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Changes in soil pH, soil heavy metal forms, and the metabolic diversity of microbial communities were examined in soil samples collected in 1-mm increments from barley roots in soil contaminated with cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) using a rhizobox system. Concentrations of exchangeable Cd and Zn increased near the roots owing to a decrease in soil pH. Conversely, the concentration of inorganically bound Cd and Zn decreased near the roots. Despite having the highest concentration of the most toxic exchangeable metals, the rhizosphere also had the highest bacterial and fungal metabolic activity and diversity when assessed using BIOLOG plates. Therefore, the promoting effects of root exudates on microbial activity could outweigh the adverse effects of Cd and Zn on microorganisms in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

椒江河口滩涂贝类时空分布与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在椒江口两岸共布设6条潮间带采样断面,于2007年10月和2008年1月、4月和7月进行大型底栖动物及环境因子(水温、沉积物温度、沉积物结构、盐度、滩涂宽度、总有机物和油类含量)的调查和测定;运用典范对应方法分析了贝类栖息密度和生物量与各环境因子的关系.结果表明:(1)研究区域共记录到贝类动物23种,其中腹足纲16种,双壳纲7种;(2)贝类柄息密度和生物量季节变化不显著,空间变化显著,平均值分别为610.01 ind m~(-2) 和25.40 g m~(-2);岩头断面中国绿螂的栖息密度和生物餐的季节均值分别可达2 415.28 ind m~(-2) 和110.41 g m~(-2),远高于其他物种;(3)典范对应分析结果显示,滩涂宽度、油类含量、有机质含量和沉积物粒度等环境因子与贝类的分布存在较大相关性.图5表3参28  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal distributions of major phytoplankton taxa were quantified to estimate the relative contribution of different microalgal groups to biomass and bloom dynamics in the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA. Biweekly water samples and ambient physical and chemical data were examined at sites along a salinity gradient from January 1994 through December 1996. Chemosystematic photopigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) were identified and quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A recently-developed factor-analysis procedure (CHEMTAX) was used to partition the algal group-specific chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations based on photopigment concentrations. Results were spatially and temporally integrated to determine the ecosystem-level dynamics of phytoplankton community-constituents. Seasonal patterns of phytoplankton community-composition changes were observed over the 3 yr. Dinoflagellates reached maximum abundance in the late winter to early spring (January to March), followed by a spring diatom bloom (May to July). Cyanobacteria were more prevalent during summer months and made a large contribution to phytoplankton biomass, possibly in response to nutrient-enriched freshwater discharge. Cryptomonad blooms were not associated with a particular season, and varied from year to year. Chlorophyte abundance was low, but occasional blooms occurred during spring and summer. Over the 3 yr period, the total contribution of each algal group, in terms of chl a, was evenly balanced, with each contributing nearly 20% of the total chl a. Cryptomonad, chlorophyte, and cyanobacterial dynamics did not exhibit regular seasonal bloom patterns. High dissolved inorganic-nitrogen loading during the summer months promoted major blooms of cryptomonads, chlorophytes, and cyanobacteria. Received: 12 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate water quality, sediment and plant vegetation in eight tributaries of the Mankyeong River for enhancement of natural purification. Among the tributaries, the Iksancheon water had the highest concentration of BOD, T–N and NH4–N due to inflow of swine wastes from the livestock district. The Yucheon water had the highest level of electrical conductivity and SO 4 2– due to inflow of mis-treated wastewater from industrial districts. The Tabcheon had generally similar concentrations of nitrogen and phosphate to that of the upstream of the Mankyeong River: agricultural activity along the Tabcheon appeared to have little negative influence to the water quality. Among various sediments, concentration of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphate were high in the Iksancheon and the Yucheon due to the livestock wastes and industrial wastes. There were 282 species of plants during summer with 43 aquatic plants, 57 hydrophytes, 178 waterside plants and 4 terrestrial plants. Some plant resources were recommended due to much absorption of nitrogen and phosphate for enhancement of natural purification. C. demersum and H. verticillata were recommended in the submerged aquatic plants, H. dubia, N. indica and N. subinteperrimum in the floating leaf aquatic plants, P. communis, Z. latifolia and T. orientalis in the emerged aquatic plants, C. scutata and P. distichum in the waterside plants.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate water quality, sediment and plant vegetation in eight tributaries of the Mankyeong River for enhancement of natural purification. Among the tributaries, the Iksancheon water had the highest concentration of BOD, T-N and NH4-N due to inflow of swine wastes from the livestock district. The Yucheon water had the highest level of electrical conductivity and SO4(2-) due to inflow of mis-treated wastewater from industrial districts. The Tabcheon had generally similar concentrations of nitrogen and phosphate to that of the upstream of the Mankyeong River: agricultural activity along the Tabcheon appeared to have little negative influence to the water quality. Among various sediments, concentration of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphate were high in the Iksancheon and the Yucheon due to the livestock wastes and industrial wastes. There were 282 species of plants during summer with 43 aquatic plants, 57 hydrophytes, 178 waterside plants and 4 terrestrial plants. Some plant resources were recommended due to much absorption of nitrogen and phosphate for enhancement of natural purification. C. demersum and H. verticillata were recommended in the submerged aquatic plants, H. dubia, N. indica and N. subinteperrimum in the floating leaf aquatic plants, P. communis, Z. latifolia and T. orientalis in the emerged aquatic plants, C. scutata and P. distichum in the waterside plants.  相似文献   

