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紫外(UV)和次氯酸钠(NaClO)消毒广泛应用于城市污水处理中,但目前2种消毒方式均存在不足。为实现既可高效消毒又能同时降低消毒所带来负面影响的目的,通过对比研究,分析了达到与UV或NaClO相同的消毒效果时,紫外-次氯酸钠(UV-NaClO)顺序消毒所需的消毒剂量以及UV-NaClO顺序消毒对微生物复活和消毒副产物(DBPs)生成的影响。结果表明:当UV剂量为9 mJ·cm−2,NaClO投加量为3、4和10 mg·L−1时,UV-NaClO顺序消毒可达到与单独UV消毒时(剂量为12、20或60 mJ·cm−2)以及单独NaClO消毒时(NaClO投加量为4、10或20 mg·L−1)的相同消毒效果;且当需要的微生物灭活效率越高时,UV-NaClO 顺序消毒的优势越明显。同单独UV消毒相比,UV-NaClO顺序消毒后微生物的光复活率和暗修复率明显降低。当达到与单独NaClO消毒相同的微生物灭活效果时,UV-NaClO顺序消毒可有效降低DBPs的生成量,例如完全灭活E.coli,采用UV-NaClO顺序消毒,DBPs的生成量可较单独NaClO消毒降低了76.87%。本研究可为污水排放与再生利用消毒技术的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

饮用水中的病毒会引发人体健康风险,故消毒是饮用水生物安全的重要屏障。为了比较不同消毒工艺对病毒的灭活效果,在总结水介质中常见病毒的种类及特性的基础上,围绕当前饮用水处理中广泛应用的消毒工艺(氯、氯胺、臭氧、二氧化氯、紫外线),梳理了各种消毒工艺的原理、影响因素、消毒效果及实际应用中的问题。鉴于消毒工艺进水水质对病毒灭活效果影响较大,且饮用水常规、深度处理工艺均可直接、间接强化对病毒的去除效果,故提出“常规处理+深度处理+消毒”协同高效运行的饮用水多级屏障处理工艺,以有效控制病毒等致病微生物引发的饮用水水质风险。  相似文献   

为了考察耐药性大肠埃希氏菌在紫外线消毒后的光复活特性及耐药性的变化,选用从城市污水处理厂分离得到的多重耐药性大肠埃希氏菌SER8作为受试菌株进行紫外线消毒和光复活研究。考察不同剂量紫外线辐照对大肠埃希氏菌SER8的光复活率和光复活速率的影响,以及在磷酸盐缓冲溶液和二沉池出水中复活情况的差别。采用Kirby-Bauer纸片琼脂扩散法考察在紫外线消毒和光复活过程中大肠埃希氏菌SER8对四环素、氨苄西林、诺氟沙星、链霉素、庆大霉素、头孢噻肟、磺胺甲恶唑、环丙沙星和氯霉素的耐药表型。结果表明,在10~40 mJ·cm-2紫外线辐照剂量范围内,大肠埃希氏菌SER8的光复活率和光复活速率基本上随着紫外线辐照剂量的增大而减小。在紫外线消毒后接受日光灯照射的48 h内,大肠埃希氏菌SER8在二沉池出水中的复活率基本与磷酸盐缓冲溶液中的相似,但在48~72 h阶段存在一定的差异。接受20 mJ·cm-2紫外线辐照后经日光灯照射48 h的过程中,大肠埃希氏菌SER8对9种抗生素的耐药表型均未发生变化。  相似文献   

研究水质对254 nm紫外线透射率的影响,通过动态实验考察了照射时间、254 nm紫外线透射率以及紫外线剂量对炼化企业中水消毒效果的影响并同时考察异养菌、硫酸盐还原菌和铁细菌的光复活及暗修复现象。结果表明,有机物是影响炼化企业中水紫外线消毒的重要因素;紫外线对炼化企业中水中的异养菌具有良好的灭活作用;增加照射时间对消毒效果的提升作用受254 nm紫外线透射率的影响;紫外线透射率在较低的范围内时对消毒效果的影响相对较大,在较高的范围内时影响较小;紫外线剂量-响应曲线受254 nm紫外线透射率的影响;剂量的“成分”,即照射时间和透射率的不同组合,也会对消毒效果产生影响;在80 mJ/cm2的剂量下,20 h内异养菌出现了较强烈的光复活和暗修复现象,铁细菌仅出现了明显的光复活现象,硫酸盐还原菌没有表现出明显的复活。  相似文献   

