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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cartagena Bay is an estuarine system located in the Caribbean Sea (Colombia, South America), that receives fresh water from Canal del Dique, which is...  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides in soil profiles from Tianjin, China   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Wang X  Piao X  Chen J  Hu J  Xu F  Tao S 《Chemosphere》2006,64(9):1514-1520
Soil cores were collected from soils at five sites in Tianjin area for the determination of hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs, including alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH and delta-HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDXs, including p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDD) and total organic carbon (TOC). The levels and vertical distributions of HCHs and DDXs are studied. Results show that the application of pesticides in the past years was the major contributor of HCHs and DDXs accumulation in the sampling areas. Significant positive correlations were seen between the residual and application amounts of HCHs and DDXs. Wastewater irrigation did not bring a significant contribution of HCHs or DDXs into the soils. HCHs and DDXs concentrations peak at the surface and decline in soil profile with depth, while fluctuations were observed in the plow layers of some cultivated soils caused by frequent cultivation activities and batch irrigation. Positive correlations were observed between the contents of TOC and HCHs and DDTs. Although the amounts of HCHs application in all sampling sites are larger than DDXs, at surface and near surface layers of most sampling sites, the concentrations of summation operatorHCHs are lower than summation operatorDDXs. The composition of DDXs in the applied pesticides and sampled soils indicates that there is no recent DDT input at the sample areas.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1983, eggs from 15 species of Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds were collected and analysed for organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and mercury residues. The lowest levels of these chemicals were detected in the eggs of Adélie Penguins from Prydz Bay. Antarctica. On a wet weight basis, the mean concentrations in eggs of these penguins were 0.01 μg/g HCB, 0.005 μg/g DDE, less than 0.1 μg/g PCBs (1260) and 0.02 μg/g mercury. Such values indicate that the environmental levels of these contaminants in the biotypes of these species are extremely low, and present no significant threat.

The highest levels of contaminants were found in the eggs of species which breed in Antarctica and migrate to regions well north of the Antarctic Convergence in the non-breeding season. On a wet weight basis, Northern Giant-Petrel eggs contained 0.11 μg/g HCB, 0.95 μg/g DDE and 1.8 μg/g PCB (1260), and 1.8 μg/g mercury. There are indications that DDE levels are increasing for both Southern and Northern Giant-Petrels, and it is possible that reports of a decreasing number of breeding pairs of these species at several colonies are due to one or more of these contaminants reaching toxic levels.

Analysis of penguin tissues show that preen gland lipid is suitable for monitoring the body burden of organochlorine insecticides and PCBs in seabirds.

Variation in DDE and mercury residue levels for some of these species suggest that the biotypes in which they live are quite different, and that the Antarctic Convergence may have a major influence in protecting the Antarctic ecosystem from these pollutants.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides in the ambient air of Chiapas, Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organochlorine (OC) pesticides were measured in the ambient air of Chiapas, Mexico during 2000-2001. Concentrations of some OC pesticides (DDTs, chlordanes, toxaphene) were elevated compared with levels in the Great Lakes region, while those of other pesticides were not (hexachlorocyclohexanes, dieldrin). While this suggests southern Mexico as a source region for the former group of chemicals, comparably high levels have also been reported in parts of the southern United States, where their suspected sources are soil emissions (DDTs, toxaphene) and termiticide usage (chlordane). Ratios of p,p'-DDT/p,p'-DDE and trans-chlordane/cis-chlordane/trans-nonachlor (TC/CC/TN) in Chiapas suggest a mixture of fresh and weathered sources, while congener profiles of toxaphene suggest emission of old residues from soils. This is supported by air parcel back trajectory analysis, which indicated that air masses over Chiapas at the time of sampling had previously passed over areas of continuing or recent use of some OC pesticides as well as areas of past use.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, chlordanes, HCHs, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, tris(4-chlorophenyl)methane (TCPMe), and tris(4-chlorophenyl)methanol (TCPMOH) were measured in the blubber of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) collected in 2000. DDTs were the most predominant contaminants, followed by PCBs, chlordanes, TCPMe, HCHs, TCPMOH, dieldrin, and heptachlor epoxide. Concentrations of PCBs and DDTs varied from a few microg/g to several hundreds of microg/g on a lipid weight basis. Concentrations of DDTs have declined by an order of magnitude over the last three decades in California sea lions; nevertheless, the measured concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in California sea lions are still some of the highest values reported for marine mammals in recent years. Concentrations of organochlorines were highly correlated with one another. Concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in the blubber of gray whale, humpback whale, northern elephant seal, and harbor seal, and in the adipose fat of sea otter, were lower than the levels found in California sea lions, and were in the range of a few to several microg/g on a lipid weight basis.  相似文献   

