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特种养殖优良品种──罗氏沼虾罗氏沼虾(Macroboraciumrosenbergii)又名马来西亚大虾,隶属沼虾属、长臂虾科,原产于印度洋、太平洋热带和南亚热带各类淡水或咸淡水水域中。该虾个体大,生长快,经4个月喂养平均个体重可达209左右,其可食...  相似文献   

龙虾是一种低脂肪、低胆固醇的高蛋白营养食品。目前,海水龙虾资源日渐减少,而国际市场需要大量的淡水龙虾。据有关资料显示,主要进口国瑞典,每年需进口淡水龙虾约1万t;法国在1000t以上,日本、美国、英国、加拿大和加勒比海地区,以及香港、澳门等地区也需进口大量的淡水龙虾。在各种淡水龙虾中,最走俏的是个体较大的澳洲产红螯虾,其体型酷似海水龙虾,最大个体可达500g,在100g以上便可作为商品淡水龙虾上市。我国广东等地已引进养殖红螯虾,并获得成功,取得了较好的经济效益。养殖淡水龙虾的技术简单。在一般情况…  相似文献   

由四川省自然资源研究所承担、广汉市水产站参加的“四川省罗氏沼虾实用养殖技术”试验研究项目于1992年12月4日在成都通过省级鉴定。这种在热带、亚热带生长的淡水大虾自1989年落户四川以来,3年共成功地养殖了21700kg。罗氏沼虾的养殖成功,为我省特种水产养殖增添了新品种。鲜活的马来西亚大虾上市  相似文献   

一、四川省的虾类四川省的虾类过去仅有零星报道,经过几年水产资源的调查,在收集到的大量虾类标本中,已鉴定出10种,隶属于4属2科;其中常见的优势种有中华米虾、朝鲜米虾、掌肢米虾和日本沼虾4种(尚有部分疑难标本未进行鉴定)。名录如下:  相似文献   

东北蝲蛄资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北蛄是世界淡水鳌虾的一种,在我国仅产于黑龙江流域,是风味独特的水产珍品,但未被人们重视。本文根据近年来的部分研究成果,初步报道了东北蛄资源现状生物学、特性及其经济价值,并提出开发利用途径.  相似文献   

根据新兴城市东营市严重缺乏淡水资源的现实状况和本区内地下淡水资源是由浅层地下淡水、深层地下淡水和淡水透镜体组成的现状,在深入研究本区地下淡水的补给和动态变化的基础上,提出了从补给、开采和利用等各个层次上采取开源节流、循环利用、科学规划等方式,实现本区地下淡水资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

东北Shi蛄是世界淡水螯虾的一种,在我国仅产于黑龙江流域,是风味独特的水产珍品,但未被人们重视。本文根据近年来的部分研究成果,初步报道了东北Shi蛄资源现状生物学,特性及其经济价值,并提出开发利用途径。  相似文献   

随着近年来两岸关系的缓和,金门县政府将金门未来定位于"国际观光休闲岛屿",重点发展旅游和教育两大产业。然而,淡水资源的缺乏成为了实现这一目标的现实瓶颈。从气候、地形、经济等方面分析金门地区淡水资源的来源及淡水供应现状,并从开源和节流两方面提出金门地区淡水供应问题的解决途径。  相似文献   

山东省济宁市是一个淡水资源缺乏的内陆城市,并且处于南水北调沿线,快速发展的工业经济需要越来越多的淡水,以循环利用为核心,把生产过程中产生的废水回收再利用,不仅降低了成本,产生经济效益,而且节约了资源、保护了环境。现在,山东省天安矿业有限公司星村煤矿等企业,就是通过这样的做法,取得了经济效益和社会效益的双赢。  相似文献   

1东营市海洋渔业资源优势与开发现状1.1海洋渔业资源优势东营市濒临渤海湾南部和莱州湾西部,海岸线长350km,-10km等深线浅海面积4800km2,占山东省的59.5%;滩涂面积12万ha,占全省的37.5%,其中适宜海水养殖的约8.6万ha,底质为粉砂淤泥。本市拥有山东省最大的滩涂和浅海,开发海洋渔业资源潜力巨大。由于受黄河排泄淡水的影响,海水中有机物多,饵料充足,鱼、虾、蟹和贝类资源十分丰富,成为黄、渤海多种鱼虾产卵、索饵的良好场所,适宜大面积发展对虾和贝类养殖业。据调查,海岸带范围内浮游动物量为18.69mg/m3;底栖生物月…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Phytoplankton carbon-14 productivity at a depth of 50 percent of surface light and chlorophyll-α concentrations were measured every other month from November 1985 through September 1986 at 12 stations in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system. Maximum productivity and chlorophyll-α concentrations occurred during summer or early autumn near the mouths of tidal rivers. Most of the variability in light-normalized productivity and chlorophyll-α could be attributed to two factors derived from Principal Component Analysis of ambient water-quality characteristics. One factor related to seasonal variability and the other to spatial variability. The seasonal factor incorporated the interaction of temperature and nutrients. The spatial factor incorporated the interaction of salinity, nutrients, and water color that resulted from the mixing of freshwater inflow and seawater. Although freshwater inflow increased the availability of nutrients in low salinity (less than 10‰) waters, the highly colored freshwater restricted light penetration and phytoplankton productivity. Maximum productivity and biomass occurred where color associated with the freshwater inflow had been diluted by seawater so that light and nutrients were both available. Concentrations of inorganic nitrogen were often at or below detection limit throughout most of the high salinity (greater than 20‰) waters of the estuary and was probably the most critical nutrient in limiting phytoplankton productivity.  相似文献   