珠江口叶绿素a时空分布及初级生产力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年5月至2008年2月季度性对珠江口叶绿素a的时空分布特征及其与环境因子的关系以及珠江口水域初级生产力等进行研究。结果表明,表层叶绿素a含量分别与底层、上游叶绿素a含量间无显著差异;表层叶绿素a含量在夏、春季明显大于秋、冬季,但各口门间无显著差异。珠江口水域初级生产力水平夏、秋季明显高于春、冬季,但各口门间无显著差异。表层叶绿素a含量分别与浮游植物细胞密度、初级生产力间相关显著。不同口门及不同季节间影响叶绿素a含量的环境因子存在较大差异。  相似文献   

研究九龙江河口汞污染情况可为该地区汞污染防治提供科学依据,测定九龙江河口潮间带表层沉积物中总汞含量及不同形态汞的含量,分析了汞的分布特征、赋存形态及生物有效性和潜在生态风险。结果表明:九龙江河口潮间带表层沉积物中总汞含量范围0.112~0.259 mg·kg-1,平均值0.172 mg·kg-1,部分采样点汞含量超过中国海洋沉积物质量第一类标准限值(0.20 mg·kg-1);沉积物中各形态汞平均比例顺序:残渣态(61.8%)可氧化态(27.8%)弱酸溶态(7.8%)可还原态(2.6%),可提取态占有相当的比例,对水体汞污染具有一定贡献。潜在生态风险指数法评价结果可知,该河口区潮间带沉积物中汞污染程度和生态风险程度均为中等~较高水平,需对汞污染进行综合防治。  相似文献   

Estuarine sediments in the<63 μm size fraction were collected from 15 stations within the Tambaraparni River Estuary, located on the east coast of India. The distribution of the heavy metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was recorded. Our analysis distinguished two groups of elements. First, Cd, Pb and Zn, which occurred in higher than expected concentrations indicative of pollution, and second, Co, Cr, Cu and Ni, which occurred at background levels. The highest metal concentration found in the study area was for Zn (1200 μ g·g?1), and the lowest was for Cd (0.42 μ g·g?1). It is presumed that river run-off, industrial waters and untreated domestic waters are major contributors to heavy metal pollution in the Tambaraparni River Estuary. The concentrations of heavy metal species in surface sediments (<2 m water depth) of the Tambaraparni Estuary were studied to determine the extent of anthropogenic inputs from catchment areas and to understand anthropogenic effects on geochemical process in this tropical estuarine system.  相似文献   

