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生态系统服务价值评估的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
虞依娜  彭少麟 《生态环境》2010,19(9):2246-2252
生态系统服务价值评估是当前生态经济学和环境经济学的研究焦点。首先回顾了国内外关于生态系统服务功能的概念和分类的研究;其次根据发展历程分析了国外生态系统服务价值的评估研究;然后从全国、区域以及单个生态系统等方面探讨国内生态系统服务价值评估的研究。最后指出现有生态系统服务价值评估研究中的不足及今后发展方向,以期丰富生态系统服务价值评估理论。  相似文献   

This research presents a geographic information systems (GIS)-based method for ecosystem services (ES) potential assessment in a case study for the Lithuanian national territory. The ES potential was assessed for 31 CORINE land-cover classes (CLC2006) together with 31 ES categorized into regulating, provisioning and cultural ES. An expert-based ranking approach using a two-dimensional ES matrix and a geospatial analysis was applied to determine total ES potential, spatial patterns and relations among multiple ES. Results showed that forest areas had the highest potential for ES delivery whereas ES potential in urban areas was lowest. The spatial autocorrelation of regulating and cultural ES were dispersed while provisioning ES were significantly clustered. The principal component analysis (PCA) identified five factors with distinctive geospatial distribution: Factor 1 – forest areas, Factor 2 – aquatic environments, Factor 3 – livestock farming and energy production, Factor 4 – agricultural food production and Factor 5 – mineral extraction sites. The plotting of Factors 1 and 2 accounted for 72.81% of variance and identified three ES bundles composed by specific ES types: Bundle 1 – forest ecosystems, Bundle 2 – marine and freshwater ecosystems and Bundle 3 – mixed provisioning ecosystems. Trade-offs occur between regulating and cultural ES against the provisioning ES crop production and livestock farming. We conclude that the presented ES assessment can support decision-makers in the development of strategies for natural resources management at national and regional level, support the identification of trade-offs and synergies among ES types and foster ES research in Lithuania.  相似文献   

水电开发对河流生态系统服务功能影响的价值评估初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
莫创荣 《生态环境》2006,15(1):89-93
提出了计算“流量”,即计算受水电开发影响的河流生态系统服务功能的价值变化量的评估思路和方法,并以广东省河源市风光水利枢纽工程为案例进行了定量分析。在对河流生态系统服务功能进行分类的基础上,根据河流生态系统服务功能可能受到水电开发影响的现实情况和影响特征,选择适当的生态系统服务功能价值核算的方法和参数,计算受影响的生态系统服务功能的价值变化量。案例研究结果表明,风光水利枢纽工程开发方案引起的河流生态服务功能价值变化的正效益为7 676万元/a,负效益为-3 894万元/a,负效益占到其正效益的一半以上,说明该工程开发对东江河流生态系统的消极负面影响也是不容忽视的,应采取适当的生态补偿措施。  相似文献   

黑河流域土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
王新华  张志强 《生态环境》2004,13(4):608-611
利用1987年和2000年1:100000Landsat TM图像解译数据分析了黑河流域土地利用变化,在此基础上,采用中国陆地生态系统服务价值的测算方法,评估了黑河流域土地利用变化引起的生态环境质量变化。结果表明,在过去的13年间,黑河流域土地利用变化总的趋势是森林、草地、河流冰川面积大幅减少,耕地、盐碱地和建筑用地迅速增加。这一变化损害了该区域的生态系统服务功能,使生态系统服务总价值(人民币)从404.22亿元/a下降到370.3亿元/a,损失率达到了8.39%。  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的武汉市生态系统服务价值变化研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
宁龙梅  王学雷 《生态环境》2006,15(3):637-640
以武汉市为例,利用从1996年和2001年TM数据中获取的景观数据,估算了武汉市生态服务价值并分析了景观之间的转化所引起的生态服务价值的变化。结果表明:各景观类型中水域景观的生态服务价值贡献系数最大,达到2.869;研究区域生态服务价值总量变化不大,2001年比1996年只下降了3688.79万元,但各景观生态服务价值变动很大,其中库塘生态服务价值增加了2.38亿元,河流的生态服务价值减少了2.33亿元,其变化率分别达到40.74%和-9.16%;由于河湖被占用所造成的生态服务价值损失达到9891.68万元,城市建设占用其它景观类型所带来的生态服务价值损失达到9908.37万元,这说明建设用地的发展对其他自然景观占用已经影响到了武汉市生态系统服务功能发挥。  相似文献   

