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Vegetated ditches as a management practice in irrigated alfalfa   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The organophosphate (OP) insecticides diazinon and chlorpyrifos have been frequently detected in the San Joaquin River, California, USA. Irrigation tail waters are a significant source of OP pesticides in the watershed. This study tested several management practices for reducing offsite movement of chlorpyrifos to surface water from flood irrigated alfalfa. Management practices evaluated include (1) a constructed, vegetated irrigation tailwater return ditch and (2) increased lag time between chlorpyrifos application and start of flood irrigation. Chlorpyrifos concentrations in whole-water samples of irrigation runoff were variable and ranged from 0.22 mug/l to a maximum of 1.67 mug/l. The median concentration reduction at the end of a 200 m vegetated ditch was 38% compared to 1% in an adjacent conventional tail water ditch. Runoff data collected represented first flush runoff from sets that were irrigated between 48 and 144 h after chlorpyrifos application. There was no consistent effect of irrigation lag time on chlorpyrifos concentration in tailwater for lag times of up to 144 h. Consequently these data indicate that delayed irrigation is not an effective management practice for reducing chlorpyrifos off-site movement to surface water in California flood irrigated alfalfa.  相似文献   

Recent and past studies have documented the prevalence of pyrethroid and organophosphate pesticides in urban and agricultural watersheds in California. While toxic concentrations of these pesticides have been found in freshwater systems, there has been little research into their impacts in marine receiving waters. Our study investigated pesticide impacts in the Santa Maria River estuary, which provides critical habitat to numerous aquatic, terrestrial, and avian species on the central California coast. Runoff from irrigated agriculture constitutes a significant portion of Santa Maria River flow during most of the year, and a number of studies have documented pesticide occurrence and biological impacts in this watershed. Our study extended into the Santa Maria watershed coastal zone and measured pesticide concentrations throughout the estuary, including the water column and sediments. Biological effects were measured at the organism and community levels. Results of this study suggest the Santa Maria River estuary is impacted by current-use pesticides. The majority of water samples were highly toxic to invertebrates (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyalella azteca), and chemistry evidence suggests toxicity was associated with the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos, pyrethroid pesticides, or mixtures of both classes of pesticides. A high percentage of sediment samples were also toxic in this estuary, and sediment toxicity occurred when mixtures of chlorpyrifos and pyrethroid pesticides exceeded established toxicity thresholds. Based on a Relative Benthic Index, Santa Maria estuary stations where benthic macroinvertebrate communities were assessed were degraded. Impacts in the Santa Maria River estuary were likely due to the proximity of this system to Orcutt Creek, the tributary which accounts for most of the flow to the lower Santa Maria River. Water and sediment samples from Orcutt Creek were highly toxic to invertebrates due to mixtures of the same pesticides measured in the estuary. This study suggests that the same pyrethroid and organophosphate pesticides that have been shown to cause water and sediment toxicity in urban and agriculture water bodies throughout California, have the potential to affect estuarine habitats. The results establish baseline data in the Santa Maria River estuary to allow evaluation of ecosystem improvement as management initiatives to reduce pesticide runoff are implemented in this watershed.  相似文献   

A combination of toxicity tests, chemical analyses, andToxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs) were used toinvestigate receiving water toxicity in the Calleguas Creekwatershed of southern California. Studies were conductedfrom 1995 through 1999 at various sites to investigatecauses of temporal variability of toxicity throughout thissystem. Causes of receiving water toxicity varied by siteand species tested. Investigations in the lower watershed(Revolon Slough, Santa Clara Drain, Beardsley Wash)indicated that toxicity of samples to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia due to elevated concentrations ofthe organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos, while causes ofintermittent toxicity to fathead minnows (Pimephalespromelas) and the alga Selanastrum capricornutum wereless clear. Investigations at sites in the middle and upperreaches of the watershed (Arroyo Simi and Conejo Creek)indicated that the pesticide diazinon was the probable causeof receiving water toxicity to Ceriodaphnia. Elevatedammonia was the cause of toxicity to fathead minnows in theupper watershed sites. Results of these and previousstudies suggest that biota are impacted by degraded streamquality from a variety of point and non-point pollutionsources in the Calleguas Creek watershed. Water qualityresource manager's efforts to identify contaminant inputsand implement source control will be improved with thefindings of this study.  相似文献   

