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Copulation behavior and paternity in the chaffinch   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary We investigated two aspects of sperm competition in a wild population of chaffinches Fringilla coelebs: copulation behavior and genetic parentage determined by DNA fingerprinting. Pairs copulated at a high rate before laying, peaking at 4.4 copulation attempts per hour on day –3 relative to laying, with an average of 207 copulation attempts (83 behaviorally successful) per clutch. Extra-pair copulation attempts (n = 20) made up 7.8% of all copulation attempts that females were involved in. The rate at which pairs copulated was lower during egg-laying, but there was no evidence that this was due to the male of the pair timing copulations to coincide with an insemination window; it was more likely due to the fact that females solicited copulations at a lower rate. Both sexes solicited copulations but males solicited mainly extra-pair copulations. DNA fingerprinting showed that 17.0% of chicks (n = 47) in 23% of broods (n = 13) were fathered by a male other than the one paired to their mother. There was no evidence of intraspecific brood parasitism. In three cases where we were able to identify the father of extra-pair offspring it proved to be a neighboring male.Correspondence to: B.C. Sheldon  相似文献   

It is still unclear why females in many bird species pursue extra-pair copulations. Current hypotheses focus mainly on indirect benefits such as obtaining particular good genes for their offspring or maximizing genetic compatibility between themselves and the father of their offspring. Supporting the latter, a recent study of shorebirds suggests that extra-pair matings may function to avoid the negative effects of genetic similarity between mates. Here, we further investigate genetic parentage in the Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, a shorebird with a highly variable social mating system. DNA fingerprinting revealed that most pairs were genetically monogamous: 7.9% of the broods (7/89) contained extra-pair young, comprising 3.9% of all chicks (9/229). These cases represented, however, three alternative reproductive behaviors: extra-pair paternity, quasi-parasitism (extra-pair maternity) and intraspecific brood parasitism. This is the first study showing the occurrence of all three behaviors in one shorebird species. We also found that extra-pair fertilizations (extra-pair paternity and quasi-parasitism) were more frequent later in the breeding season. There was no consistent relationship between genetic similarity of mates and laying date; the pattern, as well as the degree of genetic similarity, differed among breeding sites within the study population.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   

Genetic parentage in the indigo bunting: a study using DNA fingerprinting   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary Parentage of nestlings in a North Carolina population of indigo buntings (Passerina cyanea) was analyzed using DNA fingerprinting. Three minisatellite DNA probes (wild type M13, Jeffreys' 33.15 and 33.6) were used to analyze nuclear DNA isolated from muscle biopsies of 63 nestlings, their parents, and other local adults. Each probe detected approximately 15 scorable fragments per individual, with 18%–39% overlap between probes. The proportion of bands shared (using all fragments over all three probes) between presumably unrelated adults averaged 0.23. Of the 63 offspring analyzed, 35 had at least one fragment not present in either putative parent. The distribution of offspring with novel fragments was distinctly bimodal. The lower mode (offspring with 0, 1, or 2 novel fragments, N=41) fit a Poisson distribution, a pattern expected if mutation (estimated rate per fragment= 0.01) were the source of the novel fragments. The remaining 22 offspring had more novel fragments than could be explained by mutation alone (minimum of four independent fragments across all three probes, =8.2). A low band-sharing proportion with the resident male ( =0.24) and high band-sharing with the resident female ( =0.60) implicated extra-pair fertilizations as the source of all 22. Thus in this sample, 35% of all nestlings came from extra-pair fertilizations and none from intra-specific brood parasitism. Of 25 broods sampled, 12 (48%) had at least one excluded offspring. In 3 broods all of the offspring excluded the resident male. Band-sharing proportions between excluded nestlings within a brood could not distinguish between single and multiple extra-pair paternity. Although young males tended to be excluded less often than older males, wing length and weight were not associated with the frequency of exclusion. Weight and wing length of females also were not associated with involvement in EPCs. Six of the 22 excluded offspring (in 3 broods) shared a large proportion of bands and had fewer than four novel fragments when compared to the fingerprints of a neighboring territorial male, implicating those males as actual fathers. The parentage of the remaining 16 offspring (in 9 broods) could not be clearly assigned because (1) one or more neighbors were not sampled or (2) difficulties in scoring across gels prevented confident alignment of fingerprint bands, and insufficient DNA was obtained from muscle samples to allow reanalysis of potential actual fathers on the same gel as excluded nestlings.  相似文献   

