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An important consideration for any new nuclear build programme is an understanding of the public's viewpoint, as in many countries this can influence the direction of future energy markets. This paper presents a first attempt at understanding public views on the design of new nuclear plants. A survey of 1304 adults in the UK was carried out using a questionnaire developed in this research. The study suggests that the general public are willing and able to express preferences for design aspects of nuclear power plants and that meaningful information can be obtained to inform designers. Responses indicate that public preferences are consistent with current design practice for nuclear power plants. Further analysis reveals that public preferences related to plant design are not influenced strongly by their existing attitudes. Our findings contribute to the literature on the governance of energy supply technologies and the involvement of the public in the innovation process. We argue that involving the public in the design of nuclear power plants is an important aspect of a more transparent, participatory approach intended to improve trust in the governance of future energy supply options.  相似文献   

Hazard identification and risk assessment are key aspects in process plant design. They are often applied in the final stages of the process at whatever the cost, unless financial constraints are imposed. However, a much better solution would be to introduce risk analysis earlier by including it in earlier stages of the design process, such as when the cost of a plant and the cost of any accidents that may occur are estimated. In this paper, an optimization methodology is proposed, in which both cost and risk (with a deterministic approach) are taken into account, to improve on the current situation. If a decision variable is chosen, an objective function will be established that makes it possible to analyze variations in overall costs, including the cost of the investment and the cost of accidents. This leads to an optimum situation in which costs are kept to a minimum. Of course, this optimization is subject to constraints, the greatest of which is the fact that risk must not exceed tolerated threshold levels. The procedure is explained and two examples, one involving a toxic release and the other a BLEVE/fireball, are used to illustrate it.  相似文献   

This paper reviews principal concepts, tools, and metrics for risk management and Inherently Safer Design (ISD) during the conceptual stage of process design. Even though there has been a profusion of papers regarding ISD, the targeted audience has typically been safety engineers, not process engineers. Thus, the goal of this paper is to enable process engineers to use all the available design degrees of freedom to mitigate risk early enough in the design process. Mainly, this paper analyzes ISD and inherent safety assessment tools (ISATs) from the perspective of inclusion in conceptual process design. The paper also highlights the need to consider safety as a major component of process sustainability. In this paper, 73 ISATs were selected, and these tools were categorized into three groups: hazard-based inherent safety assessment tools (H-ISATs) for 22 tools, risk-based inherent safety assessment tools (R-ISATs) for 33 tools, and cost-optimal inherent safety assessment tools (CO-ISATs) for 18 tools. This paper also introduces an integrated framework for coordinating the conventional process design workflow with safety analysis at various levels of detail.  相似文献   

通过对基础设施、单项综合交通、环境保护、绿地系统及河湖水系、城市排水、综合防灾规划中雨洪相关内容进行整合,建立科学的雨洪专项综合规划模式。对雨洪专项综合规划中的城市基础设施用地规划、道路雨水收集方式、绿地系统、河湖水面及大型公共设施的雨洪调蓄用地、雨水的环境污染、雨水工程及防洪工程等雨洪内容进行控制,确保雨洪专项综合规划的实施。采用区域统筹、科学调度的综合管理模式,保障雨洪专项综合规划健康持续发展,为提高城市雨洪基础设施安全保障性能、提升城市防灾减灾能力提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) technique is a powerful tool for the design of molecules that meet a set of desirable properties. In most of the CAMD problems, the molecular physical and thermodynamic properties are often selected as the target properties, while safety and health aspects were not taken into consideration. However, certain chemical substances may cause adverse effects to human's health after prolonged and repeated exposure. Therefore, in order to ensure that the generated molecule does not bring harm and health-related risks to the consumers, it is crucial to incorporate both inherent safety and health into the existing CAMD techniques. In this work, a novel chemical product design methodology has been developed to integrate both safety and health aspects into the CAMD framework presented by a single optimisation model. The measurement of safety and health indicators are based on the molecular properties that have impact on both of these aspects. Each property is assigned with an index or penalty value based on the degree of potential hazards. A molecule with a higher index value has a higher hazard level and vice versa. Hence, a molecule that satisfies the target properties and has a low penalty value will be selected as the most reasonable choice. This new approach ensures that a product that possesses the desirable properties, and at the same time meets the safety and health criteria, is produced. A case study on the solvent design for gas sweetening process has been carried out to determine the optimal molecule.  相似文献   

