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Invertebrates containing endosymbiotic dinoflagellate algae (zooxanthellae) retain excretory nitrogen, and many are able to take up ammonium from the surrounding seawater. However, the site of assimilation and role of nitrogen recycling between symbiont and host remains unclear. In the present study, ammonium uptake by the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis (Forskål) was examined by following the pathway of assimilation using 15N-enriched ammonium. Since zooxanthellae became enriched with 15N from ammonium at up to 17 times the rate of the host, they appear to be the primary site of assimilation. In the light, the rate of zooxanthellae enrichment at 20?M was twice that at 10?M, whereas the rate of host enrichment was not significantly affected by ammonium concentration. When anemones were incubated with [15N]ammonium in the dark, after 12?h without light the rate of enrichment was lowered in both zooxanthellae and host. However, while the enrichment of the host was significantly reduced when the light level was lowered from 300 to 150?μmol photons m?2?s?1, zooxanthellae enrichment was unchanged. Low molecular weight material from the zooxanthellae became enriched at 20 times the rate of that from the host, and enrichment was detected in the amino acids glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, alanine, glycine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, tyrosine, and leucine from zooxanthellae. In the zooxanthellae, amino acids accounted for 65% of the total enrichment of low molecular weight material. Of the amino acids detected in zooxanthellae, over 90% of the enrichment was accounted for by glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. The enrichment of the amide group of glutamine was greater than that of the amine group of glutamate or glutamine, consistent with the glutamine synthetase/glutamine 2-oxoglutarate amidotransferase cycle as the mechanism of ammonium assimilation. To examine the flux of 15N from zooxanthellae to host, anemones were pulse-labelled with [15N]ammonium and then transferred to an unlabelled chase. Over a 2?h period there was no evidence for a flux of nitrogen from zooxanthellae to host. However, during the chase period, the enrichment of low molecular weight material declined and that of high molecular weight material increased in both zooxanthellae and host, indicating that protein was synthesized using 15N from ammonium in both components of the symbiosis. Again by using a pulse-chase system, it was found that glutamate was metabolised most rapidly by zooxanthellae, followed by (in order of decreasing rate of turnover) aspartate, alanine, glycine and valine (no data are available for glutamine). Unlike these amino acids, nitrogen was transferred to the essential amino acids phenylalanine and threonine, increasing their enrichment during the chase period. While recycled nitrogen is clearly important to this symbiosis, the mechanism by which it is cycled remains to be resolved.  相似文献   

Exposure of the temperate sea anemone Anemonia viridis Forskål to increased seawater temperature (from 16 to 26°C) reduced the lysosomal latency of coelenterate tissues. Lysosomes in the mesenterial filaments of anemones were destabilised by increased temperature, with greater destabilisation in heat-shocked symbiotic anemones than in heat-shocked aposymbiotic anemones in the early stages of the experiment. Lysosomal enzyme activity in zooxanthellae from heat-shocked symbiotic anemones was associated with the algal membranes and the cytoplasm of degenerate algal cells. While the relationship between host coelenterate and symbiotic alga may confer many benefits under normal conditions, comparison of the responses of symbiotic and aposymbiotic anemones to heat shock suggests that there may be disadvantages for symbiotic anemones under stress.  相似文献   

The sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor simultaneously harbours multiple symbiont types from the genus Symbiodinium, while providing essential habitat for anemonefish. This anemone lives close to its upper thermal threshold and experiences bleaching under elevated temperature and light stress. Here, we determine whether E. quadricolor experienced a shuffling in the abundance of two genetically distinct symbiont types (Symbiodinium C25 and C3.25) during bleaching and recovery. Anemones were exposed to control (22.9 °C) or elevated temperature (28.5 °C) for 42 days, whereas for the following 75 days, all anemones were exposed to 22.9 °C. By day 47, a more pronounced bleaching occurred via symbiont expulsion in the elevated temperature treatment than the control, and the proportion of C25 to C25 + C3.25 increased by 6.2 and 13.2 % in the control and bleached anemones, respectively. The increased relative abundance of C25 to C3.25 after exposure to thermal stress may indicate that C3.25 performs poorly when temperature is elevated. Although no significant recovery in symbiont density was detected, a revival of the C3.25 genotype was found at day 117, which may indicate that it is either more competitive or has qualities that are beneficial to the symbiosis when thermal stress is no longer apparent. This work demonstrates the potential for this anemone species to shuffle its symbiont types in response to environmental change and could provide resilience during times of stress.  相似文献   

