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Central place foragers are constrained in their foraging distribution by the necessity to return to their nest site at regular intervals. In many petrels that feed on patchily distributed prey from the sea surface over large foraging areas, alternating long and short foraging trips are used to balance the demands of the chick with the requirements of maintaining adult body condition. When the local conditions are favourable for prey density and quality, adults should be able to reduce the number of long foraging trips. We studied the flexibility in foraging trip lengths of a small pelagic petrel, the thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri, over three breeding seasons with increasingly favourable, cold-water conditions. During a warm-water influx in February 2006, chicks were fed less frequently and adults carried out foraging trips of up to 8 days. When conditions became more favourable with colder water temperatures in 2007 and 2008, thin-billed prions decreased trip lengths, more often attended their chick every day, and long foraging trips of six to eight days were not registered during 2008. Chick growth rates mirrored this, as chicks grew poorly during 2006, intermediate during 2007 and best during 2008. Thin-billed prions preyed mainly on squid during incubation and mainly on amphipods and euphausiids during chick-rearing. In the poorest season only, the diet was substantially supplemented with very small copepods. Together, the present results indicate that during warm-water conditions, thin-billed prions had difficulties in finding sufficient squid, amphipods or euphausiids and were forced to switch to lower trophic level prey, which they had to search for over large ocean areas.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to examine in a long-lived seabird, the thin-billed prion (Pachyptila belcheri), how adults adjust their food provisioning strategy when their foraging abilities are reduced and when the chick's needs are increased. To reduce the foraging abilities of adults we impaired their flying ability by removing some flight feathers (handicapped), and to increase the food needs of the chick one parent was retained (single). Birds made either short foraging trips lasting 1–3 days, or long trips lasting 5–9 days. Control birds alternated long and short trips whereas single birds or handicapped birds made several successive short trips and thereafter a long trip. In each treatment, food loads tended to be heavier after long trips than after short trips, and single birds tended to bring heavier loads than control or handicapped birds. Birds in the three treatments lost similar amounts of mass after short trips and gained similar amounts of mass after long trips. However, the mass of handicapped birds declined through the experiment, while that of control and single birds remained stable. Although the proportion of chicks that died during the experiment was similar among the three treatments, the chicks fledged by a single bird were lighter than those in control nests. The results of the experiment suggest that thin-billed prions adjust their breeding effort differently to decreased flying ability or increased food demand by the chick. Single birds increase foraging effort without allowing their condition to deteriorate. Conversely, handicapped birds are unable to maintain their body condition while sustaining the chick at the same rate as control birds. It is suggested that in this long-lived seabird, adults probably adjust their breeding effort so that they do not incur the risk of an increased mortality, this risk being monitored by the body condition.  相似文献   

In diet analyses of seabirds, fatty acid signatures (FAS) can be used to overcome biases due to differential digestion of prey and enable the analysis of very digested diet samples. We applied FAS analysis to stomach contents of a small sub-Antarctic seabird, the Thin-billed Prion Pachyptila belcheri, which feeds mainly on squid during incubation and on crustacea during chick rearing. This seasonal dietary switch of Thin-billed prions was reflected in differences in FAS in regurgitates, as were inter-annual differences in diet composition. A discriminant function analysis correctly classified 93.4% of cases with respect to year (2006–2008) and stage of the breeding cycle (incubation versus chick rearing). The dominant types of crustacea in the diet of Thin-billed prions (amphipods Themisto gaudichaudii, euphausiids, decapods Munida gregaria, and calanoid copepods) were distinguished well by characteristic FAS patterns. However, the FAS of the two main types of prey by volume, amphipods T. gaudichaudii and squid Gonatus antarcticus, were similar to each other. Although FAS were successfully applied in the analysis of prey in stomach contents of prions, FAS of some prey species were similar and may not be distinguishable from each other if used in quantitative diet analyses.  相似文献   