Parts of the USA are facing impending shortages of freshwater. One proposed solution is the construction of desalination plants to turn seawater into freshwater. Although seawater desalination plants are widely used in the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, there are few desalination plants in the USA. In 2003, Tampa Bay Water built the largest desalination plant in North America. Persistent operating problems and escalating costs have caused the utility to re-evaluate its reliance on the seawater desalination plant as part of a long-term regional water supply strategy. In addition, environmental effects of the plant are uncertain. Advances in reverse osmosis technology have significantly reduced desalination costs. However, desalination of seawater is still more expensive than other freshwater supply sources and demand management measures. With time and research, seawater desalination may prove to be a sustainable, cost-effective source of new freshwater supplies, especially if plants are coupled with renewable energy sources. Until then, the development of small-scale groundwater desalination plants, the re-use of water, water conservation, and a more efficient allocation of water through higher prices and rising block rates will be important strategies in meeting growing water demand. Moreover, it is important to improve the coordination between water supply planning and land use planning as populations continue to increase.  相似文献   

Liu, Clark C.K. and John J. Dai, 2012. Seawater Intrusion and Sustainable Yield of Basal Aquifers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 861‐870. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00659.x Abstract: Basal aquifers, in which freshwater floats on top of saltwater, are the major freshwater supply for the Hawaiian Islands, as well as many other coastal regions around the world. Under unexploited or natural conditions, freshwater and the underlying seawater are separated by a relatively sharp interface located below mean sea level at a depth of about 40 times the hydraulic head. With forced draft, the hydraulic head of a basal aquifer would decline and the sharp interface would move up. It is a serious problem of seawater intrusion as huge amounts of freshwater storage is replaced by saltwater. Also, with forced draft, the sharp interface is replaced by a transition zone in which the salinity increases downward from freshwater to saltwater. As pumping continues, the transition zone expands. The desirable source‐water salinity in Hawaii is about 2% of the seawater salinity. Therefore, the transition zone expansion is another serious problem of seawater intrusion. In this study, a robust analytical groundwater flow and salinity transport model (RAM2) was developed. RAM2 has a simple mathematical structure and its model parameters can be determined satisfactorily with the available field monitoring data. The usefulness of RAM2 as a viable management tool for coastal ground water management is demonstrated by applying it to determine the sustainable yield of the Pearl Harbor aquifer, a principal water supply source in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Increasing urban water self-sufficiency: new era, new challenges   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Urban water supplies are traditionally based on limited freshwater resources located outside the cities. However, a range of concepts and techniques to exploit alternative water resources has gained ground as water demands begin to exceed the freshwater available to cities. Based on 113 cases and 15 in-depth case studies, solutions used to increase water self-sufficiency in urban areas are analyzed. The main drivers for increased self-sufficiency were identified to be direct and indirect lack of water, constrained infrastructure, high quality water demands and commercial and institutional pressures. Case studies demonstrate increases in self-sufficiency ratios to as much as 80% with contributions from recycled water, seawater desalination and rainwater collection. The introduction of alternative water resources raises several challenges: energy requirements vary by more than a factor of ten amongst the alternative techniques, wastewater reclamation can lead to the appearance of trace contaminants in drinking water, and changes to the drinking water system can meet tough resistance from the public. Public water-supply managers aim to achieve a high level of reliability and stability. We conclude that despite the challenges, self-sufficiency concepts in combination with conventional water resources are already helping to reach this goal.  相似文献   

大连石化公司采用反渗透膜法海水淡化工艺为生产装置提供淡水资源,其用水取自炼化装置冷却换热后的海水,不额外增加海水的取用量,降低了成本。装置采用常规预处理加三级反渗透膜分离技术,同时配备了能量回收装置,将反渗透高压"浓水"的能量转换到低压的原海水中,使得能耗大大降低。文章介绍了该工艺的流程及其技术特点,该装置节能、节水,其产品水质量达到甚至超过了中压锅炉补给水的要求。工程运行稳定,对沿海同类企业有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Seawater desalination has become the focus of many countries to solve the problem of lacking freshwater resources. Seawater desalination in China launched in the 1960s and has developed rapidly since entering into the 21st Century. However, the technology of seawater desalination causes marine environmental pollution. After exploring the regulatory framework and legal system of reducing environmental risks of seawater desalination in China, it can be found that the existing regulatory framework and legal system have played a positive role in the treatment of seawater desalination, but it is undeniable that there are still many problems. How to effectively prevent or reduce the marine environment risks caused by seawater desalination and improve the existing regulatory framework and legal system in China are discussed. Specifically, in addition to further improve the Marine Environmental Protection Law, China shall integrate seawater desalination into unified regulation of marine resources, clarify statutory functions of various regulatory departments, improve the coordination mechanism, and promote marine environment and ecology protection by institutional construction.  相似文献   