Amino acid synthesis in the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Symbiotic Aiptasia pulchella and freshly isolated zooxanthellae were incubated in NaH14CO3 and NH4Cl for 1 to 240 min, and samples were analysed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and an online radiochemical detector. NH4 + was first assimilated into 14C-glutamate and 14C-glutamine in the zooxanthellae residing in A. pulchella. The specific activities (dpm nmol−1) of 14C-glutamate and 14C-glutamine in vivo, were far greater in the zooxanthellae than in the host tissue, indicating that NH4 + was principally incorporated into the glutamate and glutamine pools of the zooxanthellae. 14C-α-ketoglutarate was taken up from the medium by intact A. pulchella and assimilated into a small amount of 14C-glutamate in the host tissue, but no 14C-glutamine was detected in the host fraction. The 14C-glutamate that was synthesized was most likely produced from transamination reactions as opposed to the direct assimilation of NH4 +. The free amino acid composition of the host tissue and zooxanthellae of A. pulchella was also measured. The results presented here demonstrate that NH4 + was initially assimilated by the zooxanthellae of A. pulchella. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 24 October 1997  相似文献   

Corals exposed to environmental stresses need to engage appropriate physiological strategies to survive. Here, we examined tissue modifications following algal dysfunction. Aiptasia pallida was exposed during 1 week to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), the herbicide called diuron. DCMU treatment produced a drastic loss in photosynthetic efficiency and a subsequent diminution of algae density over the following days. Cell proliferation evaluated by measuring the number of cells labeled with a thymidine analogue (EdU) revealed a significant increase in EdU+ cells in the epidermis after 1 week of DCMU incubation and in the gastrodermis at 4 weeks. TUNEL histology showed that the extent of cell death was, however, similar in the epidermis of control and treated specimens. In addition, we noticed a significant effect of DCMU treatment on the density of epidermal mucocytes after 1, 2 and 4 weeks. These results show that inhibition of Symbiodinium photosynthesis in the absence of any known direct effect of DCMU on host cells can induce an increase in epidermal host cell proliferation in both the epidermis and the gastrodermis. While new host gastrodermal cells are likely to promote tissue regeneration in order to recruit new algae, the new host epidermal cells may contribute to tissue adaptation following a decrease in energy income. Some of these new epidermal cells, such as mucocytes, may contribute to an eventual increase in the host heterotrophic ability until restoration of algal autotrophic contribution.  相似文献   

Oxygen and pH microelectrodes were used to investigate the microenvironment of the planktonic foraminifer Orbulina universa and its dinoflagellate endosymbionts. A diffusive boundary layer surrounds the foraminiferal shell and limits the O2 and proton transport from the shell to the ambient seawater and vice versa. Due to symbiont photosynthesis, high O2 concentrations of up to 206% air saturation and a pH of up to 8.8, i.e. 0.5 pH units above ambient seawater, were measured at the shell surface of the foraminifer at saturating irradiances. The respiration of the host–symbiont system in darkness decreased the O2 concentration at the shell surface to <70% of the oxygen content in the surrounding air-saturated water. The pH at the shell surface dropped to 7.9 in darkness. We measured a mean gross photosynthetic rate of 8.5 ± 4.0 nmol O2 h−1 foraminifer−1. The net photosynthesis averaged 5.3 ± 2.7 nmol O2 h−1. In the light, the calculated respiration rates reached 3.9 ± 1.9 nmol O2 h−1, whereas the dark respiration rates were significantly lower (1.7 ± 0.7 nmol O2 h−1). Experimental light–dark cycles demonstrated a very dynamic response of the symbionts to changing light conditions. Gross photosynthesis versus scalar irradiance curves (P vs E o curves) showed light saturation irradiances (E k) of 75 and 137 μmol photons m−2 s−1 in two O. universa specimens, respectively. No inhibition of photosynthesis was observed at irradiance levels up to 700 μmol photons m−2 s−1. The light compensation point of the symbiotic association was 50 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Radial profile measurements of scalar irradiance (E o) inside the foraminifera showed a slight increase at the shell surface up to 105% of the incident irradiance (E d). Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 11 April 1998  相似文献   

