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Diuron mobility through vineyard soils contaminated with copper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The herbicide diuron is frequently applied to vineyard soils in Burgundy, along with repeated treatments with Bordeaux mixture (a blend of copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide) that result in elevated copper concentrations. Cu could in principle affect the fate and transport of diuron or its metabolites in the soil either directly by complexation or indirectly by altering the populations or activity of microbes involved in their degradation. To assess the effect of high Cu concentrations on diuron transport, an experiment was designed with ten undisturbed columns of calcareous and acidic soils contaminated with 17--509 mg kg(-1) total Cu (field-applied). Grass was planted on three columns. Diuron was applied to the soils in early May and in-ground lysimeters were exposed to outdoor conditions until November. Less than 1.2% of the diuron applied was found in the leachates as diuron or its metabolites. Higher concentrations were found in the effluents from the grass-covered columns (0.1--0.45%) than from the bare-soil columns (0.02--0.14%), and they were correlated with increases in dissolved organic carbon. The highest amounts of herbicide were measured in acidic-soil column leachates (0.98--1.14%) due to the low clay and organic matter contents of these soils. Cu also leached more readily through the acidic soils (32.8--1042 microg) than in the calcareous soils (9.5--63.4 microg). Unlike in the leachates, the amount of diuron remaining in the soils at the end of the experiment was weakly related to the Cu concentrations in the soils.  相似文献   

Oenothera picensis plants (Fragrant Evening Primrose) grow in the acid soils contaminated by copper smelting in the coastal region of central Chile. We evaluated the effects of the biodegradable chelate MGDA (methylglycinediacetic acid) on copper extraction by O. picensis and on leaching of copper through the soil profile, using an ex situ experiment with soil columns of varying heights. MGDA was applied in four rates: 0 (control), 2, 6 and 10 mmol plant−1. MGDA application significantly increased biomass production and foliar concentration, permitting an effective increase in copper extraction, from 0.09 mg plant−1 in the control, to 1.3 mg plant−1 in the 6 and 10 mmol plant−1 treatments. With 10 mmol plant−1 rate of MGDA, the copper concentration in the leachate from the 30 cm columns was 20 times higher than in the control. For the 60 cm columns, copper concentration was 2 times higher than the control. It can be concluded that at increased soil depths, copper leaching would be minimal and that MGDA applications at the studied rates would not pose a high risk for leaching into groundwater. It can thus be stated that applications of MGDA are an effective and environmentally safe way to improve copper extraction by O. picensis in these soils.  相似文献   

The use of copper-based fungicides leads to an accumulation of copper (Cu) in vineyard soils, potentially causing adverse effects to the microbial function and fertility of the soil. This study used a soil microcosm approach to assess the effects of Cu accumulation on microbial function in vineyard soils. Surface soil samples were collected from 10 vineyards and a number of un-impacted reference sites in each of three different viticultural regions of Australia. The field-collected soils were transferred to microcosms and maintained for up to 93 days in the laboratory at 20–22 °C and 60 % of their maximum water-holding capacity. The microbial function of the soils was indicated by measuring phosphomonoesterase, arylsulfatase, urease, and phenol oxidase activities. In general, the vineyard soils had greater concentrations of Cu and lower enzyme activities than in the reference soils, although a weak negative relationship between Cu and enzyme activity could only be found for phosphomonoesterase activity. The results show that soil physical–chemical properties (i.e., organic carbon, pH) are greater determinants of soil enzyme activity than increased soil Cu concentration at the Cu concentrations present in vineyard soils.  相似文献   

