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The factors influencing the sorption and leaching of mercury in peat soil were studied using small additions of labelled mercury in peat lysimeters. Additions of chloride, fertilizer or sterilant did not affect the leaching of mercury. Complete drying of the peat improved the leaching of mercury probably because of changes in the physical properties of the peat soil.  相似文献   

Chen L  Xu Z  Ding X  Zhang W  Huang Y  Fan R  Sun J  Liu M  Qian D  Feng Y 《Chemosphere》2012,88(5):612-619
Total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) were measured in large number of soil samples collected from areas with different types of land use, different depth in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of South China. THg and MeHg concentrations ranged from 16.7 to 3320 ng g−1 and 0.01 to 1.34 ng g−1, respectively. THg levels are highest in the top 0-20 cm soil layer, and decrease from the surface to bottom layer soil. Spatial variation was observed with different types of land use. Urban parks had the highest concentrations and the other areas tended to decrease in the order of residential areas, industrial areas, vegetable fields, cereal fields, and woodlands. Temporal variation was also noted, and two relatively high THg contamination zones located in the northwestern part of the PRD have significantly expanded over the last two decades. Both THg and MeHg concentrations were correlated significantly with soil organic matter (OM), but not with soil pH. THg pollution status was evaluated using two assessment methods.  相似文献   

Doxycycline has been used in continually increasing quantities for mass treatment of food animals because of its greater bioavailability relative to older tetracyclines. The study presented in this paper was undertaken to investigate the degradation rate of the tetracycline derivative in manure-amended soil. In the present experiment, following composting, the doxycycline-contaminated manure was applied to agricultural land, and a field study was performed to investigate the degradation rate of doxycycline in soil. By the end of the 20-week sampling period, about 20 %, 33 % and 18 % of the initial doxycycline concentrations could be measured in soil samples taken at three different soil depths. The calculated half-life of doxycycline in the soil was 66.5, 76.3 and 59.4 days at depths of 0 cm, 25 cm and 50 cm, respectively. The potential effect of doxycycline on soil microbial activity was demonstrated by the nitrogen transformation test performed in compliance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guideline No. 216. On day 28, the following nitrate concentrations of the control soil sample were found in the soil samples treated with different amounts of doxycycline: 76.9 %, 53.0 %, 65.6 %, 59.7 % and 77.1 %.  相似文献   

Based on a stepwise (tiered) approach, degradation, adsorption and leaching tests as well as various effect tests (using plants, microorganisms and animals) are recommended for the testing of environmental chemicals. If, after the tests of tiers 1 and 2, the results of a monospecies-effect-test (including a safety factor) are within the range of the predicted exposure, the ecotoxicological hazard should be determined using a terrestrial model ecosystem. Some of the tests for the proposed strategy were selected from practical experience in testing environmental chemicals in the laboratory, and some on the basis of a comprehensive literature review.  相似文献   

Doxycycline has been used in continually increasing quantities for mass treatment of food animals because of its greater bioavailability relative to older tetracyclines. The study presented in this paper was undertaken to investigate the degradation rate of the tetracycline derivative in manure-amended soil. In the present experiment, following composting, the doxycycline-contaminated manure was applied to agricultural land, and a field study was performed to investigate the degradation rate of doxycycline in soil. By the end of the 20-week sampling period, about 20 %, 33 % and 18 % of the initial doxycycline concentrations could be measured in soil samples taken at three different soil depths. The calculated half-life of doxycycline in the soil was 66.5, 76.3 and 59.4 days at depths of 0 cm, 25 cm and 50 cm, respectively. The potential effect of doxycycline on soil microbial activity was demonstrated by the nitrogen transformation test performed in compliance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guideline No. 216. On day 28, the following nitrate concentrations of the control soil sample were found in the soil samples treated with different amounts of doxycycline: 76.9 %, 53.0 %, 65.6 %, 59.7 % and 77.1 %.  相似文献   

利用电动力学修复汞污染土壤,并考察电动力学修复对土壤部分理化指标的影响。结果表明,常规的电动力学修复方法不能有效去除土壤中的汞污染物,需要一些强化措施,在阴极电解液中引入KI,KI的引入提高了修复过程中的电流,且KI会与汞化合物生成HgI2-4,提高了汞的迁移效率,从而改善了电动力学修复效果。同时,添加0.50mol/L的KI溶液的试验组具有最佳的修复效果,在此试验条件下,污染土壤中的汞总去除率为81.7%。电动力学修复后,土壤pH有明显改变,阳极区土壤酸化,阴极区土壤碱化;土壤有效氮在阳极区出现明显增加,在阴极区降低,而土壤有机质则没有明显变化。  相似文献   

