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一、引言 生物质能又称“绿色能源”它是通过植物的光合作用以生物质形式固定下来的太阳辐射的能量,它包括树木、青草、农作物、藻类、兽类及各种有机废物。  相似文献   

厌氧消化技术是最重要的生物质能利用技术之一。厌氧消化技术是实现废物污染防治和能源回收利用的有效方法。本文综述了厌氧消化技术利用生物质废物回收利用生物质能的最新研究进展,分别介绍了生物质废物厌氧发酵产乳酸,氢气和甲烷的机理,研究现状和存在的问题,并对其进一步发展和未来的应用前景进行了分析和展望,为寻找适合中国的垃圾处理技术提供一些参考。  相似文献   

生物质转化能源技术的发展现状及趋势探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
能源短缺问题已成为制约经济社会发展的瓶颈,研究开发新的能源代替传统不可再生能源成为急需要解决的焦点问题。生物质能是由植物的光合作用固定于地球上的太阳能,通过生物质能转换技术可以高效地利用生物质能源,生产各种清洁燃料,替代煤炭、石油和天然气等燃料。对近些年生物质能源技术的发展现状进行了简要讨论,指出了生物质能的利用具有广阔的发展前景,在不久的将来,生物质能源必将成为能源结构中重要一部分,实现能源结构良好可持续发展。  相似文献   

王浩  韩秋喜  贺悦科  张建民 《环境工程》2012,(Z2):461-464,469
随着能源消耗和环境污染之间矛盾的加剧,使得人类需要寻找一些相对比较清洁的可再生能源。生物质能源由于其数量巨大,环境污染小,并具有可再生性,成为目前比较好的选择之一。生物质能发电是生物质能利用的主要方式之一。介绍了生物质能的特点及利用转化方式,重点讲述了直接燃烧发电技术、气化发电技术以及生物质燃料电池技术,最后根据我国国情指出了生物质能利用的主要问题及几点建议。对我国生物质能发电的发展提供了技术参考和技术支持。  相似文献   

戴林  秦世平 《环境保护》2007,(22):29-31
随着我国经济的高速增长,能源供需矛盾日益尖锐,提高可再生能源利用比例,利用农林剩余物、废弃物等生物质能作为化石能源的替代,既可实行能源战略多元化,减少温室气体排放,有利于缓解来自国际和国内的压力,又可增加农民收入和就业机会,也符合科学发展观和循环经济的理念.我国有丰富的生物质资源,生物质能源利用技术体系正逐步形成,促进生物质能源产业发展的宏观政策环境正在完善,生物质能源开发利用产业必将成为我国能源产业新的增长点.  相似文献   

生物质能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈振金 《福建环境》2003,20(4):64-64
地球上的能源包括化石燃料、可再生能源和核能。化石燃料有煤炭、石油和天然气 ;可再生能源有太阳能、风能、水能、地热和生物质能 ;核能是核裂变或聚变过程释放出的能量。生物质是植物或动物的生物体总称 ,其主要是由有机物组成。植物在生长过程中通过光合作用把太阳能以碳水化合物的形式储存起来 ,我们通过合适的方法可以把这种储存起来的太阳能转化为直接利用的能源。人们称之为“生物质能”,美国科学家又称之为“生物矿”(bio- ore)。生物质能是可再生能源 ,是未来解决能源危机的重要途径。地球上现有植物生物质存量约 1 841× 1 0 9吨…  相似文献   

生物质能作为世界能源消费总量第4位的可再生资源,它的利用开发是极其有意义的。随着人工湿地处理技术得到越来越多的重视,人工湿地中的生物质能源也体现出巨大的经济价值。本文介绍了人工湿地中生物质能的概况以及作用,并指出人工湿地中生物质能源在生物质燃料、工业原料和农业方面的利用情况。  相似文献   

随着石油、煤炭等化石能源的日益减少,世界各国正面临着不同程度的化石能源短缺和生态危机,开发和利用清洁可再生能源已成为各同关注的焦点,世界各周纷纷将生物质能源作为解决资源、环境、经济问题的有效途径和重要手段。有效、合理开发生物质能不仅可以缓解能源短缺,而且对于保护生态环境和减排温室气体具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