The Central Valley of California contains critical habitat for many aquatic and terrestrial biological resources. The purpose of this R-EMAP project was to assess the effects from a highly modified agriculturally dominated landuse area on the aquatic resources of the lower portion of the Central Valley watersheds. The study area is 24,346 mi2 and comprises the Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley watersheds to the 1,000 ft. elevation contour. Populations of interest are man-made conveyances and wadeable natural streams. There are 40,756 miles of streams and constructed conveyances within the Central Valley as designated by RF3 database. Sample sites were selected to represent 14,399 miles of streams and sloughs, and 16,697 miles of constructed conveyances.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study was to characterize physical habitat and benthic communities (macroinvertebrates) in the Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Merced Rivers in California’s San Joaquin Valley in 2003. These rivers have been listed as impaired water bodies (303 (d) list) by the State of California due to the presence of organophosphate (OP) insecticides chlorpyrifos and diazinon, Group A pesticides (i.e., organochlorine pesticides), mercury, or unknown toxicity. Based on 10 instream and riparian physical habitat metrics, total physical habitat scores in the Stanislaus River ranged from 124 to 188 (maximum possible total score is 200). The highest total habitat score was reported at the upstream site. Tuolumne River physical habitat scores ranged from 86 to 167. Various Tuolumne River physical habitat metrics, including total habitat score, increased from downstream to upstream in this river. Merced River physical habitat scores ranged from 121 to 170 with a significant increase in various physical habitat metrics, including total habitat score, reported from downstream to upstream. Channel flow (an instream metric) and bank stability (a riparian metric) were the most important physical habitat metrics influencing the various benthic metrics for all three rivers. Abundance measures of benthic macroinvertebrates (5,100 to 5,400 individuals) were similar among the three rivers in the San Joaquin watershed. Benthic communities in all three rivers were generally dominated by: (1) Baetidae species (mayflies) which are a component of EPT taxa generally considered sensitive to environmental degradation; (2) Chironomidae (midges) which can be either tolerant or sensitive to environmental stressors depending on the species; (3) Ephemerellidae (mayflies) which are considered sensitive to pollution stress; and (4) Naididae (aquatic worms) which are generally considered tolerant to environmental stressors. The presence of 117 taxa in the Stanislaus River, 114 taxa in the Tuolumne River and 96 taxa in the Merced River implies that the benthic communities in these streams are fairly diverse but without a clear definition of benthic community expectations it is unknown if these water bodies are actually impaired.  相似文献   

Organochlorines and selenium in California night-heron and egret eggs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exceptionally high concentrations of DDE were found in black-crowned night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) (geometric mean 8.62 g g–1 wet wt.) and great egret (Casmerodius albus) (24.0 g g–1) eggs collected from the Imperial Valley (Salton Sea), California in 1985. DDE concentrations in 14 of the 87 (16%) randomly selected night-heron eggs from six colonies (two in San Francisco Bay, three in the San Joaquin Valley, and one at Salton Sea) were higher than those associated with reduced reproductive success of night-herons (8 g g–1). In addition, mean shell thickness of night-heron eggs collected from the San Joaquin Valley and from San Francisco Bay during 1982–1984 was significantly less than pre-DDT thickness and was negatively correlated (r=–0.50, n=75, P<0.0001) with DDE concentration. Mean selenium concentration in night-heron eggs from Salton Sea (1.10 g g–1) was significantly higher than in eggs from three locations in the San Joaquin Valley, and in egret eggs from Salton Sea.  相似文献   