Knowledge on how divers exploit the water column vertically in relation to water depth is crucial to our understanding of their ecology and to their subsequent conservation. However, information is still lacking for the smaller-bodied species, due mostly to size constraints of data-loggers. Here, we report the diving behaviour of a flying diving seabird, the Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis, weighing 1.0–1.4 kg. Results were obtained by simultaneously deploying small, high resolution and high sampling frequency GPS and time-depth loggers on birds breeding on islands off Western South Africa (34°S, 18°E) in 2008. In all, dive category was assigned to all dives performed by 29 birds. Pelagic dives occurred almost as frequently as benthic dives. Pelagic dives were shallow (mean: 5 m) and took place over seafloors 5–100 m deep. Benthic dives were deeper, occurring on seafloors mainly 10–30 m deep. Dive shape was linked to dive category in only 60% of dives, while the descent rate, ascent rate and bottom duration/dive duration ratio of a dive best explained its dive category. This shows that only the concomitant use of tracking and depth tags can adequately classify diving strategies in a diver like the Cape Cormorant. Diet was mainly Cape Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolis, suggesting that birds probably displayed two contrasted strategies for capturing the same prey. Flexible foraging techniques represent an important key to survival inside the highly productive but heterogeneous Benguela upwelling ecosystem.  相似文献   

Summary The fitness of a parent in an altricial bird species is likely to be a function of the proportion of resources allocated to offspring production in relation to the amount spent on its own survival. Here we report an experiment on the Antarctic petrel in which we manipulated the costs of rearing an offspring by placing small lead loads on the legs of one parent. The bird could then either decrease its own body reserves or reduce the food load to the chick. The manipulated birds decreased their food load and increased the feeding interval, compared with unmanipulated birds. Consequently, the rate of chick loss increased. No significant difference was found between the body weights of experimental and control birds during the experiment.Publication no. 113 from the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition (NARE) 1989/90 Correspondence to: B.-E. Sæther  相似文献   

Impacts of livestock grazing in arid and semiarid environments are often concentrated in and around wetlands where animals congregate for water, cooler temperatures, and green forage. We assessed the impacts of winter-spring (November-May) cattle grazing on marsh vegetation cover and occupancy of a highly secretive marsh bird that relies on dense vegetation cover, the California Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus), in the northern Sierra Nevada foothills of California, U.S.A. Using detection-nondetection data collected during repeated call playback surveys at grazed vs. ungrazed marshes and a "random changes in occupancy" parameterization of a multi-season occupancy model, we examined relationships between occupancy and habitat covariates, while accounting for imperfect detection. Marsh vegetation cover was significantly lower at grazed marshes than at ungrazed marshes during the grazing season in 2007 but not in 2008. Winter-spring grazing had little effect on Black Rail occupancy at irrigated marshes. However, at nonirrigated marshes fed by natural springs and streams, grazed sites had lower occupancy than ungrazed sites. Black Rail occupancy was positively associated with marsh area, irrigation as a water source, and summer vegetation cover, and negatively associated with marsh isolation. Residual dry matter (RDM), a commonly used metric of grazing intensity, was significantly associated with summer marsh vegetation cover at grazed sites but not spring cover. Direct monitoring of marsh vegetation cover, particularly at natural spring- or stream-fed marshes, is recommended to prevent negative impacts to rails from overgrazing.  相似文献   

Petrels and albatrosses evolved well-developed olfactory anatomical structures comparable to those of mammals. To date it has been demonstrated that petrels are attracted by food-related odours, and that some hypogean species have decreased homing performances if anosmic. The ability to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar odours had not been demonstrated. Here we show that the Antarctic prion, Pachyptila desolata, is able to distinguish between its own nest and that of a conspecific, relying on olfactory cues only. When tested in a maze, only prions with an intact sense of smell made a choice and recognized their own burrow whereas anosmic birds did not. In the absence of leading odours in the maze prions behaved similarly to anosmic birds. These results suggest the mechanism used in the short-range homing process of this species as an olfactory beaconing and suggest the skill of recognising individually distinctive odours. Evolving an efficient identification system in the dark allowed these hypogean petrels to return to their colony at night and recognise their own burrow without singing. This behaviour protects them from predation by skuas, Catharacta skua lönnbergi, that hunt petrels by vision and hearing.  相似文献   

