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待产孕妇分娩方式的选择分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解医院剖宫产及其特征.方法:回顾性分析2000年1月至2005年12月衡阳市某医院1850例剖宫产产妇的临床资料.结果:6年间剖宫产率分别为:10.78%、12.53%、13.80%、17.38%、19.53%、20.32%,6年间剖宫产特征中,一直以难产为第一位,巨大儿、产妇要求有上升趋势.结论:应对孕妇加强健康教育,减少巨大儿的发生率,同时,应加强围生期保健宣传力度,使家属及产妇正确地认识剖宫产,降低剖宫产率.表3,参7.  相似文献   

经皮穿刺气管切开术与传统气管切开术的临床应用及护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究经皮穿刺气管切开术和传统气管切开术的应用对比及护理差异,探索两者临床护理意义.方法:选择40例患者,治疗组20例行经皮穿刺气管切开术,对照组20例行传统气管切开术,比较两组的手术时间、切口大小、术中出血量及术后并发症.结果:治疗组手术时间(6.30±2.42)min,切口大小(0.86±0.12)cm,术中出血(1.91±1.73)ml,明显低于对照组(P0.05),术后并发症发生率也低于对照组.结论:经皮穿刺气管切开术与传统气管切开术比较,具有手术时间短、切口小、出血量少、并发症少等优点,适合在临床普及应用.表2,参4.  相似文献   

隐性思想政治教育,是指在思想政治教育过程中自觉运用隐性教育理论,是通过比较隐蔽的形式,使教育对象在无意识间潜移默化地受到某种思想或经验的浸润与感悟的一种教育方式.笔者指出,应着重合理开发医院物质环境为载体的物质形态、以医院制度为载体的制度形态以及医院精神为载体的精神形态三个方面的隐性思想政治教育,实践中才能有效地开展医院思想政治教育,发挥隐性教育的最大功用.  相似文献   

46例上消化道出血患者的临床护理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:总结46例上消化道出血患者的临床护理,探讨消化道出血患者的有效临床护理方法.方法:对上消化道出血患者在出血期间进行临床观察,实施急救护理、一般护理,输血期间护理、饮食护理、心理护理。结果:抢救成功44例,成功率为96%,44例患者匀取得良好的护理和治疗效果.结论:做好出血期观察与护理,注意出院的健康指导,密切配合医生积极进行抢救,能够明显提高护理质量及抢救成功率.参6.  相似文献   

目的:通过总结78例上消化道出血患者的临床观察,为抢救上消化道上消化道出血患者护理提供参考.方法:回顾2010年6月至2013年3月在南华大学附属南华医院消化内科78例上消化道出血临床观察及护理.结果:59例治愈,15例好转出院.结论:上消化道出血患者起病急,变化快,如通过积极有效的治疗和护理,提高抢救的成功率和预后.参4.  相似文献   

目的分析肺结节病的临床特点,探讨诊断方法.方法回顾性分析2004年3月~2009年9月有病理证据的肺结节病26例,报告肺结节病典型病例诊断过程及对临床特点和鉴别诊断进行分析.结果26例病例中,以呼吸道症状出现者共22例,同时累及眼1例,无症状患者通过体检发现者3例.2例在确诊前被误诊为肺部炎症.2例误诊为肺结核,抗结核治疗3个月,其中8例通过开胸活检确诊(1例术前倾向于肺癌).结论肺结节病临床上并非罕见,易被误诊,其诊断对指导治疗有重要的临床意义.参5.  相似文献   