Empirical relationships between parentage and male parental care are commonly interpreted in the context of life-history models that consider increased offspring survivorship as the only benefit of paternal effort. However, indirect benefits associated with male care can also influence a male's response to cuckoldry: if females allocate paternity according to their prior experience with male parental care, it may pay for males to provision extra-pair young in early broods. Here, I assess the relationship between first-brood parentage and paternal care in a population of Savannah sparrows (Passerculussandwichensis) where a male's fertilization success in the second brood appears to be influenced by his prior parental performance. Based on the multi-locus DNA fingerprinting of 17 first broods, male feeding effort was influenced by parentage (percent of brood resulting from within-pair fertilizations) but not by brood size, male mating status (monogamous versus polygynous), timing of breeding (hatching date), structural size (wing length) or condition (mass). Males provided more care to broods that contained few within-pair young. This result supports the idea that males provision young to increase their future mating success, but alternative hypotheses involving male quality and timing of breeding cannot be excluded. Received: 13 August 1996 / Accepted after revision: 22 February 1997  相似文献   

Females of socially monogamous species may copulate with attractive non-mates to obtain access to the genes of such males, and a preference for attractive copulation partners may result in sexual selection. Extra-pair copulations are common in the socially monogamous barn swallow Hirundorustica, and a 2-year study of paternity using multi-locus DNA fingerprinting demonstrated that 33% of 63 broods and 28% of 261 offspring were sired by extra-pair males. The frequency of extra-pair offspring within broods was highly skewed with the majority of all broods having either no extra-pair offspring or only extra-pair offspring. Individual pairs were consistent in their frequency of extra-pair paternity among broods, and the repeatability of extra-pair paternity of multiple broods of the same female was statistically significant. The proportion of extra-pair offspring was negatively related to the tail length of the male attending the nest. Behavioural observations showed that extra-pair fertilizations were more likely in broods raised by females that had been observed to engage in extra-pair copulations. The frequency of extra-pair offspring was unrelated to the intensity of two male paternity guards, mate guarding and the rate of intra-pair copulations. In an analysis of extra-pair paternity and male parental care in different broods of the same male, male barn swallows fed their offspring relatively less frequently if the brood contained more extra-pair offspring. Therefore, female barn swallows pursue extra-pair copulations with attractive males, which may result in sexual selection, even though extra-pair paternity is costly for females due to the reduction of paternal care by their social mates. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 2 August 1997  相似文献   

Summary Genetic parentage of 135 nestlings from 27 broods of polygynous and monogamous pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca was analyzed by means of multilocus DNA fingerprinting. The minisatellite probe alpha-globin 3HVR detected approximately 12 scorable bands per fingerprint, and the proportion of bands shared between presumably unrelated adults averaged 0.22+0.08 SD. The fingerprints of 125 of the 135 nestlings made a complete match to those of their putative parents. In 4 nestlings a single mismatched band occurred, but since band sharing with both putative parents was high, the single mismatches were assumed to be caused by mutation. The 6 remaining nestlings had 5 or more mismatched bands each, low band-sharing proportions with their putative father and high band-sharing proportions with their putative mother. We thus conclude that they were all sired through extra-pair copulations (EPCs). Hence, only 4% of nestlings were sired through EPCs, and none resulted from intraspecific brood parasitism. One of the cuckolding males was identified, explaining all 5 mismatched bands in the nestling's fingerprint. Three of the illegitimate nestlings were from primary nests of polygynous males; 3 were from nests of monogamous males. The fact that many males in this study started to advertise for a second female in a distant territory several days before their first mate began egglaying, and still managed to secure almost exclusive paternity in their first brood, suggests that male polyterritoriality is not costly in terms of lost paternity. Common anti-cuckoddry tactics performed by male birds, like high rate of within-pair copulation and continuous mate-guarding thoughout the female's fertilizable period, do not seem to be important in pied flycatchers.Offprint requests to: J.T. Lifjeld  相似文献   

