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S. Meunier D. T. Manning L. Quéval J. A. Cherni P. Dessante D. Zimmerle 《国际发展与全球生态学杂志》2019,26(6):547-559
Access to water for domestic and irrigation uses remains limited across Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in rural areas. While the technical feasibility of implementing innovative technologies to improve water supply has been often evaluated, less is known about the drivers that motivate users to pay for obtaining the inherent benefits of improved water supply. In this article, the determinants of the marginal willingness to pay (mWTP) for improved domestic and irrigation water are investigated. For this purpose, a contingent valuation study is performed in rural Rwanda. This study uses survey data from 316 households situated in 8 villages, in which ~20% of the households receive electricity thanks to microgrids powered by solar energy. It is found that the mWTP for improved domestic water supply is influenced by the proportion of children in the household, business ownership, and satisfaction with water quantity and quality. The mWTP for irrigation is determined by respondent education, business ownership and crop area planted. This paper contributes to the literature by allowing a comparison of the determinants of the mWTP for improved domestic water supply to the determinants of the mWTP for irrigation. Another contribution is to examine the mWTP for improved water infrastructure in partially electrified villages. Identifying areas with high marginal benefits from water can guide infrastructure investment and electrification efforts while improving well-being and increasing revenues in rural areas. 相似文献
We use a residential sorting model incorporating migration disutility to recover the implicit value of clean air in China. The model is estimated using China Population Census Data along with PM2.5 satellite data. Our study provides new evidence on the willingness to pay for air quality improvements in developing countries and is the first application of an equilibrium sorting model to the valuation of non-market amenities in China. We employ two instrumental variables based on coal-fired electricity generation and wind direction to address the endogeneity of local air pollution. Results suggest important differences between the residential sorting model and a conventional hedonic model, highlighting the role of moving costs and the discreteness of the choice set. Our sorting results indicate that the economic value of air quality improvement associated with a one-unit decline in PM2.5 concentration is up to $8.83 billion for all Chinese households in 2005. 相似文献
居民为改善北京市大气环境质量的支付意愿研究 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
用意愿调查价值评估法分析了北京市居民为改善大气环境质量的支付意愿 ,评估大气质量改善的价值 ,并对这一方法在我国的应用进行探讨。结果显示 ,研究范围内的居民为 5年内降低目前大气污染物质浓度的 5 0 %而支付费用的平均支付意愿是 143元 /户·年 (1999年元 ) ,该区域内居民总的支付意愿是 3 .36亿元 /年 (1999年元 ) ,被调查者的家庭收入、教育水平、家庭人口数和年龄等社会经济变量对支付意愿有显著影响。最后 ,对意愿调查价值评估法在我国应用时存在的问题进行了初步探讨 相似文献
应用假设市场价值评估法(CVM)调查了华北高产农业区桓台县公众对防治农业面源污染地下水所需费用的支付意愿;评价了公众对技术、经济、政策等解决手段的期望和行为选择。调查表明,有60%以上的公众表现出能够为后代人着想而保护农业环境的可持续发展意识,有76%的人对污染现状的改善和治理持积极态度,人均支付意愿为22.8元·a-1,但公众对农业面源污染的环境保护意识不足。影响农民公众支付意愿的因素主要有家庭收入、受教育程度和职业。经推算,该县公众1a总支付意愿大约是1114.8~1320.2万元。可采取的环境保护技术措施以改良耕作习惯、控制化肥施用量为主,法制化的环保手段需要与公众环保意识相适应。 相似文献
都市型农业土地利用面源污染环保意识和支付意愿研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
研究针对北京郊区农业集约化水平较高的顺义区蔬菜化肥和农药超量使用及大型养殖场废弃物排放给生态环境带来严重的不良影响问题,在大量农业面源污染研究的基础上,采用CVM方法,评估了顺义区公众对以上农业活动造成的地下水环境污染问题的环境意识和支付意愿,研究结果表明:首都郊区农民的环保意识在增强;家庭人均纯收入、受访者的受教育程度与支付意愿呈显著正相关;受访者的年龄与支付意愿则呈显著负相关。该研究还计算了顺义区2002年全区农民的平均支付意愿是49.18元/人,该年全区人民总支付意愿为2680.861万元人民币。该研究可为有关部门对农业面源污染进行治理提供参考依据。 相似文献
宝天高速公路沿线生态环境保护居民支付意愿评价 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
平均支付意愿是条件估值法(CVM)推导环境物品总经济价值的一种表征尺度。以宝天高速公路修建过程中保护生态环境为例,采用支付卡式CVM研究方法,对沿线居民支付意愿进行了详细分析。结果表明:平均支付意愿在收入、教育程度、年龄、性别和职业稳定变量上均存在不同程度的组群差异。t检验显示收入、教育两个变量平均支付意愿组间差异显著;而协方差分析表明收入水平是影响平均支付意愿在年龄、性别、职业稳定变量组间差异不突出的主要原因,也是导致支付意愿存在组群差异的最主要因素。最后利用回归模型计算得到,宝天高速公路(牛背至天水段)沿线生态环境保护的居民平均支付意愿为42.77元。 相似文献
The study investigated students’ attitudes and willingness to pay (WTP) for the protection of some environmental values. The empirical study refers to a site located in Southern Italy and inserted into the Natura 2000 European Network. Students were segmented according to their appreciation of environmental values and the WTP for them. We considered two scenarios of the study site – of use and non-use – and four values – recreational, educational, bequest and existence. Five clusters, from the ‘unconcerned’ to the ‘committed’ one, reveal a diversity of profiles across the sample. Segmentation results point out the multifunctionality of the environmental heritage and highlight the heterogeneity of students’ environmental profiles. 相似文献
基于CVM方法分析牧民对禁牧政策的受偿意愿——以锡林郭勒草原为例 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