珠江河口沉积物中拟除虫菊酯类农药污染及毒性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拟除虫菊酯农药是一种广谱、高效、低毒、低残留的亲脂性杀虫剂,它会随农田排水、降雨淋洗进入水体,最终进入沉积环境,故沉积物是其最终归宿之一。本研究针对珠江河口沉积物中菊酯类农药的污染状况进行调查,研究它们的含量、组成比例、污染来源及其潜在毒性,为珠江渔业水生生态环境管理及掌握环境中有机污染情况提供依据,对保护渔业环境安全有十分重要的意义。2012年5月采集珠江河口表层沉积物,采用气相色谱法-电子捕获法(GC-ECD)对表层沉积物中联苯菊酯、甲氰菊酯、高效氯氟氰菊酯、氯菊酯、氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯、溴氰菊酯进行残留检测,并利用其对钩虾的生物毒性来评价沉积物的潜在毒性。结果显示,表层沉积物(以干质量计)中7种菊酯类农药质量分数介于ND~6.59μg·kg-1(ND表示未检出),平均值为0.75μg·kg-1,其总质量分数与有机碳质量分数呈现一定的正相关性;组成比例表明,氯菊酯最多,占总量的57.63%,它的检出率为61.90%,甲氰菊酯其次,约占总量的16.39%,检出率为28.57%,氯菊酯占主要组成部分,可能与其在珠江三角洲居民生活中被大量使用及其降解速率有关;珠江桥采样点高浓度的菊酯类农药的检出(6.59μg·kg-1),可能与其靠近人口密集和经济发达的广州有关;与国内外其他地区相比,珠江河口沉积物中菊酯农药处于较低水平;采用毒性单元TU(选用钩虾Hyallela Azteca的LC50)进行毒性评估,∑TU值范围为0~0.09,远远低于1,表明珠江河口拟除虫菊酯不存在生态风险。  相似文献   

长江口疏浚土掩埋对两种贝类存活的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疏浚土处置产生的土丘状浮泥,会掩埋原有底质,底栖生物被掩埋后或死亡,或垂直向迁移重新获得生存机会,而使底栖生物群落得以重建.为评价疏浚土掩埋对底栖生物存活的潜在影响,采用长江口深水航道工程疏浚土模拟掩埋尖紫蛤(Sanguinolaria acuta)、文蛤(Meretrix meretrix),观测两种贝类对不同埋深的反应及其存活情况.结果表明,文蛤和尖紫蛤被掩埋后均表现出垂向迁移行为,文蛤比尖紫蛤表现出了更强的垂向迁移能力,当掩埋深度为8cm时,可100%迁移至疏浚土表层,获得存活机会,而尖紫蛤仅50%左右个体的进出水管伸出疏浚土表层;疏浚土掩埋深度与尖紫蛤死亡率之间有极其显著正相关关系(R2=0.967,P=0.007<0.01),并求得4d-LC50为6.9cm,95%置信区间5.2~8.6cm.试验所设置掩埋深度与文蛤死亡率之间没有表现出显著相关关系,难以通过统计方法获得文蛤的4d-LC50;借鉴毒理学中推定LOEC(最低有影响深度)的方法,推定文蛤的LOED为10cm.研究表明,疏浚土处置后的沉积厚度对底栖动物种群的存亡具有决定性作用,而底栖动物在被掩埋后表现出的垂向迁移能力大小也可影响自身种群及处置区整个底栖动物群落的最终重建几率,并且积极的管理策略对底栖群落重建意义重大.表4图1参22  相似文献   

珠江口滩涂围垦对大型底栖动物群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解海岸滩涂围垦对沿海生态系统的影响,采用大型底栖动物群落来进行影响评价.对珠江口伶仃洋西海岸的6个自然滩涂和5个围垦滩涂的大型底栖动物进行比较研究,采用4种生物指数、聚类分析(CLA)及非度量多维测度排序(NMS)对其进行群落特征分析.结果显示:自然滩涂底栖动物种类数平均7.5种,栖息密度386.63 ind m-2,生物量15.593 6 g m-2,均普遍高于围垦滩涂.滩涂围垦可造成滩涂生境改变,从而导致底栖动物群落结构简单,生物组成单一,群落相似性较低.因此必须科学制定围垦方式并进行围垦后生态保护,在满足用地需求和生境保护之间取得平衡.图5表3参24  相似文献   

