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上期《环境经济》的封面文章——《应对气候变化:财政政策有作为》,使读者对气候变化和财政政策之间的关系有了较为深入的了解。去年的哥本哈根大会期间,来自中国财政部的《中国应对气候变化的财政政策及效果》给人留下了深刻印象。这也是中国第一次向外界公布中国政府在应对气候变化问题上的积极作为,充分证明了中国政府在应对气候变化方面所做的工作以及积极的姿态。  相似文献   

气候变化既是一个重要的社会发展问题,同时也是一个突出的全球环境问题,开展有利于应对气候变化的环境保护工作是国务院赋予环境保护部门的重要职责之一。  相似文献   

气候变化既是环境问题,也是发展问题,但归根到底是发展问题.面对国际金融危机的严重冲击和气候变化谈判的巨大挑战,党中央、国务院果断决策,不断丰富和完善应对策略,为国内应对气候变化工作指明了方向,同时也为国际谈判和合作注入了新的动力和活力.  相似文献   

中日友好环境保护中心(环境保护部环境发展中心)是环境保护部直属综合性科研事业单位,是环境保护部环境管理的支持服务机构,以及对外开展环境交流与开放的窗口。中心的主要业务领域包括环境政策研究、环境宣传教育、环境分析测试技术研究服务、环境信息管理、环境标准样品研制、固体废物管理、环境认证、环境影响评价、国际环境问题研究等。作为国家级环境发展中心,中心拥有高素质的人才队伍和先进的科研手段,以其为环保部提供的高水平技术支持和为社会提供的优质高效服务,以其“中日环境合作的平台、国际环境交流的平台、对社会开放交流与培训的平台”的重要地位,在中国环境保护事业的发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

正当地时间2015年12月1日,"青少年应对气候变化在行动"主题边会在巴黎联合国气候变化大会中国角举行,来自中国、美国、法国、新加坡、新西兰、印度和喀麦隆的青年代表齐聚中国角,共同展示了青年在应对气候变化领域的行动和成果。国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心副主任徐华清、环境保护部宣传教育中心副主任何家振出席边会并致辞。何家振指出:应对气候变化需要全民的意识提高和共同参与,面对气候挑战,没有人能够置身事外。青  相似文献   

气候变化问题需要全球各国共同应对,而美国作为全球政治经济实力最强的排放大国,在应对气候变化的国际行动中具有重要的作用。2007年以来,美国应对气候变化的国家态度在民主党掌控的国会推动下逐渐积极,而奥巴马总统的当选无疑将这一政治意愿推向了高潮。当前,美国应对气候变化的国内政治版图正在发生显著变革,这对于中国适时调整国家战略并寻求最有利的国际环境具有重大意义。  相似文献   

在国家发展和改革委员会及环境保护部的协调下,由中国社会科学院法学研究所承担的中国—瑞士双边合作项目《中华人民共和国气候变化应对法》(建议稿)(以下简称为"建议稿")已完成初稿起草工作,并于近日向国内外公开征集修改建议。  相似文献   

正一、中国应对气候变化政策背景生态文明建设是关系中华民族永续发展的根本大计,应对气候变化作为生态文明建设的重要组成部分和推动力量,是破解中国经济社会发展面临资源环境瓶颈制约、解决当前生态环境问题的必然选择,是推进供给侧结构性改革、构建高质量现代化经济体系的重要举措。近年来,中国不断完善应对气候变化的顶层设计  相似文献   

协同效应对中国气候变化的政策影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
协同效应是目前气候变化领域的国际热点司题,许多国家和国际组织都在对其进行系统研究。协同效应是全球环境问题与国内环境问题的结合点,环境改善与温室气体减排应是互赢的,对协同效应进行考虑,不仅使中国的气候变化政策可能发生改变,而且也可能影响国内的环境政策,重点是污染控制政策和生态建设政策。  相似文献   

《环境与可持续发展》(原《环境科学动态》)于1976年创刊,由环境保护部主管,环境保护部环境发展中心(中日友好环境保护中心)、环境保护部环境与经济政策研究中心主办。目前已加入《中国  相似文献   