确定居民对生态措施实施的受偿意愿,对目前迫切需要的生态补偿政策制定以及生态恢复和保护的有效性具有重要的现实意义。选用锡林郭勒草原为案例区域,通过入户调查及在那达慕大会集中调查相结合的方式,调查锡林郭勒草原地区牧民对禁牧措施的态度和受偿意愿。分析结果显示:53%的牧民愿意参加禁牧,而不愿意参加禁牧主要是由于补偿标准不合理引起的。计量经济学模型分析表明,牧民对禁牧的支持态度与牧民的收入和草地面积呈正相关,与养羊数量呈负相关。牧民的受偿意愿由牧民养羊数量、受教育年限、草地现状以及对禁牧政策的支持程度决定。根据意愿调查法初步估算锡林郭勒草原地区禁牧措施实施后牧民的补偿意愿,牧民家庭对禁牧政策的平均受偿意愿为每年每户2.7717万元,人均受偿意愿为8399元,平均每1hm2草地受偿意愿为85.95元。 相似文献
Zacharia J. U. Malley Johnson M. R Semoka Josephat A. Kamasho Catherine V. Kabungo 《国际发展与全球生态学杂志》2013,20(3):183-197
Rural household food insecurity and poverty are closely linked to soil degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, causes, degradation processes, coping strategies and need for interventions may vary from one place to another. This study was conducted in Mbinga District, SW Tanzania, to investigate causes and biophysical processes of soil degradation; effects on livelihoods, coping strategies and entry points for interventions. Implications for sustainable production and rural livelihoods are discussed. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), household surveys using a short open-ended questionnaire and biophysical exploration were the research tools used. Soil fertility depletion resulting from continuous cropping and erosion losses is the main form of soil degradation. Maize yield was 57% lower in fertility-depleted farms than in productive farms. Soil pH, Ca2+, Mg2+ and CEC accounted for 79% of variations in maize yield. Organic soil fertility amelioration was a common strategy used by smallholders. Use of beneficial tree and shrub fallows is the most environmentally, economically and socially promising improvement that can be used to build on the existing strengths of farmers' knowledge and strategies. Subsidy for the right type of fertilizers, infrastructure improvement and education of farmers on proper use of fertilizers should significantly contribute to improved and sustainable production and livelihoods. 相似文献
Low willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental quality in developing countries is a key research question in environmental economics. One explanation is that missing credit markets may suppress WTP for environmental improvements that require large up-front investments. We test the impact of microloans on WTP for hygienic latrines via a randomized controlled trial in 30 villages in rural Cambodia. We find that microcredit dramatically raises WTP for improved latrines, with 60% of households in the Financing arm willing to purchase at an unsubsidized price, relative to 25% in the Non-financing arm. Effects on latrine installation are positive but muted by several factors, including a negative peer effect: randomly induced purchases by neighbors reduce a household's probability of installing its own latrine. On methodological grounds, this paper shows that a “decision-focused evaluation” can be integrated into academic analysis to provide insight into questions of general interest. 相似文献
P. Censi P. Zuddas D. Larocca F. Saiano F. Placenti A. Bonanno 《Chemistry and Ecology》2007,23(2):139-153
This study reports the results of geochemical investigations carried out in the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea) during the oceanographic cruise BANSIC 2000, focusing on the area around the Pantelleria Island. We evaluate the interface processes between dissolved phase and suspended particulate matter in the water columns on the basis of Y/Ho ratio and rare earth elements and yttrium distributions that are suitable to trace the occurrence of different water layers in Central Mediterranean Area. The main source of trace elements to the sea water system was recognized in the atmospheric fallout, while different scavenging mechanisms among Y and rare earth elements occur. Cation exchange at the dissolved phase-suspended media interface is driven by their external electronic configurations as monitored through the Y/Ho ratios, shape, and amplitude of the tetrad effects calculated along the water columns. The shape and amplitude of the tetrad effects in bottom waters suggest that the preferential Y scavenging from deep water layers depends on the hydrothermal activity in the seafloor. Here, Y is surface-complexed through the formation of inner-sphere complexes; Ho and other heavy rare earth elements are sorbed onto suspended particulate matter surfaces as weak outer-sphere complexes; these materials have a montmorillonite like nature; and preferential incorporation medium rare earth elements in crystal structures of biogenic carbonates is suggested by the relationship between the Eu anomaly and the nutrient contents of water masses. 相似文献