Summary Electrophoretic analysis was performed on 28 families of eastern kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus) from northern Michigan to estimate the occurrence of multiple parentage. Out of 19 families used in the final analysis, at least one putative parent was excluded in 9 families, or 18 out of 60 offspring (30% of offspring). Distribution of exclusion types conforms most closely to a model of quasi-parasitism, rather than extra-pair fertilizations, with secondary females laying their eggs in the primary female's nest, but random brood parasitism cannot be ruled out as an additional or alternative source of stray genes. Based on the model of random parasitism, an estimated 39% of all offspring in this population may be unrelated to one or both of the putative parents, or 53% based on a model of quasi-parasitism. Heretofore, eastern kingbirds have been considered to be exclusively monogamous; no behavioral evidence for alternative reproductive strategies has ever been reported for this species.  相似文献   

Summary Parental exclusion analyses based on allozyme data were performed on 105 families of cliff swallows (Hirundo pyrrhonota) from southwestern Nebraska, USA. The protein products of seve polymorphic loci were resolved from blood, and at least one parental exclusion occurred at six of these loci. One or both putative parents were excluded for 35 nestlings from 22 different families. The mean number of non-kin nestlings in these families was 1.59. Non-kin nestlings were found in families with brood sizes ranging from two to five. A greater percentage of families in an 1100-nest colony had non-kin offspring than in two smaller colonics, although the difference was not statistically significant. Application of genetic models to these data and the observed distribution of parental exclusions suggested that multiple parentage in cliff swallows results more often from intraspecific brood parasitism than from forced extra-pair copulations. Based on the calculated probabilities of detecting non-kin, we estimate that 23.7% of all nestlings in our population are not the offspring of one or both of their putative parents. We estimate that about 43% of all cliff swallow nests in Nebraska contain at least one offspring resulting from intraspecific brood parasitism, and that about 6% of nests might contain offspring resulting from extra-pair copulations.  相似文献   

Willow ptarmigan are one of only three monogamous grouse species in North America. However, in some populations between 5 and 20% of individuals pair polygynously. It has been suggested that monogamy may be maintained by the high cost of polygyny to males. We have used DNA fingerprinting to assess the actual reproductive success of both monogamous and polygynous adults. We determined whether or not the putative parents were the biological parents of the chicks from 38 broods. Of these clutches 30 were from monogamous matings, and 8 were from bigamous matings. Of the 207 chicks from monogamous matings 96% were within-pair offspring, compared to 67% of the 49 chicks from bigamous matings. All extra-pair offspring chicks resulted from extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs), and there were no instances of intraspecific nest parasitism. Mate guarding by monogamous males seems to be a highly effective method for maintaining genetic monogamy, as the only cases in which EPFs occurred were when the resident female left the territory for a few days or when a second female visited the territory. Our results support the notion that certainty of parentage may be one factor constraining willow ptarmigan males to be monogamous.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that female birds with high-quality mates will benefit from producing more sons, since sons will inherit their father’s superior traits and enjoy a great reproductive success, whereas females with low-quality mates will benefit from producing more daughters, since the variance in reproductive success among daughters is typically lower. The male attractiveness hypothesis may apply to extra-pair paternity (EPP) because socially monogamous females routinely mate with higher quality males outside the pair bond. We test these predictions using the Tibetan ground tit (Pseudopodoces humilis), a sexually monomorphic, socially monogamous, facultatively cooperative breeder. There was greater variation in actual reproductive success among males than females due to EPP. An excess of sons was detected for bi-parental (i.e., non-cooperative) broods wherein EPP was mainly sired by bi-parental males. The pattern was attributed to male-biased sex ratios produced for both EPP and within-pair offspring within the same broods. The reason for the latter case might be a random allocation of more offspring to sons by the potentially EPP-exposed females that have an inability to control fertilization by specific males. In cooperative broods where EPP mostly resulted from within-group helpers of presumed low-quality, as indicated by their failure in acquiring a social mate, there was a non-significant tendency for EPP offspring to be daughters and for within-pair offspring in the same broods to be unbiased. These results support the EPP-related male attractiveness hypothesis especially in terms of the overproduction of sons. Offspring produced through quasi-parasitism was unbiased towards either sex, suggesting a weak female choiceness with respect to the quality of host males.  相似文献   

