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九龙江流域经济发展与河流水质时空关联分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以闽西南地区的九龙江流域为例,综合采用数理统计、GIS技术和环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)方法,对该流域1981—2009年经济发展与河流水质变化进行时空关联分析。结果表明,九龙江流域呈现"第1产业缓增,第2、3产业产值增加较快"的总体经济格局,农业污染突出;农业种植面积呈现先增加后减少趋势,流域氮、磷肥平均施用强度呈线性增加趋势;氮、磷肥平均折纯施用量之比从1981年的4∶1下降到2009年的2∶1,引起水化学改变并增加水华发生风险;各县(市、区)污染源结构存在明显差异,河流水质变化和沿程分布与流域社会经济布局有很好的空间相关性;北溪流域畜禽养殖业的过快发展、西溪流域以经济作物为主的农业种植结构和高强度施肥、低效率利用是导致河流水质从20世纪90年代开始富营养化的主要原因;EKC曲线尚未出现明显拐点,若农业污染不能得到有效控制,流域水环境将持续恶化;九龙江水质演变规律是流域社会经济布局、污染源排放强度和方式发生变化的综合作用结果。  相似文献   

闽江流域畜禽粪便的污染负荷及其环境风险评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从闽江流域畜禽养殖业现状分析入手,根据作物所需畜禽粪尿肥的最大量,估算流域各县市的畜禽污染物产生量和农田畜禽粪便负荷量,对各县市畜禽养殖粪便污染进行潜在的环境风险评价.结果表明:闽江流域大多数集约化养殖场集中分布于中上游,并有向下游扩散的趋势;流域农田畜禽粪便负荷量平均达22.95 t·hm-2·a-1;整个流域的畜禽污染已对环境产生风险,尤其是富屯溪、沙溪流域更为突出.  相似文献   

淮河流域水污染防治与生态经济思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
淮河流域水环境严重污染的形成,既有历史社会经济发展中忽视环境保护、欠帐过多的问题,也有水资源条件差、环境容量较小的问题。淮河流域水环境污染多种多样,既有工业点源,又有农业和农村面源,还有人口迅速膨胀及城镇迅速发展所带来的污染。淮河流域水环境污染是生态经济问题。因此,解决淮河流域水环境污染问题,仅仅做到治理工业污染源、建立城市污水处理厂,是远远不够的。要从根本上解决淮河流域水环境问题,则应当在1995 年淮河流域对工业污染源和城市生活污水治理进行规划的基础上,就人口、资源、环境、社会、经济进行综合考虑,从生态经济角度进一步做好全面的水环境规划。在规划中尤其要突出可持续发展,并在实施可持续发展中解决污染问题,要在工业、农业中普遍实行清洁生产,要注意节约水资源和合理利用水资源,注意控制人口增长并提高人口素质,在农村城镇化水平迅速提高的同时做好城镇生活污水利用和处理。  相似文献   

以东莞市第一次全国污染源普查成果为数据基础,调查估算2010年东莞市33个镇街和25个水功能区的COD、氨氮入河量,并应用GIS技术及相关分析法分析污染物入河量空间分布特征及其影响因素。研究发现:①东莞市各镇街及水功能区的污染物入河量呈明显不均匀分布,人口、GDP是影响污染物入河量空间分布的主要因素。②河网区、非河网区镇街的工业污染物入河量与GDP均呈较好的正相关关系,但非河网区单位污染物入河量GDP产出拟合曲线斜率是河网区的31倍,显示河网区镇街每增长单位污染物入河量所产生的GDP远远小于非河网区,河网区镇街往往付出巨大的污染代价而经济增长却非常有限。  相似文献   

Time series data on population change, economic development, climate change, water volume and quality and oasis land-use change were collected to study the interactions between these factors in the arid Tarim River Basin, China. The study reveals that precipitation and stream flow in headwater streams increased, but stream flow in the main Tarim River had reduced significantly over the past three decades. This implies that human activity, rather than climate change, dominated the recent environmental changes in the river basin. As a result of population growth and cultivated land expansion in the upper and middle reaches of the river, severe problems of water shortage, water pollution, death of natural vegetation, soil salinization, desertification and sand-dust storms have occurred, particularly in downstream areas of the river basin. These problems have had serious negative effects on the health of local people and sustainable social economic development in the region. Some development strategies are proposed to deal with these problems.  相似文献   

