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To prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games, China adopted a number of radical measures to improve air quality. Using the officially reported air pollution index (API) from 2000 to 2009, we show that these measures improved the API of Beijing during and a little after the Games, but a significant proportion of the effect faded away by October 2009. For comparison, we also analyze an objective and indirect measure of air quality at a high spatial resolution – aerosol optimal depth (AOD), derived using the data from NASA satellites. The AOD analysis confirms the real but temporary improvement in air quality, it also shows a significant correlation between air quality improvement and the timing and location of plant closure and traffic control. These results suggest that it is possible to achieve real environmental improvement via stringent policy interventions, but for how long the effects of these interventions will last will largely depend on the continuation of the interventions.  相似文献   

This article synthesises the results obtained in several projects on atmospheric aerosol (particulate matter – PM) pollution developed during the last years in the Western Mediterranean. It focuses on particulate matter sources and the strategies for suitable monitoring in ambient air. The article has been structured in several sections that give response to the main questions that prompted these studies. After analysing the main PM features in the Mediterranean, a brief review of the main factors differentiating the particulate matter composition with respect to Central Europe is presented. Finally, the suitability of the different metrics or parameters for monitoring ambient air PM levels in different types of environments is discussed. Selected article from the 6th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro organized by Prof. Dr. Branimir Jovancicevic (www.research.plymouth.ac.uk/ace).  相似文献   

Growth and pollution convergence: Theory and evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stabilizing pollution levels in the long run is a pre-requisite for sustainable growth. We develop a neoclassical growth model with endogenous emission reduction predicting that, along optimal sustainable paths, pollution growth rates are (i) positively related to output growth (scale effect) and (ii) negatively related to emission levels (defensive effect). This dynamic law reduces to a convergence equation that is empirically tested for two major and regulated air pollutants – sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides – with a panel of 25 European countries spanning the years 1980–2005. Traditional parametric models are rejected by the data. More flexible regression techniques confirm the existence of both the scale and the defensive effect, supporting the model predictions.  相似文献   

植物对HF气体的敏感性是由多种因素相互作用而成的复杂综合性状,常用于定性描述大气环境质量状况。通过在密闭的培养瓶中一次性通入不同体积浓度的HF气体,以不同浓度HF胁迫下的不同类型植物为例,观察其在不同时间的外观伤害症状和细胞膜透性与HF浓度的关系。结果表明:不同植物对HF的敏感性不同;低浓度长时间和高浓度短时间的症状基本相同;植物细胞膜透性数据即电导率直接反映植物受损程度。综合植物外观症状指标与生理生化指标并赋予不同权重值,建立相对定量化的大气质量生物学指标评价模式,以定量的判断HF气体对植物的伤害,为应用植物监测和评价大气环境质量提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

大气臭氧污染的生物学指标监测评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臭氧是具有很大危害性的大气污染物之一,近150年来大气对流层中的臭氧质量浓度已经增加了36%,在今后50~100年内还将以每年0.5%-2%的速度继续升高。植物对大气污染物的敏感性是由多种因素相互作用而成的复杂综合性状。以不同质量浓度(分别为0.0、1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0、5.0 mg·L-1)臭氧(O3)胁迫下的不同类型植物为例,观察植物在不同时间(2、4、6、8 h)的外观伤害症状和细胞膜透性与O3质量浓度的相关性。试验结果表明:不同植物对O3的敏感度不同,蔬菜对臭氧相对较敏感;低质量浓度长时间和高质量浓度短时间的作用条件下,植物的受害症状基本相同,典型症状表现为叶片上散布细密点状斑,斑点的颜色呈白色、黄色、棕褐色,也有褪绿斑;植物细胞膜透性数据即电导率直接反映植物受损程度。综合植物外观症状指标与生理生化指标建立了相对定量化的大气质量生物学指标评价模式,即划分为轻微(0-0.2)、轻度(0.2-0.4)、中度(0.4-0.6)、高度(0.6-0.8)、严重(0.8-1.0)5个受害等级,以定量的判断O3气体对植物的伤害。  相似文献   