The intensive use for over 100 years of copper sulfate (Bordeaux mixture) to fight against mildew in vineyard soils has led to an important, widespread accumulation of Cu (100 to 1500 mg Cu kg-1 soil). In Champagne vineyards, organic amendments are used currently to increase soil fertility and to limit soil erosion. Organic amendments may have a direct effect on the retention of Cu in the soil. To assess the influence of the organic management on the fate of Cu in calcareous Champagne vineyard soils, we studied Cu distribution (1) in the soil profile and (2) among primary soil particles, in vineyard parcels with different amendments. Amendments were oak-bark, vine-shoots and urban compost. The results were compared with the amount and the distribution of Cu in an unamended calcareous soil. Physical soil fractionations were carried out to separate soil primary particles according to their size and density. Cu has a heterogeneous distribution among soil particle fractions. Two fractions were mainly responsible for Cu retention in soils: the organic debris larger than 50 microns or coarse particulate organic matter (POM) issued from the organic amendments, and the clay-sized fraction < 2 microns. The POM contained up to 2000 mg Cu kg-1 fraction and the clay fraction contained up to 500 mg Cu kg-1 fraction. The clay-sized fraction was responsible for almost 40% of the total amount of Cu in the four parcels. POM was predominantly responsible for the differences in Cu contents between the unamended and the three amended parcels. Our results attested that methods of soil particle-size fractionation can be successfully used to assess the distribution of metal elements in soils.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils may contain toxic levels of copper (Cu) due to sewage sludge spreading or industrial pollution but chemical analyses may not be representative of Cu bioavailability, defined as the soil Cu fraction that plants can actually absorb (i.e. Cu fraction which is not strongly adsorbed to soil components). Lipid peroxidation caused by Cu in plants was investigated as a relevant bioassay of toxicity. Seven-day-old rapeseed plantlets were grown on Cu-supplemented medium in controlled conditions. Lipid-peroxidation was assessed by measuring: (1) the 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive substances; (2) the hydroperoxy acids by HPLC analysis; and (3) the alkane outputs by gas chromatography. We first verified the correlation between the results obtained by each method and then discussed their advantages and disadvantages within the context of a bioassay, showing that the volatile alkane output measurement is the most precise and easy to perform method for this purpose.  相似文献   

Mobility of antimony in soil and its availability to plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hammel W  Debus R  Steubing L 《Chemosphere》2000,41(11):1791-1798
In a historical mining area residual material has been filled on land and these locations are used today as agricultural soils or house gardens. The antimony concentrations in these soils are up to 500 mg/kg. Antimony transfer into 19 vegetable and crop species was investigated. In grain and other storage organs up to 0.09 mg Sb/kg were found, whereas maximum antimony concentrations in shoots and leaves were determined to be 0.34 mg Sb/kg and 2.2 mg Sb/kg, respectively. Despite the high antimony contamination of the soils, concentrations in the investigated plants in general corresponded to concentrations only reported for uncontaminated soils. NH4NO3 extraction of some of the soils indicated that the mobile fraction of antimony present was only 0.06-0.59%. In contrast, in leaves of spinach grown under controlled conditions in soils with a high mobile antimony content an accumulation of the element could be observed: a maximum value of 399 mg Sb/kg was detected, and a correlation between the mobile fraction in the soils and antimony in leaves was found.  相似文献   

Several factors depending on the sludge, the soil, or the combination of both substrates, may affect element availability to plants. In this study, an assessment was done of the effect of two sludges obtained by different processes (activated sludge and facultative stabilization pond) on heavy-metal availability and uptake by sorghum plants in soils with high and low copper contents. Results obtained for DTPA-extractable metal indicated higher metal availability in sludge-amended soils. In addition, sludges caused changes in copper and zinc distribution in soil, indicating in most cases a discrete increase in the more labile metal forms. However, observed changes did not increase heavy metal concentration in plant leaves, indicating that assessment of metal availability by a chemical procedure (single extraction or metal fractionation) would not permit a good prediction of metal bioavailability. On the other hand, sludge application at a rate of 100 t ha−1 to high-copper agricultural soils would not imply greater mobility of this metal on account of a greater sorbing capacity provided by the sludges. Such results would indicate that sludges from wastewater treatment plants, meeting the standards of heavy metal contents, regardless of the process by which they were obtained, may be applied to several kinds of soil, even to high-copper soils, with no risk of increasing heavy metal bioavailability to phytotoxic levels in the short range.  相似文献   

Metal contamination of vineyard soils in wet subtropics (southern Brazil)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vine-growing areas in Brazil are the dampest in the world. Copper maximum value registered in this study was as much as 3200 mg kg(-1), which is several times higher than reported for vineyard soils in temperate climates. Other pesticide-derived metals accumulate in the topsoil layer, surpassing in the old vineyards the background value several times for Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd. Copper is transported to deeper soils' horizons and can potentially contaminate groundwater. The soils from basaltic volcanic rocks reveal the highest values of Cu extracted with CaCl(2), demonstrating a high capacity of copper transference into plants. When evaluating the risks of copper's toxic effects in subtropics, the soils from rhyolitic volcanic rocks are more worrisome, as the Cu extracted with ammonium acetate 1M surpasses the toxic threshold as much as 4-6 times.  相似文献   