The California??s San Joaquin River and its tributaries including Orestimba (ORC) and Del Puerto (DPC) Creeks are listed on the 2006 US EPA Clean Water Act §303(d) list for pesticide impairment. From December 2007 through June 2008, water and sediment samples were collected from both creeks in Stanislaus County to determine concentrations of organophosphorus (OP) and pyrethroid insecticides and to identify toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyalella azteca. OPs were detected in almost half (10 of 21) of the water samples, at concentrations from 0.005 to 0.912 ??g L???1. Diazinon was the most frequently detected OP, followed by chlorpyrifos and dimethoate. Two water samples were toxic to C. dubia; based on median lethal concentrations (LC50), chlorpyrifos was likely the cause of this toxicity. Pyrethroids were detected more frequently in sediment samples (18 detections) than in water samples (three detections). Pyrethroid concentrations in water samples ranged from 0.005 to 0.021 ??g L???1. These concentrations were well below reported C. dubia LC50s, and toxicity was not observed in laboratory bioassays. Cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, esfenvalerate, and ??-cyhalothrin were detected in sediment samples at concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 74.4 ng g???1, dry weight. At DPC, all but one sediment sample caused 100% toxicity to H. azteca. Based on estimated toxicity units (TUs), bifenthrin was likely responsible for this toxicity and ??-cyhalothrin also contributed. At ORC, survival of H. azteca was significantly reduced in four of the 11 sediment samples. However, pyrethroids were detected in only two of these samples. Based on TUs, bifenthrin and ??-cyhalothrin likely contributed to the toxicity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of an integrated modeling framework composed of an urban air chemistry model, an urban runoff model, and a water-quality model. The models were linked to simulate the fate and transport of air emissions of nitrogen compounds in the air, urban watershed, surface water runoff, and in a coastal receiving-water body. The model linkage is demonstrated by evaluating the potential water quality implications of reducing NO x emissions by 32%, volatile organic compound emissions by 51%, and ammonia emissions by 30%, representing changes from 1987 levels to proposed 2000 target levels in Los Angeles, California, USA. Simulations of the Los Angeles dry season during the summer of 1987 (June 1 to August 31) indicated that by reducing emissions from 1987 to proposed year 2000 levels, the dry deposition nitrogen loads to Santa Monica Bay and the Ballona Creek watershed were reduced 21.4% and 15.0%, respectively. Water quality modeling results indicated that dry season atmospheric load reductions to the Ballona Creek Estuary did not reduce chlorophyll-a levels or significantly raise nighttime dissolved oxygen levels because the magnitude of the reductions was negligible compared to non-atmospheric inputs of nitrogen compounds. Simulations of the time period from November 18, 1987 to December 4, 1987 during the Los Angeles wet season indicated that air emissions reductions produced an 18.6% reduction in the dry deposition nitrogen load to Santa Monica Bay, a 15.5% reduction in the dry deposition nitrogen load to the Ballona Creek watershed, a 16.8% reduction in the wet deposition nitrogen load to the Ballona Creek watershed, and a 16.1% reduction in the stormwater discharge load from the Ballona Creek watershed. Although the wet season load reductions are significant, modeling results of the ultimate effect on the Ballona Creek Estuary water quality were inconclusive.  相似文献   

A screening-level assessment of dissolved zinc from inactive and abandoned metal mines in the Cement Creek Basin was performed. The basin is part of the Upper Animas River Basin in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. Stream discharge and dissolved zinc concentrations were measured at 49 stations below nonpoint sources including tailings and waste rock, point sources such as adits, and background areas. One measurement was made at a station during three flow events: storm runoff, peak snowmelt runoff, and baseflow. The highest concentrations occurred in the upper part of the basin immediately downstream from nonpoint and point source discharges, especially in the North Fork of Cement Creek. The mean concentration in Cement Creek was highest during baseflow (1350 g l-1) and lowest during snowmelt (796 g l-1). Most exceedances of national acute and chronic criteria for brown trout were chronic criteria exceedances in the upper part of the basin. Subareas with the greatest extent of nonpoint source areas in the upper part of the watershed, especially those contributing to Upper Cement Creek and the North Fork of Cement Creek, generally had the highest loadings and unit area loadings. The greatest loadings from all subareas to Cement Creek occurred during snowmelt (219 000 g day-1 and 17 400 kg for the snowmelt season). The highest unit area loadings from all subareas also occurred during snowmelt (190 g ha-1 day-1 and 15 147 g ha-1 for the snowmelt season). Loadings from subareas with extensive nonpoint source areas were always much greater than those from point sources and background areas.  相似文献   

The Central Valley, California, R-EMAP project assessed the effects of highly modified, agriculturally dominated landuse on the aquatic resources of the lower portion of the Central Valley watersheds. The focus of this paper is to assess the utility of the EMAP design and the River Reach File version 3 (RF3) 1:100,000 scale Digital Line Graph (DLG) as a sampling frame. The study area is 34,099 mi2(88,316 km2) and comprises the lower reaches of the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River watersheds to the 1000 ft. (305 m) elevation. Sampling sites are selected using a tessellation stratified design to represent the two main populations of interest: natural streams and man-made waterways. Sites are selected to represent 13,226 miles of streams and sloughs, and 14,648 miles of irrigation canals, ditches and drains. To achieve an approximately equal sample size across stream orders and basins, the sample design was weighted by Strahler order categories to ensure sampling occurred in the higher order streams. Based on office and field reconnaissance, the study provided information on the quality of RF3 as a sampling frame. Site selection using RF3 had a success rate of approximately 44%. The RF3 database has an error rate of approximately 7%. When human influence factors were included, the error rate increased to 16%. There was an 11% error rate when selecting sites for natural streams, and approximately a 14% error rate for man-made waterways. The reconnaissance information indicated that presence or absence of irrigation ditches and return drains depends on changing agricultural uses. Some of the error in the RF3 for natural streams and man-made waterways can be attributed to rapid urban expansion, especially in the San Joaquin basin.  相似文献   