• The Large scale Urban Consumption of energY model was updated and coupled with WRF. • Anthropogenic heat emissions altered the precipitation and its spatial distribution. • A reasonable AHE scheme could improve the performance of simulated PM2.5. • AHE aggravated the O3 pollution in urban areas. Anthropogenic heat emissions (AHE) play an important role in modulating the atmospheric thermodynamic and kinetic properties within the urban planetary boundary layer, particularly in densely populated megacities like Beijing. In this study, we estimate the AHE by using a Large-scale Urban Consumption of energY (LUCY) model and further couple LUCY with a high-resolution regional chemical transport model to evaluate the impact of AHE on atmospheric environment in Beijing. In areas with high AHE, the 2-m temperature (T2) increased to varying degrees and showed distinct diurnal and seasonal variations with maxima in night and winter. The increase in 10-m wind speed (WS10) and planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) exhibited slight diurnal variations but showed significant seasonal variations. Further, the systematic continuous precipitation increased by 2.1 mm due to the increase in PBLH and water vapor in upper air. In contrast, the precipitation in local thermal convective showers increased little because of the limited water vapor. Meanwhile, the PM2.5 reduced in areas with high AHE because of the increase in WS10 and PBLH and continued to reduce as the pollution levels increased. In contrast, in areas where prevailing wind direction was opposite to that of thermal circulation caused by AHE, the WS10 reduced, leading to increased PM2.5. The changes of PM2.5 illustrated that a reasonable AHE scheme might be an effective means to improve the performance of PM2.5 simulation. Besides, high AHE aggravated the O3 pollution in urban areas due to the reduction in NOx.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of vertical eddy diffusivities derived from the 3 different planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes on predictions of chemical components in the troposphere of East Asia. Three PBL schemes were incorporated into a regional air quality model (RAQM) to represent vertical mixing process and sensitivity simulations were conducted with the three schemes while other options are identical. At altitudes <2km, all schemes exhibit similar skill for predicting SO2 and O3, but more difference in the predicted NOx concentration. The Gayno–Seaman scheme produces the smallest vertical eddy diffusivity (Kz) among all schemes, leading to higher SO2 and NOx concentrations near the surface than that from the other 2 schemes. However, the effect of vertical mixing on O3 concentration is complex and varies spatially due to chemistry. The Gayno–Seaman scheme predicts lower O3 concentrations than the other two schemes in the parts of northern China (generally VOC-limited) and higher ones in most parts of southern China (NOx-limited). The Byun and Dennis scheme produces the largest mixing depth in the daytime, which bring more NOx into upper levels, and the mixing depth predicted by the Gayno–Seaman scheme is the smallest, leading to higher NOx and lower O3 concentrations near the surface over intensive emission regions.  相似文献   

● Haze formation in China is highly correlated with iron and steel industry. ● VOCs generated in sinter process were neglected under current emission standard. ● Co-elimination removal of sinter flue gas complex pollutants are timely needed. Recent years have witnessed significant improvement in China’s air quality. Strict environmental protection measures have led to significant decreases in sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM) emissions since 2013. But there is no denying that the air quality in 135 cities is inferior to reaching the Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB 30952012) in 2020. In terms of temporal, geographic, and historical aspects, we have analyzed the potential connections between China’s air quality and the iron and steel industry. The non-target volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions from iron and steel industry, especially from the iron ore sinter process, may be an underappreciated index imposing a negative effect on the surrounding areas of China. Therefore, we appeal the authorities to pay more attention on VOCs emission from the iron and steel industry and establish new environmental standards. And different iron steel flue gas pollutants will be eliminated concurrently with the promotion and application of new technology.  相似文献   

We examine the interconnectedness of demand for regionally and locally varying public goods using a residential sorting model. We propose a version of the model that describes household choices at the city (MSA) level and, conditional on city, the neighborhood (census tract) level. We use a two-stage budgeting argument to develop an empirically feasible sorting model that allows us to estimate preferences for regionally varying air quality while accounting for sorting at the local level. Our conceptual and empirical approach nests previous sorting models as special cases, allowing us to assess the importance of accounting for multiple spatial scales in our predictions for the cost of air pollution. Furthermore our preferred specification connects the city and neighborhood sorting margins to the upper and lower elements of a nested logit model, thereby establishing a useful correspondence between two stage budgeting and nested logit estimation. Empirically we find that estimates from a conventional model of sorting across MSAs imply a smaller marginal willingness to pay for air quality than estimates from our proposed model. We discuss how the difference is attributable in part to the omitted variable problems arising when tract level sorting is ignored.  相似文献   