Organochlorine residue levels were determined in human milk samples of 5 women. The contaminants analyzed were: α-, β-, and δ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). The variation of residue levels in human milk during lactation was investigated for each woman individually. Month-mix samples composed of weekly collected breast milk samples were analyzed over a lactation period between 5 and 9 months. No essential changes in organochlorine residue levels in human milk occurred over the lactation periods investigated; the concentration remained either relatively constant or showed fluctuations with no observable trend.  相似文献   

Wurl O  Obbard JP 《Chemosphere》2005,58(7):925-933
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are ubiquitous pollutants in the marine environment, particular in coastal areas affected by industry and shipping traffic. POPs are known for their recalcitrance and toxicity in the environment, and there is increasing concern over their global distribution and impact upon wildlife. Marine surface sediment samples taken within 6 km of the coastline of Singapore were analyzed to determine prevailing concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Total PCB concentrations varied widely from 1.4 to 329.6 ng/g (average 73.9 ng/g), where high concentrations were detected at sample locations closest to industrial areas with intensive shipping traffic. Total DDT concentrations ranged from 2.2 to 11.9 ng/g (average 6.7 ng/g) and were lower than the concentration range of 3.3-46.2 ng/g measured for total HCH (average 18.1 ng/g). Ratios of DDT/(DDE+DDD) in sediments do not indicate recent inputs of DDT into Singapore's marine environment, but high concentrations of alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH show evidence for the usage of HCHs in Southeast Asia. Peak concentrations of cis- and trans-Chlordane were 10 ng/g. Among the PBDE congeners BDE 47, 99, and 100 only BDE 47 could be detected at a range of 3.4-13.8 ng/g (average 6.2 ng/g). The levels of OCPs, PCBs and PBDEs were compared to available data for other countries in Asia, and indicated relatively moderate levels of contamination. Peak concentrations of PCBs, HCH isomers, Chlordane, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide and Dieldrin have the potential to induce ecotoxicological impacts based on levels specified in the sediment quality standards of the USEPA and Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides in the surface waters of Northern Greece   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A survey undertaken in Northern Greece has shown that organochlorine pesticides are present in the surface waters. Surface water samples have been collected seasonally from four rivers and five lakes for a period of two years. Solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatographic techniques with electron capture detection was used for the determination of the compounds. The most commonly encountered organochlorine pesticides in surface waters were the isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane, aldrin, dieldrin and endosulfan sulfate. In some cases the concentrations detected were higher than the qualitative target levels set by the European Union, especially for hexachlorocyclohexane and aldrin. The occurrence of these compounds in Greek surface waters can be attributed to intense agricultural activity as well as to transboundary pollution.  相似文献   