A total of 250 nestboxes were arranged in five plots in a suburban area of Budapest, Hungary (19°04E, 47°41N). In each plot, 25 were placed at 50 m intervals to simulate solitary breeding and 25 3–5 m apart to simulate colonial breeding. Length of nest building period, feeding frequency, nestling mortality, nestlings' diet, productivity and parental condition were compared for colonial and solitary breeding tree sparrows Passer montanus. Parents with long nest-building periods, including the majority of first-year females, produced fewer young than parents which built over short periods. Parents fed nestlings morefrequently and nestlings had lower mortality in second than first broods; whether or not a third brood was reared was determined by the costs invested in first and second broods. Females that laid a third clutch had reared fewer young in first and second broods and were heavier than females that reared many young in two broods. Colonial birds had higher feeding frequencies, more similar diets and suffered lower nestling mortality than solitary parents for first broods, but they fed less frequently, diets were less similar, and nestling mortality was higher in second and third broods. It is suggested that colonial breeders benefited from the social stimulation of simultaneous feeding in first broods, but the advantage of synchronicity in feeding declined in second broods and the sparser breeding spacing of solitary parents was more advantageous for feeding in second and third broods. Birds that changed nest spacing between broods had fed nestlings less frequently and had higher nestling mortality before changing than birds which retained their spacing. Parents which changed from colonies to solitary nests fed more frequently with lower nestling mortality in the next brood than parents which retained colonial nests for their second (and third) brood. Solitary parents did not show such a relationship. The rearing of three broods caused higher weight loss in colonial than solitary parents.Correspondence to: L. Sasvári  相似文献   

In a recent review, Westneat and Stewart (2003) compiled evidence that extra-pair paternity results from a three-player interaction in which sexual conflict is a potent force. Sequentially polyandrous species of birds appear to fit this idea well. Earlier breeding males may attempt to use sperm storage by females to obtain paternity in their mates subsequent clutches. Later-breeding males may consequently attempt to avoid sperm competition by preferring to pair with previously unmated females. Females may bias events one way or the other. We examined the applicability of these hypotheses by studying mating behavior and paternity in red-necked phalaropes (Phalaropus lobatus), a sex-role reversed, socially polyandrous shorebird. Male red-necked phalaropes guarded mates more strongly than other shorebirds. Males increased within-pair copulation attempts during their mates fertile period, and maintained or further increased attempts towards the end of laying, suggesting an attempt to fertilize the females next clutch; these attempts were usually thwarted by the female. Paired males sought extra-pair copulations with females about to re-enter the breeding pool. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting showed that 6% of clutches (4/63) each contained one chick sired by a male other than the incubator, producing a population rate of these events of 1.7% (n=226 chicks). Male mates had full paternity in all first clutches (n=25) and 15 of 16 monogamous replacement clutches. In contrast, 3 of 6 clutches of second males contained extra-pair young likely fathered by the females previous mate. Previously mated female phalaropes may employ counter-strategies that prevent later mating males from discriminating against them. The stability of this polyandrous system, in which males provide all parental care, ultimately may depend on females providing males with eggs containing primarily genes of the incubating male, and not a previous mate.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   

Summary We used two genetic techniques to study multiple parentage in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Allozyme electrophoresis of 131 nestlings from 22 clutches sampled in 1982 and 1987 showed that one nestling had a mismatched allele compared with its putative parents. In one additional nest the devitation from Mendelian inheritance of parental genotypes suggested extra-pair paternity. The calculated probability of detecting multiple paternity from the genetic variation at four loci was 0.115. The estimated population frequency of extra-pair fertilization (EPF) was 13%, based on two mismatches and the probability of detecting multiple paternity. The seven families (n = 38 nestlings) in the 1987 sample were also analyzed by DNA fingerprinting using the M13 and Jeffrey's 33.15 probes. Overall, 24% (n = 9) of the nestlings analyzed were genetically inconsistent with their putative father, with EPF occurring in three (43%) of the seven clutches. One nestling originated by intraspecific brood parasitism. Comparison of the two techniques using the same samples showed that allozyme electrophoresis has a resolution only 11% of that of DNA fingerprinting, close to the calculated probability of detecting multiple paternity (0.115). Both techniques suggest that extra-pair fertilization is relatively common in the Swedish populations investigated compared to the low frequency reported from a Norwegian population. Correspondence to: H.P. Gelter at the present address  相似文献   