The water quality pollution and ecological deterioration in peri-urban rivers are usually serious under rapid urbanization and economic growth. In the study, a typical peri-urban river, Nansha River, was selected as a case study to discuss the scheme of peri-urban river rehabilitation. Located in the north part of the Beijing central region, the Nansha River watershed has been designated as an ecologically friendly garden-style area with high-tech industry parks and upscale residential zones. However, the Nansha River is currently seriously contaminated by urban and rural pollutants from both nonpoint sources (NPS) and point sources (PS). In this study, the pollutant loads from point sources and nonpoint sources in the Nansha River watershed were first assessed. A coupled model, derived from the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code and Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program, was developed to simulate the hydrodynamics and water quality in the Nansha River. According to the characteristics of the typical peri-urban river, three different PS and NPS control scenarios were designed and examined by modeling analyses. Based on the results of the scenario analysis, a river rehabilitation scheme was recommended for implementation.  相似文献   

东江干流浮游植物群落结构特征及与水质的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
江源  王博  杨浩春  刘全儒  周云龙 《生态环境》2011,20(11):1700-1705
2009年7月,调查了东江干流浮游植物的属类组成、密度和生物多样性指数,并将水质理化参数与藻类的群落指标进行相关性分析。47个采样点中共发现7门78属藻类,浮游植物的密度范围在0.72×104~853.86×104 cells.L-1之间。其中蓝藻门、硅藻门、绿藻门和隐藻门占总浮游植物密度的96.12%,优势属为颤藻属、隐藻属、小环藻属、菱形藻属、栅藻属。根据藻类各项指标值显示,东江干流水质良好。相关分析结果表明:浮游植物密度以及属类数均与CODMn及电导率呈极显著的正相关关系(P〈0.01)。并且CCA分析表明CODMn浓度是影响这一区域物种分布格局的重要因素。  相似文献   

Lead has been mined in the Old Lead Belt region of southeastern Missouri, USA since the early 1700s. Mining operations ceased totally in 1972. Since no other major industries were associated with the region, an investigation was initiated to study the long-term environmental effects of lead mining activities on the water quality sediments and biota otarea receiving streams. The principal study area was Flat River Creek,. which drained the major mining operations of the region. The findings of this study indicated the water of the lower Flat River Creek below the mining elevation contained elevated levels of lead, zinc, calcium and magnesium. The sediments and biota of the same stream area were also found to contain significantly higher levels of lead and zinc as well as copper and cadmium. Algae, crayfish and minnows were all found to have concentrated these metals. The studies indicated that some type of abandonment plan must be developed for the control and treatment of heavy metal pollution for mining operations on a continuing basis.  相似文献   

九龙江流域规模化养殖环境风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在G IS支持下采用养分收支平衡法对九龙江流域规模化生猪养殖的环境风险进行评价。规模化养殖污染负荷在不同类型养殖场的分配、空间分布规律以及规模化养殖的环境风险评价结果表明:规模化养猪业年产粪尿量达107万t,以小型规模化养殖场产生的污染负荷最高;整体来看,规模化生猪养殖的环境风险不大,但由于养殖场的地理分布集中,造成近郊区域规模化养殖的环境风险极高;由于过多施用化肥,中远郊规模化养殖粪尿未得到合理利用而流失。位于水系附近的养殖场对水体影响较大,根据“福建省畜禽养殖污染防治管理办法”,为减少规模化生猪养殖对九龙江水质的直接威胁,需搬迁主要支流沿岸1 km范围内的规模化养猪场250个。  相似文献   

