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Forest policies that devolve forest-use rights to local people have undergone development over the past few years in Laos. As collaboration between local people and forestry officials is seen as indispensable to effective and sustainable local forest management, the objective of this study is to clarify the issues pertinent to the resolution of latent conflict between these two stakeholders. The issues are examined by presenting two case studies in terms of forest management as perceived by local people and forestry officials; the first in a rich forest area and the second in a degraded forest. Issues relating to land and borders and social capital are identified as the most important in the degraded forest area, while social capital is a very important issue in the rich forest area. Our studies show that the problems of land and border issues in the degraded forest area were caused by an inappropriate resettlement policy. This can be interpreted as the mismanagement of social capital, and for effective local forest management it is very important to overcome problems of this nature. The effective use of social capital has so far been overlooked, however, in the establishment of collaborative forest governance at the local level.  相似文献   

Traditional modes of living or sustenance invariably relate to immediate and surrounding resources. Traditional people use many plant resources and have developed subtle and innovative uses for them in order to obtain maximum benefit. Traditional crop varieties and races that evolved over time through trial and error, not only provide basic nutritional requirements, but also food security. While the effects of the green revolution are conspicuous in the lower Himalayas, they are less visible in the study region, the Darma and Johaar valleys in the Kumaun Himalayas. Loss of crop biodiversity has taken place over the years, principally and inadvertently related to changing lifestyle and closure of traditional trade with Tibet after the 1962 Sino-Indian war. Added to this, is a growing demand for medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), principally Jambu (Allium stracheyii) and caraway (Carum carvi), whose acreage has increased with the concomitant decline in area under the traditional crops. In addition, the recent discovery of Yar tsa Gumba (Cordyceps sinensis) in the alpine zones of their summer homes has reduced people's interest in sowing, rearing and caring for traditional crops, viz. beans, potatoes, amaranth, whose growing season coincides with the harvesting season of Yar tsa Gumba. The present study attempts to show the causal factors behind the loss in crop biodiversity, as well as the changing lifestyle of these traditional people, vis a vis the changes in polyculture.  相似文献   

China has about 20% of the world's population. With rapid economic development and substantial population increase, China is now faced with severe conflicts between limited natural resources and increasing resource requirements. In this study, we used the ecological footprint method to assess the resource demand and supply conditions of each land use in China between 1978 and 2003. In order to provide insight into the spatial heterogeneity of resource demand and supply conditions, we also assessed the ecological footprint at provincial level in 2002. An ecological footprint curve method was introduced to compare differences in natural resource use, economic development and technological progress among different countries and provinces. The results showed that the ecological footprint, biocapacity and ecological deficit per capita for China have all been increasing during 1978–2003. The ecological footprints per person in northern and eastern China were larger than those in southern and western China. The ecological deficits per person in southern and eastern China were more severe than those in northern and western China. Though the resource use efficiency has increased considerably during 1978–2003, it was still much lower than those of the Netherlands, France, South Korea, Mexico, the Philippines and India.  相似文献   

Techniques for water harvesting from streams for irrigation and waterpower utilities, particularly in the semi-arid middle mountain region of Nepal, were developed many centuries ago. Water harvesting techniques have traditionally evolved to fit the local environment and living conditions of the people. In terms of community participation, the sustainability of community-based local water resources management in Nepal should promote traditional streamwater harvesting technologies that will potentially benefit local communities and also should be recognized by environmentalists and water experts. This paper investigates some traditional forms of water delivery technologies adopted by local farmers in three catchment areas from the middle mountain region of Nepal. Each form of indigenous practice is considered from the objective of scientific validation.  相似文献   