Superficial soil and grass samples from 13 locations affected by several anthropogenic sources (mining, metal factory, traffic emissions) were collected in Gipuzkoa, northern Spain. The more labile metal fractions, the mobile (extracted by 0.01 mol l(-1) CaCl(2)) and the mobilisable (extracted by 0.005 mol l(-1) DTPA), were evaluated using a short sequential procedure with two steps. From the results a short-medium term potential lability of Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb can be concluded. The labile levels were compared with the results obtained using the Tessier sequential procedure. Factor analysis was used to check the associations between the total metal contents in soil and grass, as well as between the levels of the different sequential fractions and the total content in grass. Cd, Cu and Zn labile levels were related to total metal grass contents indicating its suitability for the availability studies in polluted soil-plant system.  相似文献   

Swindell AL  Reid BJ 《Chemosphere》2006,62(7):1126-1134
Recently, it has become apparent that the use of total contaminant concentrations as a measure of potential contaminant exposure to plants or soil organisms is inappropriate and that bioavailability of contaminants is a better measure of potential exposure. In light of this, non-exhaustive extraction techniques are being investigated to assess their appropriateness in determining bioavailability. In this study, phenanthrene extractability using hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPCD) and desorption kinetics using butan-1-ol (BuOH) were determined in three dissimilar spiked soils. The soils were extracted after 1 d, 40 d and 80 d of soil-compound contact time. The amount of phenanthrene extracted by HPCD was compared to the rapidly desorbed fraction removed by BuOH. Further experiments using the same soils and extraction methods to assess the relative extractability of phenanthrene, pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene were conducted. Overall, the extraction methods used in this study had different extraction efficiencies. Results suggest that as compound hydrophobicity increased, BuOH became a more exhaustive extractant with respect to HPCD, especially for soils with high clay and organic matter content. These results are important as they highlight differences between two contrasting non-exhaustive extraction techniques both of which have been suggested to be appropriate in the assessment of bioavailability.  相似文献   

The effect of soil pH value on concentrations of Ni, Cu and Zn in ryegrass grown on two sludge-treated soils was examined under field conditions and the maximum permissible soil limit values for these elements were determined which prevent phytotoxicity in crops where sewage sludge is applied to agricultural soils with pH <6.0. Concentrations of all the elements in ryegrass decreased as simple linear functions of increasing soil pH and this response was consistent across the range of pH values measured (pH 4.2-7.0). The response of individual elements tended to differ though, with Cu being less sensitive to changing pH conditions compared with Zn and Ni which responded in a similar manner. The yield of ryegrass also increased with increasing soil pH value probably due to the effects on Zn uptake as the crop content of Zn exceeded known upper critical tissue concentrations for this element at both sites. The proportional change in metal content of ryegrass at pH 5.0, 5.5 and 7.0 from tissue concentrations at pH 6.0 was calculated to determine the permissible soil concentration values on the basis of current maximum limits set by the Sludge Regulations in the UK for sludge-treated agricultural land at pH 6.0-7.0. The estimated permissible concentrations of Ni and Zn in soil corresponded with the regulatory values at the low pH ranges, but were substantially above the current soil limits at pH 7.0 indicating larger quantities of these elements could be safely applied under alkaline soil conditions. The estimated soil limits for Cu implied that the current Regulations were highly precautionary for this element.  相似文献   

Fungicide treatments have led to large copper contents of the topsoils of most vineyards. This paper examines the contamination of surface waters by copper in a Mediterranean wine-growing catchment. Its aims were to characterise the forms of copper associated with suspended matter during a heavy autumn storm event and to identify which soils contribute the most to the copper exports. A mixing model involving three reservoirs, corresponding to three soil-landscape units (plateau, terraces and footslope-depression system) and two tracers (reducible iron content and dolomite/calcite ratio) was used to estimate the contribution of each reservoir to erosion during a storm flow. The average copper concentration of the suspended matter was 245 mg kg(-1), of which 1% was exchangeable, 4% acid-soluble, 10% oxidizable, 23% reducible and 63% residual. The soils of the plateau of the catchment (chromic luvisols and haplic calcisols-FAO soil classification) were the source of 42% of copper exports but represented only 27% of the total catchment area.  相似文献   