国外促进生物质能开发利用的立法政策及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>生物质能是蕴藏在生物质内的能量。生物质是地球上分布最广泛的物质之一,包括所有动物、植物、微生物及其排放、代谢的物质。因此,生物质能来源非常广泛,包括薪柴、牲畜粪便、制糖作物、城市垃圾和污水、水生植物等。与传统能源相比,生物质能具有分布广、种类多、价格低、可再生、二氧化碳排放量低等优势,它是唯一可运输并储存的可再生能源。目前,生物燃气、生物液体燃料等生物质能源在德国、巴西、美国等国家已实现规模化生产和应用,生物质能已经成为仅次于煤炭、石油和天然气的世界第四大  相似文献   

能源连人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要资源。随着中国经济的持续发展,能源与环境对经济发展的制约作用逐渐得到显现.能源问题与环境问题已经成为国家发展的战略性问题。因此发展生物质能是解决中国能源紧张的重要突破口。发展生物质能的战略措施是建立生物质能源的产业体系。即相对于传统产业体系的第二产业体系。具体战略阶段是:2000—2010年实验探讨阶段(初级阶段);2020—2030年推广应用阶段(发展阶段):2030年一2050年优化提出阶段(提高阶段)。生物质能源的发展战略有助于“三农”问题的解决即农村小康社舍的建设;有助于减轻环境压力;有助于维护国家能源安全。  相似文献   

中国生物质废弃物利用现状分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国是一个能源资源稀缺的国家,而随着中国经济的发展,我们对能源的需求量越来越大.因此,如何充分有效地利用好中国现有能源资源,显得十分重要.生物质能是一种可再生能源,中国的生物质废弃物资源十分丰富,包括森林能源、农作物秸秆、禽畜粪便、生活垃圾等等,这些废弃物资源若能很好的利用,不但能有效的减少环境污染问题,还将会有助于缓解中国的能源危机.中国的生物质废弃物利用技术起步较晚,但也取得了一些比较突出的科研成果,主要有沼气技术、生物质固化成型技术、生物质气化技术、生物柴油技术等.  相似文献   

我国的生物质废物具有产生量大、可降解有机物含量高的特点,如果能对其进行有效的利用,不但能减少污染,还将会有助于缓解我国能源短缺的现状。介绍了我国生物质废物的污染现状及生物质废物资源化的主要途径,指出我国生物质废物资源化中存在的问题,并提出今后的发展方向及发展对策。  相似文献   

Protecting the environment has been the priority of many sectors in our endeavor to ensure sustainable development. Implementation of green energy development based on the use of biomass is in the right path in adopting a holistic approach in the promotion of renewable energy. Malaysia has very substantial potential for biomass energy utilization given its equatorial climate that is ideal for dense tropical forest growth and agricultural vegetation. Biomass power potentials from wood processing and palm oil were estimated at 280 TJ and 250 TJ, respectively. By the year 2010, the biomass energy potential is expected to increase to 820 TJ. The paper describes the effective use of biomass as the first of the renewable energy sources to be developed for large-scale applications, especially in the palm oil industry and the methodology for energy harness by innovative utilization of waste from palm oil cultivation and processing.  相似文献   