广东鹤山林-果-草-鱼复合生态系统生态服务功能价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戚英  虞依娜  彭少麟 《生态环境》2007,16(2):584-591
鹤山丘陵地“林-果-草-鱼”复合农林生态系统是1986年建立在退化丘陵地,利用物质与能量循环流动等生态学原理,进行构建和恢复而成功的实例,本文采用物质量和价值量相结合的评价方法,首次选取复合农林业系统进行评价,首次对广东鹤山林-果-草-鱼复合农林生态系统的生态服务功能进行价值评估。结果表明,广东鹤山林-果-草-鱼复合生态系统总体指标显著优越,其服务价值功能达2397.9783万元,在维持大气平衡、固土保肥、涵养水源等方面具有重要的作用。其间接生态服务功能价值远远大于直接生态服务功能价值,比值约为31∶1。而维持大气平衡服务价值是鹤山林-果-草-鱼复合生态系统的主要部分,占总体服务价值的96.626%,而木材生产等直接经济价值仅占总价值的3.135%。由此,直接经济价值并不是其服务价值的主要部分,应充分发挥鹤山林-果-草-鱼复合生态系统的其他生态服务功能,加强对间接生态服务功能价值的理解和保护,从长远策划和开发土地来达到长远而合理的利益收获。  相似文献   

Conflicts between local people's livelihoods and conservation have led to many unsuccessful conservation efforts and have stimulated debates on policies that might simultaneously promote sustainable management of protected areas and improve the living conditions of local people. Many government‐sponsored payments‐for‐ecosystem‐services (PES) schemes have been implemented around the world. However, few empirical assessments of their effectiveness have been conducted, and even fewer assessments have directly measured their effects on ecosystem services. We conducted an empirical and spatially explicit assessment of the conservation effectiveness of one of the world's largest PES programs through the use of a long‐term empirical data set, a satellite‐based habitat model, and spatial autoregressive analyses on direct measures of change in an ecosystem service (i.e., the provision of wildlife species habitat). Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat improved in Wolong Nature Reserve of China after the implementation of the Natural Forest Conservation Program. The improvement was more pronounced in areas monitored by local residents than those monitored by the local government, but only when a higher payment was provided. Our results suggest that the effectiveness of a PES program depends on who receives the payment and on whether the payment provides sufficient incentives. As engagement of local residents has not been incorporated in many conservation strategies elsewhere in China or around the world, our results also suggest that using an incentive‐based strategy as a complement to command‐and‐control, community‐ and norm‐based strategies may help achieve greater conservation effectiveness and provide a potential solution for the park versus people conflict.  相似文献   

重要生态功能区典型生态服务及其评估指标体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学评估重要生态功能区的生态服务是管理者制定相关政策的基础,对促进重要生态功能区维护区域生态安全、支撑经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。依据生态服务的空间转移特性,探索提出了重要生态功能区典型生态服务的概念与内涵,并在此基础上综合运用频度分析法、专家咨询法和层次分析法,构建了重要生态功能区水源涵养、土壤保持、防风固沙、生物多样性保护和洪水调蓄等典型生态服务的评估指标体系。结果表明:在指标体系中,影响水源涵养服务的主要是土壤质地和降水量;影响土壤保持服务的主要是植被覆盖度和丰富度指数;影响防风固沙服务的主要是植被覆盖度和大风时速;影响生物多样性服务的主要是植被景观多样性指数;影响洪水调蓄服务的主要是湿地容积和降水量。土壤、植被、地形和气候等生态因子是重要生态功能区典型生态服务产生与发挥的重要基础。  相似文献   

