researchers’ willingness to accept bias in results—help narrow the choice of methods. Several methodological concerns applied to any study of illegal resource use: regular monitoring can detect trends; modeling can incorporate sampling error and data uncertainties; researchers must manage levels of bias that vary between methods; triangulation of results from multiple methods can improve accuracy. No method is a panacea, but a combination of techniques can help address the lack of data on illegal activity. Researchers empirically compared results from different methods in only four studies, and no one has compared more than two methods simultaneously. Conservation would benefit from more research focused on: methods comparisons that include cost effectiveness, time efficiency, and statistical rigor; unique applications of the eight techniques currently in use; and testing of new methods.  相似文献   

A full understanding of how gasoline prices affect consumer behavior frequently requires information on how consumers forecast future gasoline prices. We provide the first evidence on the nature of these forecasts by analyzing two decades of data on gasoline price expectations from the Michigan Survey of Consumers. We find that average consumer beliefs are typically indistinguishable from a no-change forecast, justifying an assumption commonly made in the literature on consumer valuation of energy efficiency. We also provide evidence on circumstances in which consumer forecasts are likely to deviate from no-change and on significant cross-consumer forecast heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Ovigerous females of the subtidal xanthid crab Neopanope sayi (Smith) and the high intertidal grapsid crab Sesarma cinereum (Bosc) were collected during the summers of 1986 and 1987 in the Beaufort, North Carolina (USA), area and brought into the laboratory, where rhythms in larval release were monitored. When crabs with late-stage embryos were put under a 14 h light:10 h dark cycle in an otherwise constant-environment room, an apparent tidal rhythm in release of larvae was observed for both species, with N. sayi releasing near the time of day and night high tides, and S. cinereum releasing around the time of night high tides. The time of sunset relative to high tide was a complicating factor, since larval release for both species was often concentrated around sunset when evening high tides fell several hours before sunset. When a group of N. sayi and S. cinereum were brought into the laboratory and placed under constant lowlevel light for 5 d, the release rhythm of the population persisted, thus implying that the rhythm is endogenous. Larval release near the time of high tide and often at night is common among brachyurans living in tidal areas, regardless of specific adult habitat, suggesting a common functional advantage. Possibilities include transport of larvae from areas where predation and the likelihood of stranding and exposure to low-salinity waters are high, as well as a reduced probability of predation on adult females. Results of the present study suggest that the importance of release after darkness may increase with increasing tidal height of the adult.  相似文献   

Attitudes have been a commonly used psychological measure of program effectiveness in conservation social science research. The major limitation of this approach is that attitudes do not always translate into behavior and therefore may not provide an accurate assessment of program success. Given that achieving conservation goals generally relies on understanding and changing human behavior, we argue for the need to assess behavior rather than attitudes as an indicator of conservation outcomes. Psychological theory shows that attitudes and behavior are distinct, but related, concepts. Measuring conservation behaviors involves identifying the target behavior or behaviors and the optimal time to measure and then selecting the most appropriate method of measurement (i.e., direct observation, objective indicators, self-reported behavior, and behavioral intentions) that considers the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. We call for conservation programs to focus on influencing behavior rather than attitudes alone and encourage conservation practitioners and researchers to collect high-quality behavioral data to more effectively inform policy and programs.  相似文献   

Harvesting pressure on Asian freshwater turtles is severe, and dramatic population declines of these turtles are being driven by unsustainable collection for food markets, pet trade, and traditional Chinese medicine. Populations of big‐headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) have declined substantially across its distribution, particularly in China, because of overcollection. To understand the effects of chronic harvesting pressure on big‐headed turtle populations, we examined the effects of illegal harvesting on the demography of populations in Hong Kong, where some populations still exist. We used mark‐recapture methods to compare demographic characteristics between sites with harvesting histories and one site in a fully protected area. Sites with a history of illegal turtle harvesting were characterized by the absence of large adults and skewed ratios of juveniles to adults, which may have negative implications for the long‐term viability of populations. These sites also had lower densities of adults and smaller adult body sizes than the protected site. Given that populations throughout most of the species’ range are heavily harvested and individuals are increasingly difficult to find in mainland China, the illegal collection of turtles from populations in Hong Kong may increase over time. Long‐term monitoring of populations is essential to track effects of illegal collection, and increased patrolling is needed to help control illegal harvesting of populations, particularly in national parks. Because few, if any, other completely protected populations remain in the region, our data on an unharvested population of big‐headed turtles serve as an important reference for assessing the negative consequences of harvesting on populations of stream turtles. Evidencia Demográfica de la Captura Ilegal de una Tortuga Asiática en Peligro  相似文献   

The Turkish Mediterranean Coast is still the cleanest section in the region. This aspect needs to be strictly controlled and improved to allow for a sound development of touristic activities. Also, the adopted controlling policy should comply with the basic principles of the Mediterranean Action Plan. In Turkey, the regulations issued in connection with the “Water Products Law”; are now implemented to control wastewater discharges. Recently, major efforts were devoted to improve these regulations within the umbrella of the new “Environmental Law”;. The new proposals consider the issue from a much broader framework and provide technical support and criteria for marine outfalls, direct discharges of domestic and industrial sources and pretreatment requirement prior to discharge to the sewerage systems.  相似文献   

