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为评估煤电行业从业人员因遭受职业危害暴露引起的健康负担大小,根据工作暴露矩阵法对燃煤发电职业暴露程度进行估算,利用健康效应分析和伤残调整寿命年指标构建燃煤发电职业暴露健康负担评价体系,实现职业暴露健康负担的量化评价。将所构建的评价体系应用于3个燃煤电厂进行对比分析,结果表明:各类危害因素中,粉尘所致健康危害最大,人均健康负担约为8.861 a;各生产环节中,运输煤系统所致健康影响最大,约占整个生产过程的45.53%。  相似文献   

新国家排放标准的实施对燃煤锅炉二氧化硫和氮氧化物排放提出了严格的要求,目前单一的减排技术只能满足部分燃煤锅炉的排放要求。本文综述了国内外现有的脱硫和脱氮技术,提出了燃煤锅炉深度脱硫脱氮需考虑多种技术相结合,并针对不同容量和燃烧方式的锅炉推荐了合适的深度脱硫脱氮技术,可为燃煤锅炉污染物排放达到新国标提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Today, the world's energy needs are still supplied mainly from fossil fuel based resources. This is true for electricity generation as well, thus making the power sector responsible for 45% of greenhouse gas emissions. The present climate crisis has made it necessary to minimise emissions in power generation, with low-carbon energy sources taking on greater significance in recent years. However, most low-carbon sources have inherent problems, like intermittency and high capital expenditure. A suitable alternative is carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology which allows continued fossil fuel-based electricity generation at much lower rates of emission. Two approaches are possible in the deployment of CCS technology. The first is to introduce new power plants equipped for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, while systematically shutting down existing coal power plants. Another is to retrofit existing power plants for CO2 capture. These approaches are compared in this work. The study shows that allowing CCS retrofitting of existing power plants can reduce the overall cost requirement significantly. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is also done to study the effect of nuclear energy on the overall energy mix.  相似文献   

中国燃煤电厂SCR技术的应用现状和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国燃煤电厂氮氧化物污染现状进行了分析,造成大气污染的主要污染物之一是氮氧化物,而氮氧化物的排放中有70%来自煤炭的直接燃烧.介绍了选择性催化还原法(SCR)技术及其在中国燃煤电厂的应用,并指出了中国燃煤电厂SCR脱硝技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

刘露奇 《环境与发展》2020,(1):120-120,122
目前国内能源结构仍以煤炭为主,大气污染非常的严重,尤其是酸雨和粉尘危害相对较大。在生态文明建设的时代背景下,我们应当加强锅炉脱硫以及除尘技术创新与改造,对燃煤烟尘以及二氧化硫等污染物的排放进行严格控制。本文先对锅炉烟气脱硫除尘现状进行了分析,并在此基础上就电厂锅炉如何进行烟气脱硫与除尘提出了一些观点与认识,以供参考。  相似文献   

Coal dust emission from open coal storage parks and handling plants can represent a significant part of the overall atmospheric emission contribution in different industrial activities, such as power stations or coke production plants. The emissions are strictly connected to technical characteristics of the handling system, chemico-physical properties of coal and environmental conditions. In this paper, we present a full-scale operational solution to the problem of limiting coal dust emissions during transportation from the harbor site to the final utilization plant. To this end, a simple mathematical framework is developed in order to evaluate explosion risk inside the enclosure and set-up proper technical and managerial layers of protection suitable to minimize the risk.  相似文献   

健康风险分析(HRA)在石化工程项目中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合参加南海石化项目管理承包商 (PMC)的健康、安全、环境 (HSE)管理工作的体会 ,简要介绍了南海石化项目中使用的主要健康风险分析的方法 (HRA) ,包括HRA的意义、范围和方法 ,举例说明了如何进行HRA。同时笔者还提出了HRA和中国设计报批相结合的思路 ,指出HRA可以作为职业卫生专篇的编制依据。通过进行HRA ,找出设计中有可能影响健康的所有因素 ,确定危害部位 ,并初步提出工程控制措施和个人防护措施 ,给出了职业卫生工作在工程设计中的结合点。对今后工程中HSE一体化提供了可行的方法  相似文献   

神华集团有限责任公司成立于1995年,为中央直管企业之一,是集煤矿、电力、铁路、港口、煤制油煤化工一体化开发,跨地区、跨行业、多元化经营的特大型能源企业。神华集团公司为提升安全管理水平,于2001年在电力板块率先引进并推广了南非NOSA五星管理系统。该管理系统是南非国家职业安全协会创建的一套集安全、健康和环保于一体的国际上先进的风险管理系统。本文阐述了NOSA五星管理系统的基本构成、适用范围、体系的特点和优点、以及推行该体系所要经历的三个阶段。文中重点介绍了神华集团公司在电力、煤炭和港口等业务板块推行NOSA管理体系的成功实践。最后,展望了该管理系统在集团公司铁路和煤化工板块推行的可能性,以及推行该系统为神华集团所带来的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