综合利用工农业废弃物开发新能源和可再生能源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有能源的开发利用对人类环境造成多种污染和能源的枯竭,而生物质能作为一项低碳能源技术已受到广泛重视.因此,充分利用工农业废弃物,开发新能源和可再生能源是一条非常有前景的路子  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池中底物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
微生物燃料电池是一种利用可溶性有机废物和可再生生物质等原料萃取电能的装置,而底物作为能量转化的能源物质,是影响 微生物燃料电池产电能力的重要因素之一.能够充当底物的有机质种类十分丰富,如多种低浓度有机废水和纤维素等,底物的种类不同,电池的产电能力也会存在差异.因此,有必要对这一系统中底物对电池产电性能及其他方面的影响进...  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the renewable energy capacity of Turkey in order to consider main priorities in the energy policy of Turkey. In this paper, renewable energy potential and regulatory conditions are discussed in Turkey in comparison with European Union. The results of the study implemented within the framework of EnviroGRIDS project indicated a promising yet very susceptible future for the implementation of renewable energy power plants in Turkey. The forecasts have shown that the solar power potential utilization is becoming more significant after 2020. The projections for 2050 indicate that electricity consumption from small and medium renewable energy sources including solar and wind will constitute 15% of the total, whereas the solar thermal will constitute around 16%. Geothermal and other renewables will remain around 3%. According to the high demand scenario, in 2050 the share of hydropower in overall electricity generation will be 12%, followed by solar power at 7% and wind power at 3%. Additionally, renewable energy policy and regulations in Turkey and in EU are overviewed in this study. On the contrary to EU, the constant feed-in tariff amount does not consider capital investments of specific energy sources in Turkey that brings disadvantage to the implementation. However, new regulations published and currently applied should be accepted as milestones in acquisition period of Turkey in EU.  相似文献   

Global Biomass Energy Potential   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The intensive use of renewable energy is one of the options to stabilize CO2atmospheric concentration at levels of 350 to 550ppm. A recent evaluation of the global potential of primary renewable energy carried out by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sets a value of at least 2800EJ/yr, which is more than the most energy-intensive SRES scenario forecast for the world energy requirement up to the year 2100. Nevertheless, what is really important to quantify is the amount of final energy since the use of renewable sources may involve conversion efficiencies, from primary to final energy, different from the ones of conventional energy sources. In reality, IPCC does not provide a complete account of the final energy from renewables, but the text claims that using several available options to mitigate climate change, and renewables is only one of them, it is possible to stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration at a low level. In this paper, we evaluate in detail biomass primary and final energy using sugarcane crop as a proxy, since it is one of the highest energy density forms of biomass, and through afforestation/reforestation using a model presented in IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR). The conclusion is that the primary-energy potential for biomass has been under-evaluated by many authors and by IPCC, and this under-evaluation is even larger for final energy since sugarcane allows co-production of electricity and liquid fuel. Regarding forests we reproduce IPCC results for primary energy and calculate final energy. Sugarcane is a tropical crop and cannot be grown in all the land area forecasted for biomass energy plantation in the IPCC/TAR evaluation (i.e. 1280Mha). Nevertheless, there are large expanses of unexploited land, mainly in Latin America and Africa that are subject to warm weather and convenient rainfall. With the use of 143Mha of these lands it is possible to produce 164EJ/yr (1147GJ/hayr or 3.6W/m2on average) of primary energy and 90EJ/yr of final energy in the form of liquid fuel (alcohol) and electricity, using agricultural productivities near the best ones already achievable and biomass gasification technology. More remarkable is that these results can be obtained with the operation of 4,000 production units with unitary capacity similar to the largest currently in operation. These units should be spread over the tropical land area yielding a plantation density similar to the one presently observed in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, where alcohol and electricity have been commercialized in a cost-effective way for several years. Such an amount of final energy would be sufficiently large to fulfill all the expected global increase in oil demand, as well as in electricity consumption by 2030, assuming the energy demand of such sources continues to grow at the same pace observed over the last two decades. When sugarcane crops are combined with afforestation/reforestation it is possible to show that carbon emissions decline for some IPCC SRES scenarios by 2030, 2040 and 2050. Such energy alternatives significantly reduce CO2emissions by displacing fossil fuels and promote sustainable development through the creation of millions of direct and indirect jobs. Also, it opens an opportunity for negative CO2emissions when coupled with carbon dioxide capture and storage.  相似文献   

市政污泥是污水生物处理过程中产生的城市固废,产量巨大、污染严重."十三五"期间中国污泥无害化处理任务艰巨,常规的污泥处理处置在二次污染、占地、能耗等方面具有局限,影响了在中国的广泛应用.污泥的能源化利用是兼具污泥量削减和新附加值产生的发展方向,本文围绕当前市政污泥能源化的研究、应用领域的发展加以讨论,探讨了污泥能源利用的潜能和存在的主要问题.  相似文献   

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