Concentrations of selected organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are reported in air and surface soil in an extensive spatial survey across Azerbaijan, a country bordering the Caspian Sea with a history of OCP production and extensive use. Polyurethane foam disc passive air samplers (PAS) were deployed during October-November 2008 with soil samples collected in July 2009. Levels of Σ(7)PCB in ambient air were generally low (mean of 0.046 ng m(-3), n?=?13) and comparable to concentrations reported in countries within Eastern Europe and similar to or lower than concentrations reported in urban air in the UK and other western countries. Surprisingly, PCB concentrations in rural/background soil fell below the method detection limits at most sites, although concentrations were 0.209 and 0.071 ng Σ(7)PCB g(-1) dry weight (dw) for two urban sites, again comparable to PCB levels measured at background sites in Europe. Levels of α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH and p,p'-DDT/E were elevated in ambient air across Azerbaijan in comparison to PAS-derived concentrations reported elsewhere, with concentrations of α-HCH in air ranging from 0.085 to 2.699 ng m(-3) and p,p'-DDE, 0.037-2.290 ng m(-3). High concentrations of OCPs occurred at several of the urban sites and at sites in proximity to old pesticide storage facilities with concentrations in soil >0.1 μg g(-1) dw for p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDT at several sites. The ratio of p,p'-DDT/p,p'-DDE was close to unity in the soil at these sites, but elsewhere, the ratio was <1, indicating a weathered DDT pattern, which was also reflected in the air at all sites. A fugacity approach revealed the strong likelihood of net soil-to-air transfer at the majority of sites for all OCPs. The calculated annual fluxes or loading to the atmosphere from a rural/agricultural area (representing land as vineyards and cotton cultivation) were estimated to be on the order of ≈10-100 kg year(-1) for the HCH isomers (including the β -isomer) and p,p'-DDE. The high levels of OCPs in soils, particularly in the vicinity of obsolete-pesticide storage facilities and at select urban sites are of concern and warrant regular monitoring activities and the development of containment or mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were determined by gas chromatography in 241 placentas from cotton-growing regions, 121 placentas from an urban area (city of Osh), and 146 placentas from unpolluted mountain regions of Kyrgyzstan. Manifestations of disease were recorded in the mothers during pregnancy and parturition and in their newborns during the first 6 days of life. OCPs were detected in 240 out of 508 placentas (47.2%), with increased incidence in the two polluted regions (65%), particularly in placentas from women living near former pesticide storehouses and agro air-strips (99%), but only in 2.7% of placentas from the unpolluted region. α-, β-, and γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH); DDT; DDE; aldrin; and heptachlor were detected. The sum of concentrations of all OCPs (total OCPs) was calculated for each of the 240 placentas with detectable OCPs (median 9.5 μg/kg placenta, mean 88.3 μg/kg, range 0.1–3070 μg/kg). The incidence of health problems in four subgroups of this data set, with increasing levels of total OCPs, was compared with the incidence of health problems in the group of 268 placentas, where OCPs were undetectable. Relative risk of health problems in both, mothers and newborns, increased significantly, in a concentration-dependent manner, with increasing levels of total OCPs (p?<?0.0001). Health complications with increased incidence in OCP-exposed newborns included, i.a., low birth weight, congenital malformations, infections, and stillbirths, in OCP-exposed mothers preterm delivery, (pre-)eclampsia/gestosis, and frequency of hospitalizations after delivery (infections). Women living near former pesticide storehouses and agro airstrips should be considered as being at risk. Reduction of exposure is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Akshayya Shete  V.R. Gunale  G.G. Pandit   《Chemosphere》2009,76(11):1483-1485
This paper examines the concentration levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) (α, β and γ), Aldrin, Endosulfan (α, β), DDE, DDD, and DDT in the leaf, root and sediment part of Avicennia marina, a dominantly distributed mangrove species in Mumbai. The overall pattern of accumulation of OCPs was observed as ∑HCH > ∑DDT > ∑Endosulfan > Aldrin. The occurrence of αHCH was found to be frequent in all the samples. The leaf and root samples showed better uptake of organochlorine pesticides whereas lower concentration levels of OCPs was observed in case of sediment samples. The mean concentration of OCPs was observed highest in case of root samples. This study indicated towards the capability of A. marina in bioaccumulation of the OCPs. The present data will serve as the baseline against which future study of OCPs uptake in the mangrove plant species may be assessed.  相似文献   