为加强学生应用能力的培养及综合素质的提高,进行药理学课程的教学改革.从药物应用与临床关系入手建立了校企联合办学机制.在教学中增加了临床知识与药理学相结合的内容,即结合药物作用机制讲授临床知识,并引入病例教学,使药理与临床有机结合、互相渗透,相互助长.在教学方面开展"药理学"知识竞赛、制作并应用能传递临床知识与药理学结合的课件,活学活用药理学,同时及时的带学生到药品超市实习,了解现在超市的销售方式和职员的素质现状,在课堂上引入学生参与教学和讨论,达到了预期目标,取得了良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析男护生现状,探讨临床教学对策,以提高男护生临床教学质量.方法:通过对22名男护生临床实习中存在的问题进行总结分析.结果:发现男护生专业态度不稳定,心理应对能力、工作积极主动性、人际沟通能力欠缺、职业安全意识比较淡薄.结论:在临床教学工作中,注意对其进行展望专业前景,稳定职业心态;增强其挫折承受力,适当保护男护生自尊,增强其自信心和工作积极性,培养良好的沟通能力,注意个性的培养,强化职业安全教育等对提高临床教学质量,帮助他们顺利走上护理工作岗位具有重要意义.参5.  相似文献   

目的分析探讨护理干预对慢性乙型肝炎抗病毒治疗的临床效果.方法选取84例慢性乙型肝炎抗病毒治疗的患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组42例,对照组采用常规护理,观察组通过饮食卫生、用药护理、情绪护理、健康教育护理等,比较两组患者用药依从性、患者的满意度、健康教育达标率.结果观察组在患者的用药依从性、住院的满意度、健康教育达标率等方面优于对照组.结论对抗病毒治疗的慢性乙型肝炎患者实施饮食、心理护理、健康教育可以有效消除或缓解患者焦虑情绪,提高患者满意度和用药依从性,使患者有效配合抗病毒治疗.  相似文献   

目的探讨伽玛刀对垂体瘤的疗效.方法对120例垂体瘤患者采用伽玛刀治疗.结果患者随访6~18个月,随访方式为临床+影像学复查,视力或/和视野障碍者复查时都有不同程度的好转,临床症状、内分泌激素有明显改善,有不同程度改善.有两例直径3 cm的垂体瘤在治疗后分别于1和2个月时出现垂体内出血后手术治愈,并未再复发.其余目前尚无垂体功能低下、视力下降等并发症出现,无一例死亡.结论:伽玛刀治疗垂体瘤治疗微创、无出血,风险小,比常规放疗发生副作用机率小得多,行之有效,值得推广.表1,参8.  相似文献   

We analyze the effect of CEO education on environmental decision-making. Using a unique sample of Danish firms from 1996 to 2012, we find that CEO education significantly improves firms' energy efficiency. We seek to derive causality using health shocks: the hospitalization of highly educated CEOs induces a drop in energy efficiency, whereas the hospitalization of less educated CEOs does not have any significant effect. Exploring the mechanisms at play, we show that our results are largely driven by advanced education in business degrees. Moreover, we show that CEO education is associated with greater environmental awareness: highly educated CEOs exhibit greater concerns for climate change, as measured by a survey of social preferences, and drive more environmentally efficient cars. Taken together, our findings suggest that education shapes managerial styles giving rise to greater sustainability in corporate actions.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了美国联邦和地方政府以私立高等教育机构资助的方式和途径,论证了政府资助私立(民办)高校的必要性;并就我国如何资助民办高等教育机构给出了一系列建议.  相似文献   

刍议医院资产管理的现状及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院的固定资产和流动资产是医院赖以生存和发展的基础,是一项非经营性国有资产.目前公立医院固定资产、流动资产管理现状不容乐观,针对这种状况,首先分析问题形成的原因,然后提出管理的措施或建议,从而使资产管理工作规范化、制度化、科学化,使有限的卫生资源发挥出最大的社会效益和经济效益.参3.  相似文献   