India being a developing economy dependent on climate-sensitive sector like agriculture is highly vulnerable to impacts of global climate change. Vulnerability to climate change, however, differs spatially within the country owing to regional differences in exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. The study uses the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2-Earth System (HadGEM-ES) climate projections to assess the dynamics in vulnerability across four climate change exposure scenarios developed using Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The analysis was carried out at subnational (district) level; the results were interpreted and reported for their corresponding agro-ecological zones. Vulnerability of each district was quantified using indicators capturing climatic variability, ecological and demographic sensitivity, and socio-economic capacity. Our analysis further assigns probabilities to vulnerability classes of all the 579 districts falling under different agro-ecological zones. The results of the vulnerability profile show that Western plains, Northern plains, and central highlands of the arid and semi-arid agro-ecological zones are the most vulnerable regions in the current scenario (1950–2000). In the future scenario (2050), it extends along districts falling within Deccan plateau and Central (Malwa) highlands, lying in the arid and semi-arid zones, along with regions vulnerable in the current scenario, recording the highest vulnerability score across all exposure scenarios. These regions exhibit highest degree of variation in climatic parameters, ecological fragility, socio-economic marginality, and limited accessibility to resources, generating conditions of high vulnerability. The study emphasizes on the priority to take up adaptive management actions in the identified vulnerable districts to not only reduce risks of climate change, but also enhance their inherent capacity to withstand any future changes in climate. It provides a systematic approach to explicitly identify vulnerable regions, where regional planners and policy makers can build on existing adaptation decision-making by utilizing an interdisciplinary approach in the context of global change scenario.  相似文献   

Desertification,and climate change: the case for greater convergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poor knowledge of links between desertification and globalclimate change is limiting funding from the Global Environment Facility foranti-desertification projects and realization of synergies between theConvention to Combat Desertification (CCD) and the FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (FCCC). Greater convergence betweenresearch in the two fields could overcome these limitations, improve ourknowledge of desertification, and benefit four areas of global climate changestudies: mitigation assessment; accounting for land cover change in thecarbon budget; land surface-atmosphere interactions; and climate changeimpact forecasting. Convergence would be assisted if desertification weretreated more as a special case in dry areas of the global process of landdegradation, and stimulated by: (a) closer cooperation between the FCCCand CCD; (b) better informal networking between desertification and globalclimate change scientists, e.g. within the framework of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Both strategies wouldbe facilitated if the FCCC and CCD requested the IPCC to provide ascientific framework for realizing the synergies between them.  相似文献   

气候变化对海河流域水资源的影响及其对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
将全球气候模式与分布式水文模型WEP-L耦合,在国家气候中心整理提供的多模式平均数据集基础上,利用WEP-L模拟了海河流域历史30年(1961—1990年)和未来30年(2021—2050年)降水、蒸发、径流等主要水循环要素的变化规律,分析了气候变化对海河流域水资源的影响,结果表明,未来30年:①从年际变化规律看,气温普遍升高,降雨量略有增加,蒸发量普遍加大,径流量呈减少趋势,且有丰水年洪水规模更大、平水或枯水年干旱情况更严重的趋势;②从年内变化规律看,各月蒸发量普遍增加,汛期的降雨量有所减少,非汛期的降雨量有所增加,各月径流量则有不同程度的减少。因此,未来气候变化条件下海河流域水资源管理将面临更加严峻的挑战,本研究给出了一些基本的对策。  相似文献   

Climate change is rapidly undermining terrestrial ecosystem resilience and capacity to continue providing their services to the benefit of humanity and nature. Because of the importance of terrestrial ecosystems to human well-being and supporting services, decision makers throughout the world are busy creating policy responses that secure multiple development and conservation objectives— including that of supporting terrestrial ecosystem resilience in the context of climate change. This article aims to advance analyses on climate policy evaluation and planning in the area of terrestrial ecosystem resilience by discussing adaptation policy options within the ecology-economy-social nexus. The paper evaluates these decisions in the realm of terrestrial ecosystem resilience and evaluates the utility of a set of criteria, indicators, and assessment methods, proposed by a new conceptual multi-criteria framework for pro-development climate policy and planning developed by the United Nations Environment Programme. Potential applications of a multicriteria approach to climate policy vis-à-vis terrestrial ecosystems are then explored through two hypothetical case study examples. The paper closes with a brief discussion of the utility of the multi-criteria approach in the context of other climate policy evaluation approaches, considers lessons learned as a result efforts to evaluate climate policy in the realm of terrestrial ecosystems, and reiterates the role of ecosystem resilience in creating sound policies and actions that support the integration of climate change and development goals.  相似文献   

作为遭受气候变化不利影响较为严重的省份之一,四川省面临着可持续发展能力提升和应对新增气候变化风险的挑战.文章在简要介绍气候变化对四川省的影响、系统梳理其在适应气候变化中取得成效的基础上,进一步剖析了存在的问题,最后结合四川省省情和气候变化适应行动现状,提出了从健全法律法规到完善适应气候变化的体制机制,从加强适应基础建设到强化适应能力建设等方面的建议.  相似文献   