Two major issues are discussed in this paper. The first is the commitment of Federal and State Governments to the maintenance of biodiversity and nature conservation through their endorsement of conservation strategies. Based on a rangeland biophysical resource inventory survey (Pringle et al., 1994) it is contended that existing nature conservation reserves are not representative of the biological diversity in the region. In 1990, less than 1% of the survey area was under nature reservation. Whilst 13 of 17 land types are present in reserves, most of the reserves consist of land types least suitable for pastoralism (but not necessarily lacking conservation value). The land types most subject to preferential grazing and most threatened from a nature conservation perspective are poorly (three types) or not (four types) represented, and certainly not replicated, in nature reserves of the survey area, which exceeds 100 000 km2. Of the 23 priority plant species for nature conservation occurring in the survey area, 21 are not known to occur in nature reserves. Nature conservation in the area needs to improve because of the unrepresentativeness of the existing nature reserves and the absence of numerous priority plant species for nature conservation from these areas. We should recognize that reservation is but one nature conservation strategy. Viewed as a land tenure issue, this paper presents a case for a more representative nature reserve system, and substantial changes in outlook towards off-reserve nature conservation. First, an integrated appraisal of findings from rangeland and biological surveys is required. Together they provide a strong foundation for nature conservation planning, from which a more representative nature reserve system can be planned. Given that off-reserve nature conservation values are still likely to be substantial, partly as a result of compromise with existing land uses, new approaches to land management, sensitive to these values, may be required.The second major issue concerns the success of maintaining regional biological diversity in the arid shrubland rangelands of Western Australia, which will be strongly influenced by the use of the semi-natural matrix of lands under pastoral management. In six suggested opportunities, this paper addresses how this use may be achieved. Central to the ideas is a regional approach in which all stakeholders can contribute to, and have ownership of, regional environmental management plans. This paper emphasizes the role that conservative pastoral management might be able to play and some approaches to encourage more widespread participation of pastoralists in nature conservation management.  相似文献   

In the Loess Plateau of China, soil water has three ecological properties: high infiltration capacity, high storage capacity and availability to deep plant roots. Soil desiccation is the most serious problem for forest vegetation in the Loess Plateau. Arid soils are the result of intensified soil desiccation caused by disturbances in plant succession, which constitute the ecological foundation of soil water. The negative effects of the arid soil layer on surface water infiltration for recharging underground water are discussed in terms of ecological hydrology. The arid soil layer disrupts the link between surface water and underground water and prevents vertical precipitation infiltration from supplementing underground water. Forest vegetation has a significant runoff-retaining efficiency that reduces total runoff from forest areas leading to low surface and ground runoff which affect the water cycle on a watershed scale.  相似文献   

Using forests to mitigate climate change has gained much interest in science and policy discussions. We examine the evidence for carbon benefits, environmental and monetary costs, risks and trade-offs for a variety of activities in three general strategies: (1) land use change to increase forest area (afforestation) and avoid deforestation; (2) carbon management in existing forests; and (3) the use of wood as biomass energy, in place of other building materials, or in wood products for carbon storage. We found that many strategies can increase forest sector carbon mitigation above the current 162-256 Tg C/yr, and that many strategies have co-benefits such as biodiversity, water, and economic opportunities. Each strategy also has trade-offs, risks, and uncertainties including possible leakage, permanence, disturbances, and climate change effects. Because approximately 60% of the carbon lost through deforestation and harvesting from 1700 to 1935 has not yet been recovered and because some strategies store carbon in forest products or use biomass energy, the biological potential for forest sector carbon mitigation is large. Several studies suggest that using these strategies could offset as much as 10-20% of current U.S. fossil fuel emissions. To obtain such large offsets in the United States would require a combination of afforesting up to one-third of cropland or pastureland, using the equivalent of about one-half of the gross annual forest growth for biomass energy, or implementing more intensive management to increase forest growth on one-third of forestland. Such large offsets would require substantial trade-offs, such as lower agricultural production and non-carbon ecosystem services from forests. The effectiveness of activities could be diluted by negative leakage effects and increasing disturbance regimes. Because forest carbon loss contributes to increasing climate risk and because climate change may impede regeneration following disturbance, avoiding deforestation and promoting regeneration after disturbance should receive high priority as policy considerations. Policies to encourage programs or projects that influence forest carbon sequestration and offset fossil fuel emissions should also consider major items such as leakage, the cyclical nature of forest growth and regrowth, and the extensive demand for and movement of forest products globally, and other greenhouse gas effects, such as methane and nitrous oxide emissions, and recognize other environmental benefits of forests, such as biodiversity, nutrient management, and watershed protection. Activities that contribute to helping forests adapt to the effects of climate change, and which also complement forest carbon storage strategies, would be prudent.  相似文献   