U.S. EPA Region IX is supporting bioassessment programs in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada using biocriteria program and Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (R-EMAP) resources. These programs are designed to improve the state, tribal and regional ability to determine the status of water quality. Biocriteria program funds were used to coordinate with Arizona, California and Hawaii which resulted in these states establishing reference conditions and in developing biological indices. U.S. EPA Region IX has initiated R-EMAP projects in California and Nevada. These U.S. EPA Region IX sponsored programs have provided an opportunity to interact with the States and provide them with technical and management support. In Arizona, several projects are being conducted to develop the State's bioassessment program. These include the development of a rotational random monitoring program; a regional reference approach for macroinvertebrate bioassessments; ecoregion approach to testing and adoption of an alternate regional classification system; and development of warm-water and cold-water indices of biological integrity. The indices are projected to be used in the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) 2000 water quality assessment report. In California, an Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) has been developed for the Russian River Watershed using resources from U.S. EPA's Non-point Source (NPS) Program grants. A regional IBI is under development for certain water bodies in the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. Resources from the U.S. EPA Biocriteria program are being used to support the California Aquatic Bioassessment Workgroup (CABW) in conjunction with the California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG), and to support the Hawaii Department of Health (DoH) Bioassessment Program to refine biological metrics. In Nevada, R-EMAP resources are being used to create a baseline of aquatic information for the Humboldt River watershed. U.S. EPA Region IX is presently working with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) to establish a Nevada Aquatic Bioassessment Workgroup. Future R-EMAP studies will occur in the Calleguas Creek watershed in Southern California, and in the Muddy and Virgin River watersheds in southern Nevada, and the Walker River watershed in eastern California and west-central Nevada.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is one of the major causes of the impairment of surface waters. I-Liao Creek, located in southern Taiwan, flows approximately 90 km and drains toward the Kaoping River. Field investigation results indicate that NPS pollution from agricultural activities is one of the main water pollution sources in the I-Liao Creek Basin. Assessing the potential of NPS pollution to assist in the planning of best management practice (BMP) is significant for improving pollution prevention and control in the I-Liao Creek Basin. In this study, land use identification in the I-Liao Creek Basin was performed by properly integrating the skills of geographic information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS). In this analysis, 35 types of land use patterns in the watershed area of the basin are classified with the aid of Erdas Imagine process system and ArcView GIS system. Results indicate that betel palm farms, orchard farms, and tea gardens dominate the farmland areas in the basin, and are scattered around on both sides of the river corridor. An integrated watershed management model (IWMM) was applied for simulating the water quality and evaluating NPS pollutant loads to the I-Liao Creek. The model was calibrated and verified with collected water quality and soil data, and was used to investigate potential NPS pollution management plans. Simulated results indicate that NPS pollution has significant contributions to the nutrient loads to the I-Liao Creek during the wet season. Results also reveal that NPS pollution plays an important role in the deterioration of downstream water quality and caused significant increase in nutrient loads into the basin's water bodies. Simulated results show that source control, land use management, and grassy buffer strip are applicable and feasible BMPs for NPS nutrient loads reduction. GIS system is an important method for land use identification and waste load estimation in the basin. Linking the information of land utilization with the NPS pollution simulation model may further provide essential information of potential NPS pollution for all subregions in the river basin. Results and experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing the watershed management and NPS pollution control strategies for other similar river basins.  相似文献   