水库疏浚底泥农用对芥菜生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
疏浚底泥重金属污染是限制底泥农用的主要因素。采用土培盆栽试验,研究了底泥与土壤按不同质量比混合,对芥菜生物量、重金属、硝酸盐、维生素C(Vc)、以及可溶性糖含量的影响;并研究了m(底泥):m(土壤)=2:1时,施加20mg·kg-1的碳酸钙对土壤有效态重金属含量影响,以及对芥菜生物量和品质的影响。结果表明:加入水库底泥可以显著促进芥菜的生长,随着底泥加入比例的增加,芥菜地上部生物量表现出先上升后降低的趋势,以m(底泥):m(土壤)=2:1芥菜地上部生物量最高,是对照的1.71倍。底泥处理均能显著地增加芥菜地上部重金属含量,其中以全底泥处理芥菜地上部鲜质量Zn、Cd质量分数最高,分别是53.3、0.595mg·kg-1,是食品卫生标准的2.67、2.98倍。施用底泥可以提高芥菜地上部Vc、降低其硝酸盐含量。在m(底泥):m(土壤)=2:1的土壤上,施入20mg·kg-1的碳酸钙处理可以显著降低土壤有效态重金属质量分数,有效态Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd质量分数分别下降到对照的58.7%、75.4%、59.8%、44.0%,从而有效地降低了芥菜对重金属的吸收积累,施加碳酸钙处理后,芥菜地上部Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd分别下降66.1%、83.2%、70.5%、53.1%。施加碳酸钙处理不仅可以促进芥菜生长还可以提高芥菜品质,与对照相比施加20mg·kg-1的碳酸钙处理后,芥菜生物量、可溶性糖质量分数、Vc质量分数分别增加了3.2%、6.0%、27.5%,而地上部硝酸盐质量分数降低了24.4%。  相似文献   

采用北京、天津、石家庄2001-2010年沙尘与大雾天气的统计数据以及城市空气污染指数(API),分析北京、天津、石家庄3市空气污染指数变化特征及大雾和沙尘天气下北京、天津、石家庄3市空气质量情况,进而得出沙尘大雾天气对京津石空气质量的影响。结果表明:2001-2010年间北京、天津、石家庄3市API总体呈下降趋势,天津、石家庄相对于北京空气质量改善较为明显,且空气质量夏季〉秋季〉春冬季。沙尘天气条件下,北京、天津、石家庄3市API平均值分别为255、179和167,空气质量出现良的比率天津为24%,北京、石家庄为10%左右,出现重污染的比率北京高达50%以上,天津和石家庄均在20%左右;3市沙尘天气高频次均出现在3-5月份,但北京沙尘天气发生次数远大于天津和石家庄。大雾天气条件下,北京、天津、石家庄3市API平均值为185、130和167,空气质量出现优或良的比率:天津〉石家庄〉北京,北京和石家庄出现重污染的比率均接近30%,天津不到10%,所以大雾天气对3市空气质量影响较小,大雾天气频次的变化波动并未对该地区空气质量的年际变化造成显著影响,3市高频次大雾天气集中在10-12月份,对该时段内空气污染呈现加重趋势有一定的贡献。所以沙尘和大雾天气均对北京、天津和石家庄空气质量存在不利影响,其中对北京影响最为严重,对天津影响最轻。整体上沙尘对3市的空气质量影响较大,大雾天气影响较小。  相似文献   

基于GIS的珠三角区域空气质量时空特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以广东省环境信息GIS综合发布平台发布的2005年至2010年间粤港珠三角区域空气质量日报中空气质量等级数据为基础,利用GIS技术,首次采用网格化分析、均值分析、标准差分析、专题图渲染等分析方法,针对空间网格的空气质量年度均值、标准差等指标,对近5年来珠三角区域空气质量在横向上从珠三角空间区域范围,纵向上5年时间尺度内时空特征进行深入的研究,解决了在大地理区域、5年时间尺度空气质量分等定级过程中的区域边界划分问题。结果表明:珠三角的RAQI区域均值从2006年的2.3下降到2010年的2.02,空气质量整体上逐年改善;区域污染高值中心由东莞西部逐步向佛山中部转移;珠三角的肇庆南部、佛山中部、中山北部以及广州的南沙等区域空气质量变化幅度较大;惠州、深圳、香港等地区的空气质量较好,也较为稳定。  相似文献   