九龙江流域规模化养殖环境风险评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在GIS支持下采用养分收支平衡法对九龙江流域规模化生猪养殖的环境风险进行评价。规模化养殖污染负荷在不同类型养殖场的分配、空间分布规律以及规模化养殖的环境风险评价结果表明:规模化养猪业年产粪尿量达107万t,以小型规模化养殖场产生的污染负荷最高;整体来看,规模化生猪养殖的环境风险不大,但由于养殖场的地理分布集中,造成近郊区域规模化养殖的环境风险极高;由于过多施用化肥,中远郊规模化养殖粪尿未得到合理利用而流失。位于水系附近的养殖场对水体影响较大,根据“福建省畜禽养殖污染防治管理办法”,为减少规模化生猪养殖对九龙江水质的直接威胁,需搬迁主要支流沿岸1km范围内的规模化养猪场250个。  相似文献   

基于利益相关方意愿调查的东江流域生态补偿机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
流域生态补偿已经成为解决流域生态环境保护问题、协调流域上下游利益冲突的重要手段之一。以东江流域为例,通过实地问卷调查和条件价值评估法评估流域上下游利益相关方生态补偿意愿,并探讨构建东江流域生态补偿机制。流域生态补偿意愿调查结果表明,流域内居民对东江流域生态环境保护有很高的积极性,对建立流域生态补偿机制有较高的认同度;下游地区城市居民平均支付意愿为332.7-364.5元/(年·户),上游农民对于林地保护的平均受偿意愿为360.75元/(年·hm^2);通过回归分析发现,受教育水平、收入、自来水水质对支付意愿影响显著,而受偿意愿受性别和受教育水平影响明显;充分考虑并协调好流域上下游利益相关方的诉求对东江流域生态环境保护和生态补偿机制的建立有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

为防控长江上游重大突发水污染事件的发生,收集整理长江宜宾至泸州江段沿江水环境污染源及受体基础资料,构建水环境潜在污染风险分级评价体系。采用地统计学理论和地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)相结合的方法开展突发水污染风险分区评价研究,以揭示研究区江段突发水污染风险空间分布差异性。结果表明,污染源或受体热点分布主要集中在城镇化、工业化较快的地区,如宜宾市叙州区污染源最多,泸州市龙马潭区高风险污染源最密集,宜宾县和南溪县高敏感受体数量最多;其他区域污染源或受体分布较为均衡,未形成明显的冷点区域。水环境潜在污染高风险区集中分布在龙马潭区江段和江阳区江段,须提高该区域对潜在污染的风险管理能力,以降低污染事故发生的可能性。  相似文献   

Water quality is one of the most serious problems of environment and national sustainable development strategy now facing China. After hard work over the last several decades, urban-sewage treatment in China is now relatively well developed. It now affords mainly higher levels of sewage collection and treatment, as well as pollution-load control. The characteristic rapid urbanization now occurring in China is still increasing and developing dramatically, and involves large numbers of people. However, in towns, sewage treatment infrastructure is inadequate, and a high percentage of the sewage generated there is not effectively collected and treated. The sewage and pollution load of such towns have become the most important reason for environmental water problems in China. To understand the priorities of sewage treatment in such towns, and their spatial distribution in China, we conducted two nationwide investigations of water use and sewage discharge in towns. Based on the integrated analytic hierarchy process (AHP), assessment indices and a framework of town-sewage treatment priorities in China were constructed. Then, we assessed and analyzed the priorities of towns regarding three aspects of sewage treatment: environmental stress, economic capability, and infrastructure. The results showed that the southeast coastal areas and north China had higher demand for sewage treatment than other areas. The demand in eastern and western areas had obvious differences in spatial distribution, but had nearly no differences within those areas. The towns having the greatest demand for high-priority sewage treatment were concentrated in regions with high economic capability and intense water resource utilization.  相似文献   

论述了江苏省水污染事故及水环境污染对渔业生产、饮用水源、农牧业生产、工业生产的影响及造成的经济损失;指出河网地区水流滞缓流向不定,感潮河段水流往复运动是造成江苏省水体污染加剧的环境水力学因素,入境河流携带大量废水、污水也是造成局部地区水污染危害的重要原因  相似文献   