Total HCHs' and total DDTs' levels in surface sediments (SS) ranged from 0.5 to 17.5 ng g−1 and from 0.9 to 33.1 ng g−1, averaged 6.0 and 8.2 ng g−1, respectively. Total HCHs' and total DDTs' levels in suspended particulate matters (SPM) varied from 6.2 to 14.8 ng g−1 with a mean value of 12.3 ng g−1 and were from 3.4 to 25.7 ng g−1 with an average of 16.4 ng g−1, respectively. Lindane is the main HCHs' source and continuing use in the Yangtze Delta areas of ‘pure’ γ-HCH (lindane) rather than technical HCH (a mix of largely α- and some γ-HCH). DDTs in SS are mainly accumulated in history. However, high DDT fractions in SPM are indicators of new input of typical dicofol type DDT from 2002 to 2004. It can be seen that most samples from the Yangtze estuary were in ranges where adverse biological effects are expected, either occasionally or frequently.  相似文献   

A reconnaissance study was undertaken to determine potential contaminant exposures to children through soil from elementary school playgrounds. Soil samples were collected from areas along the Texas-Mexico border, inland areas (soils from elementary school yards in cities/towns within the state of Texas), and three National Parks (one on the border, one in Tennessee, and one in Washington). The present study focused on organochlorine (OC) pesticides as the potential contaminants of concern because of their historical (and possibly current) use, and their importance as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). DDE and heptachlor were the most frequently detected OCs (69 and 63%, respectively), although heptachlor concentrations in soil never exceeded 5 ppb. Relatively higher concentrations of DDE were observed in agricultural areas along the border (50-60 ppb in soils from McAllen, Palmview, and San Benito) than in other soils. However, a school yard in Lubbock, TX had the highest OC concentration observed (70 ppb dieldrin). These results may be due to historical agriculture activity prior to the banning of OC pesticides such as DDT in the early 1970s, as well as the more recent use of DDT in Central and South America for malaria control.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of organochlorine pesticides (OCs) in soils and their potential for soil-air exchange was examined. The most prominent OCs were the DDTs (Geometric Mean, GM = 1.6 ng g−1), endosulfans (0.16 ng g−1), and toxaphenes (0.64 ng g−1). DDTs in soils of southern Mexico showed fresher signatures with higher FDDTe = p,p′-DDT/(p,p′-DDT + p,p′-DDE) and more racemic o,p′-DDT, while the signatures in the central and northern part of Mexico were more indicative of aged residues. Soil-air fugacity fractions showed that some soils are net recipients of DDTs from the atmosphere, while other soils are net sources. Toxaphene profiles in soils and air showed depletion of Parlar 39 and 42 which suggests that soil is the source to the atmosphere. Endosulfan was undergoing net deposition at most sites as it is a currently used pesticide. Other OCs showed wide variability in fugacity, suggesting a mix of net deposition and volatilization.  相似文献   

Xu X  Yang H  Li Q  Yang B  Wang X  Lee FS 《Chemosphere》2007,68(1):126-139
The extent of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) contamination in coastal waters around LaiZhou Bay and JiaoZhou Bay in Shandong Peninsula, northern China, was investigated. The areas around the two bays are both densely populated, thrive with intensive agriculture and industrial activities. Multi-techniques including GC-MS, GC-muECD coupled with chemical peak confirmation and strict QC procedures were used for the quantitative determination of 15 OCPs including alpha, beta, gamma and delta isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB), heptachlor, aldrin, endosulfan, p,p'-DDE, dieldrin, endrin, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT and methoxychlor. The survey results show that contaminations by OCP residues remain widespread in the areas, but the averaged concentration levels are all below the regulatory limits, e.g., CMC limits (acute criterion values) specified in US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and China national standards. Average concentration of OCPs in water samples were from undetectable to 3.8 ng l(-1) in LaiZhou Bay and from 0.1 to 3.9 ng l(-1) in JiaoZhou Bay, respectively. A comparison between the current and historical data shows a rapidly decreasing trend of OCPs over the past twenty years in the study areas.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, we determined the presence of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in back feathers from three raptor species, Phalcoboenus chimango,...  相似文献   