This paper presents an understanding of groundwater salinity by identification of effective factors using chemometric methods (cluster analysis and multiple linear regressions) in Manukan Island, Sabah. Local groundwater and environmental properties were used to explore the effective factors of groundwater salinity. Cluster analysis showed salinity and chloride illustrated the highest similarities. Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids were also grouped in the same cluster. Seawater is the only chloride source in groundwater of Manukan Island demonstrated an indication of seawater mixing in freshwater. It is an effect of upward movement of the seawater by pumping activities. Precipitation and evapotranspiration (environmental condition) with hydraulic heads were clustered together to show that they also influence salinity concentration in groundwater. Multiple linear regressions showed descending order of the factors from chloride (the largest contribution) to evapotranspiration (the smallest contribution) and illustrated the contribution to groundwater salinity in Manukan Island. The integrated results using chemometric methods have provided a way to identify the effective factors on groundwater salinity. This similar approach and resulting equation can be applied in other small tropical islands with alike hydrogeological condition and limited information available for a better understanding of its groundwater salinity.  相似文献   

Water demands in the Aegean Islands have increased steadily over the last decade as a result of a building boom for new homes, hotels, and resorts. The increase in water demand has resulted in the disruption of past sustainable water management practices. At present, most freshwater needs are met through the use of the limited groundwater, desalinated seawater, and freshwater importation. Wastewater reclamation, not used extensively, can serve as an alternative source of water, for a variety of applications now served with desalinated and imported water. Three alternative processes: desalination, importation, and water reclamation are compared with respect to cost, energy requirements and long-term sustainability. Based on the comparisons made, water reclamation and reuse should be components of any long-term water resources management strategy.  相似文献   

Many developing countries in the tropics have focused on tourism to generate additional income sources and to diversity the economy. Coastlines in particular have been on the forefront of tourist infrastructure development. Here, the presence of a large number of tourists has often had negative consequences for the sustainable use of the available resources, which in turn has had an effect on the integrity of the ecosystems. In this paper, the situation is described for the use of freshwater resources on the east coast of Zanzibar, Tanzania. This region is water poor, relying on freshwater derived from seasonal rains and stored in less efficient aquifers, which consist of freshwater lenses floating on the underlying seawater. Tourism in the area has grown rapidly in recent years and is expected to further increase in the future. This development is expected to put additional pressure on the freshwater resources of the east coast, which show already signs of over-use. The consequences of overexploitation can include the lowering of the groundwater table, land subsidence, deteriorating groundwater quality, and saltwater intrusion. These, in turn, determine the living conditions in coastal areas and the effects will be felt both by the local populations and the tourist industry. An investigation is made into the causes and consequences of water abstraction by the tourist industry. The results show that present levels of withdrawal are not sustainable, and parts of the local populations are already experiencing water deficits on a daily basis. In the future, if the expected increase in tourist numbers occurs, the pressure on the aquifers will correspondingly increase. The results could be that the tourism in the area becomes unsustainable, which could have an adverse effect on the national economy and also on the local population and environment. Therefore, a precautionary water-management approach is suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total organic carbon in the Loxahatchee River estuary decreased with increasing salinity in a manner indicating that mixing and dilution of freshwater by seawater was the primary process controlling the down-stream concentrations of nutrients. Most of the nutrients in the surface freshwater inflows entered the estuary from five major tributaries; however, about 10 percent of the total nitrogen and 32 percent of the total phosphorus were from urban stormwater runoff. The input of nutrients was highly seasonal and storm related. During a 61-day period of above average rainfall that included Tropical Storm Dennis, the major tributaries discharged 2.7 metric tons of total phosphorus, 75 metric tons of total nitrogen, and 1,000 metric tons of organic carbon to the estuary. This period accounted for more than half of the total nutrient load from the major tributaries during the 1981 water year (October 1, 1980, through September 30, 1981). Inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen increased relative to total phosphorus and nitrogen during storm runoff. Nutrient yield from the basin, expressed as grams per square meter of basin area, was relatively low. However, because the basin area (544 square kilometers) is large compared with the volume of the estuary, the basin might be expected to contribute significantly to estuarine enrichment were it not for tidal flushing. Approximately 60 percent of the total volume of the estuary is flushed on each tide. Because the estuary is well flushed, it probably has a large tolerance for nutrient loading.  相似文献   

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