Terrestrial plants and soil contain substantial amounts of organic carbon (C) and mercury. Flooding terrestrial areas stimulates microbial methyl mercury (MeHg) production and fish obtain elevated MeHg concentrations. Our purpose was to determine the loss of C, total mercury (THg), and MeHg from boreal plants and soil after burning to assess the potential of burning before flooding to lower MeHg. Fresh plants contained 4 to 52 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw) of THg and 0.1 to 1.3 ng g(-1) dw of MeHg. Upland soils contained 162+/-132 ng g(-1) dw of THg and 0.6+/-0.6 ng g(-1) dw of MeHg. Complete burning caused plants to lose 96, 98, 97, and 94% of the mass, C, THg, and MeHg, respectively. Upland soil lost 27, 95, 79, and 82% of the mass, C, THg, and MeHg, respectively. Our results demonstrated that a substantial loss of C, THg, and MeHg was caused by burning.  相似文献   

Field open top chambers (OTCs) and soil mercury (Hg) enriched experiments were employed to study the influence of Hg concentrations in air and soil on the Hg accumulation in the organs of maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Results showed that Hg concentrations in foliages were correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with air Hg concentrations but insignificantly correlated with soil Hg concentrations, indicating that Hg in crop foliages was mainly from air. Hg concentrations in roots were generally correlated with soil Hg concentrations (p < 0.05) but insignificantly correlated with air Hg concentrations, indicating that Hg in crop roots was mainly from soil. No significant correlations were found between Hg concentrations in stems and those in air and soil. However, Hg concentrations in upper stems were usually higher than those in bottom stems, implying air Hg might have stronger influence than soil Hg on stem Hg accumulation.  相似文献   

水溶性巯基壳聚糖对污染土壤吸附态汞的解吸作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用两种巯基化试剂半胱氨酸(Cys)和硫代乙醇酸(Thi)与壳聚糖(CTS)反应,制备了两种水溶性巯基壳聚糖,即Cys-CTS和Thi-CTS,对比研究了这两种巯基壳聚糖与CTS对被染毒土壤中吸附态汞的提取能力.结果表明,Thi-CTS在pH=3、质量浓度为0.5g/L、用量为20 mL的条件下.对汞的提取率为59.44%,相同条件下CTS和cys-CTS对汞的最高提取率只有31.81%和10.15%.  相似文献   

热解吸对污染土壤中不同形态汞的去除作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取贵州省万山矿区的汞污染土壤样品进行不同形态汞的热解吸去除行为研究。研究了热解吸过程中∑Hg的去除效果及动力学,以及温度和时间对污染土壤中不同形态汞的去除作用。结果表明,热解吸修复技术可有效去除土壤中的汞,土壤中∑Hg的热解吸过程符合二级动力学方程。固定热解吸时间在10 min时,随着热解吸温度的升高,土壤中水溶态汞、盐酸溶态汞和碱溶态汞含量呈现先下降后上升再下降的趋势,王水溶汞和盐酸溶态汞始终呈现下降趋势,说明不同形态的汞之间发生了转化。热解吸温度为250℃时,随着热解吸时间的增加,环境风险大的水溶态汞、盐酸溶态汞、碱溶态汞和硝酸溶态汞的去除率大幅增加,土壤的有机质损失较少,说明在低温下,延长热解吸时间,对生物毒性强的形态汞有良好的修复效果,且此温度下处理后的土壤更容易恢复农田耕作。  相似文献   