In planktonic food webs, the conversion rate of plant material to herbivore biomass is determined by a variety of factors such as seston biochemical/elemental composition, phytoplankton cell morphology, and colony architecture. Despite the overwhelming heterogeneity characterizing the plant–animal interface, plankton population models usually misrepresent the food quality constraints imposed on zooplankton growth. In this study, we reformulate the zooplankton grazing term to include seston food quality effects on zooplankton assimilation efficiency and examine its ramifications on system stability. Using different phytoplankton parameterizations with regards to growth strategies, light requirements, sinking rates, and food quality, we examined the dynamics induced in planktonic systems under varying zooplankton mortality/fish predation, light conditions, nutrient availability, and detritus food quality levels. In general, our analysis suggests that high food quality tends to stabilize the planktonic systems, whereas unforced oscillations (limit cycles) emerge with lower seston food quality. For a given phytoplankton specification and resource availability, the amplitude of the plankton oscillations is primarily modulated from zooplankton mortality and secondarily from the nutritional quality of the alternative food source (i.e., detritus). When the phytoplankton community is parameterized as a cyanobacterium-like species, conditions of high nutrient availability combined with high zooplankton mortality led to phytoplankton biomass accumulation, whereas a diatom-like parameterization resulted in relatively low phytoplankton to zooplankton biomass ratios highlighting the notion that high phytoplankton food quality allows the zooplankton community to sustain relatively high biomass and to suppress phytoplankton biomass to low levels. During nutrient and light enrichment conditions, both phytoplankton and detritus food quality determine the extent of the limit cycle region, whereas high algal food quality increases system resilience by shifting the oscillatory region towards lower light attenuation levels. Detritus food quality seems to regulate the amplitude of the dynamic oscillations following enrichment, when algal food quality is low. These results highlight the profitability of the alternative food sources for the grazer as an important predictor for the dynamic behavior of primary producer–grazer interactions in nature.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of low emission zones on air quality and birth outcomes in Germany. The staggered introduction of the policy measure creates a credible natural experiment and a natural control group for births and air pollution measurements in cities that enact low emission zones. I show that the introduction of the most restrictive type of low emission zone decreases average levels of fine particulate matter by about 4 percent and by up to 8 percent at a city's highest-polluting monitor. Low emission zones also reduce the number of days per year on which legal pollution limits are exceeded by three. However, these reductions are too small to translate into substantial improvements in infant health. My results are not driven by changes in maternal or city specific characteristics, and are robust to variations in specification and to the choice of control group.  相似文献   

Younger individuals are often less successful in reproduction than older ones. This might be because of improving breeding skills with age or because the genetic quality of young or early maternal effects on them vary with parental age. However, no attempt has been made to experimentally separate these processes in vertebrates. We conducted a cross-fostering experiment in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) in three breeding seasons to disentangle origin- and rearing-related effects of paternal age on chick growth, while controlling for date-specific environmental conditions as well as differences in clutch and brood size. The age of the male at the nest of origin, but not that of the rearing male, had a year-dependent effect on nestling body mass and tarsus length. In two seasons, young of subadult males grew slower in the early linear phase of growth than young of adult males. There was no compensatory growth in the final asymptotic phase, so both body mass and tarsus length before fledging reflected the differential early development. In the remaining year, the age of the male at the nest of origin had no significant effect on chick growth. The environment-dependent origin effect we detected was unexplained by incubation times, hatching asynchrony, chick masses at swapping or previously described age-dependent egg quality patterns. Our results therefore suggest a genotype × environment interaction on the relative development of offspring sired by subadult and adult males. Our results also raise the possibility that female birds may gain genetic benefits by mating with older males. Further studies should identify general patterns of male age-dependent female mate choice and offspring quality in different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Existing studies on the economic impact of wildfire smoke have focused on single fire events or entire seasons without considering the marginal effect of daily fire progression on downwind communities. Neither approach allows for an examination of the impact of even the most basic fire attributes, such as distance and fuel type, on air quality and health outcomes. Improved knowledge of these effects can provide important guidance for efficient wildfire management strategies. This study aims to bridge this gap using detailed information on 24 large-scale wildfires that sent smoke plumes to the Reno/Sparks area of Northern Nevada over a 4-year period. We relate the daily acreage burned by these fires to daily data on air pollutants and local hospital admissions. Using information on medical expenses, we compute the per-acre health cost of wildfires of different attributes. We find that patient counts can be causally linked to fires as far as 200–300 miles from the impact area. As expected, the marginal impact per acre burned generally diminishes with distance and for fires with lighter fuel loads. Our results also highlight the importance of allowing for temporal lags between fire occurrence and pollutant levels.  相似文献   