Nature reserves have developed rapidly over the decades in China and play a significant role in the function of ecosystem services. The function of ecosystem services in nature reserves, however, has tended to decline in recent years due to natural hazards and human activities. Based on land use, the variation of ecosystem services value (ESV) during 2000–2010 in national nature reserves in Sichuan was evaluated. We analyzed the comprehensive effects of natural disasters and human activities on the decline of ESVs. Total ESV in the national nature reserves in Sichuan was approximately 2741.35 million US$ in 2000, 2616.81 million US$ in 2005, and 2499.06 million US$ in 2010, representing a decrease of 242.29 million US$, or 8.84%, in the decade. Forestland, grassland, wetland, and water bodies played vital roles in the function of ecosystem services, with an aggregated ESV of 99% of the total. The largest proportion of the total ESV was the protection of biodiversity at 48.6%. ESV of all land use types and single ecosystem services continued to decline during 2000–2010. A mechanism of adaptable risk prevention should be established, and unreasonable human activities should be avoided to protect ecosystems and to improve the functions of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

We aimed to identify priority research questions in the field of biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability (BESS), based on a workshop held during the NRG BESS Conference for Early Career Researchers on BESS, and to compare these to existing horizon scanning exercises. This work highlights the need for improved data availability through collaboration and knowledge exchange, which, in turn, can support the integrated valuation and sustainable management of ecosystems in response to global change. In addition, clear connectivity among different research themes in this field further emphasizes the need to consider a wider range of topics simultaneously to ensure the sustainable management of ecosystems for human wellbeing. In contrast to other horizon scanning exercises, our focus was more interdisciplinary and more concerned with the limits of sustainability and dynamic relationships between social and ecological systems. The identified questions could provide a framework for researchers, policy makers, funding agencies and the private sector to advance knowledge in biodiversity and ES research and to develop and implement policies to enable sustainable future development.  相似文献   

The discount rate for cost-benefit analysis has to take account of future scarcity of ecosystem services in consumption and production. Previous literature focuses on the first aspect and shows the importance of the relative price effect, for given growth rates of consumption and ecosystem services. This paper focuses on intermediate ecosystem services in production and shows that for limited substitutability and a low growth rate of these ecosystem services, the growth rate of consumption, and thus the discount rate, declines towards a low value. Using a Ramsey growth model, the paper distinguishes three cases. If ecosystem services can be easily substituted, the discount rate converges to the usual value in the long term. Secondly, if ecosystem services can be easily substituted in production but not in consumption, the relative price effect is important. Finally, and most interestingly, if ecosystem services cannot be easily substituted in production, the discount rate declines towards a low value and the relative price effect is less important. Another part of the previous literature has shown that a declining discount rate is the result of introducing several forms of uncertainty, but this paper reaches that conclusion from an endogenous effect on the growth rate of the economy.  相似文献   