Dynamics of the buoyant plume off the Pearl River Estuary in summer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Field measurements of salinity, wind and river discharge and numerical simulations of hydrodynamics from 1978 to 1984 are used to investigate the dynamics of the buoyant plume off the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), China during summer. The studies have shown that there are four major horizontal buoyant plume types in summer: Offshore Bulge Spreading (Type I), West Alongshore Spreading (Type II), East Offshore Spreading (Type III), and Symmetrical Alongshore Spreading (Type IV). River mouth conditions, winds and ambient coastal currents have inter-influences to the transport processes of the buoyant plume. It is found that all of the four types are surface-advected plumes by analysing the vertical characteristic of the plumes, and the monthly variations of the river discharge affect the plume size dominantly. The correlation coefficient between the PRE plume size and the river discharge reaches 0.85 during the high river discharge season. A wind strength index has been introduced to examine the wind effect. It is confirmed that winds play a significant role in forming the plume morphology. The alongshore wind stress and the coastal currents determine the alongshore plume spreading. The impact of the ambient currents such as Dongsha Current and South China Sea (SCS) Warm Current on the plume off the shelf has also assessed. The present study has demonstrated that both the river discharge and wind conditions affect the plume evolution.  相似文献   

海平面上升对珠江口水位影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孔兰  陈晓宏  张强  彭涛 《生态环境》2010,19(2):390-393
珠江三角洲水位变化存在着大量不确定性、不精确性,这些特性既具有模糊特征,也具有灰色特征。在分析珠江三角洲灯笼山站年平均水位的变化特征和闸坡站海平面变化趋势的基础上,利用灰关联法分析代表站灯笼山站年平均水位与流量、海平面、潮差等8个因素的关系,年平均水位与影响因素之间的灰关联度均大于0.7,说明各因子对年平均水位均产生显著影响,其中海平面变化与年平均水位的灰关联度为0.736,说明海平面变化是年平均水位的重要影响因素。选取灰关联度较大的(马+三)流量、闸坡站海平面、灯笼山站的年最高水位、年最低水位、年平均低潮、年平均潮差这6个指标进行主成分分析。结果表明:第一主成分为径流潮汐作用,第二主成分的代表因素为海平面上升,第三主成分的代表因素为年最高水位;其中海平面上升为代表的第二主成分对年平均水位的贡献率为20.1%。因此,海平面上升对灯笼山站年平均水位的影响虽然弱于径流潮汐作用,但其影响也是显著的。  相似文献   

长江口及邻近海域溶解铋的分布变化特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用氢化物发生原子荧光光谱法测定了长江口及邻近海域水体中溶解铋的含量,探讨了海水中溶解铋的分布特征、可能来源及影响因素.结果表明,在表、底两层水体中溶解铋含量分别为0.007—0.086 nmol.L-1和0.007—0.025 nmol.L-1,平均值分别为0.033 nmol.L-1和0.014 nmol.L-1.在空间分布上,表层水体中的溶解铋具有明显的梯度变化,在长江冲淡水所及区域含量较低.而在杭州湾及其同纬度地区的高值区可能是由于钱塘江等河流的输入及海水的平流作用引起.温度和盐度分布特征可以反映研究区域水团输入特征,研究表明,溶解铋含量与盐度呈显著负相关,而与温度呈正相关关系,进一步印证了水团输入对溶解铋空间分布的影响,同时也说明河口地区溶解铋在一定盐度范围内的行为是保守的,在河口地区并未发生明显转移.溶解铋除了受沿岸水体输入影响外,吸附-解吸附过程也是影响其分布的重要因素.研究显示,溶解氧、温度和pH是控制铋在颗粒物中吸附-解吸过程的主要环境因素,它们通过控制溶解度和吸附作用来影响水体中溶解铋的分布和地球化学行为.  相似文献   