H. Ueda  H. Kamakura 《Marine Biology》2006,148(6):1263-1271
Planktonic larvae of the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri were collected in the western part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, in order to document their seasonal occurrence, recruitment, and growth patterns. The larvae appeared from mid-July to early October and their size ranged from 0.6 to 5.5 mm. Three distinct cohorts were observed during the summers, indicating multiple, synchronous spawning within the population. The length increment pattern of a cohort demonstrates slow growth for at least a week during the early larval stage. July 10, 20, and 30 are the inferred dates when spawnings started to produce the three cohorts in 2001. Favorable temperature range for spawning was 21–23°C. Bias in population structure due to advection can be assumed to be negligible; therefore the length increment of the cohort, about 0.05 mm day−1, is regarded as the larval growth rate after the initial slow-growth stage. The planktonic stage of the first cohort in 2001 is estimated to have lasted around 55 days. The relative proportions of the second and third cohorts in samples from surface and mid-depth waters suggest downward migration of the planktonic larvae, as they age.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi, being closely associated with their host plants, are an important part of the ecosystem and food web. In modern agriculture, pesticides are widely used. The impact of pesticides on the endophytic fungal community of crops remains poorly understood. In this paper, Chinese cabbage Brassica chinensis, a popular leafy vegetable consumed worldwide, was selected for evaluating the potential effects of a pesticide, deltamethrin, on the endophytic fungal community. By culture method, 195 endophytic fungal strains classified into 39 taxa and 186 strains classified into 30 taxa, respectively, were isolated from the pesticide-treated and untreated B. chinensis samples. Sirodesmium spp. were the predominant endophytic fungi from both samples. The colonisation rates of endophytic fungi of the treated and the untreated samples were not significantly different, as determined by one-way analysis of variance (p?>?.05). The Shannon diversity indexes (H′) were close, being 2.216 and 2.152, respectively. However, the endophyte compositions of the treated and the untreated samples were significantly different (p?B. chinensis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the potential for recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Hatching of resting eggs was induced in the laboratory on sliced and resuspended 1-cm depth-sections of sediment cores, collected at six stations in an archipelago area of the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. The uppermost 5 cm of the sediment was studied. The most common species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda). Individuals from another copepod genus, Acartia, hatched in significant numbers only in the cores from two stations with low amphipod abundance. Cores from stations with high amphipod densities showed a deeper distribution of emerging E. affinis nauplii compared with stations with few amphipods; the oxidised sediment layer was also deeper at high M. affinis densities than at low. Total (0 to 5 cm strata pooled) number of hatched E. affinis nauplii was independent of amphipod density. This indicates that the effect of M. affinis on E. affinis eggs involves deeper burial due to bioturbation, rather than predation. Decreased benthic recruitment of zooplankton at localities with high M. affinis density is suggested, since more deeply positioned eggs are less likely to hatch. When hatching was induced in intact, non-sliced cores from one station, the number of E. affinis nauplii that hatched was on average 43% of the number that hatched in the upper centimetre of the sliced cores from the same station. This fraction (43%), if applied to the other stations, implied a potential for benthic recruitment of up to 80 000 ind m−2 for E. affinis. Due to its high abundance, M. affinis is likely to greatly reduce benthic recruitment of zooplankton in this system. Received: 17 September 1999 / Accepted: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

This study compares water quality parameters, shrimp growth and mortality rates, and biomass at harvest in two ponds of equal size, seeded with the same density (7 m2) of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and Monodon Baculo Virus (MBV) negative post-larvae (PL)-20 of shrimp, Penaeus monodon in the Vellar estuary of South India. The primary difference between the ponds was the water source; one was filled from the estuary and the second with water from bore wells with high alkalinity. Temperature in both ponds was similar and reached 320C after 185 days of culture. Dissolved oxygen (DO) levels were within the acceptable range although levels in the alkaline pond were near the lower limit for the last 90 days before harvest. Salinity levels were similar in both ponds, above optimal levels, and increased over the 185 days. Alkalinity in the estuarine water was typically <50 ppm and again 200-320 ppm in the alkaline pond. In the alkaline pond, beginning on the 75th day mineral deposits was observed covering all parts of the shrimp including the eye and the inner gill chambers, and by harvest, 42% of the shrimp showed this coating. Elemental analysis identified the major constituents as calcium, phosphorus and manganese. Survival rates in the estuarine-water-fed pond was 92% with a total pond biomass at harvest of 1.65 tons ha-1 compared to survival of 79% in the alkaline pond and a biomass at harvest of 1.020 tons ha-1. When well water must be used, its alkalinity should be monitored and diluted with water from other sources.  相似文献   