Many services generated by forest ecosystems provide essential support for human well-being. However, the vulnerability of these services to environmental change such as forest fragmentation are still poorly understood. We present spatial modeling of the generation of ecosystem services in a human-dominated landscape where forest habitat patches, protected by local taboos, are located in a matrix of cultivated land in southern Madagascar. Two ecosystem services dependent on the forest habitats were addressed: (1) crop pollination services by wild and semidomesticated bees (Apoidea), essential for local crop production of, for example, beans, and (2) seed dispersal services based on the presence of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). We studied the vulnerability of these ecosystem services to a plausible scenario of successive destruction of the smallest habitat patches. Our results indicate that, in spite of the fragmented nature of the landscape, the fraction of the landscape presently covered by both crop pollination and seed dispersal services is surprisingly high. It seems that the taboo system, though indirectly and unintentionally, contributes to upholding the generation of these services by protecting the forest patches. Both services are, however, predicted to be very vulnerable to the successive removal of small patches. For crop pollination, the rate of decrease in cover was significant even when only the smallest habitat patches were removed. The capacity for seed dispersal across the landscape displayed several thresholds with habitat patch removal. Our results suggest that, in order to maintain capacity for seed dispersal across the landscape and crop pollination cover in southern Androy, the geographical location of the remaining forest patches is more crucial than their size. We argue that in heavily fragmented production landscapes, small forest patches should increasingly be viewed as essential for maintaining ecosystem services, such as agricultural production, and also should be considered in the ongoing process of tripling the area of protected habitats in Madagascar.  相似文献   

• Shale oil and gas production generates wastewater with complex composition. • Membrane technologies emerged for the treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater. • Membrane technologies should tolerate high TDS and consume low primary energy. • Pretreatment is a key component of integrated wastewater treatment systems. • Full-scale implementation of membrane technologies is highly desirable. Shale oil and gas exploitation not only consumes substantial amounts of freshwater but also generates large quantities of hazardous wastewater. Tremendous research efforts have been invested in developing membrane-based technologies for the treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater. Despite their success at the laboratory scale, membrane processes have not been implemented at full scale in the oil and gas fields. In this article, we analyze the growing demands of wastewater treatment in shale oil and gas production, and then critically review the current stage of membrane technologies applied to the treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater. We focus on the unique niche of those technologies due to their advantages and limitations, and use mechanical vapor compression as the benchmark for comparison. We also highlight the importance of pretreatment as a key component of integrated treatment trains, in order to improve the performance of downstream membrane processes and water product quality. We emphasize the lack of sufficient efforts to scale up existing membrane technologies, and suggest that a stronger collaboration between academia and industry is of paramount importance to translate membrane technologies developed in the laboratory to the practical applications by the shale oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

In this study, the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) on non-cultivated plant utilization by the Miao and Buyi people in Guizhou, China, was investigated using semi-structured interviews and the joint plant and use (JPU) was used as an index of TEK. In addition, the regional TEK distribution patterns were depicted. The results showed that low-frequency JPUs accounted for a large proportion of the total TEK on non-cultivated plant utilization, implying a possible TEK loss. The TEK distribution pattern is similar to the 80/20 rule, indicating that most TEK is mastered by key informants who are important for regional TEK protection and inheritance. Different informants have different JPU amounts and diversities with specific relationships, and for the characteristic ethnic TEK, medicinal JPUs generally have a low frequency, while symbolic JPUs have a higher frequency. The results could provide references for regional sustainable development and biocultural diversity management.  相似文献   

天目湖水环境现状及生态旅游可持续发展对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
天目湖是江苏省开发建设的重点旅游风景区之一,然而旅游业的蓬勃发展也造成了天目湖的水环境的巨大破坏。文章根据对天目湖的全湖周年水质观测以及相关的历史资料的分析,在阐述天目湖水环境现状、旅游资源的优势的基础上,提出天目湖生态旅游可持续发展的对策与建议:良好的水质是天目湖持续发展生态旅游的首要条件;明确划定天目湖水源保护区的范围;因地制宜发展具有地方特色的旅游产业;增强污水处理能力,实施截污工程;恢复植被,控制氮磷的入湖量;养殖业适度发展;加强生态旅游资源开发利用中的保护与管理。  相似文献   

For many decades, fisheries research has focused on stock assessment and the impact of the fishery effort on resources. Although this knowledge remains necessary, a more integrated analysis of the joint dynamics of resource and operational activities is needed to provide more useful advice for the management of fishery systems. Since 1994 a new approach to fishery science has been carried out for Cameroonian small-scale fisheries, the aim being the incorporation into fishery science of research on fishery management, fishing processes and fishermen's behaviour. This paper presents a more systemic data approach which combines biological parameters and operational factor analyses with the goal of sustainable development. From two years of data collected on the purse seine fishing units operating in the Bay of Biafra (2002 and 2003), a set of three correspondence analyses is applied: (1) to the length frequency distribution of Ethmalosa fimbriata, (2) to the number of visits per fishing ground, and (3) to the species appearance frequency in the landings. These three analyses were plotted per month-year period. The results are presented in the form of an annual exploitation cycle, linking fishing grounds, the main species caught, and corresponding fishing period.  相似文献   