In the coastal waters off the Tanshui River Estuary in northern Taiwan, eight species of clupeoid larvae were observed. They exhibited a distinct temporal succession in association with seasonal temperature changing. The time of peak abundance of Etrumeus teres was in January, Engraulis japonicus in late April, Sardinella spp. in mid-May, Dussumieria elopsoides in early June, Thryssa dussumieri in late June, Stolephorus insularis in mid-September, Encrasicholina heteroloba in early October and E. punctifer in mid-November. The time intervals of the temporal succession of the fishes were approximately 15 to 25 d in the spring/summer and 25 to 35 d in the autumn/winter fishing seasons. Also, they showed spatial segregation by distributing in areas with different water depths: Sardinella spp. at a water depth of 10 to 20 m, T. dussumieri at less than 10 m, E. heteroloba at 20 to 50 m and E. punctifer at 10 to 40 m. The larvae of these sympatric clupeoid species segregated their nursing periods and areas apparently to reduce competition for habitat and thus to maximize the utilization of resources. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 19 March 1997  相似文献   

长江河口水体有机污染物现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对枯水期和丰水期长江河口区5个断面不同深度水样进行检测,共检出有机物200余种,其中定量检出的有机物达53种,有36种属美国EPA控制的有毒有机化合物,列入中国环境优先控制污染物黑名单的有16种.枯水期N-二甲基亚硝胺含量较高,最高值约为1.2 mg·L-1.丰水期2,4-二硝基酚、邻苯二甲酸二丁基苯基酯含量较高,最高值分别约为1.3和1.0 mg·L-1.底层水中有机污染物浓度高于表层和中层.  相似文献   

Surface sediments were collected from the Yangtze River Estuary (YRE) in May 2012, August 2012, November 2012 and February 2013 to analyse the seasonal and spatial distributions of acid-volatile sulphide (AVS), simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) and the sediment toxicity. An optimised method was used for the AVS and SEM analysis and the results showed that the seasonal variations of AVS were positively correlated with changes in water temperature and the position of higher AVS was relatively fixed. The average of SEM was gradually increased from May 2012 to February 2013 and there were abnormally high values of SEMCu and SEMNi in the YRE. Concentrations of the five SEM components were in the following order: Cd?相似文献   

北仑河口海域小型硅藻群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北仑河口地处亚热带-热带地区,气候温暖湿润,是我国北部湾沿岸与越南交界的一个重要入海河口。于2008年3、5、8和11月分别采集该海域小型浮游硅藻,同时测定水温、盐度等水体参数,以及氮、磷、硅等18项水化学指标,分析了小型硅藻群落结构变化与环境因子之间的关系。该河口区的小型硅藻主要由纤细翼鼻状藻Proboscia alata f.gracillima、拟旋链角毛藻Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus、细弱海链藻Thalassiosira subtilis、中华齿状藻Odontella sinensis和菱形藻Nitzschiasp.等优势种类组成,并且存在明显的季节性演替。应用典范对应分析,发现影响北仑河口硅藻群落结构的主要环境因子为温度、盐度、N、Si、Hg和悬浮体质量浓度等,且不同季节的主控因素有所差异。菱形藻对温度和Cu、As、Zn和Hg等重金属的耐受性较强。纤细翼鼻状藻适宜于生长在水体透明度高的海域,悬浮体质量浓度以6.27 mg.L-1以下为宜。拟旋链角毛藻受Cr的影响较大,高含量的Cr会限制其生长。而细弱海链藻和中华齿状藻对Hg的耐受性较强。  相似文献   

鸭绿江口汞的污染状况及其防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以对鸭绿江口水中、沉积物中以及16种鱼鱼体中Hg含量的实测结果,阐明了鸭绿江口Hg的污染状况,在找出该江口Hg的主要污染源的基础之上,提出了三项Hg的污染防治对策,以其中的H2S除Hg的实验结果,阐述了该法技术经济上的可行性。  相似文献   

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