To determine how the animal and algal components of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella respond to changes in food availability and culture irradiance, sea anemones from a single clone were maintained at four irradiance levels (320, 185, 115, and 45 E m-2 s-1) and either starved or fed for 5 wk. Changes in protein biomass of sea anemones maintained under these conditions were not related to the productivity of zooxanthellae, since the protein biomass of fed A. pulchella decreased with increase in irradiance and there was no difference in protein biomass among starved sea anemones at the four irradiance levels. Except for the starved high-light sea anemones, the density of symbiotic zooxanthellae was independent of culture irradiance within both starved and fed. A. pulchella. Starved sea anemones contained over twice the density of zooxanthellae as fed sea anemones. Within both starved and fed individuals, chlorophyll per zooxanthella increased with decreasing culture irradiance while algal size remained constant (in fed sea anemones) at about 8.80 m diameter. Chlorophyll a: c 2 ratios of zooxanthellae increased with decreasing culture irradiance in zooxanthellae from starved sea anemones but remained constant in zooxanthellae from fed sea anemones. As estimated from mitotic index data, the in situ growth rates of zooxanthellae averaged 0.007 d-1 and did not vary with irradiance or feeding regime. Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) responses of fed A. pulchella indicated an increase in photosynthetic efficiency with decreasing culture irradiance. But there was no consistent pattern in photosynthetic capacity with culture irradiance. Respiration rates of fed sea anemones also did not vary in relation to culture irradiance. The parameter I k , defined as the irradiance at which light-saturated rates of photosynthesis are first attained, was the only parameter from the P-I curves which increased linearly with increasing culture irradiance. The daily ratio of net photosynthesis to respiration for A. pulchella ranged from 1.6 to 2.8 for sea anemones maintained at the three higher irradiances, but was negative for those maintained at 45 E m-2 s-1. Since the final protein biomass was greatest for sea anemones maintained at the lowest irradiance, these results indicate that sea anemone growth cannot be directly related to productivity of zooxanthellae in this symbiotic association.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effect of light level on the storage lipids of the symbiotic sea anemoneAnemonia virudis (Forskäl), anemones were exposed to three experimental light regimes of 10, 100 and 300 E m-2s-1. Anemones were fed once a week. After 30 d there were no significant differences in the total lipid levels between anemones at any of the light intensities. However, after 60 d lipids had increased in proportion to light level in both the animal-tissue and zooxanthellae compartments. The higher levels of total lipid were in part due to increases in storage lipid (wax esters and triglycerides). Wax ester levels increased in the animal tissues but remained constant in the zooxanthellae, whereas triglycerides increased in both compartments. In contrast to fed anemones, starved anemones which were maintained at 300 E m-2s-1 for 30 or 60 d did not show a statistically significant change in lipid levels at 60 d, although a slight increase in the lipid level was observed. However, there was a significant increase in the storage lipids, which suggested that the non-storage phospholipids and structural lipids had declined as a result of cellular catabolism. The composition of the wax esters and triglycerides of both fed and starved anemones was analysed and compositional changes were observed at higher light intensities.  相似文献   