畅永锋  梁鹏  路殿坤  谢锋 《环境工程学报》2020,14(12):3527-3533
汞污染土壤对环境的危害巨大,已成为国内外主要关注的环境问题之一。以某PVC化工厂附近的含汞土壤样品为研究对象,开展了硫代硫酸盐浸提脱汞的研究,对浸提前后的含汞土壤开展了Förstner七步顺序提取实验,考察分析了含汞土壤及浸提后土壤中汞的存在形态,并对含汞的硫代硫酸盐浸出液开展了紫外光分解、沉淀脱除汞的研究。结果表明:该土壤样品中含汞总量高达2 400 mg·kg−1;其中41.3%的Hg以水溶态、交换态、盐酸溶态和硝酸溶态形式存在,属于易释放汞;以有机质结合态和硫化态形式存在的Hg分别占33.9%和24.2%,属于稳定形态的汞。以硫代硫酸钠为浸出剂,可以有效地浸出含汞土壤中的易释放形态汞;采用0.01 mol·L−1的硫代硫酸钠溶液,在室温下浸出约6 h,可将含汞土壤中95%以上的易释放汞浸提出来,浸提后土壤中残余的汞基本上仍以有机质结合态和硫化态形式存在。对含汞11.6 mg·L−1的硫代硫酸盐浸出液,经254 nm的紫外线照射5 min,即可将99.1%以上的汞-硫代硫酸盐络合物分解转变为稳定的硫化汞沉淀,从而将汞从浸出液中分离回收。本研究表明,硫代硫酸盐浸提处理及采用紫外光分解分离回收汞可从含汞土壤中分离除去易释放形态汞。  相似文献   

汞是中国工业污染场地土壤中常见的重金属污染物,汞的常见形态包括单质汞、无机汞和甲基汞。比较了不同形态的汞及其化合物在物化性质、环境行为、毒性效应及致毒机制上的差异,还以美国、英国为例,探讨了针对不同形态的汞分别制定土壤环境限值的方法。最后指出,中国现有的土壤环境质量相关标准以及污染场地风险评估导则中均尚未区分汞的形态,仅给出总汞含量的限值。因此,在未来的相关标准制定中,应考虑按汞的各种形态制定不同的标准,这将更有利于客观准确评价工业污染场地土壤中汞的污染程度和环境风险。  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties and the contamination levels of mercury and arsenic in roadway dust from Baoji, NW China were investigated using an Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometer. Contamination levels were assessed based on the geoaccumulation index and the enrichment factor. The results show that magnetic susceptibilities of roadway dust were higher than Holocene loess–soil of central Shaanxi Loess Plateau. The mean contents of organic matter, PM10 and PM100 were 8.8%, 21.8% and 98.6%, respectively. Mercury concentration ranged from 0.48 to 2.32 μg g?1, with a mean value of 1.11 μg g?1, 17.1 times the Chinese soil mercury background value and 37 times the Shaanxi soil mercury background value. Arsenic concentration ranged from 9.0 to 42.8 μg g?1, with a mean value of 19.8 μg g?1, 1.8 times the Chinese and Shaanxi soil arsenic background values. The geoaccumlation index and enrichment factor indicate that mercury in the dust mainly originated from anthropogenic sources with ratings of “strongly polluted” and “strongly to extremely polluted”, whereas arsenic in dust originated from both natural and anthropogenic sources, with a ratings of “moderately to strongly polluted” and “strongly polluted”. Industrial activities, such as a coal-fired power station, coke-oven plant, and cement manufacturing plant, augmented by vehicular traffic, are the anthropogenic sources of mercury and arsenic in the roadway dust.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was used to assess plant-availability, tissue-concentration and genotoxicity of mercury from the solid waste deposits of a chloralkali plant. Seeds of H. vulgare, presoaked in distilled water, were allowed to germinate and grow on agricultural soil mixed with solid waste containing 2550+/-339 mg Hg kg(-1) at different proportions (0.75, 1.5, 2.5 and 5%). Plants raised from germinating seeds on uncontaminated agricultural soil served as controls. On day 7, germination counts and seedling heights were recorded. The concentration of mercury in soil, and plant tissue (dry weight) were determined at different stages of plant growth from day 7 till maturity and harvest. The availability of mercury from the soil was assessed by extracting mercury at a range of pH values (2-6) and by chemical methods. The embryonic shoots excised at 36 h of germination were subjected to cytological analysis to determine mitotic index and frequency of mitoses with chromosomal aberrations. The pollen mother cells from anthers of young M1-spikes were analysed to score meiotic aberrations. Subsequently, the pollen fertility and seed set were determined. Furthermore, M2-seedlings were analysed for chlorophyll-deficient mutations. The cytogenetic analysis revealed the effects of mercury on the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes which were significantly correlated with soil-mercury. The bioconcentration of mercury in aerial tissues decreased with the age of the plant. Roots, in particular, were found to concentrate most of the mercury taken up by the plant. At the time of harvest, the bioconcentration of mercury in straw was at a minimum. The accumulation of mercury in grain, which was significant, did not increase with the increase in concentration of mercury in soil but maintained a plateau, indicating a restriction of transport of mercury through the phloem. The unique advantage with the use of Hordeum assay is that, besides assessing the germline toxicity, the assay takes into account the possible contamination of the agricultural food-chain.  相似文献   