In cooperative breeders, mature males may compete for fertilizations. In this study, we measured the degree of multiple paternity in a natural population of a cooperatively breeding fish. Neolamprologus pulcher (Perciformes: Cichlidae) is a highly social cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika. We used highly variable microsatellite loci to survey 12 groups with an average number of 10.6 brood care helpers per group and a total of 43 offspring (mean 3.6 per brood). In 11 of 12 groups, all young were assigned to the dominant female. The dominant male sired all offspring in three groups, part of the offspring in four groups, and in five groups, he had no paternity at all. In total, 44.2% of young were not fathered by the current male territory owner. Multiple paternity was found in 5 of 12 broods (41.7 %), with 8 of 35 young (22.9 %) being sired by males other than the respective territory owners. This is an exceptionally high rate of extra-pair paternity among cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Neither helpers present in these territories during collection nor neighbouring males were unequivocally assigned to have sired these extra-pair young. However, behavioural observations suggest that male helpers may have produced these young before being expelled from the territory in response to this reproductive parasitism. We discuss these results in the light of reproductive skew theory, cooperative breeding in vertebrates and alternative reproductive tactics in fish.  相似文献   

Females of many socially monogamous bird species commonly engage in extra-pair copulations. Assuming that extra-pair males are more attractive than the females’ social partners and that attractiveness has a heritable component, sex allocation theory predicts facultative overproduction of sons among extra-pair offspring (EPO) as sons benefit more than daughters from inheriting their father’s attractiveness traits. Here, we present a large-scale, three-year study on sex ratio variation in a passerine bird, the coal tit (Parus ater). Molecular sexing in combination with paternity analysis revealed no evidence for a male-bias in EPO sex ratios compared to their within-pair maternal half-siblings. Our main conclusion, therefore, is that facultative sex allocation to EPO is absent in the coal tit, in accordance with findings in several other species. Either there is no net selection for a deviation from random sex ratio variation (e.g. because extra-pair mating may serve goals different from striving for ‘attractiveness genes’) or evolutionary constraints preclude the evolution of precise maternal sex ratio adjustment. It is interesting to note that, however, we found broods without EPO as well as broods without mortality to be relatively female-biased compared to broods with EPO and mortality, respectively. We were unable to identify any environmental or parental variable to co-vary with brood sex ratios. There was no significant repeatability of sex ratios in consecutive broods of individual females that would hint at some idiosyncratic maternal sex ratio adjustment. Further research is needed to resolve the biological significance of the correlation between brood sex ratios and extra-pair paternity and mortality incidence, respectively.  相似文献   

Factors that affect extra-pair mating in birds are likely to vary across the breeding season. Changing densities of active nests may alter the opportunities for extra-pair mating, and parental duties may alter a male’s opportunity to guard his mate from extra-pair mating. The latter affects species with multiple broods, where males care for fledglings from first nests while females initiate second nests. We studied a population of multi-brooded American robins (Turdus migratorius) to assess how seasonal changes in nesting density and changes in mate-guarding opportunity influenced paternity patterns over successive breeding attempts. Extra-pair paternity (EPP) occurred in 71.9% of broods and accounted for 48.1% of young. High nesting densities in the study population may explain the high overall rate of EPP, but seasonal variation in breeding density did not explain patterns of EPP among nests. Contrary to the predictions of the mate-guarding hypothesis, EPP did not increase in the second nests that followed successful first nests, and the percentage of extra-pair young in second nests did not decline as the overlap between successive nests increased. The fact that EPP was actually lower when the interval between clutches was shorter suggests that the sooner the males can assume sole care of first broods and allow their mates to renest (indicative of superior paternal quality), the more paternity they realize in the next nest. These results suggest that mate-guarding opportunity does not influence paternity in this population of American robins and that female robins may allocate paternity based on their assessment of male parental performance at first nests.  相似文献   

We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to characterise the genetic mating system of the socially monogamous yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). Over 2 years there were no instances of brood parasitism, but 59% of families (n = 90) contained extrapair sired young and 37% of offspring (n = 355) were of extra-pair paternity. Most hypotheses for extra-pair mating in monogamous species assume a paternity benefit to extra-pair sires, and focus on the benefit(s) to females. However, the assumption of male benefit has been little tested. Among yellow warblers, known extra-pair sires were just as likely to be cuckolded as any male in the population, and there was at least one reciprocal exchange of extra-pair paternity. Nevertheless, among known extra-pair sires, the paternity gains from extra-pair paternity were, on average, greater than the losses in their own families. These results show there is a paternity benefit to certain males. However, the benefit is not absolute but relative and therefore more difficult to measure. The results also suggest that patterns of extra-pair fertilisation are not determined by female choice alone. Most confirmed extra-pair mates were territorial neighbours, but some resided as far as three territories apart, and greater spatial separation was implied in other cases. Thus, the opportunity for extra-pair mating is great. We estimate that as a result of extra-pair fertilisations, variance in male mating success is increased somewhere between 3-fold and 15-fold over that which would result from within-pair reproduction alone. These findings affirm the potential importance of extra-pair reproduction for sexual selection in monogamous species and they support earlier suggestions that extra-territorial forays by male yellow warblers are for the purpose of extra-pair mating.  相似文献   