Conspecific Attraction and the Conservation of Territorial Songbirds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract:  Conspecific attraction, the tendency for individuals of a species to settle near one another, is well described in colonial species, especially birds. Although this behavior may occur in territorial birds, evidence has been lacking. If territorial birds do exhibit this behavior, it would have major conservation implications. Birds could potentially be attracted to specific sites with artificial stimuli, making conservation of those species more efficient. In 2001 and 2002, we tested whether conspecific attraction occurs in an endangered, territorial songbird, the Black-capped Vireo ( Vireo atricapilla ) by playing vireo vocalizations in unoccupied habitats at Fort Hood, Texas. We were successful in attracting 73 birds to five experimental sites in 2001 and 75 birds to seven experimental sites in 2002. No birds settled on comparable control sites. Many birds attracted to the vocalizations paired and bred. At most research sites the primary threat to the species, the brood-parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ), was controlled, allowing vireos to achieve high nesting success relative to a nearby, unmanipulated population. Second-year birds were more responsive to conspecific vocalizations than older birds, as they were more common on experimental sites than in the established population. In 2002 birds recolonized experimental sites from 2001 where vocalizations were not played in 2002, indicating that 1 year of playbacks may be sufficient to establish a population. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that territorial songbirds use the presence of conspecifics when deciding where to settle and suggest that conspecific attraction may provide a valuable conservation tool.  相似文献   

Use of the internet as a trade platform has resulted in a shift in the illegal wildlife trade. Increased scrutiny of illegal wildlife trade has led to concerns that online trade of wildlife will move onto the dark web. To provide a baseline of illegal wildlife trade on the dark web, we downloaded and archived 9852 items (individual posts) from the dark web, then searched these based on a list of 121 keywords associated with illegal online wildlife trade, including 30 keywords associated with illegally traded elephant ivory on the surface web. Results were compared with items known to be illegally traded on the dark web, specifically cannabis, cocaine, and heroin, to compare the extent of the trade. Of these 121 keywords, 4 resulted in hits, of which only one was potentially linked to illegal wildlife trade. This sole case was the sale and discussion of Echinopsis pachanoi (San Pedro cactus), which has hallucinogenic properties. This negligible level of activity related to the illegal trade of wildlife on the dark web relative to the open and increasing trade on the surface web may indicate a lack of successful enforcement against illegal wildlife trade on the surface web.  相似文献   

The feeding activity rhythm of Palaemonetes varians (Leach 1814) was studied by collecting stomachs over a 24-h cycle in four different seasons of 1996 and spring–summer of 1997 to assess a regulation of this behaviur dependent upon seasonal variations in photoperiod length. A total of 6,692 stomachs were collected from a population reared in an extensive earthen pond located in the Guadalquivir Estuary salt marshes (Spain). Stomach fullness (f) classification was performed with a stereomicroscope by means of a four-point visual qualitative scale. Results showed that a high proportion of stomachs were empty in all seasons considered and a great variability in the data occurred irrespective of the time of the day. The number of full stomachs at each catch were represented over 24-h for each sampling season. Time series showed the occurrence of a feeding activity rhythm phased at day–night transitions. The sunset peak occurred in all months of sampling, while the sunrise one occurred in summer. Results are discussed in relation to available data on behavior, moulting, and reproduction of this and other species of the same genus.  相似文献   

Within protected areas, biodiversity loss is often a consequence of illegal resource use. Understanding the patterns and extent of illegal activities is therefore essential for effective law enforcement and prevention of biodiversity declines. We used extensive data, commonly collected by ranger patrols in many protected areas, and Bayesian hierarchical models to identify drivers, trends, and distribution of multiple illegal activities within the Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area (QECA), Uganda. Encroachment (e.g., by pastoralists with cattle) and poaching of noncommercial animals (e.g., snaring bushmeat) were the most prevalent illegal activities within the QECA. Illegal activities occurred in different areas of the QECA. Poaching of noncommercial animals was most widely distributed within the national park. Overall, ecological covariates, although significant, were not useful predictors for occurrence of illegal activities. Instead, the location of illegal activities in previous years was more important. There were significant increases in encroachment and noncommercial plant harvesting (nontimber products) during the study period (1999–2012). We also found significant spatiotemporal variation in the occurrence of all activities. Our results show the need to explicitly model ranger patrol effort to reduce biases from existing uncorrected or capture per unit effort analyses. Prioritization of ranger patrol strategies is needed to target illegal activities; these strategies are determined by protected area managers, and therefore changes at a site‐level can be implemented quickly. These strategies should also be informed by the location of past occurrences of illegal activity: the most useful predictor of future events. However, because spatial and temporal changes in illegal activities occurred, regular patrols throughout the protected area, even in areas of low occurrence, are also required.  相似文献   

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