S. Edmands 《Marine Biology》1995,123(4):723-733
Four morphologically similar species in the sea anemone genus Epiactis exhibit overlapping distributions on the Pacific coast of North America; E. prolifera, E. lisbethae, E. ritteri and E. fernaldi. All brood their offspring up to the juvenile stage, but each has a different combination of internal versus external brooding and hermaphroditism versus gonochory (separate sexes). Specimens were collected from sites ranging from British Columbia to southern California between December 1988 and July 1992. Mating systems were inferred from genetic comparisons of mothers and offspring histological analyses of sex expression and observations on brooding and spawning behavior. Allozyme and multilocus DNA fingerprint analyses of the gynodioecious hermaphrodite E. prolifera showed that offspring were all identical to their mothers, a result consistent with either asexual reproduction, self-fertilization or extreme biparental inbreeding. In the gonochore E. lisbethae, mothers and offspring were also electrophoretically identical, but variation in DNA fingerprints indicated cross-fertilization. Similar DNA fingerprint differences between mother and offspring in the gonochore E. ritteri implied that cross-fertilization also occurs in this species. No mother-offspring comparisons were performed on E. fernaldi, as this species was not observed brooding offspring during this study. Although incomplete, the results of this study increase our knowledge of the very unusual combination of reproductive modes in the genus Epiactis, and argue for further investigations of the evolution and genetic consequences of mating systems in these species.  相似文献   

The temperate sea anemoneAnemonia viridis (Forskäl) contained about 11% lipid on a dry weight basis when maintained at light levels of about 10µE m–2 s–1 and a temperature of 10°C. Aposymbiotic forms of the anemone had similar lipid levels. These values are very low compared with tropical symbiotic Anthozoa in which lipid levels constitute up to 50% of dry weight. In symbioticA. viridis, <6% of total lipid consisted of the storage lipids, wax esters and triglycerides. Most of the triglyceride was stored in the animal tissues rather than the zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae contained only small amounts of wax esters. An analysis was made of the wax ester, triglyceride and fatty acid composition of symbiotic anemones, isolated zooxanthellae and aposymbiotic anemones. Wax ester composition was similar in symbiotic and aposymbiotic forms. However, triglyceride composition differed. In particular trimyristin (C42) was found only within the symbiotic association. Fatty acids showed a high degree of unsaturation, and acids with both even and odd numbers of carbon atoms were found. The most abundant fatty acid was 16:0 in all samples, except for the total lipids from zooxanthellae in which the major fatty acid wastrans-18:1.  相似文献   

D. J. Ayre 《Marine Biology》1982,66(2):199-205
The entire process of development from eggs to juveniles was observed in the sea-star Ctenopleura fisheri Hayashi. The breeding season of this sea-star in Toyama Bay, the Sea of Japan, occurs in the winter. The eggs are 465 in diameter, semitranslucent and pale brown in color. They develop into a barrel-shaped larva, neither bipinnaria nor brachiolaria, through a wrinkled blastula stage by holoblastic, radial cleavage. Larvae are free-swimming and do not feed during the larval stage. At metamorphosis the stalk, a larval organ, disappears by one of either 2 different processes; absorption into future body of the juveniles, or rupture and collapse. Fifteen days after insemination, metamorphosis is completed and the resulting juveniles, about 1 000 m in diameter, bear 2 pairs of tube-feet and a terminal tentacle in each arm.  相似文献   

Feeding factors for the sea anemone Anthopleura midorii   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The carnivorous feeding behavior of the sea anemone Anthopleura midorii was found to be a sequence of successive feeding motions, which consisted of several separate actions: (1) tentaculation on any solid matter; (2) retention of prey by tentacles; (3) mouth opening; (4) ingestion of food; (5) digestion of food; (6) extrusion of indigestible waste material. Hot water extract of a natural prey induced the entire feeding sequence when extract was given in the form of an artificial food by mixing with -potato starch and water. The fractionated extract induced only a limited feeding action. Several amino acids induced feeding. Alanine, glycine or histidine stimulated the retention of artificial food by tentacles, and proline evoked mouth opening. Cysteine or reduced glutathione (GSH) induced food ingestion. Unnatural food stuff such as -potato starch was ingestible, if an appropriate amount of a chemical substance was added.  相似文献   

