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浅论水污染物排放总量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王英贤 《化工环保》1994,14(3):171-175
阐述了总量控制的含义及其重要性,并从总量控制的实质出发,提出实现总量控制的两条技术路线、实施方案和程序,最后就如何实施总量控制提出几点看法。  相似文献   

沈红军 《化工环保》1994,14(6):366-371
永新-沈阳化工股份有限公司为执行排污许可证制度建立了一套污染物排放总量控制程序和管理体制。公司将总量控制指标进行分解,并逐级下达给各控制点,为实现总量控制目标,公司还制订了一套较完善的总量控制保证措施和考核制度。实践证明,该公司的这套总量控制管理体系,加强了企业的环保工作,促进了企业的进步和发展。  相似文献   

详细介绍山西电力局所属五大发电厂在试点排污总量控制工作中的经验,探讨废水资源化的途径,提出了电力行业在今后的工作中达到增产不增污或增产减污的一些体会。  相似文献   

二氧化硫排放总量控制若干问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据国家《“十一五”规划纲要》对削减二氧化硫排放总量的要求,在对电力行业脱硫现状及前景的具体阐述中指出实现这个目标的可能性,并从多方面对二氧化硫总量控制的关键问题进行了详尽的论述与分析。  相似文献   

我国火电行业二氧化硫总量控制的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
通过对我国火电行业二氧化硫总量控制的研究得出,要达到国务院批复的环保“十五”计划即二氧化硫总量降低10%,需要对老厂中燃煤硫分超过1%的35000MW机组采取安装脱硫效率90%的脱硫装置、2000年后投运的新厂均安装脱硫效率90%的脱硫装置等措施。  相似文献   

赖正华 《化工环保》1999,19(4):240-242
着重论述了株洲化工集团有限责任公司废水污染物排放总量控制指标的确定方法,并简述了排放总量控制对策。  相似文献   

对我国大气污染物总量控制与排放标准的再认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以我国现行的《大气污染防治法》为依据,通过理论分析,从总量控制与排放标准的控制目的、法律依据、制定部门、适用条件、适用对象、实施部门、法律责任等方面研究了二者的区别及联系,提出了在实际工作中的应用原则建议。  相似文献   

按照区划原则,中国东部、中部地区是现阶段国家火电NOx总量控制区域,并将国家火电NOx总量控制分为初级、中级、高级和可持续发展4个阶段。环境保护具有显著的区域性及阶段性的特点,由于我国东部、中部、西部地区经济发展水平的不平衡,环境保护也呈梯度变化的规律。通过对4个阶段特征的归纳与提炼,为国家不同时期总量控制区域范围的划分和总量控制目标的制定提供参考价值。  相似文献   

如何做好二氧化硫控制规划   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了SO2总量控制标准及实施办法,并以浙江省SO2控制规划为例,详细地阐述了火电厂SO2控制规划的内容深度,各种SO2减排措施及实施控制规划的资金措施等。  相似文献   

新的《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》和新《环境保护法》实施后,燃煤火电企业的依法治企自觉性不断提高,但由于不同的环保管理文件对超标处罚依据和处罚手段不同,造成政府对企业处罚的自由裁量权加大,对企业造成一定的压力与困惑。结合企业实际运行情况对燃煤电厂大气污染物排放考核时间间隔提出建议。  相似文献   

A passively vented landfill site in Northern Germany was monitored for gas emission dynamics through high resolution measurements of landfill gas pressure, flow rate and composition as well as atmospheric pressure and temperature. Landfill gas emission could be directly related to atmospheric pressure changes on all scales as induced by the autooscillation of air, diurnal variations and the passage of pressure highs and lows. Gas flux reversed every 20 h on average, with 50% of emission phases lasting only 10h or less. During gas emission phases, methane loads fed to a connected methane oxidising biofiltration unit varied between near zero and 247 g CH4 h(-1)m(-3) filter material. Emission dynamics not only influenced the amount of methane fed to the biofilter but also the establishment of gas composition profiles within the biofilter, thus being of high relevance for biofilter operation. The duration of the gas emission phase emerged as most significant variable for the distribution of landfill gas components within the biofilter.  相似文献   

NOx的危害及其排放控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了大气中NOx的主要来源及其危害,并简述了火电厂的NOx排放和控制方法。  相似文献   

This article describes regulatory issues and emission control equipment for air toxics applications. A brief history of air quality legislation is provided, illustrating the difficulty government has had in implementing air quality statutes; this has contributed to the complexity of air quality regulations. Evaluation methodologies are described for three different emission control technologies: thermal oxidation, catalytic oxidation, and adsorption. Brief case histories are provided that describe the pitfalls and benefits associated with each technology. The benefits of integrating health risk assessment into an air quality program are also discussed.  相似文献   

The model LINKopt is a mixed-integer, linear programming model for mid- and long-term planning of waste management options on an inter-company level. There has been a large increase in the transportation of waste material in Germany, which has been attributed to the implementation of the European Directive 75/442/EEC on waste. Similar situations are expected to emerge in other European countries. The model LINKopt has been developed to determine a waste management system with minimal decision-relevant costs considering transportation, handling, storage and treatment of waste materials. The model can serve as a tool to evaluate various waste management strategies and to obtain the optimal combination of investment options. In addition to costs, ecological aspects are considered by determining the total mileage associated with the waste management system. The model has been applied to a German case study evaluating different investment options for a co-operation between Daimler-Chrysler AG at Rastatt, its suppliers, and the waste management company SITA P+R GmbH. The results show that the installation of waste management facilities at the premises of the waste producer would lead to significant reductions in costs and transportation.  相似文献   

最新低温脱除硫、硝、汞等多层次洁净燃气的环保技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一项在低温下高效率综合去除煤、油燃料废气中之硫、硝、汞等物质的环保技术,它源于美国航天总署(NASA) 的技术和专利.它对1~3 MW测试机组的去除效率被认证为:SOx 99.95%, NOx 98.25% 及Hg 95.15%.该项技术除硝不需添加催化剂,运用普通的机器组件和熟知的操作原理,无二次废料污染的问题,而其副产品可直接供化肥制造或工业应用.分析了该系统的特质与优点、经济效益、系统设计和程序及其安全处置毒性金属污染物;概述了美国环保署对来年美国工业之煤、油燃气中氮、硫化物及汞的排放限制.  相似文献   

对煤中砷的赋存状态及煤在燃烧后砷的转化行为进行了分析,并分别从煤的物理洗选、抑制煤中砷元素的挥发、气态砷吸附剂和污控设备协同脱砷等方面,重点论述了国内外对燃煤电厂砷排放控制的最新研究进展。同时提出了控制砷排放的新思路,为今后脱砷技术的进一步研究指明了方向。  相似文献   

半导体激光器输出功率自动控制电路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半导体激光器作为烟气浊度在线监测仪的光源,在现场环境温度变化较大的情况下,其输出光功率的稳定性是需要解决的重要问题之一。对自行设计的一种半导体激光器输出光功率自动控制电路的试验结果表明,该电路完全能够满足烟气浊度在线监测仪的现场应用要求。  相似文献   

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