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The proliferation of environmental, health, and safety regulations in recent years has increased the complexity and cost of regulatory compliance for companies. In response to the growing complexities of environmental management, many firms are turning to information systems for tracking, managing, and automating their environmental activities and information. An environmental management information system (EMIS), however, is not an end in itself. A successful EMIS supports and facilitates the integration of environmental management into business functions. Effective planning is essential for placing short-term information system development in the context of a long-range comprehensive environmental management strategy. This article presents specific pitfalls to avoid when purchasing environmental management software. Numerous companies have discovered that the true costs of EMIS implementation stem from the political and organizational costs of getting employees to use systems, particularly when they require alterations in existing work processes. The up-front purchase price often represents less than 50 percent of the total system implementation cost. Failure to adequately research and plan frequently results in costly training, high modification or user fees, incompatibilities with other applications, or vendor dependence. The article then discusses the range of options in the EMIS marketplace and offers many practical suggestions to approach and plan effective implementation of an EMIS.  相似文献   

本文通过梳理我国污染源监管的历史沿革和日益严峻的环境污染问题,理清我国现阶段在污染源整个生命周期的不同阶段由不同环境部门主导的污染源监管模式和在此模式下形成的数出多源的数据库基本情况。从时间、空间、参与者三个角度分析该模式的缺点,针对环境统计、排污申报、排污收费等多个污染源数据库进行分析比较,列表找出各自数据的特点。通过分析指出我国污染源管理存在的不足,主要体现在污染源信息管理碎片化、多元化,数据互通性差,难以实现交换和共享,导致环境部门数据可靠性不高,信息公开不全面,社会公信力缺失。究其根本原因是我国目前缺乏一整套统一的、紧密衔接的污染源协同监管模式以及顺畅的污染源全过程管理数据流程。文章从实行排污许可证一证式管理制度、污染源企业报告制度、信息公开制度、加强违法处罚力度和完善企业环境信用等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Leakage and spill of petroleum hydrocarbons from underground storage tanks and pipelines have posed significant threats to groundwater resources across many petroleum-contaminated sites. Remediation of these sites is essential for protecting the soil and groundwater resources and reducing risks to local communities. Although many efforts have been made, effective design and management of various remediation systems are still challenging to practitioners. In recent years, the subsurface simulation model has been combined with techniques of optimization to address important problems of contaminated site management. The combined simulation-optimization system accounts for the complex behavior of the subsurface system and identifies the best management strategy under consideration of the management objectives and constraints. During the past decades, a large number of studies were conducted to simulate contaminant flow and transport in the subsurface and seek cost-effective remediation designs. This paper gives a comprehensive review on recent developments, advancements, challenges, and barriers associated with simulation and optimization techniques in supporting process control of petroleum waste management and site remediation. A number of related methodologies and applications were examined. Perspectives of effective site management were investigated, demonstrating many demanding areas for enhanced research efforts, which include issues of data availability and reliability, concerns in uncertainty, necessity of post-modeling analysis, and usefulness of development of process control techniques.  相似文献   

污染源大数据是环保大数据的重要组成部分,然而在以环境管理制度为基础的污染源数据管理过程中,一直存在制度衔接不流畅、数据不共享等诸多问题。本文调研考察了现有各项环境管理制度的衔接情况,提出以排污许可制度为核心,通过与其他环境管理制度有效衔接,实现环境管理的各个环节的有效覆盖。通过SWOT分析法对基于"一证式"改革的环境管理制度优化方案的可行性和必要性进行了深入分析,并以排污许可证为核心,设计企业环境管理信息系统框架。试生产与竣工环保验收实效不足,可转为企业自行备案;将环评审批结论纳入排污许可证,可大幅度减轻企业相关环境管理业务人员的负担。环境管理制度的优化必须建立在部门职能转变与整合之上;同时,还必须获得国家层面的立法与行政的支持;社会舆论的关注与支持也将推动环境管理制度优化的进程。以排污许可证管理为核心的信息系统框架可以有效实现污染源排放信息整合共享。  相似文献   