Restoration of waterbird diversity and abundance is a key objective of river system management in Australia. Therefore, understanding the effects of climatic and hydrological variables on waterbird population dynamics is fundamental for successful river restoration programs. We investigated the population dynamics of waterbirds (total abundance) and seven functional waterbird groups in the floodplains of lower Murrumbidgee River. We found a general declining abundance trend from 1983 to 2007, except for the deep water foragers. We modelled the relative contribution of the climatic and hydrological factors to waterbird population decrease using the generalized additive model (GAM) framework after identifying the negative binomial distribution. Most of the seven functional groups were positively related to both annual rainfall and water usage, defined as the total water volume intercepted by the river reach, and the models indicated that rainfall was slightly more important. Temperature also played a role in waterbird abundance: the maximum summer temperature negatively influenced the abundance of dabbling ducks, shoreline foragers and fish eaters, while the minimum winter temperature positively affected the abundance of dabbling ducks and shoreline foragers. Overall, our results support the practice of providing environmental water for sustaining waterbird populations. However, environmental water provision is likely to be most effective when timed to coincide with antecedent rainfall. 相似文献
Response of balanced network models to large-scale perturbation: Implications for evaluating the role of small pelagics in the Gulf of Maine 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jason Link Laurel Col Vincent Guida David Dow John O’Reilly Jack Green William Overholtz Debra Palka Chris Legault Joseph Vitaliano Carolyn Griswold Michael Fogarty Kevin Friedland 《Ecological modelling》2009
Exploring the response of an ecosystem, and subsequent tradeoffs among its biological community, to human perturbations remains a key challenge for the implementation of an ecosystem approaches to fisheries (EAF). To address this and related issues, we developed two network (or energy budget) models, Ecopath and Econetwrk, for the Gulf of Maine ecosystem. These models included 31 network “nodes” or biomass state variables across a broad range of trophic levels, with the present emphasis to particularly elucidate the role of small pelagics. After initial network balancing, various perturbation scenarios were evaluated to explore how potential changes to different fish, fisheries and lower trophic levels can affect model outputs. Categorically across all scenarios and interpretations thereof, there was minimal change at the second trophic levels and most of the “rebalancing” after a perturbation occurred via alteration of the diet matrix. Yet the model results from perturbations to a balanced energy budget fall into one of three categories. First, some model results were intuitive and in obvious agreement with established ecological and fishing theory. Second, some model results were counter-intuitive upon initial observation, seemingly contradictory to known ecological and fishing theory; but upon further examination the results were explainable given the constraints of an equilibrium energy budget. Finally, some results were counter-intuitive and difficult to reconcile with theory or further examination of equilibrium constraints. A detailed accounting of biomass flows for example scenarios explores some of the non-intuitive results more rigorously. Collectively these results imply a need to carefully track biomass flows and results of any given perturbation and to critically evaluate the conditions under which a new equilibrium is obtained for these types of models, which has implications for dynamic simulations based off of them. Given these caveats, the role of small pelagics as a prominent component of this ecosystem remains a robust conclusion. We discuss how one might use this approach in the context of further developing an EAF, recognizing that a more holistic, integrated perspective will be required as we continue to evaluate tradeoffs among marine biological communities. 相似文献
In this paper, we describe the development of a simulation framework for allocating water from different sources to meet the
environmental flows of an urban river. The model permits the development of a rational balance in the utilization of storm
water, reclaimed water from wastewater treatment plants, and freshwater from reservoirs with consideration of the limited
capacities of different water resources. It is designed to permit the full utilization of unconventional water sources for
the restoration of river water quality by increasing river flow and improving water quality. To demonstrate practical use
of the model, a case study is presented in which the model was used to simulate the environmental water allocation for the
Liming River in Daqing City, China, based on the three water sources mentioned above. The results demonstrate that the model
provides an effective approach for helping managers allocate water to satisfy the river’s environmental water requirements. 相似文献