Trouts native to the American Southwest provide an excellent example of the plight of endangered fishes from this region. The native species, Apache trout and Gila trout ( Oncorhynchus apache and O. gilae , respectively) have faced drastic reduction in habitat and detrimental interactions with introduced species, resulting in a dramatic decrease in numbers and sizes of populations. We used biochemical methods to identify diagnostic markers for the estimation of genetic relatedness and analysis of hybridization among native trouts and introduced cutthroat and rainbow trouts ( O. clarki and O. mykiss , respectively). Restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) indicated that Apache and Gila trout were very similar to each other, and more similar to rainbow trout than cutthroat. Diagnostic allozyme marker loci indicated that Apache trout hybridized extensively with rainbows in four populations and provided no evidence for reproductive isolation between the forms. Analysis of mtDNA, however, indicated that introduced haplotypes were rare in these same individuals, identifying a bias in the direction of gene exchange between species. The potential reproductive isolation and lack of information concerning population structure necessitate further study of Apache trout to determine the appropriate management strategy for this threatened species. This case demonstrates that extreme care must be exercised when considering elimination of any contaminated population lest the unique genetic identity of the native taxon be lost forever.  相似文献   

Yang  Sheng  Cheng  Yanping  Liu  Tong  Huang  Shaoping  Yin  Lihong  Pu  Yuepu  Liang  Geyu 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2022,20(5):2951-2970
Environmental Chemistry Letters - During the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, protective equipment, such as masks, gloves and shields, has become mandatory to prevent person-to-person...  相似文献   

Pacific oyster [Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)] broodstock were hatchery-conditioned with either a mixed algal diet of Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis suecica and Rhodomonas sp. [1:1:1, on a dry weight (DW) basis] (Control), a single diet of D. tertiolecta (Duna) or a single diet of D. tertiolecta supplemented with an emulsion rich in eicosapentaenoic (20:5n-3) and particularly docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) (Duna+Em). Oysters were spawned after a conditioning period of 7 and 8 weeks and larvae were reared for 1 week on an Isochrysis galbana (clone T-Iso) diet. The percentage recovery of D-larvae from eggs of Control-fed oysters and Duna+Em-fed oysters was not significantly different (80% and 63% after 7 weeks of conditioning; 87% and 74% after 8 weeks of conditioning, respectively] but was much higher than from eggs produced by Duna-fed oysters (24% and 41% after 7 and 8 weeks of conditioning, respectively). A reduction in the percentage recovery of D-larvae as a result of temperature or salinity stress was most severe in eggs from Duna-fed oysters. Neither the broodstock diet nor the conditioning period affected the size of eggs or D-larvae, larval performance, or lipid content and lipid class distribution of the eggs. The fatty acid composition of the eggs was modified by the fatty acid composition of the algal diet and the lipid emulsion. The supplementation of the emulsion resulted in a pronounced increase in the percentage of 22:6n-3 in the polar (PL) and neutral lipids (NL) of the eggs (4.0-13.4% and 8.5-14.7% in NL and PL, respectively). The egg lipids (7-8 ng egg-1) contained about 62% NL and were dominated by triglycerides (TAG), which made up 65% of the NL. The major phospholipids were phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), ceramide aminoethylphosphonate and phosphatidylinositol (CAEP+PI), phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC). Regardless of the broodstock diet treatment, the PL fraction contained high percentages of non-methylene-interrupted dienes (NMID) and plasmalogens (detected as dimethyl acetals).  相似文献   

A 1.8 ha brackish (5 to 15 S) embayment (Osborn Cove) on the Western Shore of Chesapeake Bay (USA) was studied during 1976 to examine some hydrologic and climatic influences on its phytoplankton, bacteria, intertidal benthos, a peripheral salt marsh (equivalent to 20% of the cove surface area), and the surrounding 48 ha forest watershed. Comparisons with 1975 and 1977 for temperature, salinity, rainfall and tidal extremes, show 1976 to have had normal rainfall but a cooler autumn. Sediment moves alongshore into the cove after rainfall, and erosion causes soil breakdowns from nearby cliffs. This movement, ice damage and predators appear to mediate distribution of the intertidal benthos. Phytoplankton density, chlorophyll and photosynthesis are compared with other portions of the Chesapeake Estuary sampled in parallel programs. Phytoplankton chlorophyll oscillations observed in the Bay and Potomac River were not seen in the cove. Cove gross and net photosynthesis averaged about the same as the bay, but the cove had higher rates in spring, a result of significantly higher net assimilation ratios rather than higher biomass. River-contributed nutrients may have produced this stimulation when used by tidally inoculated phytoplankton. Large numbers of small flagellates were not seen after heavy rainfall fluishing. Net phytoplankton production in the cove was estimated at 97.6 g C m-2 yr-1. A portion of the cove having restricted circulation apparently contributed 48% of this production in months when its phytoplankton was dominated by small flagellates. Total estimated net production by cove phytoplankton was 1.75x103 kg C yr-1, compared to 0.75x103 kg C yr-1 for a narrow peripheral zone of Spartina alterniflora growth occupying only 13% as much area. This ratio and circumstantial evidence suggests that leaf litter from the surrounding forest dominated particulate input to the cove. Bacterial plate counts showed increases in total numbers as a function of water temperature, with surface counts exceeding bottom counts. Indigenous bird and mammal waste are suggested as important bacterial inputs. Rainfall pulses resulted in rapid increases of fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus counts.  相似文献   