Here, we present one of the first studies investigating the mobility, solubility and the speciation-dependent in-situ bioaccumulation of antimony (Sb) in an active Sb mining area (Xikuangshan, China). Total Sb concentrations in soils are high (527-11,798 mg kg−1), and all soils, including those taken from a paddy field and a vegetable garden, show a high bioavailable Sb fraction (6.3-748 mg kg−1), dominated by Sb(V). Elevated concentrations in native plant species (109-4029 mg kg−1) underpin this. Both chemical equilibrium studies and XANES data suggest the presence of Ca[Sb(OH)6]2, controlling Sb solubility. A very close relationship was found between the citric acid extractable Sb in plants and water or sulfate extractable Sb in soil, indicating that citric acid extractable Sb content in plants may be a better predictor for bioavailable Sb in soil than total acid digestible Sb plant content.  相似文献   

Grain Cd concentrations were determined in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in 1999, 2001 and 2003, at six sludge cake field experiments. Three of these sites also had comparisons with Cd availability from metal amended liquid sludge and metal salts. Grain Cd concentrations in all years and at all sites were significantly linearly correlated with NH4NO3 extractable Cd and soil total Cd (P<0.001). Soil extractability was greater in the liquid sludge and metal salt experiments than in the cake experiments, as were grain Cd concentrations. Across all the sites, NH4NO3 extractable soil Cd was no better at predicting grain Cd than soil total Cd. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that soil total Cd, pH and organic carbon were the only significant (P<0.001) variables influencing wheat grain Cd concentrations, explaining 78% of the variance across all field experiments (1408 plots). This regression predicted that the current UK soil total Cd limit of 3 mg kg(-1) was not sufficiently protective against producing grain above the European Union (EU) grain Cd Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) of 0.235 mg Cd kg(-1) dry weight, unless the soil pH was > 6.8. Our predictions show that grain would be below the MPC with > 95% confidence with the proposed new EU draft regulations permitting maximum total Cd concentrations in soils receiving sludge of 0.5 mg kg(-1) for soils of pH 5-6, 1 mg kg(-1) for soils of pH 6-7, and 1.5 mg kg(-1) for soils of pH > or = 7.  相似文献   

Solubility of lead, zinc and copper added to mineral soils   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Elevated levels of heavy metals in soils are a result of industrial activities, atmospheric deposition, and the land application of sewage sludges and industrial by-products. Their persistence in the soil environment has created interest in the possible changes in solubility. In this study, total dissolved concentrations of Pb, Zn, and Cu were monitored in seven metal-amended soils (a calcareous and six acid mineral soils). Single metal solutions were added to soils and equilibrated (aged) for 40 days. During the 40 days the soil was allowed to air-dry and was rewetted in cycles of about 5 days. At the end of this reaction period, metal solubility was measured (by atomic absorption spectrometry and direct current plasma spectrometry) at the initial soil pH and at decreased pH values which were induced by addition of small aliquots of acid. As expected, solubility of added Pb, Zn, and Cu increased with a decrease in pH. Furthermore, the results showed that the solubility relationship with pH was similar in all non-calcareous soils. This suggests that metal solubility may be controlled by similar soil components, presumably involving soil characteristics such as pH, organic matter content, and soil mineralogy. For each metal, an approximate pH value was found at which solubility deviated from the solubility of metals when they occur in soils at typical (natural) values. This pH was about (pH+/-0.2): 5.2 for Pb, 6.2 for Zn, and 5.5 for Cu. Thus, pH values below these thresholds may enhance metal mobility, biological availability and toxicity in soils. Metals dissolved at higher pH in the calcareous soil (18.8 g kg(-1) inorganic carbon, initial pH 8.2). In a calcareous soil, a significant fraction of these metals react with carbonates, and decreased pH results in much higher metal dissolution. Yet, metal solubility in soils is not determined by the formation and dissolution of single metal compounds.  相似文献   

Oleszczuk P  Hollert H 《Chemosphere》2011,83(4):502-509
Understanding the effect of soil type on the overall toxicity of sewage sludge is one of the most important issues concerning environmental risks associated with the sewage sludge land application. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of different soils (sandy, loamy and OECD soil) on sewage sludges toxicity in relation to plants (Lepidium sativum, Sorghum saccharatum, Sinapis alba) and an invertebrate species (Heterocypris incongruens). The most evident negative influence of sewage sludges on root growth was observed in the case of OECD soil. The EC(50) values determined on the basis of the root growth inhibition of all tested plants were in the range 0.1-6.4%, 0.03-9.4% and 6.6-22.1% (% of sewage sludgekg(-1) soil) for OECD, sandy and loamy soil, respectively. Soil type also affects the sewage sludge toxicity in relation to H. incongruens. The LC(50) (mortality) values ranged from 0.26% to 11.5% depending on the sludge tested. For EC(50) (growth inhibition) values ranged from 10.7% to 36.2%.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Different methods, including the use of nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI), have been used to treat arsenic (As)-contaminated environments, with much...  相似文献   