生态足迹与生态承载力动态变化研究——以辽宁省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李飞  宋玉祥  刘文新  侯伟 《生态环境》2010,19(3):718-723
利用生态足迹理论和计算方法、生态承载力分析方法分析了辽宁省1998--2007年十年期间的人均生态足迹和人均生态承载力变化过程。结果表明:辽宁省人均生态足迹由1998年的2.9187上升到2007年的4.3578,人均生态承载力由1998年的0.6676下降到2007年的0.6520,生态赤字逐年增加,生态系统处于人类过度开发利用状态之中;万元GDP生态足迹始终处于下降的趋势,表明辽宁省对区域生物生产面积利用效率逐年提高,但与全国平均水平相比还有提高的空间;从供需结构分析,辽宁省土地供给以耕地为主,但是从消费结构来看以化石燃料土地为主。  相似文献   

The various indigenous uses and structure of chir pine forests were studied in Uttaranchal state of the Indian Republic. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 50 villages of Uttaranchal to gather information on the indigenous uses of chir pine. For the study of community composition and structure of chir pine forest, at least 15 quadrats of 10 x 10 m were selected randomly across various localities, and the number of individuals, along with other dominant tree and shrub species, were enumerated in each quadrat. About 10 indigenous uses of chir pine were prominent in Uttaranchal. Besides resin, an important non-wood product, different parts of chir pine, such as cones, trunk, stems, wood, leaves and bark, were used by the local people. Chir pine is a subject of the folklore and mythology of indigenous cultures in Uttaranchal. Chir pine forest formed three major communities in Uttaranchal viz., sal-pine (Shorea robusta-Pinus roxburghii), pine pure stands and oak-pine (Quercus leucho-trichophora-Pinus roxburghii). These communities sustained various multiple-use trees and shrubs along with various edible mushrooms (eg. Agaricus campestris, Morchella esculenta and Sparassis crispa). The results of this study are discussed in the light of chir pine conservation and management policies.  相似文献   

We present a method of multi-criteria assessment for the analysis of process model uncertainty that combines analysis of model structure, parameters and data requirements. There are three components in calculation and definition of uncertainty.
Assessment criteria: Uncertainty in a process model is reduced as the model can simultaneously simulate an increased number of assessment criteria selected to test specific aspects of the theory being investigated, and within acceptable limits set for those criteria. This reduces incomplete specification of the model—the characteristic that a model may explain some, but not all, of the observed features of a phenomenon. The calculation required is computation of the Pareto set which provides the list of simultaneously achieved criteria within specified ranges.  相似文献   

森林生态系统生态资产核算的模式与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球变化背景下.植被对CO2的减排作用得到了广泛关注.森林生态系统具有诸多功能,不同功能的货币化基准难以统一,是进行总体生态资产价值定量核算的制约要素.在资源、环境与生态经济原理指导下,分析相关方法评估生态系统生态资产的可行性,选择量化评估参数,并通过多种模式与方法进行估算乌鲁木齐城市2004年森林生态系统的生态资产.森林生态系统涵养水源类、生物多样性维持类、净化空气类、保护土壤类以及大气调节类生态资产分别为0.224 8×108元、10.608 8x108元、0.630 8×108元、0.2592×108元及12.9653×108元,乌鲁木齐市森林生态总资产为24.6889×108元.各类生态资产具有一定的时空差异性.城市森林生态系统生态资产估算模式及方法的研究具有重要的理论价值与现实意义.  相似文献   

淮河中下游底泥中PAHs的分布及其生态风险评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
贺勇  严家平 《生态环境》2006,15(5):949-953
通过使用气相色谱质谱仪(GC/MS)测定淮河中下游底泥中多环芳烃(PAHs)单体的含量,探讨其分布特征及进行污染物生态风险评价。结果表明:淮河中下游底泥中PAHs含量总平均值为293.8ng·g-1,变化范围较大,总体呈中游高下游低的趋势;PAHs的种类和环数分布及菲/蒽、荧蒽/芘比值显示何台渡口至新集乡段底泥中的PAHs主要来源于化石燃料的高温燃烧与裂解,而安淮村至小河头段主要来源于化石燃料的低中温不完全燃烧或天然成岩过程;对照有关底泥的生态风险评价标准,淮河中游平圩和洛河段可能具有生物负效应,而其它地区的潜在生态风险则很小。  相似文献   