核电站事故前人因可靠性分析方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
人因可靠性分析 (HRA)已成为概率安全分析 (PSA)必不可少的内容 ,事故前人因事件可靠性分析对有效预防维修、调校工作中的人因失误有着重要作用 ,是人因可靠性分析的重要组成部分 ,对PSA最终计算结果有重要影响。笔者结合核电站人因可靠性分析的实际需求 ,运用了以THERP为主的人因失误概率评价方法 ,创建了事故前人因事件分析的基本程序、方法及分析文档模式 ,表述了程序化的事故前人因事件分析模式 ,为我国核电站事故前人因可靠性分析提供了完整和有效的分析方法 ,并有效用于秦山核电站的PSA。  相似文献   

人因可靠性分析(HRA)是核电厂概率安全评价(PSA)的重要组成部分,定性评价对核电厂庞大的数据进行筛选和分析,是HRA的基础和出发点.本文介绍了核电厂HRA定性分析的目的、原则、方法和程序,并以压水堆核电厂蒸汽发生器传热管破裂(SGTR)为具体实例进行说明.  相似文献   

为进一步开展城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估工作,运用文献调研方法对国内外城市污水处理厂职业健康风险评估研究现状进行综述和展望。研究结果表明:目前,污水处理厂职业健康风险评估主要针对有毒有害气体和生物气溶胶2类危害因素;主要采用问卷调查、矩阵法和剂量-反应模型等3种评估方法;噪声和人机工程等职业危害因素的健康风险评估、暴露特征污染物的识别、复合污染物的健康风险评估、职业与非职业危害因素对工人健康影响等研究工作还有待开展。  相似文献   

复杂工业系统中班组人因失误分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在复杂工业系统中 ,人因可靠性分析 (HRA)是预防和减少人因失误的有效方法。人在复杂工业系统中的生产活动 ,往往是由组织中班组成员集体完成的 ,完整的HRA必须充分考虑班组人误的产生。班组人误的产生有其自身的规律 ,如何合理地定义人员行为形成因子 (PSFs)是班组人因失误分析的难点 ,也是班组人因失误分析的重要手段 ,被广泛应用在核电厂 ,航空和造船工业领域的事故分析中。笔者详细分析和探讨了班组人因失误的定义、产生过程及相关的人的行为形成因子 ,以期能使大规模工业系统中的人因失误分析更加合理和完善。  相似文献   

第二代人的可靠性分析方法的进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在探讨第一代人的可靠性分析 (HRA)方法的局限性之后 ,笔者进而探讨第二代HRA方法的模型 ,建立在多种学科 (认知心理学、行为科学、可靠性工程等 )相互结合的基础上 ,又着重研究产生人的行为 /绩效的情景环境以及它们是如何影响人的行为 /动作的 ,并与工业系统的运行经验和现场或模拟机获得的信息紧密结合。重点介绍了以“失误分析技术”(ATHEANA)和“认知可靠性和失误分析方法”(CREAM)为代表的第二代HRA方法。它们是当前HRA领域中的具有应用和发展前景的新框架思想。  相似文献   

针对近些年频繁发生的突发性大气污染事件,构建了数字化动态应急预案系统。该系统由基础信息数据库、气象环境模式与健康风险评估系统、数字化动态应急预案三部分组成,并利用地理信息系统将三者有机结合,将事故基本信息、事故发展预测及救援状况直观、动态地展现在系统界面,使应急行动得以及时、高效地展开。实地外场综合应急演习证明,该系统技术路线稳定畅通,运行高效,功能强大,具有较好的可行性和实效性。  相似文献   

人的可靠性分析:历史、需求和进展   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
人的可靠性分析 (HRA)是人机工程、安全科学极为关注的问题。近年来 ,该领域的理论研究和应用技术发展很快 ,尤其将认知科学与人的失误的研究相结合 ,从失误模型到计算方法都更加与现实情景相吻合。笔者介绍了HRA的发展历史和相关的第一代HRA计算方法及其特点 ,并且就HRA在我国核电领域中的应用状况和前景进行了探讨 ,重点介绍了国际原子能机构赞助的中国核电厂操纵员可靠性研究项目 ,其成果对于进一步完善安全管理和提高我国核电厂人员可靠性提供了科学的依据和借鉴经验。  相似文献   