国际高等职业教育的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文分析了高等职业教育产生的背景,从办学定位、办学方式、培养目标、课程开发、培养途径、师资队伍、经费保障、法律保障等方面,比较研究了发达国家或地区的高等职业教育,最后提出了发展我国高等职业教育的若干建议。  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable development (SD) has highly been debated since it was presented 25 years ago, with ‘hard science’ approaches on one side and more process-oriented approaches on the other side. Academic teaching in SD has emerged in response to this in very different contexts, partly mirroring this academic debate. Some master’s programmes in SD take a strong science approach, while other programmes focus on the process of implementing sustainability projects, sometimes connected with forms of action research and teaching. In this article, we identify diverse views on the concept of SD as well as views on most relevant modes of teaching. We discuss core competencies required for sustainability professionals in their working practices and we organise them in three main clusters: Know, Interact and Be (KIB). The article presents the results of a worldwide survey, which addresses these visions on the concept of SD, the capabilities needed for ‘sustainable development professionals’ and the teaching approach needed. The analysis is based on the responses of 54 lecturers and 287 students active in 34 SD master’s programmes on all continents. The results of this worldwide survey are discussed. We observe in practice some gaps between preferences and practice. Looking at what both lecturers and students see as essential topics to address, some topics get relatively less attention (like the population issue). The identified core competencies (KIB) are supported and all addressed in practice, while the ‘Be’ competencies receive relatively less attention. Suggested consequences for academic teaching include a further matching of programmes with perceived needs and bridging the gap between the experienced teaching approaches in practice with such identified needs.  相似文献   

Energy for water heating accounts for an increasing part in residential energy demand in China. An extensive survey was conducted to analyze the determinants of household energy choices for water heaters among residents in Nanjing, China. Two sets of variables were examined as potential influences: building features and household socio-economic characteristics. Results suggest that building features such as gas availability and building structures, and household characteristics such as household head's education degree and energy-conserving sense are crucial determinants in choosing natural gas as water heater energy. Installation permission for solar water heater, building stories, and residential location serve as determining factors in choosing solar water heaters. Based on these, barriers and opportunities are discussed for transitions toward cleaner water heating energies, and suggestions are given for local governments to promote cleaner energy replacement in China.  相似文献   

中老年游客是免费公园游客人群的主要群体,以上海市27座免费公园为例,分析中老年两年龄段游客行为特征,以及其对公园设施服务的重要性和满意度。结果表明:中年游客具有择园路程范围广,公共交通利用率高,来园频率低,入园时间晚,喜爱亲子活动,停留时间短等特征;而老年游客则表现出偏爱短距离公园,以步行为主,来园频率高,入园时间早,倾向运动健身,停留时间长等特征。两年龄段游客对公园满意度评价总体相近,均认为绿化、卫生状况和安全性,以及景点、厕所和无障碍设施设置是影响游客来园的关键因子,前3项令游客满意,而后3项却达不到期望。针对两年龄段游客不同的行为和满意度特征,对免费公园的经营管理提出建议。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Chilean government has introduced a policy that gives formal property rights over defined areas of seabed to organized groups of artisanal fishers with the goal of achieving sustainable exploitation of natural resources. We assessed differences in the attitudes of participating artisanal fishers toward this form of management to understand their importance in the design and implementation of fisheries management. We used questionnaires and participatory rural appraisal techniques to survey members of six fishing management committees. Fishers' attitudes varied significantly among syndicates in three main domains: attitudes toward the environment, unresolved aspects behind the management area policy, and perceived benefits derived from adoption of the policy. These differences indicated the existence of distinct world views that structure fishers' behavior toward the marine environment and its management. In addition, the responses made by fishers correlated best with the degree of off-sector pluriactivity and their dependence on diving as a source of income. This suggested that a livelihood approach to the development of Chilean artisanal fisheries that considers the multiple economic niches of the fishers will be most effective in the implementation of dual conservation/management measures.  相似文献   

同时硝化反硝化的理论和实践   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
吕锡武 《环境化学》2002,21(6):564-570
对同时硝化反硝化从物理学、微生物学和生物化学的角度做了理论分析,并对亚硝酸盐氮的同时硝化反硝化过程的影响因素进行了探讨,提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

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