官司河流域防护林景观结构及生态功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2005年度的IKONOS4卫片解译数据和2007年度小班调查资料,结合样地调查资料以及四川省林业科学研究院森林生态效益定位站(四川绵阳新桥)径流场的有关数据,对绵阳官司河流域的防护林体系景观结构及生态功能进行了分析。结果表明:该区域防护林景观中,以松柏混交林(Mixed Alnus—Cupressus forest)面积最大,占27.37%,其次是马尾松纯林(Pinus massoniana forest),占25.41%。栎柏混交林(Mixed Quercus-Cupressus forest)最少,只占0.96%。纯林面积明显大于混交林,前者比后者大45.31%。栎柏混交林、松柏栎混交林(Mixed Pinus-Cupressus—Quercus forest)最大斑块指数(LPI)、边缘密度(ED)和斑块密度(PD)较小,分布较为破碎。而马尾松纯林、松柏混交林和柏木纯林(Cupressus forest)分布较为集中。桤柏混交林(Mixed Alnus—Cupressus forest)和松柏混交林的散布与并列指数(IJI)较大,其空间关系较为复杂。栎柏混交林、柏木纯林的聚集度(A1)较小,斑块分散度大,连接睦较差;而桤柏混交林、松柏混交林的分散度较大,连接性较好。桤柏混交林、松柏混交林的形状指数(LSI)较小,形状分布较规则,而马尾松纯林、柏木纯林的形状指数较大,形状较复杂。从不同景观类型林下灌草层的生物多样性指数可知,松柏混交林、栎柏混交林的灌草多样性指数均较大,而马尾松纯林、柏木纯林则较小。从保持水土功能来看:桤柏混交林、松柏混交林的水土保持效果优于柏木纯林、马尾松纯林,桤柏混交林的水土保持效果优于松柏混交林。因此,对长江防护林进行空间结构调整,应多采用混交林模式,针阔混交林代替针针混交,乔灌草结合,调整合理的密度,使防护林景观的生态功能更好地发挥。  相似文献   

Recent ecosystem and fire management research aims to quantify, model and understand historical fire disturbances focusing on their frequency, size and distribution. Less attention, however, has been paid to fire boundaries and their location on the landscape. Our study presents a spatial method to quantify the location, pattern and persistence of historical fire boundaries using tree ring fire scar data in the lower Stein watershed (British Columbia). Data from Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga menziesii collected in 35 one-hectare plots over a 412-hectare study area were analyzed for the period between 1879 and 1947 using local spatial statistics and boundary detection techniques. Results of the analysis using local spatial statistic Moran’s I showed significant clustering of boundaries near topographic breaks. To determine and test whether fire boundaries between plots were persistent, we used boundary detection methods and developed a spatially restricted randomization test. The results revealed that out of 86 possible boundary links, 8 were significantly persistent (P < 0.025) while another 8 were significantly rare (P < 0.025). These spatial methods can help determine the historical spatial configuration of persistent boundaries and can be used to maintain natural forest dynamics.
Geraldine J. JordanEmail:

浙江省慈溪市滩涂环境与贝类养殖的调查结果显示,杭州湾海域水中石油类及无机氮含量介于Ⅱ、Ⅲ类海水水质标准之间,无机磷平均含量超过Ⅳ类海水水质标准。滩涂底质总体上符合海洋沉积物第一类标准,但一些样点多氯联苯(PCBs)超标。分离到2 976株细菌,隶属17个属及肠杆菌科的部分属,具有明显的陆源性特点。发现浮游生物71种,主要为硅藻类等广盐性种类,大部分为贝类的主要天然饵料。石油类、Cd、Cr、Hg、Cu及PCBs残留量在一些贝体内不同程度地超过GB 18421—2001《海洋生物贝类质量标准》。为有效改良和保育滩涂环境,提高养殖贝类的产量和质量,在揭示滩涂环境与贝类养殖关系的基础上,提出了一些统筹兼顾的措施和建议。  相似文献   

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