The effects of air pollution on work loss and morbidity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pending revision of U.S. air standards and the analytic requirements of Executive Order 12291 will force regulators to examine closely the data showing possible human health effects from air pollution. A number of studies have investigated the relationship between air pollution and human mortality using an epidemiological approach. This study uses a data set on individuals, the Health Interview Survey, conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, to examine the relationship between air pollution and various measures of morbidity. Regressions run with the total sample and a subsample of male nonsmokers indicate a statistically significant relationship between particulates and both work loss and restricted activity days. Further analysis considering alternative functional forms also indicates that the ambient level of particulates is still significantly related to the measure of morbidity.  相似文献   

The effect of catchment land use on water quality and macroinvertebrate communities was examined by using data gathered during a 2004 reconnaissance of nine sites in the Otara Creek, New Zealand. Data collected included macroinvertebrate, water chemistry and sediments characteristics. Macroinvertebrate data were used in metric and index calculations. A total of 61 macroinvertebrate taxa, with 3032 total individuals, were identified from the macroinvertebrates samples collected from nine sites in Otara Creek. The greatest number of macroinvertebrate taxa was recorded within bush sites (mean>25), while the urban sites had the least number of taxa (mean=10). Pasture sites were intermediate with the mean>17. Taxa number differed significantly across land use. Mean macroinvertebrates abundance varied across the sites and land uses. The highest macroinvertebrates mean abundance was recorded in urban and pasture sites, while bush sites had significantly lower mean abundance. Physico-chemical parameters decreased from bush toward urban streams. Biotic indices were sensitive to changes in macroinvertebrates community structure across land uses with mean scores decreasing from bush to urban and pasture streams. Ordination of biological data showed a clear separation of bush from urban and pastures streams. Analysis of similarities revealed significant differences in macroinvertebrates between both stream groups and land-use groups. The observed macroinvertebrate assemblage pattern was best correlated with a single variable, conductivity, temperature, turbidity, nitrate and dissolved oxygen. The combination of these environmental variables best explained the changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblages between sites. This study demonstrates that catchment land use may significantly affect the water quality and macroinvertebrate communities in an ecosystem.  相似文献   

利用山东省济南、青岛2001—2010年以及其他7个重点城市2005—2010年逐日空气污染指数(API)和同期的常规气象资料,运用统计方法,分析了各市空气质量年、季变化特征,并利用SPSS软件进一步分析探讨了API指数与风速、气温、降水、湿度、日照时数等气象因子的相关关系。结果表明:济南由于受能源结构、地形、气象条件等因素的影响,API指数累年平均值最大达到91.2,沿海城市空气质量明显好于内陆城市,日照 API 指数最小仅为56.5;从年际变化来看,济南由于加强对空气污染的治理,空气质量明显改善,API指数呈逐年下降趋势,其他城市有不同程度的增加或减小。空气质量具有明显的季节变化,各城市均是夏季空气质量最好,优良率天数频率最多,冬季最差,济南冬季发生轻微污染以上天数的频率最大占39.8%;各城市均以 PM10为首要污染物出现的频率为最多,出现以 NO2、SO2为首要污染物频率最多的城市分别是枣庄、潍坊,出现空气质量为优频率最多的城市是日照;各城市4季 API 指数与同期常规气象要素密切相关,4季API指数与降水均呈负相关,除济南春季外,与风速基本呈负相关,春、夏、秋3个季节API指数与相对湿度基本均成负相关,冬季API指数与日照时数成负相关、与气温、相对湿度成正相关。  相似文献   

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