The West Nile virus (WNV) may post a significant health risk for mammals, including humans and insects. This study examines the spatial–temporal effects of environmental factors on WNV dissemination with a case study of ten counties in the southern California, where the epidemic was recently most prevalent within the USA. WNV surveillance data were obtained from the California Vectorborne Disease Surveillance System and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques were combined to derive environmental variables. Principal component analysis was performed to select the most relevant environmental variables. Two ecological zones were identified based on the selected variables. Identification of risk areas for WNV was limited to a zone with 95% mosquitoes surveillance records. Three time windows, the epidemiological weeks?18–26, 27–35, and 36–44 in each year of 2007–2009, were examined in details with risk area mapping. It is found that the southern part of San Joaquin Valley in Kern County and Los Angeles County (especially its southern part) were the most vulnerable locations for WNV outbreak. Main factors contributing to the WNV propagation included summer mean temperature, annual mean deviation from the mean temperature, land surface temperature, elevation, landscape complexity, landscape diversity, and vegetation water content. The result of this study improves understanding of WNV ecology and provides tools for detecting, tracking, and predicting the epidemic. The holistic approach developed for this study, which integrated remotely sensed, GIS-based, and in situ-measured environmental data with landscape metrics, may be applied to studies of other vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Agroforesty systems, which are recommended as a management option to lower the shallow groundwater level and to reuse saline subsurface drainage waters from the tile-drained croplands in the drainage-impacted areas of Jan Joaquin Valley of California, have resulted in excessive boron buildup in the soil root zone. To assess the efficacy of the long-term impacts of soil boron buildup in agroforesty systems, a mathematical model was developed to simulate non-conservative boron transport. The developed dynamic two-dimensional finite element model simulates water flow and boron transport in saturated–unsaturated soil system, including boron sorption and boron uptake by root-water extraction processes. The simulation of two different observed field data sets by the developed model is satisfactory, with mean absolute error of 1.5 mg/L and relative error of 6.5%. Application of the model to three different soils shows that boron adsorption is higher in silt loam soil than that in sandy loam and clay loam soils. This result agrees with the laboratory experimental observations. The results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that boron uptake by root-water extraction process influences the boron concentration distribution along the root zone. Also, absorption coefficient and maximum adsorptive capacity of a soil for boron are found to be sensitive parameters.  相似文献   

The amount of off-site pesticide spray drift from aerial and ground applications was determined at 26 sites across Ontario. These were conducted along transects, parallel and at right angles to the flight path during aerial spray applications and at right angles to the direction of ground spray applications. All sites monitored were where commercial spray operations were in progress. The aerial applications involved both fixed wing aircraft and helicopters and the ground applications involved concentrated air-blast machines and high and low pressure boom sprayers. Deposits of spray drift outside the target area were common to all spray equipment monitored. All except low-pressure boom spraying equipment resulted in measurable spray drift to 80 m off-target with appreciable deposits up to 30–40 m. In a forest spray operation, where insecticide release was the highest, measurable residues were found up to 120 m off-target. The amount of chemical deposited off-target varied with the chemical, the climatical conditions and the equipment used. With a low-pressure boom sprayer, serious drift was confined to 9 m off-target and measurable residues to 15 m.  相似文献   

Data from 25 sites were used to evaluate associations between macroinvertebrate assemblages on large woody debris (snags) and environmental variables in the lower San Joaquin and Sacramento River drainages in California as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program. Samples were collected from 1993 to 1995 in the San Joaquin River drainage and in 1996 and 1997 in the Sacramento River drainage. Macroinvertebrate taxa were aggregated to the family (or higher) level of taxonomic organization, resulting in 39 taxa for analyses. Only the 31 most common taxa were used for two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). TWINSPAN analysis defined four groups of snag samples on the basis of macroinvertebrate assemblages. Analysis of variance identified differences in environmental and biotic characteristics among the groups. These results combined with the results of CCA indicated that mean dominant substrate type, gradient, specific conductance, water temperature, percentage of the basin in agricultural land use, percentage of the basin in combined agricultural and urban land uses, and elevation were important factors in explaining assemblage structure. Macroinvertebrate assemblages on snags may be useful in family level bioassessments of environmental conditions in valley floor habitats.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to use both parametric and probabilistic approaches to analyze water column concentrations of both salinity (24,845 measurements) and boron (13,028 measurements) from numerous investigations conducted in the San Joaquin River watershed from 1985 to 2002 to assess spatial and temporal trends and determine the probability of exceeding regulatory targets during both the irrigation and non-irrigation season. Salinity and boron concentrations from 26 mainstem and tributary sites were highly correlated based on this 17 yr data set. Generally, salinity and boron concentrations were higher in winter/spring and lower in summer/fall; higher concentrations of both constituents were reported in tributary sites when compared with the mainstem San Joaquin River. Approximately half the sites showed showed a negative correlation between flow and both constituents. Concentrations of both salinity and boron were somewhat variable with flow conditions for the other sites. Both linear and curvilinear trends were inconsistent over time. The salinity 90th centiles for the 26 sites ranged from 143 to 7,559 micros cm(-1) with the highest 90th centiles in tributary sites. Probabilistic analysis of salinity 90th centiles by year for five sites with extensive data showed a significant decrease over time at two sites and no significant trend for the other three sites. The probability of exceeding the salinity targets during either the irrigation (700 microm cm(-1)) or non-irrigation (1,000 micros cm(-1)) season was greater than 19% for all but three sites. The boron 90th centiles for the 26 sites ranged from 0.41 to 13.6 mg L(-1) with the highest 90th centiles from tributary sites. Probabilistic analysis of the boron 90th centile values by year for the five sites with the most extensive data showed a significant decrease over time at two sites and no significant trend for the other three sites. The probability of exceeding the boron target during the irrigation season (0.80 mg L(-1)) and non-irrigation (1.0 mg L(-1)) season was greater that 18% for all but three sites. Results from this analysis have important regulatory implications as targets for both salinity and boron are frequently exceeded at various sites in the San Joaquin River watershed.  相似文献   