战时火力发电厂重要目标分类防护探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
基于重要目标防护准则和模糊聚类算法,构建火力发电厂目标评价准则指标体系和模糊聚类模型,实现了火力发电厂重要目标的分类防护,进而选用具有针对性的防护措施,解决了重要目标在战时防护措施选择不完善、不合理的问题,有效地提升了战时火力发电厂的生存能力;通过模糊聚类模型实现分类防护,不仅有利于提高重要目标防护效率,而且使得防护资源少、力量弱,供需突出的问题得以改善,同时,在应对自然灾害等重大突发事件发生时,有助于保护发电厂的生产能力。通过案例给出战时某火力发电厂的具体防护措施,合理地解决了发电厂重要目标和关键部位的防护问题。  相似文献   

In running our increasingly complex business systems, formal risk analyses and risk management techniques are becoming more important part to managers: all managers, not just those charged with risk management. It is also becoming apparent that human behaviour is often a root or significant contributing cause of system failure. This latter observation is not novel; for more than 30 years it has been recognised that the role of human operations in safety critical systems is so important that they should be explicitly modelled as part of the risk assessment of plant operations. This has led to the development of a range of methods under the general heading of human reliability analysis (HRA) to account for the effects of human error in risk and reliability analysis. The modelling approaches used in HRA, however, tend to be focussed on easily describable sequential, generally low-level tasks, which are not the main source of systemic errors. Moreover, they focus on errors rather than the effects of all forms of human behaviour. In this paper we review and discuss HRA methodologies, arguing that there is a need for considerable further research and development before they meet the needs of modern risk and reliability analyses and are able to provide managers with the guidance they need to manage complex systems safely. We provide some suggestions for how work in this area should develop. But above all we seek to make the management community fully aware of assumptions implicit in human reliability analysis and its limitations.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques are considered as one of the promising approaches to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel based power generation, which still accounts for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. CCS technology can be used to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, with the additional advantage that it allows continuing use reliable and inexpensive fossil fuels. However, CCS retrofit entails major capital costs as well as a reduction of overall thermal efficiency and power output. Thus, it is essential for planning purposes to implement the minimal extent of CCS retrofit while meeting the specified carbon emission limits for the power sector. At the same time, it is necessary to plan for compensatory power generation capacity to offset energy losses resulting from CCS retrofit. In this paper, an algebraic targeting technique is presented for planning of grid-wide CCS retrofits in the power generation sector with compensatory power. The targeting technique is developed based on pinch analysis. In addition, the proposed methodologies are illustrated through case studies based on grid data in India and the Philippines. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to determine the suitable CCS technology and compensatory power source which satisfy emission limits.  相似文献   

从金融科学、安全科学角度,提出煤炭行业金融安全的定义,认为煤炭企业融资和投资过程中的金融安全管理是我国能源安全的重要保证。可以从宏观经济状况、融资状况和投资条件3个方面分析影响煤炭行业金融安全的因素。采用金融安全管理中的VaR风险估价方法将煤炭行业金融安全影响指标进行定量化描述,运用Eviews软件构建误差修正模型分析各个影响指标与煤炭行业金融安全之间的长期、短期经济关系,明确二者之间的影响机制。CPI、资金成本率和借款率对煤炭行业金融安全的短期波动有影响;从长期来看,GDP、资金成本率和借款率指标与煤炭金融安全有着正相关关系,CPI、资产负债率和汇率与煤炭金融安全有着负相关关系。  相似文献   

Fugitive emissions are among the major concerns of industrial process releases. The emissions cause problem to various aspects including the environment, health, and economic. Early evaluation of process hazards is beneficial because process can be made inherently benign at lower cost. This paper discusses two important aspects of fugitive emissions assessment during process design – the quantification and the prevention strategies.For the quantification part, three methods are presented for fugitive emissions estimation during the process design. They are tailored to data available in simple process flow diagram (PFD), detailed PFD, and piping & instrumentation diagram (PID). Such methods are needed as early emissions estimation allows production routes and process designs with lower emissions to be selected. The fugitive emissions estimation and methods to abatement are demonstrated on a benzene process case study. Valves are found to be the major emission source with 50% of fugitive emissions of process area in a base case of petrochemical process, in which no fugitive emission reductions are yet made. Pumps without mechanical seals come second with 30% and flanges with 8% of emissions. Inherently safer design keywords can be applied to prevent fugitive emissions in the process plants. Substitution is the most applicable keyword in fugitive emission reduction of existing plants.The emission rate calculations together with estimation of health risk give a sound background for the decision making on elimination of emissions at source through equipment and piping changes. The case study presented reveals that by substituting emission prone components by inherently low-leaking ones, the plant emissions can be reduced over 90% in practice. This is created mainly by replacing rising stem valves with ball valves, installing double mechanical pump seals or hermetic pumps and making changes in sampling and relief systems. Ideally by also changing flanges to welded connections, which is not viable for various reasons, the emissions could be reduced nearly to zero.  相似文献   

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