An assessment of the significance of mercury release from coal fly ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some mercury (Hg) naturally present in coal is retained in the fly ash remaining after combustion. Concern has been raised regarding the potential for release of this Hg to the environment. The exchange of Hg between fly ash and the atmosphere was measured in the laboratory and in situ at a fly ash landfill. All samples of fly ash used in the laboratory study, with the exception of that derived from lignite-type coal, acted as a sink for atmospheric Hg. Deposition rates were found to increase as air Hg concentrations increased and to decrease with incident light and increased temperature. Addition of water to fly ash samples resulted in re-emission of deposited atmospheric Hg. Deposition was the dominant flux measured in situ at a fly ash landfill. Atmospheric Hg was deposited to all samples collected as part of two demonstration projects using carbon injection for enhanced Hg capture. Hg concentrations of extracts derived using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method 1312 (Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure) were < or = 14.4 ng/L. Data developed demonstrate that fly ash, including that collected from Hg removal projects, will release little Hg to the air or water, and under certain conditions, absorbs Hg from the air.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper were to survey the total Hg levels and distribution character in intertidal sediment in continental coast of Shanghai, and identify the environment factors that might influence the sediment Hg concentrations, and to assess the pollution degree and potential ecological risk of Hg in sediment. Eighty-eight surface sediment samples and 18 sediment cores were collected for Hg contamination analysis. Physicochemical properties including Eh, particle size, content of total organic carbon (TOC), and acid volatile sulfide (AVS) were also measured. Index of geo-accumulation (I geo) and potential ecological risk index were used respectively to assess the pollution levels and the ecological risk of sediment Hg. The average of total Hg concentrations in surface sediments was 107.4?±?90.9 ng/g with the range from 0 to 465.9 ng/g. Higher Hg concentrations were generally found in surface sediments near sewage outfalls and the mouth of rivers. Total Hg concentrations were significantly correlated with TOC (p?<?0.05) both in surface (r?=?0.24) and core (r?=?0.29) sediments, but not with the other environment factors (Eh, AVS, and particle size). Geo-accumulation index indicated that Hg contamination in intertidal sediments was generally at none to moderate degree, while potential ecological risk index demonstrated that the risk caused by Hg were at moderate to considerable level. Intertidal sediment in continental coast of Shanghai has generally been contaminated by Hg, and it might pose moderate to considerable risk to the local ecosystem. The Hg contamination is related more to the coastal pollution sources and complicated hydrodynamic and sedimentary conditions than the other environment factors studied.  相似文献   



Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of mercury (Hg) on soil nitrification activities and the microbial communities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA).  相似文献   

When a contaminated site contains pollutants including both nonvolatile metals and Hg, one single remediation technology may not satisfactorily remove all contaminants. Therefore, in this study, chemical extraction and thermal treatment were combined as a remediation train to remove heavy metals, including Hg, from contaminated soil. A 0.2 M solution of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) was shown to be the most effective reagent for extraction of considerable amounts of Cu, Pb, and Zn (>50%). Hg removal was ineffective using 0.2 M EDTA, but thermogravimetric analysis suggested that heating to 550°C with a heating rate of 5°C/min for a duration of 1 hr appeared to be an effective approach for Hg removal. With the employment of thermal treatment, up to 99% of Hg could be removed. However, executing thermal treatment prior to chemical extraction reduced the effectiveness of the subsequent EDTA extraction because nonvolatile heavy metals were immobilized in soil aggregates after the 550°C treatment. The remediation train of chemical extraction followed by thermal treatment appears to remediate soils that have been contaminated by many nonvolatile heavy metals and Hg.
ImplicationsA remediation train conjoining two or more techniques has been initialized to remove multiple metals. Better understandings of the impacts of treatment sequences, namely, which technique should be employed first on the soil properties and the decontamination efficiency, are in high demand. This study provides a strategy to remove multiple heavy metals including Hg from a contaminated soil. The interactions between thermal treatment and chemical extraction on repartitioning of heavy metals was revealed. The obtained results could offer an integrating strategy to remediate the soil contaminated with both heavy metals and volatile contaminants.  相似文献   

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