A. Hunt  D. J. Ayre 《Marine Biology》1989,102(4):537-544
The intertidal sea anemone Oulactis muscosa (Drayton) is dioecious and most individuals are sexually mature throughout the year. Biochemical genetic evidence was used to determine the genetic structure of populations and to infer the relative contributions of sexual and asexual reproduction to recruitment. Data were collected for six enzyme-encoding loci from local populations spread along 735 km of the south east coast of Australia. The genetic structure of each of the nine local populations studied was consistent with recruitment by sexually produced individuals. In almost all cases, the observed single-locus genotypic frequencies closely matched those expected for hardy-Weinberg equilibria, however, consistent deficits of heterozygotes were detected for all loci. No apparent subdivision of the population was detected within the sampling area. Low levels of genetic differentiation were found between local populations and standardised variance (F ST ) values were similar to those for other species with widespread planktonic dispersal of larvae.Contribution No. 60 from the Ecology and Genetics Group of the University of Wollongong  相似文献   

Biochemical genetic variation provided evidence for the mode of reproduction of brooded young in the sea anemone Epiactis prolifera Verrill, 1869. Individuals of E. prolifera are female when small but hermaphroditic when large (i.e., gynodioecious); juveniles are brooded externally on the column. Brooding individuals collected from 6 intertidal sites (5 in central California and 1 in Washington State, USA) in the spring and summer of 1980 were assayed for gene-enzyme variation by starch-gel electrophoresis. Three of 12 enzyme loci were polymorphic; phosphoglucose isomerase appeared to be encoded by two, closely linked loci. Genotypic frequencies deviated markedly from expected random mating proportions. Only three heterozygotes were found; two were heterozygous at all three polymorphic loci, and the other was polymorphic at the two PGI loci. All 158 juveniles from 25 brooding individuals were assayed (2–19 juveniles per parent). Juveniles on homozygous adults were always identical to their parent. However, brooded young of heterozygous individuals were not identical to their parent. but showed 1:2:1 phenotypic segregation ratios consistent with reproduction by self-fertilization. This genetic evidence together with findings of marked heterozygote deficiencies and genetic identity of homozygous adults and their brooded young supports the conclusion that E. prolifera usually reproduces by self-fertilization, and cross-fertilization is rate.  相似文献   

The ability of endosymbioses between anthozoans and dinoflagellate algae (zooxanthellae) to retain excretory nitrogen and take up ammonium from seawater has been well documented. However, the quantitative importance of these processes to the nitrogen budget of such symbioses is poorly understood. When starved symbiotic Anemonia viridis were incubated in a flow-through system in seawater supplemented with 20 μM ammonium for 91 d under a light regime of 12 h light at 150 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and 12 h darkness, they showed a mean net growth of 0.197% of their initial weight per day. Control anemones in unsupplemented seawater with an ammonium concentration of <1 μM lost weight by a mean of 0.263% of their initial weight per day. Attempts to construct a nitrogen budget showed that, over a 14 d period, ≃40% of the ammonium taken up could be accounted for by growth of zooxanthellae. It was assumed that the remainder was translocated from zooxanthellae to host. However, since the budget does not balance, only 60% of the growth of host tissue was accounted for by this translocation. The value for host excretory nitrogen which was recycled to the symbionts equalled that taken in by ammonium uptake from the supplemented seawater, indicating the importance of nitrogen retention to the symbiotic association. Received: 23 December 1997 / Accepted: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