指令性规范是目前化工设施平面布局安全设计的主要依据,但其在应用中存在着条款僵化、安全理论基础不全面、可拓展性不明确等问题。本文将性能化设计思想引入到化工企业平面布局安全设计中,初步提出了一种包含危险辨识、性能化目标确定、后果评估及安全设施效用评估等主要组成部分的基于性能化设计思想的平面布局安全设计体系。对体系中最重要的部分—性能化目标确定进行了重点分析,将化工设施布局安全设计分为装置内设备之间的位置设计、厂区内装置区之间的位置设计以及厂区与外部单位之间的位置设计三个级别,从工艺关联性等角度对各级别布局设计中事故场景选择及设施可接受受损水平进行分析,并提出了通过匹配事故场景和设施可接受受损水平来确定性能化目标的方法。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种在设计初期进行化工过程本质安全化设计的策略。首先进行危险物质与危险能量两类共计11种危险类型的危险辨识。针对辨识出的危险类型,通过与相应的临界条件比较进行快速的危险评价,对于不可接受的危险必须采取本质安全化措施,可接受的危险可有选择性地进行本质安全化设计。在设计初期可以使用的本质安全化原则主要是消除、最小化、替代和缓和,针对11种危险类型可以应用不同的本质安全化设计模型,以使实际进行本质安全化设计时更加简单与快捷。该文把提出的本质安全化设计策略应用到一个甲苯硝化制硝基甲苯的工艺,形成了多种本质安全化措施,可以用来在设计初期消除或减少危险。  相似文献   

The accident rate in the chemical process industry (CPI) has not been decreasing although majority of accident causes have been identified and could have been prevented by using existing knowledge. These recurring accidents show that the existing knowledge has not been used effectively. In this paper, accident knowledge learned from earlier accident analyses are utilized to predict the common design errors during chemical plant design. An accident prevention approach throughout process design life cycle is proposed for a safer design consideration where designers are guided to identify common design errors, accident contributors and critical points to look for. The accident prevention approach has been applied to analyze the BP Texas City Refinery Explosion and Fire tragedy.  相似文献   

加氢装置属甲类火灾、爆炸危险生产装置。为了在设计阶段尽可能消除或控制潜在风险,本文总结了多套加氢装置HAZOP分析报告中的设备类别及其分析内容,提出了基于危险与可操作性(HAZOP)分析的加氢装置工程设计方法。在传统工程设计方法的基础上增加了参数敏感性工程设计方法,依据分析报告中的设计建议,利用ASPEN软件计算过程参数变化对目标参数的影响程度,确定参数稳定操作区域;建立了数据库管理界面实现了加氢装置工程安全设计经验知识的有序管理。应用基于HAZOP分析的加氢装置工程设计方法,有助于将安全隐患问题在设计阶段消除或加以控制,可为降低石化装置改造成本和提高装置的安全水平提供方法依据。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of levels of automation (LOAs) decisions in advanced control rooms of the modernized nuclear power plants. Following advancements in design of digitalized human–system interfaces (HSIs), the roles of human operators have changed significantly. Negative performance and safety consequences may occur as a result of these changes. These problems are viewed as the out-of-the-loop (OOTL) performance problems. This study conducted an experiment to compare the effects of different LOAs under different operating procedures on operating performance. Experimental results indicated that blended decision-making (level 6 LOA) generates the lowest mental workload. Furthermore, the pattern of SA observed in this study is found better SA at intermediate LOA and poorer SA at low level of automation and full automation. Subjective rating results suggest that LOAs distribute the roles of option generation, and selection between human and/or computer servers which significantly impacts automated system performance. This study provides a direction for the HSI designers in nuclear power plants (NPPs). Additionally, based on results obtained by this study, the user interfaces of PCTRAN system and the alarm reset system should be improved to ensure safe operation of NPPs.  相似文献   