Asexual and sexual reproduction were studied in an intertidal population of Nepanthia belcheri (Perrier) at Townsville, Queensland, Australia, by regular sampling over a year (March 1976-March 1977) and by histological analysis of gonads. Fission reached a peak in early winter (April–June), when about 45% of the population showed evidence of recent fission. Propensity for fission was unrelated to longest arm length. Seven-armed seastars predominated in the population and these underwent fission in two stages to produce one 3-armed fragment and two 2-armed fragments. Fission planes were not related to numbers or positions of madreporites. Hermaphroditism was a normal sexual condition in the population. Almost all gonads contained oocytes, but some gonads functioned as ovaries (without spermatogenic tissue) while others functioned as testes. Seastars with mature ovaries were significantly larger than those with mature testes, indicating protandry, as in other hermaphroditic asteroids. However, fission complicates the pattern of gonad development by causing regression or retardation of gonads and by apparently having a masculinizing effect, so that ovaries may change to testes in fission products. There was a period of sexual reproduction in early summer (October–November). This followed the period of intense fission and regeneration, and a population change from predominately functional females to males. Consequently there was an extreme imbalance against mature females at sexual reproduction, further reducing potential fecundity. Thus, sexual reproduction was very subordinate to fission as the means of recruitment. The 450 m diam eggs probably give rise to pelagic lecithotrophic development and, if this is the case, N. belcheri retains the advantage of complementing reliable recruitment from fission with a dispersive phase. The combination of fission and hermaphroditism is particularly advantageous for a very sparse dispersal of larvae, as a functionally dioecious population may develop from one larva settling in a new locality.  相似文献   

Summary Lactation strategies in the two largest families of seals have been characterized as a phylogenetic dichotomy, with sea lions and fur seals (Otariidae) exhibiting foraging cycles and true seals (Phocidae) a strategy of fasting. We show that a lactating phocid, the harbor seal, Phoca vitulina, has a foraging cycle similar to that of otariids. Time-depth recorders attached to lactating harbor seal mothers revealed that 9 of 11 females began bouts of diving, averaging 12–40 m, by mid-lactation (12 days). During the remainder of lactation, females made an average of seven diving trips, lasting about 7 h. They returned to the rookery during the interval between successive bouts to nurse their pups. Diving was more frequent during daylight than at night and diving bouts increased in duration as lactation progressed. The diving behavior of females that had weaned their pups and previously collected data from stomach lavage, suggest that the bouts of diving represent successful foraging. We propose that the lactation strategy of the harbor seal is intermediate to that of the otariids and other phocids studied. The harbor seal has a foraging cycle like the otariids, but typically resembles other phocids in length of lactation, rate of mass gain in pups, and in milk fat content. As harbor seals are among the smallest phocids, and only slightly larger than most otariids, it seems likely that maternal size constrains the amount of stored energy harbor seal females can bring to the rookery, forcing them to start feeding during the lactation period.Correspondence to: D.J. Boness  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Nanomaterials are now widely used in various industries such as automotive, biomedical, cosmetics, defense, energy, and electronics, due to their unique...  相似文献   

Earthworm, Eudrilus eugeniae, exposed to different concentrations of dump-site soil and petroleum effluents exhibited different morbidity and mortality responses. Lake sediments caused varied fluctuations in weight over a 20 day exposure period. Colour changes and mortality up to 15% were observed in earthworms cultured in 100% lake sediment, while weight loss, coiling and sluggish movement were observed in 50% lake water. The effects of 100% dump-site soils were more pronounced as 40% death, swelling, body lesions, stiffening, coiling and low reproduction were recorded. Earthworms were useful as an organism in testing the toxicity of dump-site soils and effluent from a petroleum industry. Dump-site soils and soils polluted with petroleum effluent reduced populations of earthworms and this could subsequently affect other components of the ecosystems associated with earthworm activities.  相似文献   

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