Regional land-use development projects are undertaken to protect water resources necessary for agriculture, energy and sustaining human life. The De?irmendere valley, in the province of Trabzon in the Black Sea region of Turkey, provides clean water to the city of Trabzon. The valley is part of the Silk Road from Asia to the Black Sea and contains historical monasteries such as Sumela, Kustul and Vazelon. However, over the years, misuse of the valley has caused freshwater, sea and environmental pollution. In an attempt to overcome these problems, a multilateral project, De?irmendere Vadisi Çevre Düzenlemesi (DEVAÇED), was launched in the region. This paper aims to provide information necessary for engineering projects within the region. Six villages, on both sides of the valley, were selected for this research and evaluated in terms of river basin utilization, topography, cadastral survey of property and ownership, and land readjustment improvements. The study found illegal and improper urbanization, including industrial facilities within the valley causing water pollution. Current cadastral base maps are not sufficiently accurate for engineering projects, and in some places buildings have been constructed on unstable soils that are susceptible to landslides. The research results have helped to generate important recommendations for rehabilitation of the river basin.  相似文献   

寒冷地区流域水污染防治问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国寒冷地区河流冰封期最长可达180天,其间水体自净功能差,加之城镇污水处理水平低于全国平均水平,工业点源污染负荷沉重,流域水污染问题显得格外突出,水环境压力巨大.因此,有针对性地解决寒冷地区流域水环境问题已经成为协调资源供求、经济发展与环境保护的核心问题.通过分析寒冷地区流域水污染特点及成因,提出了建立流域水污染防治...  相似文献   

针对我国农业非点源污染特征,提出污染控制经济政策体系,包括基于限制和约束功能的税费政策,基于引导和鼓励功能的补贴、补偿等优惠政策,以及创建基于流域的使污染削减总成本最小化的排污权交易市场。选择北京市重要水源地———密云水库的2大汇水流域之一的潮河流域(密云县境内)为政策设计示范区,从经济、技术及制度方面分析了各经济政策的功能和适用情况,提出本区以鼓励扶持引导为主、收费惩罚为辅控制削减农业非点源污染的经济政策构想,并估算了对农民环保行为给予补贴和补偿的额度。  相似文献   

西藏高寒风沙化土地飞播可行性分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
雅鲁藏布江中游河谷及其支流拉萨河和年楚河沿岸地带是西藏社会经济发展的中心,但也是遭受风沙灾害影响严重的区域.分布于雅鲁藏布江和拉萨河两岸,特别是贡嘎机场和拉萨市周边的河岸流动沙地,是本区土地沙漠化危害严重的区域.在对我国低海拔地区沙地飞播成功经验进行系统分析和总结的基础上,从降水、温度、光照、地形地貌和风况条件5个方面对西藏高寒河谷风沙化土地飞播可行性进行了研究.结果表明,雅鲁藏布江中游河谷雨热同季,光温水配合较好,对植物生长极为有利.同时5月底6月初播种期风向交换频繁,有利于种子自然覆沙.选择能够适应西藏高寒风沙化土地特殊生境条件的乡土植物种和解决种子播后的位移问题将是西藏高寒风沙化土地飞播试验成败的关键.  相似文献   

阐述了浙江省温州市九山外河污染治理技术的集成应用及治理成效。九山外河的综合整治工程采用了外源调水、底泥生态疏浚、河岸带阻控、人工曝气复氧和生态浮岛等多项技术,整治后的九山外河水体黑臭治理初见成效,水质由原来的劣Ⅴ类水逐步改善为Ⅴ类或Ⅳ类水,水体生境和生物多样性都有了一定的提高;将治理后对河流的实际感受与预期期望进行比较,69.2%的居民认为河流治理工程得分在60分以上,对河流治理总体比较满意。最后,对九山外河治理后管理存在的问题进行了分析并提出了建议与对策。  相似文献   

京津冀地区近20年NDVI时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康稳定的自然生态系统是保障城市发展的重要基础.了解京津冀城镇快速发展过程中自然生态系统的变化,有助于该区域城镇绿色协调可持续发展.植被指数NDVI时空变化特征可反映地区自然生态系统状况及其演变规律.基于MOD13Q1和Landsat遥感影像数据,利用一元线性回归趋势分析法分析近20年(2000—2019年)京津冀地区...  相似文献   

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