Human factors deal with issues related to humans, their behavior and the physical aspect of the environment in which they work. A control room is a complex system where operators perform plant operation using control systems and carry out monitoring and administrative responsibilities. For safe operation of industrial installation, the performance of the control room crew plays an important role. In this respect, a well designed control room is crucial for safe and efficient operation. The aim of this paper is to propose a methodological framework applied to nuclear control room evaluation, through participatory ergonomics, using operator activity analysis and human factors questionnaire as aid tools. We describe a case study in which the methodology framework was used in the evaluation process of a nuclear control room. The information gathered made possible a series of recommendation for the adequacy of the control room design, assisting in the safety assessment of the nuclear plant operation and justifying the alarm panel modernization.  相似文献   

桥梁工程规划设计阶段施工安全风险评估的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,有相当大比例的工程事故原因可以追溯到规划设计的不当。将工程的规划设计纳入施工安全管理全过程,就是将事故防控的"关口前移"和"源头管理"的创新思路。本研究以桥梁工程领域为例,探讨了我国在规划设计阶段进行施工安全风险评估的发展思路,包括:完善基础理论、将工程实践和立法推动相结合、从在建工程的施工安全现状反推其规划设计等,为提升我国工程建设施工安全提供借鉴。崇启大桥及泰州大桥工程实践表明,安全是可"构建"的,通过施工风险评估,能够改善规划设计,降低施工安全的风险,从而减少施工过程人员的伤亡或健康危害。  相似文献   

针对应急演练准备的目标、任务及其实现问题,从演练需求分析入手,以演练策划设计、演练管理架构搭建、演练设计文件编制及演练现场准备为要点,深入剖析演练相关情景设置、要素匹配、统筹协调、模拟处置、现场布局等各项演练准备的内容要点及方式方法,总结提炼演练准备设计基本路径,并以所承担C县食物中毒事件应急演练设计验证其可行性。本研究廓清了突发事件应急演练准备设计基本要求及其实现路径,对切实增强演练管理的科学性、规范性和高效性提供了借鉴参考。  相似文献   

The lack of formal integration between process design stages with risk and consequence estimation is a hurdle to designing inherently safe process plants. Conventional risk assessment methodologies are often not carried out concurrently with process design. Therefore, process designers lack the information about risk levels and consequence that may result from the process conditions being considered in a particular process route until the design is completed. Hence, effects of changes in process conditions on risk levels and consequence cannot be studied in a time effective manner during the design stages. Few studies have been identified on the possibility and viability of integrating risk estimation with process design. But viable framework and methodology for doing so has not yet been reported. This paper presents a feasible framework in which risk and consequences estimation can be part of design stages. A demonstrative tool named as integrated risk estimation tool (iRET) was developed by using process simulation software, HYSYS and spreadsheet, MS Excel as the platforms. iRET estimates risk due to explosions by using TNT equivalence method and the TNO correlation method. iRET has a potential to be extended to include all forms of risk such as fire, explosion, toxic gas releases and boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE). The paper also presents case studies to demonstrate the functionality and viability of using iRET in conjunction with process design. The results of these case studies have successfully shown that the risk due to explosion can be assessed during the initial design stage ensuring a safer plant. The framework and iRET there by presented here provide systematic methodology and technology to design inherently safer plants.  相似文献   

防火分区设计是实现防火安全目标最核心、最关键的环节,是开展防火安全评价的基础。在台山一期的核岛防火设计应用中,出现防火小区定义与标准不一致、防火区与防火小区的嵌套关系混乱、各防火分区类型的应用原则不清晰等不足。基于自主化设计的需要,通过整理分析台山一期核电厂(EPR堆型)核岛防火分区设计成果,深层研究思考EPR设计理念,进一步理清不同分区类型之间的嵌套逻辑,建立了一套分层分解的核岛防火分区设计方法——以分区嵌套顺序进行分层、以功能识别为导向进行区域分解,从而化繁为简,实现分区设计的流程化。该设计方法很好地弥补了EPR在此方面的不足,为后续自主化设计及新堆型的开发提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) has been a very popular and useful methodology which is widely accepted by the industry over the past few decades. QRA is typically carried out at a stage where complete plant has been designed and sited. At that time, the opportunity to include inherent safety design features is limited and may incur higher cost. This paper proposes a new concept to evaluate risk inherent to a process owing to the chemical it uses and the process conditions. The risk assessment tool is integrated with process design simulator (HYSYS) to provide necessary process data as early as the initial design stages, where modifications based on inherent safety principles can still be incorporated to enhance the process safety of the plant. The risk assessment tool consists of two components which calculate the probability and the consequences relating to possible risk due to major accidents. A case study on the potential explosion due to the release of flammable material demonstrates that the tool is capable to identify potential high risk of process streams. Further improvement of the process design is possible by applying inherent safety principles to make the process under consideration inherently safer. Since this tool is fully integrated with HYSYS, re-evaluation of the inherent risk takes very little time and effort. The new tool addresses the lack of systematic methodology and technology, which is one of the barriers to designing inherently safer plants.  相似文献   

Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of explosive gas atmospheres has to be specially designed to prevent the apparatus from igniting the gas. Flameproof design is one of several options, and one requirement is then that any holes and slits in the enclosure wall be designed to prevent a possible gas explosion inside the enclosure from being transmitted to an explosive gas cloud outside it. Current standards (IEC) require that joint surfaces have a surface roughness of <6.3 μm. Any damaged joint surface has be restored to this quality. The present investigation has demonstrated that flame gap surfaces in flameproof electrical apparatuses can suffer considerable mechanical and corrosive damage before the flame gaps no longer function satisfactorily. In some cases very significant mechanical surface damage in fact improves the gap performance. This indicates that current high costs of repairing and replacing flameproof electrical apparatus in process plants offshore and onshore can be reduced considerably without any increase of the explosion risk.  相似文献   

公钥基础设施(PKI)安全性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细介绍公钥基础设施(PKI)的基本概念、PKI的基本框架组成以及其各部分的主要特征、功能;重点对PKI的安全性问题作了剖析,当前PKI的最主要安全缺陷表现在两个方面:其一,政策性缺陷即PKI本身的标准不一,没有一个统一的国际标准;其二,即PKI在应用中的合理性问题主要包括其证书认证、密钥的安全性以及密钥的长度等问题。对于PKI的自身及其使用缺陷,笔者认为应由相关权威部门尽早地制定出一套统一的标准,另外,还要相应地增强其公钥加密算法以及采用合理的密钥长度,进而完善证书的颁发、撤销以及认证等问题。  相似文献   

Chemical process routes can already be assessed as early as in the development and design phases. Process screening should not look at economic and technical aspects only, but also the safety, health, and environmental performances. In this paper, a method called the Health Quotient Index (HQI) is presented for the preliminary process design phase. The HQI provides a simple approach to quantify workers' health risk from exposure to fugitive emissions e.g. in petrochemical plants. The method utilizes process data from flow sheet diagram, which is already available at the preliminary design stage. Since the mechanical details of the process are still unknown, a database of the precalculated fugitive emissions for typical operations in chemical plants was created to simplify the assessment. The HQI can be used to rank alternative process concepts or to quantify the risk level of processes. As a case study, six process routes for producing methyl methacrylate are discussed. Three health indexes are compared in the case study. The HQI is able to highlight the difference of hazard levels between the routes better as a result of more detailed assessment of the exposures.  相似文献   

For the processing industries, it is critically to have an economically optimum and inherently safer design and operation. The basic concept is to achieve the best design based on technical and business performance criteria while performing within acceptable safety levels. Commonly, safety is examined and incorporated typically as an after-thought to design. Therefore, systematic and structured procedure for integrating safety into process design and optimization that is compatible with currently available optimization and safety analysis methodology must be available.The objective of this paper is to develop a systematic procedure for the incorporation of safety into the conceptual design and optimization stage. We propose the inclusion of the Dow fire and explosion index (F&EI) as the safety metric in the design and optimization framework by incorporating F&EI within the design and optimization framework. We first develop the F&EI computer program to calculate the F&EI value and to generate the mathematical expression of F&EI as a function of material inventory and operating pressure. The proposed procedure is applied to a case study involving reaction and separation. Then, the design and optimization of the system are compared for the cases with and without safety as the optimization constraint. The final result is the optimum economic and inherently safer design for the reactor and distillation column system.  相似文献   

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