Barriers to sustainable water-quality management   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Due to the pressures of increasing population and developing economy all over the world, the present situation of water-quality management is far from satisfactory. To enhance sustainability of water-quality-management systems, in-depth research of the related barriers and the relevant mitigation approaches is desired. In this paper, recent developments, advancements, challenges, and barriers associated with practices of water-quality management were analyzed. A number of related methodologies, applications, and policy considerations were examined. Issues of information support, technology development, system integration, and policy implementation were discussed. Perspectives of sustainable water-quality management in the twenty-first century were investigated, demonstrating many demanding areas for enhanced research efforts, including issues of data availability and reliability, concerns in system complexity and methodology validity, limitations of computer techniques, usefulness of research outputs, difficulties in policy implementation, and necessity of training programs.  相似文献   

The difficulty and complexity in evaluating water resource problems is becoming more evident to management with each passing year. Decisions are required sooner, in more detail, with some background—and yet cost more to evolve. One potential method to arrive at solutions at least more rapidly and in more detail is via simu- lation. A manager may evaluate many alternative solutions to his problem—provided an evaluated simulation system is at his disposal. One such system under development is a highly flexible computerized model system for evaluating real economic/technical applicability of desalting to a selected area. The Economic Evaluation Model System (EEMS) was initially conceived during 1968 and the first version was completed in 1969. This system represents the combination of technical, environmental and economic functions into an interrelated system, which allows the user to examine a broad range of water related problems—oriented toward the applicability of desalting as an additional or alternative source of water. The major thrust of the development of the system thus far, however, has been with the methodology involved and further refinements and extensions of the system are recognized and planned for in future research and development.  相似文献   

秦皇岛森林可持续发展对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析秦皇岛森林资源现状可知,秦皇岛森林资源开发利用过程中主要存在森林分布不均、质量较低、人工林保存率低、护林资金匮乏等问题,并针对这些问题提出了加强森林资源生态功能的宣传工作、健全法制、加大退耕还林力度、强化管理,增加投入等秦皇岛森林资源可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

Management effectiveness evaluation has been recognized as an important mechanism for both reporting on and improving protected area management. The Convention on Biological Diversity’s program of work on protected areas calls on all countries to implement such systems. In 2004, the first whole of system assessment of park management effectiveness, based on the IUCN-WCPA Management Effectiveness Evaluation Framework, was undertaken in New South Wales, Australia as part of a State of the Parks reporting requirement. This article describes the development of the State of the Parks assessment tool, its elements, and how it addresses the management effectiveness difficulties associated with assessments conducted across an extensive and diverse range of park types. The importance of engaging staff, at all levels, throughout the process is highlighted, as well as the adjustments made to the assessment tool based on staff feedback. While some results are presented, the main purpose of the article is to identify and discuss important procedural and methodological considerations. These include balancing quantitative and qualitative assessment approaches, achieving a comprehensive understanding of the management processes, and responding to any problems associated with assessments.  相似文献   

何艳梅 《中国环境管理》2021,13(2):110-118,9
为了更好地贯彻黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的国家重大战略,弥补分散立法的不足,实施流域综合管理,解决黄河流域面临的特殊生态问题,有必要制定黄河法作为黄河流域管理的基本法和综合法。本文利用数据分析法、实证分析法和文献研究法,以解决黄河流域面临的主要生态问题为目标和导向,依据有关政策文件、法律法规和改革成果,分析了黄河法需要建立健全的生态保护制度,包括全流域节水制度、水源涵养制度、水土保持制度和水污染综合治理制度、自然湿地生态修复制度等。  相似文献   

This is a retrospective view of experiences and events centered around participation in the geography Ph.D program at Clark University in the early 1970s. It traces my career from that of a landscape architect practitioner-teacher to involvement as a graduate student with the Clark resources management group and to current research interests and activities. Two themes are highlighted, the effects of the Clark experience and the continuity of my interest in values, issues and problems related to landscapes.  相似文献   