Between 1999 and 2003, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) made a preliminary effort to integrate an analysis of mitigation and adaptation to climate change impact vulnerabilities in two ways: top-down and bottom-up. This paper briefly describes these early experiments and summarizes their findings, both about climate change vulnerability reduction and about the challenges of integrated analysis, expanding upon results previously reported [Wilbanks et al. (Environment 45/5:28–38, 2003); ORNL (Integrated analysis of mitigation and adaptation as responses to concerns about impacts of global climate change, ORNL Working paper 2003); ORNL and CUSAT 2003; Wilbanks 2005]. The U.S Government’s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged  相似文献   

习近平总书记在2020年9月22日第七十五届联合国大会一般性辩论上表示:"中国将提高国家自主贡献力度,采取更加有力的政策和措施,二氧化碳排放力争于2030年前达到峰值,努力争取在2060年前实现碳中和。"在应对气候变化领域,在全球低碳转型的关键时刻,中国以大国担当更新了国家自主贡献方案,这是中国向世界发出的又一个强有力信号。国家自主贡献方案之所以备受全球关注,是因为这是《巴黎协定》最核心的制度,它很大程度上决定了各国的减排力度、低碳转型进程,乃至全球气候行动势头。为此我刊特转发《中国环境报》2020年12月14日第二版刊载的中国气候变化事务特使、生态环境部气候变化事务特别顾问解振华关于纪念《巴黎协定》达成五周年一文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

Climate change alone may deeply impact air quality levels in the atmosphere because the changes in the meteorological conditions will induce changes on the transport, dispersion and transformation of air pollutants. The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of climate change on the air quality over Europe and Portugal, using a reference year (year 1990) and a IPCC SRES A2 year (year 2100). The Hadley Centre global atmospheric circulation model (HadAM3P) was used to provide results for these two climatic scenarios, which were then used as synoptic forcing for the MM5-CHIMERE air quality modelling system. In order to assess the contribution of future climate change on O3 and PM concentrations, no changes in regional emissions were assumed and only climate change forcing was considered. The modelling results suggest that the O3 monthly mean levels in the atmosphere may increase almost 50 μg m?3 across Europe in July under the IPCC SRES A2 scenario. In Portugal, this increase may reach 20 μg m?3. The changes of PM10 monthly average values over Europe will depend on the region. The increase in PM10 concentrations during specific months could be explained by the average reduction of the boundary layer height and wind speed.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza) is a staple food in China, and rice yield is inherently sensitive to climate change. It is of great regional and global importance to understand how and to what degree climate change will impact rice yields and to determine the adaptation options effectiveness for mitigating possible adverse impacts or for taking advantage of beneficial changes. The objectives of this study are to assess the climate change impact, the carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization effect, and the adaptation strategy effectiveness on rice yields during future periods (2011–2099) under the newly released Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 scenario in the Sichuan Basin, one of the most important rice production areas of China. For this purpose, the Crop Estimation through Resource and Environment Synthesis (CERES)-Rice model was applied to conduct simulation, based on high-quality meteorological, soil and agricultural experimental data. The modeling results indicated a continuing rice reduction in the future periods. Compared to that without incorporating of increased CO2 concentration, a CO2 fertilization effect could mitigate but still not totally offset the negative climate change impacts on rice yields. Three adaptive measures, including advancing planting dates, switching to current high temperature tolerant varieties, and breeding new varieties, could effectively offset the negative climate change impacts with various degrees. Our results will not only contribute to inform regional future agricultural adaptation decisions in the Sichuan Basin but also gain insight into the mechanism of regional rice yield response to global climate change and the effectiveness of widely practiced global thereby assisting with appropriate adaptive strategies.  相似文献   

We make an assessment of the impact of projected climate change on forest ecosystems in India. This assessment is based on climate projections of the Regional Climate Model of the Hadley Centre (HadRM3) and the dynamic global vegetation model IBIS for A2 and B2 scenarios. According to the model projections, 39% of forest grids are likely to undergo vegetation type change under the A2 scenario and 34% under the B2 scenario by the end of this century. However, in many forest dominant states such as Chattisgarh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh up to 73%, 67% and 62% of forested grids are projected to undergo change. Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is projected to increase by 68.8% and 51.2% under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively, and soil organic carbon (SOC) by 37.5% for A2 and 30.2% for B2 scenario. Based on the dynamic global vegetation modeling, we present a forest vulnerability index for India which is based on the observed datasets of forest density, forest biodiversity as well as model predicted vegetation type shift estimates for forested grids. The vulnerability index suggests that upper Himalayas, northern and central parts of Western Ghats and parts of central India are most vulnerable to projected impacts of climate change, while Northeastern forests are more resilient. Thus our study points to the need for developing and implementing adaptation strategies to reduce vulnerability of forests to projected climate change.  相似文献   

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