Safeguarding ecosystem services and biodiversity is critical to achieving sustainable development. To date, ecosystem services quantification has focused on the biophysical supply of services with less emphasis on human beneficiaries (i.e., demand). Only when both occur do ecosystems benefit people, but demand may shift ecosystem service priorities toward human-dominated landscapes that support less biodiversity. We quantified how accounting for demand affects the efficiency of conservation in capturing both human benefits and biodiversity by comparing conservation priorities identified with and without accounting for demand. We mapped supply and benefit for 3 ecosystem services (flood mitigation, crop pollination, and nature-based recreation) by adapting existing ecosystem service models to include and exclude factors representing human demand. We then identified conservation priorities for each with the conservation planning program Marxan. Particularly for flood mitigation and crop pollination, supply served as a poor proxy for benefit because demand changed the spatial distribution of ecosystem service provision. Including demand when jointly targeting biodiversity and ecosystem service increased the efficiency of conservation efforts targeting ecosystem services without reducing biodiversity outcomes. Our results highlight the importance of incorporating demand when quantifying ecosystem services for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Southeast Asia possesses the highest rates of tropical deforestation globally and exceptional levels of species richness and endemism. Many countries in the region are also recognized for their food insecurity and poverty, making the reconciliation of agricultural production and forest conservation a particular priority. This reconciliation requires recognition of the trade‐offs between competing land‐use values and the subsequent incorporation of this information into policy making. To date, such reconciliation has been relatively unsuccessful across much of Southeast Asia. We propose an ecosystem services (ES) value‐internalization framework that identifies the key challenges to such reconciliation. These challenges include lack of accessible ES valuation techniques; limited knowledge of the links between forests, food security, and human well‐being; weak demand and political will for the integration of ES in economic activities and environmental regulation; a disconnect between decision makers and ES valuation; and lack of transparent discussion platforms where stakeholders can work toward consensus on negotiated land‐use management decisions. Key research priorities to overcome these challenges are developing easy‐to‐use ES valuation techniques; quantifying links between forests and well‐being that go beyond economic values; understanding factors that prevent the incorporation of ES into markets, regulations, and environmental certification schemes; understanding how to integrate ES valuation into policy making processes, and determining how to reduce corruption and power plays in land‐use planning processes.  相似文献   

Small-scale gold mining is important to rural livelihoods in the developing world but also a source of environmental externalities. Incentives for individual producers are the classic policy response for a socially efficient balance between livelihoods and the environment. Yet monitoring individual miners is ineffective, or it is very costly, especially on frontiers with scattered small-scale miners. We ask whether monitoring at a group level effectively incentivizes cleaner artisanal mining by combining lower-cost external monitoring with local collective action. We employ a mining-framed, threshold-public-goods experiment in Colombia's Pacific region, with 640 participants from frontier mining communities. To study compliance with collective environmental targets, we vary the target stringency, including to compare increases over time in the stringency versus decreases. We find that collective incentives can induce efficient equilibria, with group compliance – and even inefficient overcompliance – despite the existence of equilibria with zero contributions. Yet, for demanding targets in which the reward for compliance barely outweighs the cost, compliance can collapse. Those outcomes improve with past successes for easier targets, however, so our results suggest gain from building coordination via graduated stringency.  相似文献   

湿地服务价值评估的复杂性及研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王建华  吕宪国 《生态环境》2007,16(3):1058-1062
湿地服务价值评估具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。由于湿地具有类型多样、分布广泛和过程复杂等特点,湿地服务价值评估极具复杂性。主要表现为:湿地科学是一门年轻的科学,其过程与功能研究有待深入;对生态系统服务及其价值认识上还存在分歧;湿地服务价值研究具有多学科交叉的特点等。近年来,国内外湿地服务价值评估发展很快,取得了丰硕的研究成果,但也存在着一些问题与不足,如对湿地研究成果的利用不够充分;评估理论和方法有待完善;评估标准和评估结果差异较大等。因此,今后湿地服务价值评估研究应该将重点放在理论探索和方法完善方面,对应用研究加强引导和规范。从湿地生态系统过程与功能的机理入手,认真研究和改进湿地服务价值评估的手段、方法和技术,使湿地服务价值评估结果更具说服力、可比性和实用性,为湿地的科学管理,生态补偿机制的制定以及社会经济可持续发展提供有力支持。  相似文献   

Ecosystems are dynamic complexes. These dynamics can be described by different ecophysiological parameters and systems theoretical concepts like succession, thermodynamics, information/network theory, resilience, adaptability and the orientor concept. In this paper, different indicators and concepts are linked to Holling's adaptive cycle metaphor in order to derive hypotheses on potential system trajectories. The hypotheses focus on an exemplary temperate forest ecosystem experiencing the adaptive cycle's four phases of exploitation, conservation, collapse and reorganization after an initializing fire event. The different properties are correlated to the number of total system connections and show varying trajectories. Additionally, the provision of selected forest ecosystem services during the different phases is hypothesized and compared to three other land use types.  相似文献   