Energy budgets were calculated for individuals of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt), collected in 1981 and 1982 from Bodega Harbor, California, USA. Rates of ammonium excretion were measured in high-and low-intertidal, symbiotic and aposymbiotic sea anemones within 24 h of collection. Among symbiotic and aposymbiotic individuals, no differences in excretion rate were found on the basis of intertidal height. However, rates of ammonium excretion in aposymbiotic anemones (2.14 mol NH + 4 g-1 h-1) were significantly higher than in symbiotic ones (0.288 mol NH + 4 g-1 h-1). Rates of excretion were used with estimated rates of oxygen uptake to calculate nitrogen quotients (NQ). NQ and RQ values from the literature were used to calculate an oxyenthalpic equivalent [501 kJ (mol O2)-1 for R+U], and mass proportions of protein (54%), carbohydrate (44%) and lipid (2%) catabolized during routine metabolism in this species 24 h after feeding. Integrated energy budgets of these experimental anemones were calculated from data on ingestion, absorption and growth, and estimates of translocated energy from the symbiotic algae. Contribution of zooxanthellae to animal respiration based on translocation=90% and RQ=0.97 are 41 and 79% in high-and low-intertidal anemones, respectively. Calculated scope for growth is greater than directly measured growth in both high-and low-intertidal individuals. The deficit, estimated as 30% of assimilated energy in high-intertidal anemones, is attributed to unmeasured costs (specific dynamic effect) or production (mucus). Low-intertidal anemones lost mass during the experiment, implying that the magnitude of the deficit was greater in these anemones than in upper intertidal individuals. Anemones from both shore levels lost zooxanthellae during the experiment, which contributed to energy loss since the contribution of the zooxanthellae is greater in low-intertidal anemones. Scope for growth is preserved in high-intertidal anemones (29% of assimilated energy) because metabolic demands are lower due to aerial exposure, and prey capture rate is higher compared to lowshore anemones. Although possibly underestimated, lower scope for growth in low-shore anemones may result from continuous feeding and digestion processes that are less efficient than those of periodically feeding high-intertidal anemones.  相似文献   

W. E. Zamer 《Marine Biology》1986,92(3):299-314
High-intertidal (H) individuals of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt) are exposed aerially up to 18 h each day, unlike low-intertidal (L) individuals which may be continuously immersed over many days. Thus, H anemones experience shorter feeding periods compared to L anemones. From 1980 to 1982, H and L anemones were observed and collected at the mouth of Bodega Harbor in North Central California (USA) to determine whether any physiological adaptations mitigate the energetic effects of reduced feeding time in H anemones. Weight of prey in coelenterons of H anemones was three times more than that of L anemones following a single immersion period. This difference is not due to slower digestion rates in H anemones. Prey residence time in coelenterons (4h) was equivalent in both groups. Different prey weights imply that ingestion rates were greater in H individuals. However, all anemones had similar weight-specific feeding-surface areas. Different prey-capture rates result from increased receptivity to prey in H anemones, rather than from increases in feeding surface. Absorption efficiency was inversely related to ration size in anemones from both shore positions. H individuals absorbed food more efficiently than L individuals fed equivalent rations. Ration, not exposure conditions, affected absorption efficiency. Daily growth rates were 1.5 to 1.8% and 1.2 to 1.4% of dry body weight in H and L anemones fed large rations (4.0 to 5.6% of dry body weight), respectively. H anemones fed smaller daily rations, approximating amounts of zooplankton captured naturally (1% of anemone dry weight), had higher growth rates and growth efficiencies than L anemones, which lost mass. Higher growth rates in H anemones, which are supported by higher prey-capture rates, result in attainment of minimum body size for reproduction in a relatively short period of time despite reduction in time available for feeding, thus improving relative fitness of these anemones in the upper intertidal zone.  相似文献   