Hydrological responses and pollutant exports are always highly related to rainfall characteristics. Many studies have demonstrated that the influence of moving rainstorm on flows and mass transport process in hydrologic systems cannot be ignored. Best management practices (BMPs) are popularly applied for controlling water quantity and water quality in a watershed. Since the movements of rainstorm can influence watershed responses, BMP placement strategies should be suitably adjusted in different moving rainstorms. This study designed an intermediate rainfall pattern with varied movement behavior and tried to find the optimal BMP placement strategies, which cannot only satisfy environmental standards but also improve economic benefits, for the rainfall events. The result shows that the control efficiency of pollutant and runoff can highly improve when the BMPs are set near the outlet of a watershed. Since the economic efficiency is always regarded as an important factor, the BMP placement strategy is significant for watershed conservation and management.  相似文献   

Agriculture can be a major nonpoint source (NPS) of nutrient and pesticide contamination in the environment. Available databases do not provide accurate and dynamic data on fertilizer and pesticide application, which limits the ability of complex watershed models to simulate contaminant loads into impaired water bodies. A model for estimating agricultural nutrient and pesticide input for watershed modeling has been developed. Climate, soils, and major agricultural operations are considered within the model, so that it can be adapted to any watershed or subregion within a watershed. The timing of the agricultural operations is a function of the weather data, providing realistic results at daily, monthly, or annual application rates. The model also predicts irrigation demand and biomass production, which can be used to calibrate the model. Model output can be used in any watershed model that considers agricultural land uses. Two case studies were evaluated, using grape vineyards in the Napa River and strawberry production in Newport Bay as examples. The predicted time to maturity corresponded well with actual data. Irrigation and fertilizer needs were very sensitive to weather input. Although the model can generate weather from long-term averages, the simulated results are best when at least observed precipitation and temperature are provided, to capture extreme events. The model has data for 98 crops and 126 pesticides, based on the California Department of Pesticide Regulation database. The databases are easily modifiable by the user to adapt them to local conditions. The output from AgInput is much needed for watershed modeling and for development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs), based on realistic targets of irrigation, nutrient, and pesticide inputs. The model is available for free download at .  相似文献   

Samples of okra and brinjal fruits, collected from non-integrated pest management (Non-IPM) and IPM fields in village Raispur, Ghaziabad District (U.P.), were analyzed for pesticide residues. The residues of chlorpyrifos in soil were 4.219 and 1.135 microg/g at harvest time in non-IPM and IPM fields of summer okra crop from initial value of 0.407 microg/g before sowing, while in brinjal crop, it was not detected in soils of any trials. During first year of study, the residues of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin in okra fruit were observed to be 5.75 and 0.625 microg/g, respectively, for non-IPM fields; and 0.104 microg/g of chlorpyrifos for IPM trials. The pesticide residues were found to be 0.77, 1.39, 0.4 and 0.32 microg/g for cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, monocrotophos and dimethoate, respectively, for non-IPM okra fruits in second year. For brinjal fruit, residues of cypermethrin and imidacloprid were not detected in IPM trials while it was found to be 0.28 and 0.78 microg/g for cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos respectively, for non-IPM trials.  相似文献   

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