Monogamy is rare in mammals (<5% spp.) but occurs in greater frequency among primates (15%) and their close relatives, the treeshrews (100%; Order: Scandentia). Two genetic studies of parentage in monogamous primates revealed high rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP), but to date parentage has not been studied in a treeshrew species. I analyzed the genetic parentage of 22 offspring from two populations of large treeshrews in Sabah, Malaysia (NE Borneo), using seven autosomal microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial DNA marker. Half of these offspring were sired by males that were not the presumed partner of the mother (50% EPP), and three litters exhibited evidence of multiple paternity. However, comparative analysis indicated that the high rate of EPP in Tupaia tana is not associated with intense sperm competition. Relative testis size of treeshrews was similar to testis size in 22 primate species with uni-male mating systems but smaller than 44 primates with multi-male mating systems. After factoring out the effects of body size and phylogeny, I also found that the evolution of multi-male mating systems was significantly associated with the evolution of larger testis size. Male–female pairs of T. tana occupy joint territories but forage and sleep alone (“dispersed pair-living”), and I argue that this form of behavioral monogamy renders mate guarding ineffective. The adaptive advantages of behavioral monogamy likely differ from the advantages driving EPP in large treeshrews. However, small testis size suggests that behavioral monogamy is not masking a dispersed multi-male mating system in this species.  相似文献   

Nest desertion is not predicted by cuckoldry in the Eurasian penduline tit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Engagement in extra-pair copulations is an example of the abundant conflicting interests between males and females over reproduction. Potential benefits for females and the risk of cuckoldry for males are expected to have important implications on the evolution of parental care. However, whether parents adjust parental care in response to parentage remains unclear. In Eurasian penduline tits Remiz pendulinus, which are small polygamous songbirds, parental care is carried out either by the male or by the female. In addition, one third of clutches is deserted by both male and female. Desertion takes place during the egg-laying phase. Using genotypes of nine microsatellite loci of 443 offspring and 211 adults, we test whether extra-pair paternity predicts parental care. We expect males to be more likely to desert cuckolded broods, whereas we expect females, if they obtain benefits from having multiple sires, to be more likely to care for broods with multiple paternity. Our results suggest that parental care is not adjusted to parentage on an ecological timescale. Furthermore, we found that male attractiveness does not predict cuckoldry, and we found no evidence for indirect benefits for females (i.e., increased growth rates or heterozygosity of extra-pair offspring). We argue that male Eurasian penduline tits may not be able to assess the risk of cuckoldry; thus, a direct association with parental care is unlikely to evolve. However, timing of desertion (i.e., when to desert during the egg-laying phase) may be influenced by the risk of cuckoldry. Future work applying extensive gene sequencing and quantitative genetics is likely to further our understanding of how selection may influence the association between parentage and parental care.  相似文献   

Our view of avian mating systems has been revolutionised by the use of molecular tools that have provided evidence supporting theoretical predictions that extrapair paternity (EPP) and intra-specific brood parasitism (IBP) would be widely observed alternative mating strategies in socially monogamous species. Quasi-parasitism (QP) is a third type of alternative mating strategy, where a female lays an egg in another females nest and that egg is fertilised by the male partner at the parasitised nest. In contrast to both EPP and IBP, QP has been reported in only 12 species to date. We explore reasons for the apparent rarity of QP in birds and conclude that it is only likely to be adaptive in a fairly restrictive set of circumstances. We also review all of the evidence for the occurrence of QP in birds and find that it is far more limited than generally believed, as many apparent examples may be explained by rapid mate--switching or errors in molecular analysis of parentage. We suggest a number of criteria that need to be met for an unequivocal demonstration that QP has actually occurred.Communicated by: A. Cockburn  相似文献   

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