质量安全环保巡察是长庆油田分公司QHSE管理体系的重要组成部分,是升级版的管理体系审核方式,在长庆油田已初见成效。推行“六个三”运行模式,坚持问题导向,紧盯问题突出单位、关键技术和管理岗位,深察管理渎职、监督失职、岗位失责和承包商失信等问题,突出风险管控、质量管理、承包商管理等方面,正向查落实,查压力传导、责任落实,逆向追责任,追溯问题根源,查找管理症结,准确追责问责,倒逼责任归位,达到持续改进QHSE管理的目的。  相似文献   

Two worlds are colliding as many companies are integrating environmental management with business management. Nowhere is this more evident than in the hundreds of companies that are now working to upgrade their environmental management information systems (EMIS), which are a critical component of business integration. Building a business case for EMIS requires crossing many disciplinary boundaries—knowing the language of information systems, accounting, business management, and environmental management. Hence, it is a very valuable skill for environmental managers to develop in order to build their function and their own careers. Some environmental and information systems professionals are attempting to develop a general set of guidelines for justifying the cost of EMIS—in particular, the useful emerging work of the Environmental Health and Safety Software Development Group. This article relates the experience of an EMIS development effort at Rhone-Poulenc, Inc.  相似文献   

伴随着环境问题复杂性日益凸显和国家对生态环境保护的高度重视,传统环境管理和决策手段已经难以满足新时代环境治理需要。推动大数据技术及其应用是重要的国家战略,环境大数据技术是环境学科热门的技术研究领域之一,将促使我国环境管理逐渐向动态化、数字化、网络化和精细化转变。本文回顾了我国环境管理体系的历史阶段变化和新时期环境管理的需求,总结了大数据技术及其发展趋势和国内外环境大数据技术应用进展,从我国环境管理领域大数据技术应用的需求出发,提出了环境大数据技术应用前景和主要功能,包括环境数据采集与挖掘、多源数据处理与管理、大数据分析与应用和环境管理决策与支撑等。大数据技术作为解决复杂系统问题的重要手段,将在我国环境管理和综合决策中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

中国土地利用和土地覆被变化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受国际社会影响,中国加强了土地利用/覆盖变化研究的进程,在众多领域取得了瞩目的成就,主要包括动态监测、遥感分类和制图、LUCC驱动力和区域LUCC模型、环境效应等方面,但中国LUCC研究也存在很多突出的问题,包括跨学科、时空尺度、理论体系完善、研究方法、与全球和区域环境变化及可持续发展之间的关系等。为促进中国土地利用/覆盖变化研究的持续、健康发展,提出对中国LUCC研究的建议和展望包括建立LUCC理论体系,深入掌握LUCC动态研究的手段和方法,形成与中国国情密切结合的土地利用和覆被变化综合模型,转变研究重点,更加清晰地认识和把握LUCC有关的可持续发展问题,加强土地利用变化与生态安全机制的研究等。  相似文献   

Recent advances in fire modeling permit quantitative estimations of fire behavior from quantitative inputs that describe the fuel array and conditions, such as weather and site data, under which it will burn. This paper describes the collection, analysis, and stratification of flammable forest fuels data for coniferous forest ecosystems in Montana and then illustrates the resource management application of these data in three areas: the development of the fire behavior model, a determination of the model's sensitivity to input errors as reflected by fire behavior prediction errors, and the development of a fire hazard simulator (TAROT). A new integrated stand simulator, GANDALF, is highlighted.Conclusions center on the need to integrate fire management into the land management planning decision-making process.This work was supported by a USDI National Park Service contract to Gradient Modeling, Inc., a nonprofit research foundation devoted to ecologic research and resource management applications, and by cooperative aid agreements between Gradient Modeling, Inc. and the USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Northern Forest Fire Laboratory (Fire in Multiple Use Management, R, D, and A Program).  相似文献   