Zhu Y  Liu H  Xi Z  Cheng H  Xu X 《Chemosphere》2005,60(6):770-778
Concentrations of HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane) and DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) were determined in shallow subsurface (5-30 cm depth) and deep soil layers (150-180 cm depth) from the outskirts of Beijing, China. Concentrations of total HCHs (including alpha, beta, gamma, delta-isomers) and total DDTs (including p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDT) in shallow subsurface soils ranged from 1.36 to 56.61 ng/g dw (median 5.25 ng/g), and from 0.77 to 2178 ng/g (median 38.66 ng/g), respectively, and those in the deeper layers were approximately an order of magnitude less. The spatial distribution of HCHs and DDTs reflected the known historical usage of these pesticides. No correlation between the concentrations of pesticides and soil organic matter content or clay content can be found. The factors affecting residue levels and compositions of DDT and HCH were discussed. The contour maps of beta/gamma ratios and DDT/DDE ratios for both the shallow subsurface and deep layer soils were drawn.  相似文献   

Limited information on the levels, inventory and fate of Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the soils irrigated by sewage or wastewater is available. In this study, variation in concentrations, profiles and fate of OCPs and PBDEs were investigated using soil samples collected from a region irrigated by sewage, mixed water and clean water in the east of Beijing, China. No significant variation was observed among groups, except for penta-BDEs. The measured ΣOCPs and ΣPBDEs residues ranged from 6.4 to 171.2 ng g−1 (dw) and 501.9 to 3310.7 pg g−1 (dw), respectively. ΣDDTs and BDE-209 were the most abundant congeners accounting for about 76% of ΣOCPs and 93% of ΣPBDEs. Concentrations of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) and its major degradation products, and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ranged from 1.2 to 11.4 ng g−1 (dw), 4.0 to 155.6 ng g−1 (dw) and 0.3 to 3.4 ng g−1 (dw), respectively. The major DDT degradation products were p,p′-DDT and p,p′-DDE. The major hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomer in irrigated soils is β-HCH, reflecting its higher affinity to solids and resistance to degradation than other isomers. Both α-HCH/β-HCH and p,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDE ratios were log-normally distributed and negatively correlated to log(ΣHCHs) and log(ΣDDTs), respectively, suggesting no significant recent application of OCPs. Individual BDE congeners, ΣPBDEs and ΣOCPs were significantly correlated with total organic carbon (TOC). Moreover, a good correlationship between ΣPBDEs and black carbon (BC) was obtained but not between ΣOCPs and BC. Sewage irrigation did not have obvious effect on their contaminant levels and inventory of OCPs and PBDEs.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was examined in soils surrounding the Tanggu Chemical Industrial District in Tianjin, China. The concentrations of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), hexachlorobenzenes (HCBs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in 70 surface soils using accelerated solvent extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture detection. The results showed that the ranges of ∑HCH, ∑DDT, ΣHCB, and ∑PCB concentrations in soils were 2.1–12,549 μg?kg?1 (average, 965 μg?kg?1), n.d.–2,033 μg?kg?1 (average, 88.4 μg?kg?1), n.d.–1,924 μg?kg?1 (average, 349 μg?kg?1), and n.d.–373 μg?kg?1 (average, 46.2 μg?kg?1), respectively. Of these, HCHs were the dominant POPs, accounting for 75 % of the total organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues. Overall, the spatial distribution of OCP concentrations showed a decreasing trend from the center of the Tanggu District to the surrounding areas. Two major pollution sources were Tianjin Dagu Chemical Co., Ltd. in the district center and the Tianjin Chemical Plant in Hangu District. In contrast, PCB concentrations were relatively high in the Haihe estuary to the east and low to the west of the study area. Component analysis of OCPs in these soils showed that they mainly came from industrial point sources. Compared with soils in other regions, soil DDT pollution was at a medium level in the Tanggu Chemical Industrial District, but associated HCH, HCB, and PCB pollution was relatively heavy. By multivariate statistical analyses, Tianjin Dagu Chemical Co., Ltd. was recognized as the main source of POPs, and soil properties were clarified to play an important role on the distribution and composition of POPs, especially the organic carbon content.  相似文献   

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