Anthothoe albocincta, a common subtidal anemone along south-eastern Australia, reproduces both sexually through broadcast spawning and clonally through fission. Clones may be distinguished both by their electrophoretic genotypes and the colour of their tentacles and oral discs. Local populations typically consist of many, dense clonal aggregations. However, some clones appear to have locally extensive distributions, forming a series of separate aggregations. The capacity of clones to disperse among local populations is unknown. In this study we used an electrophoretic survey at six allozyme loci to quantify levels of variation among samples from each of 13 local populations and four geographic regions sampled between April 1992 and June 1993. These data revealed that populations of A. albocincta, separated by up to 930 km, were at least moderately subdivided. Levels of geographic variation were high and the average F ST value (standardised genetic variation) was 0.27 based on genotypes of all individual polyps. This value reflects substantial variation both within (F PR =0.13) and among (F RT =0.16) regions. Estimates of gene flow among both neighbouring populations and regions are therefore low (N e m=1.7 and 1.3, respectively). UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages) dendrograms suggest that a genetic discontinuity occurs at the very south-east corner of Australia, paralleling reports for two other south-eastern Australian marine invertebrates. In addition, our analyses and theoretical predictions imply that localised proliferation of clonal genotypes may have caused us to underestimate the potential importance of gene flow via larval dispersal. Moreover, the abundance and vast geographic range of this species suggests that widespread dispersal does occur. Collections from three populations covering the peroid December 1992 to June 1993 were examined by crude dissection along with histological sectioning, and showed A. albocincta to be dioecious, with unisexual clones. Eggs within the ovaries of six females sampled over a 3 mo period were small (96±4 m) and similar to those of related species that produce planktotrophic larvae. In contrast, we found no evidence that clones were dispersed (shared) among neighbouring local populations. An average of only 6% of six-locus genotypes were common to pairs of local populations separated by up to 125 km, this being equal to the percentage expected through sexual reproduction alone. In addition, the percentage of shared genotypes did not decline with increasing geographic separation. These data imply that although asexual reproduction may be used to maintain local populations, the sexual production of genotypically diverse larvae is the primary source of widely dispersed colonists and hence of new clones.  相似文献   

The sexually produced young of the externally brooding actinian Epiactis prolifera Verrill, 1869 are attached to the parent's column just above the base. A transitory brood groove may be formed around the limbus when the parent contracts. In the population studied on the coast of Sonoma County, California, USA, from 27 to 49% of the adult anemones were brooding at any time, the proportion being inversely related to seawater temperature and directly related to size of the anemones. A brood usually consisted of young of various sizes. Overall, number of young being brooded was directly related to parent size and inversely related to size of the brooded juveniles. The growth rate of juvenile anemones was inferred to average about a millimeter in pedal disc diameter per month. Juveniles dislodged from the parent when smaller than 4 mm in basal diameter apparently cannot survive in the intertidal zone. Juveniles which successfully make the transition to adulthood have, therefore, been brooded for at least 3 months. Fewer than 50% of the smallest juveniles survived to a size at which they could live independently. The transition to adulthood was accompanied by a mortality of 80%. The survival rate, from egg to adult, was calculated to be about 1% per season.This work was done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, and was supported by a U.S. National Science Foundation Traineeship.  相似文献   

Nutrient sufficiency of zooxanthellae in the sea anemone Aiptasia pallida cultured in low nutrient seawater depends on the availability of particulate food to the host. Zooxanthellae in anemones unfed for 20 to 30 d exhibited the following characteristics of nutrient deficiency: cell division rates decreased; chlorophyll a content gradually decreased from 2 to <1 pg cell–1; and C:N ratios increased from 7.5 to 16. Over a 3-mo period, algal populations in unfed anemones gradually decreased, indicating that zooxanthellae were lost faster than they were replaced by division. The mitotic index of zooxanthellae in unfed anemones was stimulated either by feeding the host or by the addition of inorganic N and P to the medium. Whether algae are nutrient-limited in hosts under field conditions has not been examined fully; however, C:N ratios in zooxanthellae from field-collected hosts are slightly higher (9.4 vs 7.5) than in hosts fed to repletion in laboratory cultures. This observation might indicate N limitation in the field.  相似文献   

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