This article is an assessment of the current state of the art and relative utility of satellite precipitation products (SPPs) for hydrologic applications to support water management decisions. We present a review of SPPs, their accuracy in diverse settings including the influence of geography, topography, and weather systems, as well as the pros and cons of their use for different water management applications. At the end of this broad synthesizing effort, recommendations are proposed for: (1) SPP developers to improve the quality, usability, and relevance of precipitation products; and (2) SPP users to improve the reliability of their predictions and hydrologic applications to better support water management.  相似文献   

This article summarizes a research project that investigated the use, performance, cost, and evaluation of nonstructural measures to improve urban stormwater quality. A survey of urban stormwater managers from Australia, New Zealand, and the United States revealed a widespread trend of increasing use of nonstructural measures among leading stormwater management agencies, with at least 76% of 41 types of nonstructural measures being found to be increasing in use. Data gathered from the survey, an international literature review, and a multicriteria analysis highlighted four nonstructural measures of greatest potential value: mandatory town planning controls that promote the adoption of low-impact development principles and techniques; development of strategic urban stormwater management plans for a city, shire, or catchment; stormwater management measures and programs for construction/building sites; and stormwater management activities related to municipal maintenance operations such as maintenance of the stormwater drainage network and manual litter collections. Knowledge gained on the use and performance of nonstructural measures from the survey, literature review, and three trial evaluation projects was used to develop tailored monitoring and evaluation guidelines for these types of measure. These guidelines incorporate a new evaluation framework based on seven alternative styles of evaluation that range from simply monitoring whether a nonstructural measure has been fully implemented to monitoring its impact on waterway health. This research helps to build the stormwater management industry’s knowledge base concerning nonstructural measures and provides a practical tool to address common impediments associated with monitoring and evaluating the performance and cost of these measures.  相似文献   

Though many studies concern the agro-food sector in the EU and Italy, and its environmental impacts, literature is quite lacking in works regarding LCA application on citrus products. This paper represents one of the first studies on the environmental impacts of citrus products in order to suggest feasible strategies and actions to improve their environmental performance. In particular, it is part of a research aimed to estimate environmental burdens associated with the production of the following citrus-based products: essential oil, natural juice and concentrated juice from oranges and lemons. The life cycle assessment of these products, published in a previous paper, had highlighted significant environmental issues in terms of energy consumption, associated CO2 emissions, and water consumption. Starting from such results the authors carry out an improvement analysis of the assessed production system, whereby sustainable scenarios for saving water and energy are proposed to reduce environmental burdens of the examined production system. In addition, a sensitivity analysis to estimate the effects of the chosen methods will be performed, giving data on the outcome of the study. Uncertainty related to allocation methods, secondary data sources, and initial assumptions on cultivation, transport modes, and waste management is analysed. The results of the performed analyses allow stating that every assessed eco-profile is differently influenced by the uncertainty study. Different assumptions on initial data and methods showed very sensible variations in the energy and environmental performances of the final products. Besides, the results show energy and environmental benefits that clearly state the improvement of the products eco-profile, by reusing purified water use for irrigation, using the railway mode for the delivery of final products, when possible, and adopting efficient technologies, as the mechanical vapour recompression, in the pasteurisation and concentration of juice.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent developments in multiple objective decision making methods presented in the upcoming sequence of research papers are evaluated and compared with respect to their usefulness in addressing challenging problems in water resources management. Because many of the decision making techniques originated in the field of operational research, the historical evolution of this field is outlined and the current need for developing a wide range of techniques for employment in strategic decision making is pointed out. Informative attributes for classifying decision making techniques are given to allow a practitioner to select decision aids that can best model the key characteristics of the particular problems under study. By systematically applying a wide variety of multiple objective decision making techniques to many different kinds of water resources problems, the authors of the papers clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing these methods for assisting in making both tactical and strategic decisions in water resources management.  相似文献   

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