Halim M  Conte P  Piccolo A 《Chemosphere》2003,52(1):265-275
Effective phytoremediation of soils contaminated by heavy metals depends on their availability to plant uptake that, in turn, may be influenced by either the existing soil humus or an exogenous humic matter. We amended an organic and a mineral soil with an exogenous humic acid (HA) in order to enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC) content by 1% and 2%. The treated soils were further enriched with heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni) to a concentration of 0, 10, 20, and 40 microg/g for each metal and allowed to age at room temperature for 1 and 2 months. After each period, they were extracted for readily soluble and exchangeable (2.5% acetic acid), plant-available (DTPA, Diethylentriaminepentaacetic acid), and occluded (1 N HNO(3)) metal species. Addition of HA generally reduced the extractability of the soluble and exchangeable forms of metals. This effect was directly related to the amount of added HA and increased with ageing time. Conversely, the potentially plant-available metals extracted with DTPA were generally larger with increasing additions of exogenous HA solutions. This was attributed to the formation of metal-humic complexes, which ensured a temporary bioavailability of metals and prevented their rapid transformation into insoluble species. Extractions with 1 N HNO(3) further indicated that the added metals were present in complexes with HA. The observed effects appeared to also depend on the amount of native SOC and its structural changes with ageing. The results suggest that soil amendments with exogenous humic matter may accelerate the phytoremediation of heavy metals from contaminated soil, while concomitantly prevent their environmental mobility.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to assess the potential of several industrial wastes to immobilise metals in two polluted soils deriving from an old Pb/Zn mine. Two different approaches were used to assess the performance of different amendments: a chemical one, using extraction by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and a biological one, using Lupinus albus as a bio-indicator. Four amendments were used: inorganic sugar production waste (named ‘sugar foam’, SF), sludge from a drinking water treatment sludge (DWS), organic waste from olive mill waste (OMW) and paper mill sludge (PMS). Amendment to soil ratios ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 (w/w). All the amendments were capable of significantly decreasing (p?<?0.05) EDTA-extractable Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in the two soils used, with decreases in ranges 21–100, 25–100 and 2–100 % for Pb, Zn and Cu, respectively. The amendments tested were also effective in reducing the bioavailability of Pb and Zn for L. albus, which gave rise to a decrease in shoot metal accumulation by the lupine plants compared to that found in the control soil. That decrease reached up to 5.6 and 2.8 times for Pb and Zn, respectively, being statistically significant in most cases. Moreover, application of the OMW, DWS and SF amendments led to higher average values of plant biomass (up to 71 %) than those obtained in the control soil. The results obtained showed the technology put forward to be a viable means of remediating mine soils as it led to a decrease in the availability and toxicity of metals and, thus, facilitated the growth of a vegetation layer.  相似文献   

Soil contamination by copper (Cu) is a worldwide concern. Laboratory incubation and soil Cu characterization were conducted to examine the effects of external Cu loading and liming on Cu speciation in both bulk soil and particulates of an Alfisol and Spodosol under citrus production. Also, drainage water from the sites was evaluated for dissolved and particulate forms of Cu. Soil available Cu estimated by CaCl2, NH4OAc, or Mehlich-3 extraction significantly increased with external Cu loads and decreased with soil pH. Most increases in soil Cu occurred in the exchangeable and oxide-bound fractions. Organically bound Cu was the dominant fraction in both bulk soil and particulates, but more in particulates than bulk soil (P?≤?0.001). Organically bound Cu was highly correlated with total recoverable Cu (P?≤?0.01), increased significantly with external Cu loads (P?≤?0.001), and decreased with soil pH (P?≤?0.05). Lime addition converted part of Cu from available pools to more stable forms. Organically bound Cu complexes were found to dominate in soil solution or surface runoff. These results indicate that most Cu accumulated in the contaminated soils is highly mobile, and thus may impact citrus production and the environment.  相似文献   

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