Spatial information and geographical information systems (GISs) are widely used in ecosystem service research, but both the information and the methods need to be properly understood in order to make coherent analyses. We discuss the practical challenges of incorporating spatial data to ecosystem service assessment in an agricultural landscape and apply the ecosystem service cascade model to put different data into context. We review the prerequisites and practices for successful ‘ecosystem service GIS’ and provide a structured view of the information and data needed in the assessment of ecosystem services at a regional scale. Due to the heterogeneity of the spatial data, the regional characteristics should be considered in environmental decision-making through ethnographic research on local expertise to make optimal choices in using spatial information.  相似文献   

Many voluntary incentive programs for provision of forest ecosystem services (ES) have low participation rates, insufficient enrollment areas, and inefficient ecological outcomes. Understanding participation behavior in such programs has therefore become a crucial part of policy success. We synthesized a large body of literature on the behavior of nonindustrial private forest owners based on surveys of stated (intended) participation or data on actual participation in existing or hypothetical programs. Using metaregression analysis, we examined how methodological, program-characteristic, and economic-incentive variables affected participation rate estimates. Participation rates tended to be overestimated when landowner participation was elicited in hypothetical choice situations (compared with real situations) and when dichotomous choice surveys (compared with census data) were used. The marginal effect sizes were quite large, for example, a 31% increase with use of stated choices in hypothetical scenarios, and practitioners should therefore be aware of them. However, use of choice experiment surveys in a modified scenario based on existing programs had no effect on participation when all other determinants were controlled for. Participation rates decreased significantly as length of the contract increased and when there was no withdrawal option. These results suggest that perpetual contracts have a lower negative impact on participation than time-limited contracts with a duration of over 50 years. We confirmed that as compensation amounts increased, participation increased. One-time up-front payments were more effective in increasing initial participation than annual payments for contracts of over 5 years. We identified the robust determinants and the effect sizes of those determinants on landowner participation rate estimates, thereby contributing to a better understanding of forest owner behavior and offering useful insights to enable researchers and resource managers to improve the design and efficiency of new and existing forest ES programs.  相似文献   

在鹤山国家森林生态系统定位研究站长期定位研究的基础上,参照和修订了我国LY/T 1721-2008《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》给出的生态系统服务价值量化方法与服务价格,分析揭示了三种人工林生态系统0~22龄间的服务价值结构特点及其动态规律。结果显示:南亚热带人工林各生态系统服务呈现非线性、不同步的动态发展特征:涵养水源和总服务价值动态特征为先大幅上涨,然后上升速度减缓,最终维持在一定价值高度出现小幅波动;固碳释氧和林木积累营养物质价值动态特征为迅速增长,然后趋于缓慢下降;生物保育价值和保育土壤价值动态特征为一直处于上升态势,但上升过程中变幅较大。0~22龄间,涵养水源始终是三种人工林生态系统服务价值组成中的最大组分,其次是固碳释氧和生物保育。三种人工林相比,在12龄以前马占相思林生态系统服务总价值最高,之后三者生态系统服务总值差异明显变小,乡土混交林生态系统服务功能总价值逐渐超越马占相思林。  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) and payments for ecosystem services (PES) are the top two mechanisms available for countries to achieve international REDD agreements, yet there are few empirical comparisons of their effects. We estimate the impacts of PAs and PES on forest conservation, poverty reduction, and population change at the locality level in Mexico in the 2000s. Both policies conserved forest, generating an approximately 20–25% reduction in expected forest cover loss. PES created statistically significant but small poverty alleviation while PAs had overall neutral impacts on livelihoods. Estimates by individual policy type for the same level of deforestation risk indicate that biosphere reserves and PES balanced conservation and livelihood goals better than strict protected areas or mixed-use areas. This suggests that both direct and incentive-based instruments can be effective, and that policies combining sustainable financing, flexible zoning, and recognition of local economic goals are more likely to achieve conservation without harming livelihoods.  相似文献   

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