利用水面照射式紫外线消毒装置对废水消毒的动力学进行了研究,确定了其动力学参数.试验结果表明,当废水的温度为18.5~23℃,浊度为11.7°~20.1°,水层厚度为8 cm,照射2 min时,废水中细菌杀灭率均在99%以上;并且当废水的浊度<20°,进水菌体浓度<1.0×105 CFU/mL时,废水紫外线消毒过程可以近似地看成为一级光生化反应,其速率常数κ为0.034~0.058 s-1.该结果可以作为废水紫外线消毒反应器设计和运行管理的参考依据.  相似文献   

废水紫外线消毒的动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

李芳  陆少鸣 《环境工程学报》2013,7(7):2414-2418
采用中置O3-BAC工艺进行中试实验,通过对微生物、微型生物、消毒副产物和AOC进行检测分析,研究了不同的消毒方式对砂滤池出水消毒效果的影响。结果表明,氯消毒对微型生物、微生物的去除效果稍弱于臭氧联合氯消毒;对于消毒副产物而言,氯消毒产生的卤代烃、氯酸盐的含量高于臭氧联合氯消毒,产生的溴酸盐两者处于同一水平,而产生的甲醛则是氯消毒低于臭氧联合氯消毒;氯消毒最终砂滤池出水AOC平均含量75.93μg乙酸碳/L,臭氧联合氯消毒为101.23μg乙酸碳/L,大于100μg乙酸碳/L,不利于供水管网的生物稳定性。  相似文献   

采用对苯二甲酸(terephthalic acid,TA)作为羟基自由基(hydroxyl radical,·OH)捕捉剂,利用荧光分光光度法测定了二氧化氯(CIO2)接触后颤蚓体内-OH浓度变化,结合颤蚓灭活率、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)和丙二醛(malondi.alderhyde,MDA)等指标的测试结果,研究了CIO2对颤蚓成虫的灭活效果及灭活机理。结果表明,ClO2对颤蚓成虫灭活效果显著。当C1O2投加浓度超过0.4mg/L,可对颤蚓体内·OH产生明显的诱导效应,并且·OH诱导效应与颤蚓灭活率直接相关。接触条件下CAT变化情况表明,颤蚓受到了明显的氧化胁迫,且对颤蚓体内抗氧化系统有破坏作用,MAD变化结果则表明ClO2对颤蚓的脂质过氧化作用不明显,可以对颤蚓表皮层有效渗透。上述结果证实了CIO2对颤蚓成虫的灭活作用机制之一是诱导其体内生成·OH,产生氧化胁迫,而CIO2对颤蚓抗氧化系统的破坏作用和对颤蚓表皮层的有效渗透进一步增强灭活效果。  相似文献   

病原微生物对公共卫生及生态系统产生了极大威胁,为研究紫外/过氧乙酸体系(UV/PAA)的消毒效能,以大肠杆菌为目标微生物,考察了PAA和UV投加剂量、不同背景物质对大肠杆菌灭活的影响,检测了体系中生成的活性物种并观察了反应过程中细胞形态变化。结果表明:在PAA浓度为60 μmol·L−1和UV光强为2.25×10−7 Einstein·(s·L)−1的条件下反应3 min后,大肠杆菌的灭活率能达到4.71 log,相较单独PAA体系和单独UV体系分别提高了2.76 log和0.82 log,且灭活率随PAA浓度和UV辐射剂量增加而提高。NH4+和Cl对于UV/PAA体系灭活大肠杆菌有轻微的抑制作用,而腐殖酸(HA)对于体系有较强的抑制作用。自由基淬灭实验和电子顺磁共振检测结果表明,UV/PAA体系灭活大肠杆菌的主要活性物质为羟基自由基(HO·)和有机自由基(RO·)。激光共聚焦显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察的结果表明,UV/PAA体系灭活大肠杆菌时,会引起细胞膜轻微破损,但并不会导致严重的裂解。反应溶液中溶解性成分的荧光光谱分析表明大肠杆菌灭活时释放的有机物会随着细胞膜破损而增加,但释放的类蛋白大分子物质最终可被氧化为类腐殖酸小分子有机物。  相似文献   

二氧化氯和氯复合消毒剂对城市污水的消毒效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验研究了二氧化氯和氯复合消毒剂用于经城市污水处理厂处理后的城市污水消毒的效能,结果表明,二氧化氯和氯复合消毒剂的使用减低了生成的亚氯酸根离子的浓度,增加了残余的二氧化氯的浓度,粪大肠菌灭活效果良好。  相似文献   

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are an emerging threat to public health during drinking water consumption and reclaimed water reuse. Several studies have shown that the proportions of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in waters may increase when exposed to low doses of UV light or chlorine. In this study, inactivation of tetracycline-resistant Escherichia coli and antibiotic-sensitive E. coli by UV disinfection and chlorination was compared to determine the tolerance of tetracycline-resistant E. coli to UV light and chlorine, and tetracycline resistance of a tetracycline-resistant E. coli population was studied under different doses of the disinfectants. Our results showed that relative to antibiotic-sensitive E. coli, tetracycline-resistant E. coli had the same tolerance to UV light and a potentially higher tolerance to chlorination. The mortality frequency distributions of tetracycline-resistant E. coli exposed to tetracycline were shifted by both chlorination and UV disinfection. When compared to the hemi-inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of tetracycline-resistant E. coli with no exposure to UV or chlorination, the IC50 of tetracycline-resistant E. coli treated with tetracycline was 40% lower when inactivation by UV light or chlorination reached 3-log but was 1.18 times greater when inactivation by chlorination reached 4.3-log. Chlorination applied to drinking water or reclaimed water treatment may increase the risk of selection for highly tetracycline-resistant E. coli.  相似文献   

Jeong J  Kim JY  Cho M  Choi W  Yoon J 《Chemosphere》2007,67(4):652-659
Recently, the electrochemical disinfection has gained a great interest as one of the alternatives to conventional chlorination due to its high effectiveness and environmental compatibility. Despite the extensive reports on electro-chlorination disinfection, few researches were reported on the systems without generating chlorine. This study mainly focused on the potential disinfecting ability of electro-generated oxidants other than chlorine with using an inert medium (chloride-free phosphate buffer solution), which was intended to exclude the formation of chlorine during the electrolysis, as the Escherichia coli as an indicator bacterium was disinfected by applying the current to a platinum anode. The electrochemical inactivation of E. coli without chlorine production was demonstrated to occur in two distinct stages. The first stage inactivation takes place rapidly at the beginning of electrolysis, which appears to be achieved by the electrosorption of negatively charged E. coli cells to the anode surface, followed by a direct electron transfer reaction. As the electrolysis continues further, the inactivation becomes slower but steady, in contrast to the first stage of inactivation. This was attributed to the action of reactive oxidants generated from water discharge, such as hydroxyl radical. Overall, this study suggests that the electrochemical disinfection could be successfully performed even without producing chlorine, recommending the potential application for disinfecting water that does not allow including any chloride ions (such as the production of ultra-pure sterilized water for semiconductor washing).  相似文献   

Dunlop PS  Ciavola M  Rizzo L  Byrne JA 《Chemosphere》2011,85(7):1160-1166
Solar disinfection (SODIS) of Escherichia coli suspensions in low-density polyethylene bag reactors was investigated as a low-cost disinfection method suitable for application in developing countries. The efficiency of a range of SODIS reactor configurations was examined (single skin (SS), double skin, black-backed single skin, silver-backed single skin (SBSS) and composite-backed single skin) using E. coli suspended in model and real surface water. Titanium dioxide was added to the reactors to improve the efficiency of the SODIS process. The effect of turbidity was also assessed. In addition to viable counts, E. coli injury was characterised through spread-plate analysis using selective and non-selective media. The optimal reactor configuration was determined to be the SBSS bag (t50 = 9.0 min) demonstrating the importance of UVA photons, as opposed to infrared in the SODIS disinfection mechanism. Complete inactivation (6.5-log) was achieved in the presence of turbidity (50 NTU) using the SBSS bag within 180 min simulated solar exposure. The addition of titanium dioxide (0.025 g L−1) significantly enhanced E. coli inactivation in the SS reactor, with 6-log inactivation observed within 90 min simulated solar exposure. During the early stages of both SODIS and photocatalytic disinfection, injured E. coli were detected; however, irreversible injury was caused and re-growth was not observed. Experiments under solar conditions were undertaken with total inactivation (6.5-log) observed in the SS reactor within 240 min, incomplete inactivation (4-log) was observed in SODIS bottles exposed to the same solar conditions.  相似文献   

对适宜于紫外线消毒的反应器的型态和水力条件进行了研究。通过模拟活塞流反应器和示踪实验 ,得到该反应器的分散数 (D/uL)、AR(长宽比 )、Pe和Re等水力参数和模型参数。实验结果表明 ,该反应器可视为有纵向扩散的活塞流反应器 ,在控制流态下具有良好的消毒效果。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have become an important public health problem. In this study, we used metagenomic sequencing to analyze the...  相似文献   

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